Alien message; Greed/power and Money endanger planet earth?

Attemps to Hijack the Ascension Timeline now underway?

“They Are Trying To HIJACK The Ascension Timeline…” Sananda Ashtar

51.1K subscribers


4,594 views 13 Jan 2025 #galacticfederation #lightworkers #light
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This is an original narration recorded specifically for this video in the studio by LightWorkers
#lightworkers #galacticfederation #light

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“They Are Trying To HIJACK The Ascension Timeline…” Sananda Ashtar

51.1K subscribers



I am Sanda and I am very happy to speak to my brothers and sisters on the important topic related to your planet.

Today I am going to talk about money and on why you have a financial system in your reality.
A long time ago humans were exchanging goods between each other freely without any attachments or restrictions this easy system didn’t satisfy the darkness because it could not control Humanity.

It came up with a monetary system in order to oppress every human you can’t have money unless you earned it by providing some kind of service or worked for someone. The only reason for the existence of money was created to enslave and control everyone and everything in the world.

The darkness didn’t have any intention to make anyone happy only to dictate on what you can do with attached restrictions. Selected individuals receive endless amount of funds then they follow the orders from Darkness these people appear from nowhere and what you see that they have unending amount of money and power.
Also they pretend to be the good guys who care for humans that is an absolute lie and a false pretense.
Their missions are usually to fool and distract Mankind from moving forward and evolve into higher vibrations.

They never care for anyone and follow only the orders from Evil meantime they try to fulfill their tasks by keep destroying the environment around you without letting you know about it and kill as many as they can humans with experimental drugs tests. Etc their main goal is to continue to accumulate wealth by stealing it from the human population.
You were born into these bodies and are supposed to have everything you need for free and not to pay for anything instead you earn a right to live only by working most of your life for pennies.
In a comparison to the chosen ones by the darkness their financial system is going to collapse because it’s based on Greed and suffering. Despite all of the attempts from the negative ones to save it your life should not be based on paying for
every single thing. That is a superficial system that doesn’t exist in higher Dimensions only low vibrations allow
such a nonsensical commodity to function. We have been saying about no money in 5D you can see for yourself on how much damage this financial system has done to the human civilization on all levels such as physical emotional physiological and Etc it created crimes in your Society some humans in order to survive stopped living honest lives and started to steal or even kill just to get money into their hands money.
In your reality represents evil and nothing else if you count on how many children and adults left their physical bodies for being poor and not having enough money for food.

You need to pay to stay healthy this is another reason on why money needs to vanish from your world your Human Society has been kept in a low and slow advancement stage not to let you progress enough Into The Fifth Dimension or higher everything here was done with a purpose to keep you in the Dark Ages. your first electric

Cars were invented in the 1830s which were more safe and not toxic for your body compared to the electric cars you
have now. Progress is made when a whole civilization benefits and not just only a small group who takes wealth from
humanity and poisons everyone with their primitive inventions.

Dear ones most of the advanced inventions were never allowed to be introduced to you. The dark ones don’t want for humankind to be happy and live healthy lives. Divine is going to destroy this 3D Matrix and the negative entities it’s just a matter of the time before the whole financial system is going to collapse and attempts to Move It from monetary currency to digital it’s not going to work in the long term.

Nothing can’t stop the destruction of Darkness please remember we always love and support you now I’m going to disclose to you about on how your planet’s orbit is getting trashed by constant launches of starlink satellites.
Space X which serves Darkness why do they you need so many of them the reason SpaceX says is to be able to provide starlink internet service around the globe. That’s not true you don’t need that many satellites to accomplish this task the main reason for this big amount is to spy on humans everywhere on the planet for the dark ones.

The other part of it is Elon Musk is trying to find another livable planet to escape from Earth these satellites are poorly made that explode in space and fall apart easily. They are polluting and damaging the atmosphere of Gaia the galactic light
forces are constantly removing the floating pieces around your planet they are also blowing up these Space X satellites before they fall and harm humans in your world. A perfect example of this ashtar Kaman destroyed satellites that were going to crash on your planet the last burning parts of them appeared in the sky of Bulgaria.

We lightbeings are going to continue to expose the hidden truth thank you ambassador of Galactic light forces.

Please accept my Supreme love disclosure means the real truth, Sander the haor powerful being of manifestation we are here connecting with you through the energy of these words carry the energy of meaning as uniquely translated by your beliefs and programs. We find your words extremely limiting in offering expanded awareness of your true multi-dimensional existence.
You do not have words to illustrate many of the concepts and truths available to you as a Divine multi-dimensional being in human form. However since this is the tool that is available and which carries our energy we use it to invite you to expand
again and again when we say that you are beings of light we realize that you have heard the this concept many times yet it
might still sound a bit far out to you. It is however the truth as we have expressed before every cell as well as your DNA emits biophotons of light, imagine that your very skin is like natural solar panels and the energies and frequencies given
by the sun moon and stars continually recharge your aliveness.
The electromagnetic emissions from your cells can now be measured with your modern instrumentation we realize that you experience yourself as this solid and dense physical form that is what this experience is about to recognize that you have a physical vehicle yet you are a star being you are the essence of light energy.
That happens to be vibrating at a low frequency which gives you the sense of being solid your real state of existence is a being of light energy yet while you are focused on the physical aspect you are always offering your personal energy signature to all you encounter.

