An existing Secrete order and the suppression of new inventions, technologies by law in the US since 1951.


Both te Chinese leader and the Russian President Vladimir Putin issued today a very odd uh one sentence communique that said there can be no winners in a new nuclear war and that it should never be fought.

Have no illusion the Cabal/NWO and China/Russia are not going to stop/surrender even is it means killing most of the earth population. According to the UN agenda the world population should and would be reduced to 900 million.

Building up the fear factor.

An existing Secrete order and the suppression of new inventions, technologies by law in the US since 1951.

Being involved about 6000 patent applications.

we see conspiratorial uh theorists right again Patrick Bet David has uncovered the legislation that legally this is according to the report. This is not I’m not trying to give you my information this is a report out here so don’t come fighting at me they have uncovered legislation that legally allows the US to suppress invention and technology in 1951. The US enacted what’s called The Invention secrecy act what is it it
allows the government to legally classify and keep certain inventions secret deeming them National and economic security risks. So what could be a threat to National and economic security well if you can figure out a car that goes 300 miles per gallon of gas that’s a threat to them because they make money off of selling new gas you think uh something that might affect the soil and make it so that growing gets better that’s a threat to them they want you to pay more uh inventions under a secrecy order cannot be discussed they can’t be exported they can’t be sold violations of them of the secrecy order causes imprisonment for the inventor. We have six thousand different patents right now kept secret by the US government.


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Every day that the beard gets longer is another day closer to our apocalypse we have Russia’s President Vladimir Putin saying that the country must prepare for civil and international War.

We have members of the UK government telling their citizens to get ready by buying canned food buying radios buying batteries and flashlights, we have people all over the world preparing for unrest in a way that we haven’t seen for decades we are in a world at war.

The uh president as part of a civil lawsuit Putin’s Federal Protective Services the uh fso has invertedly leaked their security details for the Mansion of Putin’s object 53 it is called it’s in Moscow it’s located 30 minutes away from the Kremlin 111 fso officers guard the complex right now four different doctors are permanently on staff that should tell you a little bit about what you need in your survival group of course they have food they have plenty of ammunition but as far as man uh Manpower goes what do they have.

People to pull triggers and the doctors to close up the holes when they do the European commission president urges the EU to prepare for possible war and to begin investing in weapons immediately.

I just saw that the United States government is increasing our ability to bring ammunition uh Depot online quicker than we have since the first first and second world war.

They’re trying to prepare per person massive amounts of ammunition at these Depot so that they can be sent to our Allied countries and kept in reserve for when this war starts.

To touch us here at the Homeland according to the European commission president anyone who speaks in acts like Russia does not want peace they intend to continue after Ukraine they said on different radio stations that there is an emphasis right now of the importance to support the European Union and its defensive capabilities.

In their opinion it is necessary right now to invest into defense if Europe wants to maintain peace on the continent moving forward we have loose talk about the end of everything taking place after a recent Summit between new partners China and Russia.

The Chinese leader and the Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a very odd uh one sentence communic that said there can be no winners in a new nuclear war and it should never be fought.

No one would disagree even tough several officials have used both uh hypothetical and hypocritical government statements to say that we’re about to go into a nuclear war why do these two countries feel the need to issue such a statement why right now?

We have seen rarely in the past that the global rhetoric of mass Annihilation has reached a crescendo and then it happened in particular Russia’s president at least believes according to military strategist that they are finally winning this Russia Ukraine war.

The Chinese president is now assuming that a conventional ascendant Chinese military power in the South China Sea has made the absorbability of Taiwan very very practical they both believe that the only impediment to their victories will be the intervention of the United States of America and NATO so these two countries and I think that no matter which side of the political uh realm you sit on.

You can believe that China does want Taiwan back and they will take it by military force if necessary and that Russia does want the land that it is going after inside of Ukraine for whatever their political ideologies and re and reasons are.

So if these two countries are going to seek this land grab seek this takeover and they feel like their only country that is standing in their way is the United States of America what should they do about it?

That’s right through either sabotage coercion Pol iCal blackmail all these different things that we are seeing right now today they will take back their land and they will get rid of America.

Now it’s being said that the USA sees a a division of Russian territory and a division of Chinese territory as a main mission objective.

So we have these world powers each one of them are fighting for the same thing but on opposite sides we’re going to have to see who becomes the winner.

The US debt is right right now larger than it has ever been in history the entire US economy in
2022 uh debt surpassed GDP for the first time in history ever since then it has only gotten worse we are seeing fiscal irresponsibility at levels that we have never seen we will see the crash.

Elon Musk has said that future jobs will be optional he said this recently at a talking point he said I don’t think that the long-term in a benign scenario any job that someone does or he says do.

I do think he says in a benign scenario any job that someone does will be optional if you want to do a job as a kind of hobby you can otherwise artificial intelligence and robots will provide any goods and any services that you want.

Now of course who’s going to repair the robots who’s going to oversee the machines until the AI can figure out how to make the robots do that they make them themselves reparable we are looking at that the the government does want that they want you completely out of the loop out of the system and maybe that’s why there’s that whole agenda that everyone talks about.

A little bit more conspiratorially that they only want 500,000 humans on this Earth because with robotics and with artificial intelligence they just simply don’t need you they don’t need you paying your taxes they don’t need you eating their food they don’t need you guzzling up their guzzoline they don’t need you doing anything in this new apocalypse.

