Sun solar activity getting higher and higher, crazy? High energy everywhere IE
1:10 / 1:23:23 THE SUN IS OUT OF CONTROL 💥 BRACE FOR HUGE SOLAR STORMS AND UNEXPECTED DEVELOPMENTS Stefan Burns 124K subscribers Share 60,381 views Streamed live 17 hours ago #spaceweather #solaractivity #geomagneticstorm Complete Space Weather and Energy Report by geophysicist Stefan Burns Get your SpiritualiTEA, FruiTEA, and Herb Coffee from the Wild Free Organic webstore before they’re gone, I know you’ll love them! Visit the Wild Free Organic Store for all your holistic wellness and spirituality needs! 👣 Earthing Shoes:… 📚 Books: 👨🏫 eCourses: ✅ Subscribe to my channel: @StefanBurns 🥇 Become a special member and join the Sol Tribe, plus other perks! / @stefanburns Credit: NASA NOAA UK MET Office #spaceweather #solaractivity #geomagneticstorm #solarmaximum #planetarygeometry #geophysics #science #earth #earthelectrification #electricuniverse #bioelectricity #solarmaximum #earthing #grounding #ascension #astrology #spiritualityTranscript
This is getting really crazy this is getting really crazy got my herb coffee here I’m ready to go I think this is going to be a bit of a longer live stream so we can go through all the questions that you have but first we’ll do complete breakdown as to what is happening with the sun cuz it’s in like a solar meltdown or melt up perhaps that’s what you want to call it. Cuz sunspots are exploding right now we just had two x-class flares back to launch solar storms our way and with this recent big push of solar flux coming out of the sun. I think we’re going to see some really big solar storms in just the next few days not these first two we have one that just hit we’ll look at that the solar winds already at 20 nanotesla so this could very well be a G3 storm if the magnetic field flips South Southward this is what I forecasted. Everyone else is saying not even a G1 storm barely glancing below well they revised the models and so now we see this G magnetic storm coming in stronger than most people expected if you watch the channel then you would be aware that this was likely going to be a G2 G3 just based on my experience intuition and more I’m not always right but I’m pretty good with this stuff. Now we have a second solar storm coming in we’ll look at that x class flare we’ll look at that chronograph imagery and really most importantly we’re going to look and just feel into what the sun is doing right now because this is like a whole new thing. Uh we’ll also do a question and answer uh and then I think we’re going to do a bit of a sound healing chakra alignment and everything I just bought some brand new uh Crystal bowls and so I think that’d be good for everyone but just in general uh right now I would say for the next two weeks expect extremely erratic energy not only from the Sun but everywhere and with people because when all that solar energy comes in it supercharges people their metabolism increases and so it’s similar to the lunar effect where you get like you know kind of crazy things happening around the full moon. But this is a much more powerful effect it you know this is a long duration the waveform that we’re talking about right this is a 12E cycle and this is the last solar maximum that we had that was strong going back to the about 20 years to the early 2000s. So this isn’t like you know every 28 days this is like a 20-year thing and we also have significant planetary oppositions occurring all at the same time November 3rd Venus opposite uh Jupiter and then also Mars opposite Pluto so that’s why I mean if you look at all these things you can see that they’re all pointing in the same direction crazy crazy crazy crazy stuff is happening already and I could be wrong I hope I’m wrong but I could very well expect and I very well expect these just these things to just keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger and that we’re going through a big push right now. Eventually we’ll come through the other side but that is just the forecast just right off the G right out of the gate that’s the forecast uh yeah the sun is out of control um we are in solar maximum so this is our sun right here we have our 304 and our 193 angstrom view see all this activity there you can actually let me step off the side this is now rotating out nothing really happening there but look at just how crazy this is popping crackling it’s like it’s like a good campfire but instead it’s our Sun and the Earth is like this big right. But look at all this activity here this is all rotating into the Earth direct zone so we had Sunspot group 3869 launch a 3.3 X class flare we’ll look at that and then as it continue to rotate 3872 also launched an x-class Flare from the same location the same grid location on the Sun so both of these are uh they are not direct impacts but if we look at the chronograph we see that they are pretty strong solar storms so let us go into um yeah there we go okay so just really quickly I’m going to get back to this but I just really quickly want to show you how we are now entering into that geomagnetic storm that was forecasted uh because that’s what’s happening right now this this new solar flavor that occurred that’s going to take a couple days to reach us but here we have our interplanetary magnetic field we see that we already had this first shock back here actually it’s off this this is a six hour time. Let me go to the one day so you can see it there’s two shocks first one is right around here right there and we strengthen all the way to about double 7 Nano Tesla all the way up to about 14 or so and then we get this really like this is really where the chronal mass injection impact really comes in look at that 22 nanotesla and and actually staying at that strength. Now this red this red number there that red line is the Southward component of the interplanetary magnetic field it needs to go really negative for us to have a good connection but what we often see with these chronal mass ejection impacts is that they start off kind of uh jumbled in their magnetic field and then eventually after a couple hours or more they switch into that sharply negative um component Direction and so they take on that characteristic. So we are just now at the beginning of this geomagnetic storm impact but 22 nanotesla if that if that does switch sharply to negative that’s a G3 storm so yeah G1 or people were saying g0 now you’re going to hit us. Like let’s look at the solar wind model by no really quick just to get this out of the way uh because this is this is the solar wind model that Noah came out with and I mean look at look at this this is really pathetic in my opinion they don’t even really show it hitting the Earth they show all of it going this direction they show just this faint little whisper sweeping by the Earth the Green Dot right there where it’s. Like that was a big halo chronal mass ejection we’ll see it I’m going to show that in just a second but the reason I’m showing this now is because this new x-class flare that launched from the Sun that chronas ejection launched from the same grid location the same spot so even though the sun continued to rotate it went to a sunspot group further back in the line so this model here is quite a bit off because this is more than a glancing blow that we are in right now and Noah forecasters are already saying oh we just have another glancing blow we don’t even think it may hit. This is their first model first model’s already been proven wrong because we have solar wind strength at 22 Nano Tesla and so yeah I mean we didn’t get hit with the meat of it thank God but this is just consistently like this model here was not right the UK Met Office actually came out with a model as well um and