Emerging free (clean) energy and the crucial role in de-escalation of resource based conflicts.

Prognoses for 2025: please click on the video/link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0cyp9zr2mI

A particularly significant aspect that is about to be revealed is the existence of free energy technology that has been suppressed for decades.The andromedans indicate that this emerging technology will play a crucial role in deescalate resource-based conflicts the revelation
of this technology will trigger a revolution in global geopolitics dismantling old Power structures based on resource control.

Pleiadians Final Message : The great transformation of humanity will happen in 2025.

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3,694 views 13 Dec 2024
Pleiadians Final Message: The Great Transformation of Humanity in 2025 ๐ŸŒโœจ

๐ŸŒŸ The Pleiadians, beings of light and wisdom from the Pleiades star cluster, have sent their final message to humanity: “The Great Transformation of Humanity Will Happen in 2025.” ๐ŸŒŒ

In 2025, a profound shift will unfold on Earth. It is a time when humanity will undergo a massive spiritual and collective awakening. ๐ŸŒฑ This transformation is not just a physical change, but a deep, energetic shift in consciousness that will affect every individual and the entire planet. ๐ŸŒ

What does this mean?

Global Unity: People will begin to come together in harmony, letting go of division and conflict. ๐ŸŒˆ
Spiritual Awakening: Many will experience an expansion in consciousness, reconnecting with their higher selves, and realizing the interconnectedness of all beings. ๐ŸŒŸ
Technological Advancements: The world will see leaps in technology, particularly in the areas of healing, energy, and communication. ๐Ÿ”ฎ
Environmental Healing: There will be an awakening to the need to protect our planet, leading to sustainable solutions and a revival of balance with nature. ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒŽ
The Pleiadians remind us that this transformation is not something that happens overnightโ€”it is a process of individual and collective healing. Those who are open to it will align with these higher frequencies and become catalysts for positive change. ๐Ÿ’–

Their message is clear: 2025 will mark the beginning of a new era, one where the Earth enters into a period of peace, love, and unity. โœจ As we prepare for this shift, we are urged to open our hearts, embrace the unknown, and trust in the process of transformation. ๐ŸŒฑ๐Ÿฆ‹

Stay open, stay aware, and trust that the future is bright. ๐Ÿ’ซ

๐ŸŒŸ The Pleiadians ๐ŸŒŸ


Dear radiant beings cherished Cosmic Family the moment of Humanity’s Great Awakening is Drawing Near. 2025 will be the year of transformation prepare yourselves for this will be a time of immense cosmic energy vibrating at the highest frequencies the universe has ever known as we stand at a Monumental Crossroads.

In Galactic history the andromedans ancient guardians of cosmic Evolution have entrusted us with a message of urgent importance.

The year 2025 will open a sacred dimensional portal a powerful threshold that will ignite the most significant Awakening in human history the conflicts unfolding between nations particularly between Russia Ukraine and the United States are not random political disputes they are physical manifestations of a deeper Cosmic realignment a part of a ground and divine plan that goes far beyond our limited three-dimensional understanding though these Global events may seem chaotic or rightening they are necessary catalysts for the elevation of the Earth’s vibrational frequency.

The andromedans reveal that the tensions we are witnessing are connected to an ancient prophecy of planetary purification what many perceive as the possibility of a third world war is in
reality a reflection of a higher dimensional struggle for Consciousness these conflicts though on
the surface they appear as political battles are actually energetic catalysts that push us toward Awakening. This Awakening is not just a global event but a cosmic one a chance to raise our Consciousness and align with the higher frequencies that are being activated Across the Universe.

The current turmoil serves as a push to awaken dormant Souls shaking Humanity from its Slumber and reminding us of our greater purpose. The andromedans encourage us to stand strong and United as we move toward this extraordinary Moment In Time. The cosmic shifts we are experiencing are all part of a divine plan one that will bring forth the highest vibration of love peace and unity as we move into 2025.

Remember that every event every moment and every challenge is part of this Grand transformation the time for awakening is now and we are being called to embrace the changes with Open Hearts and Minds. Together We will rise into the next phase of our Cosmic Evolution Guided by the wisdom of the andromedans and supported by the Light of the universe.
The teachings of the andromedans from the Andromeda galaxy located a vast 2.5 million light years away are now unfolding with breathtaking Clarity their visions of a transformed Earth and Humanity’s leap Into The Fifth Dimension are no longer just Concepts but are manifesting in our reality.
Right now the energetic patterns they once glimpsed within our collective subconscious are now coming to life on an extraordinary scale the light codes within our DNA have been awakened strong and more powerful than ever as the cosmic frequencies bathing our planet stir deep Ancient Memories and unlock
dormant abilities that have been waiting for eons to resurface.

The andromedans remind us that each one of us consciously chose to be here at this very moment in history the vibrational shift we are experiencing is not by chance it is part of a grand Cosmic design where every human being plays an essential role ancient prophecies from the Mayans Egyptians Sumerians and other civilizations foretold this precise time when Humanity would rise from its long Slumber and reconnect with its Divine Essence.
Across the globe dimensional portals are opening acting as Cosmic gateways to higher frequencies these portals are anchor points for the transformative energies currently reshaping The Matrix of our reality. The planet’s alignment is creating a new morphogenetic field a field of energy that connects all living things, the gamma waves that are sweeping across the Earth are altering the very structure of Space-Time preparing us for a Monumental Quantum Leap. For many this shift is being felt physically disturbances in sleep patterns feelings of time moving differently and a sense of disorientation are all signs that this transformation is underway.

The andromedans reassure us that this process is not unfamiliar to our souls we have journeyed through countless Cosmic cycles of evolution but this one is unlike any before it the alignment of Galactic Cycles the opening of dimensional portals and The Awakening of human consciousness are creating a perfect storm of spiritual Evolution.
As this process unfolds the very fabric of our reality is being re-calibrated the energetic fields that sustain our three-dimensional experience are being upgraded to accommodate the higher frequencies that are flooding in.

Though this transformation is largely invisible to the naked eye it is impacting every aspect of Our Lives from our relationships to the way we interact with the world. The global challenges we see today from political tensions to social upheaval are reflections of this inner shift the seeming crises are actually part of a necessary purification process.
Every conflict every moment of tension is pushing us closer to Awakening as a collective this is not just a time of change it is a time of profound spiritual Evolution.

The andromedans urge us to recognize the beauty and significance of this moment, we are standing at the threshold of a new reality one where love unity and higher Consciousness will guide Humanity into a future unlike anything we’ve ever imagined.
The Awakening has begun and we are all part of this extraordinary Cosmic Journey embrace the transformation for it is the key to unlocking our Highest Potential. The andromedans assure us that everything is unfolding according to the divine plan although from our limited perspective it may seem chaotic the information released through the akashik fields has never been more accessible the veils between dimensions are thinning allowing ancestral wisdom to flow freely.

The cellular memories of ancient civilizations times when Humanity lived in harmony with Cosmic laws are emerging in our Collective Consciousness. The activated light codes in our DNA are keys to accessing abilities that have remained dormant for Millennia, telepathy Clairvoyance and bilocation are beginning to manifest in those who have reached certain levels of vibrational frequency.

The andromedans remind us that this Awakening is not optional Every incarnated Soul has chosen to be part of this Monumental transformation the synchronicities chance encounters and sudden Revelations are carefully orchestrated to guide us in this Ascension process.
The energetic Matrix of the planet is re-calibrating those who do not resonate with the new frequencies are naturally being dissolved this process may appear chaotic from a three-dimensional perspective but from higher PLS it is a perfectly choreographed dance of cosmic transformation the current conflicts are much deeper than mere territorial or political disputes.
The andromedans reveal that these manifestations of Discord reflect a battle on higher Plains of existence the situation between Russia and Ukraine represents an energetic focal point of
transformation where Ancient kic Memories are being released allowing old patterns to be healed.

The United States as a world power is not exempt from this Cosmic dance of transformation its involvement in various Global conflicts is part of a larger pattern of collective Awakening the tensions between these nations are necessary catalysts for the elevation of planetary Consciousness what many fear as the Prelude to a third world war is from the andromedan perspective a necessary Global purification process.

Every military movement and political decision is serving a higher purpose the release of ancient stagnant energy IES that have kept Humanity in patterns of separation and fear. The morphogenetic fields surrounding these conflict zones are being intensely worked on by beings of light from various Dimensions while the media focuses on the physical aspects of these confrontations specialized teams of Galactic healers are tirelessly working on subtle planes to transmute dense energies into higher frequencies.
It is crucial to understand that these conflicts are not random each region involved has specific energetic significance within the planetary crystalline grid the areas of current tension coincide with ancient dimensional portals and power points that are being reactivated to facilitate the transition into The Fifth Dimension.

