5000 patents blocked because of the so-called national security only to partly resurfaces now.

US Navy Official LEAKED UFO Patent & It Changes Everything!

The more important governments made an agreement to confiscate and repress new types of thechnology that would ead to big changes in lifestyle impossible and use of fossile fuel necessary like oil, coal transport, travel between planets and stars.That is imploding now due to current rivalaries between countries in the West, Asia and the middle East.


8,439 views 22 Jun 2024 #Voyager
An astounding leak from the US Navy has revealed a top-secret UFO patent that has the potential to completely transform technology and human existence, in a revelation that could change everything. Unidentified flying objects have been the subject of decades-long rumors and conspiracy theories about possible government cover-ups. Now that this extraordinary leak has occurred, those rumors have grown louder and more urgent, demanding our attention. The patent outlines airplanes that can harness energy sources that defy present scientific understanding, achieve previously unimaginable speeds and maneuvers, and manipulate space-time.


Bearden calls the simultaneous cooling of the device and heating of what it powers”Gravito Striction.” Similar reports of energy machine components that exhibit below-ambient temperatures have been observed by other inventors, such as John Bedini and John R.R. Searl.

A theory that could explain this effect has been postulated by Victor Schauberger, Walter Russell, and other researchers. They think “nature uses two types of ‘spin,’ one clockwise, the other counterclockwise. The clockwise spin is a concentrating effect which generates Heat as a byproduct and is used in all modern power generation and utilization.

The counterclockwise spin is an expanding effect associated with cold and the attempt of nature to regain the unity that prevails when force of any type (Aether, magnetic, light, electric, gravitic, etc.) is not polarized. In fact, the very existence of electricity, magnetism, gravity, heat, light, etc. is not possible unless the Aether is thus polarized to create the interferences necessary to provide potential differences.”

The more important governments made an agreement to confiscate and repress new types of technology that would lead to big changes in lifestyle impossible including the forced use of fossil fuel, like oil, coal for transport and , travel and not just on earth but between planets and stars aswell. That is imploding now due to current rivalries between countries in the West, Asia and the middle East.
Please click on the link for the video as posted online.

Transcript of the video. Please read, the transcript is not great please.

Were they I guess human or non-human biologics non-human and that was the assessment of people with direct knowledge on the program.
I talked to that are currently still on the program an an astounding leak from the US Navy.
Has revealed a top secret UFO patent that has the potential to completely transform technology and human existence in a revelation that could change everything.
Unidentified flying objects have been the subject of decades long rumors and conspiracy theories about
possible government coverups now that that this extraordinary leak has occurred those rumors have grown louder and more urgent.

Demanding our attention the patent outlines airplanes that can harness energy sources that defy present scientific understanding, achieve previously unimaginable speeds and Maneuvers and manipulate Space-Time.

As the layers of this extraordinary leak are peeled back the narrative becomes even more electrifying.
Who within the Navy had access to such groundbreaking information and why was it kept secret.
What does this mean for National Security Global power dynamics and the Very fabric of human society.

Join us as we explore how this US Navy official, everything an aerospace engineer stationed at the Naval Air Warfare Center, aircraft division ncad, headquarters in pent River Maryland has patented a number of innovative Aviation Technologies with the United States Secretary of Navy named as the asse. The inventors of one of these patents boasted about an Innovative electromagnetic propulsion system that would allow their hybrid Aerospace underwater craft to accomplish astonishing Feats of Speed and Agility on land sea and space.
Does it seem possible you might have your doubts also of the same opinion was a senior patent examiner from the uspo but then the Naval Aviation Enterprises Chief technical officer wrote a letter to the examiner asserting that the patent is necessary for the United States because China is investing significantly in Aerospace technologies that sound suspiciously like the UFOs that Navy Pilots have reported in now famous encounters.

Is the Navy rushing to catch up now that the Chinese are building or perhaps flying craft with comparable advanced technology the Navy and the Department of Defense are obviously exercising tight control over.

The store salvator Cesar pis an aerospace engineer at ncad filed a series of peculiar patents that have added an air of mystery to the ongoing story because of his almost non-existent online presence.

Salvator Cesar p is largely unknown from what we can gather he earned a doctorate in mechanical and aerospace engineering from Case Western Reserve University in 1999 and was employed as an aerospace engineer with knad at the Navy’s premier prier aircraft test station, Naval Air Station patuk Sant River in Maryland over the years P has shared his work in electromagnetic propulsion revolutionary room temperature superconductors and other related fields.
In a number of Articles and presentations at Aila conferences one of his PhD dissertation topics was bubble generation under reduced gravity conditions for both co-flow and crossflow configurations.

Piz is named as the inventor on Force separate patents for which the US Navy is the asse among P’s patents or designs approved in 2018 for an aerospace underwater craft of incredible speed and maneuverability.


This cone-shaped vehicle can potentially fly just as well anywhere it may be whether air water or space without leaving any heat signatures it can achieve this by creating a Quantum vacuum around itself with a very dense polarized energy field this vacuum would allow it to repair any molecule the craft comes in contact with.

No matter the medium manipulating Quantum field fluctuations in the local vacuum energy state would help reduce the Craft’s inertia the polarized vacuum would dramatically decrease any Elemental resistance and lead to extreme speeds. The patent goes on to say that we could engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level if we could Master the technology that creates vacuums.

This would result in significant progress in the field of airplane propulsion and power generation in
addition to any other results that may alter the course of reality.

Similar lines of reasoning underpin several of Pi’s other patents which detail the technologies that will be required to bring his ideas to life.

Room temperature superconducting system for use on a hybrid Aerospace undersea craft the subject of his 2019 presentation suggests a method to attain super conductivity in air this would transform into a technology that could completely revolutionize the way we think about science and technology as Pi puts it.

Along with his other inventions Pi came up with an electromagnetic field generator that could create an
impenetrable defensive Shield to sea and land as well as space-based military and civilian assets.

This Shield could protect against things like asteroids, coronal mass ejections, military satellites anti-ship ballistic missiles and cruise missiles that evade radar.

The PES effect is the primary phenomenon that PES has named for his Concepts controlled motion of electrically charged matter from solid to plasma via accelerated spin Andor accelerated
vibration under Rapid yet smooth acceleration deceleration acceleration transience was how he described it in his writings.
To put it more simply P asserts that he has discovered how to spin electromagnetic fields to contain a
fusion reaction which would result in a massive shift in power consumption and an excess of energy although all of them sound ridiculous.

The chief technical officer of the Naval Aviation Enterprise personally endorsed the craft that uses
an inertial Mass reduction device in a letter to the us pal.

He claimed that the Chinese are already working on similar capabilities the patent was initially filed on April 28th 2016 more than 10 years after the Nimitz carrier strike group had first seen the peculiar Tic Tac shaped planes.
Prior to that Navy pilots from various squadrons stationed at Naval Air Station oleanane and Nas Norfolk had a series of strange encounters with unknown planes some of which appeared to have unusual abilities similar to the Tic Tac.
Meanwhile the hybrid Aerospace underwater vessel depicted in Pi’s patent an effortlessly glide through air sea or space without producing any detectable Heat it is also said to be capable of astonishingly high speeds in maneuverability.
In the patent P asserts that this is feasible due to the Craft’s ability to engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level through the use of physical laws although the idea straightforward the engineering needed to implement it is complex at the quantum level.

All substances have energy theoretically the hybrid vehicle can supposedly reject air and water molecules by producing its own very dense and polarized energy field effectively forming a Quantum vacuum around it according to the patent this means the ship can basically disregard forces caused by aerodynamics and hydrodynamics.
Paz claims in his Publications and patents that the hybrid Aerospace underwater crafts HS UC alleged Lightning Fast speeds and incredible maneuverability are the result of combining high frequency axial spin or accelerated vibration with high frequency vibrations of electrically charged systems.
To rephrase if one can first build a superconductor that can store an enormous amount of energy at room temperature and or second accelerate the energy field that this superconductor produces to extremely high speeds either externally or internally to the craft one can create a polarized energy vacuum around it enabling it to essentially disregard the energy of the surrounding air or water and thus eliminating its own mass and inertia.

The hybrid Aerospace underwater craft according to PES resembles a Hypersonic Glide vehicle or Dart in geometry and it has an elliptical cross-section that gives it an approximate cone form interestingly
enough the descriptions of the craft in several of P’s Publications and even the patent for craft using an inertial Mass reduction device include room for a crew compartment shielded by a faraday cage room temperature superconducting system for use on a hybrid Aerospace undersea craft was another relevant work that pasas presented at the 2019 American Institute of Aeronautics and astronautics scitec Forum in San Diego.

Shortly after the hybrid crafts patent was approved in 2018 according to pies who authored the research room temperature superconductivity is a game-changing technological advancement with the potential to revolutionize scientific thought as well as having significant Military and Commercial applications.

Anyone who has been following the Navy UFO reports for the past few years will definitely recognize
the capabilities outlined in the document.

A hybrid aircraft submarine device might theoretically combine the best features of Both Worlds allowing it to travel at incredible speeds underwater because of the absence of water skin friction and improve its aerial and underwater stealth capabilities thanks to the nonlinear scattering of radio frequency in sonar signals encased in a vacuum or plasma bubble.

This hybrid vessel May Glide effortlessly across space air or water because of the combined effects of
electromagnetic field-induced repulsion of air and water particles and vacuum energypolarization.

For the United States Navy’s nuclear powered ballistic missile submarines including the Ohio class and future Columbia class as well as its submarine launched ballistic missiles slbms SP is responsible for the entire spectrum of activities from research Development building of Hardware training of Crews and construction of facilities through the continued Operational Support.

In 2018 SSP announced it was developing a new prompt Global strike weapon now known as the intermediate range conventional prompt strike which consists of a Hypersonic Glide body on top of a rocket booster that submarines or Surface ships that could launch and that could potentially reach any Target on Earth within an hour depending on the location.

Of the launch platform whether has carried over any of his work from no head to SSP is still up in the air it appears that this is a distinct area of study based on our correspondence and our knowledge of the extent of SSP.

Also perplexing is his shift to this different branch of the Navy’s research organization if P’s patents were relevant and feasible and if some of them were in actual testing as the naval systems Chief technology officer assured the US PTO.

Why would that effort be styed by a transfer to another unit no matter how radical these ideas sound the email from pis makes it clear that the inventor stands fully behind the science underlying these inventions.

Most scientists or Engineers have not been able to support the assertions made in P’s patents despite his repeated assertions that the pies effect does in fact exist and the guarantee given to the US PDO by n Chief technology officer Carl Willis a nuclear engineer and reactor supervisor at the University of New Mexico.
Also works as a senior research engineer for Varys research the company is developing an advanced dense plasma Focus Fusion Neutron source for the Army.

According to Willis Varys does not see P’s work as a competitive approach to a fusion power plant or a
competitor in any meaningful sense toward anything Dr Pasus is working on.

For that matter this information helps put P’s most recent patent and academic publication for the plasma compression Fusion device into perspective.

Willis claims that P’s latest work is a classic case of pathological science he claims that the literature for the plasma compression Fusion device includes made-up terms statements that don’t make sense a lack of solid theoretical grounding an overabundance of nebulous adjectives and adverbs instead of meaningful quantities in technical writing and lots of statements made in passing that seem to contradict basic and accepted physics Willis points out that PES references subjects that have constantly been played with pathological science and popular misunderstanding for decades.

Such as vacuum energy it’s hard not to suspect he’s either drinking the Kool-Aid himself or just chumming the waters for the kind of people who do.
Yet Willis points out that this case is mildly unusual in that the author has a PHD and is employed by the government his patents are assigned to the government and the paper is slated to appear in a rather widely read IE Outlet.
However these facts in no way temper my view that this is all basically nonsense it just raises additional questions about the cub Bono of this particular case to help answer those questions Dr Charles kollet an assistant professor of physics at mullenberg College specializes in experimental low temperature research on the quantum state of molecular magnets.

KET maintains his skepticism regarding the patents as do the majority of the physicists although the theory behind the so-called P effect is not outlandish and indeed any charged matter that is undergoing a large amount of acceleration will produce this KET.

Acknowledges that there are probably significant engineering challenges in creating a device that can generate such strong electromagnetic forces. The claims of macroscopic quantum coherence seem dubious KET continued and he cannot see how that interact could lead to any of the claimed effects.

Overall his impression is that while there may or may not be an interesting engineering feed in the patents the rest of the claims are extraordinary and extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

A patent does not necessarily indicate that the patented product is available for purchase or even feasible it is common practice for both private companies and the federal government to file patents for futureproof technology in order to secure ownership of those Innovations should they ever come to fruition.

The patent for the hybrid craft is set to expire on September 28th 2036 that being said the unorthodox
circumstances surrounding the approval of this patent have us wondering why the chief technology officer of the US Naval Aviation Enterprise Dr James sheii personally vouched for the legitimacy of this Beyond revolutionary Aerospace technology.

In the Navy’s appeal to the US PTO sheii assured the patent examiner in charge of this application that the aircraft propulsion method described in the patent is indeed possible or will be soon based on experiments and tests.

knad has already conducted although many internet users have viewed the applications and asserted that any Nut Job scientist can try to patent ludicrous ideas that are technologically impossible at the moment on the other hand it’s certainly doable the application was initially rejected by Patent examiner Philip bonsel on the grounds that there is no such thing as a repulsive em energy field and that when referring to the specifications as to ascertain about the microwave emitters needed in this system it is seen that for a high energy electromagnetic field to polarize a Quantum vacuum as claimed it would take 1 billion Teslas and one quintilian volt per meter that’s roughly the equivalent of the magnetic strength generated by most magnetars and more electricity than what is produced by nuclear reactors evidently The Examiner thought it was impossible to generate the EM field that would drive this vehicle in the way indicated in the patent application with today’s technology.

The amount of energy required is ridiculous perhaps the Revolutionary room temperature superconductor outlined in one of P’s other patents for which the Navy is mentioned as the assign would be necessary to produce such quantities of energy.

The ability to conduct electricity with zero resistance is a property of superconductors unlike metals like copper or silver electrical currents conducted through these materials never deteriorate or high-speed floating magb trains in Japan and China are made possible by superconductors which generate their own repulsive magnetic fields when they are near magnets,

Nevertheless because of their great temperature sensitivity most modern superconductors are not viable for usage in settings other than research Labs or massive Manufacturing facilities.

For a long time room temperature superconductors were considered a scientific Holy Grail by Engineers once achieved they would pave the part way for revolutionary new electric motors magnetic levitation devices and power transmission and storage methods.

Public records from the United States patent and trademark office show that on March 30th 2018 the
patent office denied the request for this vessel made by pi in the Navy following its reject action Marco glut the patent attorney for the knad appealed the judgment and provided further paperwork to reassure the patent office that the craft in question is indeed enabled.
Meaning it can be constructed and function as specified in the patent, Salvatore pice has allegedly
already begun a series of experiments to design and demonstrate Advanced high energy density high- power propulsion systems as stated in the patent.
According to Dr she’s letter dated the 15 of December 2017 sheii further asserts that the realization of this result demonstrates that this patent documents the future state of the possible and moves propulsion technology Beyond gas Dynamic systems to field induced propulsion based hybrid Aerospace undersea craft.

Bear in mind that sheii refrains from officially stating that the Navy has this technology instead he informed patent examiner Philip bonzel that he concurs that this mode of acceleration SL movement is beyond the state of the possible at least at present.

Sheii naturally points out that China is already investing significantly in this area as well and the endome would prefer the US hold the patent as opposed to paying forever more to use this revolutionary technology according to him.

This will become a reality remarkably it seems to boil down to the old we must not allow an inertial Mass reduction device Gap perhaps because of the threat from the Chinese looming the US PDO finally issued a notice of allowance for craft using an inertial Mass reduction device to the Department of the Navy on October 31st 2018 at a fee of usd 1000 no reason was given for why the patent was eventually approved.

Also keep in mind that the borders of the United States are the final destination of US patent law though the Navy has the right to patent whatever it wants it won’t stop other countries from coming up with in patenting comparable technology typically one could assume that the Navy is merely taking precautions by securing these patents so that the United States can maintain control over the technology should it become available.

However these are not normal times thanks to the Stars Academy ttsa the Department of Defense and the media at large not only are we now being told that Navy Pilots have witnessed aircraft behaving exactly like the craft these patents describe.
But some of the pilots visual descriptions of those anomalous aircraft even seem to be uncannily similar to the drawings of the aircraft as depicted in Pi’s patents one of those patents depicts a curiously and distinctly shaped gravitational wave generator that resembles the Tic Tac shaped object reported by retired US Navy Commander
David fraver and other Nimitz carrier strike group pilots in encounters that took place in 2004 off the Baja Coast.
Regarding the assertions that that these patents could be nothing more than theoretical math Theory as one of the rejecting patent examiners put it it’s worth noting that scientific and Engineering Fields occasionally experience tipping points where Decades of gradual advancement suddenly lead to massive Paradigm shifts that transform the theoretical into the Practical.

Massive infusions of related funds can also be quite beneficial naturally it seems that the patents are based on well-established theoretical work both the Navy’s patent appeals and Pi’s latest Publications cite extensive peer reviewed literature on room temperature superconductors and macroscopic Quantum effects and even include annotated copies of various studies pertaining to P’s work.

In the same article P expresses gratitude to Dr James sheii Chief technology officer of Naval Aviation
Enterprise for the many hours of thought-provoking discussions on the concept at hand.

Curiously Dr haral E puthoff co-founder founder and VP of Science and Technology of to the Stars Academy is also acknowledging both pisa’s research and a few of his patents while POF is best known for his work in electrical engineering and invention he has also dabbled in the Paranormal in pseudoscience publishing on subjects like remote seeing in addition to polarized vacuums.

The technical and scientific comprehension Association ttsa States on its website that it seeks to improve our current understanding of scientific phenomena and its technological implications.

Revolutionary breakthroughs in propulsion energy and communication are the stated goals of ttsa Aerospace division the company also boasts that it is currently working with lad Engineers from major Department of Defense and aerospace companies with the capability to pursue an advanced engineering approach to fundamental Aerospace topics including space-time metrics engineering.

This is a theoretical Concept in which Quantum vacuums are engineered as a means of propulsion it remains unclear how ttsa intends to follow through with and secure funding for these ambitious goals.

Steve Justice a former program director for advanced systems at Lockheed Martin Advanced development programs at the Skunk Works was quoted in a press release announcing the official launch of ttsa as saying that the agency is working on groundbreaking Advanced electromagnetic vehicles that will use a drive system that changes the space-time metric to replicate the capabilities seen in uaps while drastically reducing he current travel limits of distance and time.

Undoubtedly the electromagnetic hybrid underwater boats described in P’s patent seem eerily similar to these futuristic electromagnetic vehicles that the ttsa claims it intends to create it is yet unclear if these patents are connected to the continuing UFO Revelations.

Despite the Striking similarities between the hybrid Craft’s claim capability and those of the objects described by Navy personnel the Navy’s decision to make the patent public raises questions about the Revolutionary nature of the propulsion technology and whether or not they truly wish to keep it out of the hands of others.

Maybe the Navy is signaling to its adversaries that it too is aware of this revolutionary capability and to whom it belongs take into account the remarks made by Harry Reid the former majority leader of the Senate from Nevada who was allegedly instrumental in getting funds for the now Infamous Advanced Aerospace threat identification program in related studies.

Reed stated that the US Russia and China are currently in a UFO race as is generally known the Chinese have made significant public advances in electromagnetic Naval capabilities such as rail guns and aircraft catapults and other cutting-edge defense Technologies.
Is it possible that Reed was implying that these three superpowers are vying for the title of first to develop deploy a fully autonomous hybrid aircraft in submarine if so where does the Navy and the Pentagon as a whole currently stand in that clandestine race.

Furthermore P notes in the paper that such a technology would permit Swift movement of the Hal beyond our solar system.
Is this an undisclosed reason why we suddenly need a space force is this what Air Force Lieutenant General veralin Jameson was referring to when she casually wow dropped during an unrelated interview that in different galaxies in the future we’re going to actually have the capability that we have right now in the air regarding the future of the United States military presence in space.

This is just one of several extremely strange things that the Air Force leadership has said there’s also the possibility that this patent is part of a larger information operation that supports the pentagon’s undisclosed interests through the UFO narrative.
However if that’s the case then it seems strange and even counterproductive to include China a very terrestrial potential enemy and America’s Chief technological rival as a direct competitor in this technology.

On the other hand some may say that this could be proof of two superpowers struggling to mimic the capabilities of something they are observing but do not fully understand on a technological level with so many unknowns it is important to consider all possibilities however if we take the information surrounding this patent at face Val it seems to suggest that the technology could be man-made it is safe to assume that P is qualified to conduct Innovative work given his impressive list of scientific accomplishments which would impress even Nicola Tesla.

Thanks for watching another episode of Voyager while you’re still here make sure to click the video on your screen for more mind-blowing videos about space

Hidding and supresion of patent aplications by the US government sinds 1951.

https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2015/02/nature-is-implosive-modern-technology/ Around 1900 with the discovery and introduction of electricity several new geniuses started to develop new technologies and knowledge only to see it getting depressed and hidden. Just to name a few, Tesla, Schumann, Schauberger, Hans Coler, and others. Important technological breakthroughs, free energy, disk technology, space travel, biofields and cures but almost all being denied and hidden from us. Dumbed down by the State/Deep state. We do not need coal, or gas nor oil. Electricity can transported through air and earth like radio waves. The article was first published in stillness in the storm and I have added some pictures and comments trying to enhance it? (Matilda)

Occult Origins of the German Secret Space Program, Implosion based and The Thule Society and the Vril Women of World War II – Repressed History

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2015 BY STILLNESS IN THE STORM 1 COMMENT Spread the love (Stillness in the Storm Editor) Prior to the 20th century, the average man or women toiled away in factories and work houses. Machines that were once invented by minds seeking to free humanity from monotonous labor now hindered the lives of millions in advancing industrial nations. According to the below article, several free thinking individuals well versed in spiritual concepts of the day, as promulgated by the Theosophy society, conceived of a world of free and abundant energy, able to finally liberate humanity from servitude; despite the negative connotation with theosophy today. The Vril Society was a group of mediums inspired by Theosophy and a contemporarily book entitled: ‘The Coming Race’, apparently the source of the Aryan philosophy that galvanized Nazi idealism. Contact was made through the Vril with beings claiming to be extraterrestrials from the Aldebaran star system.


They professed to have benevolent intentions for humanity, and supplied the Vril mediums with advanced technical drawings that allowed German engineers to complete a working device. During the 1920’s, Dr. W.O. Schumann, of the Technical University of Munich, successfully engineered an over-unity engine capable of propelling German craft, directly as a result of these drawings provided by the Vril. His statements on the nature of how this device worked resemble Walter Russell, the visionary spiritual scientists that inspired Nikola Tesla. Related Nature is Implosive – Modern Technology is Explosive | The Secret of Light by Walter Russell Russell asserted that the universe has essentially two primary principles: implosion and explosion, creation and destruction, organization and chaos – expressed in all phases of  the universe. One example he cited was electromagnetism and its dipolar nature; or positive and negative properties. Dr Schumann uses a different vernacular, but he is essentially referring to the same principles: Dr. Schumann had an unusual view of science and technology, believing in two opposing principles: explosion (the work of Satan) and implosion (the Divine Principle). This idea was also held by the Templars (supposedly the “Secret” knowledge discovered by Pythagoras). “In everything we recognize two principles that determine the events: light and darkness, good and evil, creation and destruction — as in electricity we know plus and minus. It is always: either – or.” – Dr. Schumann           Free energy patented by Hans Coler. Initially the German patent ambt refused to register it but after interfering by Dr Schuman and testing accepted. Dr Schumann was part of a group of 50000 German scientist and inventors brought to the USA. He is well known for be able to measure the earth frequencies and named after him. It is now the most used free energy devices to power the underground complexes in the US and Australia were the Deep State and Aliens work together. Duce is one of the best known complexes due to a number of whistleblowers and reported of humans brought in from the surface and used for tests/maintenance. The device appears to work like John Searl’s SEG, an over unity motor capable of producing strange side effects such as healing, antigravity and heat reduction around the device when throttled; it gets cold instead of hot when greater loads are applied. Related Free Energy and Antigravity Solution: The Searl Effect Related Order from Chaos – The Geometry of Implosion (Presentation): Understanding the Absolute Tech of Implosion https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2015/02/nature-is-implosive-modern-technology/ What maybe more intriguing about this story is the intended uses of this technology. The Vril society wanted to travel to Aldebaran and further relations with the race there, whereas the Thule society wanted to use the technology to power civilization, but a more secretive group, apparently infiltrated both and had different intentions. Some have said this darker group was the Order of the Black Sun, and their goal was to weaponize the technology into spacecraft capable of crushing the enemies of the seemingly all powerful Nazi empire. But when the allies began to defeat the Germans, this group began to breakaway from Germany, and apparently settled in South America and Antartica. Related Cosmic Disclosure Episode 13: Portals: Navigating Time – Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock Related Are there really Pyramids in Antarctica? According to whistleblower Corey Goode, who claims to have worked in the modern day secret space program, the Germans found remnants of an advanced civilization in Antartica. He also says that the Virl Society was not making contact with beings from Aldebaran, but were in fact contacting a race of ancient humans on Earth that fled underground tens of thousands of years ago, due to cataclysms and the fall of the surface population into ‘barbarism;’ so they claim. Ultimately which point perspective is correct remains unclear. Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 – Episode 4: Breakaway Begins – Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock In my view, the following narrative puts into context the ideals and goals of the earlier origins of the Vril and Thule Society. As individuals trying to make sense of the infinitely complex past, the more information we have to expand our knowledge the more accurate our conclusions will be for shaping the future.   – Justin Source – Nexus Illuminati by Dan Eden And so it begins… It started in England, back in 1589. A bright, young man of 19 years, William Lee, was in love with a girl who was preoccupied with knitting socks. Socks were an important item of clothing in the 16th Century and knitting them by hand was a slow but necessary process. When he was just 16, Lee was a prodigy who attended college at Cambridge on a full scholarship. He was a “discoverer” waiting to happen. Two years after graduation, Lee was an official of his home town when he met his love. He had not yet taken up his destiny and redirected history. But that would soon change. Frustrated libido is a powerful motivator. Lee applied his intellect. He designed and built a machine that imitated his lover’s hand movements, producing the world’s first sock machine. This way, he could both impress her and liberate her. When Lee presented his sock machine to Queen Elizabeth I, requesting a patent, she refused. She saw the potential for social disruption and expressed her concern for the country’s hand knitters. She also perhaps foresaw a frightening premonition of what a mechanized world would be like. Lee eventually moved his machines to France with only limited success. He died in poverty — much like Nickola Tesla. And like Tesla, his invention did eventually change history. After Lee’s death, his brother James returned to England and started the first mechanized factories producing socks made from wool, cotton an silk. This was the time-thread that began the Industrial Revolution. [1] Unrest and gloom covered the land.

Sixteenth Century life was simple but harsh. Most people were farmers, most likely working the fields of some elite.

The average life expectancy was 35 years and half the population lived on the very edge of survival. The appearance of factories, urbanization and cheaply produced goods was an improvement for most people. But it didn’t last.

The move from hand power to the steam engine changed urban areas to a filthy environment with a stench. Individuals worked long shifts doing repetitive tasks, in unhealthy conditions. Although their life expectancy nearly doubled and material produced in the factories was abundant, people were not happy.

Periodic plagues and disease took their toll on the new centralized culture. [3] At the height of discontent, “anti-machine” and worker’s riots erupted in many countries as the consequences of an industrialized society were realized.

Although most groups moaned about the direction that our civilization had chosen, some groups became more pro-active. Karl Marx (1840) introduced the idea of common ownership — Marxism — where the workers were empowered as participants in the state. The profit-motive of the factory owner was replaced with new raison d’etre “for the good of the people.

” This revolution against a miserable lifestyle and disparity of wealth eventually won acceptance as Communism replaced the elite Tsar in Russia and was creeping west across Europe. The Germans suffered these same misgivings with the Industrial Revolution, but they chose a different solution. Rather than endure the nationalization of Germany’s industry through a Communist government, the National Socialists (Nationalsozialismus) designed a solution where privately owned industry would play a major role.

Germany would reinvent itself — rise like the Phoenix — and citizens would serve the state with pride. Modeled after the Greek city-state of Sparta, the ideology captured the support of the industrialists and anti-Communists.

As it is true today, social stress sometimes leads people to become interested in religion or the occult as a means of escape. There was a fascination in pre-WWII Germany with archaeological reports about ancient Sumeria, the Ark of the Covenant, Oden and Wotan, Astarte, etc.

People wanted to feel a connection to a time when Germany was stronger and prouder. There was great interest in knowing about our “spirit life” and learning how they could get back on the path to Utopia.

Helena Blavatsky’s Theosophical Society and the Thule Society were the most influential occult groups. At some point, the public became fixated on an old book called, The Coming Race. It was written in 1871 by “Anonymous,” but many believed the author to be Edward Bulwer-Lyttona.

Originally considered as “science fiction”, many later readers believed that its account of a superior subterranean master race and the energy-form called “Vril” was real and accurate. Many Theosophists accepted the book as truth.

Then something really strange happened.   Contact With Extraterrestrials It was December of 1919. The head of the Thule Society, Karl Haushofer, had invited a handful of the most respected occultists to meet at a secluded cabin in the forest foothills of the Alps, near Berchtesgaden. The guests included a representative of the Knights Templar and a specialist in Asian artifacts. As they gathered together, Haushofer revealed a surprise.

Two young and exceptionally beautiful women joined the group. One of the young women was very quiet. She was barely 18 years old and, for some reason, her real identity was a guarded secret. She was introduced as “Sigrun”. Her significance will reveal itself later. The other woman was Maria Orzich [right]. Aside from their stunning appearance, both had exceptionally long hair (contrary to the current vogue) that was worn in a ponytail. Haushofer introduced them as transe-mediums and announced that Maria had received a communication from an extraterrestrial civilization.

Some of the communication was in the form of text — automatic writing — written by Maria in her altered state. She showed the group several pages with strange symbols. Haushofer had the pages long enough before the meeting to have shown them around.

He had determined that one was written in a secret Templar code while the other was in a “Sumerian alphabet”. Both had already been translated. The texts made some shocking claims, but offered proof of their validity — instructions on how to build an anti-gravity engine!

Leaving no stone unturned, Haushofer even had the distinguished scientist, Victor Schauberger, review the physics of the design and literally sign off on its potential [right]. Maria explained that the civilization she contacted originated in the constellation Taurus (the Bull). In particular, they were from a planet that was in orbit around a star called Aldebaran.

The engine works on an energy source that is called “vril”. Claims were made that the anti-gravity engine also has the ability to alter time. The texts are detailed enough so that the engine could be built, tested, and then used to transport worthy humans to their world for a meeting. While the Thule Society was focused on mediumship and contact with the “other”, their main interest was in finding an alternative to the inhumane and unhealthy Industrial Revolution that affected the German population.