they had to run it twice the first model was similar to that Noah model it actually showed it completely missing the Earth and then they decided to rerun it late last night showing a much more significant impact this is for the geomagnetic storm that’s happening right now for this for the first chronal mass ejection launched from that 3.3 x-class flare so they had to reevaluate their model this one looks more accurate now. I don’t know why they were being so inaccurate with these things it’s almost like they don’t look at the imagery uh so let’s look at that imagery here is our chronograph if I can get this pulled up there we go and let us go back in time so I can start this fresh for you all welcome everyone to the live stream hope you’re all doing well uh I do see that some of you are tagging questions and everything um and so that’s just if you’re going to ask a question the Q&A later. I’ll announce it that’s a good time to ask it um I mean sometimes I read them but generally it’s pretty active so here we have our chronograph which will show us our 3.3 and our 1.8x-class solar flares and so if I hit start we’ll see this first one right out of the gate oh um okay if I hit it triggered something else if I hit start right out of the gate we see our 3.3 x-class flare and that chal mass ejection that’s a lopsided full Halo but still a full Halo when you have that shock wave go out in all directions you know it’s going to hit the earth now we wait a bit and we get our 1.8x class flare longer duration than the last one too that is more significant than the first one look at this first one again we see this come in it’s kind of weak on this side but we know there’s something hit our way most of it’s going that direction we know most of it’s not going to hit the Earth but still a strong solar storm to pump out like that and now we get the second one much more significant more Earth directed even though it’s from that same location the Dynamics must have been such that it kind of redirected to towards the earth a little bit more and so we have already a one two Punch coming in we had the first punch hitting right now we have this second one coming in around the 28th and the solar flux right now is insane if you look at sunspots it just absolutely Bonkers but first let’s look at these flares uh because that is really a key component of all this so if I go here oh it popped up a few times um here we go now this will show us both of our flares and so here is our first one our 3.3 X class FL see the location of that that’s 3869 just now rotating in then we have a bit of quiet there. Before we get our next 1.8x class Flare from 3872 but really I this is all just one big cluster of sunspots so you can start to put different labels on them but really we’re just talking about what I’ve been calling Big Daddy this is Big Daddy and the thing with big daddy is that he has put out a whole bunch of solar flux up here too and new solar flux there really rapidly in just the past 24 hours a whole bunch of new sunspots have formed and so it’s really like this big push to solar energy coming out these first two flares are just from the inherent dynamics of this Sunspot cluster now we have all this new solar energy being pushed out of the sun we see that with our intensity gram we’ll look at that next and that is indicative of there being a really big solar flare coming or a sequence of them again. These were from that pretty Far Eastern limb they’re going to be rotating here soon so right once like once the Sunspot cluster is really in this Zone I think that’s when we’re going to see this really big push either a whole bunch of flares or we could get something that is really high up there in the xass rating um I mean it’s possible to get super flare let’s look at the intensity gram so you can see what I’m talking about because it’s just it’s just really insane um and I just need to pull that up so here we go and we also see our sunspots so I want to start with the sunspots first actually. Here is where we had our October Peak this is pretty close to all-time high for sunspots for solar cycle 25 if you get over 200 you have a strong solar cycle the average Sunspot number for a solar cycle for the maximum is about 175 so we had really high sunspots in August we set that count for the entire month of August at 214 or so then o uh then October had this return to this pretty high value but then it dipped down but as I was saying very likely to continue back up and look at how fast it came up this time okay so there’s our Sunspot count now. Let’s look at our intensity gram here going from the 23rd to 26th here is the Sunspot cluster but look at all these sunspots that open up here right there see that see those two boom really quickly and so we already have a tremendous amount of solar flux here with this big Sunspot cluster rotating through Big Daddy but now we have flux also popping up just above it and also pretty far up in the northern hemisphere so this Sunspot group that’s pumping up right there is going to make that whole region more Dynamic and unstable because all these magnetic fields interact together. This one’s quite a bit further up uh and so I mean it could do it own flaring and everything but it’s not really probably going to be interacting with this Sunspot cluster there though clearly they are related cuz that solar flux is pushing at the same time but if this really continues to grow and develop there then this could destabilize that whole cluster and we know as a tremendous amount of energy because of how close all these cores are together they are all locked really close together and we’ve been getting those X class fers from them so and they’ve been long duration too that’s the thing it’s not like it’s just been this really quick Peak it’s been this long duration flare um and so let’s we’ll come back to this but I want to show you I want to show you that that x-ray flux specifically because this is important. Here we have and I think I can zoom in one more time yeah okay um and also get a sip of coffee this is the herb coffee by the way which is half coffee then it’s trickery root dandelion root and cha mushroom so during these sort of heighten energies if you still would like to enjoy your coffee but not get too burned out not too much cortisol then you can drink herb coffee I have on my website wildre store go check it out. I know you will love it all organic I mix it myself so here we have our x-ray flux for the past seven days and we see how things were uh quiet and then we got this first flare right as that Sunspot cluster rotated in this is at 3.3 so you see that it is a higher High x-class rating than this one but look at the duration it is slightly less that’s still a pretty good long duration flare right a pretty shallow slope but this one look at the peak there and then also flaring on top of that too so if we punch in on our one day check this out this is right when I was going to sleep here when I was making my YouTube post if you saw that it was a 9.5 mclass flare and it started to go down and then it strengthened up into a 1.8x class flare and so you see that it’s not like it’s never happened before but that goes to show you that there is some like staining power with this Sunspot. You know it’s not just sometimes you get these flares that go straight up straight down it’s a temporary little release and that’s it um but this right there is clearly showing that there is just a tremendous amount of power here being released and then you get this like pumping up there too so there’s this momentum consider the momentum right now right I mean we just see across reality right we have these waves in waves out and right now there’s just a tremendous