Our Cristal mind and changing functions due to our changing environment.

IE They Found Crystals in Human Brains: “They decode all the frequencies” Be Inspired Share 81,457 views 24 Jan 2024 ✅CRYSTAL WATER BOTTLE https://beinspiredchannel.co/crystalw… ►SPECIAL THANKS TO: BILLY CARSON : www.4biddenknowledge.com/ blackmagik363 : Watch the full episode with Billy here: https://www.youtube.com/live/KixIoUHu… ——————————————————————————————————————— ►Copyright ©: Script – BE INSPIRED Narration – BE INSPIRED Footage is licensed through Videoblocks, Artgrid, and Envato. Music: Epidemic Sound / Audiojungle / Envato Elements Interviews / Video References were used under FAIR USE LAW. © BE INSPIRED CHANNEL – All rights reserved ——————————————————————————————————————— For any concerns or business inquiries, please contact us at: beinspiredmanager@gmail.com


Follow along using the transcript. This is mind-blowing they found crystals in human brains inside of the human brain we have billions of magnetite crystals tiny alive crystals in our brains called magnetite. They quietly affect the connections that shape our lives so we are kind of like magnet people each with our special magnetic power from these alive crystals inside us what do crystals do they can pick up frequencies   we know that because Nicolet Tessa he created the first Crystal Set. Radio crystals are capable of picking up and transmitting frequencies that can be decoded and heard. Magnetite is an iron mineral and its name gives away its Most Fascinating characteristic magnetite stands out as Earth’s most magnetic naturally occurring mineral but why would a magnetic mineral be present in our brains Joseph Kring a geobiologistfrom ctech proposes a potential explanation magnetite could be the key to our ability to sense Earth’s magnetic field lots of animals from Tiny bacteria to birds Turtles and bats have this cool skill it’s like a built-in compass that helps them know where they are this power comes from feeling the Earth’s magnetic field and we call it Magneto reception. having this ability to find your way around on Earth is super useful so it’s no surprise that many creatures have it now here’s the interesting part until 2019 we weren’t sense. Then a smart team led by Rink did a study they placed people in a room protected from outside magnetic interference they changed the magnetic fields inside the room while monitoring the participants brain waves what they discovered was a definite measurable and repeatable impact on the strength of a specific type of brain activity called Alpha Waves. So basically they put people in a lab with a big magnet and a cap on their head to see what their brain does. Then they moved the magnet around the tiny crystals in the brain lined up with the magnet this means we might be able to find our way using magnets but we don’t know it in biology. They found three big brain cells in our skulls they look like a spiky crown on a picture of Jesus with thorns it’s like a comparison because Jesus never really wore a thorn crown the crown of thorns is in our heads and it helps us think together at a high level along with the tiny crystals. Billy Carson explains this concept take a look in biology you discovered has three giant neurons wrapped around the inside of the skull and it looks like a crown of thorns on a scan heard about Jesus with the crown of thorns it’s a metaphor because Jesus never put on a real crown of thorns the crown of thorns is inside of each and every one of our skulls and it gives us the capability to collaborate to higher levels of consciousness along with the magnetite crystals. The piso electric effect a fascinating aspect of physics revolves around materials that generate an electric charge in response to Mechanical stress when certain Crystal’s like quartz are subjected to pressure or mechanical deformation they produce a voltage across their surfaces this phenomenon known as the pyo electric effect has wide ranging applications in various Technologies. Crystals play a crucial role in modern technology through their application in various devices the piso electric properties of crystals are utilized in sensors actuators and resonators in everyday life. Pico  electric crystals are integral components in devices like micro phones speakers and quartz Watchers in microphones. The crystals convert Sound Vibrations into electrical signals while in speakers the reverse process occurs where electrical signals generate vibrations to produce sound moreover pyo electric materials find applications in medical imaging where they contribute to the Precision of ultrasound transducers. Additionally advancements in energy harvesting leverage piso electric crystals to convert mechanical vibrations or movements into electrical energy offering potential solutions for powering small electronic devices or sensors in remote locations. So a stone found in nature has all these properties in essence the quartz crystal can be seen as a natural translator of the law of vibration. Now pay close attention Billy Carson continues to explain the power of crystals and their presence in the pineal gland the pizio electric transmission is the same exact type of transmission that utilized in radios  Right so peio electric that was what nicked Tessa and many other people in in the olden days When developing these radio sets these Crystal set radios they were using that pz electric technique and so what’s happening is when you put pressure on a crystal it Sparks energy it gives off a spark of energy and so for example if anyone here has a lighter when you strike the lighter what’s in that lighter when you press that button and you flick it is a crystal there’s a crystal in all lighters. And when you put pressure on with that device that little thumb thing that you flick down it creates pressure on the Crystal and the Crystal releases a spark of energy and then that gas that’s in it and it lights up on fire because the crystal has sparked. That the metaphor for what’s happening in your mind even with the pineal gland which is made of crystals and so you have crystals in your brain you have crystals in your pineal gland the pineal gland is primarily all crystal and when you put pressure on it it’s going to spark. That’s how people have a Kundalini Awakening. But another thing happens there’s a frequency being transmitted through peio electric mode that send out not only into space but all throughout your body every cell in your body picks up this frequency or this message and depending on the state of mind that you’re in it’s going to interact with your cells and create either disease which turns into disease or it’s going to create ease it’s up to the conscious thought so there’s a transmission. Even when you’re not speaking that’s coming from the brain in these crystals that’s going to wash down through your body and wash down through your DNA and it’s all about your conscious thoughts .   your C can hear your thoughts because of this p Electric transmission that’s happening inside the body as we continue to follow Billy’s research on crystals. I was amazed by what I discovered let me explain a crystal is a solid substance that has a naturally occurring geometrically regular form with symmetrically arranged plain faces however crystals are not just a group of molecules or atoms each one has unique characteristics and comes in different shapes and sizes. The composites that make up a crystal determine how they form crystals. Are fascinating structures that can form in various shapes and sizes depending on the elements. They’re made of for instance if the crystal is formed from Salt then its shape will be a cube however if it is made from different elements like carbon. It can take various forms like diamonds rubies and many others carbon crystals in particular are widely utilized in our everyday lives especially in technology and energy generation. They’re used to cut gemstones provide electricity to homes and business and even in the pzo electric method where they can be tapped for electricity using mechanical energy to observe the formation of crystals with your own eyes. You can conduct a simple experiment at home by adding a small amount of table salt to tap water and waiting for 24 hours the water will evaporate causing the atoms to come together and form cube-shaped crystals that can be seen with the naked eye. Crystals possess the unique property of producing an electric spark Under Pressure which makes them an essential component of everyday items such as lighters gas grill ignition buttons and push button to start fireplaces fractals. On the other hand are geometric figures that have the same statistical characteristics as a whole they are essential in modeling structures from digital structures to massive physical ones fractals can be found in various natural patterns such as snowflakes and eroded coastlines as well as in crystals.


