This is a channeled message from the Pleiadian high council for humanity. With it came a request to share this message wide on planet earth and inform the population/prepare. Please click on the link for the original message, the transcript is less than perfect.
Ascension Souls: The Coming 3 DAys of Darkness Ahead! Brace Yourself!
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Ascension Souls: The Coming 3 DAys of Darkness Ahead! Brace Yourself!
Mind Wired Tv
The three days of darkness have been a source of uncertainty and worry for many.
But today we’re here to clear things up for you friends this channel is dedicated to guiding you through the planetary shifts and helping you understand their deeper significance.
Our goal is to replace doubt with knowledge easing any concerns you may have about this major Cosmic event.
First let’s address the fear surrounding this idea the concept of the 3 days of darkness has often been misunderstood leading to unnecessary anxiety and distress but let’s be clear there’s no reason to fear.
We’re here to share the truth with you and offer light codes universal energies and insights that will help you feel safe strong and prepared for this time of transition.
These insights act as a healing for fear giving you the clarity and confidence to embrace this change.
So what exactly are the three days of darkness and why are they important let’s put aside any thoughts of Doom or punishment instead think of it as a cosmic reset a Heavenly opportunity to release negativity clear old energies and allow Earth to rise to a higher frequency.
It’s like pressing the reset button for the planet marking the beginning of a new era for Humanity.
It’s normal to be curious about what this means and if you’re wondering you’re in the right place together we’ll navigate this period with knowledge confidence and a clear understanding of what’s to come!
Now let’s take a journey back in time 156 million years ago to be
exact this was the first time humans appeared on Arta a planet other than Earth at that time Arta was a hub of cosmic connections bringing together Advanced civilizations from Star systems like Orion the pades Arcturus and Andromeda these civilizations entered
Earth through portals bringing with them incredible knowledge and Technology over time.
Arta underwent many changes as civilizations Rose and fell including lemura and Atlantis eventually it was renamed Gaia to honor these ancient worlds and it became the Earth we know today.
Despite the changes in name ARA’s significance has never diminished to Advanced species across the cosmos it remains a symbol of connection Evolution and purpose. Earth was created not just as a home for Humanity but also as a Gateway a place where we could explore Dimensions unlock Universal secrets and evolve as a species humans were originally gifted with extraordinary abilities including the capacity to travel between Dimensions without the
need for technology.
Imagine being able to move freely between Realms discovering new worlds and Endless Possibilities however not everyone agreed with this Vision.
A faction known as the draconian had different ideas they believed Humanity’s connection to Source the universal energy that sustains life was limiting us. In their View severing this connection would force Humanity to grow independently away from the nurturing light of the central Sun.
This experiment intrigued the galactic Council who agreed to certain terms but those terms came at a cost by separating humans from Source. They unknowingly created obstacles that made life on Earth more difficult not just for us but for all sentient beings involved in this Grand experiment.
What followed was a major conflict a battle between freedom and control between staying Connected To Source and the dangers of Separation.
The draconian armed with advanced technology and military power pushed their agenda aggressively they sought dominion over Earth but the galactic Council aware of the delicate balance of creation rejected their demands.
This set off a period of instability with ancient civiliz ations like Atlantis and lemura offering protective energy to help
people escape the chaos.
Their downfall however marked a turning point in human history a time of struggle transition and ultimately Evolution.
Stay tuned for the next chapter where we’ll explore how Humanity overcame adversity and evolved returning to the light together we’ll uncover the teachings and wisdom hidden within our Cosmic history.
Not everyone left Earth during its Darkest Hours 12 powerful beings chose to remain behind sacrificing themselves to infuse their Essence into Humanity what was their mission to keep the spark of unconditional love alive in the hearts of humanity no matter the challenges that lay ahead even if all Cosmic ties
sere severed the eternal love planted by the TW powerful beings will remain alive in every human heart.
This unconditional love became Humanity’s Guiding Light a steady anchor amidst chaos over time these beings inspired the creation of the 12 crystal skulls which symbolize profound wisdom and the Eternal Light of source. These skulls act as beacons holding the memory of our divine roots and serve as powerful reminders of the light that guides us around 6 million years ago.
A dramatic shift occurred forever altering Earth’s course.