amount of momentum behind what the sun is doing this solar flip and so that is really really uh quite significant because this and yeah we’ll look at this next because this is going to I think lead into a very big solar storm sequence either from a single flare that’s really big or something that’s smaller I mean the question that Paul is asking is when do you think a Carrington event will occur I mean this this Sunspot group could very well trigger a Carrington event that sort of super strong solar storm it’s possible there’s no reason why it couldn’t looking at the characteristics of the Sunspot group it has everything needed now whether that will occur that’s a different story but we see the oppositions occurring between Jupiter and Venus we see it occurring between Pluto and Mars on November 3rd and so we just know that in our background planetary resonances in our archetypal Energy Information field that there is just a lot of tense aspects building right now. It’s only the what the 26th of October it’s not the 3D so we’re still like a week out from that we already have two of these big x-class flares right so this just once you study that stuff you start to maybe think okay at least there’s more evidence suggesting that this is just like the appetizer for the big big big main course and that is likely if that occurs that’s going to be more from that Earth direct Center Zone um so yeah I mean it’s just it’s just a lot of energy focusing happening right now on the earth because this is all on the earth facing side and then with those oppositions forget the astrology for example and those sort of archetypal influences you just literally have the Earth Caught in between these gravitational vectors and gravity is the weakest of the forces as compared to electromagnetism and the strong and the weak nuclear forces doesn’t mean it’s not significant Force right you wouldn’t want to jump off of a two-story building right that’s not a good thing to do so these gravitational vectors still have an influence especially in the solar system where outside of the planets you have very little gravitational uh Force right. Because you don’t have like a whole you don’t have thousands of planets all circling around and you don’t have massive asteroids everywhere like the asteroids are very spread out and so each one of these planets whether it’s a dwarf planet like Pluto or a big one like Jupiter they have significant gravitational influences in their local part of SpaceTime that they influence that’s why Pluto is able to have a moon like Sharon that’s like nearly half its size and a whole bunch of other moons it is the big dad in it’s part of its orbit right and so it captures everything near it same with Jupiter Saturn that’s why they have dozens and dozens and dozens of moons because they have a really significant gravitational effect on that area well gravity does Decay with the inverse Square law but still it’s going to be stronger than background normal gravitational fields when you have this alignment so we have that occuring November 3rd so you don’t even have to get into the astrology but you study that as well and well it makes you think a little bit. So um just let me let me go back uh to our data here because I think there’s a bit more I want to show you uh oh yeah so here is our proton flux Let me refresh this and this is coming in from both of the x-class flares and Cal Mass ejections so we saw a really slow ramp up from that 3.3 x-class flare and then we see it really spiking up there and that’s because that storm is coming in right now but also because of that 1.8x class flare and so we see some of these actually starting to go down see that heavier 50 megga electron volt proton data starting to go down that’s indicative that that first chronal mass ejection has hit but now we see the 10 megga electron volt one starting to go up again we’ll see how that continues but that could be indicative of now the second solar storm influencing the proton flux but we have that G3 we had that G3 geomagnetic storm the S3 proton radiation storm and the G4 geomagnetic storm back early in October about two weeks ago that supercharged the planet the Earth is still supercharged from that. I made that video on the radiation belts how we’re going to go from two radiation belts very likely to three or four as a result that takes like four to 6 weeks to unfold so we already have an enhancement in our radiation belts and we’re seeing that very clearly with electron flux if you had subscribed and watched prior videos just from the past week you would see we went through that data how the electron flux is still elevated actually it’s at its highest right now after that sequence of the G3 Storm S3 proton radiation storm G4 storm now we have further enhancements because where are we measuring this we’re measuring this in the radiation belts at 5.6 Earth radi that’s actually where protons don’t like to hang out that’s the outer radiation belt that’s the electron radiation belt and then you get protons in the inner radiation belt and right now we have a ton of electrons in the inner radiation belt in addition to the outer radiation belt because of that whole sequence two weeks ago which really supercharged the planet and now we’re seeing proton flux increase in the outer radiation belt because it’s streaming into our plasmasphere from the solar wind from these two back to back x-class flares and so we have we were like if this is the appetizer or this is the warmup. Then by God what does the main course look like because things are going crazy um could all this energy activate our DNA completely so there’s a whole bunch of different like ideas and theories out there in terms of DNA and if we connected to Ascension things of that nature crystallin DNA but DNA effectively is very conductive and so it has the ability conduct charge thank you for the super thanks Kevin um appreciate you as well and it’s also a fractal antenna because has this self-similar design so you take a small little chunk of DNA and it has this certain structure to it and when you scale it up it gets bigger and bigger but it retains that design so it’s able to connect to electromagnetic frequencies across the entire light spectrum and so when you have all this solar energy coming in DNA is just one component that is connecting to that but what we see is that when you have these charge carriers like electron going to different parts of DNA they activate DNA differently they’ll trigger stress response proteins or there’s different mechanisms there is also kind of a idea SL theory of how DNA even kind of works like. How does DNA like what governs which part of the DNA is transcribed by RNA well, could be charge accumulation that you actually have electrons accumulating and kind of vibrating resonating in different parts of DNA and that attracts then the Messager RNA to go there transcribe that and then produce that protein and so that could all very well be. That that’s my intuition that I think uh my intuition suggests that for me at least um but that it would all be based on electromagnetic principles and so you get more energy coming in from the Sun yeah you’re going to supercharge all that um and then also yeah of course our Consciousness has a a big big big uh just a big influence over our health our wellness and everything about us right what do you believe uh let’s update our solar wind model I don’t think no what’s going to have released it yet uh I do have the NASA model did I um I do yeah so let’s look at the NASA model for this new uh solar storm that we got coming in and I think this is also not that accurate. We see it sweeping out here and we see it’s just a weak flank impact again there on Earth in