The relationship between crystals and fractals is due to their repetitive pattern that is consistent throughout the structure this unique property makes them an exciting subject to study and understand better. Fractals are a fascinating natural phenomenon that exhibit a repeating pattern in a mathematical set fractals can be found almost everywhere in nature from the intricate branching of trees to the shape of snowflakes. Moreover fractals can also be found in our lungs and blood vessels which exhibit a similar branching pattern benoa mandal bro a well-known mathematician discovered the formula for fractals this formula is now popularly known as the mandal BR set. When calculated and graphed on the complex plane this intricate mathematical equation displays a detailed boundary that remains complex at any level of magnification this complex boundary is what classifies the mandal BR set as a fractal the mandal BR set has become a popular mathematical tool an aesthetic appeal for complicated structure stress. Arising from simple definitions for example video games can use fractal geometry to create sophisticated Landscapes no man’s sky is a popular video game that uses fractals to generate over 80 billion inhabited worlds and endless Adventures on something in the size of a DVD. In addition to man-made examples fractals can also be found in nature the branching pattern of blood vessels is one of the most impressive examples of fractals branching in our bodies it is interesting to note that our bodies are inherently connected to Nature and exhibit fractal patterns. The human body is a Marvel of nature with its complex and intricate systems working together to Keep Us Alive and healthy one of the most fascinating aspects of the body is the fractal branching network of blood vessels that deliver oxygen and nutrients to every cell this network is made up of blood vessels that Branch out in a repeating pattern getting smaller and smaller each time they Branch this fractal pattern sat is found throughout nature from the branching of trees to the formation of snowflakes. Humans have approximately 150,000 kilomet of blood vessels enough to circle the Earth several times this network is designed to maximize the surface area available for gas exchange allowing oxygen to be efficiently delivered to every cell in the body. The fractal properties of the blood vessel Network helped to ensure that no cell is too far away from a blood vessel improving our overall health and well being. one of the most striking examples of fractal design in the human body can be seen in the lungs the lungs are made up of a complex network of Airways and blood vessels that resemble the branches of a tree this fractal branching pattern allows for the efficient exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide keeping our bodies functioning properly the golden ratio a mathematical concept that has been used in art and architecture for centuries can also be seen in the human body many of the organ and structures. In our bodies are proportioned according to the golden ratio which is found in everything from the spiral patterns of cells to the growth patterns of plants . The human lungs are capable of absorbing oxygen through a process called osmosis thanks to the fractal pattern present in them, this pattern helps the lungs absorb more oxygen and distributed throughout the blood vessels without requiring the lungs to be many times their current size without the fractal pattern breathing. Would be much more difficult similar to that of a 20-year-oldcigarette smoker the human brain is also full of fractals with billions of magnetite crystals and approximately 100 billion neurons the brain cells are connected by an estimated 100 trillion synapses which resembled the entire universe when viewed from a different perspective. This is a fascinating discovery that has led to complex theories about the origin of the world which humans have been seeking for as long as we have existed. Everything in the universe is vibrational energy influencing both body functions and mental processes affecting brain wave vibrations brain waves change at specific frequencies altering our Consciousness from high to low like having a high or low frequency at a high frequency you supposedly sink with the universe at a low frequency you’re not as in tune as you should be. Specific brain waves include gamma waves for inspiration and focus at 40 HZ beta waves for alertness concentration and cognition ranging from 13 to 40 HZ alpha waves for visualization relaxation and creativity at 7 to 13 Herz theta waves for meditation intuition and memory at 4 to 7 Herz and delta waves for detached awareness healing and sleep at 4 Hertz. this Theory