This is what the dark occultists do not want people to understand.
This is how the universe actually works inherently and it describes not only how it works but our relationship to that process and this is what they don’t want you to know.
That’s the most deeply hidden information this will get you real money.
The next few minutes will completely change how you see the World.
Mark Pao shares a called knowledge that makes me nervous to share but it’s so important that I’m willingto take the risk and share it with you.
The occult is knowledge we’re talking about knowledge here. Hidden information and it’s knowledge that is held very tightly by a few people on Earth it’s not widely known sciences that people don’t really understand you know about how energy works in the universe it’s hidden knowledge that is hidden for a
specific reason and that’s to create a power differential between people whounderstand it and those who don’t. The occult is a body of science which is not widely known to the general population consisting of hidden knowledge about the workings of the human psyche and the laws of nature both the seen laws meaning the physical laws the physical sciences and the Unseen laws meaning the spiritual laws the laws that govern morality the laws that govern behavioral consequence.
Seen and unseen.
There are two primary types of knowledge the knowledge of The seen and the unseen oneself and the knowledge of the laws of nature understanding oneself involves exploring the human psyche how it functions what drives our behavior and what happens beneath the surface at a subconscious level. this inner exploration is known as the minor knowledge or minor Arcana in the occult. Referring to knowledge that relates specifically to the individual although it’s called minor this doesn’t mean it’s less important it just focuses on a smaller scale individual experiences thoughts emotions and motivations. It deals with the internal aspects of a person what happens in the mind and subconscious and how these affect personal actions and desires, on the other hand the major knowledge or major Arcana refers to understanding larger external systems.
How the Universe operates on a grander scale this includes the laws of nature such as gravity motion and electromagnetism as well as other physical forces that govern the natural world these larger systems or macrocosmic forces affect everything in existence from the behavior of galaxies to the smallest particles in the universe.
The major Arcana therefore deals with understanding the external universal laws that apply to all of
reality the greater Arcana or the broader knowledge about the universe not only includes the physical laws of nature but also what’s called natural law natural law refers to the universal moral principles that determine the outcomes of the actions of conscious beings those capable of complex thought and holistic intelligence.
These moral laws govern how Behavior leads to certain consequences particularly for beings with a higher awareness such as humans. In other words these are the moral and spiritual laws that shape Consciousness and the results of our actions the combination of these two key areas knowledge of the self individual mind and knowledge of natural law Universal principles forms the foundation of all
occult knowledge.
If someone controls these bodies of knowledge and prevents others from exploring or understanding them they gain the power to manipulate people easily without access to this knowledge individuals are left vulnerable unaware of how their minds work or how the laws of the universe affect them.
This lack of understanding puts people at a serious disadvantage making them easier to control and influence from the very start.
The two, Mental Schism
States that dark occultism wants to hold the overall population in is what I call the mental Schism and the worldview schism okay they want to hold people in a state of chronic imbalanced thought and then they want to hold people in a chronically imbalanced overall worldview regarding human nature and life in general.
If they can keep people in those modes of Consciousness they can keep their control over their behavior because they have control over their mind as a result. In general how it works is keeping people chronically imbalanced toward one type of Consciousness or another one type of brain activity or another either the masculine left brain modality of Consciousness or the feminine right brain modality of Consciousness but never actually holistically.
Bringing them both together in a state of balance they want it in a chronic state of imbalance such that most people are either always left brain or always right brain.
Left Brain Imbalance of the brain focused on logic and masculine energy, becomes too dominant it
can lead to harmful beliefs people may become overly skeptical believing that only science is valid or adopt atheism thinking humans are the highest Authority with no higher power. They may also reject the idea of objective truth claiming everything is just opinion or belief in Social Darwinism where smarter
or stronger people are meant to rule over others.
Moral relativism follows where right and wrong are seen as things humans can just make up this imbalance can lead to dangerous ideas like Eugenics where people try to control who gets to reproduce based on genetics or authoritarianism. Where some are seen as rulers and others as followers.
Right Brain Imbalance
Brain imbalance or feminine imbalance the right hemisphere of the brain which governs creativity intuition compassion nurturing Etc if that part of the brain that is depicted here by the symbol the inverted equilateral triangle which again is an ancient Arch typal symbol known as The Chalice.
