latest Med-bed’s publications online/alien contact/warning.

 Join us in this exciting video as we dive deep into the three distinct types of medbeds and their revolutionary capabilities!

From tissue regeneration to wellness enhancements, these advanced medical technologies are at the forefront of medical technology and intrigue.

We’ll explore the reported features and potential impacts of these medbeds.

As always, it’s important to approach such information with a critical mind.

Stay informed, stay curious, and join the conversation about the future of healthcare that everyone is waiting for.

You can further explore this amazing technology with the following videos:

Part 1 – Medbeds: The Future with Tesla MedBeds and Cutting-Edge Healing Technology –    • Revolutionizing Healthcare: The Futur…  

Harnessing Thought Energy: A dive into Biophysics & Quantum Dynamics    • Harnessing Thought Energy: A dive int…  

Hidden Power of Thoughts: Dr. Masaru Emoto’s Research on Water Crystals    • The  Hidden Power of Thoughts: Dr. Mas…   💡🌐 #Medbeds #HealthTech #FutureOfMedicine #health #medicine #quantumhealing #biophysics

There are no real time lines in respect to dates other than the promises. From what I did understand original they were being assembled inside the moon and a project of the Galactic Federation one of the alien forces currently intervene on planet earth/past?

From what I do understand it is free technology and any one use the principles? Enough now into the public domain that can be used, why wait?

Intro Have you ever wondered about the future of medical technology about the possibility of Med beds. Imagine a world where a full body scan diagnosis and treatment could all be done within a short span or where missing organs and aged tissues could be regenerated. Picture a world where memory and age regression therapy could revive your senses heal trauma and even reverse your body’s internal clock this is not science fiction but the potential reality of medical technology.

With the Advent of Med beds there are three main types of these technological wonders;

the holographic medbed that offers comprehensive diagnosis and treatment, the Regeneration medbed that provides tissue and organ regeneration and the Rejuvenation and regression bed that offers therapies to reverse aging and heal trauma. This is just the beginning of our journey into the future of medical technology let’s delve deeper into each of these revolutionary medical advancements first up we have have the holographic Medbed. The holographic medbed a Marvel of modern science this medbed is a blend of advanced artificial intelligence and the expertise of a physician it’s like having a personal high-tech medical team at your disposal promising complete healing now, imagine an MRI machine but without any harmful magnetic fields or radiation that’s what the holographic medbed looks like it’s equipped with SE through airtight operating Shields laser mirrors and comfortable limb rests. It also features computer control, controlled surgical arms and an advanced system for vitals diagnosis display and Analysis. The true magic of the holographic medbed lies in its ability to perform accurate life scans of the entire body it can diagnose and treat illnesses in a fraction of the time traditional methods take this is not just about speed but precision and thoroughness as well the holographic medbed is like a detective sleuthing through your body it can interpret neurological skin blood DNA organ bone muscle gland and hormonal deficiencies. It’s a comprehensive medical examination all from the comfort of a medbed what’s more the holographic medbed can also correct hereditary markers that lead to varied predisposed diseases it’s like rewriting your genetic code giving you a fresh start free from the shadow of hereditary diseases but that’s not all this medbed isn’t just for Diagnostics it’s also a surgeon it can perform surgeries using precise lasers eliminating the need for invasive procedures and their Associated risks. This is the future of medicine a world where diagnosis treatment and even surgery can be done quickly and accurately without the pain and recovery time of traditional methods all this is made possible by the holographic medbed. So what could this mean for you imagine a world where diagnosis and treatment of illnesses take only a short duration thanks to the holographic medbed a world where Medical Care is not just about treating symptoms but about complete healing that’s the promise of the holographic medbed.

Two or next we have the reneration Medbed. Regeneration medbed a Marvel of modern Medical Technology .

This extraordinary device employs resonance fields to regenerate missing organs and rejuvenate older tissues. Imagine a world where an injury or disease could rob you of an organ and in a short span that organ is regenerated in your own body. Sounds like science fiction doesn’t it but with the Regeneration medbed it’s science fact.

Let’s delve a little deeper into how this works the concept hinges on the power of resonance Fields these are essentially energetic patterns that help facilitate the healing process when these resonance Fields interact with our bodies they stimulate our cells to regenerate and repair themselves. It’s a bit like tuning an instrument to the perfect pitch in this case the instrument is our body and the perfect pitch is Optimal Health. So who stands to benefit from this Cutting Edge technology quite frankly anyone and everyone but it holds particular promise for individuals in need of organ transplantation skin grafting or reconstruction of severed or missing limbs it can literally give them a new lease on life. The Regeneration medbed represents a significant stride towards a future where we no longer have to rely on organ donations or artificial implants a future where organ transplantation or skin grafting is a thing of the past is not far off finally.

Rejuvenation Regression Medbed.

Last we have the Rejuvenation and regression bed this is a technological Marvel that goes beyond the Realms of what we traditionally understand as healthc care. This bed isn’t just about healing your body it’s about rejuvenating your entire being at its core the Rejuvenation and regression bed offers memory and age regression therapy it’s like a time machine for your cells taking them back to when they were at their Prime full of life and vitality it doesn’t just stop at cells. Though this technology has the power to heal senses that have faltered over time whether it’s your hearing sight or taste that’s been impaired by aging or trauma again you might be wondering who can benefit from the Rejuvenation and regression bed once again anyone and everyone if you’ve been through a traumatic event this bed could offer you relief by addressing post-traumatic stress disorder and other traumatic memory issues if you’re an older individual grappling with the natural process of Aging this bed could help to turn back time rejuvenating your body and mind the Rejuvenation and regression bed is more than just a med bed it’s a revolutionary approach to health and well-being. Offering a future where age is just a number and your past doesn’t have to Define your present. Imagine reversing your body’s internal clock and Reviving your youth these Med.


Beds have the potential to revolutionize Healthcare as we know it they are not just beds but sophisticated pieces of technology that can perform tasks from diagnosing illnesses performing surgeries to even regenerating missing body parts. Imagine a world where a visit to the doctor could involve a quick painless scan in a medbed resulting inaccurate diagnosis and targeted treatments these beds could potentially eliminate the need for evasive surgeries and long recovery times they could also help those who are currently on Long waiting lists for organ transplants by regenerating their own organs and let’s not forget about the Rejuvenation and regression beds that can turn back our body’s internal clock healing our senses and potentially reducing the effects of Aging. As we stand on the brink of this new era in medical technology we can only imagine what the future holds many and  you might be wondering when and how will these Med beds become a reality. Many sources say they are very close or perhaps even delayed from their original release date regarding cost while there may be commercially available Med beds sold before the release of the military grade beds all sources have said that they will be free once released and administered by the military until security can be assured. And eventually they will be released in hospitals as with all advancements there will be hurdles to overcome both Technical and ethical before Med beds become commonplace in hospitals also all sources say that assessment procedures have been established to assure that those in the most immediate need of help will be prioritized while the exact release timeline remains UNC. I’m committed to keeping you informed I’m also very enthusiastic about the potential of this Innovation and share your excitement there’s a link to other videos about this exciting technology in the description of the video so you’ll want to check that out for a deeper understanding of how energy works, don’t forget to like share and subscribe to stay updated on the future of medical technology get ready to move into a healthier and more advanced World until our next update stay healthy and keep the faith.

The alien intervention/warnings of others.

ET warning 7 et messages First message is that Earth is dying. The Terran ecology is in a state of middle-stage systemic collapse. It appears to many human scientists and governmental leaders that the situation is not too bad, but they are wrong. Over the next few years, if radical changes are not made in human practices harming the environment, there will be a cascading cumulative effect which will resemble what you humans might call an ecological meltdown. For example, the sea is losing its ability to sustain plankton, which form the basis for the oceanic food chain. The seasonal loss of radiation-shielding, which you call the Antarctic Ozone Hole, is actually occurring in several areas. These are growing in size continually. Eventually ultraviolet radiation will eliminate many food plants. All these catastrophes will result in numerous species die-offs, including even humans Your agricultural soils in many areas are laden with chemicals which your scientists do not label toxic, but which are. These chemicals are creating many wasting illnesses and mutations. There are groups of Earth scientists who know all these things. If humans do not listen to their warnings, and to ours, then the human race will not survive.   “Second message is that very serious hazardous events are going to occur over the next several years, Earth will experience many earthquakes, Escalating in severity to 9 and 10 on your magnitude scale and well beyond. There will be a widespread occurrence of old volcanoes erupting anew, and new ones forming where there were no volcanoes before. In many cases these earth movements will cause tidal waves of a size not seen before. There will also be subsidence of land masses in many places. In some cases, whole countries will disappear under the advancing sea. New human epidemic diseases of unprecedented virulence will emerge, taking many lives. AIDS and the outbreak of Pneumonic Hemorrhagic Fever are just beginning examples of this. The combined effect of the ecological damage and these cataclysms will cause great shifts in climates. Fertile lands will become desert. Heavy rainfall will occur where it never has before, and weather changes will become more extreme. These events will cause a significant proportion of the Earth’s human population to die off. We are willing to help, but we have foreseen that many humans will fear or ignore us and thus reject our help. “The third message is that all humans need to attune to what you call metaphysical aspects of reality. For examples There are four dimensions of space-time which your Conventional science currently accepts. It would be an improvement if you accepted even the twelve dimensions that a few of your advanced theoreticians have proposed, although there are more than twelve dimensions. You cannot understand us and our presence across hyper-dimensional space with your present crude attachment to only visible physical phenomena. Also, time, as your industrialized cultures understand it is an illusion. Some members of our Federation live in what you would consider your past or Your future time, yet they are available to make contact with you in the present. Another area which your materialistic cultures do not recognize is that thought is ‘Real’. Thought can cause things to happen. Thought helps create reality. If your world and ours are to truly meet, you must expand your understanding of reality in these and other areas. Our fourth message deals with spirituality. What we have to say about this matter Will be very difficult for many humans to accept. The Federation respects the spiritual strivings of most humans. However, many humans have allowed the structured forms of official religions to limit their understanding of true spirituality. Every conscious being in the Universe has a right to complete spiritual attainment. Because of this, we wish to share with you some of our spiritual understanding. What you call God is what we know as the Supreme Source of everything, and which is embedded in everything and in all processes. The closest human expression for this is ‘truth-consciousness.’ Truth-consciousness is everywhere. It is that which makes everything what it is, and integrates everything with everything else in the greater Whole. This truth-consciousness understands itself through the many levels of consciousness present in nature and underlying all reality. It extends from what you call inanimate objects to the most highly evolved sentient and intelligent beings, which no longer operate through a physical body. We respect the intelligent spark of this truth-consciousness in each human. It is that which makes us spiritual equals. And it is on that level of spiritual equality that we come here as your brothers and sisters, beings who share your respect for the divine. “Our fifth message will be no surprise to some of your government officials and military leaders, but it will present some concern to certain fearful humans. Over the millennia, there have been limited contacts with humans by some extraterrestrials in order to obtain reproductive material. The purpose has been to help create hybrid individuals. There have been a number of important reasons for this, which we will not go into detail about now. Suffice to say that there are thousands of alternatively developed persons whom you would call hybrids. Some are residing in ships out in space, or on our home planets. Several hundreds live on Earth, mostly in temporary underground shelter, waiting the day when humans are prepared to accept extraterrestrial presence and make them welcome on the surface. Some other few hundreds are living and walking about in your midst, undetected because of their close resemblance to you. We wish to present a request to your Earth government soon to permit these resident hybrids to emerge from hiding and live among you as fellow citizens. In return we will be prepared to accept certain numbers of Earth volunteers to take up residence on our planets. In both these ways, our understanding of each other can increase. We ask that, as a token of good faith, the United States government release to us the extraterrestrial individual known to them as EBE, when the ambassadors land again on February 15.” [Sixth message] . . . . It is my honor to inform you that the member worlds which make up the Interstellar Federation have decided to offer Earth membership in the Federation, that is, provided certain things happen. The Earth must be able to speak to the Federation with one voice. And your Earth government must make a formal request to receive member-planet status in the Federation. But there are preconditions to membership. The peoples of the Earth must renounce and destroy all their nuclear weapons. The Earth must have in place an effective global conflict-resolution mechanism, so that war is eliminated. The Earth government must guarantee the safety of all authorized extraterrestrial visitors to Earth. When these conditions are met membership in the Interstellar Federation can occur. . . . . “This seventh and last message must be passed on to all of the Earth’s leaders. We, the official representatives of the Interstellar Federation, request that Earth’s government designate its official ambassadors to meet with our ambassadors. We request that Earth’s government arrange for television and radio broadcast of this meeting worldwide. At this meeting the Federation ambassadors will present the formal invitation to join the Federation and to initiate formal cultural exchange. They will also present our formal request for permission for the establishment of a surface colony for hybrids, and for a guarantee of safety for extraterrestrials visiting Earth. This will be Earth’s opportunity to formally accept or reject contact with us.”

