Prior to 2020, if you heard the term “lockdown” you might think of something that
happens in a prison — not in a free society. This mechanism of control has since
Planet Lockdown: A Documentary Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked
The film Planet Lockdown explores this unprecedented time in history, speaking with
epidemiologists, scientists, doctors and other experts to uncover the real motives behind
the increasing totalitarian control taking over the globe
Dr. Scott Jensen, a family doctor and former member of the Minnesota Senate, received
an email from the Department of Health that coached him to use COVID-19 as a
diagnosis incorrectly
The notion of asymptomatic spread turns virtually anyone you meet or encounter on the
street into the enemy or a threat, furthering fear and control
The artificially imposed state of incoherence that’s been enacted during the pandemic is
described as a torture tactic, designed to get people to submit to vaccine passports and
COVID-19 shots

Many of the experts in the film bring up the Nuremberg Code, which is being violated as
people are forced to get experimental shots
Civil disobedience, boycotting businesses that are requiring vaccine passports,
participating in rallies and fighting illegal mandates in court are ways that everyone can
get involved in protecting freedom
become commonplace — not among prisoners but among the free — with repercussions
that are only beginning to be understood.
The film Planet Lockdown explores this unprecedented time in history, speaking with
epidemiologists, scientists, doctors and other experts to uncover the real motives
behind the increasing totalitarian control taking over the globe. Already banned by
Facebook and YouTube, the film starts at the beginning of the pandemic, when we were
told lockdowns were necessary to “flatten the curve.”
This was supposed to be a short-term, 15-day event in the U.S., but the narrative soon
changed to ongoing restrictions. As Michael Yeadon, Ph.D., a former vice-president and
chief scientific adviser of the drug company Pfizer and founder and CEO of the biotech
company Ziarco, now owned by Novartis, explained, people have historically quarantined the sick, but quarantining healthy people, as has occurred for the past two years, has noscientific backing or historic precedence.
“Given this virus represents, at most, a slightly bigger risk to the old and ill than seasonal
influenza, and a less risk, a smaller risk, to almost everyone else who’s younger and fit,”
Yeadon says, “it was never necessary for us to have done anything. We didn’t need to do
anything — lockdowns, masks, testing, vaccines even.”
Questionable Practices Urged for COVID-19 Diagnosis
Dr. Scott Jensen, a family doctor and former member of the Minnesota Senate, received
an email from the Department of Health that seemed to be coaching him to use COVID19 as a diagnosis in situations where he wouldn’t have previously used influenza or any other specific viral diagnosis without first testing for it. He said: “What struck me right away was I felt like I was being coached to go ahead and use COVID-19 without using the same standards of precision that I would for other things. If I’m going to make a diagnosis, I believe as a physician I have an
obligation to use the tools available to me to nail it down with as much certainty as possible.
And it seemed to me that the Department of Health, and the link to this CDC document that said you could diagnose COVID-19 as a cause of death on a death certificate … those two documents, in tandem, went against everything
that I had been taught or doing for the last 35 years.”
Even Dr. Ngozi Ezike, director of the Illinois Department of Health, is featured in the film stating that even if you died of a clear alternate cause, if you had COVID-19 at the same time, it would still be listed as a COVID death. “Everyone who is listed as a COVID death, doesn’t mean that was the cause of the death,” she says.
In January 2020, the PCR test for COVID-19 came out, which allowed health officials to define COVID-19 “cases.” If the test was positive, it counted as a case — it didn’t matter if you have symptoms or not. Reiner Fuellmich, global fraud attorney, founder of the Corona Investigative Committee, pointed out, “It’s never, in the history of mankind, in the
history of medicine, there’s never been testing of healthy people.”
Yeadon agrees that mass testing of people with no symptoms has no scientific basis.
Rather, he says, “It’s just a way to frighten people.” The rising “cases,” based on PCR
testing, is what built the crisis. But counting cases was only measuring the activity of
testing; the more that testing occurred, the more cases that were found.
‘Fear Everyone’ Became the Message
June 8, 2020, WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced that
asymptomatic people could transmit COVID-19. That same day, Maria Van Kerkhove,
WHO technical lead for the COVID-19 pandemic, made it very clear that people who have
COVID-19 without any symptoms “rarely” transmit the disease to others. In a dramatic
about-face, WHO then backtracked on the statement just one day later.
In the days that followed, media and health officials ramped up fear by claiming that you could be sickened by virtually anyone, even when they appeared to be healthy. “This idea that … you can be ill even though you have no symptoms and you can be a … virus threat to someone else even though you have no symptoms, that’s also invented in 2020,”
Yeadon says.
Alexandra Henrion-Caude, geneticist, former director of research with the French National Institute of Health, is among those who have noticed something off from the start. “I was very puzzled since the very beginning … I was alert to the fact that what we were living was not quite right.”