The anti-gravity engine was, according to Maria, a “gift” from this advanced race for humanity so that energy would be plentiful and wars would be unnecessary. But the Thule Society wanted the engine for its time-travel potential. They dreamed of going back to the time when the “gods walked the earth” so they could learn more about spiritual truth.

The guests believed what Maria had revealed. They agreed to seek financial support to build the engine from wealthy industrialists who were members of the Thule Society and other occult groups. Maria was quickly tasked with convincing contributors to help with this project.

The Vril Engine is Built Although they had the same objective — building the Vril engine — the Thule and Vril societies had different motives. The Thule Society was practical and foresaw a new energy source to exploit. The Vril were more concerned with making contact, learning from and potentially visiting the aliens on their world.

In 1922, Thule and Vril jointly produced the JFM (Jenseitsflugmaschine) or “Other World Flight Machine”. It was just the engine and was bench tested on a tether for two years. It was during this time that the antigravity and time distortion were noted.

Without notice the JFM was abruptly taken apart and shipped off to the Augsburg works of Messerschmidt for “future use”. The project had been led by Dr. W.O. Schumann (Technical University of Munich) who later developed a levitation unit from the research, which was called the Schumann-Munich or SM-Levitator.

Dr. Schumann had an unusual view of science and technology, believing in two opposing principles: explosion (the work of Satan) and implosion (the Divine Principle). This idea was also held by the Templars (supposedly the “Secret” knowledge discovered by Pythagoras).

“In everything we recognize two principles that determine the events: light and darkness, good and evil, creation and destruction — as in electricity we know plus and minus. It is always: either – or.

” These two principles – the creative and the destructive – also determine our technical means…Everything destructive is of Satanic origin, everything creative is divine…

Every technology based upon explosion or combustion has thus to be called Satanic. The coming new age will be an age of a new, positive, divine technology!…” Dr. Schumann (from SS archives). The Vril engine did not consume, explode or destroy anything in its operation.

It fit perfectly with the Thule philosophy and motivated Vril research as participation in this “Divine Principle.” The Thule Society has been underestimated and virtually censored from our history books. Seemingly crazy laws outlaw the display or discussion of these societies in Europe today.

But it is a fact that Thule was largely responsible for creating the Nazi Party — so much so that their occult symbols are synonymous with the Third Reich. The Swastika, lightening bolts of the SS and the Iron Cross, symbol of the “Black Sun” are but a few symbols with occult origins [above].

As Thule became more concerned with politics and power, the Vril maintained their esoteric quests. All of the Nazi leaders were members of Thule and later, after Maria Orzich’s revelation, joined Vril.

Adolf Hitler, Alfred Rosenberg, Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Goring, and Hitler’s personal physician, Dr. Theodor Morell… all of the inner circle were Vril and Thule members. The success of the JFM was wisely kept secret until 1933, when one of their own became the head of Germany.


Hitler is said to have given the go to both Thule and Vril developing their own “Gesellschafts”. He understood that the technology was a potential weapon. The Vril supervised development of the RFZ (Rundflugzeug) or “Round Aircraft” series in 1937 next to the Arado-Brandenburg aircraft facility. A series of RFZ discs were tested there, culminating in the RFZ-7.

Meanwhile, Thule was working with a special SS unit, E-IV, exploring how to exploit this apparently new energy. They had their own disc project in a secret location called Hauneburg — and it was not tethered. Beginning in 1935 their disc [above] was known as the H-Gerat (Hauneburg Device) — eventually shortened to Haunebu. In 1939 the disc’s Triebwerk(Thrustwork) engine was perfected. Haunebu-1 code named RFZ-5 when Thule moved it to the main testing facility in Arado-Brandenburg.

The Thule Triebwerk had an electro-magnetic-gravitic engine whose heart was a spinning tank of heated mercury and three parallel discs, rotating in opposite directions. Being a conductor, the mercury was made to interact with an electric field in such a way that it behaved like a superconductor and was able to isolate the immediate environment from local gravity effects.

Buy Book Occult Secrets of Vril: Goddess Energy and the Human Potential Some recent thoughts have compared the anti-gravity observations of mono-atomic gold to what might be happening to the heated mercury. It has been noted that atoms not involved with cohesive bonds with other atoms — “solitary atoms” — gain back the energy usually expended in the bond and speed up and distort the orbits of their nuclear particles.

These distortions somehow liberate the atoms from the effects of gravity. The anti-gravity engine only isolated the craft from gravity. It did not really levitate it. Although the energy needed was greatly reduced because of the elimination of gravity, the disc craft still required some power to ascend and move through the atmosphere.

Some versions of the disc had jet engines and reached 2900-12000km/h. The Thule group eventually designed magnetic-pulse thrusters that served to maneuver and propel the craft once they were in their anti-gravity state.

As these magnetic thrusters had no “explosion” they were the ideal solution. By 1944, Thule had produced the Haunebu I-III series — including some really large discs that were capable of carrying 200 troops — like the huge 139 meter long cylindrical mothership called the Andromeda-Gerat (Andromeda Device).

The triumph of the Vril group was their 7th vehicle, Vril-7, designed specifically for interplanetary travel. As the war turned in favor of the Allies, Thule moved their production facilities to a deep mine in Poland. They continued work on their discs with slave labor until the very end, at which time the mine was flooded then collapsed to prevent Allies from gaining access.

It’s believed that any discs that were at this facility were flown away, but some think at least one or two were captured. The site shows the foundation of a large electric generator with conduits leading to the center of a large concrete platform, still there today [right]. Vril also made plans to evacuate, but their plans were a bit more elaborate.

They had their best “interplanetary” disc — Vril 7 — ready to take them to safety in a most unlikely place. Over the years since Maria Orsich had made contact, the Vril had learned much about their telepathic, alien counterparts. In fact, the Vril’s information about the aliens had already transformed the war effort with submarines and supply boats diverting resources to — of all places — Antarctica.

Aldebaran Civilization:

Been there, done that…   According to the Vril mediums, the race of people they had telepathically contacted were from one of two inhabited planets that orbited an old star, called Aldebaran, 68 light years away in the constellation we know of as Taurus, the Bull.

On historical artifacts, they are always depicted with horns [right]. They made contact because they had been observing human activity, specifically noting our war-like behavior. They decided to give humanity a “Gift” (the Vril engine) to eliminate the competition for resources and energy — the cause of human conflict.

Millions of years ago, the Aldebaran people had evolved to utilize “vril energy” — akin to our understanding of electricity, but taken to an extreme. They had developed mental abilities such that they were able to interact with this vril energy, using it for creative or destructive purposes.

In the course of their Sun’s life, it had expanded to become a Red Giant. The environmental conditions on the inhabited planets caused biological stress and some of their race degenerated to where they lost their mental abilities to use vril.

When they realized this, they quickly isolated the pure Aldebaran race from those that degenerated and became strict about breeding and associating with the inferior strains. As the environment of their solar system deteriorated, the “elite” Aldebarans evacuated their race — both pure-lines and inferiors — to other inhabited worlds.

Earth was one of these. Although these thins were reported at the turn of the last century, well before Zecharia Sitchin made the Sumerian legends popular, it is easy to see that this same story is contained in the ancient Sumerian legends.

Like Sitchin’s theory, the Aldebaran’s noted the destructive effects of a “dark sun” that enters our solar system every 3,600 years and noted that, upon one cycle, the Earth became uninhabitable. The Aldebaran race retreated from the surface to a subterranean “cavity” located under the continent of Antarctica, from where they have been observing and attempting to control human destiny.

Buy Book Vril: The Life Force of the Gods The Aldebaran’s realized that this was too strange for anyone to believe but they pointed to the many abandoned mega-lithic sites around the globe as evidence of their past life on the surface. In any event, they were offering 100% proof with the plans for the vril engine. Once that was built and tested, the world would never be the same.

Deutschland… we have a problem. It became evident to the Aldebarans, as well as the Vril, that the “gift” had been used unwisely. Production of discs with gun turrets and remotely operated “weapon” discs contradicted the original motive.

The Vril visited the Aldebaran residents under Antarctica, as has been well documented, and began a program for populating a subterranean island called New Swabia. During the later years of WWII it was noted that the SS had implemented special breeding programs — similar to those of the Aldebaran race — with the offspring destined to occupy this Antarctic land.

While we cannot know whether these facts about Aldebaran were real or imagined, the construction plans that the Vril telepaths received were so accurate that they led to the successful construction of the “Jenseitsflugmaschine”, a “flying machine for the other side”!

Eye Witness Reports of Vril In the 1957 case, agents at Detroit recorded that they had spoken with a man who was “…born February 19, 1926, in the State of Warsaw, Poland, and was brought from Poland as a Prisoner of War to Gut Alt Golssen approximately 30 miles east of Berlin, Germany,

in May 1942, where he remained until a few weeks after the end of World War II. An ‘SS’ guard appeared and talked briefly with the German driver of the tractor, who waited five to ten minutes, after which the noise stopped and the tractor engine was started normally.

Approximately 3 hours later in the same swamp area, but away from the road where the work crew was cutting hay, he surreptitiously, because of the German in charge of the crew and ‘SS’ guards in the otherwise deserted area, observed a circular enclosure approximately 100 to 150 yards in diameter protected from viewers by a tarpaulin-type wall approximately 50 feet high, from which a vehicle was observed to slowly rise vertically to a height sufficient to clear the wall and then to move slowly horizontally a short distance out of his view, which was obstructed by trees.

This vehicle, observed from approximately 500 feet, was described as circular in shape, 75 to 100 yards in diameter, and about 14 feet high, consisting of dark gray stationary top and bottom sections, five to six feet high. The approximate three foot middle section appeared to be a rapidly moving component producing a continuous blur similar to an aeroplane propeller, but extending the circumference of the vehicle so far as could be observed. The noise emanating from the vehicle was similar but of somewhat lower pitch than the noise previously heard.

The engine of the tractor again stalled on this occasion and no effort was made by the German driver to start the engine until the noise stopped, after which the engine started normally.” [7]

And then there is this: “On April 26, 1967 [the witness] appeared at the Miami Office and furnished the following information relating to an object, presently referred to as an unidentified flying object, he allegedly photographed during November, 1944. Sometime during 1943, he graduated from the German Air Academy and was assigned as a member of the Luftwaffe on the Russian Front.

Near the end of 1944, he was released from this duty and was assigned as a test pilot to a top secret project in the Black Forest of Austria. During this period he observed the aircraft described above. It was saucer-shaped, about twenty-one feet in diameter, radio-controlled, and mounted several jet engines around the exterior portion of the craft. He further described the exterior portion as revolving around the dome in the center which remained stationary. It was his responsibility to photograph the object while in flight.

He asserted he was able to retain a negative of a photograph he made at 7,000 meters (20,000 feet). According to him, the above aircraft [right] was designed and engineered by a German engineer whose present whereabouts is unknown to him. He also assumed the secrets pertaining to this aircraft were captured by Allied Forces.

He said this type of aircraft was responsible for the downing of at least one American B-26 airplane. He has become increasingly concerned because of the unconfirmed reports concerning a similar object and denials the United States has such an aircraft. He feels such a weapon would be beneficial in Vietnam and would prevent the further loss of American lives which was his paramount purpose in contacting the Federal Bureau of Investigation.” [Redfern, N and Downes, J]

Where are they now? During the war, especially the latter part, German U-boats made frequent trips to the South Atlantic, South America, and Antarctica. Germany also set up floating meteorological buoys in Antarctic waters and weather stations on islands located between Antarctica and the tip of South America.

The SS RuSHA, (Rasse und SeidlungsHauptAmt- Race and Settlement Bureau) began in 1942 to take women of Aryan decent (Volksdeutsch) from the Ukraine solely for the purpose of transporting them to Base 211. Ten thousand women between the ages of 17-24, blonde and well proportioned, were recruited for the project along with 2,500 Waffen SS soldiers serving in Russia.

The goal of this massive undertaking was to create a colony at Base 211 suitable for habitation and continued development of the Thule-Vril technology. It is believed that both the Thule and Vril Gesellschafts evacuated that technology to Base 211 at the close of the war under SS General Kammler, who was in charge of Germany’s most secret weapons programs. Two U-boats that surrendered after the war in Argentina are also believed to have carried cargo and high-ranking SS to Base 211.

Both boats were empty upon surrender with the crews refusing to disclose their cargos and destinations. Operation High Jump… looking for Nazis? In 1947 the US Navy under Admiral Byrd conducted Operation High Jump.


The expedition to Antarctica involved 4000 naval personnel and 13 huge ships, including several large airplanes and helicopters. The goal was to map and catalog all of the coastline of the continent, including minerals and wildlife. The entire expedition was to last 6 months. During the expedition a base was established at Little America, a coastal bay, and a tent city was constructed where aircraft could be maintained for the survey. Several teams of explorers were sent out to various corners of Antarctica with large format cameras for the photographic survey. When the crew photographing the region directly Southwest of the Australian continent arrived for their mission they were shocked. They radioed back that the coastal region was free of ice and that the water was 38F. They continued to take photographs and later returned to process the images. The image above is readily available to anyone using google-earth and the coordinates provided. I suggest you try to examine this location at an angle instead of just straight down, and maintain the true North. The entrance appears to be about 180 feet wide by 230 feet high. Outside there are some straight surfaces which appear man made. Immediately after this event the entire expedition was halted and all ships and Naval personnel were made to return to the States. The results of the mission are still classified, after 60 years. Only Admiral Byrd, who was interviewed by a Chilean journalist on his trip home from the expedition, commented on the sudden return home. He stated that there was a danger which this expedition had encountered that posed a threat to every nation in the free world. He declined to elaborate on this. Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Send an email to corrections@stillnessinthestorm.com, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com. Thank you for reading. Source: http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/2015/10/vril-women-of-world-war-ii-repressed.html

Nazi time travel using the Haunubu disk 1944.

Given the staggering implications of these facts –directly confirming first-hand knowledge of underground Nazi bases shared in deathbed confessions by Nazi/CIA agent Otto Skorzeny– ongoing CIA suppression of information concerning Tesla’s Gravity Motor and HHO invisibility-cloaking inventions coherently explains the complete eradication of relevant public records pertaining to the great lifetime achievements and covert government assassinations of Edgar and Gertrude Cayce, Nikola Tesla, Lillie Delaney and several other members of the Delaney family.
How does this information relate to current events in the present time?
The broader hyperdimensional significance of these Nazi manipulations and assassinations in preparation for World War II emerged during a much later series of highly detailed revelations through the Cassiopaea A

Q: (L) Did the Germans construct a time machine during WWII? A: Yes…

Q: (L) Where? A: Mausenberg, Neufriedland… Antarktiklandt.

Q: (L) Who is in control of or running this machine? A: Klaus Grimmschackler…
Q: (L) Did they use this machine to transport themselves there and also in time?

A: Has been performed in Glophen… They got the information on such things from channeled sources.
Q: (L) Did the Germans get the information from the Vril Society? A: Partly. Also Thule Society.
Q: (L) These individuals who have this time machine in Antarctica,… what do they plan to do with it?
A: Exploring time sectors through loop of cylinder… Complex, but is profile in 4th through 6th density.

Q: (L) Are there any particular goals… in doing this “time exploration?”

A: Not up to present, as you measure it.
Q: (L) Well, if they escaped and took this time machine to Antarctica, are they working with any of the so-called “aliens?”
A: 4th density STS [or Service To Self].transmissions channeled by Laura
Knight-Jadczyk,24 during a session conducted on December 2, 1995:

Q: (L) I would like to know what is the specific mode of time travel? A: Complex… Trans dimensional transfer utilizing electromagnetic adjustment of atomic structure to alter speed of time cycle convergence…
The first step is to artificially induce an electromagnetic field.
This opens the door between dimensions of reality. Next, thoughts must be channeled by participant in order to access reality bonding channel. They must then focus the energy to the proper dimensional bridge.
The electrons must be arranged in correct frequency wave. Then the triage must be sent through realm “curtain” in order to balance perceptions at all density levels…

Triage is as follows: 1. Matter, 2. Energy, 3. Perception of reality. That is it folks.

Time travel experiments conducted by the US Navy in 1941 used Tesla’s Gravity Motor on the USS Eldridge.
The Nazi German mass migration to the Mausenburg underground base in Neufriedland, Antarctica was addressed further during another fascinating dialog with the Cassiopaeans, conducted on August 31, 1996:
Q: (L) Now, in talking about these large underground cities or enclaves that we’ve talked about…

(T) When did they go underground?
A: Several occasions, the most recent being, on your calendar: 1941 through 1945… Last episode of mass migration, mostly Deutschlanders… Antarctica.
Under there… Entry port…
Q: (T) They went underground in Antarctica, they built a large underground base there, this is where the Germans, as in the Nazi Germans, claimed as Vineland, I think it is, where the older maps that show Antarctica…
Yes, but they entered through their constructed base, as instructed, then were assimilated.
Q: (L) They were assimilated into the population already existent? Underground cities, underground bases?

A: Yes…
Q: (T) They were instructed to go there? A: [By] those identifying themselves as “Antareans”… An STS race from
Orion that is humanoid… The Thule Society originated contact…
Q: Admiral Byrd was sent down there, supposedly to go to the South Pole… but he took a large military force with
him… The large military force encountered resistance and got their asses whupped real good down there. But, they
kept it real quiet… they just said, oh, it was a scientific expedition… (T) They lost a whole lot of people and a
whole lot of ships, and a lot of equipment down there…

A: This is where “The Master Race” is being developed.
Essential background information concerning the psychopathic Nazi obsession with creating the Aryan STS “Master Race” had been previously discussed with the Cassiopaeans on September 24, 1995:
Q: (L) Why was Hitler so determined, beyond all reason, even to his own self-destruction, to annihilate the Jews?

A: Many reasons and very complex. But, remember, while still a child, Hitler made a conscious choice to align himself with the “forces of darkness,” in order to fulfill his desires for conquest and to unite the Germanic peoples.
Henceforth, he was totally controlled, mind, body, and soul, by STS forces.
Q: (L) So, what were the purposes of the STS forces that were controlling Hitler causing him to desire to annihilate an entire group of people?

A: To create an adequate “breeding ground” for the reintroduction of the Nephilim, for the purpose of total control of the 3rd density earth prior to elevation to 4th density, where such conquest is more difficult and less certain!

Q: (L) Do you mean “breeding ground” in the sense of genetic breeding? A: Yes. Third density.
Q: (L) Did they accomplish this goal? A: No. Q: (L) So, the creation of the Germanic “Master Race” was what they were going after, to create this “breeding ground?”

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And, getting rid of the Jews was significant? Couldn’t a Germanic master race be created without
destroying another group?

A: No… Because of 4th density prior encoding mission destiny profile
This means encoding to activate after elevation to 4th density, thus if not eliminated, negates Nephalim
domination and absorption.

Jews were prior encoded to carry out mission after conversion, though on individual basis.
The Nazis did not exactly know why they were being driven to destroy them, because they were being controlled from 4th density STS. But, Hitler communicated directly with Lizards, and Orion STS, and was instructed on how to create the “master race.”
Consequences of the negative spiritual orientation of the Reptilian extraterrestrial humanoids (or Lizards) was explained in a previous Q&A session with the Cassiopaeans that took place on October 22, 1994:

[T]hose who are described as the Lizards have chosen to firmly lock themselves into service to self [STS].
And, since they are at the highest level of density where this is possible, they must continually draw large amounts of negative energy from those at the third level, second level, and so on, which is why they do what they do.

This also explains why their race is dying, because they have not been able to learn for themselves how to remove themselves from this particular form of expression to that of service to others [STS].
And, since they have such, as you would measure it, a long period of time, remained at this level and, in fact, become firmly entrenched in it, and, in fact, have increased themselves in it, this is why they are dying and  desperately trying to take as much energy from you as possible and also to recreate their race metabolically.

Q: (L) Well, if we are sources of food and labor for them, why don’t they just breed us in pens on their own planet?

A: They do.

Q: (L) Well, since there [are] so many of us here, why don’t they just move in and take over?

A: That is their intention. That has been their intention for quite some time. They have been traveling back and forth through time as you know it, to set things up so that they can absorb a maximum amount of negative energy with the transference from third level to fourth level that this planet is going to experience, in the hopes that they can overtake you on the fourth level and thereby accomplish several things. 1: retaining their race as a viable species. 2: increasing their numbers; 3: increasing their power;
4: expanding their race throughout the realm of fourth density. To do all of this they have been interfering with
events for what you would measure on your calendar as approximately 74 thousand years.
And they have been doing so in a completely still state of space-time traveling backward and forward at will during this work. Interestingly enough, though, all of this will fail.
Complex hyperdimensional dynamics described in these lengthy replies given by the Cassiopaeans allude to a convergence of events, with plans for overt world domination by the Nazi “Master Race” being linked with major astronomical events now building toward culmination on the December Solstice of 2017.

The timeframe reference for the “transference from third level to fourth level that this planet is going to
experience” was not clearly stated back in 1994, when that channeling session took place, yet strong indications have been given in recent sessions in 2017. On August 5, 2017, the Cs stated planetary chaos would occur “Soon!”
A few sessions later, on October 14, 2017, strikingly chaotic behavior patterns were characterized by the
Cassiopaeans as an effect of the imminent approach of the realm border crossing:

General chaotic energies of transition affect environment in many ways…
Q: (L) You say the word, “transition”… What kind of transition are we talking about here?
A: Planetary movement through space-time area of realm border.

Strategic long-term plans of the time-traveling Orion STS humanoids, who directed the Nazi migrants to subterrain
bases, aim to exploit the mass confusion and amplify the natural fear response that will inevitably be evoked by
the upcoming transference from 3rd density to 4th density reality on Earth. Subversion of Nikola Tesla’s
technological developments from the awareness of the great masses of Earthly humanity inhabiting the
planetary surface appears to have been a crucial disorienting factor facilitating their control.

However, genetic enhancement of terrestrial humans who are consciously aligned to receive the DNA upgrade to restore the original 135 chromosomes of the full human genome will be conferred by the atmospheric luminosity of the impact of the Galactic Super wave of June 22-24, 2018. This is the crucial factor that will negate the controlling influence of the Orion STS consortium, causing their failure.

Omniscient explanations offered by the Cassiopaeans through Laura Knight-Jadczyk clarify the peculiar
situation described in Laura Peppard’s psychic aura reading for Alex Putney, given on March 19, 2008:
There’s another present here that you’re working to find [brief pause]. Like maybe you could say it’s
the Lord of Karma, is one sense I get from it… [H]ere’s this little thing that looks like… a wormhole.
It’s like if I look through it, then it comes up, maybe let’s say on another planet, I don’t know, another
place, and there’s somebody else reading these past lives –accessing your information, say.
So, now my conclusion is that they’re probably your past lives, but that somebody else is reading them,
you know, like we would watch TV. Or, those experiences are available, so, you’re like an open book…
You know, normally whatever energy you run in your space that’s creating consequences in the world,
and you’re getting those consequences and learning and growing from it, and that’s generally how people change and grow.
This is in a sense not letting that happen, as I see in the layers. Kind of more like you’re on a mountaintop, or protected? I’m feeling another presence in this layer too… Somebody else’s energy is there jealous of your ability, but I don’t think necessarily a physical person [here on this planet].
You know, I’m just getting these weird things I don’t usually see in readings, but it’s kind of like this person… feels like a boy, kind of a thing… but a peer. It’s like taking your communication, but like, to another planet and using it, but it’s yours. But… he’s presenting it as his. You know, taking it from you, but it’s not in this
world… [The energy of this being–] it’s smoky and goopy at the same time, and it’s kind of gray and mustard, too.
So, I’m kind of assuming that this being is part of this group that you’re either working with, or they’re kind of holding you hostage –we haven’t arrived at that conclusion yet…

Have no illusion the Cabal/NWO and China/Russia are not going to stop/surrender even is it means killing most of the earth population.


Both te Chinese leader and the Russian President Vladimir Putin issued today a very odd uh one sentence communique that said there can be no winners in a new nuclear war and that it should never be fought.

Have no illusion the Cabal/NWO and China/Russia are not going to stop/surrender even is it means killing most of the earth population. According to the UN agenda the world population should and would be reduced to 900 million.

Building up the fear factor.

An existing Secrete order and the suppression of new inventions, technologies by law in the US since 1951.

Being involved about 6000 patent applications.

we see conspiratorial uh theorists right again Patrick Bet David has uncovered the legislation that legally this is according to the report. This is not I’m not trying to give you my information this is a report out here so don’t come fighting at me they have uncovered legislation that legally allows the US to suppress invention and technology in 1951. The US enacted what’s called The Invention secrecy act what is it it
allows the government to legally classify and keep certain inventions secret deeming them National and economic security risks. So what could be a threat to National and economic security well if you can figure out a car that goes 300 miles per gallon of gas that’s a threat to them because they make money off of selling new gas you think uh something that might affect the soil and make it so that growing gets better that’s a threat to them they want you to pay more uh inventions under a secrecy order cannot be discussed they can’t be exported they can’t be sold violations of them of the secrecy order causes imprisonment for the inventor. We have six thousand different patents right now kept secret by the US government.


Please click the video link for the original?

Every day that the beard gets longer is another day closer to our apocalypse we have Russia’s President Vladimir Putin saying that the country must prepare for civil and international War.

We have members of the UK government telling their citizens to get ready by buying canned food buying radios buying batteries and flashlights, we have people all over the world preparing for unrest in a way that we haven’t seen for decades we are in a world at war.

The uh president as part of a civil lawsuit Putin’s Federal Protective Services the uh fso has invertedly leaked their security details for the Mansion of Putin’s object 53 it is called it’s in Moscow it’s located 30 minutes away from the Kremlin 111 fso officers guard the complex right now four different doctors are permanently on staff that should tell you a little bit about what you need in your survival group of course they have food they have plenty of ammunition but as far as man uh Manpower goes what do they have.

People to pull triggers and the doctors to close up the holes when they do the European commission president urges the EU to prepare for possible war and to begin investing in weapons immediately.

I just saw that the United States government is increasing our ability to bring ammunition uh Depot online quicker than we have since the first first and second world war.

They’re trying to prepare per person massive amounts of ammunition at these Depot so that they can be sent to our Allied countries and kept in reserve for when this war starts.

To touch us here at the Homeland according to the European commission president anyone who speaks in acts like Russia does not want peace they intend to continue after Ukraine they said on different radio stations that there is an emphasis right now of the importance to support the European Union and its defensive capabilities.

In their opinion it is necessary right now to invest into defense if Europe wants to maintain peace on the continent moving forward we have loose talk about the end of everything taking place after a recent Summit between new partners China and Russia.

The Chinese leader and the Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a very odd uh one sentence communic that said there can be no winners in a new nuclear war and it should never be fought.

No one would disagree even tough several officials have used both uh hypothetical and hypocritical government statements to say that we’re about to go into a nuclear war why do these two countries feel the need to issue such a statement why right now?

We have seen rarely in the past that the global rhetoric of mass Annihilation has reached a crescendo and then it happened in particular Russia’s president at least believes according to military strategist that they are finally winning this Russia Ukraine war.

The Chinese president is now assuming that a conventional ascendant Chinese military power in the South China Sea has made the absorbability of Taiwan very very practical they both believe that the only impediment to their victories will be the intervention of the United States of America and NATO so these two countries and I think that no matter which side of the political uh realm you sit on.

You can believe that China does want Taiwan back and they will take it by military force if necessary and that Russia does want the land that it is going after inside of Ukraine for whatever their political ideologies and re and reasons are.

So if these two countries are going to seek this land grab seek this takeover and they feel like their only country that is standing in their way is the United States of America what should they do about it?

That’s right through either sabotage coercion Pol iCal blackmail all these different things that we are seeing right now today they will take back their land and they will get rid of America.

Now it’s being said that the USA sees a a division of Russian territory and a division of Chinese territory as a main mission objective.

So we have these world powers each one of them are fighting for the same thing but on opposite sides we’re going to have to see who becomes the winner.

The US debt is right right now larger than it has ever been in history the entire US economy in
2022 uh debt surpassed GDP for the first time in history ever since then it has only gotten worse we are seeing fiscal irresponsibility at levels that we have never seen we will see the crash.

Elon Musk has said that future jobs will be optional he said this recently at a talking point he said I don’t think that the long-term in a benign scenario any job that someone does or he says do.

I do think he says in a benign scenario any job that someone does will be optional if you want to do a job as a kind of hobby you can otherwise artificial intelligence and robots will provide any goods and any services that you want.

Now of course who’s going to repair the robots who’s going to oversee the machines until the AI can figure out how to make the robots do that they make them themselves reparable we are looking at that the the government does want that they want you completely out of the loop out of the system and maybe that’s why there’s that whole agenda that everyone talks about.

A little bit more conspiratorially that they only want 500,000 humans on this Earth because with robotics and with artificial intelligence they just simply don’t need you they don’t need you paying your taxes they don’t need you eating their food they don’t need you guzzling up their guzzoline they don’t need you doing anything in this new apocalypse.

34% of all small businesses said they have less than one month’s cash on hand. We do have food inflation fears coming back up after the crop index erased all 2024 uh gains major crop prices are surging. Droughts Frost Heavy Rain are to blame they say that tightening supplies are being seen they’re still below the uh Peak problems that we saw during covid but these gains increase consumer prices for bread and beverages climate change and geopolitical issues they say are keeping crop prices High. Robust the coffee 9% recently uh we see Vietnam
Seeing some huge price increases orange juice is continuing its record high have you seen the charts that pit orange juice price versus the economy. And these charts show that as the price of orange juice goes up everything that you’re going to have to pay for is screwed.

Moving forward we see conspiratorial uh theorists right again Patrick Bet David has uncovered the legislation that legally this is according to the report. This is not I’m not trying to give you my information this is a report out here so don’t come fighting at me they have uncovered legislation that legally allows the US to suppress invention and technology in 1951. The US enacted what’s called The Invention secrecy act what is it it
allows the government to legally classify and keep certain inventions secret deeming them National and
economic security risks. So what could be a threat to National and economic security well if you can figure out a
car that goes 300 miles per gallon of gas that’s a threat to them because they make money off of selling new gas you think uh something that might affect the soil and make it so that growing gets better that’s a threat to them they want you to pay more uh inventions under a secrecy order cannot be discussed they can’t be exported they can’t be sold violations of them of the secrecy order causes imprisonment for the inventor. We have six thousand different patents right now kept secret by the US government.

They don’t want to allow people to get out there and sell these things so when you want to ask yourself where do these inventors go well a lot of them end up walking off a bridge.

Now I did some more digging and the claims regarding the invention secrecy act are 100% accurate
the ACT allows the US government to impose secrecy orders on certain patent applications the inventions there are deemed to uh threaten National and economic stability this means that possible very important and life changing inventions can’t be discussed or sold.

The violators face imprisonment as of recent reports we see over 6,000 of these under secret orders the Act was originally intended to prevent sensitive information from falling into enemy hands it has in uh extended to become uh like a coverall for anything that the government doesn’t want talked about. The the secrecy order must be renewed annually unless the US is at war or declared under a national emergency.

