Sun solar activity getting higher and higher, crazy?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4Drj09llz4. Click on the link for the original video please. Sun solar activity getting higher and higher, crazy? High energy everywhere IE 1:10 / 1:23:23 THE SUN IS OUT OF CONTROL đ„ BRACE FOR HUGE SOLAR STORMS AND UNEXPECTED DEVELOPMENTS Stefan Burns 124K subscribers Share 60,381 views Streamed live 17 hours ago #spaceweather #solaractivity #geomagneticstorm…
The robber barons
How the US is going to completely lock you and me out of our finances in the event that you do not comply. Attempts to monetise nature. Distraction. Skip navigation Search WARNING: COMPLETE Financial Lockdown Is CLOSER Than You Think Whitney Webb BlackRock Exposed     The Robber Barons Share 35,471 views 14…
Breaking up of the US?
EXOPOLITICS: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe WWW.EXOPOLITICS.COM Home Archives Profile Subscribe SUBSCRIBE TO: A PUBLIC INQUIRY: USA WATCH JANUARY 2025 – – Does the USA Break Up Into Regions, as SRI & CIA predicted in January 1977? SUBSCRIBE TO: A PUBLIC INQUIRY: USA WATCH JANUARY 2025 – – Does the USA Break Up…
Treat assessment/parties involved on planet earth?
2. THREAT ASSESSMENT Threat Assessment 2.1Â Foreign Threats 2.1.1Â Human Looking Andromedians Pleiadians Procyonians Aliens Masquerading as Humans 2.1.2Â Smooth Skinned Humanoids Tall Grays Short Grays Human/Gray Interbreeds Zeta Reticulans Sirians Insectoids Other Smooth Skinned Humanoids 2.1.3Â Scaly Rough Skinned Reptilians 2.2Â International Threats 2.2.1Â Satanic Organizations Illuminati…
Taking over of planet earth now underway end of democracy and lifestyle.
 January 29, 2005 from HyddenMysteries Website Note From Informant News Editor: Author of this document to remain anonymous. Author wishes reader to know that this is only a 1st draft, as yet unfinished work in progress. The Editor of Informant News convinced author of importance of this information to the public and need for timely distribution. You are…
Note From Informant News Editor: Author of this document to remain anonymous. Author wishes reader to know that this is only a 1st draft, as yet unfinished work in progress. The Editor of Informant News convinced author of importance of this information to the public and need for timely distribution. You are encouraged to share and distribute for non-commercial…
Destruction of the Deep State & Cabal/banks?
The UN and the Pact for the future. It is about you and me decided by others/minions. Please click for the video/link above. Using of fear based tactics. Signing away our birthrights/freewill and bodily autonomy and to be embedding that into global laws/structures. Part of the Never ending push for total control and us/families into…
Planet earth as generator of electricity
Torus Dynamo – Adam Trombly Magnet Motor That Generates Free Electricity Forever?! Future Galaxy 47.3K subscribers Share 124,036 views 21 Sept 2024 The Torus Dynamo video featuring Adam Trombly is part of the THRIVE Movement. In this video, Trombly, a scientist and inventor, discusses his work on a device that he claims can generate free…
The end of the Wars is here thanks to a shift in planetary consciousness.
Please click here for the original video/link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iPKL9wf3kQ  Why is the CORE of this planet acting weird? – KRYON This Is Not Another World War dear ones and yet it could have been what happened when the first of these two Wars broke out I’ll say it again there was no Sid taking there was…
Establishing alien contacts now?
https://youtu.be/zh6irQ4yAvU?si=oHvc8GkrjgDTwqfw URGENT EVENT! Contact Happening Now! LISTEN CAREFULLY!! (40) Please click on the picture for the original video/link please The Truth Can Change Your Life 527K subscribers Join views Premiered 31 minutes ago #5D #Starseeds #EndTimeMadness I am also starting Patreon, I am putting all my censored videos here: đ / truthcanchangeyourlifeofficial Support my work…