Humanity being sold and behind the current upheaval including WWW3 for dominance/execution’s of  the Sale.

A closing message to the people of earth by Branton. “The only reason the Grays have such a degree of dominance over you is because your elected officials stupidly made clandestine agreements with them, binding you to them in an exclusive alliance that is respected by other space races, allowing them to install themselves in underground bases impregnable to your weaponry, a situation you must now find a way to extricate ourselves from. (Note: In that the Grays have repeatedly violated these treaties, they should legally be considered null and void. In fact since the Executive branch of U.S. government was taken over by a fascist CIA coup d’etat in 1963 at the time of the John F. Kennedy assassination — AS WERE the governments of several other countries throughout the world where CIA backed military coups resulted in the establishment of fascist puppet dictatorships — should we not consider the Executive branch of government which made the ‘treaties‘ with the Greys, to be null and void as well? It certainly was not Congress who authorized such ‘treaties‘. – Branton), “In antiquity, this planet was divided into sectors between four different groups: Blonds, Grays, large lizard-like beings [now connected with] the Capella system, and beings [now connected with] the Arcturus system. These groups still consider themselves to be the owners of this planet. They do not recognize the human claim to ownership. However, some of us do recognize human rights, as well as the rights of other life-forms… “The Grays are having problems not only within their own ranks but also on other planets they have colonized. As a species, they are afflicted with severe, perhaps terminal, health problems (a weakness that can and should be exploited. – Branton). They have substantial captive populations of Blond, human and other prisoners of war, eager to join a revolt at the slightest opportunity… “One must be rational in attempting to fight back, and understand the proper way to proceed. Your own consciousness is the most potent weapon that is available to you at the present time. The most effective way to fight the Grays is to change the level of your consciousness from linear thinking to multi-dimensional awareness. Your secret weapon, your ace in the hole, is that you are not hive-minded collective thinkers, though many of you do fall into that category by conforming to conventional group-patterns, and are therefore easily controlled by the Grays. It is your INDIVIDUALITY which is your best weapon because it is the one weapon you have that the Grays do not have. The major weakness of the Grays, their area of vulnerability, their Achilles heel, is their inability to think as individuals. They are an extremely telepathic high-tech society, but as individuals, they are not creative thinkers. They take orders well, but they do not conceptualize well. They have the technology to throw your planet out of orbit, but there is one key ability that you have and they do not have: the ability to hold in mind imagery that inspires an individual to realize his or her direct personal connection to the source of ALL THAT IS, which is the ineffable Godhead, no matter what name you may call it. That is your key to victory…” Info? On ‘Branton’ It eventually became apparent to him that his focus should NOT be placed on any particular pharasitical neo- Masonic “church”, “denomination”, or “religion”, but rather on the savior, Jesus Christ, himself. He became aware of how he was being used and manipulated by the lord of darkness and his ‘hive’ of vampirial and parasitical followers, as a result of childhood ‘abductions’ and other factors, such as ‘alien implants’ – which the top leaders of many of these cultic Neo-Masonic organizations were aware of … and some of these secret society leaders were (and are) even reportedly in close contact with the darker ‘reptilian’ entities from beyond and within our world. So in the case of this individual, it’s as if each “personality” is integrated into its own mental “hemisphere“. I’m not too hot on how the mind works but I do know that each brain hemisphere can operate independently of the other and that people have had one hemisphere removed and go on and lead normal lives. Anyway, that’s the “scoop” on Branton. I know him personally but he is not interested in “fame” — just “fortune” 😉 … that is [seriously] donations ARE being accepted [ “alan de walton” @ “yahoo” . ‘com’ ] since all of this has taken a tremendous toll on the social and financial life of his “conscious” counterpart … who as you know has released all of his information freely and without asking for monetary reimbursement, since he felt that the release of the information was more important than his own financial well-being. But I think Branton wants everyone to know that if you’re waiting for the “government” to change things, the change will never come since the government has created a compartmentalized intelligence monster that has been infiltrated by malevolent alien influences [especially the NSA which has literally become an ALIEN Luciferian intelligence agency] and this structure has now ENSLAVED our government… everything is “out of control” [no longer under government control]. So, in the end, it will be INDIVIDUALS working TOGETHER and under DIVINE GUIDANCE who will win this battle, the Christian militias you might say. Yes, the battle WILL be won. That’s not the question. The question is how many of us will SURVIVE the final collisions. Conflict? Sincerely; Alan DeWalton  

Tell me why you are here?


Premiered on 19 Jan 2024 NIGHT SHIFT

Reed Summers writes and speaks extensively on the UFO/UAP issue and presents a comprehensive and logical framework for understanding.

Contact and human evolution in a universe of intelligent life. His body of work sheds light on the activities and agenda of the alien visitation occurring in the world and what is increasingly acknowledged as an Alien Intervention into human affairs. Reed presents critical information that unravels the mystery of why these beings are here, their actions, and the overarching purpose that propels their involvement in our world. His insights offer both a nuanced perspective on the intricate dynamics at play and deeper insight into the profound questions surrounding our human species interaction with other forms of intelligent life. If they’re not attacking us they must be here to help us right attack is equivalent to intent being negative or positive not true at all we have to up our intellectual game when it comes to thinking about contact with other forms of intelligent life I worry that this conversation about the possibility of an alien threat seems to be inhibited you know it’s almost like it’s taboo out of the gate and you know I hear this all the time that’s a fear-based response. We’re projecting our human fear on the visitors we need to be loving we need to embrace openness you know the universe is place of vast Consciousness and Oneness and here it is coming to us we need to be open to it okay that’s one side what about the other side it’s very possible that this Force is is a threat to us in the event that your encounters have become hostile would you have had the capability to defend yourself your crew your aircraft absolutely not Sor no personally I’m not leaning towards the these are benevolent concerned altruistic space visitors here to fix our planetary crisis there is some transactional intent to gain something for their own.

Benefit to intervene and involve themselves in human Affairs to some end do you believe uaps POS a Potential Threat to our national security yes you’re talking something that can go into space go someplace drop down in a matter of seconds do whatever it wants and leave and there’s nothing we can do about it nothing they are differentiated beings from that of the human species they’re not like us like we can agree on that right and so they likely have their own agenda even if it were not a destructive agenda.

there’s a super high likelihood it does not match our human agenda they don’t think like us they’re not war like but that doesn’t mean they’re here for a beneficial reason. Because they’re not destroying us does not mean they’re here to help us or that they don’t want the planet they may want the planet intact they may want us with it the infrastructure we built the global civilization we’ve established that took what how many thousands tens of thousands of years for the human species to get here right at this moment they want possibly all of it and so they’re not going to destroy they’re not going to attack they’re not going to overtake they’re going to influence if you don’t want people to act then prevent them from having the thought that would have impelled that action and to prevent them from having that thought prevent it first from arising and then from being strengthened or Amplified through conversation or dialogue with others.

I think it’s important that this go from being framed as an aerospace military threat to Being Framed as a human species.\par My next guest is Reed Summers Reed Summers writes and speaks extensively on the UFO UAP issue and presents a comprehensive and logical framework for Understanding contact and human evolution in a universe of intell ENT life his body of work sheds light on the activities and agenda of the alien visitation occurring in the world and what is increasingly acknowledged as an alien intervention into human Affairs Reed presents critical information that unravels the mystery of why these beings are here their actions and the overarching purpose that propels their involvement in our world his insights offer both a nuanced perspective on the intricate Dynamics at Play and deeper insight into the profound questions surrounding our human species interactions with other forms of intelligent life Reed Summers is also a principal teacher of a curriculum for developing the greater capabilities of our human spiritual intelligence and applying these capabilities to meet the growing environmental social and political challenges we face as well as to the frontiers of interaction between human beings and non-human extraterrestrial intelligence from beyond our world readed thank thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us today thank you Clint great to be here you are um one of the most important thinkers in this space right now.\par And I don’t hear your perspective enough and when I first discovered your work I I started to watch your videos and I this is going to sound silly but I I almost stood up from my chair and clapped because I was so excited to hear someone actually saying some of the things that you were saying and they’re very um straightforward and um in a in a way very common sense but you have a very grounded perspective um that goes beyond where we’re at right now in this conversation I I think the the average person is very dazzled and focused on the uh disclosure of technology and the getting our hands on the actual hardware and the technology that uh we seem to have in our possession from some of these non-human intelligences but you take the conversation a step further and I think this is very compelling because it seems uh that you are saying we need to be thinking less about the gadgets and more about the bigger presence what they’re doing here why they’re doing it and most importantly how we should be responding. In this moment I was hoping that you could start us out today by just kind of setting the table for us and giving us sort of some atmospherics on where we’re at right now as you see it what is happening and um how is this unfolding in your view yeah well thank you Clint uh thank you for the introduction and I’m glad to have hit a home run right out of the park and got you out of the out of the stands clapping um I think I think this is a seminal moment in the disclosure of government involvement and secrecy Sur surrounding the possibility of contact with non-human intelligence um but I also think it’s a Tipping Point.