yellow and so I mean I think sometimes these people are and God bless but they are so focused on the models that they don’t spend time actually just looking at the imagery and seeing the shock wave come out like I think sometimes they just put this in super quick and they spend all their time looking here and they’re not looking at the chronograph uh and so I mean they’re showing this come in uh early on the 28th UTC time I think it’s going to be later than that uh the last one came in later uh they’ve consistently been forecasting them a little too early recently and so I expect more like late on the 28th universal time uh thank you Richard for the super thanks that’s awesome God bless um so just keep that in mind but they we do have that model from them um and here’s our chronograph again just let’s just watch this one more time look at how much this is the first one we already have solar wind strength at the 22 nesla from that now let’s look at this next one bigger batter meor right here and it pumps out oh there we go that is much more significant than the first one still a lopsided full Halo but I mean you look at that you can still see how there is a big push of energy coming right towards the Earth but if you’re not I don’t know if you’re just not looking at that you’re just you’re going to think it’s not even going to hit the Earth right some of these models came out for the first one showing like no impact how is there no impact when you have a full Halo coming off of that you definitely have some component now is most of it going there yeah most of it’s going there but we see quite a significant component headed towards Earth from both of these the first one’s already impacted second one’s coming in on the 28th that’s expected maybe the 29th I think probably late on the 28th and both of those are going to you could say kind of warm up and get the Earth unsettled and shaken up before perhaps really big solar storms come in. Uh after that because and I don’t know but just based on our intensity gr data you can look at that once more just based on this Sunspot group rotating through and all this solar flux pushing out there just in the past 12 hours I think we got some really big solar flares and solar storms coming yeah something’s cooking. Something’s Cooking um so that’s just why I’m reporting on I’m just letting you guys know I I you know I hope I’m not right but just looking at all the different factors I think it’s good to be aware uh prepared especially if you’re bi electrically sensitive make sure you’re doing a lot of earthing and grounding um you know make sure you are uh you know doing what you need to be healthy de-stressing taking stuff off of your workload if you can uh deep breathing you know getting ready so if you do get sick or something you have what you need on hand to get over that quickly like let’s say Elderberry lozenges or something like that I mean I have my fruit tea on wildre um that is great for your immunity so you can drink that and it also satisfies that sweet tooth when these energies come in your metabolism gets ramped up it also interacts with your microbiome and so um that could really let’s go here that interacts with your microbiome and bacteria have a really strong connection to these sort of energies and so it can cause microbiome disbiosis and overgrowths and things of this nature so be very mindful that because they have a huge influence over our mood or our emotions like serotonin 90% of it’s produced in the gut. Um and that that is really important so be mindful of your diet maybe fasting if you if you feel called to do that drinking good clean Spring Water um all that’s really important during these heighten Cellar activities most of our bio electricity’s in the gut most of our immune systems in the gut most inflammation in our body is produced in the gut um whether if you have just like inflammation normally is produced through digestion but it’s a manageable amount and the body you know needs to digest food for energy so it’s like okay we we’ll take the inflammation but if you have any sort of disbiosis or IBS or things this nature it’s too much inflammation then it can cause problems all over you know skin problems are linked to the gut the microbiome gut brain Consciousness axis so brain fog and chronic fatigue all that goes back to gut health. I wrote a whole book on this I had a 10-year gut health Journey from 20 to 30 because it’s kind of a karmic thing in my family so if you want some education and help with that you can get the holistic gut health guide also on my website this is why I produce all this stuff for you guys because it’s all connected together um so yeah we’ll open up the question and answer and uh I did see one question uh that’s been coming a few times about how do we support our pets during this solar activity so let me get into that. I mean there’s a few ways to support your pets uh in general I would say you know give them probably higher quality food than maybe normal if you’re just giving them kibble maybe give them something a little better than that during that time uh also pets um like let’s say dogs and cats you know they have their own energy field as we do and so spending more time with them and combining your energy Fields can be beneficial for both of you. It’s a little bit more grounding to stay in coherence with that that kind of like what they sh show with uh From The Heart maath Institute is that if you hold on to compassion and love in your mind and you’re meditating that your heart field all of a sudden becomes coherent in a regular S Wave in activity and so spending time just like let’s say on the couch with your dog and like holding on to that compassion love energy will bring both of your biofields into coherence which will help you write out these energies to a much greater degree. Also just in general if you’re in the United States and also Europe now too um you know C C BD is great for really calming pets down it’s not psychoactive but they have all these CBD like dog treats and maybe cat treats too I don’t know but I know definitely for dog treats that is really effective helps them to they they’re you know they’re more energetic typically so gets their kind of anxiety down because it can bring up anxiety and all that so yeah be um be mindful of your pets during this whole right now during the storm that we have coming in but also during this whole big sequence um looks like the big one’s going to hit the west coast and create a global disaster who knows we don’t know um we have some more questions up here. Do you yeah open question and answer for anyone that’s watching um do you see the rapid increase in earthquakes um yeah we’ve had some earthquakes recently I mean I have been watching that so we can go over there really quick I don’t know why it’s not showing up on this one but I actually have the earthquake set up here and let me set this to seven days. I guess this one now I will say I will say that there are people for example on YouTube that track these earthquakes and they released a video about huge increase in earthquake activity in California when there’s like a magnitude three or something or like a magnitude 3.9 or it’s like folks if it’s not over magnitud 5 I really wouldn’t worry about it or even think about it because a magnitude 5 can give you a good rattle but if you’re not like even over magnitude 4.5 you could say if you’re in that like three range those happen all the time for example up in the geysers I mean look there’s one right there up in the geysers we get earthquakes like that all the time that’s a 2.6 often we get threes it’s because there’s hydrothermal activity up there and so California is all always always getting