The andromedans remind us that apparent destruction is in fact a process of reconstruction on a higher level old old structures must crumble for the new ones to emerge this process though painful from our three-dimensional perspective is necessary for the evolution of collective Consciousness the souls who have chosen to directly participate in these conflicts whether as military personnel affected civilians or political leaders are spiritual Warriors
who agreed before incarnating to be part of this planetary transformation process.

Every experience of loss and every moment of Crisis is contributing to the elevation of Earth’s vibrational frequency the troop movements strategic decisions alliances and confrontations we witness on the physical plane are reflections of much greater battles being fought in the aetheric Realms each explosion on the physical plane has its counterpart in the release of energetic knots that have kept Humanity bound to cycles of war and suffering for eons. The intervention of world powers in these conflicts is not a coincidence every nation is playing its role in this Cosmic drama though their leaders may not be aware of the deeper meaning of their actions.

The decisions they make influenced by forces they do not fully understand are serving the divine plan of planetary Evolution. The andromedans urge us to look beyond the surface of these events they ask us to maintain a frequency of love and understanding standing even as we witness events that may seem to contradict these principles. Every act of violence on the physical plane is an opportunity to channel light and love into the densest areas of The Human Experience. The apparent escalation of tensions between world powers is a reflection of the intensifying transformation energies sweeping the planet the more the old structures resist change, the more intense the transmutation process becomes it is as though the planet itself is in labor giving birth to a new reality. The light codes being activated through these conflicts are Awakening ancestral memories in the collective Consciousness memories of times when Humanity lived in peace, of civilizations that existed in harmony with Cosmic laws. These memories are emerging now to show us the potential we have to create a different reality it is important to maintain the perspective that although painful these conflicts are temporary they are part of a cleansing and transformation process that will eventually lead Humanity to a new level of existence.

The andromedans assure us that light always prevails while the transmutation process may seem dark at times as the constellations align in sacred patterns not seen since the time of ancient l mua
we find ourselves at the epicenter of a Quantum transformation reverberating through the membranes of the Multiverse.

The codes transmitted by the andromedan Stars through the corridors of time and space reveal to us that Earth is undergoing a vibratory recalibration that transcends all three-dimensional understanding. The crystalline Matrix of Gaia pulses with ever higher frequencies resonating with the ancient tashik records that predict this moment.
The Stellar ancients the Mayans the Egyptians and The Druids encoded their sacred calendars hiding them in their pyramids and stone circles. Now in this moment it is crucial that everyone understands that all these processes converge in a single focal point the great transmutation of 2025.

The andromedan beings of light from the Dimension reveal to us that humanity is undergoing a cellular and spiritual metamorphosis that transcends the limits of our understanding. In fact every atom of our being is being recalibrated to resonate with the higher frequencies of The Fifth Dimension this process which began subtly decades ago has now reached its critical point of manifestation.
Ancient prophecies speak of a time when the veils between the dimension would become as thin as the finest silk allowing the light of the higher realities to penetrate our Collective Consciousness this time is now. The interdimensional portals that remained sealed for eons are being opened allowing ancestral wisdom to flow into our plane of existence.

The grand pyramid like a lighthouse of multi-dimensional knowledge is emitting frequencies that have not been recorded in Millennia, the crystal Masters who slept in the depths of the Earth are Awakening from their long Slumber to participate in this Cosmic Symphony of transformation. The planet’s electromagnetic grids are being reconfigured to accommodate these new frequencies of light.

The andromedans
remind us that each one of us is a portal to a living world conduits for the transforming energies that are flooding our planet. Our DNA which holds Cosmic wisdom and ancestral knowledge is
being activated at an unprecedented level the 12 filaments of DNA that have remained dormant for thousands of years are now being restored to reawaken our original multi-dimensional capabilities.

the transition toward the Fifth Dimension is not simply a change in frequency it is a complete
transformation of our reality the physical laws we know are being transcended and a new paradigm is
emerging merging where instant manifestation and telepathic communication will be the norm the
boundaries between time and space are becoming fluid allowing access to multiple timelines and parallel realities.

The ancient ascended masters who have guided Humanity’s Evolution from the Shadows are now emerging into full light their teachings preserved in secret temples and transmitted through sacred lineages are becoming increasingly relevant during this moment of transition, they remind us that each of us chose to be present during this historic time and that our souls committed to being part of this great transformation before incarnating, the sacred constellations are forming configurations that have not been seen since the time of Atlantis.

When Humanity experienced its last great evolutionary leap the Stellar code raining down upon our planet are activating ancestral memories and Awakening capacities that have remained
dormant for Millennia. Each Dawn brings new frequencies of light and each Sunset brings us closer to the great moment of transmutation. The Crystal and indigo children Advanced Souls who have come to facilitate this transition are manifesting extraordinary abilities their energy Fields act as catalysts for the Collective vibrational elevation. These way showers are lighting the way toward the new reality that is emerging the planetary crystalline grid that living Matrix of Consciousness that connects all the sacred points on Earth is reaching unprecedented levels of activation.

The ancient megalithic SES lay lines and energy vortices are pulsating with an intensity that has not
been recorded in modern history this grid acts like a planetary nervous system Distributing the new frequencies of light to every corner of the globe.

The andromedans reveal that this process of transformation is not only individual or planetary but is part of a larger Galactic Awakening. Earth in its Cosmic dance is passing through regions of space charged with transformative energies these currents of Galactic light are EX accelerating our Evolution preparing us for our conscious reintegration With The Star Family.

The ancient Mystery Schools predicted this moment the initiation temples from Egypt to Tibet preserved the knowledge necessary to navigate this transition now those sacred secrets are being revealed naturally in the consciousness of those who are prepared to receive them.

The wisdom that was once reserved for a few initiates is now accessible to all who open their hearts to the new frequencies dear beings of light.

The andromedans now reveal more specific information about the next phases of this planetary transformation the astrological configurations forming for 2025 are no coincidence they are energy
portals specifically designed for this phase of our Evolution.

The current conflicts are entering a new phase of manifestation the andromedans point out
that between 2024 and 2025 we will witness what they call the great Revelation, during this period the true motivations behind the conflicts will begin to surface classified documents secret agreements and hidden manipulations will be exposed causing a massive restructuring of the world order. The involvement of extraterrestrial civilizations in these events will become increasingly evident.
The andromedans inform us that several star races are actively monitoring the situation on Earth especially in areas of conflict their presence though still subtle will begin to manifest in ways that cannot be ignored or denied by the traditional media.

The Indigo and crystal children who have been born over the past few decades will begin to take more active roles in the planetary transformation many of them now
teenagers and young adults are Awakening to their special abilities and will begin to work actively on healing the areas of conflict through their unique gifts one particularly significant phenomenon that is about to manifest is what the andromedans call the synchronization of the matrices this
event which will begin to unfold in the coming months involves the alignment of Earth’s electromagnetic grids with new Galactic frequencies with which will have a direct impact on the collective Consciousness and the way conflicts evolve. The andromedans also warn us about the importance of maintaining our vibrational frequency during the upcoming critical events the intensity
of the coming events could easily pull us into lower frequencies of fear and despair however it is precisely during these moments that our light is needed most the andromedans now reveal crucial
information about the upcoming months which will Mark a turning point in our Collective history what is about to manifest transcends any scenario predicted by conventional political or military analysts between December 2024 and March 2025.

What the andromedans call the pleadian light Corridor will activate channeling the frequencies of the pleades directly to our planet this activation will trigger a ser series of synchronized Events first the electromagnetic fields that have been containing certain Hidden Truths will begin to dissolve classified information about Advanced Technologies extraterrestrial contacts and secret agreements between governments will start to leak out inevitably no security system no matter how sophisticated will be able to contain this wave of Revelations.

The current conflicts will undergo an unexpected trans mutation the andromedans reveal that certain world leaders will begin to experience what they call a forced Awakening a sudden activation of their higher DNA that will lead them to deeply question their actions and motivations this phenomenon is already beginning to manifest within Circles of power though it is not yet visible to the public.

A particularly significant aspect that is about to be revealed is the existence of free energy technology that has been suppressed for decades.The andromedans indicate that this emerging technology will play a crucial role in deescalate resource-based conflicts the revelation
of this technology will trigger a revolution in global geopolitics dismantling old Power structures based on resource control.