Regarding which way the conversation goes from here um does it stay government fixated and focused do we plunge into the human controversies surrounding who is recovered these crashed vehicles who has back engineered them what technologies have they gained who has the power who H who frames The Narrative all of that or do we also and in addition turn our attention to the original purpose of the disclosure itself so the whole phenomenon of contact and the alien intent and their activity my biggest concern right now is that we are really focusing on government military corporate involvements to the exclusion of the focus and inquiry related to the ET involvement in our world and the secrecy that they have promoted for over 80 years and really the secrecy that enshrouds the government secrecy could be


said to be their secrecy .

I mean the whole deep State black budget reality and programs began after World War II and with the development of nuclear weapons but concurrent with the arrival of non-human intelligence in the world and um some of the very first crashed vehicles that were likely recovered by the government at that time and so the arrival of I would say ET has has really initiated and fueled the secrecy in the human realm ever since their arrival.\par And so I think both are important disclosure of government and Military and corporate involvements but also disclosure of the alien intent and their activity and then really these are two different kinds of disclosure needing two different approaches needing two different sets of sources but I think if we bring them together and if they meet halfway on the bridge as an analogy you know got to meet halfway we can come to some sort of understanding and then an assessment.\par About the visitation and then possibly some framework or platform for public action World action just beyond the National Security interests of this country country so I think it’s a really important moment the progress is is welcome for those who have been in this field for a long long time um but I think there are some risks as to getting our attention sucked down rabbit holes of novelty and um opportunism and some of the more salacious claims around government involvement or possession of ET technology or biologics for example and we forget and lose sense of the larger picture of what this event really is for the human species and and start to think not so much as the native people’s being discovered but really as sci-fi enthusiasts trying to grab at some sort of technological you know Silver Bullet for the human you know environmental crisis for example or many other crises we have in the world today so I advocate that we start with a logical framework.

For Understanding contact we think like the natives of a world being discovered yes we’re unruly we’re chaotic we’re warlike we’re divided but that doesn’t mean we’re not the natives and and are not in possession or or or cannot lay claim to this world as our planet of origin we absolutely can and so we need to think like that and I think the historical examples in human history offer us plenty of examples of what happens when we don’t some people have been saying of late that the uh presence of non-human intelligence may not necessarily be extraterrestrial it could in fact be another Advanced civilization that originated on Earth as well that’s older than ours do you have a response to that yeah I mean I I’ve been I’ve been living and swimming in the sea of theories and possibilities and novelties uh in the UFO Circle and Community for so many years now um I absolutely have a response to that um instead of saying no that can’t be I think it can be possibilities are truly endless as to who these beings are where they come from from and what we’re stepping into as we emerge into a larger universe of life um so we can’t constrain those possibilities right off the bat but what we can do is map them out I call it a spectrum of possibility.\par And on that Spectrum you could say from Alien benevolence to alien aggression or alien salvation to Alien Invasion there’s a whole there’s a spectrum of possibilities it’s not black or white it’s not good ET bad ET it’s Many Shades of Gray and then using what we know from present whistleblower accounts evidence that’s come out the findings of euchology over 50 years and then other sources like our understanding of nature human history things like that um we can come together with some sort of zone of probability these are the most probable scenarios regarding who’s visiting our world and I think that’s where we need to start my concern is that interdimensional beings or ancient ancestors who are are more native to this earth than us those are very much outlying possibilities they are on the far extreme edges of what’s possible not to say they aren’t but I don’t think that’s a logical starting point or a responsible one frankly and this is where we toss out logic and the wonderment and the fascination and the novelty of contact and also our own human aspirations for something bigger and better and a Greener pasture something not confined to this human space with

all of its you know


Perpetual crisis we have these aspirations. We need to account for that um because if we don’t then we start to live on the on the far extremes of that spectrum of possibility and we do not zone out the probabilities and begin to form what I would propose is a working conclusion as to who’s in our world not to say it can’t change I think it will change it must change but we need some sort of conclusion built off of our assessment of probabilities and the evidence and the behavior of the of the visitors themselves and then because with that we can form an understanding that leads to action and you know in my experience people love to dwell on the first question what is happening what is happening and yet there are other questions to be asking like what does it mean how do we prepare or act what is it going to change at the level of human religion governance economies everything those are latter questions but they rest on some sort of solid assessment and that’s really what I advocate it’s not to toss out this possibility and and go with that one it’s to bound those possibilities into a probability that we can rest our hat on and begin to take action.\par With you had a great document that uh I was reading this morning that you you’d sent over and it’s on your website called myths misconceptions and logical fallacies regarding alien contact and as I was reading through this I I it it seems like you have really gamed this out and thought.\par Through it’s almost it almost reads like if you were trying to figure out how to take over the planet how what kinds of things would you want to think about in a bullet pointed list and as I was going through this I I was just really struck by it and um I was wondering if you could talk a little bit about some of these um uh these items in this document. And and how that um affects the conversation because it seems like online that the the discussions that I’ve seen are very positive and overwhelmingly optimistic but you take a completely different approach to thinking about this can you go into some more detail about that yeah definitely um so this document was my attempt to really outline this problem of human denial when facing the unknown or the unexpected or something we just don’tunderstand there’s that tendency to go into denial to to wall ourselves in with what we do know possibly project our present understanding onto the unknown and and read into it what we need to read into it for to lay our own insecurities. I think that’s natural um but as human beings making contact with these unknown forces of immense technological capability who have veiled themselves in tremendous secrecy who have worked with not just our government in this country but many government and non-government actors over 80 years in a very divisive way it’s imperative now that we go beyond those first initial responses um and and really kind of face up to reality itself I mean this is a reality check probably the biggest for our human species ever and so um my attempt is to help people come to see what is it that’s causing a preferential you know rose-colored glasses look of contact what is it we’re trying to elay within ourselves what are the problems in our world. That we feel depressed or despondent regarding and what are the things that Allure us for example the possibility of alien Technologies free energy all of these these juicy nuggets that we think might just come our way um and so you know people kind of start to live inside of those novel possibilities and and they lose touch with their role as a responsible member of the human race.

You know you may be one of the first just like the native peoples in South America you know so many accounts of a little boy ran to the edge of the water and saw a craft in the water with flags and he ran back to the Village to tell the elders or you know the village The Village um community he was scoffed at you know he was scoffed at and yet someone listened to him you know and then they went over and looked at the ship and so there you and I and some of us might be out on that Frontier we may be some of those first people looking at that ship seeing that in the sky making first Contact even in the intimacy intimacy of our own home and so um. That’s a massive event I think we’re privileged to be a part of it at that level but I think there is a responsibility that comes with that which is to to kind of operate within most probable bring in the evidence that that we can bound that probability further tighten the circle or adjust the circle and then take in more and adjust the circle further it’s a progressive approach and not just leap to a hoped for conclusion or something that really represents our own emotional desperation or our own deep-seated religious beliefs or something like that um and I think those are all initial responses that’s fine but it’s really critical to go beyond them um there are some very common misconceptions and loog logical fallacies. I run up against every day it feels like I’m I’m hitting my face on on concrete as I drive down this road all the time and and these are the walls that are put up in front of me um if they’re not attacking us they must be here to help us right attack is equivalent to intent being negative or positive not true at all attack is not the only way to take something that you want from someone if somebody does doesn’t come up and punch you that means that you’re they’re your friend presumably no um so that’s a common one uh another one that I’ve heard for years is if they wanted the world they would have already come and taken it for themselves and because they haven’t made any sort of overt aggressive moves against us at a planetary level then there must be they must be here for some other beneficial intent. Well that is either black or white if it’s not black then it must be white but see the spectrum has so many shades to it and I think those Shades need to be accounted for and I’ve I’ve got a simple uh chart in front of me that I’m going to publish this week called the spectrum of possibility and there’s six Shades of Gray and in the middle right at that toss-up Point 5050 are they here for a positive purpose in our view for our interests or a negative one is this kind of are they here for concern or are they here for a transactional reason concern or transactional and as you begin to look at the evidence that’s coming in regarding their behavior because again how do you understand the intent of someone who will not disclose it well first off that’s a flag in my view a concern that’s it puts the burden of proof on them a little bit more if you’re not going to tell me why you’re here um standing at my door and you want access to my home uh okay you gotta you got to explain a little bit more um so we have this kind of tossup mini 50/50 spot on the spectrum of of are they here for a genuine concern but no certain agenda for their own ends they’re not tell there might be a positive agenda or a collaborative agenda but they’re not here to take they’re not here uh for their own interests that are that are in opposition to ours or is it more transactional and when you look at the evidence surrounding all of this and I’m talking about the coverups the secrecy the lack of alien disclosure um the government military involvements the transfer of Technology the deals that have been made outside public view the milit Ary encounters turning off turning on our nuclear capabilities against our will and without our acknowledged permission. I mean you know these flybys of civilian aircraft which are hazardous at the least and alarming at you know as well uh and then okay that’s that’s just that’s just the Aerospace and that’s just the military government side let’s talk about the citizen side so the abduction phenomenon well researched um the consistency among reports the sanity and the and you know the mental stability of those reporting it studied for a long time great work doing that um and that’s not it I mean human implants animal mutilations okay so now we’re getting into the more dark and difficult part the contact phenomenon take it all together put it on the spectrum of possibility and which way are you leaning on the fence personally I’m not leaning towards these Our Benevolent concerned altruistic space visitors here.