suggests thoughts and emotions are energies influencing emotional well-being dictating physical reactions and shaping how we perceive the world through our minds every time you think and feel your brain waves emit vibrations that send out a sound frequency outside the range of human hearing. This sound resonates in the universe taking random particles and turning them into astonishing forms which can become matter. This is known as Simatic’s according to the Ancients the human body has power nodes known as the chakra system and according to those same ancients crystals can synchronize with these power nodes in the human body helping to give you alignment spiritual alignment and physical alignment. These are things that you can utilize in your real life as as well as the Unseen let’s take a look at some of these crystals that they talk about the first one is black obsidian this Crystal is supposed to help you fall asleep better if you put it in your pillowcase or on your nightstand. It’s also supposed to help you decompress and ground yourself making you feel very relaxed at the end of the day. The next crystal is carnelian which is known to provide emotional support for the female reproductive system. If you’re having female reproductive issues some women like to put a piece of Carnelian close to their body. Maybe on a necklace or in a bracelet and carry it around with them. All the time a powerful way to benefit from the power of crystals is to drink water from a bottle with crystals in it. Like this one I’ve already talked about it in other videos but you can find more details in the description below. Crystals can be a powerful tool to help improve physical and mental well-being. One such crystal is citrine which is widely used by entrepreneurs and business people to recognize their personal power boost self-confidence establish healthy boundaries and balance. The yin and the Yang citrine is a very popular crystal that’s often seen carried by many people it is a yellow or orange variety of quartz that is often associated with success abundance and positivity citrine is believed to stimulate the solar plexus chakra which is located in the upper abdomen and is associated with confidence self-esteem and personal power. Another Crystal that is popular for its positive energy is rose quartz it is often referred to as the love Stone and is associated with the heart chakra rose quartz promotes self-love love for others and unconditional love it also enhances emotional balance restores confidence and helps with stress relief. This Crystal has a gentle pink color and vibrates at a frequency of 528 Herz which is said to be a healing frequency that can balance the body and mind. Lastly lapis lazuli is another famous Crystal that has been used for centuries it is a deep blue color and has been found in ancient Sumerian. Tablets lapis lauli is believed to stimulate the third eye chakra which is associated with intuition wisdom and spiritual awareness. This Crystal is believed to help with emotional balance stress relief and communication it can also be used to promote spiritual growth enhance meditation and improve memory and concentration. In the Epic of Gilgamesh an ancient suan uniform writing that can be found in the British museum there’s a mention of the importance of talking about one’s thoughts and feelings. This idea has also been incorporated into modern religion text such as the Bible. Llapis lazuli is a crystal that enhances the throat chakra promoting the ability to speak truthfully and confidently. Clear quartz crystal on the other hand is known as a master healer and is associated with the seventh chakra which is located at the crown of the head it amplifies the energy thoughts and vibrations of other crystals making it a great addition to any collection. Clear quartz is also believed to help connect individuals with their intuition and spiritual guides and this is a popular Crystal that is often found in Crystal stores or department stores due to its ability to get rid of negative energy. It is associated with the third eye or sixth chakra and is a high vibrational stone that can help individuals connect with higher planes of existence in addition to eliminating negative energy. Amethyst can also help individuals better understand their intuition thank you for taking the time to watch today’s episode. I hope you found it informative and engaging as we wrap up I would like to hear more about your personal experiences with crystals have you used them for their healing properties have they helped you in any way have you ever consumed water from bottles that contain crystals in them. Whatever it is I’m all ear and would appreciate any insights you can provide thank