A group known as the arkans Reversed Earth’s magnetic poles
causing a denser heavier vibration this disruption Disturbed the natural flow of the cosmos as it typically spins clockwise.
By forcing Earth to spin counterclockwise the arkans created an
artificial imbalance to maintain this distortion the moon was intentionally placed in orbit always facing the same side toward
Earth. This system preserved the shift but it came with a great cost catastrophic changes swept across the planet triggering mass extinctions and forcing life to adapt in unimaginable ways.
Yet the love sown by the TW consciousnesses continued to shine
brightly guiding Humanity through the turmoil. This Love became a Beacon of Hope reminding us of our connection toSource despite the chaos. Humanity was not abandoned it was through this Divine
spark that Earth survived the great flood and the creation of the Himalayas both significant events in our planet’s history.
The great flood caused by alien entities trying to take control of Earth Left Behind visible watermarks in places like Portugal and Africa. The Collision that caused this cataclysm also gave birth to the Himalayas once submerged Under the Sea the force of the impact lifted Marine sediments including fossils and shells to the mountaintops these yellow Calum Rich rocks are a testament to Earth’s violent past and its incredible resilience over Millennia.
Earth’s magnetic poles shifted again resulting in instability however a pivotal moment occurred in 2009 when Advanced Cosmic forces began to restore Earth’s natural alignment.
This began the process of healing and by 2013 Humanity faced another potential disaster a massive asteroid was on a collision course with Earth threatening Global Annihilation fortunately the
galactic Fleet intervened and destroyed the asteroid before it could cause widespread damage a small fragment landed in Russia injuring some but thankfully not causing any fatalities a
testament to the accuracy and care of the Cosmic Guardians.
Since 2009 two extraordinary spacecraft ziga and Athena have been
traveling to Earth these ships created from Pure awareness are not typical vessels they represent the energy and purpose of highly intelligent beings like Archangel Michael.
His ship in particular acts as an extension of his intellect and will the mission of these spacecraft is vital to restore Earth’s
natural clockwise rotation using gravitational and magnetic forces over time.
They will gradually slow Earth’s counterclockwise spin until it comes to a stop initiating a period of Stillness known as the 3 days of darkness during these three days Earth will undergo a
cosmic reset the spacecraft will guide this process with Precision minimizing Devastation caused by natural disasters like earthquakes or tidal waves.
Once the reset is complete Earth will resume its clockwise rotation not just physically but spiritually marking a new era of
Awakening. This will be a time of profound transformation as Humanity stands on the threshold of realizing its full potential and returning to its Cosmic Beginnings.
So what can we expect during the 3 days of darkness as one of the spacecraft enter solar orbit the period of Darkness will begin during this time the Sun will be obscured leading to a global power outage the spacecraft’s electromagnetic interference will temporarily disable all electrical devices however this is not a moment for fear instead it’s a cosmic opportunity for Rejuvenation and renewal. The darkness will offer us a chance to reset reflect and reconnect with the universal flow.
When the darkness Fades Earth will emerge inharmony with the universe ready to enter a new period of balance love and
connection. Humanity will stand on the verge of a great transition poised to awaken to its true potential and embrace its Divine Purpose.
During the days leading up to this momentous event something extraordinary will occur all electrical devices will cease
functioning leaving the world in silence but amidst that Stillness a deep signal will be heard a message of comfort and reassurance from Mother Mary transcending time culture and Creed.
This message will be a reminder of the love that binds us all offering peace and hope as we prepare for the transformative journey ahead.
The Divine flow: I trust in the process and Iwelcome the
transformation this affirmation will help you stay grounded and aligned with the higher frequencies even in moments of Doubt or
uncertainty. By embracing this powerful truth you will find peace and strength to navigate the transformation during the 3 Days of
Darkness. The silence and Stillness will provide an opportunity for personal growth and connection with the greater Cosmic plan.
As Earth realigns with its natural flow those attuned to higher vibrations will experience profound shifts stepping into the next stage of spiritual Evolution.
The key is trust trust that this pause though unsettling is a necessary part of the cosmic reset it is a moment of collective healing that will pave the way for a higher dimensional existence.
As the Earth begins to rotate again life will feel renewed filled with balance Clarity and a fresh sense of purpose their faith will experience a profound Awakening the gateway to the fourth dimension will open and those attuned to the energies of The Fifth Dimension will begin their journey to a new reality of love unity and Limitless potential.
