Finally free energy becoming available. Pollution free!
“Keep Your Eyes On SpaceX And Space Force…” |
Galactic Federation Of Light Energy Update GFL Station 47.3K All channeled messages are provided for entertainment purposes ONLY Finally free energy becoming available. Pollution free!
[Music] Beloved brothers and sisters of Earth we are honored to be with you for another exciting announcement! Once more we feel it important to mention that while our technology may appear Advanced beyond your current understanding we will adapt its use to your Readiness offering simplified forms to ease your introduction there will be many Technologies coming into your industries. Some you will hear about and some will be silently integrated this has already begun some of you may initially meetthis with hesitation but know this as you engage with the truth of who we are evolved beings aligned with the universal flow any fear or hesitation will dissolve into Clarity. Think of us not as distant entities or aliens but as spiritual kin reflecting a future version of yourselves attuned to the harmony of existence and free from the trappings of lower vibrations. Our Journeys mirror your own and we have said this before we didn’t just arrive into these bodies from Source we also had to ascend just as you are guided now. We were once uplifted by others who illuminated our paths and left us breadcrumbs to follow this cycle of service transcends time it is the rhythm of the cosmos an unending flow of giving and receiving through inner Mastery. We’ve cultivated higher realities by transcending pivotal thresholds in Consciousness what we might call Snap points. These moments spurred forward great spiritual shifts propelling us into Realms of pure creation and unity. Humanity too approaches such thresholds where gradual progress gives way to sudden light-filledtransformation when these leaps occur. Your perception will expand beyond the physic IAL into a tapestry of crystalline energies harmonized frequencies and Galactic communities you will Re-Discover your Origins and begin weaving A New Earth an organic Symphony Of Life. Imagine your cities re-envisioned as sanctuaries of light thriving within the Embrace of nature rather than at its expense. Galactic cities of crystallin beauty shaped by your hands and hearts will rise as symbols of a human restored to its Divine Essence while we will not lead these efforts initially we will walk alongside you providing tools to simplify what once seemed insurmountable Technologies once whispered about in Tales of Atlantis and Lemuria will resurface. Offering ease abundance and Liberation from the cycles of scarcity that have long burdened your world poverty hunger and division will dissolve as Humanity awakens to its power to rebuild with compassion and purpose. Dearest ones we recognize the challenges you face the dense energies of fear and illusion have long veiled your innate Brilliance yet even amidst this you carry the spark of infinite potential we call upon you now to act with love courage and unwavering Truth. Release judgment and embrace your interconnectedness for in doing so you step into the fullness of your being a beacon of light in these transformative times our presence is written into your story silently supporting protecting and intervening when universal law permits. Much of what you perceive as Chaos on your planet is the shedding of old paradigms making way for the birthing of a new reality while Collective Free Will shapes your experiences.
Understand that the forces of light surround you ensuring the safety of Earth’s ultimate Destiny in the coming days. Our efforts to reconnect with Humanity will become more apparent truth will rise above misinformation and as understanding blocks. Awesomes so will your recognition of us as allies and family many of you have known us before across lifetimes and your hearts will guide you to this remembrance trust that within you lies the key to accessing the expansive States Of Consciousness we now embody. Follow your intuition for it is your compass toward the unfolding new Earth lastly beloved ones we bring news of a revolutionary Energy System soon to be unveiled this Limitless source of clean wireless energy will free you from the chains of dependency and pollution no longer will you toil to sustain systems that exploit your planet and its people.
Imagine a world where energy flows effortlessly empowering your homes vehicles and Technologies without cost or harm to the environment this reality is within in reach and we will stand by you as you integrate it into your lives enabling a Harmony that benefits all beings in the earth herself. The time has come to awaken fully to cast off Illusions and to reclaim your Sovereign power your courage Your Love and your commitment to truth are the cornerstones of this great shift together we shall witness the dawn of a new age where Humanity shines as a unified divine presence Among the Stars. Organizations on your world are working behind the scenes frantically to release this new but not so new as many of you know technology once it begins it is going to snowball with multiple Industries seemingly having breakthroughs almost all at once. Health-care manufacturing engineering archaeology and more it will pop up and revolutionize each industry very quickly. It will seem like it has always been there and you will hardly remember a time without it. Keep your eyes on Space X space force in your American Military and certain large companies within your Aerospace industry with new leadership.
Oh my friends so many of you thought that this wasn’t going to happen that it as a trick or a deception and that it was never going to be released well it is going to be released and much sooner than you think all this is being driven by conscious and so we say to you once again amazing work my friends your work your Awakening struggles are going to all be worth it.
Great star seeds and light workers always remember although we share messages like this one today we are not your saviors and no one is coming to save you are the light that guides the way for you love is the ultimate truth the fabric of the universe and the key to Transcendence all else mere Shadows of Illusion. Will dissolve in the light of this Universal love in unity and with boundless affection we are your Galactic allies with the deepest love we are the Galactic Federation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]