She notes that the notion of asymptomatic spread is terrifying because it turns virtually anyone you meet or encounter on the street into the enemy, because they could be exposing you to SARS-CoV-2. “This is actually terrible because it denies the capacity of a person to be a healthy person. Because if asymptomatic [spread] exists, then who is
healthy? No one.”
What’s more, the “proof” of asymptomatic spread is flawed and fraudulent. The New England Journal of Medicine published an article suggesting the transmission of COVID19 is possible from an asymptomatic carrier in January 2020.
It was based on a 33-year-old businessman who had met with his business partner from Shanghai, then developed a fever and productive cough. The next evening, he felt better and went back to work January 27.
The writers reported the partner had been “well with no signs or symptoms of infection, but had become ill on her flight back to China, where she tested positive for 2019-nCoV on January 26.” From this case study, they theorized the virus could be transmitted from asymptomatic carriers. An important point was left out, which is that the researchers did
not speak with the partner from Shanghai before publication.
However, Germany’s public health agency, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), did speak with
the woman on the phone, and she reported she did have symptoms while in Germany.
So she was not asymptomatic after all.
In a State of Incoherence, People Crave Normalcy The pandemic has twisted reality, leaving the public in a mental fog. “You’re regularly pledging obedience to things which are not logical,” Catherine Austin-Fitts, assistant secretary, Bush Sr. administration and investment adviser with Solari, Inc., says.
has changed definitions of herd immunity and pandemic, literally altering reality, and this
is just one example.
Censorship and campaigns to discredit those who speak out against the narrative are additional control mechanisms that distort the truth.
Bishop Schneider of Kazakhstan says the pandemic measures are very similar to Soviet times where he lived, in that
there was only one narrative, and if you said there was another meaning, you were declared an enemy.
“When you had another opinion, they said, ‘You are a conspiracy group. You have a conspiracy theory. You have hate speech. This expression, hate speech, came from the communists.” It’s psychological manipulation, based on fear, which makes people act totally irrational.
The artificially imposed state of incoherence was even described by
Austin-Fitts as a torture tactic, designed to get people to submit to vaccine passports
and COVID-19 shots:
“Human beings crave coherence. And so if you can put them in a state of
incoherence they will literally do anything they can to get back to coherence. It’s
a typical torture tactic. ‘If you just do what I want, I will allow you to go back to a
state of coherence.’ So, if you just accept the [vaccine] passports, you’ll be free.
Or if you get the vaccination, you’ll just be free.”
Further, by declaring small businesses as “nonessential” during lockdowns, they get shut down, while Amazon, Walmart and other big box stores can take over their market share.
A major transfer of wealth occurred away from small family-owned businesses to very
large, publicly owned businesses that benefited from the digital economy. In the meantime, Austin-Fitts explains:
“The people on Main St. have to keep paying off their credit cards or their mortgage, so they’re in a debt trap and they’re desperate to get cashflow to cover their debts and expenses.
In the meantime, you have the Federal Reserve institute a form of quantitative easing where they’re buying corporate bonds, and the guys who are taking up the market share can basically finance — or their banks can — at 0% to 1%,
when everyone on Main St. is paying 16% to 17% to their credit cards, without income.
So basically now you’ve got them over a barrel and you can take away their market share, and generally they can’t afford to do what they say because they’re too busy trying to find money to feed their kids.”

New Control Systems Are Being Engineered.
If a few people want to control many, how can you get the sheep into the slaughterhouse
without them realizing and resisting? “The perfect thing,” Austin-Fitts says, is invisible
enemies, like viruses. This ramps up fear so the public believes they need the
government to protect them. Another effective tactic is “divide and conquer,” and the
media plays an important role in this, dividing people over shots and masks, for
“What COVID-19 is,” Austin-Fitts explains, “is the institution of controls necessary to
convert the planet from the democratic process to technocracy. So what we’re watching
is a change in control and an engineering of new control systems. So think of this as a
coup d’état.
It’s much more like a coup d’état than a virus.”
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a former public health official and member of German parliament, agrees, stating that pandemic responses have “nothing to do with hygiene.
It has to do with criminology.” The global injection campaign is another form of control, one that’s forcing the public to receive experimental shots.
Many of the experts in the film bring up the Nuremberg Code, which spells out a set of
research ethics principles for human experimentation. This set of principles was
developed to ensure the medical horrors discovered during the Nuremberg trials at the
end of World War II would never take place again.
But in the current climate of extreme censorship, people are not being informed about
the full risks of the shots — which are only beginning to be uncovered. People are being
forced into the shots due to mandates and loss of jobs and personal freedoms, like the
ability to travel freely and attend business and social events.