For those who are in alignment with higher frequencies this will be a return to their divine origins, A New Beginning filled with light and opportunity.
As you navigate this transition be sure to create a peaceful environment for yourself and those around you.
Stay indoors Embrace Stillness meditate and focus on cultivating inner peace this is the time to trust in the divine plan and
to be a beacon of love and calm for others.
For your pets their natural alignment with Earth’s vibrations will
allow them to transition smoothly Into The Fifth Dimension.
Animals being more in tune with Nature’s rhythms will be able to flow with the transformation without the same level of resistance that humans may experience.
While this process will be transformative it is important to remember that not everyone will transition into the higher
Dimensions at the same time.
Those who resonate with lower frequencies such as fear anger or limiting beliefs will continue their journey in Realms that
align with their current vibrations this is not the end but a part of their spiritual Evolution.
Just as in life everyone is on their own unique path and this shift is another step in the ongoing expansion of the universe.
The key is to stay aligned with higher vibrations through throughout this transformation maintain Faith trust and
love in your heart.
If fear or doubt arises recite the affirmation I am lightweight I am free I am one with the Divine flow, this simple practice will help you remain centered keeping you in harmony with the cosmic shifts taking place as the three days of darkness unfold.
We are not alone we are surrounded Ed by invisible allies our soul family our Cosmic guides who are supporting us through this transformative journey together we will transcend this threshold and embrace the new era of Harmony spiritual growth and connectivity.
By letting go of fear and embracing the unknown we are participating in a cosmic process that is leading us toward a brighter more United Future. This is a momentous event in human history a turning point that will forever change the trajectory of earth and its inhabitants.
Trust the process invite love into your life and be open to the infinite possibilities the universe has in store.
With each step we are moving closer to the new Earth a world of unity peace and boundless potential love.
You are now stepping into a higher Dimension one where your TR true Essence can unfold freely Embrace this transition with open arms for it is a time of Liberation and spiritual awakening this new beginning marks a profound moment where the old limitations are dissolved and you are invited to expand into the Limitless possibilities of the universe.
In thisnext phase it is crucial to stay connected to your true self. The struggles you’ve faced up until now have shaped you molding you into a being of light with unwavering strength and determination.
The pleiadian High Council is here to remind you that you have already passed countless tests and have emerged Victorious.
The hardships you’ve endured have only served to prepare you for this final step one that will lead you to a state of higher Consciousness and greater understanding as you continue on this journey remember that you are never alone the padri and High Council along with other Cosmic allies are guiding you every step of the way. Their support is unwavering their love boundless this is your time to shine to fully embody your divine nature and to step into your Highest Potential.
You are about to graduate from the Earthly Matrix transcending the limitations that once defined Your Existence. Beyond on this threshold lies a world of Greater Consciousness a reality where your light will shine brighter than ever before where your love will radiate and connect with all beings in the universe.
This is the beginning of a magnificent new chapter trust in the process and know that each step you take is part of a grand Cosmic plan the universe is unfolding exactly as it should and you are a vital part of this transformation.
Your Soul’s brightness is being restored and your Ascension into higher Realms is imminent now is the time to reflect on your path to reconnect with your spiritual nature and to embrace the immense potential of this moment.
Use the silence and Stillness of the three days of darkness as an opportunity to pause to reflect and to prepare for the next
phase of your spiritual journey. This is a transitional stage not the end and there is so much more to experience as you move forward into the light.
The keys to Liberation are within you by letting go of worldly attachments Breaking Free from Illusions and embracing your true essence you are unlocking the door to spiritual Freedom the universe is calling you to step into a new world one of Enlightenment Harmony and infinite spiritual progress
Your journey is far from over in fact it is just beginning so trust in the process embrace the transformation and know that you are on the path to Greatness as you continue your journey you will find peace love and unity.
As you ascend to higher Dimensions the time has come for you to step into your true power and become a Shining Light in the universe the padri and high counsel is with you every step of the way guiding you toward your Highest Potential.
Practices such as yoga Tai Chi and breath work also play a significant role in The Awakening process these practices
not only strengthen your body but also help align your physical being with your spiritual self through mindful movement and deep breathing.