magnitude threes and magnitude fors and it’s not a sign of increasing earthquake activity in terms of like a big one coming. Now what is interesting about this is that we we’ve seen a whole bunch of earthquakes from this like Cascadia seduction Zone recently um if I go to the 30-day those should pop up yeah so here’s our 30-day and we see this magnitude I think it’s a magnitude five and then this was a magnitude 5.1 so there was a magnitude six that was that popped off in this area as well um I guess I have to go a little further back than 30 days for that but there was uh recently uh a magnitude 6 right in this area magnitude 5 so there is more activity in this Cascadia abduction Zone recently. Then we have had this sequence right here um near the border of California and Ne Nevada and I think it’s like stovepipe Wells I can turn on the um satellite view so right here in the extensional Basin that comes after the Sierra Nevada. We we’ve had some magnitude four earthquakes there um so that that’s interesting in but if we go to I want to go back to our 7day here and those just occurred like in the past 36 hours or so this is this is all accommodating plate motion that the San Andreas doesn’t accommodate because most of the plate motion uh between the Pacific and North American is like 70% through the San Andreas but we do get a lot through the Garlock fault which runs up like this then also we do get extensional Dynamics occurring all throughout there which is why the battle lands look the way that they do um and so there I mean yeah there has been quite a few earthquakes recently uh but is there a big one coming hard to say uh I would think if I had to placed bets I would say a big one would be much more likely during the descending phase of solar cycle 25 or during solar minimum so that’ be like 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 uh I think that’s when it’s more likely uh a lot of people are looking at 2025 though because of Uranus and Taurus um and Uranus connected Earth earthquakes and volcanoes and right when it’s going to exit that might be when we see a big pop off.Who knows the world’s a big place though it’s more than just the uh the Earth like the you know West Coast that gets earthquakes here’s the entire ring of fire so we see all these um I’m a little bit behind now. The questions uh what were the highest solar flare moments of the last 10 years overall Peak moments that occurred just this month with the X what was it 9.1 solar flare that’s the strongest of a long time. I think about the past 10 years or so and so um yeah it’s really strong solar activity right now is solar cycle 25 and that’s not letting up anytime soon as we see with just what’s happening uh really big pushes of energy. I need an assistant uh I do need an insistent um and so yeah just I also wanted to talk a little bit about what solar energy represents um with the more spiritual dimension of it because the sun is connected to Christ Consciousness it’s connected to our solar plexus also connected to our heart it’s connected to Archangel St Michael and so when you have this big increase in solar energy you are having thank you Lee for the super thanks um that’s awesome yeah thank you appreciate that so when you get this big increase in solar energy you are getting this big push of Divine Light coming into the planet that’s what I believe that’s what a lot of people believe there’s a lot of evidence for that um and so that that exposes a lot of Darker energies you can say and I was watching this documentary just yesterday on the Kelts and how they thought in trinities rather than black and white so I don’t think just in black and white actually don’t want to think in any really specific Paradigm but they would see black white and gray for example and so you have this solar energy and light coming in exposing some of these darker uh you could say more evil things but just in general bringing things to light you know Shining Light into these dark these dark places and then purifying them right it’s like a purifying process which is something that we desperately need. To ago because there are a lot of these energies that have been in our sphere in our Earth and also in our local environments um that have greatly affected us and families and societies communities you know governments and entire countries um dark influences you could say and so the dream that I had two nights ago which I found absolutely fascinating was that I was outside this house and I saw this lady walking up the stairs and she was about to go into the house and I said okay well you know before you go into the house keep in mind that it’s like crawling with entities and so let me go ahead and deal with that so long as I go in there with you like it’ll be fine so we walk into the house together and as I’m walking through the house I’m calling upon Archangel St Michael to cleanse and purify the entire house and to and to basically move these entities out and so I’m going through and just saying very proclaiming very loudly and authoritatively like you need to leave it’s time for you to go you are no longer uh welcome in this house. The way you are you need to be purified to go back to Source all this stuff and there’s no wiggle room no doubt and no debate like oh well you know maybe it’s like no it’s like time to go got through the house and these entities were really interesting there was like five of them it was a family it was a husband and a wife and then like three girls and so they all kind of like they were coming out of the closet and all this stuff and they finally got out because they were hiding away and they finally got out and walked down the hallway and right as they walked out of the door they transformed into like a normal healthy happy family and I actually put my hand on the guy’s head he was bald the husband and said I like I St Michael purifies you and you are now whole and healed again and he went through this transformation became like a normal you know normal healthy guy again and as they walked away they all turned and waved and I think that’s very much what’s occurring at this moment in time I think a lot of things a lot of people a lot of places are going to go through that solar purification and we can be the ones that deliver that like we have the sun here we have Christ Consciousness and we have the power and support of Archangel St Michael but we need to evoke that right we need to be that Messenger to bring that and to manifest that to be that creator that does that using our Voice using Our intention using our will and so this is all latent energy and potential that exists there and here in general it is up to us to walk through that house and to purify it. That is our calling that is our mission that is what I believe right now and so that is also kind of more the esoteric spiritual concept right now with what’s happening this is like our wakeup call with these first two right giving us this information and bringing this to our awareness I’m just a messenger for this and then perhaps if we get a really big solar push that is when we can really have the energy to enact a tremendous amount of change and that’s very likely to occur. I think again based on those planetary oppositions and just in general the energies of the time it’s not those oppositions we also have Pluto sextile Neptune we have next year Saturn conjunct uh Neptune and that is going to happen also in 2026 we have some really crazy energies happening right now between all the outer planets Pluto Neptune Uranus and um and yeah those three really they’re all really tightly configured um and so there’s just a tremendous amount of AR type will change the dwarf plants are doing some really significant