You know we’re still at War since the 200 uh 2001 problem we’re still at War today we’re still undergoing a National Emergency uh they say that these can be extended for the duration of the emergency plus additional periods the exact nature of the patents can’t be disclosed there are technologically advanced examples from the Declassified ones include Advanced military technology and communication systems.

Moving forward we have the USA seeing 47% of all parents provide in financial assistant assistance to their adult children an average of $1,400 a month just about enough to cover rent or bills or groceries this was a report by guys

The problem is anybody who had marginal stability in the USA not even talking wealth just marginal stability it’s being taken away it’s being eroded this is being done on purpose,

You see you are a king let’s just take it back to olden times maybe you’re just a lord over a certain Manor and those those come to mind because I’m playing a game right now called Manor Lords so maybe you’re just a lord over a certain manner right you you’re just you oversee a little village well if you see people making more money than you you’re going to lose power eventually if you see people having more stability than you do as an overseer you’re going to lose power eventually and so what do you do you tax them heavier you sabotage their ability to make money you make up new laws that make it harder for them you do all these things that the government is
doing today this is a transfer of wealth outside of your pocketbook into someone else’s it’s not going to stop until you are broke until you are completely destitute and until you’re sick that is their goal thank you guys for being here with us,

Full Spectrum Survival.

Only on YouTube make sure you check back tomorrow for more information from America and from around the world.

From my family to yours please stay safe and
keep watch.

UFO’s and lying governments.

For expeditionary forces from the Greater Community, from the physical Universe, are in the world today and have been here for some time—interfering in human affairs, manipulating human perception, promoting human conflict, acting surreptitiously behind the scenes, taking people against their will and subjecting them to often terrible experiments, turning their minds so that they will become supportive and allegiant to this Intervention.

While you have been living your life under normal circumstances, great things have been going on behind the scenes—things that the public has no idea of. And though many people have seen craft flying in their skies and countless sightings have been reported, the mystery of this presence in your world has remained undercover, behind the scenes, out of public view.
Great effort has been taken by many of your governments to discourage any inquiry into this, creating a veil of secrecy and ridicule that has been quite effective in discouraging public conversation and public awareness of this great encounter, this great challenge to human freedom. No government will admit to its people that it is facing an adversary for which it has no adequate response.

So the mystery of this has now been covered up by lies and deception. People have been encouraged to believe fantastic things about the alien presence in the world, thinking that it is a fantasy or that it represents some kind of wonderful story from the past. It is now so veiled in half-truths and deception, in ridicule and in fantasy, that even those people who have recognized a foreign presence in the world cannot think clearly about it.

It has been so confused, so muddled, so turned and so changed. Certain people have even been encouraged by the governments to tell fantastic and wild stories, to create discredit upon anyone who might seek to present anything true or real or to attempt to generate an honest conversation, a public conversation, a public debate, a public awareness.
Into the world at this time when the Great Waves are beginning to emerge have come other forces—competitors from the Universe. They come not with weapons. They come not with an armada of vessels. They come with the power of persuasion and deception. Their technology is advanced, but what they rely upon is their ability to influence the minds of those who live here.

Published online about different research subjects.

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Resonance Home: https://soundcloud.com/home-2001 Electronic Gems: https://soundcloud.com/electronicgems
Share if you like 😊😊😊 Resonance in Electric circuit….
11 sep. 2021 · 96 weergaven
Aerosol spraying chemical manipulations. .
9 mrt. 2010
The authentic creative mind Ophidian worked on the original sound track for the Thunderdome ‘High Voltage’ compilation. This is: Electric Resonance ⚡ ⚡
6 dec. 2020 · 252 weergaven
ELECTRIC RESONANCE IN MICROTUBULES <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiLplTc8rQY>
18 mrt. 2017 · 61 weergaven
The Schumann Resonance Explained —————————————- At any given moment about 2,000 thunderstorms roll over Earth, producing some 50 flashes of lightning every second. Each lightning burst creates electromagnetic waves that begin to circle around Earth captured between Earth’s surface and a boundary about 60 miles up. Some of the waves – if they have just the right wavelength – combine, increasing in strength, to create a repeating atmospheric heartbeat known as Schumann resonance. This resonance provides a useful tool to analyze Earth’s weather, its electric environment, and to even help determine what types of atoms and molecules exist in Earth’s atmosphere. The waves created by lightning do not look like the up and down waves of the ocean, but they still oscillate with regions of greater energy and lesser energy. These waves remain trapped inside an atmospheric ceiling created by the lower edge of the “ionosphere” – a part of the atmosphere filled with charged particles, which begins about 60 miles up into the sky. In this case, the sweet spot for resonance requires the wave to be as long (or twice, three times as long, etc) as the circumference of Earth. This is an extremely low frequency wave that can be as low as 8 Hertz (Hz) – some one hundred thousand times lower than the lowest frequency radio waves used to send signals to your AM/FM radio. As this wave flows around Earth, it hits itself again at the perfect spot such that the crests and troughs are aligned. Voila, waves acting in resonance with each other to pump up the original signal. While they’d been predicted in 1952, Schumann resonances were first measured reliably in the early 1960s. Since then, scientists have discovered that variations in the resonances correspond to changes in the seasons, solar activity, activity in Earth’s magnetic environment, in water aerosols in the atmosphere, and other Earth-bound phenomena.
20 aug. 2021 · 1,2 d. weergaven
Bianstone resonance, deep seasoning✨ Rigidity and softness go hand in hand, double effect in one🪐 Red light microelectronics, deep penetration 💥#電動刮痧儀
25 aug. · 114 weergaven

Voice to Skull – Mind Control Frequency Weapons 💀 Total Individual Control Technology is a nefarious type of EM (Electromagnetic) and V2K (Voice to Skull) weaponised technology that is being experimented with and deployed against segments of the American population. Those attacked by this electronic stalking are known as TI’s (Targeted Individuals). It can be used to tap into your optical nerve and auditory systems to see and hear what you are seeing and hearing. It can target particular people by engaging in individual-specific attacks all done through the target’s individual DNA resonance. According to whistleblowers, this technology is so advanced that it can be used to read your mind, program your mind with thoughts (that you would believe are your own) and induce emotional states in you (including pain, hate and fear). Leave your thoughts below on what you make of this one, I believe this may be one of the reasons behind the mass collection of DNA via testing and penetrating the blood brain barrier with them tests. Video from YouTube channel Called “A SIMULATED REALITY” Comment your thoughts below 💭⬇️ Subscribe to my telegram channel ⬇️ https://t.me/woke_breed Link in bio⬆️ My Backups @woke_breed @ancientpineal #truthtolight #hollyweird #fakemedia #scheer #brainwashedsociety #conspiracyfiles #centrist #questioneverything #thematrix #operationmockingbird #woke #wokebreed @wokebreed
8 dec. 2021 · 18 d. weergaven
Resonance Iasi 2017 Spot Vision Electric & Lighting
8 mei 2017 · 209 weergaven


Coming soon! “Electric Resonance”, my theme track to #Thunderdome High Voltage ⚡️Stay tuned!
1 dec. 2020 · 1,8 d. weergaven
“If you really want, you can fly into space 😁 Or become the owner of a beautiful electric harp by Resonance Harps ❤️” Says Anna Lavrentyeva on her cover *Perfect* Here she is playing her new 34-string E-Hummingbird by Resonance Harps. Order them in the color of your choice. We ship worldwide Resonance-Harps in Germany detlef-smusch@t-online.de
27 mei · 485 weergaven
Yusef Lateef guest soloist with Go: Organic Orchestra 2003 live @ Electric Lodge in Venice, CA. Recorded on CD “In the Garden” on Meta Records.
19 feb. 2009
📻Portable Electronic Touch Magnetic Resonance Speaker📻 Amplifies your device’s sound without any wires or bluetooth. Check it out via this link ➡➡ http://bit.ly/2zLiAme (video courtesy of The Viral Gadgets)
4 dec. 2017 · 192 weergaven
Can we sustain our physical bodies with electric energetic frequency?<br>We read about Biomagnetism, Bioenergy, Body Based Resonance Recognition, Altering Interference Fields, EMFs, Biofields, Cellular Energy, Electroceuticals, structured energy water – what is this all about, What is your body electric AND the Planetary Energetic Field?<br>Don and Michael are starting to explore these aspects today and in coming talks.
8 mrt. 2021 · 2 weergaven
Crystals and Oscillators 1- Crystal is a piezoelectric device that uses mechanical resonance to achieve a very precise frequency output. The most common type of crystal material is quartz, but different piezoelectric materials may be used. 2- Oscillators are a cheap and easy way to generate specific Frequency of a signal. For example, an RC oscillator is used to generate a Low Frequency signal, an LC oscillator is used to generate a High Frequency signal, and an Op-Amp based oscillator is used to generate a stable frequency. https://www.allinonecomponents.com/product-category/main-categories/crystals–oscillators-212- All In One Components, Inc. Casselberry, FL 32707 Toll-Free 844-597-2656 E-Mail: sales@aiocomponents.com
1 jul. 2021 · 26 weergaven

COSMIC EGG – Pandora’s Ark – 144 000 Starship https://youtu.be/xlUSFUTddYg Everything in existence is composed of memories in various dimensions, layers and structures of expression. You are a field of memories, we call this our consciousness. Memories manifest as thoughts, ideas, images, emotions, dimensions of time and space, patterns, cycles, rhythms, sounds, frequencies, vibrations, particles, organisms, material forms and structures. All memories originate from a dimension of infinite potential of energy sometimes referred to as the, the void, source, dark space, the cosmic womb or the morphogenetic field amongst other names. We do not yet have the consciousness or memory capacity to fully articulate or depict the complete nature of our universe, but I will do my best. This is a very crude cross sectional depiction of our universe. Our universe is a hyperbolic toroidal field, composed of memories expressed through vibrating frequencies of energy. If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy frequency and vibration – Nokolai Tasla The universe is a dipolaric field with two wave amplitudes of vibrational frequency – magnetic and electric energy. One side of the plane is a magneto-electric field and the other is an electro-magnetic field. Yin and Yang hemispheres of energy Hypersphere Heliosphere Hyperbolic Atomic Dark matter Light matter Magnetic Electric Heaven or hyperborea Hell or Helios Womb Tomb The centre of our hyperbolic universe is where memories materialise into matter – it is the densest area of memories where energy matriculates and manifests into various material structures and realities. This is the plane of inertia. The heart or earth of our universe. We are here in the heliosphere of electron light, the tomb of lucifer, the dimension of biophotons, electrons and atoms. The Hypersphere on the other side is the womb of Aetheric Mercury or dark matter, heaven, the upper world of bio luminiferous plasmic energy. Atomic electro-magnetic energy in the heliosphere Aetheric magneto-electric energy in this hypersphere In the hypersphere or hyperborea, the black sun of mercurial dark matter orbits the toroidal axis mundi of that dimension. Here in our heliosphere the white sun of atomic electrons of light orbits the toroidal axis mundi of our dimension. Black sun White sun Magnetic Electric Inverse Transverse Yin Yang Christ Lucifer I’m sure you get the gist of it… Both hemispheres of our universe have terrestrial and celestial planes The heliocentric terrestrial plane And the hyperborean terrestrial plane The celestial heavens of the hypersphere is a Lucid plane Of hyperbolic aetheric plasma And the celestial heavens of our heliosphere is an Astral plane of atomic aetheric plasma One universe, two dimensions, two sun’s, two terrestrial Planes and two celestial planes. Our Atomic heliosphere is composed of Transverse electric matter, which accelerates time and slows down manifestation The Hyperbolic hemisphere above us is composed of Inverse magnetic Antimatter which decelerates time and accelerates manifestation Atomic matter quick decomposition of energy Aetheric matter slow decomposition of energy Let’s zoom into our heliospheric dimension and take a closer look into our world. The dimension of our heliosphere has 4 dimensional realms that are congruent with the four elemental forces of nature. Air – Earth – Water – Fire Each of these realms are electromagnetically calibrated with their own unique atomic frequencies of memory in resonance with the elemental force they represent. The celestial or Astral plane of our heliosphere, our heavens, are matriculated by 12 star constellations called the zodiac. The word Zodiac etymologically means “circle of little animals” or “to live” As above so below Just as the astral plane has 12 zodiac worlds, so too does the terrestrial plane. Our terrestrial plane of inertia has 12 zodiac worlds of matter that are directly corresponding projections of the 12 celestial zodiac worlds. In other words… For each of the 12 celestial zodiacs there are 12 terrestrial zodiac worlds divided into the four elemental quadrant realms. Each elemental quadrant realm has three zodiac worlds within it. Four realms, 12 worlds – for those of you geometrically gifted I am sure you’ve already noticed this looks very much like a cathode resonant capacitor. Yes I am suggesting that our heliospheric plane of material inertia is a cathode and anode resonant capacitor of electromagnetic energy. The centre of our universe and plane of inertia is the geomagnetic north pole directly beneath polaris. From our heliospheric dimension this is the geomagnetic north pole. This is the point of singularity where atomic electric matter from the heliosphere and aetheric magnetic antimatter from the hypersphere matriculate. We see and call this the aurora effect. The aurora is aetheric magneto electric memories of energy eminating from the black hole vortex at this magnetic North Pole of our universe – This is Mt meru, Mt Olympus, Mt Zion or the Rupis negra directly under polaris from our perspective, here within our terrestrial heliosphere. The central realm surrounding the black hole vortex is the: Air, Aryan or Aeolian Realm composed of 3 Worlds and 3 subsequent Races The 3 polar races of worlds are Librarian Race Libra Zodiac Geminian Race Gemini Zodiac Aquarian Race Aquarius Zodiac Collectively these 3 polar terrestrial zodiac worlds constitute the The Aeolian Cherubim Council The next ring or realm out is the Earth Humanoid Realm composed of 3 Worlds and 3 subsequent Races Capricornians Pangean or Pandora Human Race Capricorn Zodiac Spirit totems – Goat and Monkey Virgoans Anu or Vril Ya Human Race Virgo Zodiac Spirit totems – Python and Feline Taurians Het’Heru or Hathor Human Race Taurus Zodiac Spirit totems – Bull/Cow and Falcon These 3 Earth humanoid races of zodiac worlds collectively constitute the Anunnaki Council Anunnaki means beautiful ones. The next ring or realm out is the Water Humanoid Realm composed of 3 Worlds and 3 subsequent Races Cancerian Race Cancer Zodiac Piscean Race Pisces Zodiac Scorpion Race Scorpio Zodiac These 3 Water humanoid races of zodiac worlds collectively constitute the Atlantean Council The next ring or realm out is the Fire Angel or Seraphim Realm composed of 3 Worlds and 3 subsequent Races The 3 races of worlds collectively constitute the Arian Race Aries Zodiac Sagittarian Race Sagittarius Zodiac Leon Race Leo Zodiac These 3 Angel races of zodiac worlds collectively constitute The Noble Seraphim Council Our heliospheric zodiac world – Pangea or Pangaia, the capricornian Human world was and still is quarantined from the other worlds. We in this world of pangaea have been cursed by an atomic sleeping spell – A simulation sphere was placed around us – the dome above and below us – the covenant ark of our Zodiac world. We are in the ark of the covenant, we are the covenant – We are Pandora the hidden gift. Sometime in the past there was a great war of the worlds that nearly completely destroyed pangea. The ark of the covenant was placed around pangea to incubate, protect and preserve Pandora and Pangea. The whole of this Pangean realm was a completely tropical world before the great war of the worlds. All the deserts of our world are atomic bomb sites, ruminants of the great war of the worlds. Just as Pandora was burning, the atlanteans released their waters from their realm into ours to quell the fires from the atomic bombs. This is what is often referenced as the great flood. Once Pangea was saved from the great fires, the galactic Council then placed the ark of the covenant around Pangea , freezing all beings that were inside into a time capsule of memory capitulation. This is the spell of Atum placed on Pandora. During our quarantine here in Pandora some disagreeable forces from other worlds that got trapped in here have made it their business to control and subjugate all the other Inhabitants of Pangea. Using magic to harvest energy from the moon they have created an artificial simulation matrix that mimics the original natural reality code of this world. The good news is that the spell of atum is wearing off, the simulation is disintegrating, the moon memory clone programming is reversing and many are beginning to awaken from the simulation spells. Pineal Lighthouse Sanctum of Knowledge 🌲 Email: Pinealfoundation@gmail.com Access Code: Alchemy Pineal Lighthouse https://youtu.be/xlUSFUTddYg

COSMIC EGG – Pandora’s Ark – 144 000 Starship https://youtu.be/xlUSFUTddYg Everything in existence is composed of memories in various dimensions, layers and structures of expression. You are a field of memories, we call this our consciousness. Memories manifest as thoughts, ideas, images, emotions, dimensions of time and space, patterns, cycles, rhythms, sounds, frequencies, vibrations, particles, organisms, material forms and structures. All memories originate from a dimension of infinite potential of energy sometimes referred to as the, the void, source, dark space, the cosmic womb or the morphogenetic field amongst other names. We do not yet have the consciousness or memory capacity to fully articulate or depict the complete nature of our universe, but I will do my best. This is a very crude cross sectional depiction of our universe. Our universe is a hyperbolic toroidal field, composed of memories expressed through vibrating frequencies of energy. If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy frequency and vibration – Nokolai Tasla The universe is a dipolaric field with two wave amplitudes of vibrational frequency – magnetic and electric energy. One side of the plane is a magneto-electric field and the other is an electro-magnetic field. Yin and Yang hemispheres of energy Hypersphere Heliosphere Hyperbolic Atomic Dark matter Light matter Magnetic Electric Heaven or hyperborea Hell or Helios Womb Tomb The centre of our hyperbolic universe is where memories materialise into matter – it is the densest area of memories where energy matriculates and manifests into various material structures and realities. This is the plane of inertia. The heart or earth of our universe. We are here in the heliosphere of electron light, the tomb of lucifer, the dimension of biophotons, electrons and atoms. The Hypersphere on the other side is the womb of Aetheric Mercury or dark matter, heaven, the upper world of bio luminiferous plasmic energy. Atomic electro-magnetic energy in the heliosphere Aetheric magneto-electric energy in this hypersphere In the hypersphere or hyperborea, the black sun of mercurial dark matter orbits the toroidal axis mundi of that dimension. Here in our heliosphere the white sun of atomic electrons of light orbits the toroidal axis mundi of our dimension. Black sun White sun Magnetic Electric Inverse Transverse Yin Yang Christ Lucifer I’m sure you get the gist of it… Both hemispheres of our universe have terrestrial and celestial planes The heliocentric terrestrial plane And the hyperborean terrestrial plane The celestial heavens of the hypersphere is a Lucid plane Of hyperbolic aetheric plasma And the celestial heavens of our heliosphere is an Astral plane of atomic aetheric plasma One universe, two dimensions, two sun’s, two terrestrial Planes and two celestial planes. Our Atomic heliosphere is composed of Transverse electric matter, which accelerates time and slows down manifestation The Hyperbolic hemisphere above us is composed of Inverse magnetic Antimatter which decelerates time and accelerates manifestation Atomic matter quick decomposition of energy Aetheric matter slow decomposition of energy Let’s zoom into our heliospheric dimension and take a closer look into our world. The dimension of our heliosphere has 4 dimensional realms that are congruent with the four elemental forces of nature. Air – Earth – Water – Fire Each of these realms are electromagnetically calibrated with their own unique atomic frequencies of memory in resonance with the elemental force they represent. The celestial or Astral plane of our heliosphere, our heavens, are matriculated by 12 star constellations called the zodiac. The word Zodiac etymologically means “circle of little animals” or “to live” As above so below Just as the astral plane has 12 zodiac worlds, so too does the terrestrial plane. Our terrestrial plane of inertia has 12 zodiac worlds of matter that are directly corresponding projections of the 12 celestial zodiac worlds. In other words… For each of the 12 celestial zodiacs there are 12 terrestrial zodiac worlds divided into the four elemental quadrant realms. Each elemental quadrant realm has three zodiac worlds within it. Four realms, 12 worlds – for those of you geometrically gifted I am sure you’ve already noticed this looks very much like a cathode resonant capacitor. Yes I am suggesting that our heliospheric plane of material inertia is a cathode and anode resonant capacitor of electromagnetic energy. The centre of our universe and plane of inertia is the geomagnetic north pole directly beneath polaris. From our heliospheric dimension this is the geomagnetic north pole. This is the point of singularity where atomic electric matter from the heliosphere and aetheric magnetic antimatter from the hypersphere matriculate. We see and call this the aurora effect. The aurora is aetheric magneto electric memories of energy eminating from the black hole vortex at this magnetic North Pole of our universe – This is Mt meru, Mt Olympus, Mt Zion or the Rupis negra directly under polaris from our perspective, here within our terrestrial heliosphere. The central realm surrounding the black hole vortex is the: Air, Aryan or Aeolian Realm composed of 3 Worlds and 3 subsequent Races The 3 polar races of worlds are Librarian Race Libra Zodiac Geminian Race Gemini Zodiac Aquarian Race Aquarius Zodiac Collectively these 3 polar terrestrial zodiac worlds constitute the The Aeolian Cherubim Council The next ring or realm out is the Earth Humanoid Realm composed of 3 Worlds and 3 subsequent Races Capricornians Pangean or Pandora Human Race Capricorn Zodiac Spirit totems – Goat and Monkey Virgoans Anu or Vril Ya Human Race Virgo Zodiac Spirit totems – Python and Feline Taurians Het’Heru or Hathor Human Race Taurus Zodiac Spirit totems – Bull/Cow and Falcon These 3 Earth humanoid races of zodiac worlds collectively constitute the Anunnaki Council Anunnaki means beautiful ones. The next ring or realm out is the Water Humanoid Realm composed of 3 Worlds and 3 subsequent Races Cancerian Race Cancer Zodiac Piscean Race Pisces Zodiac Scorpion Race Scorpio Zodiac These 3 Water humanoid races of zodiac worlds collectively constitute the Atlantean Council The next ring or realm out is the Fire Angel or Seraphim Realm composed of 3 Worlds and 3 subsequent Races The 3 races of worlds collectively constitute the Arian Race Aries Zodiac Sagittarian Race Sagittarius Zodiac Leon Race Leo Zodiac These 3 Angel races of zodiac worlds collectively constitute The Noble Seraphim Council Our heliospheric zodiac world – Pangea or Pangaia, the capricornian Human world was and still is quarantined from the other worlds. We in this world of pangaea have been cursed by an atomic sleeping spell – A simulation sphere was placed around us – the dome above and below us – the covenant ark of our Zodiac world. We are in the ark of the covenant, we are the covenant – We are Pandora the hidden gift. Sometime in the past there was a great war of the worlds that nearly completely destroyed pangea. The ark of the covenant was placed around pangea to incubate, protect and preserve Pandora and Pangea. The whole of this Pangean realm was a completely tropical world before the great war of the worlds. All the deserts of our world are atomic bomb sites, ruminants of the great war of the worlds. Just as Pandora was burning, the atlanteans released their waters from their realm into ours to quell the fires from the atomic bombs. This is what is often referenced as the great flood. Once Pangea was saved from the great fires, the galactic Council then placed the ark of the covenant around Pangea , freezing all beings that were inside into a time capsule of memory capitulation. This is the spell of Atum placed on Pandora. During our quarantine here in Pandora some disagreeable forces from other worlds that got trapped in here have made it their business to control and subjugate all the other Inhabitants of Pangea. Using magic to harvest energy from the moon they have created an artificial simulation matrix that mimics the original natural reality code of this world. The good news is that the spell of atum is wearing off, the simulation is disintegrating, the moon memory clone programming is reversing and many are beginning to awaken from the simulation spells. Pineal Lighthouse Sanctum of Knowledge 🌲 Email: Pinealfoundation@gmail.com Access Code: Alchemy Pineal Lighthouse https://youtu.be/xlUSFUTddYg
12 mei · 2,3 d. weergaven
In this video, Product Marketing Manager Dave Miner introduces the updated Revstar lineup featuring three tiers, two pickup options, advanced switching options, racing-inspired finishes, left-handed models, and chambered bodies designed with our Acoustic Design process for tone and resonance. Artists including Sarah Lipstate (Noveller), JUNO the Artist, Alicia Rei Kim, Naia Izumi, Carlo Gimenez, and Chris Buck also share their impressions of the new guitars. Learn more: https://www.yamaha.com/2/revstar
3 mrt. 2022 · 134 d. weergaven
Total Individual Control Technology is a nefarious type of EM (Electromagnetic) and V2K (Voice to Skull) weaponised technology that is being experimented with and deployed against segments of the American population. Those attacked by this electronic stalking are known as TI’s (Targeted Individuals). It can be used to tap into your optical nerve and auditory systems to see and hear what you are seeing and hearing. It can target particular people by engaging in individual-specific attacks all done through the target’s individual DNA resonance. According to whistleblowers, this technology is so advanced that it can be used to read your mind, program your mind with thoughts (that you would believe are your own) and induce emotional states in you (including pain, hate and fear). Leave your thoughts below on what you make of this one, I believe this may be one of the reasons behind the mass collection of DNA via testing and penetrating the blood brain barrier with them tests.
13 aug. 2021 · 1,4 d. weergaven
#Cancer #pain #complication #Parasites #Depression #Smoking #Weight #Gain #Electronic #Smog #Asthma #Digestive #Skin #Problems #GastroIntestinal #Disorders #Auto #Immune #Diseases #Infectious #Diseases #Neurological #Disorders #Dental #Pain #Migraine
7 sep. 2016 · 20 d. weergaven
Resonance A young couple, Max and Elena, goes on a field trip and stumbles upon strange noises resonating from deep within the woods. These strange and haunting sounds have, besides negative psychological impact, severe physical effects and when Elena starts bleeding internally, she desperately needs a doctor. Max discovers that the noise is blocking all electronic signals and realizes that the only way to get help will be to go straight through the woods, but something doesn’t want them to leave. Available to buy at https://www.amazon.com/Resonance-Nastassia-Firestone/dp/B07WLBVVGD
20 apr. 2020 · 17 weergaven
Resonance Transformer from Russia. Active Input power; 1.2 KWatts Reactive Input 3.3 KiloVARS Output 9.1 KWatts The Reactive power is converted inside a resonance process to usable active power, but the electric utility company only sees a 3.3 KVARS load on their line, but you get about 9.1 KWatts real active power out at the light bulbs…. These are 20 x 500 Watts lamps for a capacity of 10 KWatts. This is a 3 phase system. More infos to come… -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Free Energy Machine ? Scam ? from Witts.ws – QEG ? Scam ? inspired model ?” ➨ Please watch: “OPV Solar Cell – DTU Organic Solarcell – Free Plastic Organic Solar Cells – first test” ➨ Future Tech:: “FREE ENERGY DEVICE – AKULA Blue LED Light Generator” ➨ Akula FREE ENERGY DEVICE – Akula Lantern Circuit number 4 ➨ ———————————– Please watch: “Hydrogen compressed H2 and O2 gas separator split cell by Stefan Hartmann” ➨ Please watch: “Orbo Webinar 2 – Steorn Orbo Ophone OCube and Powercell presentations” ➨ ————— Shop Amazon – Contract Cell Phones & Service Audible and Get Two Free Amazon Prime Music. 30-day Free Trial ================================================ Now here is a great new Outro Video Maker, what I also use now, how you can very easily produce your Outro-Videos for your Youtube Videos, so that they will have these Thumbnail Outro Videos to click on, so people stay on your channel. The Outromaker does also add automatically Annotations and Cards! Highly recommended. also very good for getting new susbscribers Please support me on Check out our Free Energy Research forum at: https://overunity.com #overunitydotcom #overunitydotde #freeenergy #FREEENERGYDEVICE #FreeEnergyGenerator #ReactivePower #Resonance #motor #generator #TransformerInvention #ElectricGeneratorInvention #Transformers #overunity #green #alternative #electric #
27 sep. 2018 · 548 weergaven
Electric City Magazine co-editor Gabe Pollock takes a few minutes to share what energizes him about the collaboration between Resonance Centre, Peterborough Dialogues and ECM, and the event THIS SATURDAY: Electric City Resonates – A Turning Point. Have you registered yet? https://ecmresonace.eventbrite.ca “If we can have articles that are discussing a theme over and over, if we can host events around those themes, if we can start community conversations… the best possible thing is that we actually create some change.” David Tough
7 dec. 2017 · 80 weergaven3:30
The Schumann Resonance Geometric Chakra Tuning video is a short, 3 1/2 minute exercise to transmit the geometry of the Schumman Resonance into the auric field by tuning each physical chakra to the ‘heartbeat’ of Gaia, the spinning Great Icosahedron begins with Red for the Root Chakra, and moves up through the physical chakras to the crown. Breathe deeply and focus on each pysical energy center as the color of the Great Icosahedron changes, the exercise tunes our physical and etheric bodies to each other and to the vibrations of Gaia, and is especially important during this time of Solar activity, as SunSpots are inherently linked to the Schumman Resonances, which research has proven to be inherently linked to our consciousness and physical well-being. The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. (wikipedia) Earth’s background base frequency, or “heartbeat” are the Schumann’s resonances. The electromagnetic field around the Earth can be viewed as a stiff jelly. When our bodies move and vibrate, these movements are transmitted to the environment, and vice versa. These fields not only impinge on our bodies, they also affect the charges inside our bodies. When we are standing on the ground, under normal conditions, we are grounded. Our body then acts as a sink for the electrostatic field and actually distorts the force-lines somewhat. The human body also has its own electrostatic field about itself. These field lines are the result of the various biochemical reactions in the body. This resultant bio-field couples us to the iso-electric field of the planet (Miller &amp; Miller, 1981). ELF frequencies of Schumann’s Resonance are intimately linked with those of human brainwaves. In particular, it could lead to changes in patterns and frequencies of resonance and resulting phenomena such as homeostasis, REM, psi, and healing.(1) Resonance occurs when the natural vibration frequency of a body is greatly amplified by vibrations at the same frequency from another body. Oscillators alter the environment in a periodic manner. Thus, standing waves in the body, whether during meditation/relaxation or not, can be driven by a larger signal. Progressively amplified wave-forms, created by resonance, result in large oscillations entraining other circuits in the body tuned to those frequencies. A hierarchy of frequencies thus couples our psychophysical selves to the harmonic frequency of the electrical charge of the Earth, which naturally pulses at the same frequencies. This is hardly a coincidence….(1) A “tuned system” consists of at least two oscillators of identical resonant frequencies. If one oscillator starts emitting, the other will be activated by the signal very shortly, in the process of resonance, entrainment or kindling (igniting the resonance phenomenon among the neurons). It becomes obvious that in deep meditation, when waves of alpha and theta rhythms cascade across the entire brain, a resonance is possible between the human being and the planet. Energy and information which are embedded in a field are transferred. Perhaps the planet communicates with us in this primal language of frequencies. (1) The Great Icosahedron is the geometrical manifestation of the Schumman Resonance. The Great Icosahedron tunes the body to the resonance of the Planet Earth, connecting us to Gaia. Bringing in Higher Vibrations, the Great Icosahedron attunes us, bringing logic and creativity together, its edges, vertices and faces start the signals for change, combining power, light and healing to assist us in becoming One with the Whole. Background Music from: Musical Rapture, A Healing Gift for Humanity by Frederic Delarue (1) http://sedonanomalies.weebly.com/schumann-resonance.html
11 mei 2012 · 27 weergaven
Current finding it’s way… The Resonance Project • THE CONNECTED UNIVERSE • ScienceAlert • Physics Club • ScienceDump • Physics Central • (post by Jamie Janover)
15 aug. 2016 · 215 d. weergaven
Egorythmia ‎- Antimateria Label: Iono-Music Music ‎ Format: CD, Compilation Country: Germany Released: Feb 2016 Genre: Electronic Style: Psy-Trance Track: Dual Resonance & Ascent – Spirits Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIr4o2r2_pk
6 dec. 2018 · 1,2 d. weergaven
Ask Dr Ayman Can you please to simplify what is Havana syndrome Sure Humans have flesh and blood Of that flesh are nerves or neurons Neurons have electric current travelling across This situation will create a field of energy around human body These energy fields have a certain frequency The normal frequency range of humans ranging between 80 to 120 HZ If these energy fields interfered with another energy field like 5G communication energy field may be a state of resonance occurs Like tuning fork resonance in the video Resulting in energy amplification causing noxious symptoms mostly pain That is Havana syndrome Treatment of these freak cases may be by telepathy retune session that will change frequency of the patient to another safe frequency It must be done by supernaturally gifted Havana syndrome telepathy therapist to assure instant pain relief.
11 jun. · 196 weergaven