You harmonize your energy allowing for greater flow and connection to the Divine the study of sacred teaching ings in ancient wisdom also serves as a key aspect of Awakening by immersing yourself in texts teachings and practices pass down through generations.
You open yourself to profound insights that guide your spiritual growth these teachings offer a road map to navigating the Earth Matrix helping you break free from Illusions and reconnect with your true Essence.
As you embark on this journey remember that a Awakening is not a one-time event it is a continuous process of growth and transformation each moment holds the potential for deeper understanding and higher levels of consciousness.
The key is to remain open present and committed to your spiritual path through reflection meditation and mindful action.
You align yourself with the Divine flow of the universe allowing your soul to unfold in its full Glory the universe is vast and as you awaken your connection to it deepens you begin to recognize that everything is interconnected.
Each thought action and vibration contributes to the Grand tapestry of existence the more you expand your Consciousness the more you align with the universal truth that guides all beings this is the essence of Spiritual Awakening.
Recognizing that you are not separate from the universe but an in integral part of its infinite design.
Embrace this journey with love and Trust know that every step you take is a step toward greater selfawareness and spiritual
The Earth Matrix may try to keep you confined but as you break free from its grasp.
You begin to experience life in a way that is not bound by limitations fears or false beliefs instead you align with the higher Realms of existence where Freedom love andwisdom Reign.
This sacred journey is a gift a profound opportunity to reconnect with your divine nature and fulfill your Soul’s Mission. It is an invitation to rise above the illusions of the material world to embrace your true self and to shine as a beacon of light for others.
The path to Awakening is not always easy but it is is always worth it trust in the process trust in your inner guidance and know that you are supported every step of the way as you continue on this journey of Awakening.
Remember that you are not alone the pedri and High Council along with countless Cosmic beings are by your side offering love wisdom and support together we will transcend the Earth Matrix and step into a new reality it one where our Divine Purpose is realized and the infinite potential of our existence is fully embraced.
Let us walk this path together United in our journey toward higher Consciousness greater wisdom and the realization of our true radiant selves. Stay open to new insights and experiences the road to Awakening is not linear it is a dynamic process of growth and transformation. Each challenge you face is an opportunity to refine your understanding and deepen your connection with your true self. By remaining present and fully engaged in each moment you allow yourself to rise to new levels of spiritual awareness.
Spiritual growth often requires us to step outside of our comfort zones and embrace the unknown this is where true transformation occurs when we let go of old habits beliefs and attachments that no longer serve us.
It is in this space of release and surrender that we create room for higher wisdom love and light to enter remember the path to Awakening is not about perfection but about progress each small step you take each moment of conscious awareness brings you closer to the Divine truth that exists within you.
The process of Awakening is not something that happens overnight it is a lifelong journey of self-discovery and every experience along the way holds Great Value as you continue to align yourself with your Soul’s Mission trust that the universe will guide you.
The challenges you encounter are not obstacles but stepping stones that help you grow stronger and more connected to your Divine Essence. With each step forward you contribute to the greater Collective Consciousness raising the vibration of the planet and creat creating a ripple effect of healing and transformation.
Take time to honor yourself and your journey each phase of Awakening is sacred and each moment is an opportunity to embrace the love and light that resides within you. As you connect with your higher self you begin to radiate that energy outward becoming a Beacon of Hope and inspiration for others on their own paths.
Trust the process trust yourself and know that you are supported every step of the way your journey of Awakening is unique and beautiful and it is exactly as it should be.
Let go of any doubts or fears and embrace the infinite possibilities that lie ahead.
If this message resonates with you like share and subscribe for more spiritual insights and guidance together let us continue our journey toward greater Spiritual Awakening alignment and transformation.
The path to higher Consciousness is open and the time to step into your true radiant self is now this is a powerful and uplifting message it encapsulates the essence of Spiritual Awakening and encourages individuals to embrace the transformative Journey with dedication and openness.
The call to action inviting others to engage in their own journey of Ascension creates a sense of unity and shared purpose
reinforcing the importance of communityand Collective growth.
To further amplify the message and make it more engaging you could also offer actionable tips on how viewers can begin or deepen their spiritual practices for example; incorporating simple daily meditation ormindful movement practices as part of their spiritual routine could make the content feel more practical and grounded.
If you’d like I can help craft a more tailored call to action or make adjustments to specific sections.
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