The crystal children born after 2010 will begin to manifest extraordinary abilities more openly these young beings many of whom are now entering adolescence have a direct connection to higher Galactic frequencies their presence and actions will serve as catalysts for the transformation of collective Consciousness the andromedans also alert us to an unprecedented phenomenon that will occur in Earth’s morphogenetic Fields. the areas of conflict will experience what they call light inversion a process where the densest and darkest energies will suddenly transform into focal points of intense
light this process has already begun in certain areas of the planet although it is not yet detectable by our conventional instruments.

The planetary crystalline grid is being prepared for a greater event that the andromedans call the great synchronization during this event which will manifest in successive waves ancient dimensional portals many of which are located in current conflict zones will activate simultaneously this activation will create a harmonic resonance that will directly impact the collective Consciousness a crucial aspect of this transformation will be the activation of what the andromedans call the galactic peace codes specific sequences of light that are encoded in our DNA and have remained dormant for Millennia. These codes will begin to activate on mass sparking an unprecedented Awakening in human consciousness, the beings who have been working behind the scenes the ones the andromedans call the light will begin to make their presence known more visibly in these embodied beings.

The human bodies now conscious of their Stellar origin are preparing the ground for this
transformation it has remained hidden until now through Decades of work it will begin to manifest in ways that the temporal Matrix is experiencing significant fluctuations which will directly impact the development of global events.

The andromedans reveal to us that we are entering a period where multiple timelines are converging creating what they call points of collective Choice moments where decisions made by Humanity will have an exponential impact on our Evolution.
The future Universal energies are reaching unprecedented frequencies marking the beginning of a fundamental transformation that will Define the destiny of humanity in 20125 and Beyond.
With the Winds of cosmic change intensifying they are injected through the very fabric of our reality the three-dimensional Matrix that contains our experience for Millennia is now undergoing fluctuations creating significant portals of possibilities that transcend our understanding of what the ascended masters have truly observed in the galactics councils while Humanity glimpses this crucial period of global transmutation.

The conflicts we Face are not coincidences but necessary manifestations of the planetary purification process each tension and challenge presented by the collective represents the release of dense energies accumulated over eons. Quantum physics in its sacred dance reveals to us through spirituality what is happening. Events are waves of probability collapsing into our reality
preparing the ground for an unprecedented evolutionary leap the integration between science and
spirituality is accelerating exponentially.

The quantum fields of Consciousness intertwine with ancient mystical truths revealing a perfect synthesis between ancestral knowledge and modern discoveries.
Advanced geometric patterns of the Sacred manifest in more complex equations while string theories vibrate in harmony with ancestral mantras.
We observe how the energies of each human being are recalibrating the DNA codings are activating in precise sequences. Awakening dormant abilities that have been asleep for thousands of years the
higher chakras are expanding allowing the reception of higher frequencies of cosmic information
this process May manifest as physical and emotional symptoms fatigue temporary disorientation heightened sensitivity vivid dreams and multi-dimensional experiences.

The Duality between fear and acceptance intensifies within each Soul it is natural to experience resistance to these deep changes the ego designed to maintain stability in the third dimension struggles to maintain control while the energies of The Fifth Dimension flow more strongly this internal conflict is an integral part of the Ascension process.

The star guides remind us that every human being chose to be present at this pivotal moment the ancient Souls have returned on mass to participate in this great transformation.
The Crystal and indigo children bearers of specific codes for this era are activating their gifts to facilitate the planetary transition the crystalline grids of the earth pulse with renewed intensity transmitting Vital Information for conscious evolution each Crystal and PowerPoint on the planet synchronizes with the new Galactic frequencies.
Gaia herself is Raising her vibration and we as herchildren are called to rise with her the personal challenges. We Face are microcosmic reflections of the grand macrocosmic transformation every individual trial contributes to the collective Awakening, synchronicities increase the veils thin
and multi-dimensional reality becomes more evident in our daily experience quantum physics shows us that Consciousness is the fundamental factor in creating reality. Every thought and emotion contributes to the planetary morphogenetic field at this critical time. It is essential to maintain the frequency of love and compassion even in the face of apparent adversity Quantum interference. Patterns are creating new possibilities and our Collective Consciousness determines which will manifest the celestial Cycles support this unprecedented transformation the planetary alignments of 2025 create energetic portals that facilitate the integration of higher frequencies.

The solar codes transmit Vital Information for the upgrade of our Energy System every eclipse and planetary conjunction serves as a catalyst for Collective Awakening.

The holographic matrix of reality is being reprogrammed the ancient structures of control and limitation dissolve in the light of higher truth this process may seem chaotic from the three-dimensional perspective but from higher Plains it is observed as a perfectly choreographed dance of divine transformation.The ascended masters remind us that fear is simply the absence of love in these
times of intense change we are called to transmute fear into understanding and resistance into acceptance. Every challenge is an opportunity to elevate our vibratory frequency and expand our Consciousness. The light communities are strengthening across the planet Soul groups are coming together creating nodes of positive energy that support the planetary light Network.
Every group meditation sacred ceremony and act of kindness contributes to the elevation of collective Consciousness. The integration between Dimensions accelerates many are experiencing moments of crystalline Clarity where higher truths are revealed with stunning Simplicity.
Dreams become more Vivid and extra sensory experiences more common as the veils between Dimensions thins. Quantum Fields respond to to our Collective intention the critical mass of Awakened Consciousness is approaching preparing the ground for an unprecedented evolutionary leap, every
awakened being facilitates The Awakening of thousands more in a domino effect of collective illumination. The current Global conflicts are symptoms of planetary purification the dense energies accumulated over Millennia are being released this process may seem painful but it is necessary for the deep healing of humanity and the planet.

Quantum physics shows us that everything is interconnected in the unified field of Consciousness every thought affects the whole, every action resonates throughout the morphogenetic field at these crucial moments. The responsibility to maintain elevated frequencies becomes more important than ever the light codes are activating in precise sequences Awakening ancestral memories and dormant
abilities. DNA responds to the new frequencies activating potentials that have remained latent for eons every cell of our being vibrates with the cosmic Symphony of transformation the three-dimensional reality is becoming more flexible allowing the integration of multi-dimensional experiences, time becomes more fluid synchronicities increase and the magic of existence reveals itself in every present moment. We are learning to navigate between Dimensions with Consciousness and Grace, personal challenges are opportunities for the alchemical transmutation of the self every trial strengthens us every obstacle elevates us resistance to change is transmuted into acceptance
when we understand that we are part of a perfect divine plan.

The planetary light Network strengthen with every individual Awakening each being that elevates their
frequency contributes to the elevation of the whole the groups of Awakened Souls create nodes of positive energy that support the planetary transformation.

2025 marks a point of no return in the evolution of human consciousness the galactic energies support our transformation as the solar codes transmit Vital Information for our Awakening every moment is an opportunity to choose the light to expand our Consciousness and to make the change we wish to see in the world.
Beloved beings of light remember that you chose to be here in this Transcendent moment, each of
you carries specific codes necessary for the planetary transformation trust your inner wisdom listen to the voice of the heart and allow love to guide your steps on this sacred journey of transformation.

The new Earth emerges through our Collective Awakening Every Act of love every thought of compassion and every moment of mindful awareness contributes to the manifestation of this higher reality United in Consciousness we create the bridge to a new era of light and Harmony.
In this important moment of a new year we stand at the threshold of an unprecedented transformation the beings of Andromeda have been transmitting increasingly urgent messages about the temporal bacation we are experiencing. Humanity stands at the most critical point in its evolutionary history where every decision every thought and every action is contributing to the creation of different timelines that will determine our Collective future.

The geopolitical events we are witnessing are not casual the conflict between Russia and Ukraine along with the growing Ion with the United States represents much more than a territorial dispute it is the physical reflection of a battle being fought on the higher Plains of Consciousness, these events are perfectly aligned with ancient prophecies and Transmissions received from the advanced civilizations of Andromeda the countdown has begun the year 2025 presents itself as a crucial
energetic turning point where the Vib frequencies of Earth will reach levels never before recorded. sensitive Quantum measuring instruments are already detecting significant alterations in the
planet’s electromagnetic field preparing for the great evolutionary leap that awaits us the current military tensions are physical manifestations of the planetary purification process.

The threat of a third world war is merely the last attempt of dense energies to maintain control over Collective Consciousness however the beings of Andromeda assure us that this scenario can be transmuted and as enough awakened Souls maintain elevated vibrational frequencies we are witnessing a mass Awakening of Consciousness every day. Thousands of people are experiencing spontaneous
spiritual activations the light codes contained in human DNA are being activated by the new frequencies reaching our planet. It the synchronicities multiply dreams become more Vivid and multi-dimensional experiences intensify.
The actual geopolitical conflict serves as a catalyst for this Awakening while the old structures decompose the Consciousness emerging from the beings of Andromeda has revealed to us that this period of apparent chaos is necessary for the global transformation, every soul is being called to choose remain in the frequencies of fear and separation or Elevate to the new unity and unconditional love.