Cigars || Cigarette Making Process || Amazing Manufacturing Process of Tobacco || Cigars & Cigarillos || Excellent Factory Tobacco Manufacturing Process Amazing Cigarette Production Line || Modern Technology || smoking cigar || pipe cigar || lit cigar || cigar price || Cuban cigar making process || Are all Cuban cigars hand rolled? || How are Cuban cigars rolled? || How handmade cigars are made? || What makes a Cuban cigar so special? || Why are Cuban cigars illegal? || What is the most expensive cigar in the world? || Can we make cigarette at home? || What machines are used to make cigarettes? || How much does a cigarette making machine cost? || Cigarette Making Machine in USA || Mini Cigarette Making Machine Price in USA || Automatic Cigarette Making Machine || Cigarette manufacturing process pdf || RESONANCE hd || CIGARETTE MAKING MACHINE USA || Fully Automatic Cigarette Rolling Machine || Cigarette Making Machine for sale || Cigarette Rolling Machine price || Industrial cigarette rolling machine || Best Electric cigarette rolling machine || Manual Cigarette Rolling Machine || Mass production Cigarette rolling Machine || Top cigarette rolling machine A cigar is a rolled bundle of dried and fermented tobacco leaves made to be smoked. Cigars are produced in a variety of sizes and shapes. More Invention videos :- https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFSyBe6zpm6f0yZezR4uQWX0J_zpMTkkW How Stuff Woks – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFSyBe6zpm6f29xFTD04y7r80xY8KVXec We hope you enjoy your time on our channel. Tell us which topic you would like to see and we will definitely consider it. If you like our content subscribe to the channel and activate the bell button. Email: ResonanceHD1@gmail.com #Inventions #Innovation #howstuffworks #Food #Modern #QuickEngingineering #Engineering #ResonanceHD #Futuretechnology #Howitswork #howitsmade #Invention #2050 #Projects #Compilation DISCLAIMER: Resonance HD is an educational and motivational video meant only for i

Cigars || Cigarette Making Process || Amazing Manufacturing Process of Tobacco || Cigars & Cigarillos || Excellent Factory Tobacco Manufacturing Process Amazing Cigarette Production Line || Modern Technology || smoking cigar || pipe cigar || lit cigar || cigar price || Cuban cigar making process || Are all Cuban cigars hand rolled? || How are Cuban cigars rolled? || How handmade cigars are made? || What makes a Cuban cigar so special? || Why are Cuban cigars illegal? || What is the most expensive cigar in the world? || Can we make cigarette at home? || What machines are used to make cigarettes? || How much does a cigarette making machine cost? || Cigarette Making Machine in USA || Mini Cigarette Making Machine Price in USA || Automatic Cigarette Making Machine || Cigarette manufacturing process pdf || RESONANCE hd || CIGARETTE MAKING MACHINE USA || Fully Automatic Cigarette Rolling Machine || Cigarette Making Machine for sale || Cigarette Rolling Machine price || Industrial cigarette rolling machine || Best Electric cigarette rolling machine || Manual Cigarette Rolling Machine || Mass production Cigarette rolling Machine || Top cigarette rolling machine A cigar is a rolled bundle of dried and fermented tobacco leaves made to be smoked. Cigars are produced in a variety of sizes and shapes. More Invention videos :- https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFSyBe6zpm6f0yZezR4uQWX0J_zpMTkkW How Stuff Woks – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFSyBe6zpm6f29xFTD04y7r80xY8KVXec We hope you enjoy your time on our channel. Tell us which topic you would like to see and we will definitely consider it. If you like our content subscribe to the channel and activate the bell button. Email: ResonanceHD1@gmail.com #Inventions #Innovation #howstuffworks #Food #Modern #QuickEngingineering #Engineering #ResonanceHD #Futuretechnology #Howitswork #howitsmade #Invention #2050 #Projects #Compilation DISCLAIMER: Resonance HD is an educational and motivational video meant only for i
15 jul. 2021 · 806 weergaven


Always felt your acoustic guitars sound a little dull when being plugged into a PA? Check two of these pickup enhancers to bring back the life in the tone of your guitar. It literally adds back the resonance that you feel while playing the guitar unplugged. The TC Electronic BodyRez vs the Boss AD-2 Acoustic Preamp. Subscribe to our channel: www.youtube.com/c/musicblissmalaysiatv Buy Online: TC Electronic BodyRez Acoustic Pickup Enhancer https://www.musicbliss.com.my/tc-electronic-bodyrez-acoustic-pickup-enhancer Boss AD-2 Acoustic Preamp Pedal (AD2) https://www.musicbliss.com.my/boss-ad-2-acoustic-preamp-pedal-malaysia
6 mrt. 2018 · 2,5 d. weergaven
Nikola Tesla | Quotes | #motivation #biography #motivationvideo #lifestyle https://youtu.be/DBuX2ddByf0 Nikola Tesla, Inventor, Electrical Engineer Tesla Coil, Alternating Current, Wireless Power Electromagnetism, Electricity, Energy Transmission Scientific Discoveries, Innovations, Patents Wardenclyffe Tower, Tesla’s Laboratory, Long Island Tesla Motors, Electric Vehicles, Sustainable Transportation Wireless Communication, Radio Waves, Remote Control AC Power System, Power Distribution, Power Grid Induction Motor, Rotating Magnetic Field, Efficiency Tesla’s Vision, Future Technologies, Forward Thinking Energy Revolution, Renewable Energy, Green Solutions Tesla’s Legacy, Forgotten Genius, Historical Figure Electrical Engineering, Physics, Science History Free Energy, Zero Point Energy, Resonance Tesla Museum, Exhibits, Artifacts Magnifying Transmitter, Wireless Power Transfer, Resonance Phenomenon Tesla’s Contributions, Scientific Breakthroughs, Engineering Marvels Tesla Patents, Inventions, Intellectual Property Historical Interviews, Tesla’s Life, Biography Tesla’s Lab Experiments, High Voltage, Electrical Phenomena Wardenclyffe Tower Project, Transatlantic Wireless Communication, Global Connectivity Nikola Tesla Quotes, Inspiration, Visionary Ideas Tesla’s Relationship with Edison, Rivalry, AC-DC Current Wars Wireless Energy Transmission, Energy Efficiency, Future Power Solutions Tesla’s Coil Experiments, Lightning Effects, Electrical Discharges Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter, Wireless Energy Transmission, Resonance Circuit Tesla’s Contributions to Science, Engineering Innovations, Pioneering Work Tesla’s Oscillator, Mechanical Resonance, Vibration Experiments Tesla’s Influence on Modern Technology, Legacy, Induction Motor Revolution Tesla’s Lab Notebook, Scientific Diagrams, Experimental Data
30 jun. · 61 weergaven
Introducing the AC-22LX Acoustic Amplifier! A rich breath of life into the dry, sterile sound of standard acoustic instrument pickups ‍😌 ✅ Compact amplifier for acoustic-electric guitars and other pickup-equipped acoustic instruments ✅ Air Feel feature that recreates stereo microphone setups, with depth, dimension, and natural resonance ✅ Five Air Feel settings: Dry, XY, AB, ORTF, and Mid-Side ✅ Stereo line output with Air Feel Discover AC-22LX: https://www.boss.info/global/products/ac-22lx/
4 aug. · 112 weergaven


EARTH PULSE: Transform your electronic devices into high-tech Schumann Resonance transmitters for EMF protection, health and well-being. To learn more about Earth Pulse, click here: https://subtle.energy/earth-pulse-ses/
13 mrt. 2017 · 12 d. weergaven
Can – Vitamin C (U.N.K.L.E. Mix) Album: Sacrilege Genre: Electronic Style: Abstract, Experimental, Drum n Bass Year: 1997
21 jun. · 28 weergaven
A short preview of the original sound track of the High Voltage compilation: Electric Resonance by hardcore legend Ophidian! 💥⚡ Make sure to get your hands on the pre order of the album on time! It will be released tomorrow.
1 dec. 2020 · 9,5 d. weergaven

Not only the best in this category but also the most affordable price point . The only piano to buy if you have $300.00 is the title of this video. Check it out. Korg Liano 88-key Digital Piano 88-key Digital Piano with Light Touch Action, 8 Onboard Sounds, 120-voice Polyphony, Reverb, Metronome, 2 x 8W Speakers, Pedal Input, Headphone Output, USB-B Audio/MIDI, AC Adapter, PS-3 Pedal Switch, Music Stand, and Optional Battery Power Uncompromising Sonic Scope with Full Portability When it comes to keys, Korg knows a thing or two. The company has put their decades of knowledge and experience into delivering a lightweight, full-scale digital piano: the Liano. Designed with Korg’s proprietary Light Touch (LS) action, each of the 88 keys are quick and responsive, striking the sweet spot between synth and piano with their formfactor. A straightforward interface provides convenient access to the eight onboard sounds, including two acoustic pianos, two electric pianos, harpsichord, pipe organ, electric organ, and strings. With a stunningly slim profile, you’ll experience the Nautilus-derived Italian Grand piano in unflinching resonance, thanks to the 120-voice polyphony and two 8-watt built-in speakers. An optional battery mode keeps you playing for up to eight hours, using just six AA batteries, with a headphone jack and line out easily accommodating any mobility-minded needs. Plus, the USB-B port handles audio and MIDI, getting you connected to other keyboards, computers, or your DAW of choice. Educators, performers, students, and more will appreciate the included music stand and PS-3 pedal switch. Weighing in under 14 pounds, and less than three inches thick, All keyboardists agree that the Liano is a must-have keyboard for those seeking portability with uncompromising sound. Korg Liano 88-key Digital Piano Features: • LS action provides quick, responsive action across all 88 keys • Versatile audio and MIDI connections make for painless integration with computers, supplementary keyboards, and DAW software • 120-voice polyphony means uncompromising experience of the 8 onboard sounds • Sounds built on Korg’s Nautilus-derived Italian Grand sample for rich, sonorous pianos from practice to performance • 2 circular 8W speakers are featured for convenient home and practice use • Music stand, PS-3 pedal switch, onboard metronome, and reverb make for versatile use • Full portability includes battery-power capability for 8 hours of play with only 6 AA batteries • Ergonomic form factor means an ultra-slim design of 2.87-inch thickness and 13.23 lbs.

Not only the best in this category but also the most affordable price point . The only piano to buy if you have $300.00 is the title of this video. Check it out. Korg Liano 88-key Digital Piano 88-key Digital Piano with Light Touch Action, 8 Onboard Sounds, 120-voice Polyphony, Reverb, Metronome, 2 x 8W Speakers, Pedal Input, Headphone Output, USB-B Audio/MIDI, AC Adapter, PS-3 Pedal Switch, Music Stand, and Optional Battery Power Uncompromising Sonic Scope with Full Portability When it comes to keys, Korg knows a thing or two. The company has put their decades of knowledge and experience into delivering a lightweight, full-scale digital piano: the Liano. Designed with Korg’s proprietary Light Touch (LS) action, each of the 88 keys are quick and responsive, striking the sweet spot between synth and piano with their formfactor. A straightforward interface provides convenient access to the eight onboard sounds, including two acoustic pianos, two electric pianos, harpsichord, pipe organ, electric organ, and strings. With a stunningly slim profile, you’ll experience the Nautilus-derived Italian Grand piano in unflinching resonance, thanks to the 120-voice polyphony and two 8-watt built-in speakers. An optional battery mode keeps you playing for up to eight hours, using just six AA batteries, with a headphone jack and line out easily accommodating any mobility-minded needs. Plus, the USB-B port handles audio and MIDI, getting you connected to other keyboards, computers, or your DAW of choice. Educators, performers, students, and more will appreciate the included music stand and PS-3 pedal switch. Weighing in under 14 pounds, and less than three inches thick, All keyboardists agree that the Liano is a must-have keyboard for those seeking portability with uncompromising sound. Korg Liano 88-key Digital Piano Features: • LS action provides quick, responsive action across all 88 keys • Versatile audio and MIDI connections make for painless integration with computers, supplementary keyboards, and DAW software • 120-voice polyphony means uncompromising experience of the 8 onboard sounds • Sounds built on Korg’s Nautilus-derived Italian Grand sample for rich, sonorous pianos from practice to performance • 2 circular 8W speakers are featured for convenient home and practice use • Music stand, PS-3 pedal switch, onboard metronome, and reverb make for versatile use • Full portability includes battery-power capability for 8 hours of play with only 6 AA batteries • Ergonomic form factor means an ultra-slim design of 2.87-inch thickness and 13.23 lbs.
3 mrt. · 523 weergaven


Buy at www.musicianscart.com Fender American Acoustasonic Stratocaster Electric Guitar with Deluxe Gig Bag Ebony Natural 972023221,Cutting-edge acoustic-electric guitar,Acoustic Engine delivers ten different body style and tone wood combinations,Mod Knob selects and blends voices,Patent-pending Stringed Instrument Resonance System (SIRS),Three pickup systems: Fishman Under-Saddle Transducer; Fishman Acoustasonic Enhancer; Fender Acoustasonic Noiseless magnetic pickup,Integrated forearm contour and mahogany neck,The American Acoustasonic Stratocaster continues to embody the spirit of purposeful innovation that drives Fender guitars. The power of the Fender and Fishman-designed Acoustic Engine is sure to deliver true inspiration. From acoustic shapeshifting to electric rhythm tones, this extremely versatile guitar creates a brand-new lane on the sonic highway Musicians Cart musicianscart.com #fenderamericanacoustasonicstratocaster #acoustasonicstrat #guitarist #guitarsdaily #acousticguitar #acousticcover #acoustic #guitaristofindia #guitarras #guitarists #musiciansofinstagram #guitarporn #acousticmusic #musicislife #studiomusician #musiclover #band #shopatmusicianscart #musicianscartoffer #musicianscartsale #musicianscart7stringguitar #musicianscartdrumkit #djent #electricguitarporn #beats 🎸📸 #justarrived🔥🔥 #fender #fenderartist
13 aug. · 18 weergaven


Disclaimer: Resonance IS NOT a festival and can not be compared with a festival whatsoever. Resonance is a retreat with an intimate group of a maximum of 100 participants. A retreat with every day 5 carefully crafted workshops about life, nature, consciousness, creativity, and meditation. Every day a proper DJ set by Dominik Eulberg. Every day 3 healthy, organic meals and drinks included. All of this on a magical location in Westerwald Germany. Join Dominik Eulberg & Joel aan ‘t Goor for a transformational celebration of life on Aug 24-28. And as always beware: Resonance might expand your consciousness!
7 aug. 2020 · 383 weergaven

PART 4: FRACTAL ANTENNAS & FREE ENERGY‼️ ⛪️ TARTARIAN TECH ▫️All these “ancient” repurposed structures by any name (temples, cathedrals, star forts, mosques etc) regardless of time or origin—mirror fractals antennas, because in their own way, they were antennas They all acted as energy resonator-generators. One will notice it’s simplest wave-form always located at the structures center. As the patterns become more intricate, the fractals reach a higher frequency range/resonance Symmetrical shapes alone force ions to vibrate in a constant manner, generating or selecting electromagnetic energy & sound waves of specific frequencies from a signal No architectural element of antiquity was just a random decoration. Copper roofs, intricate Mercury filled spires, archivolts, piezoelectric granite, etc every-thing served a specific function Along with other techniques, certain forms & shapes were implemented to attract the natural static electrical charge present in the ionosphere to then collect & dispense Atmospheric Etheric Energy throughout the grid You/Your DNA is a Fractal Antenna, signaling the ‘Universe’…We now have a parasitic low frequency power grid that is proven harmful to life, whereas before it was a benevolent high frequency grid, harmonious with nature Just about everything we’ve been taught about the past is utter bullshit. The buildings/structures that remain are a testimony to that. Follow Question Antiquity for more‼️ ♻️: electric_being on IG❕ . . . . . . #oldworldarchitecture #tartaria #freeenergy #mudflood #oldworld #tartarianempire #tartarianarchitecture #tartarian #archaeology #losthistory #hyperborea #americaistheoldworld #admiralbyrd #atlantis #worldsfair #nephilim #oldmaps #giants #antartica #freemasons #greatreset #moorish #hiddenhistory #conspiracy #meltedbuildings #architecture #freemasonry #fractals #conspiracytheory #nikolatesla

PART 4: FRACTAL ANTENNAS & FREE ENERGY‼️ ⛪️ TARTARIAN TECH ▫️All these “ancient” repurposed structures by any name (temples, cathedrals, star forts, mosques etc) regardless of time or origin—mirror fractals antennas, because in their own way, they were antennas They all acted as energy resonator-generators. One will notice it’s simplest wave-form always located at the structures center. As the patterns become more intricate, the fractals reach a higher frequency range/resonance Symmetrical shapes alone force ions to vibrate in a constant manner, generating or selecting electromagnetic energy & sound waves of specific frequencies from a signal No architectural element of antiquity was just a random decoration. Copper roofs, intricate Mercury filled spires, archivolts, piezoelectric granite, etc every-thing served a specific function Along with other techniques, certain forms & shapes were implemented to attract the natural static electrical charge present in the ionosphere to then collect & dispense Atmospheric Etheric Energy throughout the grid You/Your DNA is a Fractal Antenna, signaling the ‘Universe’…We now have a parasitic low frequency power grid that is proven harmful to life, whereas before it was a benevolent high frequency grid, harmonious with nature Just about everything we’ve been taught about the past is utter bullshit. The buildings/structures that remain are a testimony to that. Follow Question Antiquity for more‼️ ♻️: electric_being on IG❕ . . . . . . #oldworldarchitecture #tartaria #freeenergy #mudflood #oldworld #tartarianempire #tartarianarchitecture #tartarian #archaeology #losthistory #hyperborea #americaistheoldworld #admiralbyrd #atlantis #worldsfair #nephilim #oldmaps #giants #antartica #freemasons #greatreset #moorish #hiddenhistory #conspiracy #meltedbuildings #architecture #freemasonry #fractals #conspiracytheory #nikolatesla
10 mei · 3 d. weergaven
Introducing the Boss AC-22LX Acoustic Amplifier! A rich breath of life into the dry, sterile sound of standard acoustic instrument pickups ‍😌 ✅ Compact amplifier for acoustic-electric guitars and other pickup-equipped acoustic instruments ✅ Air Feel feature that recreates stereo microphone setups, with depth, dimension, and natural resonance ✅ Five Air Feel settings: Dry, XY, AB, ORTF, and Mid-Side ✅ Stereo line output with Air Feel For more information visit: https://www.boss.info/global/products/ac-22lx/ #guitaramps #BossAmplifiers
5 aug. · 48 weergaven
In this video, Product Marketing Manager Dave Miner introduces the updated Revstar lineup featuring three tiers, two pickup options, advanced switching options, racing-inspired finishes, left-handed models, and chambered bodies designed with our Acoustic Design process for tone and resonance. Artists including Sarah Lipstate, JUNO the Artist, Alicia Rei Kim, Naia Izumi, Carlo Gimenez, and Chris Buck also share their impressions of the new guitars. Learn more: https://yamaha.io/3O6LweY #yamahaguitar
13 apr. 2022 · 427 weergaven
#Lowmedium #frequency integrated #treatment instrument by imitating the human body, the perfect combination of #Faraday wave into five #wave patterns of resonance with the human organs, through the abdomen, feet and other body parts of #biological #fluctuations #physiotherapy, electric acupuncture therapy, finger massage, #warmfarinfrared, dredge meridians, activate nerve, comprehensive correction cell biological rhythm, adjust biological electricity, restore cell metabolic ability, health, improve the body’s immune function, achieve health care, prevent the effect of #disease decay. #healthcare #healthylife
11 mei · 11 weergaven
In this video, Product Marketing Manager Dave Miner introduces the updated Revstar lineup featuring three tiers, two pickup options, advanced switching options, racing-inspired finishes, left-handed models, and chambered bodies designed with our Acoustic Design process for tone and resonance. Artists including Sarah Lipstate, JUNO the Artist, Alicia Rei Kim, Naia Izumi, Carlo Gimenez, and Chris Buck also share their impressions of the new guitars. Learn more: https://yamaha.io/3O6LweY #yamahaguitar
13 apr. 2022 · 136 weergaven
The Crystal Method – Trip Like I Do Album: Vegas Genre: Electronic Style: Breakbeat, Big Beat Year: 1997
21 jun. · 106 weergaven

Good morning, Everybody, ……Here is yesterday’s Lengthy Progress Video on “Ninja Warrior” electric guitar build,… It is coming along Sweet. 😘 ………Included are some Sound Sample Bits with the Guitar with No Electronics, haha….(Just in case anybody is interested in the Resonance of a Plywood guitar😁).
27 jun. 2022 · 51 weergaven

Top Electric Manufacturer Making Storage Car Batteries || Electric Scooter Making || How It’s Made || Ather Energy || How Electric Scooter made || How Tesla makes Their Batteries Cell || Tesla Batteries || MG car Batteries || How Electric car batteries made || MG Factory Making || Electric Vehicle Making Chapter 00:00 TEASER 00:13 TESLA BATTERIES 01:55 MG CAR BATTERIES 03:21 ATHER BIKE MAUFACTURING More Invention videos :- https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFSyBe6zpm6f0yZezR4uQWX0J_zpMTkkW #Invention #Innovation #Technology #Tesla #MG #Ather #Engineering #2050 #Projects #ResonanceHD #Future Technology #scooter We hope you enjoy your time on our channel. Tell us which topic you would like to see and we will definitely consider it. If you like our content subscribe to the channel and activate the bell button. Email: ResonanceHD1@gmail.com #Inventions #Innovation #HeavyTechMachine #Modernmachine #Food #Modern #QuickEngingineering #Engineering #ResonanceHD #Futuretechnology #Howitswork #howitsmade DISCLAIMER: Resonance HD is an educational and motivational video meant only for inspiring the viewers. Resonance HD is not affiliated with the businesses whose products are shown in this review. Any trademarks depicted are the property of their respective owners. All copyrights are acknowledged to their rightful owners. Resonance HD does not claim to own any copyrights. The sole purpose of this video is to inspire, empower and educate the viewers. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.” Copyright issue: If you find any of our copyrighted material in this video, please leave us a message so we can resolve the issue. Email id : ResonanceHD1@gmail.com Thanks for watching our Video, Resonance HD
12 jul. 2021 · 22 weergaven

TAUK ABOUT IT 🗣 Throwback to AC from Tauk’s amazing sit-in on “Bad For You” at Resonance Music & Arts Festival 🔥 Should we collaborate on New Year’s Eve in Asheville, NC?!? Join us for “The Electric Kool-Aid Asheville Test” NYE at ExploreAsheville.com Arena>>> bit.ly/PPPP_Asheville1
12 dec. 2019 · 7,2 d. weergaven

LAST CALL! This show is selling faster than expected! Get your tickets NOW! Once tickets are gone there will be NO entry. Fiday April 21 9 to 1! We are shutting down the whole Epicenter once again for one of the most electric drag shows around! This time is a tad different! There will be seating available, performers displayed on all LCD screens and VIP TABLES! Please contact Resonance Entertainment for VIP seating. Click link: https://wl.seetickets.us/event/Queen-and-Kings-Drag-Night/537989?afflky=EpicenterSportsandEntertainment&sp=42WT93
13 apr. · 476 weergaven

The new Yamaha Music USA BB424X electric bass guitar delivers exceptional tone and resonance using a no-compromise passive, bolt-on design. Learn more here: http://ow.ly/wTcH309Jtjw
12 mrt. 2017 · 201 weergaven

The TC Electronic BodyRez Acoustic Pickup Enhancer is the magic dust to improve your pickup tone. It aims to bring back the life and resonance of your acoustic guitar when plugged into a PA system or an amp. It can even reduce low-end feedback by flipping the phase. Here we demo-ed it through an affordable guitar and an expensive one. Purchase Online: TC Electronic BodyRez Acoustic Pickup Enhancer https://www.musicbliss.com.my/tc-electronic-bodyrez-acoustic-pickup-enhancer Cort AD810E Open Pore Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar https://www.musicbliss.com.my/cort-ad810e-open-pore-acoustic-guitar-malaysia Taylor 214ce Grand Auditorium Acoustic Guitar https://www.musicbliss.com.my/Taylor-200-Series-214CE-Grand-Auditorium-Acoustic-Electric-Guitar-Malaysia
11 jan. 2017 · 1,2 d. weergaven
Soul Resonance is an energetic and inspiring emotional electronic music with an uplifting dreamy, and powerful story. It can be an excellent theme for your video if you are looking for a strong, emotional, energetic, and progressive harmony. www.loopwaves.com
14 jun. 2021 · 3 weergaven

The United States of America’s Army’s “Military Thesaurus” defines “Voice to Skull” (V2K) devices, nonlethal weapons which include: A neuro-electromagnetic device which uses microwave transmission of sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation; and a silent sound device which can transmit sound into the skull of persons or animals. NOTE: the sound modulation may be voice or audio subliminal messages. Voice to Skull weapons inject frequencies into the brain using ELF (Extremely Low Frequency), VLF (Very Low Frequency), LF (Low Frequecy) devices such as: Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRADs), MEDUSA (Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio), Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs), Microwaves & many more. Page 10 of the 1998 U.S. Military Report “Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons” states, “Application of the microwave hearing technology could facilitate a private message transmission. It may be useful to provide a disruptive condition to a person not aware of the technology. Not only might it be disruptive to the sense of hearing, it could be psychologically devastating if one suddenly heard ‘voices within one’s head.’ Here is a list of many Mind Control US Patents: – 6,017,302a (Subliminal Acoustic Manipulation of Nervous Systems) – 5,159,703a (Silent Subliminal Presentation System) – 3,014,477a (Hypnotic Inducer) – 3,060,795 (Apparatus for Producing Visual Stimulation) – 3,884,218a (Method of Inducing & Maintaining Various Stages of Sleep in the Human Being) – 3,951,134 (Apparatus & Method for Remotely Monitoring & Altering Brain Waves) – 4,395,600a (Auditory Subliminal Message System & Method) – 4,717,343 (Method of Changing a Person’s Behavior) – 4,777,529a (Auditory Subliminal Programming System) – 4,858,612a (Hearing Device) – A method and apparatus for simulation of hearing in mammals by introduction of a plurality of microwaves into the region of the auditory cortex is shown and described. – 4,877,027a (Hearing System) – Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head with Microwaves in the range of 100Megahertz to 10,000Megahertz – 5,356,368 (Method of & Apparatus for Inducing Desired States of Consciousness) – 5,774,088a (Method & System for Warning Birds of Hazards) – 5,159,703a (Silent Subliminal Presentation System) – 4,834,701a (Apparatus for Inducing Frequency Reduction in Brain Waves) – 6,506,148b2 (Nervous System Manipulation by Electromagnetic Fields from Monitors) – 7,490,538b2 (Weapon having lethal and non-lethal directed-energy portions) The U.S. Military’s Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program (JNLWD) is creating a weapon that alters atoms to create words/voices from thin air. It’s called the “Laser-Induced Plasma Effect.”: https://www.defenseone.com/technology/2018/03/us-military-making-lasers-create-voices-out-thin-air/146824/ Synthetic Telepathy & Remote Neural Monitoring: https://www.facebook.com/177432033048132/posts/821936541931008/ Mind Control & Nano-Implants: https://www.facebook.com/177432033048132/posts/756823661775630/ My previous post on Project Blue Beam: https://www.facebook.com/177432033048132/posts/728929381231725/ *Declassified 1998 U.S. Military report: https://www.usa-anti-communist.com/pdf/Bio_Effects_of_Selected_Non_Lethal_Weapons.pdf *Project MK-ULTRA 1977 Congressional Report: https://www.usa-anti-communist.com/ard/pdf/DEW_MKULTRA_sources/MKULTRA_1977_Congressional_Report.pdf *Dr. Allan H. Frey, 1962 https://www.usa-anti-communist.com/ard/pdf/Frey_Microwave_Hearing/Frey-1962-original-report.pdf The 1973 Russian Conference on Psychotronic Research in Prague had 5 topics which were goals of the Russian mind control program: (1) Erasure of the subconscious mind (2) Development of ESP (3) Induction of Paranormal Effects in Dreams (4) The Equivalent of Neuro-Psychic Energy (5) The Psi gene “Controlled Offesive Behavior” – ‘USSR’ short title, ST-CS-01-169-72, a 1972 Department of Defense Intelligence document. The author of this paper was Captain John D. LaMothe, (Medical Intelligence Office, Office of The Surgeon General, Department of the Army.) The 1972 report has been referenced by a lot of activists. The report is loaded with information about mind control research and techniques in many flavors, some of the categories are: – Electromagnetic Effects – Psychological Phenomena/Psychological Weapons – Parapsychology – Hypnosis – Psychopharmacology – Odors – Sound – Propaganda and Mass Media – Sensory Deprivation – Artificial Reincarnation Through Hypnosis – Mental Suggestion and Controlled Behavior A Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) document entitled: “Biological Effects Of Electromagnetic Radiation (Radiowaves and Microwaves) Eurasian Communist Countries” shows that microwave frequencies similar to those of cellular phones can cause health problems in the following areas: – Blood – Cardiovascular System – Cells – Central Nervous System Digestive System. – Glands – Metabolism – Reproduction – Visual System – Internal Sound Perception Such ELF technology is described in various U. S. Defense Department publications, including one entitled, “The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Low Intensity Conflict” by Captain Paul E. Tyler (Medical Commandant, U. S. Navy). Electromagnetic Radiation has been reported in the literature to induce or enhance the following: – Stimulation of Bone regeneration in fractures – Healing of normal fractures – Healing of wounds Wave Genetics – Increase energy and regrow tissue, organs, & bones: https://www.facebook.com/177432033048132/posts/986824072108920/ France & China developing biologically engineered supersoldiers: https://www.facebook.com/177432033048132/posts/830765421048120/ In his book, “The Body Electric,” Nobel Prize nominee Dr. Robert O. Becker describes a series of experiments conducted in the early 1960s by Allen Frie where this phenomenon was demonstrated as well as later experiments conducted in 1973 at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research by Dr. Joseph C. Sharp who personally underwent tests in which he proved he could hear and understand messages delivered to him in an echo-free isolation chamber via a pulsed microwave audiogram which is an analog of the word’s sound vibration beamed into his brain. Becker then goes on to state, “Such a device has obvious application for covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with unknown voices or deliver undetectable instructions to a programmed assassin.” In the December 1980 edition of the U.S. Army Journal called, “The Military Review,” a column by Lt. Col John B. Alexander entitled, “The New Mental Battlefield: Beam Me Up, Spock,” provides further insight into the technical capabilities at the disposal of the comptroller. He writes: “Several examples will demonstrate areas in which progress have been made. The transference of energy from one organism to another; the ability to heal or cause disease to be transmitted over a distance, thus inducing illness or death from no apparent cause; telepathic behavior modification which includes the ability to induce hypnotic states up to a distance of 1,000 kilometers have been reported. The use of telepathic hypnosis also holds great potential. This capability could allow agents to be deeply planted with no conscious knowledge of their programming. In movie terms, the Manchurian Candidate lives, and does not even require a telephone call. Other mind-to-mind induction techniques are being considered. If perfected this capability could allow the direct transference of thought via telepathy from one mind or group of minds to a select target audience. The unique factor is that the recipient will not be aware that thought has been implanted from an external source. He or she will believe the thoughts are original.” *From U.S. Patent (20070249959A1) – “Electromagnetic Personnel Interdiction Control Method and System”: An electromagnetic personnel interdiction control (EPIC) non-destructive stun type weapon system and method utilizes beamed RF energy (Lorentz Force) to disrupt the normal mechanical transduction process and/or the chemical engine by which sound, position and other sensory input are converted to messages by nerve cells and processed by the brain to produce complete disorientation, confusion, and temporary incapacitation sufficient to temporarily and remotely render a human powerless to resist arrest or subjugation. Removal of the RF electromagnetic energy will leave the nerve cells and surrounding tissues with no damage and the second order effects of severe motion sickness and the psychological effects of “helplessness” remains until the body chemistry returns to normal. *Excerpt from US Patent 6,017,302A* Abstract: In human subjects, sensory resonances can be excited by subliminal atmospheric acoustic pulses that are tuned to the resonance frequency. The 1/2 Hz sensory resonance affects the autonomic nervous system and may cause relaxation, drowsiness, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise acoustic frequency near 1/2 Hz used. The effects of the 2.5 Hz resonance include slowing of certain cortical processes, sleepiness, and disorientation. For these effects to occur, the acoustic intensity must lie in a certain deeply subliminal range. Suitable apparatus consists of a portable battery-powered source of weak subaudio acoustic radiation. The method and apparatus can be used by the general public as an aid to relaxation, sleep, or sexual arousal, and clinically for the control and perhaps treatment of insomnia, tremors, epileptic seizures, and anxiety disorders. There is further application as a nonlethal weapon that can be used in law enforcement standoff situations, for causing drowsiness and disorientation in targeted subjects. It is then preferable to use venting acoustic monopoles in the form of a device that inhales and exhales air with subaudio frequency.

