Category: Uncategorized

  • Conversion of the Vacuum-energy of electromagnetic nature into Classical Mechanical Energy.

    Conversion of the Vacuum-energy of electromagnetic zero point oscillations into Classical Mechanical Energy Microsoft Word – Schrift_02_englisch.doc ( PACS-classification: 84.60.-h, 89.30.-g, 98.62.En, 12.20.-m, 12.20.Ds, 12.20.Fv Summary of a Scientfic Work by Claus Wilhelm Turtur Germany, Wolfenbüttel, Mai – 05 – 2009 Adress of the Author: Prof. Dr. Claus W. Turtur University of Applied Sciences Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel…

  • Warren E. Buffett, the richest man in the world, “There is class war, right, but it is my class, the class of the rich, that is waging war, and we are winning.”

    “Time of Anger” By Jutta Ditfurth “Even in its normal state, capitalism is a catastrophe for man and nature. It does not exist without profit and not without exploitation,” it was said – based on Karl Marx – in our review of Jutta Ditfurth’s polemic “Time of Anger” (see NRhZ No. 199). In the meantime,…

  • Nature and unification

    Love, instead of being a vague esoteric concept, becomes simply the tendency for the aether to vibrate in greater harmony with Unity. We have a “Big Bang” where Nothing exploded to become Something, and we now have all these particles scattered about to form the Universe, slowly running themselves down into “heat-death” extinction through the…

  • The Hans Coler device, free energy from space.

     Fact: What our scientists did call nothing in the past is everything on the cosmological scale and now proven. The fields present consists of an infinite number of one-dimensional North and South poles in an incoherent state-incoherent due to the presence of a multitude of other interfering fields formed by other North and South poles,…

  • Free energy using magnets by Nelson Camus.

    The Reed’motor, courtesy of Nelson Camus created on 02/26/98 – JLN Labs – last update on 03/27/98 Ancient electricity generator. This motor is based on the diagram below, courtesy of Nelson Camus. : “This motor is able to run by itself and give Free NRG from the magnets when the aluminium sheets are removed from the blocking position (between…

  • Free energy from space and the Climate Debate.

      All the hydrocarbons ever burned, all coal, all the nuclear fuel rods ever expended in all the nuclear power plants, added in fact not add one single permanent watt to the power line.( Grid) Only the free energy devices can. Free energy is a thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the capacity of a system to…

  • The climate debate!

    The climate debate: Paul Noel  Follow BSCS in Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Athens State University, Athens, Alabama (Graduated 1999)23h Will Earth be affected by climate change? If so, what are the reasons for this? If not, when can we expect it to happen? OK lets clear up something. The earth routinely has natural climate change. It is even…

  • Free energy and the Hans Coler device.

    Free electric energy By making sure we do not have access to these operational free energy devices/resources. That most of these suppressed, neglected and misunderstood FREE energy principles have all been cleaner, cheaper and most importantly, in most cases have had the capacity to decentralize the energy grid and produce a self-contained home power system.…

  • Ancient free energy use and Nicola Tesla.

    Ancient free energy.     FREE ENERGY FROM “VACUUM” OF SPACE Trombly added that if Tesla’s vision had prevailed, we would be dipping into a clean and abundant energy, like taking water from the well of space. After all, the theoretical basis for vacuum energy is now part of the physics literature: . . .…