To fix our planetary crisis instead I’m leaning the other way there is some transactional intent to gain something for their own benefit to intervene and involve themselves in human Affairs to some end and I think we need to start to bound that even further what is that end what activities really demonstrate the intent or the end goal of of that behavior um and so I think that’s really important moving if I may add just one more um here’s a common one the visitors they must have transcended war and conflict in order to be technologically able to develop the science and the societal Unity to to travel in space to get here and to do these amazing things that they do technological development equals Spiritual Development ethical development you know probably we assume not true at all I mean look in our world. Are the technologically advanced also ethically and spiritually Advanced is it possible out of a a destructive intent that is against the flow of life and against the The Beneficial needs of others to develop high technology and use it against others my goodness just look everywhere look in history look in the present open up the news so this this belief that wow if they can do that if they can fly in our skies at that speed if they can evade the military like that then well what then and I hear this and so all the time I hear it all the time which is you know there’s alien messages all around the world purported channel Communications saying that the human race is a irus on the earth that we’re destroying this beautiful Gem and and and this is where I listen for it here it comes here it comes right like if someone came to your front door and said you know what you’re doing a real poor job of being a homeowner a father a business owner you’re listening to this like okay that’s a little insulting first off who are you why are you at my front door but then they ask for access to your home or they think you know what let me live here let me take over your business let me be father of your family. I’ll do it better than you that’s the kind of logical pit we are falling into with some of these myths and misconceptions and it’s very concerning to me it should be very concerning to everyone and I’m shocked and stunned continuously about how few people talk about it and in fact I’m even suspicious about how much push back there is online and certain online conversations you you an find yourself in um it’s almost unacceptable to bring up the threat narrative or the idea that this could be a risk and I would point out to your to your point to Dove tail off of that in sunu in The Art of War says that the the best possible outcome really is to subdue the enemy without fighting it’s one of our oldest books on the subject and and the first one of the first points it makes is that if you can do it without fighting that’s the superior way and in our own history you’re absolutely on the nose we have in Warfare when the Germans were the most advanced civilization on the planet they were running concentration camps and gas Chambers. When we were the most advanced civilizations we we dropped two atomic bombs on civilians and it’s been going on that way uh throughout history and I don’t see where I’ve never heard argument made in a compelling way that there is a point of technological development where we suddenly divorce ourselves from our violent tendencies and we just or our our Imperial tendencies and just go off and become uh self-actualized wonderful beings that just Enlighten everyone that we come into contact with I just I’ve never heard that argument made convincingly to me anyway . So I think it’s it’s really interesting that that you’re you’re bringing these up yeah and you know at these these positions we take these possibilities we entertain you know is it likely true at a fundamental level that’s also a proof you could apply to any you know possible explanation for the visitors and so like right um do when we become technologically capable and we and we go involve ourselves in the Affairs of others are we are we are we usually demonstrating an advancement of of our inner life or our our our intent no it’s like it’s just not true at a fundamental level and so many of these arguments and refrains and walls that put up they’re just they don’t they don’t stand at that level nor do they stand up to the evidence we have either um back to your point on on sunzo in The Art of War um you know there’s a very sophisticated possible sophisticated way to apply that which is if you don’t want people to act then prevent them from having the thought that would have impelled that action and to vent them from having that thought prevent it first from arising and then from being strengthened or Amplified through conversation or dialogue with others and this could be a masterful use of that of of that law of War. Which is why is it that so few are willing to have this even conversation about the possibility of a threat you know it’s almost like it’s taboo out of the gate it’s like to be avoided with you know 12 foot pole um and you know I hear this all the time you know that’s a that’s a fear-based response we’re projecting our human fear on the visitors we need to be loving we need to embrace openness you know the universe is a place of a place of vast Consciousness and Oneness and here it is coming to us we need to be open to it um. Okay that’s one side what about the other side what about the other side it’s very possible that this Force is is a threat to us even if they didn’t even tend to be a threat to us I mean because like they are differentiated beings from that of the human species they’re not like us like we can agree on that right and so they likely have their own agenda. Even if it were not a destructive agenda there’s a super high likelihood it does not match our human agenda and so in negotiation two parties work out their differing agendas and they come to some sort of compromise uh that’s not happened there’s been no effort to reach out to the human race and honor our our our current concerns and aspirations and values engage with us at a more diplomatic or high level the involvement is deep and penetrating and secretive and subversive and so that’s a massive flag right there um but I worry that this conversation about the possibility of an alien threat is seems to be inhibited um and I’m not sure quite where that’s coming from if they’ve been here for this long at least a hundred years we could say you know you can have another conversation about Ancient Aliens and ancient contact and there’s that that’s a valid conversation. But just within the last century we know that they’re here we know that their technology is vastly superior why wouldn’t they have a plan why wouldn’t they we working towards some sort of goal why they’re not just here to be like neutral obser observers for no reason there has to be there uh David Jacobs writes in his books that there there’s an infrastructure there’s a there’s something to support them these ships don’t just come out of nowhere they’re coming from somewhere so I I I think um uh it it’s it’s really unnerving that U people don’t don’t take that a position of caution at least at least just caution. I certainly Humanity hasn’t gotten it right I mean we clearly are a raised that needs to grow up quite a bit but we’re learning and this is a process and we’re on on our way assuming we don’t wipe out the planet in the next 50 years we’re probably going to make it if we can just get through the next few decades um

another common thing I hear is that beings that have this kind of technology that are this Advanced couldn’t possibly want anything from us what do we have to offer them can you speak to that a little bit oh right right right well you know we are hled by technology in our in our modern world and uh and it’s a technological moment and can’t can’t argue that so I understand that um but when we see these craft doing what they do um the performance you you then assume wow well they must be able to I mean if they can travel between stars or travel you know God knows how many times a second faster than us then they must be able to they must they must they must these are assumptions um they need to be seen as assumptions to be tested against reality um so we might assume that well if they can travel between stars or God knows across the Galaxy they don’t need what we’ve got they don’t need petroleum they don’t need iron uh they don’t need gold they don’t need these you know prosaic human you know assets and resources and I’m sure they don’t need those three but that’s not to say that’s the only thing we got over here um I think it’s pretty clear earthlike worlds are rare in the universe more rare than they are common that’s for sure and the biology the diversity the the environment and ecosystems we have here are if rare then possibly valuable you have to just carry that right across logically to Value Rarity should be valuable um if there are terrestrial planets like ours with liquid water that can give rise organically to complex species wow that’s that’s pretty that’s something in a universe of gas and rock and harsh very harsh environments and so I think we need to challenge that that assumption about well they can do they can they can do. What they can do therefore they don’t need anything from us not so not true the Earth is rare um the biology of this Earth might be unique or novel maybe biology is the resource that’s cherished out there maybe that’s the substrate upon which food is grown or upon which other worlds are seated with life who knows and so you know we these these these logical fallacies are used they’re they’re calling cards you know they’re they’re put up on the wall to say I didn’t want to have this conversation or I’m backing out or don’t want to see it as a threat sorry and that’s all they really are they’re not even very much arguments um they’re refrains they’re cop-outs and so. I think we need to just kind of brush that off the table um it’s very possible this planet the human species is a value out there uh and we need to entertain that possibility I would go a step further  and say we must be of value because they’re here something of value is here or they wouldn’t be here um.

The investment look at the investment of time energy and and like you called out from Jacob’s work um the installations the the complex you know chain of command that they seem to possess and and the vertical integration of of whatever their supply chain is to be able to bring what they bring into the world and take things organic matter even people out of the world so it’s like this is not a glancing blow off of off the the human species uh this is not like a little little Comet that or a a meteorite just glances off the off of the human world and says goodbye just wanted to stop in and Sample a few things and you know taste the Coca-Cola and then and then hit the road I mean this is not like that it’s pervasive it’s deep and it’s long-standing and so there must be some there’s some programmatic goal here um and any program that’s being operated on top of your or my program our our human program that’s not disclosed wow this is no longer a 50-50 likelihood of good ET bad ET we’re we’re on the 8020 MH until again I’m open to being shown otherwise. And I’m open to demonstrative evidence of a beneficial intent but the burden is on the visitors we’re the vulnerable ones you know we’re the ones that nothing about them they for all we know have studied us for hundreds or even thousands of years we we we don’t know um their capabilities are off the charts they can interact with our with our spatial environments in ways that we certainly can in terms of of water you know the upper atmosphere space and and and look at us I mean we’re not a United World we’re a divided world of 170 plus countries and and we’ve we’re a mess we’re a mess down here um and so we’re vulnerable I think this is a peak moment of of vulnerability for the human species and of opportunity in terms of what we’ve been able to develop as solutions for our own problems and you know I go back to some rules of life here I mean if someone you know young person teenager is struggling in their life whatever they’re having mental issues substance issues we don’t know and but you know of them and you’re concerned would you go over to them and say you know you’re a virus and a Scourge upon the Earth you’re not doing well you’re destroying your life your property your parents your family you you need to do what I tell you to do or you need to follow my program or or I’m enlightened or I’ve achieve what you can’t so do what I say follow me is that how life works I mean no it’s not you know every every being is Sovereign in a certain space and the human race is Sovereign in this current Earth space and there are arguments out there if we want to go further down the list of who can we say how can we say that we’re the natives of this world maybe they’re more native than us what a what a load of rubbish come yeah I’m gonna need to see some receipts or something like maybe maybe nobody nobody say that to me on Twitter for 2 at least at least I I’m open to to to a lot I I I think I think most people are pretty um open-minded and and are willing to to entertain compelling evidence if the evidence was presented in an honest way I I think the problem is we just don’t know what we don’t know and so we fill in the gaps with so much optimism and hope and we want it to be just like the movies and we want it to be this this thing that comes in and just solves our problems and and that you can see this in that conversation about it’s very common when they talk about nuclear weapons well they turned off our nuclear weapons clearly the message is don’t kill each other. How about the message is we’re displaying our power and we can shut off your most powerful weapons they shut offr our aircraft carriers we now know this they can turn off an entire aircraft carrier the the ultimate projection of power that our military can muster is a nuclear aircraft carrier arguably uh the Pinnacle of of military technology certainly um for the last 100 or 75 years and they can shut it off at will and we’re surrounded by these things as far as we can tell we’re surrounded at all times by we don’t even know how many they could they’re cloaked they’re all around us and we have reports from abductees and I always find this interesting how quickly this conversation gets shot down the abductee conversation is almost like it’s a non-starter for so many people but as David Jacobs points out these are the people who have actually been inside these craft and these are people who consistently across cont Ence across social strata across professions all walks of life John Mack has talked about this these are people who are not crazy they have no mental illness they are say what they believe what they are saying they believe is real and they’re telling us about the interior of the craft the motivations of the occupants the infrastructure that supports the civilization and what they have to say more often than not at least in my research has been pretty terrifying even the people who seem to later on come to accept their experiences as a net positive if if if it’s 2:30 in the morning. And I wake up and there are beings in my bedroom I I’m treating that the same way as if there were three dudes standing in my bedroom and my kid is asleep down the hall I’m going to react in in a less than positive way. I don’t understand how people just like let all this go they’re like well there’s no there there well there is something in our space that’s disabling our first instinctual response I think as as as human beings and is even deprecating that response to say that’s fearful that’s you know lower order that’s low vibration low frequency man all this this dribble this dribble of of metaphysics which I mean has its own it has its own importance to be considered but not as a refrain or a way to disable your own like first instinctual response Which is yeah there’s someone in my home there an intruder in the house not a visitor visitors come because they’re permitted to come it’s a temporary visitation and we negotiate agendas none of that has happened with this visitation and that’s why I don’t think it is a visitation I think it is an incur an incursion or an intervention into our space um and okay I I don’t think that’s a big leap to think or even to entertain um and and yet that most people that I talk to at least in the UFO Community. I will say I do talk to a lot of people outside that Community many of whom are very open to considering that as a possibility.