The United States of America’s Army’s “Military Thesaurus” defines “Voice to Skull” (V2K) devices, nonlethal weapons which include: A neuro-electromagnetic device which uses microwave transmission of sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation; and a silent sound device which can transmit sound into the skull of persons or animals. NOTE: the sound modulation may be voice or audio subliminal messages. Voice to Skull weapons inject frequencies into the brain using ELF (Extremely Low Frequency), VLF (Very Low Frequency), LF (Low Frequecy) devices such as: Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRADs), MEDUSA (Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio), Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs), Microwaves & many more. Page 10 of the 1998 U.S. Military Report “Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons” states, “Application of the microwave hearing technology could facilitate a private message transmission. It may be useful to provide a disruptive condition to a person not aware of the technology. Not only might it be disruptive to the sense of hearing, it could be psychologically devastating if one suddenly heard ‘voices within one’s head.’ Here is a list of many Mind Control US Patents: – 6,017,302a (Subliminal Acoustic Manipulation of Nervous Systems) – 5,159,703a (Silent Subliminal Presentation System) – 3,014,477a (Hypnotic Inducer) – 3,060,795 (Apparatus for Producing Visual Stimulation) – 3,884,218a (Method of Inducing & Maintaining Various Stages of Sleep in the Human Being) – 3,951,134 (Apparatus & Method for Remotely Monitoring & Altering Brain Waves) – 4,395,600a (Auditory Subliminal Message System & Method) – 4,717,343 (Method of Changing a Person’s Behavior) – 4,777,529a (Auditory Subliminal Programming System) – 4,858,612a (Hearing Device) – A method and apparatus for simulation of hearing in mammals by introduction of a plurality of microwaves into the region of the auditory cortex is shown and described. – 4,877,027a (Hearing System) – Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head with Microwaves in the range of 100Megahertz to 10,000Megahertz – 5,356,368 (Method of & Apparatus for Inducing Desired States of Consciousness) – 5,774,088a (Method & System for Warning Birds of Hazards) – 5,159,703a (Silent Subliminal Presentation System) – 4,834,701a (Apparatus for Inducing Frequency Reduction in Brain Waves) – 6,506,148b2 (Nervous System Manipulation by Electromagnetic Fields from Monitors) – 7,490,538b2 (Weapon having lethal and non-lethal directed-energy portions) The U.S. Military’s Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program (JNLWD) is creating a weapon that alters atoms to create words/voices from thin air. It’s called the “Laser-Induced Plasma Effect.”: https://www.defenseone.com/technology/2018/03/us-military-making-lasers-create-voices-out-thin-air/146824/ Synthetic Telepathy & Remote Neural Monitoring: https://www.facebook.com/177432033048132/posts/821936541931008/ Mind Control & Nano-Implants: https://www.facebook.com/177432033048132/posts/756823661775630/ My previous post on Project Blue Beam: https://www.facebook.com/177432033048132/posts/728929381231725/ *Declassified 1998 U.S. Military report: https://www.usa-anti-communist.com/pdf/Bio_Effects_of_Selected_Non_Lethal_Weapons.pdf *Project MK-ULTRA 1977 Congressional Report: https://www.usa-anti-communist.com/ard/pdf/DEW_MKULTRA_sources/MKULTRA_1977_Congressional_Report.pdf *Dr. Allan H. Frey, 1962 https://www.usa-anti-communist.com/ard/pdf/Frey_Microwave_Hearing/Frey-1962-original-report.pdf The 1973 Russian Conference on Psychotronic Research in Prague had 5 topics which were goals of the Russian mind control program: (1) Erasure of the subconscious mind (2) Development of ESP (3) Induction of Paranormal Effects in Dreams (4) The Equivalent of Neuro-Psychic Energy (5) The Psi gene “Controlled Offesive Behavior” – ‘USSR’ short title, ST-CS-01-169-72, a 1972 Department of Defense Intelligence document. The author of this paper was Captain John D. LaMothe, (Medical Intelligence Office, Office of The Surgeon General, Department of the Army.) The 1972 report has been referenced by a lot of activists. The report is loaded with information about mind control research and techniques in many flavors, some of the categories are: – Electromagnetic Effects – Psychological Phenomena/Psychological Weapons – Parapsychology – Hypnosis – Psychopharmacology – Odors – Sound – Propaganda and Mass Media – Sensory Deprivation – Artificial Reincarnation Through Hypnosis – Mental Suggestion and Controlled Behavior A Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) document entitled: “Biological Effects Of Electromagnetic Radiation (Radiowaves and Microwaves) Eurasian Communist Countries” shows that microwave frequencies similar to those of cellular phones can cause health problems in the following areas: – Blood – Cardiovascular System – Cells – Central Nervous System Digestive System. – Glands – Metabolism – Reproduction – Visual System – Internal Sound Perception Such ELF technology is described in various U. S. Defense Department publications, including one entitled, “The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Low Intensity Conflict” by Captain Paul E. Tyler (Medical Commandant, U. S. Navy). Electromagnetic Radiation has been reported in the literature to induce or enhance the following: – Stimulation of Bone regeneration in fractures – Healing of normal fractures – Healing of wounds Wave Genetics – Increase energy and regrow tissue, organs, & bones: https://www.facebook.com/177432033048132/posts/986824072108920/ France & China developing biologically engineered supersoldiers: https://www.facebook.com/177432033048132/posts/830765421048120/ In his book, “The Body Electric,” Nobel Prize nominee Dr. Robert O. Becker describes a series of experiments conducted in the early 1960s by Allen Frie where this phenomenon was demonstrated as well as later experiments conducted in 1973 at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research by Dr. Joseph C. Sharp who personally underwent tests in which he proved he could hear and understand messages delivered to him in an echo-free isolation chamber via a pulsed microwave audiogram which is an analog of the word’s sound vibration beamed into his brain. Becker then goes on to state, “Such a device has obvious application for covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with unknown voices or deliver undetectable instructions to a programmed assassin.” In the December 1980 edition of the U.S. Army Journal called, “The Military Review,” a column by Lt. Col John B. Alexander entitled, “The New Mental Battlefield: Beam Me Up, Spock,” provides further insight into the technical capabilities at the disposal of the comptroller. He writes: “Several examples will demonstrate areas in which progress have been made. The transference of energy from one organism to another; the ability to heal or cause disease to be transmitted over a distance, thus inducing illness or death from no apparent cause; telepathic behavior modification which includes the ability to induce hypnotic states up to a distance of 1,000 kilometers have been reported. The use of telepathic hypnosis also holds great potential. This capability could allow agents to be deeply planted with no conscious knowledge of their programming. In movie terms, the Manchurian Candidate lives, and does not even require a telephone call. Other mind-to-mind induction techniques are being considered. If perfected this capability could allow the direct transference of thought via telepathy from one mind or group of minds to a select target audience. The unique factor is that the recipient will not be aware that thought has been implanted from an external source. He or she will believe the thoughts are original.” *From U.S. Patent (20070249959A1) – “Electromagnetic Personnel Interdiction Control Method and System”: An electromagnetic personnel interdiction control (EPIC) non-destructive stun type weapon system and method utilizes beamed RF energy (Lorentz Force) to disrupt the normal mechanical transduction process and/or the chemical engine by which sound, position and other sensory input are converted to messages by nerve cells and processed by the brain to produce complete disorientation, confusion, and temporary incapacitation sufficient to temporarily and remotely render a human powerless to resist arrest or subjugation. Removal of the RF electromagnetic energy will leave the nerve cells and surrounding tissues with no damage and the second order effects of severe motion sickness and the psychological effects of “helplessness” remains until the body chemistry returns to normal. *Excerpt from US Patent 6,017,302A* Abstract: In human subjects, sensory resonances can be excited by subliminal atmospheric acoustic pulses that are tuned to the resonance frequency. The 1/2 Hz sensory resonance affects the autonomic nervous system and may cause relaxation, drowsiness, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise acoustic frequency near 1/2 Hz used. The effects of the 2.5 Hz resonance include slowing of certain cortical processes, sleepiness, and disorientation. For these effects to occur, the acoustic intensity must lie in a certain deeply subliminal range. Suitable apparatus consists of a portable battery-powered source of weak subaudio acoustic radiation. The method and apparatus can be used by the general public as an aid to relaxation, sleep, or sexual arousal, and clinically for the control and perhaps treatment of insomnia, tremors, epileptic seizures, and anxiety disorders. There is further application as a nonlethal weapon that can be used in law enforcement standoff situations, for causing drowsiness and disorientation in targeted subjects. It is then preferable to use venting acoustic monopoles in the form of a device that inhales and exhales air with subaudio frequency.
9 apr. 2020 · 3,7 d. weergaven
The China Electricity Council (CEC) ratified and published a set of national standards for electric vehicle wireless charging, which will be based on the magnetic resonance technology developed and patented by WiTricity, a wireless power transfer specialist based in Massachusetts. Lack of standardization was always a major obstacle for the popularization of the wireless charging, but it seems that in the near future the industry will finally introduce a general solution for all EVs – not only in China, but also globally. Video Credit – WiTricityCorp YouTube Credit – InsideEVs #china #wirelesscharger #wirelesscharging #wirelesscharge #wirelesschargers #electriccar #electricvehicle #teslamodel3 #teslamodels #teslamodely #teslamotors #tatamotors #ratantata #igtvvideos #igtvchannel #elonmusk #bmwi3 #bmwi4 #porschetaycan #porscheturbo #porscheturbos
13 mei 2020 · 456 weergaven
Tune in for a long-form listening party comprising of performances from boundary-pushing musicians; Hieroglyphic Being, The Freddy McGuire Show, Susie Ibarra, and Guillermo Galindo. Discover the eclectic techniques and technologies used by these artists in a back-to-back stream of exclusive concerts hosted at the Exploratorium as part of our Resonance series. Connect your computer to your stereo, turn up the volume, and experience the sounds of contemporary composition. This collection is fully electric! Showcasing how technological meditations can amplify, distort, conjure, and connect sounds and moods. Featuring an icicle accompaniment, a radical rock duo, a ghostly artifact, and adversarial pocket devices. FEATURING ↳ Hieroglyphic Being ↳ The Freddy McGuire Show ↳ Susie Ibarra ↳ Guillermo Galindo
24 jun. 2020 · 2,1 d. weergaven
Stroboscopic synchronization with transposed Schumann Resonance frequencies in preparation for Electric Eclectics Festival.
9 jul. 2022 · 38 weergaven
Golden Emerald Electric Blue Transformation Codes & Tones| Attunement 432Hz… Cosmic New Earth Love Harmonics, Completion, Embodiment, Srtripping away of stories that are keeping us in density, Instant Manifestation, SMART BODY TALK, the cells are listening, they always have been ! UPDATE 17 september 2020: “a year ago this activation was made, now I came to innerstand by doing a session with someone that it actually is very suitable for dissolving kidney stones as well… It reminded me of a session I did here locally with a good friend that came for weekly sessions of sound light color vibration alchemy, or in short shamanic session to clear realign and energise … after our session we went down and drank something and he went to the toilet. When he came back he said; “You dont know what happened to me”.. I just pied out a kidney-stone! No pain it just came out … So vibrational medicine is all u really need, and u can learn to do it your self. You have all the tools inside, I am here to assist you if u resonate, to open up those channels so you can discover your gifts and talents too. In these activations the Sirian aspect called Grie is coming through. This aspect is an Artist of Genetics on Sirius B and practices Cosmic Surgery, We are all connected and ONE, there is no distance between any of us. We can all do this and I am here to invite you to come look and discover, to embody it, …is busting the system / paradigm !See More Relief of pain aches sickness ascension symptoms, implants (old paradigm beliefs ideologies morals dogmas etc).. Opening up, the breath clarity joy light languages talents abilities interests true-relationships the master-creator the child that connects to dreaming again and being impulsive, not in the flow, just being the flow, the child doesnt know about flow or no flow, it just is, play play play, it will never take ur smile away, stay and play thats why you came ….speak up your say, express and observe, Come into the awareness of that it really matters how we see the world we live in, micro and macro, and how we see one another, do we still label and hold on to stories that separate us … or do we see that they keep us in a loop ..a pattern ? No new concepts here or something to learn study follow attain acquire etc.. only by conscious re-programming we overcome conditioning .. Re Affirm who is waking up after sleep and who is going to sleep and how you will wake up, even state before sleep for a minute how you will remember your dreams and how you are aware that u dream during the dream itself, state that you remember clearly the dreams in order to write them down and analyse them if u wish so.. we are the master creators, the fun has begun !! Some time ago I took a picture of a bush across the street as I was guided to, I was taking pictures frequently and caught some epic moments in our skies, nature animals etc. .. this picture when looking at it on my computer had a weird blur in a place that should not be blurry or unsharp.. I send it to a few friends and all were positive it was a portal / gate of some kind, a month ago i saw this pic in my files and i started to work with it and zoomed in on the blurry part and then some fx editing mixing and so on… After editing mirroring etc.. i saw some amazing things in the pics like this beautiful feminine figure sitting and holding our essence in her hands, she is showing us who we are .. our divine blueprint is being activated more and more … !! RECOMMENDED to wear headphones !! see this link for more info on activations preperations and the workings / effects of them www.light-walkers.org/activationsmoreinfo This is Vibrational Medicine and is healing | balancing | re-connective | activating | clearing | energy reorientation & transmuting on a physical and metaphysical level, make sure you drink water before and after, these activations or attunements will keep working for some days, some may feel it instantly, some later and some much later, it will be felt though .. The vocals are coming in with a deep resonance similar to that of the Hathors, toning and light language written drawn and sung/spoken. Ohm Aho Namaste Please share this FREE work / service, and comment your experiences, you might help someone else in the process 🙏 Imagine Us, Walking Each Other Home We are a manifesting collective, non-profit !! Find us Light-Walkers Walking Each Other Home
17 sep. 2019 · 4,6 d. weergaven
Introducing the Resonance Encabulator. A tongue in cheek ( literally ) explanation of the history and future of electronic silencing devices…kinda. ( if it makes you smile, it’s done it’s job.) muffman.
4 jul. · 96 weergaven
Revolutionary Fuel-Free Generator Unveiled: The Neutrino Energy Power Cube Changes the Game! Find out more about the Powercube! https://neutrino-energy.com/powercube-neutrinovoltaic/ Introducing the revolutionary Neutrino Energy Power Cube – the solution to endless true green energy supply. The Power Cube uses advanced neutrino-voltaic technology to generate power 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, no matter the weather conditions. The compact design is noiseless and eco-friendly, making it suitable for use in any climate. The Power Cube’s electro-generating plate is coated with a multi-layer nanomaterial made of graphene and silicon, among other components. The graphene atoms vibrate due to Brownian motion and the surrounding radiation fields increase their resonance, which is then collected as a direct electric current. This new technology marks a major milestone in the field of energy generation. Get ready to experience tomorrow’s technology, today, with the Neutrino Energy Power Cube. Find out more about the Powercube! https://neutrino-energy.com/powercube-neutrinovoltaic/ #NeutrinoEnergy #Neutrinovoltaic #Powercube
10 feb. · 1 d. weergaven
It’s time to get together to properly celebrate life! Join Dominik Eulberg, 1979, DJ Isis and Awake Origins for the 1st edition of Resonance: a 1-Day electronic music retreat in the forest of Utrechtse Heuvelrug 🇳🇱 on August 1st. It might as well transform the way you connect with nature, music, others, and above all – yourself!
17 jul. 2020 · 275 weergaven
What a fantastic shoutout! Eric (the man speaking in the video) is personally funding projects to replicate Nikola Tesla’s work, including wireless power transmission using resonance and designing earth batteries. Earth batteries utilize dissimilar metal electrodes buried in the soil or immersed in the sea, tapping into telluric currents for free energy. We aim to support Eric’s innovative efforts by providing a quality meter. ⚡️🤝🏼 Hoosier Pro Electric is proud to assist others in powering innovation. www.thehoosierpro.com | 765-419-0375
28 jun. · 132 weergaven
Roburck – 4th Dimension (Original Mix) Roburck . Now Available on all digital platforms!! 👽🤯 . Subscribe to our Youtube Channel !! 🤟💯 . Follow Us !! 🤟👽 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ResonanceSpaceRecords/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resonance_space_records/?hl=es-la Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/resonance_space_records Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuEJJhtJXcq_7PhU4jF-bOg Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/label/resonance-space/81311 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5Nml14uCEBDtU2OxavxyPS?si=Pw747RTfTLeE-JJRebTY1Q&dl_branch=1 #psytrance #psy #trance #psychedelic #trancemusic #trancefamily #lsd #dmt #hardstyle #progressive #goa #trippy #rave #electronicmusic #housenation #edmnation #plurlife #festivals #edmlife #edmfamily #raver #trancefamily #edmlifestyle #plurvibes #housemusic #djlife #dancemusic #rave #edm #plur #techno #electronic #deephouse #electro #electronicdancemusic #edmlove #bass #dj ℗ Resonance Space
20 aug. 2021 · 3,9 d. weergaven

Let’s Talk Grounding : We have been experienced MASSIVE Schumann Resonance Spikes. For some, the energy has been EXTREME. At the same time, some of us were also experiencing intense smoke from wildfires burning in Canada. As frequencies flow in waves.. this was all followed with cleansing rain, and the clouds ☁️ n the sky today are indicating that today will be no exception. To fully understand the concept of grounding, we need to understand that the electrons from the sky primarily carry a positive electric charge. The electrons from the ground primarily carry a negative electric charge. Then we have those nice electromagnetic fields that I sooooooooooo love ✨💛✨ When the Schumann Resonance spikes, this is an indicator that solar flares are affecting the electromagnetic fields of the earth on a global level. So this does affect all of us. Some are more aware, or sensitive to this than others.. but the effect is global. This is one reason that grounding these energies we are experiencing is important. Oh how we do LOVE experiencing the high energies ! I know I do. However, as we live within the magnetic fields, balance becomes key. One cannot charge a battery with only positive or negative electrons. An over abundance or under abundance of one or the other will cause eventually the battery (us) to malfunction. For this reason, we ground these energies. We send some of the positive electrons we have absorbed back into the earth, and we absorb some of the negative electrons from the earth… restoring balance. Grounding can be as simple as walking barefoot on the earth, or as extreme as lying naked in the mud. How we ground does not matter. It only matters THAT we ground. I prefer to sit or lay in some of my favorite trees, like this bent tree where the vortex is in The Magic Forest. This video is to assist with grounding the extreme energies we have been experiencing. Much love to all. For All Who Want This ✨💚🙏🕊🌏🌍🌎

Let’s Talk Grounding : We have been experienced MASSIVE Schumann Resonance Spikes. For some, the energy has been EXTREME. At the same time, some of us were also experiencing intense smoke from wildfires burning in Canada. As frequencies flow in waves.. this was all followed with cleansing rain, and the clouds ☁️ n the sky today are indicating that today will be no exception. To fully understand the concept of grounding, we need to understand that the electrons from the sky primarily carry a positive electric charge. The electrons from the ground primarily carry a negative electric charge. Then we have those nice electromagnetic fields that I sooooooooooo love ✨💛✨ When the Schumann Resonance spikes, this is an indicator that solar flares are affecting the electromagnetic fields of the earth on a global level. So this does affect all of us. Some are more aware, or sensitive to this than others.. but the effect is global. This is one reason that grounding these energies we are experiencing is important. Oh how we do LOVE experiencing the high energies ! I know I do. However, as we live within the magnetic fields, balance becomes key. One cannot charge a battery with only positive or negative electrons. An over abundance or under abundance of one or the other will cause eventually the battery (us) to malfunction. For this reason, we ground these energies. We send some of the positive electrons we have absorbed back into the earth, and we absorb some of the negative electrons from the earth… restoring balance. Grounding can be as simple as walking barefoot on the earth, or as extreme as lying naked in the mud. How we ground does not matter. It only matters THAT we ground. I prefer to sit or lay in some of my favorite trees, like this bent tree where the vortex is in The Magic Forest. This video is to assist with grounding the extreme energies we have been experiencing. Much love to all. For All Who Want This ✨💚🙏🕊🌏🌍🌎
13 jun. · 2 d. weergaven
Ibanez Ichika Signature ICHI00 Talman Electric Guitar – Vintage White This solidbody electric features a comfortable nyatoh body based on Ibanez’s Talman. The body is loaded with three ICHI-S single-coil pickups, which deliver a clean sound full of spank and sparkle. You also get a roasted maple neck for extra resonance. The neck’s Wizard C neck profile, rosewood fingerboard, and medium frets provide the perfect platform for the technical playing and tapping Ichika is known for. Other fantastic features include a T106 tremolo bridge and tailpiece, locking Gotoh tuners, and luminescent side dots. Available To Order AJ’s Music 4536 Queen St Niagara Falls, On 905-356-7695
24 jun. · 84 weergaven
This bass turns 5 this year and it sounds better and better.. the best thing about the electric bass it’s that the tone, the resonance, that acoustic punch just get growly overtime… forget about the electronics for a minute, it’s all about the quality of the woods, that’s the heart of the instrument and you are the soul, thank You Randall Fullmer for making such a great instrument…have a great day Everyone #bassguitar #bassplayer #bass #wynguitars #musician #baixo #bassist #guitarplayer #guitarplayer #drummer www.Instagram.com/wynguitars
22 mei 2022 · 80 d. weergaven

Most Important Questions of Physics | Electric Charges and Fields | CUET | ICAR | Boards In this video, we dive deep into the captivating world of physics, specifically focusing on the fundamental concepts of electric charge and field. Whether you’re a CUET student, ICAR student, or preparing for your board exams, this discussion is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the most important questions in this intriguing field. Join us as we unravel the mysteries behind electric charge and explore the profound implications it has on our understanding of the universe. Our experienced educators will guide you through a range of essential topics, helping you grasp the intricacies of electric charge and field theory. By the end of this video, you’ll have a solid foundation in the fundamental principles of electric charge and field, empowering you to excel in your academic pursuits and grasp complex concepts with confidence. So, whether you’re studying for CUET, ICAR, or board exams, this video is the perfect resource to enhance your understanding and boost your performance. Don’t miss out on this enlightening discussion! Hit the play button and embark on an electrifying journey through the captivating realm of electric charge and field physics. #resonance #CUET #ICAR Boards #resonancepspd #class12 #cuet2023 #cuetexam #ICARexam #kotacoaching #bestinstitute #cuetug2023 #cuet #cuet2022 #cuetpyqs #cuetpyps #cuetpaperdiscussuion #cuetug2023 #paperanalysis #paperdiscussion #mostexpectedquestions #notebandi #ipl #demonetization #cuetmcqs #Electric Charges and Fields #Most Important Questions of Physics

Most Important Questions of Physics | Electric Charges and Fields | CUET | ICAR | Boards In this video, we dive deep into the captivating world of physics, specifically focusing on the fundamental concepts of electric charge and field. Whether you’re a CUET student, ICAR student, or preparing for your board exams, this discussion is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the most important questions in this intriguing field. Join us as we unravel the mysteries behind electric charge and explore the profound implications it has on our understanding of the universe. Our experienced educators will guide you through a range of essential topics, helping you grasp the intricacies of electric charge and field theory. By the end of this video, you’ll have a solid foundation in the fundamental principles of electric charge and field, empowering you to excel in your academic pursuits and grasp complex concepts with confidence. So, whether you’re studying for CUET, ICAR, or board exams, this video is the perfect resource to enhance your understanding and boost your performance. Don’t miss out on this enlightening discussion! Hit the play button and embark on an electrifying journey through the captivating realm of electric charge and field physics. #resonance #CUET #ICAR Boards #resonancepspd #class12 #cuet2023 #cuetexam #ICARexam #kotacoaching #bestinstitute #cuetug2023 #cuet #cuet2022 #cuetpyqs #cuetpyps #cuetpaperdiscussuion #cuetug2023 #paperanalysis #paperdiscussion #mostexpectedquestions #notebandi #ipl #demonetization #cuetmcqs #Electric Charges and Fields #Most Important Questions of Physics
27 mei · 56 weergaven
Revstar Standard electric guitars feature chambered bodies developed with our Acoustic Design process to sculpt tone and maximize resonance. RSS20 and the left-handed RSS20L feature custom-designed Alnico V humbuckers with five-way switching for additional versatility. Positions 2 and 4 introduce capacitors to subtly offset the phase between both pickups for a new take on classic “in-between” sounds. Learn more: https://yamaha.io/3O6LweY #yamahaguitar
17 apr. 2022 · 425 weergaven
Resonance A young couple, Max and Elena, goes on a field trip and stumbles upon strange noises resonating from deep within the woods. These strange and haunting sounds have, besides negative psychological impact, severe physical effects and when Elena starts bleeding internally, she desperately needs a doctor. Max discovers that the noise is blocking all electronic signals and realizes that the only way to get help will be to go straight through the woods, but something doesn’t want them to leave. https://amazon.com/Resonance-Nastassia-Firestone/dp/B07WLBVVGD #movies #movie #film #cinema #films #actor #hollywood #love #s #actress #art #cinematography #music #bollywood #horror #filmmaking #netflix #tv #instagood #director #filmmaker #moviescenes #photography #cine #like #comedy #movienight #horrormovies #video #bhfyp
31 jan. 2020 · 19 weergaven
For over 14 years, Eclipse has been an experience of visual and musical arts reuniting artists and participants from all over the world. It’s one of the best known psychedelic-trance and electronic-music festivals in North America. For over a decade, the festival has offered a festive, vibrant and unique experience. It forms a genuine parallel world, connected and illuminated for five days in a beautiful forest. Music, performances, technological and visionary arts, alternative philosophies, spirituality, and life in nature merge together.TechSafari collective invites you this summer under the theme of resonance. Vibrate to the sound of talented local and international artists, let yourself be carried away by enchanting sonorities and rhythms, by the sweet smells of the forest, and by the gentle breeze of the Gatineau River. And, in an atmosphere as ecstatic as it is benevolent, let yourself be invaded by the waving bodies fervor, by smiles and sparkling glances, and by the transforming energy of the Full Moon. For 2017, it is all this, and much more, that TechSafari calls upon you to experiment… Brothers and sisters, see you soon ❤️ Video: Gyom Latrompette @ Latrompette Studio Music: Tripswitch -Divine Falsehood (Iboga Records)
15 jun. 2017 · 19 d. weergaven
What might be possible if we could feel connected and safe enough to show up as our whole selves, in all of our magnificent giftedness? 7-min. video from Resonate!2017. Iowa Writers’ House Chuck Peters Michelle Holliday Jocasta Boone Jovanna Soligo Peterborough Dialogues Electric City Magazine Gabe Pollock Luke Lee Burton Benjamin Smith Yvonne Hollandy Amber Pula Peter Pula Mary Gordon Restore Commons The Abundant Community Cormac Russell Nurture Development The Age of Thrivability Ralph Gutkin Laine Johnson The Mount Community Centre
17 nov. 2017 · 212 weergaven
An intangible cultural heritage certified by UNESCO, the Grand Song of Dong Ethnic Minority is a vocal chorus using alternating breaths and no conductor or accompaniment, displaying the harmonious coexistence of humankind and nature. The love songs of the Grand Song, combined with elements of the Yi ethnicity and the resonance of distinct voice parts, is a display of human feelings and perceptions of life. On our #MusicVoyage, listen to this rendition of a song that comes from nature but merges with electronic sounds to create an amazing effect. #ThePulse
27 apr. · 432 d. weergaven
Astral Fresh – Take U Down (Original Mix) Astral Fresh . Now Available on all digital platforms!! 👽🤯 . Subscribe to our Youtube Channel !! 🤟💯 . Follow Us !! 🤟👽 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ResonanceSpaceRecords/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resonance_space_records/?hl=es-la Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/resonance_space_records Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuEJJhtJXcq_7PhU4jF-bOg Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/label/resonance-space/81311 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/1gYYrMqmQA21mxcqArQdR3?si=5ByJQ4LJQ3-Zt918OIDQHg&dl_branch=1 #psytrance #psy #trance #psychedelic #trancemusic #trancefamily #dmt #progressive #goa #trippy #rave #electronicmusic #housenation #edmnation #plurlife #festivals #edmlife #edmfamily #raver #edmlifestyle #plurvibes #housemusic #djlife #dancemusic #edm #plur #techno #electronic #deephouse #electro ℗ Resonance Space
25 sep. 2021 · 12 d. weergaven