Because it is a rudimentary womb if that part of the brain is chronically imbalanced or chronically dominant I should say these following states result naive blind belief, religious extremism you know total belief total faith not actually checking anything not looking into things for oneself taking other people word on it. Solipsism again the belief that there’s no such thing as truth both forms of mental imbalance can create that state moral relativism.
You see so much moral relativism in the New Age movement you think moral relativism is the exclusive domain of Left Brain imbalanced, think again because people in the New Age movement are super right brain imbalanced in many cases and you’ll hear many of them saying there’s no such thing as right and wrong those are religious Concepts. I don’t believe in those feelings of unworthiness feelings of self-loathing falling into patterns of following other people’s orders because hey if you’re naive if you blindly believe and you don’t really believe there’s such a thing as absolute objective truth then I’m going to take somebody else’s word for it. If they say this is what’s right to do then I’m just going to go along follow their orders so many people are in that extremely imbalanced dangerous state of mind and I call this imbalanced thought. Slave think in general that’s what they want they want these two states they just want them operating all over Society they don’t want anybody in a state of balance coming Bring bridging these two modalities of Consciousness and bringing them together.
They want people in one state of imbalance or the other so that those Dynamics Master think and slave think continually play off against each other we’re talking about what their goal is what are they trying to constantly.
Maintain in humanity and they’re doing a very effective job of it they are successful because they operate on the same page for the same goal like one huge mind they call it a mastermind.
If they focus their energy on that intent they carry it out in the world through their methodologies they get it done that’s why we’re so scattered we can’t come together.
With that same Mastermind Focus that coming together and operating on the same page because we share Collective common knowledge that’s what they’re doing they have this knowledge and they use it for dark purposes all on the same page all focused all together for the same goal and the these two things are their goal.
The mental Schism and the worldview Schism the worldview Schism is this notion that the world is either
completely random or completely determined they want these two schisms of worldview present because they don’t want people to understand the balance that is the actual truth.
That there is components within nature of both of these views of reality but they operate in conjunction with each other not in a state of imbalance. The randomness worldview sees the universe as a complete accident with no purpose or meaning behind anything that happens in this view there is no Creator or guiding intelligence and everything in nature is seen as lifeless.
And random people who believe this think there are no spiritual or moral laws and that Concepts like right and wrong don’t really matter because nothing has a deeper purpose.
Life is just about surviving with no greater meaning beyond, that this way of thinking is often connected to extreme skepticism atheism and societies that ignore moral principles.
On the other side the deterministic worldview says that everything is already decided and that humans don’t have free will in this.
View a higher power controls everything and our choices are just Illusions. People who believe this might think that they aren’t responsible for their actions because everything is predetermined this
belief can lead to people excusing bad behavior since they think they have no control over what they do. Determinism often poates ha since the whole universe is controlled and it’s like a Clockwork me mechanism but it’s run by God why bother. Trying to create any change is impossible it’s already set in stone action therefore becomes ultimately meaningless. Why do anything I tell religionist who think like this why do you get out of bed in the morning why bother doing anything why say a word to another human being? Why eat why breathe you know why not just lay in in in a Supine position in the corner somewhere and wait to expire from malnutrition and and dehydration and then go back to dust.
But you know many people they actually say that this is what they believe it’s a big it’s a big Hallmark of salvationist religiosity. Action is meaningless only faith is what’s required something that I’m vehemently opposed to. You know the new age takes this in too you know they convert it in their own imbalanced way you know we’re here just to observe don’t get involved in anything just observe it watch it be the Observer. Life’s not a movie playing on a screen in front of your eyes folks you’re active participants whether you realize that or not.
Again this right brain imbalance and this whole worldview of determinism are the is the Hallmark of
religious extremism. The truth lies as it always does in the balance point okay in the synthesis in the coming together between Extremes.
In many cases the universe operates through two main parts deterministic laws and Free Will.
The Natural Law & Free Will deterministic component is called natural law which includes unchangeable moral rules that govern the consequences of our actions.
These laws are fixed and cannot be altered they are the predictable part of how the universe works the second part is Free Will which allows intelligent beings like humans to make their own choices.