U because because why uh in some ways they may not have been touched by this concerted effort to um demean the native people tradition native people’s Traditions institutions spiritual and religious values and supplant them with something from Beyond. Something is disabling or disconnecting our first responses and instilling or installing in us another set of responses which are not you know necessarily wrong like yes turning off a nuclear weapon or Carrier could be interpreted as a message of Peace but it could also be interpreted as a show of arms um and you must entertain both possibilities and then get to the bottom of which one you’re going to go with and that no one’s going with the the show of arms is like wow that’s a flag and so I do feel that our mental and psychic pace um is being affected both passively and U intentionally by the visitors. We could talk go deeper into that uh way deep into that um and this is part of how aggression I think this is what I’m coming to understand this is because they’re not destroying us does not mean they’re here to help us or that they don’t want the planet they may want the planet intact they may want us with it the nfrastructure we’ve built the global civilization we’ve established that took what how many thousands tens of thousands of years for the human species to get here right at this moment they want possibly all of it and so they’re\par 38:26\par not going to destroy they’re not going to attack they’re not going to overtake they’re going to\par 38:31\par influence and prevent us from even having the thoughts leading to conversations leading to actions that would that would thwart their presence or or resist it or just simply say no and instill in us or install those kinds beliefs that promote extraterrestrial visitation and the belief in Salvation whether it be technological salvation a Christian narrative salvation a metaphysical New Age narrative salvation. A lot of people who believe that the visitors are a are a fulfillment of those prophecies even the technological one I’m sorry all all you atheists and and intellectuals out there you know we are in love we are in the Church of technology and and it is claiming our Authority on a daily basis by the device in our hand and so don’t think that we are above that Tech at this moment of you know Ai and and transgenics and editing the human genome and all of this I mean tech tech this is another reason why this is a time of risk is at this moment human will and the submission to technological progress is an oscillation that’s going right left over the fence all the time and so what a what a thing for a visiting technologically power powerful alien intelligence is to come and say oh we can plug right into that oh it’s perfect they have ai engines they have Global surveillance. Perfect you know they Comm manipulate the thinking of the entire population or large amounts of it excellent and and so you know I don’t think that’s a coincidence that those capabilities that we are now developing are are are are erupting or opening up right as you know someone else comes into our space um but I think also that this visiting force is using a much higher level of of colonization strategy than we would ever imagine and and so this is where we have to up our intellectual gain when it comes to thinking about contact with ther forms of intelligent life. They don’t think like us they’re not warlike but that doesn’t mean they’re here for a beneficial reason they may have just evolved or developed super Advanced hyper Advanced tools technologies that can influence the thought of their adversary in such a way that it almost appears there is no adversary adversarial relationship so I think this is the intellectual game that we’re now in and I really encourage people to step out of those logical fallacies and those kind of cheap easy assumptions and and refrains and start talking about the full spectrum and start bounding a zone of probabilities on that spectrum of alien intent and then I’m sorry you’re gonna have to lay your hat on something eventually I’ve laid my hat I want to see others lay their hat I want them to say this is interdimensional these are not physical beings say it if you believe it say it but don’t just pepper the internet and the psychic space of our world with with with you know novel possibilities this this this this this and I think you’re right you know Clint we’re filling in the spaces we we don’t know so much uh we don’t even know what we don’t know and that’s a risk and so it just gets backfilled it’s like like the dump truck comes and just backfills it with a lot of kind of garbage you know banter um just you know talking possibilities when I mean this is a species contact event this is an event of Science in nature and I think it it belongs at that level of dialogue I I don’t believe that the military-industrial complex should have the monopo on the contact UM with these beings it certainly seems like that’s who’s in charge right now at least who’s who’s having this dialogue to whatever extent the dialogue is happening um yeah but I I do think it’s wise for us to have develop the technology to defend ourselves and to be able to operate in the in the at the to the degree that we can um in the same space and environment as these beings so that we can deal with them on somewhat of a better footing I don’t want to say equal footing do you have an opinion on um the cover up. In general do you think that there is some some good stuff happening there or is it all dark in your opinion and just um military-industrial complex after that dollar what do you think’s going on there right yeah well I mean I’m I’m still learning uh the jury’s still out for me on what is behind this wave of disclosure Ithink it’s absolutely credible in good faith among some who are bringing out these these pieces of evidence and this research and stuff that’s been revealed um but I think we have to acknowledge and remember always that the public understanding of alien visitation has been managed and massaged and carefully crafted for decades by that I call it the the the gov mil Corp establishment military government corporations because it’s not just government it’s not just military it’s it’s some other uh Network like a mycelial network on the forest floor that that we can’t really see and account for we don’t know what trees it Taps into or where it goes Prett amazing way to put it I’ve never heard it put that way that’s excellent.

Well they they’ve had 80 years to develop it in in almost complete secrecy and they’ve had a lot of money and a lot of powerful tools to do so with and they’ve had the visitors and we don’t know what the visitors have given them what tech has been transferred what deals have been made you know the keys to your house may have already been handed over along with the deed um not your house but our house the Earth right we don’t know uh and it could have been exchanged for trinkets from space it could have been exchanged for some profitable you know little piece of tech that yeah someone’s going to get super rich or one country is going to be the world hegemonic power as a result of that great good good job um so Jerry’s still out for me on this on this wave of disclosure I think it’s absolutely important I’m excited I think millions and millions of people who have never been exposed to this in addition never been exposed to the misinformation regarding it the overt Mis misinformation like the seating of false narratives false conspiracies they’re now coming into the space fresh and clean um and I have conversations with these people from time to time and it’s exciting they’re like wow so what do you know I’m like oh well I don’t know everything but here’s some things I know and here’s a good starting point and here’s how I think we should start thinking to be adjusted right and and they’re receptive and so I see um I’m very excited that that the the broader public you know Main Street can come into this what used to be an Alleyway and loaded up with new people with you know intelligent thinking and and grounded logic and and thinking the first thoughts not not jumping to the 90th thought like think the first thought and then have the second and third like you know progress in your thinking versus abandon your thinking and just sign on for some narrative about ET salvation for example so I’m enthusiastic about it um I do feel that um disclosure is a powerful tool and it won’t just be abandoned I mean you could say disclosure has been controlled the entire time and so I think it’s a major misnomer or poor word choice uh to call it disclosure control disclosure to promote that um when you know those who have been controlling it are still controlling it and will be right. So oops um I can think of about five better words the Deep State can give me a give me a message I’ll reply um so I think disclosure is a powerful tool.

It will be used by many different players for different purposes and I think as this opens up it’s going to get a little it’s going to get a little messy and a little hazardous um I think the narrative will be shaped it will be used as a weapon um you know a messaging weapon a message a weapon to get populations behind their governments to support conflict with other states to sew seed um distrust into other other states you know I can just imagine you know when Russia China and the us all try to claim the disclosure narrative to say ah we’re disclosing this we’re the ones who are bringing the truth out the Chinese are working with them no the Russians are working no the American it’s going to get toxic and and this is the problem is we’re not ready for contact there really is no ethical form of contact that can be happening right now because to work with any government excludes the others there is no United governing body with power to enforce its decisions I’m sorry you um we’re a mess and and we have massive you know environmental and social political problems right now but I believe we have the solutions for those problems absolutely we do and I’m not open to anyone knocking on my door saying I don’t or we don’t uh we do and I think Life Works by people claiming their strength and finding their inner resources and bringing them to bear in a way that empowers them in their societies that’s how life gets better life doesn’t get better by someone popping a pill in your mouth or saying you know here you just you live with me now or you do what I say I mean this is this is not the way um so as disclosure rolls out I think it will be used I think it’ll become a little treacherous and that’s why again I advocate this historically informed nature informed science informed reason informed approach framework to understand and approach building some sort of working conclusion around visitation to back out widen the frame widen the lens because it’s going to get really narrow and tight in the years ahead as a bunch of people Pile in on this and try to stake a claim um and so I I think it’s it’s a powerful moment it’s it’s an unpredictable moment uh we don’t know which way this is going to go um it’s very possible you know that part of the iceberg that’s been under the water for a 100 almost 100 years doesn’t come above the water line it stays below the waterline you know uh it’s possible and with all that taken into account.