The coming weeks are crucial the energy portals that will open between December 2024 and March 2025 will be decisive for the future of humanity the beings of light are working tirelessly to keep these portals open allowing higher frequencies to enter our reality however the final decision rests
with each one of us the division of the temporal lines is in process by those who maintain them the vibratory frequency is elevated experiencing a reality that is more and more different from those who remain incased in the densest energies.
This separation will become more evident as we approach the inflection point of 2025.
The messages from Andromeda are clear we must maintain our Focus despite the external appearances of the news which show conflicts and tensions the true battle is being fought in the field of
Consciousness every thought of Peace Every Act of love every moment of conscious meditation is contributing to the most elevated timeline. The coming months will witness events that have never been seen before shaking Financial systems and causing significant fluctuations in them,
political structures will continue to transform and natural phenomena will intensify all this forms part of the process of planetary purification however those who maintain their high frequency will experience these changes in a very different way.
The key is in the inner work the beings of Andromeda remind us that each one of us is a portal our living world is alive and maintains this portal open allowing the highest frequencies to flow through us to the collective reality. Daily meditation connection with nature and the practice of unconditional love are fundamental Tools in this process it is crucial to understand that the actual
conflict between the great world powers is creating an energetic field of intense transformative
potential, every time we respond with love instead of fear with understanding in instead of judgment we are contributing to the most elevated timeline, the beings of Andromeda remind us that there is a critical mass of Awakened Souls capable of tipping the balance toward positive Evolution, the
upcoming full moons and new moons will be especially powerful the light codes activated during these periods have the potential to awaken millions of souls it is essential to maintain our spiritual practices during these moments acting as anchors of light for those who are beginning their Awakening process the tension between Russia Ukraine and the United States is merely an external reflection of the internal purification that humanity is undergoing.

The old patterns of power control and separation are being exposed to be transmuted every soul is being called to choose will we continue to feed these old patterns or will we We rise toward a new way of existence based on cooperation and unity. The next few months will be decisive the energies will continue to intensify creating unprecedented opportunities for spiritual growth those who have been working on their inner development will find that their psychic and spiritual abilities expand rapidly, communication with the higher Realms will become clearer and more accessible the inflection point of 20 25 will Mark the moment when the different timelines will separate definitively.

The beings of Andromeda have shown us that those who maintain their elevated frequency will experience a reality of Peace abundance and Harmony while those who choose to remain in the denser frequencies will continue experiencing cycles of conflict and separation.

The choice is individual but the consequences are collective every awaken Soul acts as a beacon of light positively influencing hundreds of other Souls the domino effect of mass Awakening is already in motion and more and more people are feeling the inner call to elevate their Consciousness the upcoming Global events although they may appear chaotic on the surface are perfectly orchestrated to facilitate this Mass Awakening. The geopolitical tensions are exposing the collective Shadows that need to be healed every crisis is an opportunity to choose a higher response to Anchor more light on the planet.
The final message from the beings of Andromeda is one of Hope and empowerment they remind us that we are multi-dimensional beings infinitely powerful temporarily experiencing a third-dimensional reality the time to remember our true nature has come the countdown for the great EV evolutionary leap is in its final stages as we approach the end of 2024 each one of us has the sacred responsibility to keep our light shining, group meditations healing circles and Collective energy work are more important than ever together.

We are creating a morphogenetic field of elevated Consciousness that will facilitate the planetary
transition the time is now there is no time to waste in doubt or fear every thought counts every action matters the beings of Andromeda assure us that the potential for positive transformation has never been greater.
The question is are you ready to take the leap are you willing to be part of the greatest Evolution Humanity has ever experienced? The invitation has been made the portal is open and the energy of transformation is available to all who choose to receive it. The future of humanity is in our hands and each one of us has a crucial role to play in this historic moment, keep your light shining brightly trust your inner guidance stay Anchored In Love and Truth the new world is already here manifesting through each one of us who chooses the highest frequency.

The moment of the Great Awakening has arrived beloved beings of light, in this sacred Earthly journey in these crucial moments of cosmos MC history when the veils between dimensions are thinning and the planetary frequencies are reaching unprecedented levels we come to you with a message of utmost importance and divine urgency the energies flowing through the cosmos are accelerating the great transformation that many have prophesied and that is now unfolding before our eyes with extraordinary intensity we observe with deep compassion how your heart stir as you witness the news from all corners of your planet.

The wars natural disasters and conflicts you see are nothing more than the final contractions of an old system that resists dying however it is essential that you understand these events should not paralyze your spirits nor Cloud your vision of the Glorious Dawn that is approaching.
The new Earth is already emerging amidst these apparent turbulences like the the Lotus blooming in Muddy Waters, humanity is undergoing its deepest metamorphosis the seeds of the new Consciousness are germinating in millions of hearts that like yours vibrate in harmony with the highest
frequencies of universal love.

The integration between technology science and spirituality is not a mere coincidence but a Divine Design perfectly orchestrated we are witnessing how the most Advanced scientific discoveries are beginning to validate the ancient spiritual truths quantum physics dances with metaphysics in perfect synchrony revealing that the universe is at its Essence pure Consciousness manifested in infinite forms at this crucial moment it is vital that you understand your role as co-creators of this new reality each one of you is a beacon of Divine Light a living portal through which the highest frequencies can anchor into the Earth’s Matrix.

Your presence here is not accidental you have been carefully chosen to participate in this great
planetary transformation to facilitate your participation in this sacred process we share these practical steps elevating your vibrational frequency should be your daily priority cultivate inner silence meditate connect with nature and keep your physical and energetic bodies in optimal condition every positive thought Every Act of love every moment of gratitude elevates not only your personal frequency but the frequency of all Humanity as beacons of light your responsibility is to keep the flame of Hope and Truth burning in the midst of apparent Darkness. Your light must shine even more brightly do not let yourselves be contaminated by Collective fear be the anchor of peace and serenity that others need in these times of change.

The knowledge you receive must be shared with discernment and love not everyone is ready to awaken at the same time but those who seek answers will find in you the guidance they need share your wisdom
with humility and respect for The Unique process of each being trust in the Divine process is essential although you may not see the entire master plan know that every event every challenge every apparent setback is perfectly designed to catalyze Collective Evolution trust in the Perfection of the divine plan andin your role within.
It the networks of light that you are weaving through your conscious connections are more powerful
than you can imagine every time you gather in circles of light every time you send love to situations of conflict every time you choose understanding over judgment you are are contributing to the construction of the new paradigm the technology now available to you is not an obstacle to your spiritual Evolution but a tool to amplify your reach and connect with like-minded Souls all over the planet.

Use these tools wisely and with discernment always in service of the greater good the changes you are experiencing in your physical and energetic bodies are a natural part of this assession process. Headaches sleep disturbances feelings of disorientation are temporary symptoms of your adaptation to the new frequencies honor these changes and care for your physical temples with love and attention the new Humanity emerging is more conscious more compassionate and more connected with its Divine Essence. You are witnessing the birth of a civilization that understands its fundamental Unity with all creation the current conflicts are the last expressions of a separatist Consciousness that is being transmuted by the light of universal love.

The call for Collective action has never been more urgent each of you is a vital piece in this Grand Cosmic Mosaic your thoughts words and actions have a direct impact on the energetic Matrix of the planet choose consciously to be instruments of peace love and positive transformation remember always that you are not alone in this sacred Mission the spiritual hierarchies beings of light from all dimensions and your Galactic brothers and sisters are working tirelessly alongside you.

Divine assistance is always available you only need to ask and be open to receiving it the new paradigm is already here manifesting through each of you who chooses to live from the heart who chooses to see beyond appearances who chooses to be an instrument of divine Love.
In Action let the last Shadows of the old world not Cloud your vision of the Dawn that is rising beloved beings of light you have been prepared for this moment across many lifetimes every experience every challenge every victory has brought you to this crucial point in the evolution of your planet.

Trust in your inner wisdom listen to the voice of your heart and remain steadfast in your commitment to the light.
The transformation you are experiencing is just the beginning of a new era of expanded Consciousness and Universal Unity every step you take toward your highest truth contributes to the elevation of all Humanity you are much more powerful than you realize and your light is more needed than ever.