Free Will is something given to us by creation and it can’t be ignored it works together with natural law meaning our choices lead to specific results based on these fixed rules through the outcomes of our decisions we learn and grow so both deterministic laws and Free Will shape our experiences in life and help us understand the effects of our actions.
Another thing that dark occultists want to prevent people from understanding is how our reality is actually built, how we together in the aggregate in aggregate numbers meaning collectively as a
species cocreate our reality that we are experiencing on the earth together as a people
You know you hear this notion in the New Age movement The Law of Attraction you know that a lot of the new age people want people to believe we’re individually creating our reality all by ourselves.
Mark Paso does not create Mark Paso’s reality entirely what I experience by myself by how I think other people are involved in that process it’s a co-creative process. Because if someone randomly does something violent to me I did not create that experience this is a total misunderstanding of the Law of
How the Law of Attraction works all right, Free Will is involved I can do something completely random so can other people because they have the capacity for free will. Behavior we do not create our individual realities solely based on our own instead our Collective reality as a society is shaped by the knowledge we take in how well we understand that knowledge and how we act based on it.
When a large number of people in society make decisions and behave in certain ways based on what they know that determines how society as a whole creates.
Its shared reality, dark occultists who understand how this principle Works aim to control this process they try to influence or limit access to knowledge because controlling what people know and how they think allows them to control how Society shapes its reality.
They want to steer people away from exploring deeper knowledge by distracting them or keeping them unaware of important truths.
Two key spiritual currencies are time and attention these are valuable resources because whatever you spend your time on or pay attention to will shape what you get in return.
When you pay attention to something you buy by understanding or knowledge in exchange so by focusing on the right things you gain insight and awareness which helps you better understand the world around you.
What I’m going to build here in this slide is actually the trivia it’s the ancient trivia methodology of Truth Discovery it’s called knowledge understanding and wisdom. In the modern Trivium it’s
referred to as grammar logic and rhetoric there’s also what I call a computer analogy model of the
Trivium which is input processing and output they’re all ultimately the same thing.
So this is the grammar or input step of the trivia method it’s taking in all the seemingly disparate pieces of information that are out there you’re Gathering your grammar you’re Gathering your different pieces. Of your vocabulary available information constitutes potential knowledge that we can gather that we can process that we can come to understand and then that we can act upon.
If we don’t do that we have ignorance we haven’t even looked at it so the opposite of knowledge is total ignorance you haven’t even begun looking into it the second level of how our reality is built.
It’s built a top knowledge on top of that knowledge as a foundation you either have a grasp or an
understanding of those principles or you do not. So you either learn what that knowledge means and how works or you don’t have a deep understanding of that so these are decision-making filtering processes this is the uh logic step of the Trivium or in the Computing analogy model this would be the processing step these processes take place in the human mind and are chosen by each individual based upon the available information that they have taken in.
So if you haven’t done your grammar or you haven’t aggregated your knowledge in Step number one of this process you can’t possibly do the processing and come to an understanding of it.
It’s why so many people have no understanding of the principles of the occult Sciences because they haven’t even started beginning to learn what the occult is or what it contains so you can’t possibly arrive at an understanding of how the universe works.
If you haven’t gathered that knowledge then the third step in this process is acting actually taking action based upon your understanding each individual in a society each individual’s behavior is based upon the quality of their decision-making processes that they exercise.
In Step number two which in turn were based on the quality of the available information which they took in now again notice wisdom is action it’s different than knowledge it’s different than understanding all right these knowledge is something that exists inherently and you can take it in objectively understanding is an internal process that goes on within the self based upon the knowledge that you’ve taken in and processed.
Then wisdom is action it’s what you do in the world with the knowledge that you have acre and understood so again I put here or lack thereof in every one of these blocks the lack of knowledge is ignorance the lack of understanding is confusion and the lack of wisdom is folly.
One More Level above that is what we get based upon what we’ve done what is manifested what is generated what do we experience. The manifested reality it’s the quality of the conditions that we experience and the quality of the condition which manifests collectively in our society in any society is based upon the aggregate quality of behavior within that Society.