🎸Donner DTC-100 Solid Body Perforated Design Electric Guitar🎸 ✨The DTC-100S features a solid poplar body with rounded curves✨ ✨Perforated design for better resonance and sustain✨ 🛒Click the link to SHOP: https://bit.ly/3MEOsgW – #donnermusic #donnerdeal #donnerguitar #guitarplayer #guitarsolo #electricguitar #electricguitars #electricguitarist #guitarcover #guitarist #guitarporn #music #musician #music #musically #musicvideo #musical #musicislife #musicians #musicproducer #musiclife #musicalinstrument
9 jun. 2022 · 181 weergaven

Yamaha FX280 is the perfect acoustic-electric guitar for beginners. This model provides great Yamaha quality and the natural plugged-in sound which delivers the body resonance. It is ideal for both home and stage performances. Start your musical voyage today with FX280. Know more: https://yamaha.io/3Cn9fm4 #yamaha #makewaveswithyamaha #yamahamusic #yamahamusicindia #guitar #acousticelectricguitar #FX280guitar #yamahaguitars #electricguitar
15 jul. · 683 d. weergaven

https://www.diggersfactory.com/vinyl/252046/ovnimoon-galactic-mantra-the-remixes-picture-disc limited edition 500 pcs I AM light I AM Infinite I AM the channel I AM expanding I AM psychedelic I AM vibration I AM timeless I AM unity I AM activating I AM resonance I AM galactic I AM radiant I AM defined I AM electric I AM lunar I AM magnetic I AM planetary I AM balanced I AM organized I AM connected I AM inspired I AM in harmony I AM integrity I AM perfect I AM manifestation I AM dissolving I AM releasing I AM liberated I AM dedicated I AM universalized enduring & transcending mantra I AM earth-ing I AM being I AM communicating I AM spirit I AM breathing I AM cosmic I AM essence I AM power I AM action I AM dreaming I AM abundance I AM intuition I AM god I AM extreme I AM internal I AM external I AM flowering I AM clocking I AM aware I AM life-force I AM surviving I AM d.m.t. I AM spiraling I AM art I AM accomplishing I AM healing I AM beauty I AM elegance I AM pure I AM flowing I AM love I AM chakras I AM coinciding I AM playing I AM magic I AM illusive I AM free will I AM wise I AM exploring I AM space & time I AM waking life I AM vivid I AM enchanting I AM timelessness in complete infinite design I AM alien I AM human I AM receptive I AM vision I AM energy I AM mindful & questioning I AM answering I AM intelligent I AM fearless I AM evolving I AM opening my third eye to the unseen vision I AM translating I AM synchronicity I AM reflecting I AM endlessness I AM order & chaos I AM the tao I AM crystalized I AM self generation I AM affirming I AM enlightened I AM life I AM a tone I AM a color I AM electronic I AM the lunar & solar opposite & polar language I AM radial I AM particles of plasma I AM endurance I Am cosmic I AM releasing I AM perfect I AM liberated I AM pulsing I AM realizing I AM the ONE because the ONE are ALL form I AM the infinite nothing that becomes the everything I AM symbolic I AM relative I AM the divine spirit that harmonizes with the laws projecting the digital loom the tool of experiencing desire and finding ecstasy in process I AM me, WE are YOU.

https://www.diggersfactory.com/vinyl/252046/ovnimoon-galactic-mantra-the-remixes-picture-disc limited edition 500 pcs I AM light I AM Infinite I AM the channel I AM expanding I AM psychedelic I AM vibration I AM timeless I AM unity I AM activating I AM resonance I AM galactic I AM radiant I AM defined I AM electric I AM lunar I AM magnetic I AM planetary I AM balanced I AM organized I AM connected I AM inspired I AM in harmony I AM integrity I AM perfect I AM manifestation I AM dissolving I AM releasing I AM liberated I AM dedicated I AM universalized enduring & transcending mantra I AM earth-ing I AM being I AM communicating I AM spirit I AM breathing I AM cosmic I AM essence I AM power I AM action I AM dreaming I AM abundance I AM intuition I AM god I AM extreme I AM internal I AM external I AM flowering I AM clocking I AM aware I AM life-force I AM surviving I AM d.m.t. I AM spiraling I AM art I AM accomplishing I AM healing I AM beauty I AM elegance I AM pure I AM flowing I AM love I AM chakras I AM coinciding I AM playing I AM magic I AM illusive I AM free will I AM wise I AM exploring I AM space & time I AM waking life I AM vivid I AM enchanting I AM timelessness in complete infinite design I AM alien I AM human I AM receptive I AM vision I AM energy I AM mindful & questioning I AM answering I AM intelligent I AM fearless I AM evolving I AM opening my third eye to the unseen vision I AM translating I AM synchronicity I AM reflecting I AM endlessness I AM order & chaos I AM the tao I AM crystalized I AM self generation I AM affirming I AM enlightened I AM life I AM a tone I AM a color I AM electronic I AM the lunar & solar opposite & polar language I AM radial I AM particles of plasma I AM endurance I Am cosmic I AM releasing I AM perfect I AM liberated I AM pulsing I AM realizing I AM the ONE because the ONE are ALL form I AM the infinite nothing that becomes the everything I AM symbolic I AM relative I AM the divine spirit that harmonizes with the laws projecting the digital loom the tool of experiencing desire and finding ecstasy in process I AM me, WE are YOU.
28 jul. 2022 · 1,2 d. weergaven

~ 101 Ways How To Fall Sick Living Next To A Power Station ~ If you have one next to your home you need help immediately. This is known as Technopathic Stress. (Do your own research) As the resonance of the electrical fields (EMF) from a power station can fry you while you work, play or sleep. They can travel a long distance of up to 300 meters or more to reach your home. And still cause you harm. Work from home can actually cause you to have severe medical issues. Causing you sleepless nights, severe headaches, nose bleeds, joint pains, pain in your nerve pathways, forgetfulness, strokes, cancer and more. (Same with bluetooth earpieces that can fry your brain – don’t believe? Go do your own research too…) These EMF waves can penetrate through walls, ceilings, floors and rock. And are linked to other earth energies to form a communication network. They cannot be stopped by an electrical appliance (which by the way adds to the stress), fengshui or crystals. We have a way to harmonize these energies in a home or space. And through a remote check of your home with just an address we can find out what is in there. This may sound unreal but we have the ability to do this. Through a LIVE demo, when we visit, we can prove they exist. We work with Geopathic, Technopathic and Geopsychic Stress. By the way, Geopsychic Stress is the spirit world. Everything in the universe is made of energy and frequencies. Speak to us now at 81001082. (QUESTION: How do we as house healers, use dowsing to detect energy? ANSWER: We use a set of L-Copper rods, to work with photons of the quantum entanglement to connect with what we place our intent on. Libre Text Chemistry explains: What is a photon in simple terms? A photon is a tiny particle that comprises waves of electromagnetic radiation. As shown by James Maxwell (1865), photons are just electric fields traveling through space. Photons have no charge, no resting mass, and travel at the speed of light. Energy can be transmitted through a photon over vast distances without any loss in energy or speed. We as healers can connect with these forces for information gathering and for healing). #wealthvortexhousehealer #househealersg #beyondfengshui #fengshui #geomancy #geopathicstress #technopathicstress #houseclearing #househealing #househealer #geopsychicstress #wealthvortex #geowealthvortex #geovortexsg #geowealthsg #openawealthvortex #paranormalactivity #welcomewealthwithawealthvortex #wealthvortexluck #wealthvortexpositivechanges #lifelessonssg #goosebumpssg #paranormal #paranormalinvestigator #paranormalinvestigation

~ 101 Ways How To Fall Sick Living Next To A Power Station ~ If you have one next to your home you need help immediately. This is known as Technopathic Stress. (Do your own research) As the resonance of the electrical fields (EMF) from a power station can fry you while you work, play or sleep. They can travel a long distance of up to 300 meters or more to reach your home. And still cause you harm. Work from home can actually cause you to have severe medical issues. Causing you sleepless nights, severe headaches, nose bleeds, joint pains, pain in your nerve pathways, forgetfulness, strokes, cancer and more. (Same with bluetooth earpieces that can fry your brain – don’t believe? Go do your own research too…) These EMF waves can penetrate through walls, ceilings, floors and rock. And are linked to other earth energies to form a communication network. They cannot be stopped by an electrical appliance (which by the way adds to the stress), fengshui or crystals. We have a way to harmonize these energies in a home or space. And through a remote check of your home with just an address we can find out what is in there. This may sound unreal but we have the ability to do this. Through a LIVE demo, when we visit, we can prove they exist. We work with Geopathic, Technopathic and Geopsychic Stress. By the way, Geopsychic Stress is the spirit world. Everything in the universe is made of energy and frequencies. Speak to us now at 81001082. (QUESTION: How do we as house healers, use dowsing to detect energy? ANSWER: We use a set of L-Copper rods, to work with photons of the quantum entanglement to connect with what we place our intent on. Libre Text Chemistry explains: What is a photon in simple terms? A photon is a tiny particle that comprises waves of electromagnetic radiation. As shown by James Maxwell (1865), photons are just electric fields traveling through space. Photons have no charge, no resting mass, and travel at the speed of light. Energy can be transmitted through a photon over vast distances without any loss in energy or speed. We as healers can connect with these forces for information gathering and for healing). #wealthvortexhousehealer #househealersg #beyondfengshui #fengshui #geomancy #geopathicstress #technopathicstress #houseclearing #househealing #househealer #geopsychicstress #wealthvortex #geowealthvortex #geovortexsg #geowealthsg #openawealthvortex #paranormalactivity #welcomewealthwithawealthvortex #wealthvortexluck #wealthvortexpositivechanges #lifelessonssg #goosebumpssg #paranormal #paranormalinvestigator #paranormalinvestigation
10 jun. · 4,9 d. weergaven

Togata – Lucid Word (Original Mix) Togata . Now Available on all digital platforms!! 👽🤯 . Subscribe to our Youtube Channel !! 🤟💯 . Follow Us !! 🤟👽 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ResonanceSpaceRecords/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resonance_space_records/?hl=es-la Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/resonance_space_records Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuEJJhtJXcq_7PhU4jF-bOg Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/label/resonance-space/81311 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/7ImRnvJenckoOXcMcUU1uC?si=ZqzYNktHTmaUFET30aewSA #psytrance #psy #trance #psychedelic #trancemusic #trancefamily #dmt #progressive #goa #trippy #rave #electronicmusic #housenation #edmnation #plurlife #festivals #edmlife #edmfamily #raver #edmlifestyle #plurvibes #housemusic #djlife #dancemusic #edm #plur #techno #electronic #deephouse #electro ℗ Resonance Space
13 dec. 2021 · 5,6 d. weergaven

“The resonance, brightness & tone last longer than any other strings I’ve used.” – Julian Kerins Julian plays Elixir Electric Nickel Plated Steel Strings with NANOWEB Coating 10-46
10 nov. 2022 · 548 weergaven

Squilax – Across The Battlefield (Original Mix) Squilax . Now Available on all digital platforms!! 👽🤯 . Subscribe to our Youtube Channel !! 🤟💯 . Follow Us !! 🤟👽 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ResonanceSpaceRecords/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resonance_space_records/?hl=es-la Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/resonance_space_records Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuEJJhtJXcq_7PhU4jF-bOg Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/label/resonance-space/81311 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/1bSg4qCiz2zNtjSgnKYiEp?si=cXLryk8bT2e5NVO3_vnIyQ #psytrance #psy #trance #psychedelic #trancemusic #trancefamily #dmt #progressive #goa #trippy #rave #electronicmusic #housenation #edmnation #plurlife #festivals #edmlife #edmfamily #raver #edmlifestyle #plurvibes #housemusic #djlife #dancemusic #edm #plur #techno #electronic #deephouse #electro ℗ Resonance Space
27 okt. 2021 · 6,7 d. weergaven

AC Parallel Circuit Practical Explain in bangla !! Do you went know about that how to practically prallel connection for AC load? In this video I show you – How to AC Load connection on Prallal. This video Title: AC Parallel Circuit Practical Explain Covered series and parallel ac circuits ac parallel circuit examples parallel rlc circuit series-parallel rlc circuit parallel rc circuit parallel circuit with ac power supply parallel resonance circuit impedance of r and c in parallel .!! . Please Subscribe my channel. https://www.youtube.com/@lovebyfarhan9441 . #electric_technician #Diploma_engineer #DIPLOMA_ENGINEERING #diplomats #Electric_Engineer #diploma #electric #whatsapp_status_electric #electricbike #electrician
4 apr. · 46 weergaven

Revstar Standard electric guitars feature chambered bodies developed with our Acoustic Design process to sculpt tone and maximize resonance. Discover more: https://yamaha.io/3O6LweY #yamahaguitar
21 jul. 2022 · 498 weergaven

🔥 Electric Guitar Sounds Like Acoustic? No Way! 🔥🔥 ✅ I love how this guitar sounds like my acoustic guitar. This is a RSS02T Revstar Standard electric guitars feature chambered bodies developed with the Acoustic Design process to sculpt tone and maximize resonance. Watch in YouTube: https://youtu.be/Qa1vWHhaWbs #YamahaGuitars #Revstar
16 mei · 1,2 d. weergaven

PART 2: Fractal Architecture of the old world, in one form or another, is present all throughout our realm ❄️‼️ All these “ancient” repurposed structures by any name (temples, cathedrals, star forts, mosques etc) regardless of time or origin—mirror fractals antennas, because in their own way, they were antennas They all acted as energy resonator-generators. One will notice it’s simplest wave-form always located at the structures center. As the patterns become more intricate, the fractals reach a higher frequency range/resonance Symmetrical shapes alone force ions to vibrate in a constant manner, generating or selecting electromagnetic energy & sound waves of specific frequencies from a signal No architectural element of antiquity was just a random decoration. Copper roofs, intricate Mercury filled spires, archivolts, piezoelectric granite, etc every-thing served a specific function Along with other techniques, certain forms & shapes were implemented to attract the natural static electrical charge present in the ionosphere to then collect & dispense Atmospheric Etheric Energy throughout the grid You/Your DNA is a Fractal Antenna, signaling the ‘Universe’…We now have a parasitic low frequency power grid that is proven harmful to life, whereas before it was a benevolent high frequency grid, harmonious with nature Just about everything we’ve been taught about the past is utter bullshit. The buildings/structures that remain are a testimony to that. Follow Question Antiquity for more‼️ ♻️: electric_being on IG❕ . . . . . . #frequency #energy #vibration #fractalart #meditation #consciousness #healing #spirituality #universe #spiritualawakening #Jesus #christianity #fractals #fractal #lawofattraction #manifest #hz #crystals #acousticlevitation #cathedral #sacredgeometry #ascension #freemasons #healingfrequencies #conspiracy #conspiracies #conspiracytheory #fractaluniverse #nikolatesla #freemasonry

PART 2: Fractal Architecture of the old world, in one form or another, is present all throughout our realm ❄️‼️ All these “ancient” repurposed structures by any name (temples, cathedrals, star forts, mosques etc) regardless of time or origin—mirror fractals antennas, because in their own way, they were antennas They all acted as energy resonator-generators. One will notice it’s simplest wave-form always located at the structures center. As the patterns become more intricate, the fractals reach a higher frequency range/resonance Symmetrical shapes alone force ions to vibrate in a constant manner, generating or selecting electromagnetic energy & sound waves of specific frequencies from a signal No architectural element of antiquity was just a random decoration. Copper roofs, intricate Mercury filled spires, archivolts, piezoelectric granite, etc every-thing served a specific function Along with other techniques, certain forms & shapes were implemented to attract the natural static electrical charge present in the ionosphere to then collect & dispense Atmospheric Etheric Energy throughout the grid You/Your DNA is a Fractal Antenna, signaling the ‘Universe’…We now have a parasitic low frequency power grid that is proven harmful to life, whereas before it was a benevolent high frequency grid, harmonious with nature Just about everything we’ve been taught about the past is utter bullshit. The buildings/structures that remain are a testimony to that. Follow Question Antiquity for more‼️ ♻️: electric_being on IG❕ . . . . . . #frequency #energy #vibration #fractalart #meditation #consciousness #healing #spirituality #universe #spiritualawakening #Jesus #christianity #fractals #fractal #lawofattraction #manifest #hz #crystals #acousticlevitation #cathedral #sacredgeometry #ascension #freemasons #healingfrequencies #conspiracy #conspiracies #conspiracytheory #fractaluniverse #nikolatesla #freemasonry
10 mei · 1,7 d. weergaven

🎶🎶🎶TAYLOR TUESDAY🎶🎶🎶 Taylor 514ce Urban Red Ironbark Acoustic-electric Guitar (NEW): $3,299.00 We take a quick look at another stunning instrument from Taylor that just hit the showroom and website, the 514ce Urban Red Ironbark! This instrument features Ironbark back and sides, ES2 Electronics, and a torrefied Sitka Spruce top which gives it the resonance and tone of a decades old guitar fresh from the box. Swing by the showroom or allenmusicshop.com and check it out for yourself ❤️🎸🎶
6 jun. · 305 weergaven

🦋🧘‍♀️🌈 Mettaverse – Cosmic Resonance Mix showcases some of the best that Chill Space has to offer: https://youtu.be/HBwgPGuf18w 🌈🧘‍♀️🦋 🔊 Follow our exclusive Chill Space Mix Series: https://bit.ly/PlayChillSpaceMixSeries Mettaverse is Brian Larson, a musician from Minnesota who began in a rock band. As his influences changed, he began composing more ambient electronic and meditative music. Experiencing how healing and connecting music can be, he started Mettaverse to focus on music as a tool for the exploration of frequency healing and a deeper knowing of ourselves. Music: Avishai Barnatan Music – Rejuvenation
20 aug. 2022 · 827 weergaven

FX280 is the perfect acoustic-electric guitar for beginners. This model provides great Yamaha quality and the natural plugged-in sound which delivers the body resonance. It is ideal for both home and stage performances. Know more: https://yamaha.io/3Cn9fm4 #yamaha #makewaveswithyamaha #yamahamusic #yamahamusicindia #guitar #electronicacousticguitar #electronicguitar #acousticguitar #yamahaguitars
24 mrt. · 395 weergaven

Drums, loads of them! My first release on RESONANCE SOUND 😀 🔥 Drum Depot is a massive drum kit arsenal, featuring over 800 drum samples, loops and MIDIs in total, suitable for any electronic style. Enjoy the demo video! ⭐ 💣 http://www.resonance-sound.com/product/resonance-sound-drum-depot/
24 apr. 2017 · 174 weergaven

Order your Supro Martinique Deluxe and see more New From NAMM at http://bit.ly/NAMM17MFFB! The Supro Martinique Deluxe is a reproduction of the top-of-the-line, piezo- and vibrato bar-equipped fiberglass Supro electric guitar that was manufactured in the early 1960s. The Martinique reissue mates a chambered mahogany back with a newly-developed, composite “Acousti-glass” top. This updated construction preserves the instrument’s Art Deco aesthetics as well as the signature blend of piezo and magnetic pickups, while improving its semi-hollow acoustic resonance and tuning stability.
18 jan. 2017 · 13 d. weergaven

Revstar Standard electric guitars feature chambered bodies developed with our Acoustic Design process to sculpt tone and maximize resonance. RSS02T features custom-designed Alnico V P90-style single-coil pickups with five-way switching for additional versatility. Positions 2 and 4 introduce capacitors to subtly offset the phase between both pickups for a new take on classic “in-between” sounds. Discover more: https://yamaha.io/3O6LweY #yamahaguitar
18 jul. 2022 · 321 weergaven

Revstar Professional is the flagship tier of the new Revstar series. Made in Japan, these electric guitars feature chambered bodies with carbon reinforcement, developed with our Acoustic Design process to sculpt tone and maximize resonance. RSP20 and RSP20X feature custom-designed Alnico V humbuckers with five-way switching for additional versatility. Positions 2 and 4 introduce capacitors to subtly offset the phase between both pickups for a new take on classic “in-between” sounds. Discover more: https://yamaha.io/3O6LweY #yamahaguitar
18 mei 2022 · 668 weergaven

The Artcore AF75 Electric Guitar by Ibanez Guitars has a fully bound, all-maple hollow body that provides tight resonance without feedback. The #Ibanez #AF75 is a true full-hollowbody guitar (no soundblock) perfect for that muted jazz tone and fully flexible for everything from alt rock to pounding punk. Mahogany set neck with bound rosewood fretboard and pearl block inlay is a delight to the digits. ACH1 humbucker at the neck and ACH2 at the bridge provide a beefy, quiet signal with pronounced mids.
2 nov. 2017 · 2,1 d. weergaven

Monk – Space Talk (Original Mix) Monk.dj . Now Available on all digital platforms!! 👽🤯 . Subscribe to our Youtube Channel !! 🤟💯 . Follow Us !! 🤟👽 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ResonanceSpaceRecords/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resonance_space_records/?hl=es-la Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/resonance_space_records Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuEJJhtJXcq_7PhU4jF-bOg Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/label/resonance-space/81311 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/1Nt8XJzY21i6tEwikt8tqu?si=sPhxo44ET7efFA3ICY7geQ&dl_branch=1 #psytrance #psy #trance #psychedelic #trancemusic #trancefamily #lsd #dmt #hardstyle #progressive #goa #trippy #rave #electronicmusic #housenation #edmnation #plurlife #festivals #edmlife #edmfamily #raver #trancefamily #edmlifestyle #plurvibes #housemusic #djlife #dancemusic #rave #edm #plur #techno #electronic #deephouse #electro #electronicdancemusic #edmlove #bass #dj ℗ Resonance Space
10 aug. 2021 · 10 d. weergaven

PRS Core Series Hollowbody II Piezo HB2 Charcoal Cherry Burst 💥 Featuring brilliant acoustics and diverse tones, the Hollowbody II Piezo stands out among PRS’s dynamic hollow instruments. With a maple top, back, and mahogany sides, it offers tonal clarity and exceptional resonance. Equipped with the LR Baggs/PRS Piezo System, this guitar merges acoustic and electric tones. Its dual output jacks connect to amps or soundboards, while the blend control mixes 58/15 LT pickups and acoustic sounds through one output. #wildwestguitars #prs #prsguitars #prshollowbodyii
16 aug. · 527 weergaven

Roburck – Frequency Modulation (Original Mix) Roburck . Now Available on all digital platforms!! 👽🤯 . Subscribe to our Youtube Channel !! 🤟💯 . Follow Us !! 🤟👽 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ResonanceSpaceRecords/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resonance_space_records/?hl=es-la Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/resonance_space_records Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuEJJhtJXcq_7PhU4jF-bOg Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/label/resonance-space/81311 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/34P7F0KrTMRsc1SOe1vNzc?si=z2ty4SNzQLyopPqhXvFwCA #psytrance #psy #trance #psychedelic #trancemusic #trancefamily #dmt #progressive #goa #trippy #rave #electronicmusic #housenation #edmnation #plurlife #festivals #edmlife #edmfamily #raver #edmlifestyle #plurvibes #housemusic #djlife #dancemusic #edm #plur #techno #electronic #deephouse ℗ Resonance Space
4 mrt. 2022 · 2,2 d. weergaven

Astral Fresh & Toon´Z – Ramah (Original Mix) Astral Fresh . Now Available on all digital platforms!! 👽🤯 . Subscribe to our Youtube Channel !! 🤟💯 . Follow Us !! 🤟👽 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ResonanceSpaceRecords/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resonance_space_records/?hl=es-la Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/resonance_space_records Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuEJJhtJXcq_7PhU4jF-bOg Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/label/resonance-space/81311 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/30Yd7yJ2F44gWJXbeWbUIZ?si=GPwlpzQRSMqtmsxDoYObiQ #psytrance #psy #trance #psychedelic #trancemusic #trancefamily #dmt #progressive #goa #trippy #rave #electronicmusic #housenation #edmnation #plurlife #festivals #edmlife #edmfamily #raver #edmlifestyle #plurvibes #housemusic #djlife #dancemusic #edm #plur #techno #electronic #deephouse #electro ℗ Resonance Space
17 nov. 2021 · 11 d. weergaven

FINAL CALL: Registration is ending this week for the next 𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐃𝐲𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 scheduled from July – Decmber 2022 with 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐚𝐢 𝐇𝐬𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐠 to guide those interested in step-by-step instruction both martially and spiritually. This 6-month mentoring program is geared towards those who are serious about mastering the internal arts. Both theory and practice will be expounded and demonstrated in detail, free from tradition and lineage. In addition, for those who have been practicing an art such as Tai Chi or Aikido for many years yet fail to demonstrate internal skill spontaneously, the Prana Dynamics Master Program is the opportunity to fine-tune your understanding and master your inner energy. Click this enroll in the course: https://themartialman.com/courses/prana-dynamics-master-program MASTER PROGRAM CURRICULUM. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞. • The Trinity – Essence, Energy and Spirit, the philosophical framework of reference. • Antenna – balancing the law of gravity and counter gravity. • Mind v.s. No Mind.Wu 武 – No Fighting: Non-Violence, Non- • Duality.From Confluence to Permeation for Fascia Activation. • Rooting – Heaven Man Earth in Oneness. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐲 𝐂𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. • Mind – Trinity in animation at the function of focus. • Relaxation – Fascia activation. • From Top-Down to Horizontal Alignment – Linear v.s. Spacial. • Simultaneous mind-body modulation. • From Willing to Intent – Fascia Energization. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐢𝐝 – 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰. • Internal Breathing – the Buffer Effect. • Skin Pore Breathing – Tensegrity. • The Hula Hoop Drill – Synchronization v.s. Flow. • Inflation/Deflation and Tension Modulation – Fa Jin. 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐅𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐲. • Energy Throughput – Electric Vibration v.s. Magnetic Fluid. • Bow and Arrow Analogy v.s. Whip Cracking. • Energy Permeation and Modulation. • Line Sensation- From Flexibility to Conductivity. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐰 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞. • Application: Squeezing 擠, Pressing 按, Contact Point Separation. • The Mental Orb Mechanism. • Bypassing and Line Sensation – Energy Mechanism in Motion. 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 – 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐨 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐌𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐦. • Applications: Plucking 採, Flipping 挒. • Game of Mental Hide and Seek – Variation Basics. • Intent: Focalization of the Astral, Mental and Vital energy. • Synchronization and Tension Modulation – Energy Confluence Mechanism. 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲/𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬. • Elbowing 肘, Space Occupation 靠. • Energy Plane – Theory and Practice. • Synchronization of Energy Sphere – Shoulder, Knee, and Hip. • Internal Qin Na Basics, Theory and Practice. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞. • The Spiral of The Ying and Yang.Deadpoint Control. • Qin Na, Elbow and Shoulder Lock and Variations. 𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐯𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐓𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬. • Reintegration of the RABIS Principles. • Spontaneous Manifestation in Motion. • Deciphering the Secrets of Forms – from Mechanics to Spontaneity. 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐬 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩 𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐬. • The Art from Visualization to Actualization. • The Transition from in between Applications.The Importance of Continuity. • The Principle of Three. • Internalization and Meditation – the Internal Mindscape of Spirituality. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠. • The Energyscape, Astral, Vital, and Mental. • The State of No Self. • Intuition and Spontaneity. 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐩 & 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲. • The Astral Body and the Light Body. • The Mysterious Gateway: Stillness in Silence and Prana Dynamics. Click this link to enroll: https://themartialman.com/courses/prana-dynamics-master-program
28 jun. 2022 · 10 d. weergaven

O u t n o w _______ ELECTRIC RESCUE – Sub1810 Get your copy here : http://bit.ly/1THVhwb or at Beatport : http://bit.ly/2q6CgQx Juno Download : http://bit.ly/2kLiHGW or Traxsource : http://bit.ly/2hyTpgO Early support by : Pfirter, Angel Molina, Amotik, Electric Indigo , Stephanie Sykes, joseph capriati , Samuli Kemppi, Arnaud Le Texier, Abstract Division, Wlderz, Kaiser, Mørbeck, Vertical Spectrum, Krenzlin, Marco Bruno, Hd Substance, Mental Resonance, Doka, A.Morgan, Victor Santana . . . Written and produced by Antoine Husson Mastered by Newrhythmic Studios – Leon – Spain
2 nov. 2018 · 67 weergaven

🔥 ELECTRONIC CHAOS – The Ultimate Techno Experience 🔥 📣 Save the date: June 3rd 📣 Unleash your inner techno warrior and join us for an electrifying night at Velvet Club, Wakefield. Experience the groundbreaking sounds of James Jaymal from Harrogate, North Yorkshire, representing Resonance Birmingham. Get ready to lose yourself in pulsating beats, mind-blowing visuals, and a futuristic atmosphere. Limited tickets available now! Don’t miss out on the ultimate techno revolution. ⚡️ ELECTRONIC CHAOS – The Ultimate Techno Experience ⚡️ Date: June 3rd Location: Velvet Club, Wakefield Featuring: James Jaymal from Harrogate, North Yorkshire Representing: Resonance Birmingham #ElectronicChaos #TechnoRevolution #JamesJaymal #ResonanceBirmingham #VelvetClubWakefield #HiTechEvents #UltimateTechnoExperience #techno #wakefield #leeds #birmingham #unitedkingdom #wakefieldnight #wakefielduniversity #WakefieldGirls #wakefieldcollege #wakefieldevents #wakefieldtechno #technoleeds #harrogatemusic TICKET’S ⤵️⤵️ https://www.fatsoma.com/e/m4gwhduj/electronic-chaos-the-ultimate-techno-experience https://skiddle.com/e/36308464
26 mei · 308 weergaven

Samuel Roos – Katyusha (Original Mix) Samuel R. Rosales . Now Available on all digital platforms!! 👽🤯 . Subscribe to our Youtube Channel !! 🤟💯 . Follow Us !! 🤟👽 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ResonanceSpaceRecords/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resonance_space_records/?hl=es-la Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/resonance_space_records Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuEJJhtJXcq_7PhU4jF-bOg Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/label/resonance-space/81311 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/6nnMj09W9WnFAhsXFnOJla?si=PERVGlmPRM-tNIBXQ4Dyzg #psytrance #psy #trance #psychedelic #trancemusic #trancefamily #dmt #progressive #goa #trippy #rave #electronicmusic #housenation #edmnation #plurlife #festivals #edmlife #edmfamily #raver #edmlifestyle #plurvibes #housemusic #djlife #dancemusic #edm #plur #techno #electronic #deephouse #electro ℗ Resonance Space
29 nov. 2021 · 5 d. weergaven