I think a we have to disclose the alien intent that’s the event that’s the big event and that I think has given rise to a lot of the other child events that have taken place as a result of it do you think though that I’m sorry to interrupt but just to jump in there real quick do you think that they even know. When alien intent intent is not necessarily absolutely not I mean if if if two powerful parties partner together to extract gains from one another do they do they disclose their full thinking to one another doesn’t happen in business do failed business relationships happen all the time yeah m so no I and I mean and again like I think we also need to like obviously break down this kind of monolith called government I mean it’s factions within it’s layers within factions it’s need to no basis I mean it’s is there any single living breathing human who knows the alien intent based on their involvement in any government or military program possibly not you know everyone all of them might be misled they might have been shown one small part of the program um and and they formed some sort of understanding based on that and it’s not the full program I’m sorry um so I don’t I don’t think we can lean on any one human being to tell us this is who they are fully um and so um we’re we’re in the dark you know and instead of filling in that dark space with with the Novelties and the possibilities and our fascination with this which is real it’s not not not wrong nothing wrong about that I think we just need to build a framework set a foundation for logical thought at really all levels of of human discipline I mean Sciences Health governance economy everything and and begin to think like the natives of of of a world being discovered because that’s what we are these are three-dimensional craft probably uh Guided by threedimensional beings with which have some sort of intent or agenda and we need to know what that is so that we know how to negotiate this process on our own behalf I don’t want to ask you to speculate too much because so much of what you’re saying is grounded in common sense and and just a a framework for how to think about this but I am curious about your thoughts if the iceberg does reveal itself on that day when the world has its ontological moment and we kind of there’s going to be a day and then there’s going to be a day after what do you see as the effects of this on our society and our culture what kind of world do you see um in the weeks and months following that moment oh good questions. If you had to speculate big ones yeah yeah sure um I think it’s a powerful moment and a good one I don’t I don’t I don’t not personally afraid of The Wider World suddenly becoming aware that contact is happening I think that’s it’s a powerful moment as a species um I think I am a little concerned about how it will be used and how it will be framed. I’m concerned about the Spectre for human conflict I mean we can’t agree on the climate crisis uh we can’t agree on who won the last US presidential election We can’t agree on a lot of other lesser much lesser things I don’t expect us to agree on this one um and so our world is already bowing its back is bowing under the weight of of our of our present conflicts and our irresolution so that’s my concern uh is that it becomes a force for division a tool to be used um and I’m also extra concerned because the that we’re imagining is going to fly over a major US city or land on the lawn or March down Main Street.

Uh is a hyper intelligent Force hyper technologically able capable um there’s a lot of good indications that they are capable of mass neurological control of controlling the thinking and emotions and even the internal picturing Visions within the brain of of a human being. It’s no it’s no guarantee that we will all see this the same way you you know um we have our own ontological shock right I mean like the natives who saw the tall ships out of sea there’s some accounts where they looked and they didn’t even see them like it was so outside of their reality that there would be a ship with flags with any like it they didn’t even perceive it in their in their field of vision so I mean there’s that there’s what we perceive is super subjective person to person but then there’s a force in our world that is capable of changing what we perceive actually literally and that’s unnerving. So this is why I do think gradual or um positive constructive disclosure let’s this whole controlled disclosure thing it’s getting to me controlled or catastrophic take your pick I don’t know. I guess I’ll take control I mean there’s got to be third fourth fifth options on that right um and so I I think we need some sort of gradual um slow ramp for public awareness and I think we need to stay backed out and not use this as some sort of tool to win an election to start a war uh to tip the geopolitical balance. I don’t have a whole lot of faith that we will so it’s going to get it’s going to become a fist fight um but if r and more people can just stay grounded within themselves and be logical thinking human beings kind of like you and me right now that’s what we’re trying to do right we’re not trying to make massive claims or say we know everything or you know but we’re just trying to stay kind of grounded within ourselves and I mean this Segways into the spiritual work that I do and the curriculum that I teach which teaches people how to stay grounded like that and to use not just their their superficial site and their superficial thought and intelligence but deeper levels of sight and thought and intelligence to perceive. Event that is almost so big it’s like the elephant in the room you don’t even you don’t see an elephant all you see is gray well because you’re one inch away right so to teach people to back away a little bit from this phenomenon and and take that more species level view of it.

I think is g to I think we need some thousands millions of people who are grounded in that as we go into this Fray uh and and into this Wild Storm which is going to be probably disclosure or catastrophic disclosure at some level uh you just touched on something that I want to get into more more detail uh on now which is the uh mental environment uh we know that the overwhelming consensus among contactees experiencers abductees researchers as far back as you want to go uh the overwhelming consensus seems to be that nhi can operate and do operate in the mental realm uh using telepathy and as you said they have the ability to influence our thoughts plant thoughts in your head change the way that you remember things put screen memories on top of of real events uh and basically I have no better term for this so forgive me but manhandle us. Tell and instruct telepathically I mean we are defenseless it seems against this can you talk a little bit about um that aspect of this and I’m also curious do you yourself make a distinction between um the spiritual realm and the mental realm with regard to telepathy or are these just parts of the same Continuum. Okay yeah let’s definitely dive into that um so you know some of what I’ll share with you is based on um the allies of humanity briefings which is a set of communications from an off a group of observers neutral extraterrestrial observers who um came to the vicinity of our world to report on this alien presence that is interacting with us and influencing us and then and then tell us you know specifically kind of what their program their plan is and how they’re undertaking it so some of this I did not come to on my own um I’m coming to Via that set of Revelations which I think our high credibility and and super solid at this point uh and very much corroborated by what we can see and and the behavior of the visitors themselves. So these allies of humanity they talk about the mental environment which is the environment of thought emotion in which forces can be generated and aggregated and directed and so you can imagine like if 10 people sit in a room and imagine um hating someone or or um fearing something that if you were to walk past that room or you were that person the object of their thought might actually feel something it might affect you um this is the aggregation of thought as a force in the mental environment what the Allies say and um what others have reported abductees and other researchers through their through their contact with experiencers is that these visitors possess unbelievable capabilities psych psychologically meaning inside their own biology but also technologically to interact with Biology which is the brain also you know the mind is biology it’s it’s the brain um and so they can affect people they can create um powerful responses in the Neurology of people and they can actually to the point of actually being able to command a human being to do a specific act or function so that level of of ability uh and so um this is I think a reality uh certainly a possibility and it’s possible like this is this is how it works out there in space you know it’s game up it’s it’s like yeah it’s it’s next level uh in terms of species interaction.

Um it’s not even just they sit down at the table and talk like there’s going to be some diplom diplomatic event between the leaders of government and the ET visitors uh that may be happening in the sleep cycle of government leaders I mean the you know the ET visitors may be able to communicate thoughts into the minds of people passively without any way for them that person to see it happening or even any piece of technology we have to measure or monitor that um so this is what’s what what you could call influence in the mental environment. I think this is the whole new arena for the human species were super vulnerable like you said um to being to being super subjective with our experience so like if we feel anxious or if we’re terribly afraid of of an event appening or we suddenly you know have a thought that we that we’re shameful about about another person something like that it’s all me it’s me my mind my brain my stupid self created that and again I mean the stoop itself right this is a narrative that the ETS seem to be wanting to promote which is human incompetence human uh corruption and our and basically just you know that we’re like uh invalids within our own physical environment. The virus The Scourge on the earth um those are in these ET Communications so there’s some effort to promote um us to be discouraged in our abilities to internalize the thoughts and emotions we have as being entirely our own uh which is I don’t think true I think we pick up a lot from the environment around us we are fish swimming in that bigger psychic Ocean and the thoughts we think the feelings we have they do rise and fall they they grow and they shrink based upon certain swells and movements and currents within the psychic environment of the world of just humans this is without any ET visitation. So I do think people are swayed and moved in non-visual non five sense ways and I think there’s plenty of examples of that um being uh used negatively in human history and U thinking for example of of the rise of the Nazi party in Germany I mean there there was a utilization not just of propaganda but of of psychic manipulation and regardless of how skillful they were at it it was happening I mean those crowds those rallies that feeling that affected people um and it wasn’t just them and so I think there’s some indication that we live in this environment now we’re making contact with a force that probably has an unbelievable level of skill to to generate those thoughts direct them not just to individuals but to whole populations. The allies of humanity do talk about this they they also talk about how the uh what they call the intervention this alien visitation uh has been basically establishing bases from which they can transmit influence in this mental environment onto large population centers off the coast of of large coastal cities and mountains above large cities and things like that um so this is the level of the possible program. You know if I can go back to disclosure for a minute I think it’s important that before we just start banging on the government for every detail they got and never stop banging I think we need to understand what it is we’re asking asking them to disclose here I mean they may know part of this program they may know a lot about this program they may not know the intent of the visitors because again that’s in the head of another being that has a different psychology than you. It’s differentiated from you so you don’t know what they’re thinking but they know the program and the program might be very deep very big and pervasive very dark there could be some effort to disclose that to the public because the program the human involvement in the program is turning sour or is failing in some way or there’s been some sort of betrayal I don’t I wouldn’t be surprised if all if if I don’t think it’ll come out but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s Poss that’s true um and so we have to know what we’re demanding here we are demanding admission of human involvement in a program that probably had human permission to abduct X number of people from these 30 countries over this time period that gave permission to um access certain networks of data and information to affect human thinking and and sway human populations human involvement that has accepted technologies that are massively treacherous and and could be easily weaponized and may already have been so it’s big and that’s why I think again don’t expect too much from the government don’t bang too hard and look for other sources look, for other sources of disclosure because if you and what the Pentagon kicks out the door as scraps at the end of the day you’re not going to get what you thought you were going to get you’re not going to get disclosure of the alien phenomenal I guarantee you that and you probably won’t even get disclosure of the government involvement in that program.