So again it’s a stepwise progression what we’ve taken in what we’ve come to understand how we behave what we get. I tell people this is the most powerful slide in all my work if you understand one slide deeply deeply understand this process because this is what the dark occultists do not want people to understand that’s the real Law of Attraction folks. Not the new age variant of it not the new age Hokum mysticism I want to sell a million billion books telling people what they want to hear.
Law of Attraction okay this is how the universe actually works inherently and it describes not only how it works but our relationship to that process and this is what they don’t want you to know that’s the most deeply hidden information time and attention.
Time and Attention are described as spiritual currencies because like money you invest them in different things when you spend time or pay attention to something you get something back like knowledge understanding or experience the more time and focus you put into something the more you receive in return just like investing money this is what real money is folks real money.
This will get you real Mone one ey moan ey okay you want real money instead of the fake Federal Reserve nonsense Fiat paper currency money that isn’t worth the paper it’s printed upon.
Then keep thinking that has value okay and people who say gold is value gold is real money you I ask people what intrinsic value does gold have and they say well oh it’s been traded with throughout time IM Memorial and people valued it all time. Does that make it intrinsic you answered my quiet’s like saying uh why does that projector have intrinsic value and you say because I find it valuable no that projector has intrinsic value because it’s capable of projecting an image and if I want that task done that’s what I use a projector for.
Okay well what’s gold used for can you build clothing out of it can you build a house out of it is it malleable enough to be uh molded into a weapon of some sort you’re going to take shelter under it maybe if you have enough of it you know the whole point is there is no intrinsic value to this.
It’s something that’s B the idea of it having of any precious metal having intrinsic value other than you know okay in a technological Society it’s used for computers this is true okay but I’m talking about in nature you know where would this idea of intrinsic value of gold come from.
In the ancient past people say it’s used as a medium of Exchange okay it money is not a medium of exchange people think of it as a medium of exchange and it’s not, it’s incorrect okay money is the limiter of energy in the system. Many people think of money as currency even the term itself is meant to influence our thinking, implying it’s like energy flowing through a system but that’s not accurate it’s not about storing value either as people often say.
In reality money acts as resistance within the system it’s the force that resists change as long as money exists it will always make it incredibly difficult to create any real and Lasting change.
We end up getting something in return on what we put our investment of spiritual currencies toward and you know what that if it’s put toward the right goals the end result is true money one eye okay
true spiritual vision the ability to see to UNL something and see it for what it really is.
That’s what comes from truly putting time and attention onto the right things this return could come in
the form of knowledge it could come in the form of understanding it could come in the form of skills expertise and empowerment but only if we invest these two spiritual currencies wisely and let me tell you something folks, that’s what why most people don’t have any money they got nothing to pay for it with. See you pay attention and you get money you spend time and you get money I’m talking about the real thing we should seek to improve our quality of attention by placing it upon information that is capable of improving both ourselves and The Human Condition as a whole. Such an effort would also constitute a valuable investment of our time we should ask ourselves what am I spending my time on what am I spending my time doing and what am I paying attention to.
That’s where you will find whether you’re investing in real value something that is truly valuable Mo if most of the time we’re spending our time on nonsense and trivialities and you know divisive things and TV and sports and all other kinds of entertainment and distraction.
Well you’re going to have a return on that investment and that return is going to be low it’s not going to result in much money real money most importantly we need to ask ourselves what kind of quality am I getting in return this is a simple chart of how our quality of our attention?
Okay and again this is in the aggregate but it’s created by all the individuals how the quality of our overall attention as a species will affect our world in accordance with the principle of Correspondence which states as goes the microcosm or the microcosmic units so will become the macrocosm okay so over here we have a pure information stream this is good information this is information that capable that resonates with truth and is capable of helping to develop wisdom or right action within the being.
This over here this is the poisoned information stream now everybody’s going to take in some form of a mixture of both of these streams what the goal needs to be is to purify just like hey you take in bad food you’re going to have bad Health you take in bad information the output through behavior is going to be bad. So you got to purify meaning if there’s valves here on the individual buckets these are called the individual people and they’re all coming together with the quality of their water right what they’re holding within their Consciousness and that’s all going into the big pool called the
world everybody’s bringing their bucket to the pool they’re pouring it in and then they’re jumping in that’s the world that’s the quality of the world right the quality of this whole thing here is going to be based on how much poisoned polluted and information was in your bucket compared to how much pure information was in your bucket.
