Category: Uncategorized

  • Javier Milei speech in Davos 2025?

    Javier Milei Roasts Them to Their Faces Driven by collectivist ideologies taking advantage of times of Crisis opportunity to accumulate power all the wealth created by capitalism until then and to be redistributed through some scheme of centralized planning.   The Rubin Report 2.71M subscribers Share Save “The Rubin Report” shares a DM clip of…

  • The Change in earth rotation now being eminent/ Please read/prepare?

    This is a channeled message from the Pleiadian high council for humanity. With it came a request to share this message wide on planet earth and inform the population/prepare. Please click on the link for the original message, the transcript is less than perfect. Ascension Souls: The Coming 3 DAys of Darkness Ahead! Brace Yourself! Share…

  • Alien message; Greed/power and Money endanger planet earth?

    Attemps to Hijack the Ascension Timeline now underway? “They Are Trying To HIJACK The Ascension Timeline…” Sananda Ashtar THE LIGHT WORKERS 51.1K subscribers Share 4,594 views 13 Jan 2025 #galacticfederation #lightworkers #light 🤲🏻 Thanks for watching. 🤲🏻 Subscribe and Like and Share 👋🏻 🤲🏻 Love and Light! Namaste💞 Visuals: This is an original narration recorded…

  • Full Disclosure and free energy by Dr. Steven Greer

    It is about free energy (power) and saving planet Earth. (Discloser project) part 1 ENERGY BRIEFING PREPARED FOR THE PRESIDENT AND MEMBERS OF CONGRESS This is crucial information offering guidance to solve the most pressing problem of our time. ENERGY BRIEFING OPEN-SOURCE “FREE ENERGY” DEVICES Dear Friends and Supporters of SiriusDisclosure, Many have sent us…

  • End of the liberal type Democratie

      Blurring the lines between government and corporate interests and resulting of the deep state structure which is parasitic and its survival through deception.( monopolizing the essential product and services). Monetizing of essentials like food/water energy/media nature and health by creating artificial scarcities. No where is this introduced and legalised than in the EU including…

  • Humans starborn ancestry or cosmic origine & politicians/media

    Message from the Galactic federation.  Please us ethe link to watch the original video please. We emphasize that humankind has never existed in isolation, benevolent extraterrestrials guiding and nurturing your civilizations and malevolent ones occasionally manipulating and stifling your progress have interacted with Earth across Millennia. Your ancient texts Legends and mythologies carry Echoes…

  • Emerging free (clean) energy and the crucial role in de-escalation of resource based conflicts.

    Prognoses for 2025: please click on the video/link A particularly significant aspect that is about to be revealed is the existence of free energy technology that has been suppressed for decades.The andromedans indicate that this emerging technology will play a crucial role in deescalate resource-based conflicts the revelation of this technology will trigger a…

  • New; Free energy, Med beds, Interstellar travel on offer on planet earth?

      Free energy, Med beds, Interstellar travel on offer. THE PLEIADIAN HIGH COUNCIL Mira is a key galactic figure aiding humanity’s ascension, working full-time with the Earth Council to guide the planet into higher dimensions. Their mission is to help remove negative forces, paving the way for peace and harmony on Earth. Mira often emphasizes…

  • Finally the End of fossil fuel as fuel?

    Finally free energy becoming available. Pollution free! “Keep Your Eyes On SpaceX And Space Force…” | Galactic Federation Of Light Energy Update GFL Station 47.3K  All channeled messages are provided for entertainment purposes ONLY Finally free energy becoming available. Pollution free! Transcript [Music] Beloved brothers and sisters of Earth we are honored to be…

  • Occult knowledge and how being used it to manipulate/enslave humans?

    The Occult and the human consciousness   1:57 / 51:53 The seen and the unseen [Rare Video] The Most Eye Opening 50 Minutes of Your Life | PART 1 Be Inspired 9.02M subscribers Share 156,776 views 28 Oct 2024 KNOWLEDGE OF THE 0.0001% ✅GET YOUR FREE NUMEROLOGY READING HERE: ✅SELF-HYPNOSIS AUDIO PROGRAMS: Reprogram Your Subconscious…