🎤🔥 Rocking the Stage with ‘Spiteful Cheers’ 🎶 Relive the fire of our recent gig as we share a snippet from ‘Spiteful Cheers’! The energy was electric, and the audience’s enthusiasm was incredible. Thank you for being a part of this unforgettable night! 🎵 ‘Spiteful Cheers’ – a glimpse into the raw emotions, the energy, and the defiance that defines us. Our music is a conduit for those unspoken feelings, a way to find resonance in a chaotic world. Stay tuned for more electrifying moments! 🤘🎉 Full Video: https://youtu.be/mh6S8dDpoOE #LiveMusicMagic #GigMoments #RockOnStage #SpitefulCheers #VibrantCrowd #MusicConnects #RawEmotions #MusicalResonance #RockLife #StayTuned #RockAndRoll #EnergizingNight
12 aug. · 220 weergaven

In the dynamic realm of electronic sounds, where connections intertwine and energies align, a powerful synergy emerged – one that weaves the essence of positivity and creativity. With every passing moment, the intensity grew, and the anticipation swelled. Thus, the bond between Primarie and Lucide deepened, giving birth to an extraordinary musical duo. This journey commenced with a series of remarkable remixes, each note and beat hinting at the remarkable path ahead. As the harmonious resonance between them flourished, the minds behind Tzinah Records and Unknown Series united in purpose, creating a force to be reckoned with. Primarie and Lucide fuse their boundless sonic imaginations in an EP that embodies their collective genius. Every track is a manifestation of their unwavering dedication to delivering auditory brilliance, showcasing the best that their ears have to offer. Diversifying the sonic spectrum, the EP becomes even more vibrant with the inclusion of Triptil remix. This gifted artist lends his creative touch, crafting a remix that encapsulates the sheer joy of minimalism. With precision mastering by Silat Beksi, the EP stands as a testament to their passion, their vision, and their love for the art. This is more than music; it’s a story, an expression of unity and creativity, pulsating with the love that defines Tzinah Records. Thus, the saga of “Better Than They Think They Are EP” unfolds, a creation that unites the brilliance of Primarie and Lucide, adorned with the electrifying remix by Triptil. This is the story of harmony, innovation, and a shared love for music, brought to you with unwavering devotion from Tzinah with Love. . Primarie & Lucide – Better Than They Think They Are EP [TZH193] incl Triptil Remix . LINK IN BIO . #Primarie, #PrimarieTzinah, #Lucide, #Tzinah, #TzinahRecords, #UnknownSeries, #BetterThanTheyThinkTheyAre, #EP, #TZH193, #Triptil, #Remix, #Underground, #Sound, #Music, #Minimal, #MinimalHouse, #Rominimal, #RomanianMinimal, #RomanianSound, #RomaniansArePlaying, #RomanianTechno, #Microhouse, #Deep, #Electronic, #MasteredBySilatBeksi, #SilatBeksi, #FunDaysFlow, #TheTreeCalledLife, #Breaks

In the dynamic realm of electronic sounds, where connections intertwine and energies align, a powerful synergy emerged – one that weaves the essence of positivity and creativity. With every passing moment, the intensity grew, and the anticipation swelled. Thus, the bond between Primarie and Lucide deepened, giving birth to an extraordinary musical duo. This journey commenced with a series of remarkable remixes, each note and beat hinting at the remarkable path ahead. As the harmonious resonance between them flourished, the minds behind Tzinah Records and Unknown Series united in purpose, creating a force to be reckoned with. Primarie and Lucide fuse their boundless sonic imaginations in an EP that embodies their collective genius. Every track is a manifestation of their unwavering dedication to delivering auditory brilliance, showcasing the best that their ears have to offer. Diversifying the sonic spectrum, the EP becomes even more vibrant with the inclusion of Triptil remix. This gifted artist lends his creative touch, crafting a remix that encapsulates the sheer joy of minimalism. With precision mastering by Silat Beksi, the EP stands as a testament to their passion, their vision, and their love for the art. This is more than music; it’s a story, an expression of unity and creativity, pulsating with the love that defines Tzinah Records. Thus, the saga of “Better Than They Think They Are EP” unfolds, a creation that unites the brilliance of Primarie and Lucide, adorned with the electrifying remix by Triptil. This is the story of harmony, innovation, and a shared love for music, brought to you with unwavering devotion from Tzinah with Love. . Primarie & Lucide – Better Than They Think They Are EP [TZH193] incl Triptil Remix . LINK IN BIO . #Primarie, #PrimarieTzinah, #Lucide, #Tzinah, #TzinahRecords, #UnknownSeries, #BetterThanTheyThinkTheyAre, #EP, #TZH193, #Triptil, #Remix, #Underground, #Sound, #Music, #Minimal, #MinimalHouse, #Rominimal, #RomanianMinimal, #RomanianSound, #RomaniansArePlaying, #RomanianTechno, #Microhouse, #Deep, #Electronic, #MasteredBySilatBeksi, #SilatBeksi, #FunDaysFlow, #TheTreeCalledLife, #Breaks
25 aug. · 34 weergaven

In the dynamic realm of electronic sounds, where connections intertwine and energies align, a powerful synergy emerged – one that weaves the essence of positivity and creativity. With every passing moment, the intensity grew, and the anticipation swelled. Thus, the bond between Primarie and Lucide deepened, giving birth to an extraordinary musical duo. This journey commenced with a series of remarkable remixes, each note and beat hinting at the remarkable path ahead. As the harmonious resonance between them flourished, the minds behind Tzinah and Unknown Series united in purpose, creating a force to be reckoned with. Primarie and Lucide fuse their boundless sonic imaginations in an EP that embodies their collective genius. Every track is a manifestation of their unwavering dedication to delivering auditory brilliance, showcasing the best that their ears have to offer. Diversifying the sonic spectrum, the EP becomes even more vibrant with the inclusion of Triptil remix. This gifted artist lends his creative touch, crafting a remix that encapsulates the sheer joy of minimalism. With precision mastering by Silat Beksi, the EP stands as a testament to their passion, their vision, and their love for the art. This is more than music; it’s a story, an expression of unity and creativity, pulsating with the love that defines Tzinah Records. Thus, the saga of “Better Than They Think They Are EP” unfolds, a creation that unites the brilliance of Primarie and Lucide, adorned with the electrifying remix by Triptil. This is the story of harmony, innovation, and a shared love for music, brought to you with unwavering devotion from Tzinah with Love. . Primarie & Lucide – Better Than They Think They Are EP [TZH193] incl Triptil Remix . LINK IN BIO . #Primarie, #PrimarieTzinah, #Lucide, #Tzinah, #TzinahRecords, #UnknownSeries, #BetterThanTheyThinkTheyAre, #EP, #TZH193, #Triptil, #Remix, #Underground, #Sound, #Music, #Minimal, #MinimalHouse, #Rominimal, #RomanianMinimal, #RomanianSound, #RomaniansArePlaying, #RomanianTechno, #Microhouse, #Deep, #Electronic, #MasteredBySilatBeksi, #SilatBeksi, #FunDaysFlow, #TheTreeCalledLife, #Breaks

In the dynamic realm of electronic sounds, where connections intertwine and energies align, a powerful synergy emerged – one that weaves the essence of positivity and creativity. With every passing moment, the intensity grew, and the anticipation swelled. Thus, the bond between Primarie and Lucide deepened, giving birth to an extraordinary musical duo. This journey commenced with a series of remarkable remixes, each note and beat hinting at the remarkable path ahead. As the harmonious resonance between them flourished, the minds behind Tzinah and Unknown Series united in purpose, creating a force to be reckoned with. Primarie and Lucide fuse their boundless sonic imaginations in an EP that embodies their collective genius. Every track is a manifestation of their unwavering dedication to delivering auditory brilliance, showcasing the best that their ears have to offer. Diversifying the sonic spectrum, the EP becomes even more vibrant with the inclusion of Triptil remix. This gifted artist lends his creative touch, crafting a remix that encapsulates the sheer joy of minimalism. With precision mastering by Silat Beksi, the EP stands as a testament to their passion, their vision, and their love for the art. This is more than music; it’s a story, an expression of unity and creativity, pulsating with the love that defines Tzinah Records. Thus, the saga of “Better Than They Think They Are EP” unfolds, a creation that unites the brilliance of Primarie and Lucide, adorned with the electrifying remix by Triptil. This is the story of harmony, innovation, and a shared love for music, brought to you with unwavering devotion from Tzinah with Love. . Primarie & Lucide – Better Than They Think They Are EP [TZH193] incl Triptil Remix . LINK IN BIO . #Primarie, #PrimarieTzinah, #Lucide, #Tzinah, #TzinahRecords, #UnknownSeries, #BetterThanTheyThinkTheyAre, #EP, #TZH193, #Triptil, #Remix, #Underground, #Sound, #Music, #Minimal, #MinimalHouse, #Rominimal, #RomanianMinimal, #RomanianSound, #RomaniansArePlaying, #RomanianTechno, #Microhouse, #Deep, #Electronic, #MasteredBySilatBeksi, #SilatBeksi, #FunDaysFlow, #TheTreeCalledLife, #Breaks
25 aug. · 36 weergaven

Didn’t I tell you gravity does not exist and what’s truly affecting objects with mass to fall to the ground is not this fictitious force but rather Aether through electrostatic acceleration and the Resonant Frequency of the object? Density and Buoyancy cannot totally explain or account for why things fall and rise. There must be an explanation as to WHY. Again, Hot gasses have inherently high and active frequency resonance/vibration and very low storage of electrostatic charge/electric potential compared to solid objects like iron. All matters are dielectric. The denser an object is the more it can hold and store electric charge/potential and this is the reason why it is pushed to the ground when brought above because it is positively charged by the surrounding air and is attracted to negatively charged earth. For the same reason, a bowling ball and a feather when dropped in a vacuum will fall at the same rate and speed because the air which electrostatically charges both objects along with their resonant frequencies was already taken out of the equation. When an object is less dense and when its frequency resonance is high, it becomes negatively charged(discharged of electric force/potential turning it negatively charged/”discharge” is negative) the reason why it is attracted to the positive charge of the electrostatic force in the air and in the same way pushed above by the negatively charged of the earth until it stops upon reaching the equally dense altitude. This perfectly explains why the helium balloon floats and seems to defy the fictitious gravity. Think of positive charge as 🔋. An object that is dense and compact can store a large electric charge potential from the Aether Field around it. Denser objects have an extremely slow frequency resonance and they take a lot of energy(influx of energy means positive charge) to be manifested here in this physical/material reality. While objects or gasses that are less dense are vibrating faster. Think of vibrations as the flapping of wings of an object, every flapping drains positive 🔋 or charges, hence, we call it a discharge which is basically turning the object into a negatively charged explaining why it is attracted by the positive charge of the air above and pushed by the negative of the ground.👌 Gravity is completely debunked.

Didn’t I tell you gravity does not exist and what’s truly affecting objects with mass to fall to the ground is not this fictitious force but rather Aether through electrostatic acceleration and the Resonant Frequency of the object? Density and Buoyancy cannot totally explain or account for why things fall and rise. There must be an explanation as to WHY. Again, Hot gasses have inherently high and active frequency resonance/vibration and very low storage of electrostatic charge/electric potential compared to solid objects like iron. All matters are dielectric. The denser an object is the more it can hold and store electric charge/potential and this is the reason why it is pushed to the ground when brought above because it is positively charged by the surrounding air and is attracted to negatively charged earth. For the same reason, a bowling ball and a feather when dropped in a vacuum will fall at the same rate and speed because the air which electrostatically charges both objects along with their resonant frequencies was already taken out of the equation. When an object is less dense and when its frequency resonance is high, it becomes negatively charged(discharged of electric force/potential turning it negatively charged/”discharge” is negative) the reason why it is attracted to the positive charge of the electrostatic force in the air and in the same way pushed above by the negatively charged of the earth until it stops upon reaching the equally dense altitude. This perfectly explains why the helium balloon floats and seems to defy the fictitious gravity. Think of positive charge as 🔋. An object that is dense and compact can store a large electric charge potential from the Aether Field around it. Denser objects have an extremely slow frequency resonance and they take a lot of energy(influx of energy means positive charge) to be manifested here in this physical/material reality. While objects or gasses that are less dense are vibrating faster. Think of vibrations as the flapping of wings of an object, every flapping drains positive 🔋 or charges, hence, we call it a discharge which is basically turning the object into a negatively charged explaining why it is attracted by the positive charge of the air above and pushed by the negative of the ground.👌 Gravity is completely debunked.

Are you curious about what’s happening at our 2nd New Ross Guitar Festival? Check out the video below! “Bridin Murphy here, chair of the New Ross Guitar Festival. We’re back bigger and better this year, from the 10th to the 13th of August. Beside me here is David Creevy, artistic director of the festival. David, who do we have this year?” “Well, Breedene, this year we have one of Ireland’s most distinctive classical guitarists, Redmond O’Toole. He performs the guitar vertically with a spike that comes out the bottom of the guitar into a sound box, and this creates a beautiful resonance. He’ll be performing in Ross Birkin Church on Thursday night. I’m a classical guitarist myself so I’m going to be performing in the theatre here with a string quartet called Musici Ireland, made up of musicians from the UK and Ireland. They’re wonderful musicians. I’m going to play some solo pieces, some pieces that most people will know, pieces like Cabatina, and I’ll be performing with the string quartet as well. On Saturday we have Wexford-owned electric guitarist Colm Lindsay. He’ll be performing at one o’clock for a free concert in the courtyard of the theatre here followed by a flamenco guitarist named John Walsh performing in the library park for another free concert at seven o’clock. And then we’ll have Donal Lunny, Zoe Conway and Martin O’Connor performing here in the theatre at eight o’clock. On Sunday then, our final day, we have a lunchtime concert with a guitarist from Germany Reentko Dirks who plays his own compositions, they’re incredibly original, he’s very virtuosic and he plays his guitars with very unusual tunings. It’s a concert not to miss. That’s in Killesk Church at one o’clock in Duncannon. To finish the festival then, we have one of the world’s most sought after classical guitarists, Celill Refik Kaya. Very excited to have Sellal over here. He’s a phenomenal talent and he’s going to perform a beautiful programme here in the theatre at 8 o’clock on Sunday.” “That all sounds pretty amazing David and looking forward to seeing you all over at the festival weekend.”

Are you curious about what’s happening at our 2nd New Ross Guitar Festival? Check out the video below! “Bridin Murphy here, chair of the New Ross Guitar Festival. We’re back bigger and better this year, from the 10th to the 13th of August. Beside me here is David Creevy, artistic director of the festival. David, who do we have this year?” “Well, Breedene, this year we have one of Ireland’s most distinctive classical guitarists, Redmond O’Toole. He performs the guitar vertically with a spike that comes out the bottom of the guitar into a sound box, and this creates a beautiful resonance. He’ll be performing in Ross Birkin Church on Thursday night. I’m a classical guitarist myself so I’m going to be performing in the theatre here with a string quartet called Musici Ireland, made up of musicians from the UK and Ireland. They’re wonderful musicians. I’m going to play some solo pieces, some pieces that most people will know, pieces like Cabatina, and I’ll be performing with the string quartet as well. On Saturday we have Wexford-owned electric guitarist Colm Lindsay. He’ll be performing at one o’clock for a free concert in the courtyard of the theatre here followed by a flamenco guitarist named John Walsh performing in the library park for another free concert at seven o’clock. And then we’ll have Donal Lunny, Zoe Conway and Martin O’Connor performing here in the theatre at eight o’clock. On Sunday then, our final day, we have a lunchtime concert with a guitarist from Germany Reentko Dirks who plays his own compositions, they’re incredibly original, he’s very virtuosic and he plays his guitars with very unusual tunings. It’s a concert not to miss. That’s in Killesk Church at one o’clock in Duncannon. To finish the festival then, we have one of the world’s most sought after classical guitarists, Celill Refik Kaya. Very excited to have Sellal over here. He’s a phenomenal talent and he’s going to perform a beautiful programme here in the theatre at 8 o’clock on Sunday.” “That all sounds pretty amazing David and looking forward to seeing you all over at the festival weekend.”
23 jul. · 1 d. weergaven

SK360 Various Artists – Electric City Episode X 01) Roger .S – Don’t Step Back (Original Mix) 02) 3Tekk – Souleater (Original Mix) 03) Moodyboy – Resonance (Original Mix) 04) Kitanov – Beginning (Original Mix) https://www.beatport.com/release/electric-city-episode-x/3855308 https://soundkleckserecords.bandcamp.com/album/electric-city-episode-x https://open.spotify.com/album/4QaXmVxkRK52V60MLkrusD https://soundcloud.com/sound-kleckse-records/sets/electric-city-episode-x Release: 06.10.2022
9 okt. 2022 · 5 weergaven

Recent Arrival: A cool new design from Guild, the vintage-inspired Surfliner has on/off switches for each pickup and string-through body construction for maximum sustain & resonance. Jeffrey Renton demonstrates. Now available at elderly.com in three colors. Sunset Orange: https://www.elderly.com/products/guild-surfliner-electric-guitar-sunset-orange Catalina Blue: https://www.elderly.com/products/guild-surfliner-electric-guitar-catalina-blue White Sage: https://www.elderly.com/products/guild-surfliner-electric-guitar-white-sage
9 sep. 2022 · 505 weergaven

O u t n o w _______ ELECTRIC RESCUE – Autrwoz Get your copy here : http://bit.ly/1THVhwb or at Beatport : http://bit.ly/2q6CgQx Juno Download : http://bit.ly/2kLiHGW or Traxsource : http://bit.ly/2hyTpgO Early support by : Pfirter, Angel Molina, Amotik, Electric Indigo , Stephanie Sykes, joseph capriati , Samuli Kemppi, Arnaud Le Texier, Abstract Division, Wlderz, Kaiser, Mørbeck, Vertical Spectrum, Krenzlin, Marco Bruno, Hd Substance, Mental Resonance, Doka, A.Morgan, Victor Santana . . . Written and produced by Antoine Husson Mastered by Newrhythmic Studios – Leon – Spain
29 okt. 2018 · 65 weergaven

Proxima b Might Be a Habitable ‘Ocean Planet’ The entire surface of Proxima b — the possibly Earth-like planet orbiting the closest star to the sun, Proxima Centauri — may be covered in a liquid ocean, according to a new study. While there is still much to learn about the solar system’s newfound neighbor, previous research found that Proxima b has two key features in common with Earth: it orbits within the habitable zone of its star — meaning it could have the right surface temperature to allow for the presence of liquid water— and it has a mass 1.3 times that of Earth. Using this information, a team led by researchers at the Marseille Astrophysics Laboratory in France, developed different models to help discover what the conditions might be like on the rocky exoplanet, according to a statement from NASA. [Proxima b: Closest Earth-Like Planet Discovery in Pictures] Advertisement The new findings suggest Proxima b could have a large liquid ocean covering its entire surface and stretching 124 miles (200 kilometers) deep, as well as a thin gas atmosphere much like that found on Earth. These features favor the planet’s potential for supporting life, according to the statement. Scientists have proposed different ideas about Proxima b’s composition and surface conditions, and the new models provide more information that could help inform those ideas, NASA officials said in the statement. Some of those ideas “involve a completely dry planet, while others permit the presence of a significant amount of water in its composition,” according to the statement. Using the planet’s known mass (1.3 times that of Earth), the authors of the new research simulated different potential compositions for Proxima b and then estimated the radius of the planet for each of those scenarios. The study revealed that Proxima b could have a radius anywhere between 0.94 and 1.4 times that of Earth, according to the NASA statement. For one of the potential composition models, the researchers found Proxima b may be an “ocean planet” similar to some of the icy moons around Jupiter and Saturn that harbor subsurface oceans. In this water-world scenario, the planet would have a radius of 5,543 miles (8,920 km), which is 1.4 times the radius of Earth. It would be composed of about 50 percent rock and 50 percent water. The pressure beneath this massive, deep ocean would be so strong that a layer of high-pressure ice would form, according to the NASA statement. Another model developed in the study suggests Proxima b would have an internal composition similar to the planet Mercury, with a minimum radius of 3,722 miles (5,990 km), or 0.94 times the radius of the Earth. In this scenario, the planet would be incredibly dense, with a metal core accounting for 65 percent of the planet’s mass. The rest of the planet would be composed of a rocky silicate mantle, and liquid water oceans accounting for less than 0.05 percent of the planet’s mass (similar to that seen on Earth), according to the statement. However, ultraviolet and X-rays from Proxima Centauri could leave the water on Proxima b prone to evaporation. To account for this, the researchers also calculated the radius of Proxima b with a completely dry composition. “Future observations of Proxima Centauri will refine this study,” NASA officials said in the statement. In particular, by measuring the abundance of certain heavy elements in the star system, scientists can further deduce the planet’s likely composition, and its radius. The discovery of Proxima b, a planet orbiting roughly in the middle of the habitable zone around the star Proxima Centauri, was reported in the August 26, 2016 issue of the journal Nature by a group of astronomers using the High Accuracy Radial-velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS) at the European Southern Observatory at La Silla, Chile. Proxima Centauri has the distinction of being our Sun’s nearest stellar neighbor, only 4.25 light years away Why did they name the new planet Proxima b? The established planet-naming convention used by planet-finding astronomers is to give the newly discovered planet the name of the star followed by lower case letters starting with “b” for the first planet discovered, “c” for the next one found, and so on. The letter “a” is reserved for the star itself. This convention can be confusing, because the order of the letters reflects the order of discovery and not their distance from the parent star. The orbit of Proxima b is tilted with respect to the Earth, so that it does not make transits across the disc of the star. Therefore, the planet-detection method of NASA’s Kepler Mission using blocked starlight cannot be used. Instead, the presence of Proxima b was deduced from the 11.2 day wobble it produced in the radial (line of sight) velocity of the star as the planet orbited. There is also weak evidence suggesting a second planet that would have an orbital period of between 60 and 500 days, but this “signal” is competing with the sizable noise of stellar activity and may not exist. In this column, I want to consider the characteristics of Proxima b and its suitability as the possible site of the first human interstellar colony. Proxima Centauri is a rather dim red dwarf star, with only 12.3% of the Sun’s mass, only 14.1% of its radius, and only 0.17% of its net energy output. As a consequence, its habitable zone must be rather close to the star. Like most small stars, Proxima Centauri is relatively unstable, and it is known to produce frequent large solar flares. Its corona temperature is relatively low, 3,042 K as compared to 5,772 K for our Sun. Most of its emitted light is in the infrared rather than the visible. For this reason, it is so dim that even though it is close, it is not visible in the Earth’s sky to the naked eye. Further, its relative coolness leads to reduced support of its stellar material against the pull of gravity, resulting in a very high density (mass per unit volume). Our Sun has a density 1.41 times that of water, while Proxima Centauri has a much higher density, 56.8 times that of water and 7.23 times that of iron at standard temperature and pressure. While its mass is 129 times greater than that of Jupiter, because of its increased density, its diameter is only 1.5 times that of Jupiter. The planet Proxima b orbits quite close to Proxima Centauri, at only 5% of the Earth-Sun orbital distance (0.05 AU). Consequently it makes one complete orbit (one Proxima b year) in only 11.2 days. Because the planet is so close to Proxima Centauri, even though the star has a very low energy output, the average surface temperature of the planet is within the range in which water should be liquid on its surface. Does that mean that Proxima b is habitable? Is it another Earth? Is it perhaps suitable for a human colony? Well, there are a few problems … First, let’s consider the force of the tides (see my column AV-63 in the January-1995 issue of Analog). We’re familiar with the tidal forces that the Sun and the Moon exert on Earth’s oceans. Such forces depend on the mass density of the producing object and on the third power of the object’s angular size in the sky. As viewed from Earth, the Sun and Moon have about the same angular size. However, the tidal influence of the Moon is three times greater that that of the Sun because the Moon has three times the Sun’s mass density. Because Proxima b has such a small orbital radius, the star Proxima Centauri, despite its small diameter, will appear to have a 2.86 times larger angular diameter in the sky than does our Sun, as viewed from the Earth. Proxima also has 40 times the density of the Sun. That means that the tidal force of Proxima Centauri on Proxima b will be 939 times greater than that the Sun exerts on the Earth. For this reason, it is very likely that Proxima b is tide-locked to Proxima Centauri. Like Earth’s Moon, Proxima b would always present the same face to Proxima Centauri. This means that Proxima b will have a desert-like hot side and a deep-frozen cold side, with a “twilight zone” band around its mid-region in which the star is always just above or just below the horizon and the temperature lies somewhere between the extremes of the hot and cold sides. It is not clear if a planet could have an Earth-like atmosphere under such circumstances, or whether most of the atmospheric gas would freeze out on the cold dark side of the planet. However, a tide-locked planet might offer some advantages. Solar energy farms would always be illuminated. Colonists could pick a location with any average temperature they wanted and could hide from the periodic solar flares by keeping dangerous Proxima Centauri just over the horizon and out of harm’s way. However, the twilight zone of Proxima b seems unlikely to provide anything resembling an Earth-like environment. The wavelengths of light that our human eyes can see, the visible spectrum, range from about 400 nanometers (10-9 meters, abbreviated as nm) at the deep violet edge to 700 nm at the deep red edge. The sunlight from Proxima Centauri peaks at 950 nanometers, well into in the infrared, and falls off rapidly in the visible region, with the visible light strongly skewed toward the red. If light from the Sun and Proxima Centauri were equal at the red edge of the visible spectrum, the light from Proxima would be ten times weaker at the violet edge. Nobody could get a sun tan by lying on a beach of Proxima b. Since photosynthesis using chlorophyll is at its maximum efficiency at twin wavelengths of around 470 and 660 nm and cuts off to zero for wavelengths longer than 700 nm, Earth-like plants could photosynthesize with only a small fraction of Proxima Centauri’s sunlight. However, silicon solar cells producing electric power peak in conversion efficiency around 700 nm and drop to zero at 1,100 nm. One can imagine that agriculture on Proxima b might be accomplished by placing large solar energy farms soaking up 700 nm light on the hot side of the planet and growing plants in twilight-zone greenhouses illuminated by electrically-powered LEDs producing the 470 and 660 nm wavelengths. There is also the question of the pull of gravity on the planet’s surface. The mass of Proxima b is uncertain, but its mass is a least 1.3 times that of the Earth and could be much more. For a human colony, one key question will be the magnitude of the planet’s surface gravity. That depends on an unknown factor: the mass density of Proxima b. Surface gravity scales as the planetary mass to the 1/3 power times the mass density to the 2/3 power. Let us assume that Proxima b is spherical, has a mass of say 1.5 Earth-masses, and has the same mass density as Earth, which is 5.97 grams per cubic centimeter. In that case Proxima b’s surface gravity would be 1.145 gees or 11.22 meters per second squared. Colonists would weigh 14% more than on Earth, but they could probably adapt to that without many problems. However, Earth has a rather high density because of its iron-nickel core, and Proxima b, like Mars, might lack such a core. As an alternative, let’s assume then that Proxima b has the mass density of Mars, or 3.93 grams per cubic centimeter. With that density, Proxima b’s surface gravity would be 0.866 gees or 8.50 meters per second squared, making life a bit easier for colonists because they would weigh 14% less than on Earth. However, our assumption of a spherical planet could be wrong. The strong tidal forces would tend to give the tide-locked planet an ovoid or egg shape, with the long axis pointing at the star. The habitable zone would be in the mid-region of the ovoid where its radius would be smallest. Therefore, the habitable mid-region would be closer to the planet’s center, making the surface gravity higher here than in the hot and cold zones. If the radius was 10% smaller there, the gravity would be 20% larger. Proxima Centauri has frequent solar flares, and there is debate about whether the resulting ionization would strip away any atmosphere that Proxima b might have. It has been argued that if Proxima b has a molten core like the Earth and rotates on its axis every 11.2 days, this might be sufficient to generate a planetary magnetic field that would protect the atmosphere. Could there be pre-existing life on Proxima b? It is possible, but it seems unlikely. Water, preferably in the form of oceans, may be a prerequisite for the development of life. The Earth with its large oceans is a rather special planet. Earth formed inside the “ice line” of the Solar System, where solar energy is likely to vaporize water and to dry out the pre-planetary material before it can coalesce into a planet. However, an event called “the late heavy bombardment”, probably created by an orbital resonance between the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn, occurred in the Solar System after Earth had formed. In that bombardment great quantities of icy material residing well outside the ice line were dislodged from their orbits. A sizable fraction of that material bombarded the inner planets, delivering great quantities of water to the Earth, creating its oceans, and also making the prominent craters of the Moon. It is unlikely that a similar scenario could have deposited large quantities of water on Proxima b, so the presence of oceans and existing life there is questionable. Further, the frequent solar flares from Proxima Centauri may have repeatedly killed off any emerging life forms. Thus, even if Proxima b has an atmosphere, it is not likely to contain free oxygen. A lack of native life, however, is perhaps a benefit for Proxima b as the location of a possible human colony. There are arguments that the many arbitrary branch points in the evolution of life will make life that has evolved on other planets very different from that found on Earth. Such alien life would be very likely to be toxic to us. As a colony site, a sterile planet might be preferable to a biologically hostile one. Such pre-sterilization might make it easier to transplant some simplified version of Earth’s ecosystem to Proxima b. In summary, the discovery of Proxima b raises the possibility of the planet as a site of a human colony in the closest star system, provided the extremely difficult problem of getting there at all can be solved in the coming centuries. However, the planet would definitely not be Earth-like, and the planetary area that might be habitable would be limited to the “twilight zone” around the middle of the tide-locked planet. Nevertheless, it represents a new opportunity for the expansion of the human race to the stars.
29 sep. 2018 · 593 weergaven

What are the secrets of public speaking and raising money? Are you ready to dive into the world of public speaking and unveil the secrets that not only captivate hearts but also open the gates to a realm of financial abundance? Get ready to embark on a journey woven with the magnetic energy of Sean Callagy and Unblinded—a journey that will infuse your spirit with inspiration, certainty, and the keys to transforming your words into million-dollar magic. Imagine stepping onto a stage, feeling the electric energy of the audience, and knowing that you’re about to deliver a message that not only resonates but also raises millions. Now, let’s delve into the heart of this inquiry: What are the secrets of public speaking and raising money? The answer, my friends, is a symphony of strategies that will elevate your influence and unlock the doors to financial abundance. Picture this: three secrets that lie at the core of public speakers who effortlessly raise millions. First, it’s recognizing that it’s never just about the charity itself. It’s about connecting with the hearts of your audience, aligning your message with their values, and igniting a passion that goes beyond the cause. When you touch the hearts of people, when you create an emotional resonance, you’re laying the foundation for the magic to unfold. Second, it’s about starting with a “what if” opening—a doorway to possibility. When you paint a picture of what could be, when you invite your audience to dream alongside you, you’re setting the stage for a journey of transformation. It’s like igniting a spark of curiosity, a spark that lights up their imagination and fuels their desire for change. And third, it’s the art of leaning in and growing into the call to action. As you progress through your message, as you infuse it with authenticity and vulnerability, you create an unbreakable connection. And when the moment comes to take action, to invest in the cause you’re championing, your audience doesn’t just listen—they leap. It’s about building trust, weaving a narrative that leads to action, and creating a seamless transition from inspiration to impact. So, my fellow agents of influence, remember this: the secrets of public speaking and raising money lie in the connection, the possibility, and the call to action. It’s about creating a journey that not only resonates but also transforms lives and opens the floodgates to financial abundance. With certainty as your guide and disruption as your ally, step onto the stage with open arms and a heart full of purpose. You’re not just speaking; you’re creating a symphony of influence that resonates in the hearts of your audience and ripples through the world. Onward, you magnetic creators of impact and architects of transformation! UNBLINDED EPIC Financial Strategies, LLC. Sean Callagy Unblinded Movement