So there’s valves over here we got to shut this one off this brown muddy valve muddy valve over here and we got to open this one up. Okay if we do that the world will be purified and it we won’t be
creating self-inflicted suffering we don’t do that we’re going to be swimming in brown muck and generating all kinds of problems for ourselves how are we spending our time and what are we focusing on are we using our time and detention sitting in front of a screen which is like being in a state of hypnosis is the suppression of knowledge or Spirit or are we dedicating our time to seeking wisdom which involves Gathering knowledge processing it accurately to gain understanding and then turning that understanding into wisdom through right action.
To do this you have to read people don’t want to hear that but reading is necessary the ancient Romans had one word with two meanings the word was Libra it meant free as in not a slave and is the root
of the English word Liberty but in another context lib also meant book this tells us something important they linked Freedom with books the word Library also comes from Libra meaning a place where you can go to become free if you read the right books.
How Natural Law Works?
So let’s jump into the this is the heart of the presentation here it’s how natural law actually works
How Natural Law Works in our lives so here’s the expression and then there’s a positive aspect to the expression and there’s a negative aspect to the expression.
The first expression of natural law is known as and again this is what I call these things and there’s no hard and fast rules it’s just terminology it’s jargon. Trying to explain them in words okay the first principle of natural law I call the G generative polarity or in other words this is the force or energy that we are using at the base level to start the process of creation or you could say of cocreation.
Okay we’re co-creating the reality that we experience with the laws of nature the positive expression of the generative polarity is love this is not what many people think of as love.
Okay it’s not familiar love it’s not relationship love it’s not Hollywood movie variant of love it’s not romance novel variant of love. I call love Consciousness love is the force which helps us to expand Consciousness and become open to truth if we are in it. If we are in that vibratory energy we become open to truth so here’s what it looks like visually. I try to put a visual aspect to all of these Concepts okay and people would think I’m going to put two people together kissing or hugging or something like that okay love is inside each individual.
If it’s present it is this force that opens up our Consciousness it’s the flowering expression of Consciousness okay. So how I word this is the positive aspect of the generative polarity the first expression of natural law is love in regard to natural law love should be seen as the expanse of force for consciousness it is the force which helps us to become open to truth and expand our awareness.
Now the negative expression of the create of the creative polarity is the exact opposite of love so people will automatically think well that’s hate and it is not because the thing that puts Consciousness in a box and prevents it from growing and keeps it where it’s. At is what fear there it is fear is the basis for unconsciousness you cannot be unconscious of anything in particular unless you fear it. Okay that’s what shuts Consciousness down and here’s my visual for it fear I don’t want to look at that that’s too horrible for me to contemplate that can’t be true I don’t want that to be true that’s all fear. Fear is the contractive force for Consciousness fear is the force which influences us to become closed to the truth and it is the force which ultimately shuts down our awareness.
That’s why so many people are unconscious because they are fearful they are fearful of the responsibility that comes with knowledge and most of all they are fearful of having to act based upon knowledge because that requires Courage.
The second stage of natural law called the initiating expression refers to the first visible and recognizable results in our lives after we set a process in motion this begins when we choose between two core forces love or fear. If we choose love something positive happens we become open to truth love is an expansive force that opens our minds to awareness and understanding the result of choosing love is knowledge which comes from accepting the truth this is why knowledge is the first step in creating positive outcomes in life and it starts with the openness that love brings.
On the other hand if we choose fear the opposite happens instead of knowledge we experience ignorance which is the refusal to accept the truth. Fear closes us off from learning and awareness the idea behind this is that understanding yourself leads to understanding the universe.
The Greek mystery tradition summed it up with the phrase know thyself meaning that by understanding
the mosm yourself you also understand the macrocosm the universe the positive side of the initiating expression is knowledge which improves the quality of Our Lives by helping us make better decisions whether it’s understanding how a car a computer. Where the human psyche Works knowledge is the foundation for maintaining and improving anything to create the conditions we want on Earth we must learn learning and gaining knowledge are essential. Many people resist this idea hoping they can create the life they desire without learning but that’s not how reality works.