So um more sources I think admission is important I don’t know how far disclosure will go perception management is such a part of everyday human Affairs. And it’s certainly a part of warfare throughout our history before we invade uh another country or or do um a large military operation there’s always weeks months or sometimes even years of prep preparation of the battlefield by saturating the enemy or the target with whatever information Warfare you want them to be saturated with and we do this we know that this is done and we have very sophisticated ways of doing it ourselves we’re probably the best in the world at it right now and I think it’s interesting um that people wouldn’t automatically just assume that that’s being done to us. And there’s a great story I I I’ll have to find the clip I’ve I’ve used it in a previous video but it’s a bud Hopkins giving a presentation where he talks about uh he tells the story of an abductee he was working with and uh she said that she was absolutely in the in the regression that they did she was being U subjected to some U procedure that was terrifying Ing and horrifying and this being just touched her on the forehead and she suddenly was overcome with this feeling of love and the deepest warmest most positive emotions. And she would she would Hopkins says she would sacrifice her own child for this being because of that’s the kind of power that uh she was overcome with and I think if they could do that at a distance um or if they could even do it to a smaller degree at a distance then that that’s very dangerous we have no way of understanding what that’s like or how to how to even know that we’re under that attack as you said and and it’s I mean this is already possible among humans. I mean you can control the neurochemistry of an individual to have an emotional response to have a felt reaction to something uh you have to have them in a lab with you know uh something dripping something dripping into their blood veins but it’s possible and it’s not a large leap to think that another form of life has has developed ways of affecting that change in the neurochemistry of a person remotely you’re so right I mean next level Warfare and so toss out this notion that if they’re not attacking if they’re not taking if they’re not destroying. I mean that’s just not how it’s done come on they’ve evolved Way Beyond that there better ways to do things in the universe and as you said if if the biological diversity of this planet is what they’re really after or interested in which it seems like it is we certainly are an oasis of life in otherwise baren part of space as far as we can tell anyway um so the the the the biological diversity here is the thing that’s the jewel we’re not necessarily the center of this story we’re just a part of it. So maybe they don’t want us to you know have a nuclear confrontation because it would reduce the biological diversity uh they’re not interested in whether or not we kill each other they probably care less you know as far as we know um and I’m curious to I I’d like to ask you to speculate a little bit more on one other aspect of this just because we’re already kind of talking about it to a certain degree um what are your thoughts on the abduction phenomena it is a very hot potato it seems in in most circles and it is on The Fringe probably. The Fringe Of The Fringe within this topic um what do you think about it what do you think’s going on there and um how should we how should we think about it gosh you know I remember a time I was a lot younger I was growing up I was in my early teens when alien abduction was at the tip of of of this conversation it was the it was the the the tip of the phenomenon itself and and I just I I’m so struck by how at least in the UFO Community the discussion has gone from what alien is doing to what we’re doing and it’s like that’s interesting why’ that happen it’s like how did this become a human controversy Story. Only and for some only they don’t want to talk about what et’s doing and and so um I remember a time when alien abduction and the accounts that people were bringing forward under aggression but also other accounts where people did physically disappear and did physically reappear were were the tip of social Dialogue on on this possibility of contact so anyway something has seriously shifted the conversation off of that square um and it’s it’s a bit alarming that it is that Fringe that it’s that way out there how.

Interesting and you know going back to what you um said about electon I’m sorry um the psychic Warfare I just put this idea out there I think it’s very possible that a force like this alien visiting visiting Force is is is going to use that in ways against us and and would create a smoke screen of competing narratives conspiracies that are half true 50% untrue um and basically just confuse the space so there’s so many competing variations and under standings and evidence that’s not evidence that people just give up I think that’s hyper intelligent um I think that’s actually almost analog level it’s not even digital level psychic Warfare It’s analog that’s what we could do to ourselves or to each other and probably try to so um I think there has been an effort to seed the conversation with all these competing narratives and really and really obfuscate the clarity that would have otherwise been possible. I see that clarity declin and people are just even researchers even people who’ve been in the field for years tell me at times oh I don’t an abduction researcher told me once well I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know what it is I don’t know why they’re here I don’t even know if it’s alien might even be government maybe they’re interdimensional maybe it’s maybe it’s an upgrade. Maybe it’s it’s like my God you’ve interviewed abductees for years and you don’t know anything you haven’t made any working conclusion as to what the phenomenon is behind it wow that’s a problem um so going back to what I think or what I what I you know conjecture about abductions um I definitely think the abduction phenomenon is real I think it’s way more pervasive than we know meaning more people are involved in it um than we may ever uncover uh and I think it is an effort to alter us at a genetic level and intrude or intervene not just in our affairs but then the thinking and the biology that makes those Affairs that that makes those human decisions that Propel Society itself. It’s just it’s going further down the Spectrum into more intelligent more intelligent more intelligent why not alter us genetically so that we think the way you want us to think if they have any colonizing intent they ever want to be the overlords and not have to personally rule you know seven eight nine billion unruly humans I would probably edit us at a deep ER level if I were them.

Alter us at the level of epigenetics the level of of how we express our basic genetic framework um so that we perform the way they want us to perform possibly not per perfectly but with a high high probability of doing so like we do with dogs. Yeah yeah we do with dogs right right you want a dog of this size this nature temperament that barks less well make one you know don’t wait around for nature to do it you know through random genetic selection just make one so um I think these are intelligent beings I think they’re going to do what’s intelligent I think we should presume that they’re acting on the highest level of the intelligence curve that we can imagine and also acknowledge that the curve goes beyond what we can imagine um and I think that’s that’s an important starting point so back to abductions um I think this is an intrusion into our genetic Integrity. I think think it represents the longest of long games this is how long they think they they’re they don’t just come here and in a hundred years you know flip the narrative and take what they came for they these beings we don’t know how long they live we don’t know how they plan you know the uh the the time Horizon that they operate on it could be a thousand years um I think it’s probably shorter than that given this evolutionary moment and how it’s really only in the last you know 50 hundred Maybe 120 years that we’ve seen this technological Ascent I think that’s to be taken advantage of in their View and so I don’t think they’ll take a thousand years to do it um but I think the findings of Abu abduction researchers corroborate this Narrative of not just a transactional intent on that spectrum of possibility but something that represents an incursion an intervention maybe a long-term silent colonization effort underway it could turn out to be be less threatening than that um it could turn out to be more threatening than that absolutely it could um but I think that’s that zone of probability there do you think there is anything to the claims that some have made about a hybrid breeding program some some means of creating a separate but almost identical indistinguishable race oh well let’s just go further on the up up up the slope of Intelligence on that curve let’s get off the long tail and go up the Curve um don’t just edit the human race to be one thing to be you know to be one kind of cow edit us to be you know different kinds that do different things perform different functions this thing of rule by proxy um that colonizers that human colonizers have done forever which is you know you don’t want to set yourself up as the overlord to be the object of people’s anger and attack and and Rebellion ultimately you want to set up a proxy a a native human representative or or government or class of beings that um that perform the way you want them to erform that may possess the capabilities that you the visitors have for example in this realm of neurological control but that humans would see as being totally human and would be very difficult to discern them as not human possibly impossible. I don’t know um but yes I think there is an effort to create a human being that can perform the functions that this visiting Force needs performed over time and governance is most certainly one of those functions yeah wow sorry if that’s a that’s that’s that’s the dark stuff um and you know going back to the allies of humanity briefings um take it or leave it but they present a very compelling case for a hybridization program to create a human alien hybrid leadership that has the capabilities of the visitors um but that looks walks and talks like the rest of us uh and that yet will outperform us on. many benchmarks certainly intellectually such that they will they will naturally through selection rise to the top of ndustry governance um the corporate world and I don’t I don’t personally conjecture as to anyone in those positions now representing that I know some people like to they like to they like to call out the aliens Among Us you know by name I don’t get into that um because I can’t personally verify that suspicion. If I had one and and B you know the more you get into The Fringe the more you you lose touch with the rest of human awareness and I think there’s a calling right now for people especially those who have been in this field for a long time or who who know what they know to get down to the second third fourth fifth question beyond what has happening what must we do what must I do what part do I have to play I’m a member of the race I’m one of the first ones to see the tall ship out in the out out in the Cove do I need to run back to the village and tell someone am I the Paul R ask yourself that question this this is a moment of calling this is consequential this is survival and therefore people need to step up and take their part in in in contributing to a better outcome for the human race if we just step stay in the background.

Watch YouTube dis discuss possibilities and and just and just stay disengaged the larger human you know the mainstream we’re not going to play that function and and the mainstream will go will go on where it goes without our contribution and so um I really encourage people to think seriously if this has their name on it this issue. I think for some people it does and you could be feeling a lot more empowered and purposeful and even healthier in your life if you get about doing something with it versus just living in the Echo Chambers that uh that many in ar which have been manufactured within it I I think that’s a great um a great point because with regard to disclosure In This Moment uh it seems like we can almost touch it it’s something that we can interact with we can watch our politicians on YouTube we can we can send them an email we can call their office and there it’s within Arms Reach to a certain degree um what you’retalking about though seems to be a little bit harder to get one’s hands around andpar other than just talking about it openly and asking these questions about is this a threat and should we be thinking about in that way what are some specific things that people can do um right here and now that that are actionable today yeah great questions um I think there’s there’s there’s really action at the collective level and then there’s action at the individual personal level I think there’s some very compelling Collective action needed. I I know it’s very controversial to talk about it and uh and maybe that conversation hasn’t even started yet I would love to start it though which is what do we need to do to secure our physical and psychological space as a human race we need borders to space we must be able to track craft in our solar system be you know and and start to even think about creating some sort of Shield some preventative barrier that that preserves some sphere operating sphere and and and space around the human race we cannot have things just flying into our atmosphere and plunging into the ocean done no tracking no monitoring no accounting no disclosure. If anyone’s listening Who’s involved in working with that program do not think at all ever that you can manage that phenomenon in the background and in secret for the benefit of this human race you cannot you are being outgunned and out gamed I guarantee you um so there needs to be disclosure absolutely um and and see that along with that logical framework and that work in conclusion that can start to open up the conversation about okay wake up time we need to do something to protect this world we need to protect our borders to space we need to limit contain or at least um do a quality check on the Transmissions that we are sending out into space all of which could be picked up watched discerned and have probably been and that’s probably why we are so well understood by those visiting they have run 60 years of radio and broadcast.

Transmissions through their own AI machine and they can ask their own chat GPT exactly what human beings want for dinner exactly how human beings can be affected neurologically probably they may have that technology I wouldn’t be surprised so we’ve we’ve basically preferred all of our data all of our Sovereign data out into space to anyone who wants to go grab it and then analyze and understand us to the tea better than we do um so if you’re scared about AI I would recommend being a little bit more scared about the other AI which is alien intelligence that’s the more dangerous intelligence than anything artificial that we can create and then there’s the artificial intelligence that they create so um I think that needs to have our chiefest concern um so we need to have these kinds of conversations about how to protect our Collective space simply so that we can maintain Sovereign psychology Sovereign uh freedom of movement um Sovereign Affairs between countries peoples without it being influenced or manipulated um from an outside force so that’s you know that’s the collective track on the individual track. I think there’s a lot of great stuff people can do um you know I’ve advocated awareness becoming aware of the phenomena and many more people are becoming aware um and then from that I think it’s important to take into account other perspectives such as what we can glean from human history because you know the human race is the only intelligent species we’ve ever been able.To analyze and we have a massive record of its behavior and interaction and so that’s some sort of something upon which to to base an understanding about intelligent species interaction um you know there is Behavioral Science and we can you know cone that out to take in the possibilities of other Behavioral or behavior of other intelligences um and it’s not to say that they’re going to act like us or that The Human Experience constrains the galactic experience none of that it’s that that’s a starting point and we and we iteratear from there um but if you don’t have a starting point good luck iterating anywhere and so I think you know for the individual awareness a logical starting point some sort of understanding of what’s most probable and what’s least probable uh and not to hold them up as a 50/50 um because. I really do not think good bad negative benefit it’s not 5050 it really isn’t well to go back go back to something I’m sorry to cut you off but to just something that you said earlier they’ve had all of this time topar destroy us if they wanted to they’ve also had all this time to help us if they’ve wanted to and I I I certainly haven’t seen any evidence of that right look at look at the trajectory of the climate crisis over the last 70 years. Look at post World War II human Affairs they could have helped us then 60s 70s 80s nuclear proliferation if they concerned about atomic bombs why not stop the two that we dropped civilians start there yeah turn those off very good point that’s that’s look look to the negative you know there’s the photographic positive look to the negative it also contains information um so it’s a very good point so you know with a logical starting point some framework for for for uh differentiating between possibility and probability. I think people can come to some sort of working understanding for themselves and um with that you begin to have your ontological moment or you maybe already have had it you begin to you know confront what this means at the level of your own personal religious views sense of identity sense of purpose in life what am I doing you know and and does this play into your personal affairs your career choice um absolutely it does absolutely. I mean you’re a member of the human race and people pick careers based on a sense of of many things responsibility Duty calling to to serve others and here’s a new way serve not many people Staffing this you know this station in the hospital of of of humanity but um we need some nurses and doctors over here like I think or we’re gonna need um and so I think it is a question am I connected to this at the level of purpose uh not everyone is and so you stay more in the awareness realm. You become aware um you support logical conversation grounded conversation about it you support the disclosure effort uh you listen to those who have had contact or experience of visitation you know and don’t denigrate them don’t disparage them uh these people have borne the brunt of what contact actually is.