Remember your personal energy signature is influenced by what you have experienced what you have been taught and what you have been led to believe as well as by the state of your emotions.

As you become aware that you are more than your physical form consider that you might be a true member of the galactic family and a star seed being. When you begin to accept this as a
real possibility and understand who you truly are you begin to expand into your star seed presence when you consciously on purpose begin to release any limited beliefs and patterns you have acquired. When you clear your emotional storage when you stop repeating your non-supportive stories you begin
elevating yourself to the higher dimensions.

As you begin to refine your energy signature you vibrate at a higher and purer form of the light spectrum you begin to own and express yourself as a being of Biol Luminosity a being of light a true star seed being. As your frequencies and vibrations increase the other dimensions become more available to your awareness of course this is the goal.

Is it not your planet is in flux it is Shifting as well moving to the higher Dimensions you are the active part of this occurring for you are anchoring more and more conscious light vibrations within the very cells of your physical form.
You are a powerful being of manifestation your thoughts words and emotional Focus impact the quantum field. You are interfacing with this energy field in each moment you are entrained and resonate with this unified field so when you begin to expand your light quota and hold your focused intentions from a higher level of Consciousness you begin interfacing with the fourth and fifth dimensions of light Consciousness. You are here to Anchor your star seed awareness into this reality when you move your focused attention from the imposed limitations of the third dimension you begin to remember and open up to your awesome ability ities and Gifts.
Every situation and every perceived problem now occurring on your planet can and will be resolved with Solutions generated from the higher Realms of Truth.

Throughout your history there have been those who have tapped into these higher Realms and created Music which continues to inspire art that continues to trigger emotions and inventions that have changed the course of your history. So it is a matter of you knowing that you also have the ability and can tap into these higher States Of Consciousness realizing that there will be a flow of inspiration and solutions that will be downloaded so to speak play with this possibility allow your imagination to travel to a place where the answers will be revealed.

Trust the process practice and allow for this to unfold when you allow yourself to step outside your limited p conceived reality you open the doors to unlimited awesome abilities.
When you can acknowledge yourself as a powerful creator of your reality you can begin to make the necessary shifts in attitudes that will change the very reality you are experiencing.

We are inviting you to play Big we are inviting you to own your power to make a difference in your personal life experience as well as the world events.

You are invited to own this truth remember your focused intention will manifest so begin to embrace yourself as a Divine co-creator of this reality.
Elevate and evolve your thinking discard any limited beliefs allow yourself to play with the
possibilities imagine that you are unlimited and as an unlimited Divine star beings what would you
create? Your focused intention does affect your reality imagine that your focused intentions are capable of changing the very molecular structure of matter. It is the highly coherent frequencies of your light awareness that gives this Focus its power to transform it is this personal Awakening
that is occurring in the hearts and minds of humanity that will transform this planet.

Realize that energy of thought can and will alter the reality that is the focus.

When you begin to reach the frequencies of the higher dimensions and allow yourself to receive and download solutions to the current situations you are actively bringing more conscious light awareness to the whole. We are honored to remind you of your true power to create your true connection with the
Stars we celebrate your star seed awareness. We celebrate you stepping into this truth with deep gratitude for your personal work and service that you continue to offer to humanity from your
divine presence in partnership with your physical Focus.
We are always available by your request the team Mary Magdalene happiness is already within on your planet has been created by false and limiting beliefs all stemming from the idea that happiness must depend on external factors.

The human mind has been conditioned to believe it must earn happiness through effort and struggle
deserve it or find it outside of itself for so long.

You have believed that certain circumstances such as a particular home a place to live family or good relationships are the foundations of your happiness yet all of these merely reflect what you have already found within.
Happiness is your true nature unfortunately false beliefs have created stored energy layers manifesting as suffering these layers must first be cleared for you to recognize your inherent happiness be still and allow this to unfold.

Understand that the agitation you feel when you are still is simply an expression of that stored energy, stay with it bring your attention to it and it will dissolve this is a journey back to your true self and it requires patience but once you understand this you will never again waste time chasing Illusions. Affirm to yourself I know that happiness is within me and let this begin to transform your old conditioning.
Remind yourself whenever you feel lost or when your mind starts searching for external material sources of Happiness keep reaffirming it remain still and everything else will fall into place.

Happiness is already within and it reveals itself once the layers of Illusion have dissolved when the suffering you’ve created is seen and acknowledged when it is embraced.

True peace emerges I do not suggest doing nothing your true nature is to experience life but now you will act out of Joy like a painter who creates not because they must but because they can and wish to.
You do not need to do something to be happy rather you act because you are already happy this shift
transforms your entire reality many people try to distract themselves from their inner turmoil by
constantly doing something instead change your approach be still and allow what ever arises within to the surface.
It may feel uncomfortable but it is a necessary part of the healing process have trust that we are with you guiding you step by step.

You Are Meant To Be Happy Blessed
Are you both on Earth and Beyond



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