On the negative side ignorance is the refusal of Truth which stems from Fear people who choose fear avoid learning and remain closed off to truth which prevents them from improving their lives and the world around them.
So here’s what I put as the image for ignorance the population that is hypnotized that wants to keep paying attention to nonsense and trivialities feed themselves tons of GMO food that is crap for the physiology pay attention to distraction entertainment mainstream news and media uh it’s all
there to.
Just shut the Consciousness down and keep people in a depressed uh psychological State and keep them in a state of psychological infancy the negative aspect of the initiating expression of natural law is ignorance or the refusal of Truth.
Ignorance negatively influences the quality of Our Lives because it negatively influences these decision making processes that lead to understanding in every area of Our Lives. If you’re ignorant about how anything works you can’t create the desired Condition it’s just not possible it’s important to remember again that ignorance should be distinguished from Nance which means not knowing.
Because necessary information is not present or was unattainable ignorance on the other hand means not knowing even though necessary information is present.
Because that information has been willfully refused or disregarded and again to keep us in ignorance they don’t need to hide the information anymore cuz it’s not hidden anymore it’s out and once again it’s available at your fingertips for free if you have the desire to take it in.
Now the manipulation mechanism that is used is dissuade people from looking at it provide endless entertainment provide endless Amusement provide endless distraction and say there’s nothing to
any of that stuff that’s just some old crazy religion that you don’t need to understand it’s is no different than any other religion believing that natural law exists. So people will be dissuaded
from ever looking into it and they’ll disregarded of their own choice. Thomas Jefferson said that if a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization it expects what never was and never will be freedom and ignorance are antitheses of each other that can never coexist, simultaneously that is an possibility in natural law .
I’m going to put up a couple other quotes on ignorance; Samuel Adams said no people will tamely surrender their Liberties nor can any be easily subdued when knowledge is diffused that means it’s
everywhere present and virtue is preserved. Meaning morality on the contrary when people are universally ignorant and debauched In Their Manners, meaning purely selfish and only worried about themselves they will sink under their own weight without the aid of foreign Invaders. Meaning the society will turn inward on itself and collapse and destroy itself just based on the fact alone that the population is ignorant and they are ins sconed in uh moral relativism and um other forms of debauchery and just uh self-pleasure as their highest virtue their highest uh desire.
Socrates said that the only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance.
The next expression known as the internal expression refers to what happens inside us after we make a choice between love and fear between accepting the truth or rejecting it.
Once this choice is made it begins to affect our internal State this step is about how the knowledge or ignorance we’ve embraced impacts our Consciousness the foundation of everything is based on this initial Choice love or fear, knowledge or ignorance these are like two sides of the same coin one represents truth and awareness while the other represents a lack of Truth or an illusion Consciousness reflects truth while unconsciousness reflects ignorance both are part of the same concept but differ in degree accepting or refusing truth once knowledge or ignorance is chosen we move to understanding which is an internal process. When we gain understanding by accepting truth and knowledge the positive internal outcome is sovereignty, means recognizing that each of us is in control of ourselves and we have the authority over our own being this is described as an internal monarchy where we are the sole rulers of our own lives.
The term monarchy comes from mono one and archon ruler meaning we must each be the master of our own self true sovereignty means no one else owns or controls us and we don’t have the right to rule over anyone else.
Many people mistakenly believe they can control others but in reality each person is Sovereign and responsible for ruling only their own life sovereignty is about personal freedom and self-mastery and it’s the positive internal expression of natural law.
So here’s my expression my visualization for sovereignty; somebody who truly has the light they have the light at their disposal they’re bathed in it they’re it’s flowing within them okay and light has always been associated in different mystery Traditions as knowledge it’s been a symbol that has represented knowledge this is the person who has the knowledge and has gone through the decision making and filtering processes with that knowledge to come to an internal understanding that they are a sovereign being. And I have news for everybody whether you know it or not whether you are familiar with the term or not every person here is a sovereign and you can never not be it is an impossibility for you ever to be non-sovereign it cannot be done cannot be done in nature.