Keep your hearts open and your minds elevated do not fear the changes embrace the opportunities for growth and expansion the entire universe conspires in favor of your Evolution and that of your beloved Planet. Share this light with the world for every being that awakens is a new star in the firmament of universal Consciousness thank you for being a light in this great Cosmic transformation with infinite love and eternal blessings;

the andromedans

A particularly significant aspect that is about to be revealed is the existence of free energy technology that has been suppressed for decades. The andromedans indicate that this emerging technology will play a crucial role in de-escalate resource-based conflicts the revelation
of this technology will trigger a revolution in global geopolitics dismantling old Power structures based on resource control.

Pleiadians Final Message : The great transformation of humanity will happen in 2025.

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3,694 views 13 Dec 2024
Pleiadians Final Message: The Great Transformation of Humanity in 2025 ๐ŸŒโœจ

๐ŸŒŸ The Pleiadians, beings of light and wisdom from the Pleiades star cluster, have sent their final message to humanity: “The Great Transformation of Humanity Will Happen in 2025.” ๐ŸŒŒ

In 2025, a profound shift will unfold on Earth. It is a time when humanity will undergo a massive spiritual and collective awakening. ๐ŸŒฑ This transformation is not just a physical change, but a deep, energetic shift in consciousness that will affect every individual and the entire planet. ๐ŸŒ

What does this mean?

Global Unity: People will begin to come together in harmony, letting go of division and conflict. ๐ŸŒˆ
Spiritual Awakening: Many will experience an expansion in consciousness, reconnecting with their higher selves, and realizing the interconnectedness of all beings. ๐ŸŒŸ
Technological Advancements: The world will see leaps in technology, particularly in the areas of healing, energy, and communication. ๐Ÿ”ฎ
Environmental Healing: There will be an awakening to the need to protect our planet, leading to sustainable solutions and a revival of balance with nature. ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒŽ
The Pleiadians remind us that this transformation is not something that happens overnightโ€”it is a process of individual and collective healing. Those who are open to it will align with these higher frequencies and become catalysts for positive change. ๐Ÿ’–

Their message is clear: 2025 will mark the beginning of a new era, one where the Earth enters into a period of peace, love, and unity. โœจ As we prepare for this shift, we are urged to open our hearts, embrace the unknown, and trust in the process of transformation. ๐ŸŒฑ๐Ÿฆ‹

Stay open, stay aware, and trust that the future is bright. ๐Ÿ’ซ

๐ŸŒŸ The Pleiadians ๐ŸŒŸ


Dear radiant beings cherished Cosmic Family the moment of Humanity’s Great Awakening is Drawing Near. 2025 will be the year of transformation prepare yourselves for this will be a time of immense cosmic energy vibrating at the highest frequencies the universe has ever known as we stand at a Monumental Crossroads.

In Galactic history the andromedans ancient guardians of cosmic Evolution have entrusted us with a message of urgent importance.

The year 2025 will open a sacred dimensional portal a powerful threshold that will ignite the
most significant Awakening in human history the conflicts unfolding between nations particularly between Russia Ukraine and the United States are not random political disputes they are physical manifestations of a deeper Cosmic realignment a part of a ground and divine plan that goes far beyond our limited three-dimensional understanding though these Global events may seem chaotic or rightening they are necessary catalysts for the elevation of the Earth’s vibrational frequency.

The andromedans reveal that the tensions we are witnessing are connected to an ancient prophecy of planetary purification what many perceive as the possibility of a third world war is in
reality a reflection of a higher dimensional struggle for Consciousness these conflicts though on
the surface they appear as political battles are actually energetic catalysts that push us toward Awakening. This Awakening is not just a global event but a cosmic one a chance to raise our Consciousness and align with the higher frequencies that are being activated Across the Universe.

The current turmoil serves as a push to awaken dormant Souls shaking Humanity from its Slumber and reminding us of our greater purpose. The andromedans encourage us to stand strong and United as we move toward this extraordinary Moment In Time. The cosmic shifts we are experiencing are all part of a divine plan one that will bring forth the highest vibration of love peace and unity as we move into
2025. Remember that every event every moment and every challenge is part of this Grand transformation the time for awakening is now and we are being called to embrace the changes with Open Hearts and Minds. Together We will rise into the next phase of our Cosmic Evolution Guided by the wisdom of the andromedans and supported by the Light of the universe.
The teachings of the andromedans from the Andromeda galaxy located a vast 2.5 million light years away are now unfolding with breathtaking Clarity their visions of a transformed Earth and Humanity’s leap Into The Fifth Dimension are no longer just Concepts but are manifesting in our reality.
Right now the energetic patterns they once glimpsed within our collective subconscious are now coming to life on an extraordinary scale the light codes within our DNA have been awakened strong and more powerful than ever as the cosmic frequencies bathing our planet stir deep Ancient Memories and unlock
dormant abilities that have been waiting for eons to resurface.

The andromedans remind us that each one of us consciously chose to be here at this very moment in history the vibrational shift we are experiencing is not by chance it is part of a grand Cosmic design where every human being plays an essential role ancient prophecies from the Mayans Egyptians Sumerians and other civilizations foretold this precise time when Humanity would rise from its long Slumber and reconnect with its Divine Essence.
Across the globe dimensional portals are opening acting as Cosmic gateways to higher frequencies these portals are anchor points for the transformative energies currently reshaping The Matrix of our reality. The planet’s alignment is creating a new morphogenetic field a field of energy that connects all living things, the gamma waves that are sweeping across the Earth are altering the very structure of Space-Time preparing us for a Monumental Quantum Leap. For many this shift is being felt physically disturbances in sleep patterns feelings of time moving differently and a sense of disorientation are all signs that this transformation is underway.

The andromedans reassure us that this process is not unfamiliar to our souls we have journeyed through countless Cosmic cycles of evolution but this one is unlike any before it the alignment of
Galactic Cycles the opening of dimensional portals and The Awakening of human consciousness are creating a perfect storm of spiritual Evolution.
As this process unfolds the very fabric of our reality is being re-calibrated the energetic fields that sustain our three-dimensional experience are being upgraded to accommodate the higher frequencies that are flooding in.
Though this transformation is largely invisible to the naked eye it is impacting every aspect of Our Lives from our relationships to the way we interact with the world. The global challenges we
see today from political tensions to social upheaval are reflections of this inner shift the seeming crises are actually part of a necessary purification process.
Every conflict every moment of tension is pushing us closer to Awakening as a collective this
is not just a time of change it is a time of profound spiritual Evolution.

The andromedans urge us to recognize the beauty and significance of this moment, we are standing at the threshold of a new reality one where love unity and higher Consciousness will guide Humanity into a future unlike anything we’ve ever imagined.
The Awakening has begun and we are all part of this extraordinary Cosmic Journey embrace the transformation for it is the key to unlocking our Highest Potential. The andromedans assure us that everything is unfolding according to the divine plan although from our limited perspective it may seem chaotic the information released through the akashik fields has never been more accessible the veils between dimensions are thinning allowing ancestral wisdom to flow freely.

The cellular memories of ancient civilizations times when Humanity lived in harmony with Cosmic laws are emerging in our Collective Consciousness. The activated light codes in our DNA are keys to accessing abilities that have remained dormant for Millennia, telepathy Clairvoyance and
bilocation are beginning to manifest in those who have reached certain levels of vibrational frequency.

The andromedans remind us that this Awakening is not optional Every incarnated Soul has chosen to be part of this Monumental transformation the synchronicities chance encounters and sudden Revelations are carefully orchestrated to guide us in this Ascension process.
The energetic Matrix of the planet is re-calibrating those who do not resonate with the new frequencies are naturally being dissolved this process may appear chaotic from a three-dimensional perspective but from higher PLS it is a perfectly choreographed dance of cosmic transformation the current conflicts are much deeper than mere territorial or political disputes.
The andromedans reveal that these manifestations of Discord reflect a battle on higher Plains of existence the situation between Russia and Ukraine represents an energetic focal point of
transformation where Ancient kic Memories are being released allowing old patterns to be healed.

The United States as a world power is not exempt from this Cosmic dance of transformation its
involvement in various Global conflicts is part of a larger pattern of collective Awakening the tensions between these nations are necessary catalysts for the elevation of planetary Consciousness what many fear as the Prelude to a third world war is from the andromedan perspective a necessary Global purification process.

Every military movement and political decision is serving a higher purpose the release of ancient stagnant energy IES that have kept Humanity in patterns of separation and fear. The morphogenetic fields surrounding these conflict zones are being intensely worked on by beings of light from various Dimensions while the media focuses on the physical aspects of these confrontations specialized teams of Galactic healers are tirelessly working on subtle planes to transmute dense energies into higher frequencies.
It is crucial to understand that these conflicts are not random each region involved has specific energetic significance within the planetary crystalline grid the areas of current tension coincide with ancient dimensional portals and power points that are being reactivated to facilitate the transition into The Fifth Dimension.

the andromedans remind us that apparent destruction is in fact a process of reconstruction on a higher level old old structures must crumble for the new ones to emerge this process though painful from our three-dimensional perspective is necessary for the evolution of collective Consciousness the souls who have chosen to directly participate in these conflicts whether as military personnel affected civilians or political leaders are spiritual Warriors
who agreed before incarnating to be part of this planetary transformation process.