stuff sna for example is at is approaching her closest point in the solar system her perhelion for her 1,400 years cycle. Last time sna got this close was when we went from the younger dras into the pre potery Neolithic we see monuments and temples pop up like gockley Tey which kind of marked the beginning of human civilization as we know it and so what is this return of sedna if that is a trend right that’s a cyclical thing what’s this return of sedna mean in 2076 when she’s at her perhelion like this could be a massive massive change that we are undergoing right now we’re at the beginning of it but we get this big solar push to really wake us up at this moment in time um and so just expect the unexpected I would not be surprised to see some really big developments uh in terms of let’s say us politics. We won’t touch on it but that’s all I’ll say I would not be surprised like really big developments like gr like Earth shattering developments there I would not be surprised um especially with all this solar energy look to solar figures uh and see what they’re doing uh and just keep it just keep a it’ll make itself known if there any big change uh Dynamic change to a really big solar figure we’ll know we also see uh really significant developments with the economy just to touch on it quickly again I don’t know the future uh but what we saw is when Pluto moved into Capricorn in 2008 boom we got the fiscal crisis right the Great Recession and that was because there was a collapse of the euro dollar system and so this is effectively just a a way of accounting for money across the globe all the different banks it’s this Ledger system that exists between all these International Banks and it wasn’t just a subprime mortgage crisis where you had all these mortgages that were being given out like candy it was that plus a whole bunch of other things that were also very um wild and crazy and not really secure and you could say like stable right it was just all these it was like the wild west you could say so it wasn’t just subprime mortgages that caused this great financial crisis in 2008 it was all this other stuff too very speculative uh Investments that don’t have much behind them right that was when Pluto first moved into Capricorn in 2008 now we have Pluto like in the next like two weeks or next month moving out of Capricorn for the final time when we saw Pluto move into Aquarius for the first time just a couple years ago that’s when we had a couple bank failures in the United States and so it the astrology is suggesting doesn’t mean it’s going to happen but the astrology is suggesting that there could be a big economic crisis as Pluto moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius because the first time we moved into Aquarius we had a couple bank failures they were super overleveraged now we get the final move into Aquarius at the beginning and we get the final exit out of Capricorn and so all those are indicating some really big shocks perhaps to our economy globally . And that’s further supported by why I mean for example we get all these world leaders meeting up for bricks right they want to create their own Ledger money system because we know that the euro dollar system is fundamentally still broken after 2008 we never really fixed it and so we are still living in that Paradigm but we’re about to exit that and finally come into a new era so just you know stay stay attuned to your spirit and living your highest vibration everything will work out for you I believe that um question from movie clips uh is will we see Aurora in the UK anytime soon uh I don’t I mean maybe if you’re up in Scotland or the orne islands you’ll see some from these storms that are coming in right now but in terms of the United Kingdom I would say we’re going to need another big G4 G5 storm for that um and that’s very well possible. If we get some really big storm com in from the Sunspot cluster so uh yeah that that’s really that is possible uh but it’s hard to give you like a specific date because we just haven’t had that Mega storm yet um massive changes in 2025 yep um I think there were some other questions up here too just want to make sure I get them all um okay yes so uh yeah. I just that’s just the update for you all today I hope you’ve all appreciated that let’s look at our solar wind one more time and then I’m going to get those sound bowls and we’re going to do a little bit of a a sound healing for you all um so here we go let’s just see what’s happened with our solar wind we can also look at our geomagnetic indices here so solar wind WR but because it hasn’t flipped Southward we still haven’t entered into a storm that is what matters with uh with these impacts. I mean now we’re starting to get here we go now we’re starting to get these characteristics needed for a geomagnetic storm see that it’s 22 and -12 right we’re just now entering into let’s go to the six hour view even like the two-hour view let’s look at the two-hour view it doesn’t show two hours here’s our six hour view this is all delayed by about an hour because we’re collecting this at the L1 L gr point so 1% of the distance to the Sun and so uh if this starts to really flip to that Southward component that’s when that storm is going to start G1 G2 I think I think if it flips and goes down to these lower negative values I think G3 is what is what we’ll have cuz now we’re seeing 22 and the strength is quite up there and that’s what I said G2 or G3 storm so we’ll find out unlikely to go G4 uh this is that chal mass ejection shock right there we see that pump up um but the other thing too to keep in mind is that these are long duration flares if you go to our x-ray flux again I mean just check this out this is a long duration so when you get this short little Spike the CHR M ejection kind of impacts and that’s it but when you get this long duration there’s more power behind it it takes a longer time to pass through and that’s also the case too when you have these flares off the side it’s kind of this longer duration sweep by so we’re just at the beginning of this geostorm right now uh again it hasn’t triggered any significant volatility Earth magnetic field but if it flips it will so yes. A couple more questions wouldn’t people in the polar regions be more susceptible to any effects of CMEs due to weaker magnetic fields in the poles yes absolutely uh the magnetic field fi swings are much greater in the high latitude regions and so I would suspect that they would have these effects more often in terms of like let’s say like health and wellness effects uh from that uh what but there’s more than just that though but that is an important component what are your suggestions to someone who is sensitive to the flares and storms how to handle them ways to minimize the notop pleasant effects. I have an entire video on that Sunshine so if you go to my channel I guess I could pull it up now um I guess this is you’ll see my back end but uh here it is health effects of Rapid solar changes this is the video to watch um and this will solar activity has been this this one right here will get you completely up to date with what is happening so give that a watch. Is there any connection between all this Cosmic upheaval and harp and G engineering so um it’s interesting having studied into harp and read a lot of research papers on harp seeing the really big increase in people talking about HARP just over the past I would say month or so uh so I don’t know why I mean we had those hurricanes um and I’ve even seen my video on harp just all of a sudden have this boost in views as a result um so do we do engineering yes we absolutely do uh there’s active geoengineering on the planet um we go back to here uh and it’s been