In the End, Truth Will Win
A revolution is occurring, and the experts are hopeful that people will awaken to
common sense and resist the totalitarian control that is threatening to take over the
globe. Instead, society can be regenerated if people come together and fight back
against the encroachment on our liberties.
Civil disobedience, boycotting businesses that are requiring vaccine passports,
participating in rallies and fighting illegal mandates in court are ways that everyone can
get involved in protecting freedom. “If they want to make us a machine, if they want to
make us slaves, we say no,” Wodarg says. “… We don’t need you anymore, we are many …
we don’t have to be afraid of any pandemic.”
About the Director
I believe in bringing quality to my readers, which is why I wanted to share some
information about the filmmaker, James Patrick, from “Planet Lockdown.” Here is a
little more about him and what went in to making this film. Thank you James for
sharing with us.
What was your inspiration for making this film?
I was in Spain when the lockdowns started, studying a PHD in economics. I escaped
to southern France and a week later back to the states. I immediately saw the
lockdowns as an economic takedown of the middle class rather than a virus
mitigation strategy.
I looked into the academic reference of lockdown as a strategy and they were only
mentioned twice and strongly recommended against as the damages would be
worse than any benefit.
As an ancestor of Patrick Henry and passionate lover of human liberty, I was so
upset by the lockdowns and what they meant for our future, I needed to do
something about it. Within a few months I embarked on making a documentary film.
The situation developed so quickly I began putting the full interviews out and it
became an interview series as well.
I was able to get the best and brightest experts in the world to sit down and tell me
their story. It is a high level, intimate look at what happened these last two years,
from 2 weeks of lockdown to flatten the curve to Lockouts for the unvaccinated.
What do you hope people take away from the film?
The film takes the viewer on a journey through the whole COVID saga. The film and
the full interviews forms an educational body of work that helps the public
understand what is going on, how we got here, where are we and where this is
headed if we don’t put a stop to this. Enough damage has been done. We have to
make sure this never happens again or a lot worse things will happen.
Where do the proceeds to your film go?
Proceeds to the project go to cover the expenses of the film and ongoing interview
series. These include travel, equipment, and payment for cameramen, sound, edits,
audio technicians and web hosting expenses. We have done this project on a
shoestring budget and donations are critical to keeping this high quality content
coming to earn the public about what is happening and what is to come.
No other film project is addressing the situation from an international perspective,
which is required to have a full understanding of what is happening. This is a global
operation. We work with colleagues in UK, EU and Africa to capture the situation. We
are doing this project as a public service and it isn’t free. To date it has been driven
by people contributing their time unpaid, myself especially, so donations help covers
these out of pocket expenses incurred.
Click the button below to help support the filmmakers.
Sources and References
The Washington Post February 10, 2021
Planet Lockdown, 8:00
Planet Lockdown, 10:37
Planet Lockdown, 12:00
Planet Lockdown, 13:08
Planet Lockdown, 16:48
Yahoo June 9, 2020
Planet Lockdown, 20:34
Planet Lockdown, 3:15
New England Journal of Medicine January 30, 2020
Science Mag February 3, 2020
Planet Lockdown, 4:05
Planet Lockdown, 30:00
Planet Lockdown, 33:36
Planet Lockdown, 41:00
Planet Lockdown, 1:10
Planet Lockdown, 3:57
Planet Lockdown, 1:41
New Earth, did they the deep State see it ever coming?
Earthquakes tsunamis and other Elemental forces now active and will change planet Earth forever.
The ultimate goal of the globalist is the complete extraction of the Mankind’s inner sense of identity. The ultimate goal of the globalist/cabal of course the complete extraction of the Mankind’s inner sense of identity.
The 3 Golden Rules of Lying and Deception
Spiritual suppression using Chemicals
Part of the Most Impossible Decade of the Century and 2026, the GRAND FINALE
Sinister: Nature to be monetized and complete control over all essentials, and you and me owning nothing?
Plenty of money sharks around and ready to strike.
Food shortage due to food war?
The battle between the dark forces and light beings?
Reptilians & Dinosaurs, humanoids and humans?
The Lithium needed to secure the EU Renewable Energy Transition?
A Critical Analysis of All-Cause Deaths during COVID-19 Vaccination in an Italian Province
EU in trouble again and again?
Pushing WW3, preparation, set-up and Push.
Pushing WW3, preparation, set-up and Push.
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[…] The real motives behind the increase in totalitarian control and introduction of new laws? […]
[…] The real motives behind the increase in totalitarian control and introduction of new laws? […]
[…] The real motives behind the increase in totalitarian control and introduction of new laws? […]
[…] The real motives behind the increase in totalitarian control and introduction of new laws? […]
[…] The real motives behind the increase in totalitarian control and introduction of new laws? […]
[…] The real motives behind the increase in totalitarian control and introduction of new laws? […]
[…] The real motives behind the increase in totalitarian control and introduction of new laws? […]
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