Every single human being on this planet is a sovereign being and we’re going to look at what a sovereign sovereignty actually means. The positive aspect of the internal expression is sovereignty or what I call internal monarchy meaning one ruler within internal monarchy one ruler within as a state of consciousness sovereignty means that one has unified the three aspects of their Consciousness such that there is no internal contradiction between one’s thoughts emotions and actions.We become a being that as we think so we feel so we speak can act and there’s no contradiction between those we’re not torn apart from within in this state of internal opposition with amongst our own Consciousness.
Let’s look at the negative internal expression for natural law which is confusion now confusion results when we are in ignorance that’s the emotional Dynamic the feeling that takes place within the individual this is the lack of understanding confusion only happens in a lack of understanding when we have not taken in knowledge because we are afraid we are in fear.
Okay ignorance results and then confusion happens internally so look this is the remember here’s the essence that’s the foundation this is that first stage that first building block that we called knowledge or lack thereof.
Okay this is the second building block that we called understanding or lack thereof this is true understanding when truth has been taken in and accepted and this is the lack of understanding now in that state of lack of understanding we’re confused so there’s no rulership within inside of us there’s Anarchy, which means the absence of ruler of a ruler not the absence of rules which I’m going to get into later. Anarchy means there’s no ruler no master so if there’s no master inwardly we have big problem because that means there’s no self-mastery there’s no self-control there’s no self-discipline and ultimately there’s no self-love and that results in an understanding that we don’t truly own ourselves it would result in the absence of self-ownership which is what we’re experiencing as a species. That other people believe they own other people this is what I found as a picture representing confusion someone who doesn’t know themselves doesn’t knows completely attached to a ego identity their their whole mind is all wrapped up. I believe I’m this businessman I believe I’m this uh Banker I believe I’m this lawyer I believe I’m this doctor and that’s my identity and if something goes wrong with that there goes my identity there’s who I am down the drain.
This negative aspect of in the internal expression of natural law is confusion or what I call internal Anarchy meaning no ruler within confusion is the state of mind in which the being is ruled Red by fear and ignorance confusion could be seen as internal opposition within one’s own Consciousness.
In other words being torn apart from within in such a way that one’s own thoughts emotions and actions are in Perpetual contradiction with each other, a thought emotion and action are not in alignment as we think is not how we truly feel and is not how we act there’s total contradiction and separation no uh Unity amongst those three aspects of Consciousness that’s confusion.
The fourth expression of natural law refers to what happens externally in society as a whole when a large group of people share the same internal State whether it’s positive or negative this Collective mindset shapes the larger reality of the society is made up of the sum total of individuals so the overall condition reflects the combined state of consciousness of those people.
If love is present and individuals have taken in knowledge understood it and realize their own sovereignty through self-mastery the result in society is freedom can only arise when these conditions Consciousness acceptance of Truth and self-mastery are met.
It doesn’t happen by magic or any other means if people desire Freedom this is the clear path they must follow there is no other way for True freedom to manifest in society this is what the picture I chose for Freedom this is actually from the cover of probably one of the greatest books I think that’s
ever been penned by human hands and I’m telling you need to read the book “the end of all evil” by Jeremy lock.
If you haven’t already read it I think it’s a great image that represents what freedom is about it’s not about my freedom it’s about our freedom it’s about freedoms for all beings and guess what our when “I say that in relationship to the Earth doesn’t just mean human beings it means all beings including the animal kingdom” the positive aspect of the external expression is freedom.
What I call external Anarchy meaning externally there are no rulers there is no condition of Masters and slaves so that’s what Anarchy actually means the absence of slavery.
Now there’s a negative external expression and you can call it
multiple things you can call it totalitarianism you could call it slavery I term it simply control externally imposed control.
Okay it doesn’t mean you know self-control it means literally someone outside of your own being is trying to control you and own you control is the pathway to all forms of evil and destruction it results when a society lives in direct opposition to natural law.
The fifth and final expression of natural law is about the manifestation or the results we create in our lives. This expression Builds on the foundation of the previous elements knowledge understanding and wisdom each of these components represents a level in a four-part structure at the base is
What we know or don’t know above that is understanding how we interpret that knowledge next is wisdom which is the application of knowledge and understanding to our actions.