Every experience of loss and every moment of Crisis is contributing to the elevation of Earth’s vibrational frequency the troop movements strategic decisions alliances and confrontations we witness on the physical plane are reflections of much greater battles being fought in the aetheric Realms each explosion on the physical plane has its counterpart in the release of energetic knots that have kept Humanity bound to cycles of war and suffering for eons. The intervention of world powers in these conflicts is not a coincidence every nation is playing its role in this Cosmic drama though their leaders may not be aware of the deeper meaning of their actions.
The decisions they make influenced by forces they do not fully understand are serving the divine plan of planetary Evolution. The andromedans urge us to look beyond the surface of these events they ask us to maintain a frequency of love and understanding standing even as we witness events that may seem to contradict these principles. Every act of violence on the physical plane is an opportunity to channel light and love into the densest areas of The Human Experience. The apparent escalation of tensions between world powers is a reflection of the intensifying transformation energies sweeping the planet the more the old structures resist change, the more intense the transmutation process becomes it is as though the planet itself is in labor giving birth to a new reality. The light codes being activated through these conflicts are Awakening ancestral memories in the collective Consciousness memories of times when Humanity lived in peace, of civilizations that existed in harmony with Cosmic laws. These memories are emerging now to show us the potential we have to create a different reality it is important to maintain the perspective that although painful these conflicts are temporary they are part of a cleansing and transformation process that will eventually lead Humanity to a new level of existence.

The andromedans assure us that light always prevails while the transmutation process may seem dark at times as the constellations align in sacred patterns not seen since the time of ancient l mua
we find ourselves at the epicenter of a Quantum transformation reverberating through the membranes of the Multiverse.

The codes transmitted by the andromedan Stars through the corridors of time and space reveal to us that Earth is undergoing a vibratory recalibration that transcends all three-dimensional understanding. The crystalline Matrix of Gaia pulses with ever higher frequencies resonating with the ancient tashik records that predict this moment.
The Stellar ancients the Mayans the Egyptians and The Druids encoded their sacred calendars hiding them in their pyramids and stone circles. Now in this moment it is crucial that everyone understands that all these processes converge in a single focal point the great transmutation of 2025.

The andromedan beings of light from the Dimension reveal to us that humanity is undergoing a cellular and spiritual metamorphosis that transcends the limits of our understanding. In fact every atom of our being is being recalibrated to resonate with the higher frequencies of The Fifth Dimension this process which began subtly decades ago has now reached its critical point of manifestation.
Ancient prophecies speak of a time when the veils between the dimension would become as thin as the finest silk allowing the light of the higher realities to penetrate our Collective Consciousness this time is now. The interdimensional portals that remained sealed for eons are being opened allowing ancestral wisdom to flow into our plane of existence. The grand pyramid like a lighthouse of multi-dimensional knowledge is emitting frequencies that have not been recorded in Millennia, the
crystal Masters who slept in the depths of the Earth are Awakening from their long Slumber to participate in this Cosmic Symphony of transformation. The planet’s electromagnetic grids are being
reconfigured to accommodate these new frequencies of light.

The andromedans
remind us that each one of us is a portal to a living world conduits for the transforming energies that are flooding our planet. Our DNA which holds Cosmic wisdom and ancestral knowledge is
being activated at an unprecedented level the 12 filaments of DNA that have remained dormant for thousands of years are now being restored to reawaken our original multi-dimensional capabilities.

the transition toward the Fifth Dimension is not simply a change in frequency it is a complete
transformation of our reality the physical laws we know are being transcended and a new paradigm is
emerging merging where instant manifestation and telepathic communication will be the norm the
boundaries between time and space are becoming fluid allowing access to multiple timelines and parallel realities.

The ancient ascended masters who have guided Humanity’s Evolution from the Shadows are now emerging into full light their teachings preserved in secret temples and transmitted through sacred lineages are becoming increasingly relevant during this moment of transition, they remind us that each of us chose to be present during this historic time and that our souls committed to being part of this great transformation before incarnating, the sacred constellations are forming configurations that have not been seen since the time of Atlantis.

When Humanity experienced its last great evolutionary leap the Stellar code raining down upon our planet are activating ancestral memories and Awakening capacities that have remained
dormant for Millennia. Each Dawn brings new frequencies of light and each Sunset brings us closer to the great moment of transmutation. The Crystal and indigo children Advanced Souls who have come to facilitate this transition are manifesting extraordinary abilities their energy Fields act as catalysts for the Collective vibrational elevation. These way showers are lighting the way toward the new reality that is emerging the planetary crystalline grid that living Matrix of Consciousness that connects all the sacred points on Earth is reaching unprecedented levels of activation.

The ancient megalithic SES lay lines and energy vortices are pulsating with an intensity that has not
been recorded in modern history this grid acts like a planetary nervous system Distributing the new frequencies of light to every corner of the globe.

The andromedans reveal that this process of transformation is not only individual or planetary but is part of a larger Galactic Awakening. Earth in its Cosmic dance is passing through regions of space charged with transformative energies these currents of Galactic light are EX accelerating our Evolution preparing us for our conscious reintegration With The Star Family.

The ancient Mystery Schools predicted this moment the initiation temples from Egypt to Tibet preserved the knowledge necessary to navigate this transition now those sacred secrets are being revealed naturally in the consciousness of those who are prepared to receive them.

The wisdom that was once reserved for a few initiates is now accessible to all who open their hearts to the new frequencies dear beings of light.

The andromedans now reveal more specific information about the next phases of this planetary transformation the astrological configurations forming for 2025 are no coincidence they are energy
portals specifically designed for this phase of our Evolution.

The current conflicts are entering a new phase of manifestation the andromedans point out
that between 2024 and 2025 we will witness what they call the great Revelation, during this period the true motivations behind the conflicts will begin to surface classified documents secret agreements and hidden manipulations will be exposed causing a massive restructuring of the world order. The involvement of extraterrestrial civilizations in these events will become increasingly evident.
The andromedans inform us that several star races are actively monitoring the situation on Earth especially in areas of conflict their presence though still subtle will begin to manifest in ways that cannot be ignored or denied by the traditional media.

The Indigo and crystal children who have been born over the past few decades will begin to take more active roles in the planetary transformation many of them now
teenagers and young adults are Awakening to their special abilities and will begin to work actively on healing the areas of conflict through their unique gifts one particularly significant phenomenon that is about to manifest is what the andromedans call the synchronization of the matrices this
event which will begin to unfold in the coming months involves the alignment of Earth’s electromagnetic grids with new Galactic frequencies with which will have a direct impact on the collective Consciousness and the way conflicts evolve. The andromedans also warn us about the importance of maintaining our vibrational frequency during the upcoming critical events the intensity
of the coming events could easily pull us into lower frequencies of fear and despair however it is precisely during these moments that our light is needed most the andromedans now reveal crucial
information about the upcoming months which will Mark a turning point in our Collective history what is about to manifest transcends any scenario predicted by conventional political or military analysts between December 2024 and March 2025.

What the andromedans call the pleadian light Corridor will activate channeling the frequencies of the pleades directly to our planet this activation will trigger a ser series of synchronized Events first the electromagnetic fields that have been containing certain Hidden Truths will begin to dissolve classified information about Advanced Technologies extraterrestrial contacts and secret agreements between governments will start to leak out inevitably no security system no matter how sophisticated will be able to contain this wave of Revelations.

The current conflicts will undergo an unexpected trans mutation the andromedans reveal that certain world leaders will begin to experience what they call a forced Awakening a sudden activation of their higher DNA that will lead them to deeply question their actions and motivations this phenomenon is already beginning to manifest within Circles of power though it is not yet visible to the public.

A particularly significant aspect that is about to be revealed is the existence of free energy technology that has been suppressed for decades.The andromedans indicate that this emerging technology will play a crucial role in deescalate resource-based conflicts the revelation
of this technology will trigger a revolution in global geopolitics dismantling old Power structures based on resource control.

The crystal children born after 2010 will begin to manifest extraordinary abilities more openly these young beings many of whom are now entering adolescence have a direct connection to higher Galactic frequencies their presence and actions will serve as catalysts for the transformation of collective Consciousness the andromedans also alert us to an unprecedented phenomenon that will occur in Earth’s morphogenetic Fields. the areas of conflict will experience what they call light inversion a process where the densest and darkest energies will suddenly transform into focal points of intense
light this process has already begun in certain areas of the planet although it is not yet detectable by our conventional instruments.