going on for decades like decades and decades they had geoengineering experiments going back to the 20s and the 30s my opinion on this is that we are not geoengineering as much as a lot of people think. We are like some people think that literally everything is controlled by geoengineering every single weather pattern and system every single Cloud you see that’s just clearly not true that’s just a a type of psychosis that people have entered into where and this is common where people think the sun is fake and all this stuff is because they think that God is like omnipotent or like humans are omnipotent like God and you know it’s just like this crater psychosis or something you know we do a lot of stuff we influence the planet in big ways but we also are still not the biggest influence the sun is the biggest the biggest influence the Earth herself has a lot of things that she does right um so harp for example you know that’s just one of these um ionosphere heaters that can create this ionized channel in the ionosphere and inject this wave energy out into the magnetosphere and cause ion precipitation. It only works if you already have a lot of ions up in the radiation belts which we do right now but you open up these channels they come down and you can cause certain effects they’ve shown how you can increase the Shuma resonances just in that local area very to a minor degree but you can influence them using harp is like the one up in Alaska is 9 million megawatt megawatts or just yeah 9 million watts in strength and so it’s quite a lot but like one lightning strike is more than that uh and so we have to put these things in perspective now there’s a whole bunch of these uh harp type installations around the world I think it’s really dumb that we do this sort of research because we’re altering the geophysics of the planet in a way that we don’t fully understand but in terms of are we using harp and Je engineering to steer hurricanes around and things that nature I don’t think we’re doing that I think an example of engineering got geoengineering got wrong is what happened in Dubai where they were cloud seeding and then all of a sudden we had a system come in and then it gave them this big super heavy rainfall and flooding um but I don’t think we’re steering hurricanes around to displace people now there have been some weird things though like the wildfires in Maui are weird and the locals a lot of the locals there they reported that it’s like hey this was not like a normal Wildfire so again like I don’t have the answers to everything uh I just don’t think that we are in control of literally every aspect of our weather and Society and we know that the physical limitations of harp um they’re just it’s not as powerful as people think it is um so thank you Jesse for the super thanks for the um for the quidd two quid awesome. Can you explain what sunspots actually are and why are they so highly active right now what’s the difference between solar flares and chronal mass ejections yeah um then we’ll do sound healing I want to get a sip of coffee first too before that um by the way spirituality is in stock and I shipped out all the orders that came in just over the past couple of days so those people are going to get this before um Halloween and so if You’ like to get spirituality before Halloween that I would recommend you order like today because I can probably package that up and ship it out for you uh but this is blue lus flower mugw work cam meal and passion flower really good at activating your parasympathetic nervous system so will help you with all the solar activity but also activates your third eye and lets you connect to these energies in the more five-dimensional space and pull in that energy and information and Consciousness from the sun from the earth from the cosmos and so not only does like something like spirituality help you to write out these waves of increasing energy better enhances your intuition um just in general is good for your health and wellness and will give you those kind of uploads from all these other sources. The Sun the Earth Cosmos that can really be lifechanging in significant ways enhances your dreams uh really good for meditation all those things if you pick it up soon you may even have it by time for Halloween depends on where you live. So sunspots are where there is magnetic flux being pushed out of the Sun and typically it’ll go like this and it’ll spread apart and so that’s what you see actually happening with these two new sunspots right here let’s look at that one kind of going like that so you have this new flux bundle pushing out of the Sun and then it releases and you get this connection to the magnetic fields to create a solar flare and that connection is so explosive that it then pushes out a whole bunch of material from the surface of the Sun and in that Corona region creating a chronal mass ejection and now you have all these solar particles accelerated creating this shock wave that travels out now this is why this Sunspot group here is so significant because typically you have this solar flux push out and move apart and eventually kind of the just dissolves right. Eventually the flux bundle pushes out just like this this Sunspot group here has been locked and trapped and Frozen now like Frozen for a really long time for more than a month and as a result of it all being so clustered together it’s able to disc continuously release these solar flares and they’ve been big solar flares we had four EX class flares the last time this Sunspot cluster was on the earth facing side and it opened up on the earth facing side so it did not make an entire Transit it started like right around here or so and then developed we’ve already had two x-class flares from it it’s only as you see going to right here so far so this could be like the record breaker Sunspot for solar cycle 25 thus far I would not be surprised if you get like six or eight or 10 xass flares from this. I would not be surprised you ready have two and now with this solar flux there opening up I really could see that having a rapid sequence of high energy solar flares that push out just a machine gun of chronal mass rejections over the next week or so. So yeah the next week’s going to be insane uh almost certainly we don’t know we don’t know but all signs are pointing towards it being insane especially this new flux pumping up there um there’s some more questions uh research the theory of a 13mon year yeah a year based on lunar cycles would be much better than uh this hollow Earth theory electric Universe. I mean basically electric universe is a little bit of a cult but it they’re on the right track and understanding that there’s a lot of electrodynamics that play with our universe but it I mean I’m talking electric Universe all the time but I don’t feel the need to say this is electric universe theory and point out those people or groups uh because again everyone’s just so cultish nowadays. It’s like just what’s the information just present that so yeah there’s you know our universe is electric it’s electromagnetic um primarily that’s that’s one of the dominant fundamental forces gravity and electromagnetism at the Scale of the Universe are the big ones um as far as we know in terms of Hollow Earth uh I don’t I don’t think the Earth is hollow we have seismic measurements for that um showing we just don’t have any evidence that the is hollow uh like in terms of you know what we saw with King Kong and what was it Godzilla they’re fighting in like inner earth like there’s just no evidence for that um so let me pull yeah let me pull out the uh the Bulls and we’ll just do a little bit of sound healing and um and then move on from there okay. Got a couple of them