34% of all small businesses said they have less than one month’s cash on hand. We do have food inflation fears coming back up after the crop index erased all 2024 uh gains major crop prices are surging. Droughts Frost Heavy Rain are to blame they say that tightening supplies are being seen they’re still below the uh Peak problems that we saw during covid but these gains increase consumer prices for bread and beverages climate change and geopolitical issues they say are keeping crop prices High. Robust the coffee 9% recently uh we see Vietnam
Seeing some huge price increases orange juice is continuing its record high have you seen the charts that pit orange juice price versus the economy. And these charts show that as the price of orange juice goes up everything that you’re going to have to pay for is screwed.

Moving forward we see conspiratorial uh theorists right again Patrick Bet David has uncovered the legislation that legally this is according to the report. This is not I’m not trying to give you my information this is a report out here so don’t come fighting at me they have uncovered legislation that legally allows the US to suppress invention and technology in 1951. The US enacted what’s called The Invention secrecy act what is it it
allows the government to legally classify and keep certain inventions secret deeming them National and
economic security risks. So what could be a threat to National and economic security well if you can figure out a
car that goes 300 miles per gallon of gas that’s a threat to them because they make money off of selling new gas you think uh something that might affect the soil and make it so that growing gets better that’s a threat to them they want you to pay more uh inventions under a secrecy order cannot be discussed they can’t be exported they can’t be sold violations of them of the secrecy order causes imprisonment for the inventor. We have six thousand different patents right now kept secret by the US government.

They don’t want to allow people to get out there and sell these things so when you want to ask yourself where do these inventors go well a lot of them end up walking off a bridge.

Now I did some more digging and the claims regarding the invention secrecy act are 100% accurate
the ACT allows the US government to impose secrecy orders on certain patent applications the inventions there are deemed to uh threaten National and economic stability this means that possible very important and life changing inventions can’t be discussed or sold.

The violators face imprisonment as of recent reports we see over 6,000 of these under secret orders the Act was originally intended to prevent sensitive information from falling into enemy hands it has in uh extended to become uh like a coverall for anything that the government doesn’t want talked about. The the secrecy order must be renewed annually unless the US is at war or declared under a national emergency.

You know we’re still at War since the 200 uh 2001 problem we’re still at War today we’re still undergoing a National Emergency uh they say that these can be extended for the duration of the emergency plus additional periods the exact nature of the patents can’t be disclosed there are technologically advanced examples from the Declassified ones include Advanced military technology and communication systems.

Moving forward we have the USA seeing 47% of all parents provide in financial assistant assistance to their adult children an average of $1,400 a month just about enough to cover rent or bills or groceries this was a report by guys

The problem is anybody who had marginal stability in the USA not even talking wealth just marginal stability it’s being taken away it’s being eroded this is being done on purpose,

You see you are a king let’s just take it back to olden times maybe you’re just a lord over a certain Manor and those those come to mind because I’m playing a game right now called Manor Lords so maybe you’re just a lord over a certain manner right you you’re just you oversee a little village well if you see people making more money than you you’re going to lose power eventually if you see people having more stability than you do as an overseer you’re going to lose power eventually and so what do you do you tax them heavier you sabotage their ability to make money you make up new laws that make it harder for them you do all these things that the government is
doing today this is a transfer of wealth outside of your pocketbook into someone else’s it’s not going to stop until you are broke until you are completely destitute and until you’re sick that is their goal thank you guys for being here with us,

Full Spectrum Survival.

Only on YouTube make sure you check back tomorrow for more information from America and from around the world.

From my family to yours please stay safe and
keep watch.

UFO’s and lying governments.

For expeditionary forces from the Greater Community, from the physical Universe, are in the world today and have been here for some time—interfering in human affairs, manipulating human perception, promoting human conflict, acting surreptitiously behind the scenes, taking people against their will and subjecting them to often terrible experiments, turning their minds so that they will become supportive and allegiant to this Intervention.
While you have been living your life under normal circumstances, great things have been going on behind the scenes—things that the public has no idea of. And though many people have seen craft flying in their skies and countless sightings have been reported, the mystery of this presence in your world has remained undercover, behind the scenes, out of public view.
Great effort has been taken by many of your governments to discourage any inquiry into this, creating a veil of secrecy and ridicule that has been quite effective in discouraging public conversation and public awareness of this great encounter, this great challenge to human freedom. No government will admit to its people that it is facing an adversary for which it has no adequate response.
So the mystery of this has now been covered up by lies and deception. People have been encouraged to believe fantastic things about the alien presence in the world, thinking that it is a fantasy or that it represents some kind of wonderful story from the past. It is now so veiled in half-truths and deception, in ridicule and in fantasy, that even those people who have recognized a foreign presence in the world cannot think clearly about it. It has been so confused, so muddled, so turned and so changed. Certain people have even been encouraged by the governments to tell fantastic and wild stories, to create discredit upon anyone who might seek to present anything true or real or to attempt to generate an honest conversation, a public conversation, a public debate, a public awareness.
Into the world at this time when the Great Waves are beginning to emerge have come other forces—competitors from the Universe. They come not with weapons. They come not with an armada of vessels. They come with the power of persuasion and deception. Their technology is advanced, but what they rely upon is their ability to influence the minds of those who live here.


Earthquakes tsunamis and other Elemental forces now active and will change planet Earth forever.

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Under “corporatism”, monolithic predator corporations run around sucking up as much wealth and economic power as they possibly can.
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If humanity is not able to free itself & alien intervention will ?

New; we have been reconnected again with our galaxy and universe.

White Hats.


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Planet earth is on the move & humanity affected.

‘1 in a billion’ chance COVID emerged from nature.

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