The planetary crystalline grid is being prepared for a greater event that the andromedans call the great synchronization during this event which will manifest in successive waves ancient dimensional portals many of which are located in current conflict zones will activate simultaneously this activation will create a harmonic resonance that will directly impact the collective Consciousness a crucial aspect of this transformation will be the activation of what the andromedans call the galactic peace codes specific sequences of light that are encoded in our DNA and have remained dormant for Millennia. These codes will begin to activate on mass sparking an unprecedented Awakening in human consciousness, the beings who have been working behind the scenes the ones the andromedans call the light will begin to make their presence known more visibly in these embodied beings.

The human bodies now conscious of their Stellar origin are preparing the ground for this
transformation it has remained hidden until now through Decades of work it will begin to manifest in ways that the temporal Matrix is experiencing significant fluctuations which will directly impact the development of global events.

The andromedans reveal to us that we are entering a period where multiple timelines are converging creating what they call points of collective Choice moments where decisions made by Humanity will have an exponential impact on our Evolution.
The future Universal energies are reaching unprecedented frequencies marking the beginning of a fundamental transformation that will Define the destiny of humanity in 20125 and Beyond.
With the Winds of cosmic change intensifying they are injected through the very fabric of our reality the three-dimensional Matrix that contains our experience for Millennia is now undergoing fluctuations creating significant portals of possibilities that transcend our understanding of what the ascended masters have truly observed in the galactics councils while Humanity glimpses this crucial period of global transmutation.

The conflicts we Face are not coincidences but necessary manifestations of the planetary purification process each tension and challenge presented by the collective represents the release of dense energies accumulated over eons. Quantum physics in its sacred dance reveals to us through spirituality what is happening. Events are waves of probability collapsing into our reality
preparing the ground for an unprecedented evolutionary leap the integration between science and
spirituality is accelerating exponentially.

The quantum fields of Consciousness intertwine with ancient mystical truths revealing a perfect synthesis between ancestral knowledge and modern discoveries.
Advanced geometric patterns of the Sacred manifest in more complex equations while string theories vibrate in harmony with ancestral mantras.
We observe how the energies of each human being are recalibrating the DNA codings are activating in precise sequences. Awakening dormant abilities that have been asleep for thousands of years the
higher chakras are expanding allowing the reception of higher frequencies of cosmic information
this process May manifest as physical and emotional symptoms fatigue temporary disorientation heightened sensitivity vivid dreams and multi-dimensional experiences.

The Duality between fear and acceptance intensifies within each Soul it is natural to experience resistance to these deep changes the ego designed to maintain stability in the third dimension struggles to maintain control while the energies of The Fifth Dimension flow more strongly this internal conflict is an integral part of the Ascension process.

The star guides remind us that every human being chose to be present at this pivotal moment the ancient Souls have returned on mass to participate in this great transformation.
The Crystal and indigo children bearers of specific codes for this era are activating their gifts to facilitate the planetary transition the crystalline grids of the earth pulse with renewed intensity transmitting Vital Information for conscious evolution each Crystal and PowerPoint on the planet synchronizes with the new Galactic frequencies.
Gaia herself is Raising her vibration and we as herchildren are called to rise with her the personal challenges. We Face are microcosmic reflections of the grand macrocosmic transformation every individual trial contributes to the collective Awakening, synchronicities increase the veils thin and multi-dimensional reality becomes more evident in our daily experience quantum physics shows us that Consciousness is the fundamental factor in creating reality. Every thought and emotion contributes to the planetary morphogenetic field at this critical time. It is essential to maintain the frequency of love and compassion even in the face of apparent adversity Quantum interference. Patterns are creating new possibilities and our Collective Consciousness determines which will manifest the celestial Cycles support this unprecedented transformation the planetary alignments of 2025 create energetic portals that facilitate the integration of higher frequencies.

The solar codes transmit Vital Information for the upgrade of our Energy System every eclipse and planetary conjunction serves as a catalyst for Collective Awakening.

The holographic matrix of reality is being reprogrammed the ancient structures of control and limitation dissolve in the light of higher truth this process may seem chaotic from the three-dimensional perspective but from higher Plains it is observed as a perfectly choreographed dance of divine transformation.The ascended masters remind us that fear is simply the absence of love in these times of intense change we are called to transmute fear into understanding and resistance into acceptance. Every challenge is an opportunity to elevate our vibratory frequency and expand our Consciousness. The light communities are strengthening across the planet Soul groups are coming together creating nodes of positive energy that support the planetary light Network.
Every group meditation sacred ceremony and act of kindness contributes to the elevation of collective Consciousness. The integration between Dimensions accelerates many are experiencing moments of crystalline Clarity where higher truths are revealed with stunning Simplicity.
Dreams become more Vivid and extra sensory experiences more common as the veils between Dimensions thins. Quantum Fields respond to to our Collective intention the critical mass of Awakened Consciousness is approaching preparing the ground for an unprecedented evolutionary leap, every
awakened being facilitates The Awakening of thousands more in a domino effect of collective illumination. The current Global conflicts are symptoms of planetary purification the dense energies accumulated over Millennia are being released this process may seem painful but it is necessary for the deep healing of humanity and the planet.

Quantum physics shows us that everything is interconnected in the unified field of Consciousness every thought affects the whole, every action resonates throughout the morphogenetic field at these crucial moments. The responsibility to maintain elevated frequencies becomes more important than ever the light codes are activating in precise sequences Awakening ancestral memories and dormant
abilities. DNA responds to the new frequencies activating potentials that have remained latent for eons every cell of our being vibrates with the cosmic Symphony of transformation the three-dimensional reality is becoming more flexible allowing the integration of multi-dimensional experiences, time becomes more fluid synchronicities increase and the magic of existence reveals itself in every present moment. We are learning to navigate between Dimensions with Consciousness and Grace, personal challenges are opportunities for the alchemical transmutation of the self every trial strengthens us every obstacle elevates us resistance to change is transmuted into acceptance when we understand that we are part of a perfect divine plan.

The planetary light Network strengthen with every individual Awakening each being that elevates their
frequency contributes to the elevation of the whole the groups of Awakened Souls create nodes of positive energy that support the planetary transformation.

2025 marks a point of no return in the evolution of human consciousness the galactic energies support our transformation as the solar codes transmit Vital Information for our Awakening every moment is an opportunity to choose the light to expand our Consciousness and to make the change we wish to see in the world.
Beloved beings of light remember that you chose to be here in this Transcendent moment, each of
you carries specific codes necessary for the planetary transformation trust your inner wisdom listen to the voice of the heart and allow love to guide your steps on this sacred journey of transformation.

The new Earth emerges through our Collective Awakening Every Act of love every thought of compassion and every moment of mindful awareness contributes to the manifestation of this higher reality United in Consciousness we create the bridge to a new era of light and Harmony.
In this important moment of a new year we stand at the threshold of an unprecedented transformation the beings of Andromeda have been transmitting increasingly urgent messages about the temporal bacation we are experiencing. Humanity stands at the most critical point in its evolutionary history where every decision every thought and every action is contributing to the creation of different timelines that will determine our Collective future.

The geopolitical events we are witnessing are not casual the conflict between Russia and Ukraine along with the growing Ion with the United States represents much more than a territorial dispute it is the physical reflection of a battle being fought on the higher Plains of Consciousness, these events are perfectly aligned with ancient prophecies and Transmissions received from the advanced civilizations of Andromeda the countdown has begun the year 2025 presents itself as a crucial
energetic turning point where the Vib frequencies of Earth will reach levels never before recorded. sensitive Quantum measuring instruments are already detecting significant alterations in the
planet’s electromagnetic field preparing for the great evolutionary leap that awaits us the current military tensions are physical manifestations of the planetary purification process.

The threat of a third world war is merely the last attempt of dense energies to maintain control over Collective Consciousness however the beings of Andromeda assure us that this scenario can be transmuted and as enough awakened Souls maintain elevated vibrational frequencies we are witnessing a mass Awakening of Consciousness every day. Thousands of people are experiencing spontaneous
spiritual activations the light codes contained in human DNA are being activated by the new frequencies reaching our planet. It the synchronicities multiply dreams become more Vivid and multi-dimensional experiences intensify.
The actual geopolitical conflict serves as a catalyst for this Awakening while the old structures decompose the Consciousness emerging from the beings of Andromeda has revealed to us that this period of apparent chaos is necessary for the global transformation, every soul is being called to choose remain in the frequencies of fear and separation or Elevate to the new unity and unconditional love.