this is the uh solar plexus one this one’s awesome and then I also have a third eye one here which is insane this one’s so good and there’s one more and that is a Tibetan Bowl for the root chakra note C uh but we’ll start with the let’s start with the solar plexus one here. And uh I may have to turn the volume down on my microphone or else it may be way too intense so just uh hang tight just hang tight thank you um thank you for the super thanks okay for just want to get rearranged here really quick so one moment this should be better. I would like just to share a little story with this one thank you for the uh super thanks uh nvoy baa um this one was on discount because it had these cracks in the bottom as you see there but it actually is like the best Bowl in terms of the sound production all the others they just didn’t make the best sound and so I bought this one it was great I love it and it’s kind of like even though we may have our defects sometimes that’s actually what makes us the best. That was just kind of like the little message I got from this one I I just feel so much love from this singing Bowl here for the third eye uh even though it has these non these superficial marks on the bottom it makes the best sound absolutely so let’s get that one going for oh oh oh. I call on the energy of Christ Yeshua Jesus and Archangel St Michael to purify this planet and to help us receive these solar energies and to integrate them to our highest good and to bring our higher Spirit into our bodies to channel this energy towards our passions to unlock our creativity and bring in the Fifth Dimension to usher in the New Age of Aquarius which is also the age of Leo. To balance our chakras our energies our minds and to radiate this light out to all others around us to shine light into the darkness to purify it and to usher in a solar Revolution to protect us during Stormy Weather chaotic times but to liberate us and to use those more Dynamic periods and to bring in opportunities that benefit us and all mankind. To help us be receptive and to receive your guidance and wisdom and love and carry us forward to help this Earth become a paradise to help her regrow become Bountiful even more so than she is now to unite The Divided masculine and feminine energies into a single unified hole. To awaken the inner light and fire and people around the world so I’m now going to spend a little bit of time on the third eye that was a lot of uh solar plexus that’s why I call them and St Michael but I’m going to spend some time now just on the third eye and so I recommend if you can to find a nice comfortable seated position and to close your eyes and to engage with your third eye Focus right here and it may take some time to really feel that because often like you think you’re focusing there and then eventually it clicks it’s like a Magic Eye kind of when you’re looking at these images and all of a sudden it clicks into Focus so just keep focusing there until you get that optimal kind of psychic gaze where you almost feel like you can see everything around you even though your eyes are closed and just enjoy this third eye sound bath. oh oh oh ohoh with your focus on your third eye what do you envision not in the future but now in the present what do you manifest and create instantly? In This Moment manifestation is a process that can take time it can also happen instantly. I Envision peace for all people on this planet for us to recognize our universality Universal universality how we are all connected together how we are one but what do you envision in your life for those you care for your community and the World At Large for all the other life forms interdimensional beings that surround us many of them here to guide us and to protect us send them your thanks and appreciation give your blessing to God where can you show more gratitude let Les asking and more thanks appreciation and faith knowing that it will all work out as it’s meant to and what’s to be will be embrace your power of creation we were created not only in the image of God but with his power too. For us to unlock and use responsibly with Consciousness that is what this solar energy is coming in and doing what do you see with your third eye what Visions come to you what do you feel. Yeah these bows are very nice happy to Shar them with you I am going to start in accorporating these more in my videos doing a meditation at the end. A cosmic connection meditation and so if you make sure you watch my videos all the way through in the future you’ll find that five minute meditation at the end of each one or as often as I can because it’s important for us to not only be aware of what’s Happening so we can better utilize these energies but to actually utilize them and not be trapped in this information addiction but to take action and so I’m here to help you with that as best I can one step at a time Namaste Namaste Namaste. We will wrap up now again just a reminder you know I again action not just words action I have the spirituality I really feel like I’m being Guided by Spirit to make this and produce this and seeing the impact it’s had on so many people now and you know nothing in life is permanent I don’t know how long I’m going to be able to make these for if I need to start traveling again things get crazy whatever like I don’t know so this is a temporary perhaps? I hope not I hope it’s a long-term thing but it could be a temporary gift of the universe uh and so make sure you get some while you can because I can’t guarantee it’s going to be around forever. Um I’ll do my best to make that happen but we know that we have some crazy things lined up for the future that’s what that’s what it seems uh we should be prepared for that and um you know set your Vibe set your frequency be the thermostat not the thermometer and look Beyond The Duality and see the wholeness that exists that brings us all together and how even maybe divisive moments can be the trigger that brings about the change that’s needed. So don’t be afraid of these things um I don’t think there’s anything to be afraid of you know focus on your health your Wellness be H be well um that’s the foundation from there everything builds up so yes thank you for everyone that sent a super thanks during the whole sound healing for all your love and support thank you all so much. I will be back with more videos very soon I’m sure because of everything that’s happening um but I wanted to jump on live today CU I knew you would all enjoy I wanted to do this sound bath healing um and so there’ll be more of that these two bowls here are awesome. I tried all of them and these two really spoke solar plexus again I’ll show you solar plexus and also the third eye chakra and. I would give you the frequency but it’s on my phone I took a photo it’s on my phone but this one’s like 800 something Hertz this one is a little bit lower like six something so they’re way up there but they sound great so yeah keep shining bright keep doing your thing take some time for yourself Earth and grounding again the storm is just coming in right now we have another one coming in on the 28th and so we’re already in a heighten energy period And I think that’s going to really explode in the next week or so now is the time to be grounding and earthing and stabilizing your energies so these first couple waves don’t throw you off tilt so then you can write out the big ones which I think are likely to come in so with that I wish you all well and I’ll see you all very soon and just love light blessings namasteLinks;
One response to “Sun solar activity getting higher and higher, crazy?”
A collection of reproductions was constructed by American firm Legend Flyers (later Me 262 Undertaking) of Everett,