Javier Milei speech in Davos 2025?

Javier Milei Roasts Them to Their Faces

Driven by collectivist ideologies taking advantage of times of Crisis opportunity to accumulate power all the wealth created by capitalism until then and to be redistributed through some scheme of centralized planning.


The Rubin Report
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“The Rubin Report” shares a DM clip of Argentina’s Javier Milei delivering a speech to the World Economic Forum and Davos elites that may make them think twice about inviting him next time. Please click on the link for the original video as posted?

WATCH the MEMBER-EXCLUSIVE segment of the show here: https://rubinreport.locals.com/


While insidiously operating within the liberal Paradigm this new political class distorted the values of liberalism the realignment which is so great.

Right now it’s not just Happening Here who’s one of the other guys with even crazier hair than Donald Trump that I’ve been loving lately it’s Javier Malay president of Argentina who has completely in basically two years completely reversed the economic collapse of Argentina and the country’s absolutely thriving right now.

He gave a great he did show up in person and he gave a great speech at the WF check this out?

Yet at some point in the 20th century we lost our way and the liberal principles that had made us free and prosperous were betrayed.
A a new political class driven by collectivist ideologies and taking advantage of times of Crisis
saw the perfect opportunity to accumulate power all the wealth created by capitalism until then and into the future would be redistributed through some scheme of centralized planning.

Setting in motion a process whose disastrous consequences we are suffering today by promoting a socialist agenda while insidiously operating within the liberal Paradigm.

This new political class distorted the values of liberalism and so they replace Freedom
with Liberation using the coercive power of the state to redistribute the wealth created by

Their justification was the Sinister unjust and abhorrent idea of Social Justice complemented by theoretical Marxist Frameworks aimed at liberating individuals from their needs and at the
core of this new value system lies the fundamental premise that equality before the law is not enough as hidden systemic injustices exist which must be rectified.

An idea that serves as a gold mine for bureaucrats who aspire to omnipotence and this is fundamentalist. Is fundamentally what workism is about the result of the reversal of Western values each of our civilization pillars has been replaced by a distorted version of itself an ideology of Monolithic thinking upheld by various institutions whose purpose is to penalize descent feminism diversity inclusion Equity immigration abortion environmentalism gender ideology among

These are all various heads of the same Beast aimed at justifying the state’s expansion through the appropriation and Distortion of noble causes.

Man he is so good I mean was every word of that perfect or what the line that I love there the Socialist agenda within the liberal Paradigm.
So it was the Liberals that fail us it’s not because liberalism in its truest sense is bad.

Right I wrote a book defending Classical liberalism Classical liberalism born in the late 1700s is the idea that for 300 years basically freed more people right individual rights La Fair economics but you would have nation states you would I don’t know have a little relation to logic and reason.

So they brought socialism in within the liberal Paradigm because liberals have a soft underbelly what do we love more than anything else.
Liberals we love tolerance and of course they became tolerant of intolerance.

So it’s just it’s just absolutely brilliant what he said there and it’s also great because
he actually went there and said it like that’s not the easiest thing to do!

You’re going to the belly of the Beast it’s like walking into the to the Temple of Doom and being like hey you guys suck?



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