I think it’s important uh that this go from being framed as an aerospace military threat to Being Framed as a human species threat and the and the people who have been taken against their will or who have had intrusion into their personal lives who have even been taken and not returned by the way because not everyone who is taken and is returned I mean man they have borne the brunt of what this is they need to be respected and heard so that’s something. That just about anybody can do um and then you know what other thing anybody can do is look we are the human species you members me like we are the humans it’s not it’s not let’s not um like give the authority of that or the empowerment of that away to the government of the military and and and and give them the power which is unfortunately a lot of the dynamic of disclosure is giving power away it’s to say they have it they have what we need without what they disclose we can’t know anything it’s like man talk about being nobody with nothing to do except bang on the iron door I mean wow no we do have something we can do we are the human beings that are being visited and so I think you know this carries into all aspects of our individual human life we need to up our game as human beings uh we’re species to species interacting now and so even if not physically mentally psychologically the level of communication in the in the in the mental environment and so we need to become stronger more capable more mentally strong species members of the species um and and I think that will equip us who knows down the road to make some form of physical contact if that ever happens to play our part in this equation um so we need to up our game as a species and I think that that’s that’s an individual call to action you know that’s not at the level of philosophy or politics or the universities are going to do that, no that’s that’s you and me that’s everyone and so I think this is a powerful event in the life of an individual person um changes everything and um I’m excited to kind of help people through what that means and give them maybe a framework or some sort of path to integrating this awareness and to becoming a human being of this Century this Millennia Millennium this moment. When when we are the ones we are the generations alive today who are going through this now and I think to integrate that and to to be it is important it’s a part of this and there’s a lot more that people can do we can dive I’m sure there’s more there’s there’s other conversations to absolutely would love to have you on again and continue this conversation because I think it is so critical and to um to to your point. we do have our our own set of problems internally that we have to work out clearly the the cover up has been problematic and we don’t know the motivations of our own people who are involved in the cover up or what their actions are and I think um from the perspective of someone engaging in the conversation about disclosure we need to be asking we need disclosure yes we need our government to come clean about what at least is going on to their knowledge but we need to be asking deeper questions and probing further and uh asking how are we using this to create a posture um to respond to this. I I I agree with what you’re saying 100% on an individual level um just just by having these conversations and expanding the dialogue and asking these questions um it it it just broadens the uh the conversation in a in a healthy way where can people go to learn more where would ou uh uh Point them to find resources to help them on their journey to to a better understanding of all this yeah yeah well um I definitely encourage people to look at the work of of certain researchers who have gone into the dark the dark side of this phenomenon because it’s a part of the phenomenon. I’m sorry we can’t cherry-pick through this and say oh I just want to look at this part not the other part it’s one thing it’s one thing so uh the work of David Jacobs um Bud Hopkins Carla Turner these these important people who have made a contribution uh the work of Richard Dolan um chronicling the history of of us. Primarily I think military interaction with with the visitors I think it’s all really important stuff and so there’s there’s there’s some education and learning to do there um go into the history of human colonization see how that went I think it’s a powerful analogy not to be thrown out you know there’s no refrain that can that can just toss that out of the court of of the jury you know of of what’s Happening um and then I do think there are certain High credibility Communications from Beyond the world that might represent some sort of whistleblower Act some observational force that is also been watching us that is Al that is might be on another on another part of the spectrum of possibilities not in the transactional intervening but in the concern because man if there is some sort of intervention colonization at work here I’m sure anyone else watching. Who would not have that intention would be alarmed they might have some sort of um prerogative to help us understand that event or warn us about it and the allies of humanity briefings represent that in my view I think they are an example of that and so um we don’t know.



We don’t know we cannot track these craft outside our atmosphere into space we don’t know how Affairs work in space We don’t even know who’s out there we it’s like we live in a neighborhood and we’re just stepping out of the front door or we’re just exploring the backyard we don’t even know who our neighbor is we don’t know who the guy standing on the corner is we don’t know hat that car that just went by we know nothing and so it is possible that some obser serving force would fill us in on those gaps uh and if they did I think we should accept that at least bring it into the hopper and and take it into consideration see if it’s corroborated by what we can observe and all the other factors of nature history common sense it has to I don’t think any alien communication can be adopted if it travenes what we what we can glean from our own experience being here on the on the Earth itself. In our own common sense and our own native instinctual response as well so I don’t I I definitely don’t put anything above that um and then for those who feel super called you know to go into that deeper I recommend the work of my father Marshall Summers and um he has spent almost 40 years teaching this comprehensive preparation for contact and a Theology and frame of of uh a frame of intellectual framework for understanding these an ological changes that we’re about to go through at the level of spirituality and religion for example so my father’s received a massive body of work on this and he’s been teaching it for many years and so if you feel like you’re someone who needs to prepare for this specifically or like I was saying it has your name on it it’s a calling you know it’s calling to you then I definitely recommend going and reading what what my father’s been teaching for so many years and the pathway of preparation that he presents.

Your father Marshall VI and Summers I I uh uh for those who are watching who don’t know I’ve I’ve read some of his work and I’ve watched some of his videos and I think sometimes um people tend to get off the bus when you start talking about channeling and they’re like I don’t I just don’t know how I can I can believe something that someone is channeling but I think it’s really important uh as you said to look at the content of the message and and not focus so much on where it’s coming from because it’s so relatable and it’s so real and raw and honest and it’s very hard to to read it or listen to it and not go yeah this is common I really this is really common sense um and I think that’s just really important for people to know and understand as they go into this and explore it more it’s it’s um it’s very clearly delivered in a very straightforward matter of fact uh way. Yeah if I may also add to that I because I think it might be up in the minds of some listeners you know telepathic communication may be how communication works I mean to bridge SpaceTime and be able to speak over vast distance non- technologically is a capability that may exist and it may and it may be how aliens do things so again it’s up on that curve of of of the more intelligent high power approach to life uh that’s possible out there. The other thing is um there are so many Communications from purported Alien beings with messages warnings um things like that and one thing I like to share with people is also a way of approaching those and vetting them and and coming to some sort of clarity about what you can and cannot trust and there are three variables I can just throw out there that that I find very helpful in weeding through these purported alien messages some of some of which could be true um some of which could be true and the message false the intent is you know deceptive and some of which could be absolute someone’s mind talking to itself so there needs to be some way of approaching these um but these three variables are is it observable their message meaning are they are they presenting something that you can observe and that is corroborated by what is happening in your space I feel the Allies does check that box. I mean it’s it’s their message is basically look at what’s happening uh the deduction phenomenon human implants meddling with government government secret deals Tech technological transfer I mean it’s like okay you kind of know that it’s happening um the second box to check is where does the power go so if the message is you are loved and you are one with the universe and you but but you are so corrupt and incapable that we need to quarantine your planet and and now we’re in charge of addressing when that quarantine ends and we’re we’re going to play that you know it’s like wow okay talk about taking the power out of us so anyone who comes over to you and says your power is mine you should just basically tell them off no no that’s not not how life works it’s not gonna it’s just not how life Works.


Sorry um and then the third box to tick is what is the action that they’re proposing I mean there can be a message warning us of nuclear disaster the need to redeem our climate crisis can sound beautiful right it can sound super enlightened and and what’s the ask right anyone could come up to anyone and say say anything well worded uh but what’s their ask and I think that’s a critical box to look at and um you know for me the Allies check all three of those boxes and the power stays with us we are the native peoples that need to get our act together we have the tools to do so that’s what the Allies say that we don’t need any contact with any form of life to do that that’s what the Allies say it’s like wow you’re G to come all the way here and tell me that we don’t have to take anything you offer we don’t have to buy into any Galactic agreement or join your Federation okay okay.

What would we do and what the Allies say to do is like grounded in in common sense psychological uh uh truth that we know about ourselves about how human beings function and perform well and and it’s just it does make sense and it is inherently just the right thing to do so. You can only corroborate that you know as you read the Allies briefings but um those three boxes is it observable who gets the power and what is the call to action I think those are the three that you need to hold up against any purported alien message. Reed Summers uh it’s been an honor to have this conversation thank you so much for spending the time with me this afternoon uh I’ve learned a lot and I’m sure our audience has as well and I would love to have you back on to explore this further it’s the tip of a very large Iceberg and there’s so much more to talk about uh we just barely scratch the surface but thank you again for being here and uh let’s do this again definitely Clinton enjoyed it thank you.

Links from humanity and earth

Victory gardens

Alien, Ego and souls

Behind the current coup, alien intervention!

Attempt to radically change our economic and social lives?

Aliens and the NAZI connection

Aliens and planet Earth

Ashtar Sharon gfl W Asar Sharon & New Earth.


Carbon dioxide and Health

If our selected leaders would be more careful in choosing their words, life would more be like heaven.

Religions, The State/Media and humanity.

Remote viewing and Alien interventions on planet earth

Ancient origin.

Baba Vanga and the predictions for Europe/West.


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