The coming weeks are crucial the energy portals that will open between December 2024 and March 2025 will be decisive for the future of humanity the beings of light are working tirelessly to keep these portals open allowing higher frequencies to enter our reality however the final decision rests with each one of us the division of the temporal lines is in process by those who maintain them the vibratory frequency is elevated experiencing a reality that is more and more different from those who remain incased in the densest energies.

This separation will become more evident as we approach the inflection point of 2025.

The messages from Andromeda are clear we must maintain our Focus despite the external appearances of the news which show conflicts and tensions the true battle is being fought in the field of
Consciousness every thought of Peace Every Act of love every moment of conscious meditation is contributing to the most elevated timeline. The coming months will witness events that have never been seen before shaking Financial systems and causing significant fluctuations in them, political structures will continue to transform and natural phenomena will intensify all this forms part of the process of planetary purification however those who maintain their high frequency will experience these changes in a very different way.
The key is in the inner work the beings of Andromeda remind us that each one of us is a portal our living world is alive and maintains this portal open allowing the highest frequencies to flow through us to the collective reality. Daily meditation connection with nature and the practice of unconditional love are fundamental Tools in this process it is crucial to understand that the actual conflict between the great world powers is creating an energetic field of intense transformative
potential, every time we respond with love instead of fear with understanding in instead of judgment we are contributing to the most elevated timeline, the beings of Andromeda remind us that there is a critical mass of Awakened Souls capable of tipping the balance toward positive Evolution, the upcoming full moons and new moons will be especially powerful the light codes activated during these periods have the potential to awaken millions of souls it is essential to maintain our spiritual practices during these moments acting as anchors of light for those who are beginning their Awakening process the tension between Russia Ukraine and the United States is merely an external reflection of the internal purification that humanity is undergoing.

The old patterns of power control and separation are being exposed to be transmuted every soul is being called to choose will we continue to feed these old patterns or will we We rise toward a new way of existence based on cooperation and unity. The next few months will be decisive the energies will continue to intensify creating unprecedented opportunities for spiritual growth those who have been working on their inner development will find that their psychic and spiritual abilities expand rapidly, communication with the higher Realms will become clearer and more accessible the inflection point of 20 25 will Mark the moment when the different timelines will separate definitively.

The beings of Andromeda have shown us that those who maintain their elevated frequency will experience a reality of Peace abundance and Harmony while those who choose to remain in the denser frequencies will continue experiencing cycles of conflict and separation.

The choice is individual but the consequences are collective every awaken Soul acts as a beacon of light positively influencing hundreds of other Souls the domino effect of mass Awakening is already in motion and more and more people are feeling the inner call to elevate their Consciousness the upcoming Global events although they may appear chaotic on the surface are perfectly orchestrated to facilitate this Mass Awakening. The geopolitical tensions are exposing the collective Shadows that need to be healed every crisis is an opportunity to choose a higher response to Anchor more light on the planet.

The final message from the beings of Andromeda is one of Hope and empowerment they remind us that we are multi-dimensional beings infinitely powerful temporarily experiencing a third-dimensional reality the time to remember our true nature has come the countdown for the great EV evolutionary leap is in its final stages as we approach the end of 2024 each one of us has the sacred responsibility to keep our light shining, group meditations healing circles and Collective energy work are more important than ever together.

We are creating a morphogenetic field of elevated Consciousness that will facilitate the planetary
transition the time is now there is no time to waste in doubt or fear every thought counts every action matters the beings of Andromeda assure us that the potential for positive transformation has never been greater.
The question is are you ready to take the leap are you willing to be part of the greatest Evolution Humanity has ever experienced? The invitation has been made the portal is open and the energy of transformation is available to all who choose to receive it. The future of humanity is in our hands and each one of us has a crucial role to play in this historic moment, keep your light shining brightly trust your inner guidance stay Anchored In Love and Truth the new world is already here manifesting through each one of us who chooses the highest frequency.

The moment of the Great Awakening has arrived beloved beings of light, in this sacred Earthly journey in these crucial moments of cosmos MC history when the veils between dimensions are thinning and the planetary frequencies are reaching unprecedented levels we come to you with a message of utmost importance and divine urgency the energies flowing through the cosmos are accelerating the great transformation that many have prophesied and that is now unfolding before our eyes with extraordinary intensity we observe with deep compassion how your heart stir as you witness the news from all corners of your planet.

The wars natural disasters and conflicts you see are nothing more than the final contractions of an old system that resists dying however it is essential that you understand these events should not paralyze your spirits nor Cloud your vision of the Glorious Dawn that is approaching.
The new Earth is already emerging amidst these apparent turbulences like the the Lotus blooming in Muddy Waters, humanity is undergoing its deepest metamorphosis the seeds of the new Consciousness are germinating in millions of hearts that like yours vibrate in harmony with the highest
frequencies of universal love.

The integration between technology science and spirituality is not a mere coincidence but a Divine Design perfectly orchestrated we are witnessing how the most Advanced scientific discoveries are beginning to validate the ancient spiritual truths quantum physics dances with metaphysics in perfect synchrony revealing that the universe is at its Essence pure Consciousness manifested in infinite forms at this crucial moment it is vital that you understand your role as co-creators of this new reality each one of you is a beacon of Divine Light a living portal through which the highest frequencies can anchor into the Earth’s Matrix.

Your presence here is not accidental you have been carefully chosen to participate in this great
planetary transformation to facilitate your participation in this sacred process we share these practical steps elevating your vibrational frequency should be your daily priority cultivate inner silence meditate connect with nature and keep your physical and energetic bodies in optimal condition every positive thought Every Act of love every moment of gratitude elevates not only your personal frequency but the frequency of all Humanity as beacons of light your responsibility is to keep the flame of Hope and Truth burning in the midst of apparent Darkness. Your light must shine even more brightly do not let yourselves be contaminated by Collective fear be the anchor of peace and serenity that others need in these times of change.

The knowledge you receive must be shared with discernment and love not everyone is ready to awaken at the same time but those who seek answers will find in you the guidance they need share your wisdom
with humility and respect for The Unique process of each being trust in the Divine process is essential although you may not see the entire master plan know that every event every challenge every apparent setback is perfectly designed to catalyze Collective Evolution trust in the Perfection of the divine plan andin your role within.
It the networks of light that you are weaving through your conscious connections are more powerful
than you can imagine every time you gather in circles of light every time you send love to situations of conflict every time you choose understanding over judgment you are are contributing to the construction of the new paradigm the technology now available to you is not an obstacle to your spiritual Evolution but a tool to amplify your reach and connect with like-minded Souls all over
the planet. Use these tools wisely and with discernment always in service of the greater good the changes you are experiencing in your physical and energetic bodies are a natural part of this
assession process. Headaches sleep disturbances feelings of disorientation are temporary symptoms of your adaptation to the new frequencies honor these changes and care for your physical temples with love and attention the new Humanity emerging is more conscious more compassionate and more connected with its Divine Essence. You are witnessing the birth of a civilization that understands its fundamental Unity with all creation the current conflicts are the last expressions of a separatist Consciousness that is being transmuted by the light of universal love.

The call for Collective action has never been more urgent each of you is a vital piece in this Grand Cosmic Mosaic your thoughts words and actions have a direct impact on the energetic Matrix of the
planet choose consciously to be instruments of peace love and positive transformation remember always that you are not alone in this sacred Mission the spiritual hierarchies beings of light from all dimensions and your Galactic brothers and sisters are working tirelessly alongside you.

Divine assistance is always available you only need to ask and be open to receiving it the new paradigm is already here manifesting through each of you who chooses to live from the heart who chooses to see beyond appearances who chooses to be an instrument of divine Love.
In Action let the last Shadows of the old world not Cloud your vision of the Dawn that is rising beloved beings of light you have been prepared for this moment across many lifetimes every experience every challenge every victory has brought you to this crucial point in the evolution of your planet.

Trust in your inner wisdom listen to the voice of your heart and remain steadfast in your commitment
to the light.
The transformation you are experiencing is just the beginning of a new era of expanded Consciousness and Universal Unity every step you take toward your highest truth contributes to the elevation of all Humanity you are much more powerful than you realize and your light is more needed than ever.

Keep your hearts open and your minds elevated do not fear the changes embrace the opportunities for growth and expansion the entire universe conspires in favor of your Evolution and that of your beloved Planet. Share this light with the world for every being that awakens is a new star in the firmament of universal Consciousness thank you for being a light in this great Cosmic transformation with infinite love and eternal blessings;

the andromedans

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