Our pineal gland or third eye

Privacy Policy Contact Us Logo BEST PLACE TO GET YOUR DAILY KNOWLEDGE DOSE Our Ancestors Knew About The Pineal Gland and Its Biggest Secrets (videos) 1 month ago 33,645 views The Pineal Gland is one of the most enigmatic parts of human anatomy. It is called that because its shape is very similar to that of a pine cone. It is located near the center of the brain, and is also referred to as the “third eye”. Nobody has truly discovered the true potential of this part of our body. Many experts suggest that this gland is even more powerful and complex than the brain.   Apparently, this gland only starts to be functional once our mind remains unconscious. One of the ways in which we can activate this gland is meditating or sleeping. Moreover, it is said that the pineal gland is the key that gives us access to another dimension. Actually, those dimensions are in fact our own dreams. In this case, the pineal gland is something similar to a portal between many different realities. The pineal gland is so strong and powerful that we can even manage to control other people’s minds. Descartes once said that the pineal gland was the “seat of the soul”. Who knows, maybe when we die we unleash the maximum potential of our pineal gland. Maybe when we die we have access to other realities. Have a look at the following videos for more information and please don’t forget to share your opinions with us.


New Earth, did they the deep State see it ever coming? Earthquakes tsunamis and other Elemental forces now active and will change planet Earth forever.  The ultimate goal of the globalist is the complete extraction of the Mankind’s inner sense of identity. The ultimate goal of the globalist/cabal of course the complete extraction of the Mankind’s inner sense of identity. The 3 Golden Rules of Lying and Deception Spiritual suppression using Chemicals Part of the Most Impossible Decade of the Century and 2026, the GRAND FINALE Sinister: Nature to be monetized and complete control over all essentials, and you and me owning nothing? Plenty of money sharks around and ready to strike. Food shortage due to food war? The battle between the dark forces and light beings? Reptilians & Dinosaurs, humanoids and humans? The Lithium needed to secure the EU Renewable Energy Transition? A Critical Analysis of All-Cause Deaths during COVID-19 Vaccination in an Italian Province EU in trouble again and again? Pushing WW3, preparation, set-up and Push. Under “corporatism”, monolithic predator corporations run around sucking up as much wealth and economic power as they possibly can. Inversion ongoing & alien interventions?

Links; Matilda-macelroy.com

Eu-China. https://matilda-macelroy.com/wp63/blog/2024/11/29/eu-china/

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