What are the secrets of public speaking and raising money? Are you ready to dive into the world of public speaking and unveil the secrets that not only captivate hearts but also open the gates to a realm of financial abundance? Get ready to embark on a journey woven with the magnetic energy of Sean Callagy and Unblinded—a journey that will infuse your spirit with inspiration, certainty, and the keys to transforming your words into million-dollar magic. Imagine stepping onto a stage, feeling the electric energy of the audience, and knowing that you’re about to deliver a message that not only resonates but also raises millions. Now, let’s delve into the heart of this inquiry: What are the secrets of public speaking and raising money? The answer, my friends, is a symphony of strategies that will elevate your influence and unlock the doors to financial abundance. Picture this: three secrets that lie at the core of public speakers who effortlessly raise millions. First, it’s recognizing that it’s never just about the charity itself. It’s about connecting with the hearts of your audience, aligning your message with their values, and igniting a passion that goes beyond the cause. When you touch the hearts of people, when you create an emotional resonance, you’re laying the foundation for the magic to unfold. Second, it’s about starting with a “what if” opening—a doorway to possibility. When you paint a picture of what could be, when you invite your audience to dream alongside you, you’re setting the stage for a journey of transformation. It’s like igniting a spark of curiosity, a spark that lights up their imagination and fuels their desire for change. And third, it’s the art of leaning in and growing into the call to action. As you progress through your message, as you infuse it with authenticity and vulnerability, you create an unbreakable connection. And when the moment comes to take action, to invest in the cause you’re championing, your audience doesn’t just listen—they leap. It’s about building trust, weaving a narrative that leads to action, and creating a seamless transition from inspiration to impact. So, my fellow agents of influence, remember this: the secrets of public speaking and raising money lie in the connection, the possibility, and the call to action. It’s about creating a journey that not only resonates but also transforms lives and opens the floodgates to financial abundance. With certainty as your guide and disruption as your ally, step onto the stage with open arms and a heart full of purpose. You’re not just speaking; you’re creating a symphony of influence that resonates in the hearts of your audience and ripples through the world. Onward, you magnetic creators of impact and architects of transformation! UNBLINDED EPIC Financial Strategies, LLC. Sean Callagy Unblinded Movement
24 aug. · 8 weergaven

O u t n o w _______ ELECTRIC RESCUE – Knofeb Get your copy here : http://bit.ly/1THVhwb or at Beatport : http://bit.ly/2q6CgQx Juno Download : http://bit.ly/2kLiHGW or Traxsource : http://bit.ly/2hyTpgO Early support by : Pfirter, Angel Molina, Amotik, Electric Indigo , Stephanie Sykes, joseph capriati , Samuli Kemppi, Arnaud Le Texier, Abstract Division, Wlderz, Kaiser, Mørbeck, Vertical Spectrum, Krenzlin, Marco Bruno, Hd Substance, Mental Resonance, Doka, A.Morgan, Victor Santana . . . Written and produced by Antoine Husson Mastered by Newrhythmic Studios – Leon – Spain
1 nov. 2018 · 49 weergaven

AULÃO DE PROGRESSIVE !!! 👤 Zen Mechanics 🇱🇺 📍 Psy-Fi Festival – Holanda 🇱🇺 🎵 Zen Mechanics – Technologies of Consciousness 🎵 Zen Mechanics & Egorythmia – Dragonfruit (Dual Resonance RMX) 🎵 Zen Mechanics & Future Frequency – Naked, Stoned & Exalted (Symbolic & Audiotec Remix) 🎥 DJ Electric Samurai Progressive Psychedelic Trance @_zen_mechanics_
4 mrt. 2021 · 7 d. weergaven

Huion electronic signature H640P graphic drawing sketching pen drawing tablet Huion H640P Battery-Free Electromagnetic Resonance graphic tablet is equipped with the industry’s highest 8192 levels of pressure sensitivity, 233PPS report rate, and 5080LPI screen resolution. Dropshipping Huion electronic signature H640P graphic drawing sketching pen drawing tablet for designer students 6 Customized Press Keys can produce a variety of different combinations of shortcuts.You can set any function for them according to your operating habit and preference. Specification Model H640P OS Support Windows 7 or later,macOS 10.11 or later Digital Pen PW100 Color Black Dimension 260 x 147.7 x 8mm Active Area 344.16 x 193.59mm Net Weight 277g Pressure Level 8192Levels Pen Resolution 5080 LPI Report Rate 233PPS Accuracy ±0.3mm Sensing Height 10mm Get in touch: 📲+263 712 692 854 🏢4th Floor, Karigamombe Building, Harare, Zimbabwe 📩 hello@deelair.com #H640P #GraphicTablet #DrawingTablet #SketchingPen #DigitalArt #PressureSensitivity #ReportRate233PPS #ScreenResolution5080LPI #Dropshipping #Designers #ArtStudents #CustomShortcuts #WindowsCompatible #MacCompatible #DigitalPen #CreativeTool #HighPrecision #PortableDesign #ArtisticExpression
25 jun. · 261 weergaven

Fodera Guitars is proud to introduce the Imperial Mini-MG! Designed in collaboration with Fodera artist and good friend, Matthew Garrison, the Mini-MG marks the next innovative chapter in bass guitar design. With the recent change in instrument travel regulations, there has been an increasing need for a bass guitar that combines portability without sacrificing tone or playability. With these needs in mind, Fodera and Matt collaboratively set out to design an instrument that could fit in any typical airplane overhead storage bin. With its 30.75” scale length and 16.5mm string spacing, the Mini-MG is our most compact bass guitar and is, in fact, small enough to fit in a regular electric guitar gigbag! It has been our experience that headless instruments often lack in tonal response when compared to their full-size siblings. In order to prevent this, we hand-selected medium weight Walnut and Alder along with a highly select-grade 3-piece Hard Rock Maple neck, while also increasing the thickness of the body, to retain necessary mass. Although the Mini-MG is tuned E-C, Matt specifically requested a drop tuner be incorporated into the bass to allow for drop-tuning to a low B. In order to accommodate this, our team designed a counter-sunk, modified D-tuner, with a reduced string post, in order to provide a sufficient break angle for the E-string. This provides a tight and responsive sound and feel to the string despite the 30.75” scale-length. By utilizing this design, we were also able to add back precious mass to the “head-side” of the instrument – further increasing its tonal response. The Mini-MG’s neck-through design offers increased sustain and resonance, with a sculpted heel to provide effortless playing and ergonomics over the entire length of the neck. For electronics, the Mini-MG comes loaded with our proprietary Fodera / Seymour Duncan Dual Coil Pickups and features a 4-band version of our Fodera / Pope Standard preamp offering unlimited tonal flexibility as well as a full bypass / passive mode. The pickups are placed in our Matt Garrison pickup spacing (bridge pickup placed in a sweet spot between 60’s and 70’s spacing) and an ebony ramp rounds out the top to help facilitate the fast and light playing style that Matt has become known for. “The new mini performed beyond anything I could have imagined. Tone, feel, power, ease of use, portability… ” “What I really enjoyed was that after we had finished, we sat at a table and signed CD’s, and folks came up to me trying to place their finger on what they had just experienced…The way I see it, if most folks that don’t event know about what this bass can deliver are so emotionally moved by what can happen, imagine how this new little beast will be perceived in the bass world.” – Matt Garrison We will be offering a limited run of 10 Imperial Mini-MGs in the customer’s choice of our hand-rubbed, satin finish in Black, Fiesta Red or Olympic White for delivery starting January of 2017. Each bass will come with a custom gig bag, a complimentary set of custom Fodera Strings (appropriately sized for the Mini-MG), and a signed certificate of authenticity. The list price for the Imperial Mini-MG is $11,650.00
3 mei 2016 · 10 d. weergaven

On this date in 1975, MIDNIGHT BLUE by MELISSA MANCHESTER entered the Billboard Hot 100 at #90 (May 10m 1975) The year was 1975, and the charts were sizzling with disco beats and rock riffs. Amidst this tumultuous mix, a sublime ballad emerged – “Midnight Blue” by American singer and songwriter Melissa Manchester. Conceived through a collaboration with lyricist Carole Bayer Sager, the song was a poignant reflection on love and relationships, embodying an intimate narrative of two lovers striving to rekindle their connection. The pairing of Manchester’s soulful melodies with Sager’s poignant lyrics gave birth to a discography of songs teeming with raw emotion and personal resonance. Carole herself once shared, “The songs that I wrote with Carole… all came out of conversations. Therefore, the tone of the songs was very conversational.” The genesis of “Midnight Blue” was no exception, inspired by a heartfelt discussion about their young husbands and the strains of marriage. Sager and Manchester initially composed “Midnight Blue” in 1973, intending it as a demo for producer Vini Poncia’s client, Dionne Warwick. However, Poncia was so impressed with Manchester’s rendition that he decided to record the song with her instead. A decision that would prove fortuitous, as the song would become Manchester’s first top ten entry on the Billboard Hot 100, peaking at number six, and clinching the top spot on the Adult Contemporary chart. Despite the overwhelming success of “Midnight Blue,” the journey to its release was not without its share of trials. Prior to Poncia’s involvement, Manchester had approached Dusty Springfield with the demo, only to be turned down. This incident, however, did not discourage Manchester or Sager. Sager recalls how she “pretty much stalked” Richard Perry, an established music producer, to get him to listen to their demo. When Perry finally did, he saw the potential for a hit and decided to bring in Poncia to produce the track. The recording process was a synergy of talents, with Manchester on piano and vocals, David Wolfert handling the acoustic and electric guitar, Cooker Lo Presti on bass, James Newton Howard on the electric piano, Kirk Bruner on drums, and Vini Poncia contributing backing vocals. The strings arrangement was crafted by Trevor Lawrence. The team worked in harmony to encapsulate the essence of the song, a testament to Manchester’s and Sager’s vision. In an industry dominated by singles, the rise of “Midnight Blue” to the top of the charts was no small feat. Manchester recalled the rigorous tour that was instrumental in the song’s success. “I crisscrossed the country to break the song on college radio stations, which were very important at the time,” she said. This hands-on approach, coupled with the personal resonance of the song, struck a chord with listeners across the country. As for the lyrics, they narrate a tale of a relationship weathering a storm. The couple, though strained by their past, decide to approach their love from a fresh perspective, under the guiding light of ‘midnight blue’. The song is a testament to the healing power of time and the enduring bond of love, themes that resonate deeply with listeners. In addition to its chart-topping success, “Midnight Blue” also found a place on the soundtracks of films like “Ice Castles” in 1978 and “Dirty Girl” in 2010. In 2020, a re-envisioned version was released to support World Singing Day, with the official music video featuring Manchester in a new performance of the song. Beyond its commercial success, “Midnight Blue” stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and the magic of heartfelt storytelling
10 mei · 72 d. weergaven

O u t n o w _______ ELECTRIC RESCUE – Cornwalls Get your copy here : http://bit.ly/1THVhwb or at Beatport : http://bit.ly/2q6CgQx Juno Download : http://bit.ly/2kLiHGW or Traxsource : http://bit.ly/2hyTpgO Early support by : Pfirter, Angel Molina, Amotik, Electric Indigo , Stephanie Sykes, joseph capriati , Samuli Kemppi, Arnaud Le Texier, Abstract Division, Wlderz, Kaiser, Mørbeck, Vertical Spectrum, Krenzlin, Marco Bruno, Hd Substance, Mental Resonance, Doka, A.Morgan, Victor Santana . . . Written and produced by Antoine Husson Mastered by Newrhythmic Studios – Leon – Spain
31 okt. 2018 · 50 weergaven

Roburck – Infinite Universe (Original Mix) Roburck . Now Available on all digital platforms!! 👽🤯 . Subscribe to our Youtube Channel !! 🤟💯 . Follow Us !! 🤟👽 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ResonanceSpaceRecords/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resonance_space_records/?hl=es-la Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/resonance_space_records Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuEJJhtJXcq_7PhU4jF-bOg Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/label/resonance-space/81311 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/34P7F0KrTMRsc1SOe1vNzc?si=z2ty4SNzQLyopPqhXvFwCA #psytrance #psy #trance #psychedelic #trancemusic #trancefamily #dmt #progressive #goa #trippy #rave #electronicmusic #housenation #edmnation #plurlife #festivals #edmlife #edmfamily #raver #edmlifestyle #plurvibes #housemusic #djlife #dancemusic #edm #plur #techno #electronic #deephouse ℗ Resonance Space
2 mrt. 2022 · 2,1 d. weergaven

* R.E.M’s “Losing My Religion” is an iconic song that was released in 1991 as part of their album “Out of Time.” The song quickly became a hit, reaching the top 10 in numerous countries and winning multiple awards, including two Grammy Awards. Its popularity has only grown over time, and it remains one of the band’s most beloved songs. One of the reasons “Losing My Religion” is such a standout track is its unique sound. The song’s opening riff, played on a mandolin, immediately grabs the listener’s attention and sets the tone for the rest of the song. Michael Stipe’s vocals are haunting and emotional, and the lyrics are thought-provoking and introspective. The song’s title is actually a Southern expression that means losing one’s temper or composure. The lyrics deal with themes of unrequited love and obsession, and the feeling of losing control over one’s emotions. Lines like “That’s me in the corner / That’s me in the spotlight / Losing my religion” perfectly capture the sense of vulnerability and desperation that the song conveys. In addition to its emotional depth, “Losing My Religion” also showcases R.E.M’s musicianship. The song features a complex arrangement that includes not only the mandolin but also acoustic and electric guitars, bass, drums, and strings. The various instruments come together to create a rich, textured sound that is both intricate and cohesive. The music video for “Losing My Religion” is also a standout. Directed by Tarsem Singh, the video features surreal and often disturbing imagery that complements the song’s dark themes. The video won multiple awards and helped propel the song to even greater heights of popularity. Overall, “Losing My Religion” is a masterpiece of a song that showcases R.E.M’s talents as both songwriters and musicians. Its enduring popularity is a testament to its emotional power and timeless sound, and it remains a favorite among music lovers of all ages. If you haven’t heard it yet, do yourself a favor and give it a listen – you won’t be disappointed. * One interesting fact about “Losing My Religion” is that the mandolin riff that opens the song was actually a last-minute addition. Peter Buck, R.E.M’s guitarist, had been messing around with the instrument in the studio and came up with the riff on the spot. The band loved it and decided to incorporate it into the song, creating the unique sound that has become so iconic. Another notable aspect of “Losing My Religion” is the use of strings in the arrangement. R.E.M had never used strings in their music before, but they felt that the song called for a more orchestral sound. The band brought in John Paul Jones, best known as the bassist and keyboardist for Led Zeppelin, to arrange the strings. The result is a lush, cinematic sound that adds an extra layer of depth to the song. Despite its success, “Losing My Religion” was not initially intended to be a single. The band had actually chosen “Radio Song” as the lead single from “Out of Time.” However, when the record label heard “Losing My Religion,” they insisted that it be released as a single instead. It turned out to be a wise decision – the song was a huge hit and helped to propel “Out of Time” to even greater success. Over the years, “Losing My Religion” has been covered by numerous artists and has been used in films, TV shows, and commercials. Its enduring popularity is a testament to its timeless quality and emotional resonance. It remains one of R.E.M’s most beloved songs, and a true classic of the alternative rock genre.

* R.E.M’s “Losing My Religion” is an iconic song that was released in 1991 as part of their album “Out of Time.” The song quickly became a hit, reaching the top 10 in numerous countries and winning multiple awards, including two Grammy Awards. Its popularity has only grown over time, and it remains one of the band’s most beloved songs. One of the reasons “Losing My Religion” is such a standout track is its unique sound. The song’s opening riff, played on a mandolin, immediately grabs the listener’s attention and sets the tone for the rest of the song. Michael Stipe’s vocals are haunting and emotional, and the lyrics are thought-provoking and introspective. The song’s title is actually a Southern expression that means losing one’s temper or composure. The lyrics deal with themes of unrequited love and obsession, and the feeling of losing control over one’s emotions. Lines like “That’s me in the corner / That’s me in the spotlight / Losing my religion” perfectly capture the sense of vulnerability and desperation that the song conveys. In addition to its emotional depth, “Losing My Religion” also showcases R.E.M’s musicianship. The song features a complex arrangement that includes not only the mandolin but also acoustic and electric guitars, bass, drums, and strings. The various instruments come together to create a rich, textured sound that is both intricate and cohesive. The music video for “Losing My Religion” is also a standout. Directed by Tarsem Singh, the video features surreal and often disturbing imagery that complements the song’s dark themes. The video won multiple awards and helped propel the song to even greater heights of popularity. Overall, “Losing My Religion” is a masterpiece of a song that showcases R.E.M’s talents as both songwriters and musicians. Its enduring popularity is a testament to its emotional power and timeless sound, and it remains a favorite among music lovers of all ages. If you haven’t heard it yet, do yourself a favor and give it a listen – you won’t be disappointed. * One interesting fact about “Losing My Religion” is that the mandolin riff that opens the song was actually a last-minute addition. Peter Buck, R.E.M’s guitarist, had been messing around with the instrument in the studio and came up with the riff on the spot. The band loved it and decided to incorporate it into the song, creating the unique sound that has become so iconic. Another notable aspect of “Losing My Religion” is the use of strings in the arrangement. R.E.M had never used strings in their music before, but they felt that the song called for a more orchestral sound. The band brought in John Paul Jones, best known as the bassist and keyboardist for Led Zeppelin, to arrange the strings. The result is a lush, cinematic sound that adds an extra layer of depth to the song. Despite its success, “Losing My Religion” was not initially intended to be a single. The band had actually chosen “Radio Song” as the lead single from “Out of Time.” However, when the record label heard “Losing My Religion,” they insisted that it be released as a single instead. It turned out to be a wise decision – the song was a huge hit and helped to propel “Out of Time” to even greater success. Over the years, “Losing My Religion” has been covered by numerous artists and has been used in films, TV shows, and commercials. Its enduring popularity is a testament to its timeless quality and emotional resonance. It remains one of R.E.M’s most beloved songs, and a true classic of the alternative rock genre.
16 mrt. · 167 weergaven

Revstar Element electric guitars feature chambered bodies developed with our Acoustic Design process to sculpt tone and maximize resonance. RSE20 and the left-handed RSE20L feature custom-designed Alnico V humbuckers with three-way switching. Learn more: https://yamaha.io/3O6LweY #yamahaguitar
1 mei 2022 · 351 weergaven

O u t n o w _______ ELECTRIC RESCUE – Back Forward Get your copy here : http://bit.ly/1THVhwb or at Beatport : http://bit.ly/2q6CgQx Juno Download : http://bit.ly/2kLiHGW or Traxsource : http://bit.ly/2hyTpgO Early support by : Pfirter, Angel Molina, Amotik, Electric Indigo , Stephanie Sykes, joseph capriati , Samuli Kemppi, Arnaud Le Texier, Abstract Division, Wlderz, Kaiser, Mørbeck, Vertical Spectrum, Krenzlin, Marco Bruno, Hd Substance, Mental Resonance, Doka, A.Morgan, Victor Santana . . . Written and produced by Antoine Husson Mastered by Newrhythmic Studios – Leon – Spain
30 okt. 2018 · 59 weergaven

Congratulations To Midtown Records and Albert Amihere of Takoradi on your new Fender #Squire_Contemporary_Active_Jazz_Bass_V 🎸 Rock on 🔥🔥🔥 Squier Contemporary Active Jazz Bass Features: ❗️5-string electric bass guitar ❗️SQR ceramic humbucking pickups for punchy lows, clear highs, and high-output tone ❗️Active electronics with controls for master volume, pickup blend, master tone, and bass/treble boost ❗️Modern bridge enhances resonance and makes restringing easier ❗️Fast-playing Slim “C” neck profile and 12″-radius fretboard ❗️Classic J Bass control set with individual volume knob and master tone knob Great deals await you this November with a whooping 20% OFF on Musical instruments and Public Addressing Systems ! Offer available till the 30th of November Visit your closest Virtual Sound Lab GH Showroom for this once a year bargain. 🏃🏽🏃🏾‍♀️ Stocks are limited. Terms and Conditions Apply. #Virtualsoundlabgh #supersalediscountpromo #soundcraftsiimapact #Theheartofsound
19 nov. 2021 · 549 weergaven

#EDM #ELECTRONIC #TECHNO #SONGWRITER #SET 4 HOURS DJ Averion – Songwrite Discography from 1993 to 2022 🙌 All songs were songwritten, composed and mastered by me. I do music for an emotional experience and have an unique but underground kind of tunes. It´s not meant for me to express the technical skills, but I consider always the mood in balance to the scene. So my music always sound rare, unique and much underground styled. I also mixup various genres to one bundle. That mission seems not easy to accomplish, but I try to achieve an overall impression to setup a uncommon resonance in vibing. I hope to find other music enthusiasts, who will track their focus on mental inspire than on technical advanced mastering. As I learned all mostly by autodidactically solving, I can´t be compared to other commercial artists worldwide. My music should uplift the emotions and hype the scene as an influence. I´m not really interested to make fame as business, but I would also consider a signing on a label, if the correspondence would bring that attention I would need as an artist. I can´t explain how and why I should become into public relations. I just instantly hope to reach that special person in my life I do miss… Who ever this should be, I would be thankful for every support intro distribution I could ever get. Please spread the love and share my work. I appreciate your valuable time. Enjoy my mix of a soundscape beyond mainstream! The Audio is hosted on YouTube as broadcast recording:

#EDM #ELECTRONIC #TECHNO #SONGWRITER #SET 4 HOURS DJ Averion – Songwrite Discography from 1993 to 2022 🙌 All songs were songwritten, composed and mastered by me. I do music for an emotional experience and have an unique but underground kind of tunes. It´s not meant for me to express the technical skills, but I consider always the mood in balance to the scene. So my music always sound rare, unique and much underground styled. I also mixup various genres to one bundle. That mission seems not easy to accomplish, but I try to achieve an overall impression to setup a uncommon resonance in vibing. I hope to find other music enthusiasts, who will track their focus on mental inspire than on technical advanced mastering. As I learned all mostly by autodidactically solving, I can´t be compared to other commercial artists worldwide. My music should uplift the emotions and hype the scene as an influence. I´m not really interested to make fame as business, but I would also consider a signing on a label, if the correspondence would bring that attention I would need as an artist. I can´t explain how and why I should become into public relations. I just instantly hope to reach that special person in my life I do miss… Who ever this should be, I would be thankful for every support intro distribution I could ever get. Please spread the love and share my work. I appreciate your valuable time. Enjoy my mix of a soundscape beyond mainstream! The Audio is hosted on YouTube as broadcast recording:
25 okt. 2022 · 54 weergaven

The Reverend Guitars , Smashing Pumpkins Billy Corgan Signature electric guitar features a fresh design with classic and modern elements that come together in a unique way. The raised center section with thinner wings and strategic chambers under the pickguard add resonance and reduce weight, while a string-thru body bridge provides maximum sustain and percussive attack. The body is topped with a segmented aluminum pickguard for a modern, yet timeless look. BROWSE OUR REVEREND SELECTION — https://shop.bsmusicshop.com/brands/reverend/
2 jan. 2022 · 619 weergaven

#Repost @multinotes ・・・ Body Resonance 15 years anniversary edition OUT TODAY ✈️ An output linking past, present and future through the reinterpretation of a classic in electronic dance music. After the first part we are back with the second installment presenting another bunch of heavy weights remixers by the like of @dodipalese , @leharmusic & @musumecirules , @marvinandguy And @pastaboys_xx 👉🏻 link in Bio. #multinotes #pastaboys #bodyresonance
15 apr. 2022 · 349 weergaven

Time is running out! Registration for the Prana Dynamics Master Program with Master Huai Hsiang Wang closes soon, on July 1st, 2023. This immersive 6-month program, taking place from July to December 2023, is tailor-made for those committed to mastering the internal arts, both martially and spiritually. If you’ve been practicing arts like Tai Chi or Aikido for years but struggle to demonstrate spontaneous internal skills, this program offers the perfect opportunity to fine-tune your understanding and master your inner energy. Enroll now to delve deeper into the world of internal arts and embark on a journey to master your inner energy under the expert guidance of Master Huai Hsiang Wang. To register, please use the following link: https://bit.ly/3wooxWx 𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐃𝐲𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐮𝐦. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞: • The Trinity – Essence, Energy and Spirit, the philosophical framework of reference. • Antenna – balancing the law of gravity and counter gravity. • Mind v.s. No Mind. • Wu 武 – No Fighting: Non Violence, Non-Duality. • From Confluence to Permeation for Fascia Activation. 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 – 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐧 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐢𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬: • The Three Energy Centers. • Mind – Trinity in animation at the function of focus. • Relaxation – Fascia activation. • From Top Down to Horizontal Alignment – Linear v.s. Spacial. • Simultaneous mind-body modulation. 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 – 𝐅𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐚 𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: • The Electromagnetic Fluid – Flow. • Internal Breathing – the Buffer Effect. • Skin Pore Breathing – Tensegrity. • The Hula Hoop Drill – Synchronization v.s. Flow. 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧/𝐃𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 – 𝐅𝐚 𝐉𝐢𝐧: • From Flexibility to Conductivity. • Energy Throughput – Electric Vibration v.s. Magnetic Fluid. • Bow and Arrow Analogy v.s. Whip Cracking. • Energy Permeation and Modulation. 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧- 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐅𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐲: • The Law of Resonance. • Application: Squeezing 擠, Pressing 按, Contact Point Separation. • The Mental Orb Mechanism. 𝐁𝐲𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 – 𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐲 𝐌𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐦 𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: • Awareness in Motion – The Bio Electromagnetic Mechanism. • Applications: Plucking 採, Flipping 挒. • Game of Mental Hide and Seek – Variation Basics. • Intent : Focalization of the Astral, Mental and Vital energy 𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 – 𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐲 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐦: • Power of Integrity/Oneness. • Elbowing 肘, Space Occupation 靠. • Energy Plane – Theory and Practice. • Synchronization of Energy Sphere – • Shoulder, Knee and Hip. 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐐𝐢𝐧 𝐍𝐚 𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬, 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞: • The Rationale of the Basic Practice. • The Spiral of The Ying and Yang. • Deadpoint Control. 𝐐𝐢𝐧 𝐍𝐚, 𝐄𝐥𝐛𝐨𝐰 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐕𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: • Demonstrating various Techniques. • Reintegration of the RABIS Principles. • Spontaneous Manifestation in Motion. 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐬 – 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐌𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐢𝐭𝐲: • Introducing Seven Steps Form from the Eight Step Praying Mantis. • The Art from Visualization to Actualization. • The Transition from in between Applications. • The Importance of Continuity. The Principle of Three. 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 – 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲: • The Empirical Art and Science of Reverse Self Engineering. • The Energyscape, Astral, Vital, and Mental. • The State of No Self. 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐢𝐭𝐲: • Program Recap & Summary. • The Astral Body and the Light Body. • The Mysterious Gateway: Stillness in Silence and Prana Dynamics. Enroll here: https://bit.ly/3wooxWx
16 jun. · 17 d. weergaven

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20 feb. · 11 d. weergaven

Song: Resonance – Home (OC: J.C. Waggish Hogg)
10 jul. 2020 · 1,7 d. weergaven

The future is electric! The world shifts towards electric vehicles, and PREMO is at the cutting edge of innovation providing the market with disruptive solutions for on-board chargers. 🔽🔽 ✅ We have released our new BCBM-11KW-004 series, a LLC set that combines a transformer and resonance inductor for OBC which is designed to be the most efficient and reliable solution available, offering unparalleled performance and energy efficiency. Get to know all here: https://bit.ly/BCBM-11KW-004
29 mrt. · 11 weergaven

NEW TOUR DATES!!! Dear friends and family, the snow-kissed skylines of the great Northeast — and all the clickety-clackety that calls out from underneath — kept us unseasonably warm (and, at times, even on fire) this past weekend. Thanks for your embrace. See you soon. As in…. 4/13 NYC — Highline* 4/14 DC — 9:30 Club* 4/15 Pittsburgh – Rex Theater *with The Motet 6/01 Los Angeles – Echo** **post Dead & Co. (Hollywood Bowl) Additional tour dates, festival cameos, Resonance Field Tests, live recordings, new merch, and the occasional fake Tweet from Ludwig himself all forthcoming. Reliable source: www.reedmathis.com
20 feb. 2017 · 3,8 d. weergaven

Our new track “Resonance” is released today on Bandcamp, SoundCloud and the main streaming platforms! Recorded by Nordfeld in our homestudio, mixed by Erik Drost and mastered by Erwin Maas eMastering. A special thank you to Erik Drost for mixing this song! https://nordfeld.bandcamp.com/track/resonance #newtrack #resonance #postpunk #darkwave #darkwavemusic #electronic #bandcamp #soundcloud #spotify
1 jul. · 23 weergaven

فديو توضيحي لعمل مرطب المحمول بيزو. Description: This Piezoelectric Humidifier is made of high-quality material, durable, anti-corrosion, anti-aging, and high hardness, great effect, and serve you for a long time. With electronic high-frequency oscillation ( 2.4MHz), the liquid water molecules are processed into flowing mist and release a large number of negative ions, which react with smoke, dust, and the like floating in the air to cause precipitation. It also can effectively remove harmful substances such as formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and bacteria, so that the air can be purified and the disease can be reduced, keep your and your family’s health. Low impedance, waveform is stable, high electromechanical conversion efficiency and low dielectric loss, this atomizer saves more energy than heated atomization. Features: Made From High-Quality Materials. Electronic High-Frequency Oscillations (2.4MHz). Material: Ceramic, Wire Specifications: Nominal Frequency: 2.4MHz Adjustable Frequency Difference: 0.01MHz Temperature Frequency Difference: 0.01MHz Total Frequency Difference: 0.02MHz Load Capacitance: 2200pF Load Resonance Resistor: 350Ω Excitation Level: 250mW Reference Temperature: 26℃ Insertion Loss: 3dB يوجد توصيل كافة المحافظات للاستفسار 07702633370 العنوان حلة شارع اربعين مجاور مكوى الفيحاء