Currently Society is struggling because there is an abundance of knowledge but very little wisdom this imbalance leads to a situation where people are controlled and unable to create the positive outcomes they desire. The top level of this structure is the manifestation which represents the results of our choices and actions the outcomes can either be order or chaos when we manifest order we achieve the positive results we want such as well-being and a lack of self-inflicted chaos or suffering.
However to create this order certain requirements must be met we need to operate at a higher level of Consciousness accept the truth develop knowledge and understand our sovereignty as individuals working towards true freedom is essential for achieving the positive results we desire in life.
This pathway is described as the only way to attain the goodness and order we seek. It’s important to note that the human mind often struggles with absolute statements especially when it comes to Concepts.
Like always or never people may resist the idea that there is a single truth that applies universally as this can challenge their individual perspectives. Humanity’s greatest fear may be recognizing that the truth is absolute and singular rather than subjective or personal this is what I viewed order as being like. Okay we have beings that are actually full of the light and they’re working toward a world that is based in Freedom cooperation knowledge sovereignty no control.
It’s what I call in some of my former presentations Cooperative spiritual Anarchy which is the natural
condition of humanity the natural meaning spiritual natural condition of the human species that has been blocked from manifesting through mind control indoctrination fear-based trauma based methods.
so that’s what I call order the positive manifestation manifested goodness it represents everything we say we want and it only results when there is balance or justice comes about through adherence to natural law.
Justice can only be present when truth has been accepted in our lives and our Behavior has been brought into harmony with natural law, cannot manifest any other way that’s the positive manifestation.
The negative manifestation is the opposite of order chaos is manifested evil I just put this as you
know complete disregard for other people.
Break down; me first knock everybody else down get what I want don’t worry about anybody else being hurt don’t worry about anybody else’s Freedom don’t wonder other don’t worry about whether anybody else’s rights are being tread all over doesn’t matter let me get mine self-preservation is the highest law survival is all that matters even if I have to step on somebody else to get it to make that happen.
Yeah it’s an animal that’s exactly right sir that’s exactly correct that’s not a human being that’s an animal that’s how animals in the animal kingdom behave. Natural law doesn’t work the same way for Animals as it does for human beings because they do not have the same capacity for Consciousness that a human being has so let’s not start saying that’s the natural order. No it is not is the exact antithesis of the natural order the natural order is just that or order it’s in the word it’s in the phrase natural order what people are describing as a natural order through this utter nonsense concept called social Darwinism.
Is as I’ve called it before Psychopathic chaos and break down that word Psychopathology means an illness of the Mind psychopathy is mental illness Psych in Greek means the mind and path pathology is an illness sickness psychopaths are mentally ill and they don’t create anything resembling order.
All they can create is chaos which is why they want us to mimic their mindset cuz they’re just bent on hell and destruction to manifest and they have to have our complicity and cooperation to make that Dynamic happen.
Our energy has to be given over to them by our minds set being made like theirs otherwise their worldview can’t come into manifestation which is one of chaos and disorder. Chaos results when there is
imbalance and Injustice which results Whenever there is ignorance of Truth and behavior which is in direct opposition to natural law.
So that’s our chart and one last thing I want to say about it is that the manifestations or the expressions of natural law are; they’re unilateral they don’t cross into each other there’s no such thing as well I’ve accepted the truth and I’ve developed knowledge so now I’m in a state of confusion it doesn’t work like that.
So you can only get to order through Freedom which comes about through the understanding that we are sovereign which comes about through taking in knowledge of Truth and which comes about through staying in a vibratory energy of Love or higher Consciousness the openness to truth that’s it.
Same thing here we can only create chaos us when our society is bent on control okay because we are confused beings that don’t understand our sovereignty and think other people can legitimately own us or rule us and that comes from a place of ignorance or refusal of the truth which is based in fear. Can only manifest that way blanket statement too and I will not retract on that blanket statement because this has nothing to do with what I think or feel or my beliefs this is how laws operate in creation not a belief system not a religion has absolutely nothing to do.
I did not develop this I came to an understanding of it by seeking truth that’s it for today this video will have a continuation soon with part two but until then we recommend watching our video that provides an excellent explanation of natural law.
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