Wireless electricity, back to 1902

 Wireless electricity 1902.

De wireless electricity and transmissions popular video’s

How Vedic Philosophy Influenced Nikola Tesla’s Idea Of Free Energy

Space is not empty, it’s filled with energy and substance that’s not perceivable to our human senses. This is something that’s been postulated throughout history, from ancient philosophers all the way to the present day. In the 1960’s a researcher at Hughes Laboratory named Robert L. Forward demonstrated that this energy could in-fact be tapped.


“Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world’s machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels.”Nikola Tesla

This is something Nikola Tesla spoke about many times, tapping into this energy and using it to generate electrical power.

“Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point in the universe. This idea is not novel… We find it in the delightful myth of Antaeus, who derives power from the earth; we find it among subtle speculations of one of your splendid mathematicians….Throughout space there is energy…it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature.”

Nikola tesla

Tesla’s idea of so-called “free energy” was heavily influenced by Vedic philosophy. It’s “free” given the fact that this energy is not scarce, it can’t be depleted, and it’s available in unlimited quantities. It’s also sometimes referred to as “zero-point energy.” 

“All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never-ending cycles all things and phenomena.”

Nikola tesla

Nikola Tesla had correlations with Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902), who was one of the most famous and influential spiritual leaders of the philosophies of Vedanta (one of the six schools of Hindu philosophy, the term originally referred to the upanishads, a collection of philosophical texts in Hinduism) and Yoga. He was the chief disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and the founder of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission. He is a giant figure in the history of the Hindu reform movements.

“Mr. Tesla thinks he can demonstrate mathematically that force and matter are reducible to potential energy. I am to go and see him next week to get this new mathematical demonstration. In that case the Vedantic cosmology will be placed on the surest of foundations. I am working a good deal now upon the cosmology and eschatology of the Vedanta. I clearly see their perfect union with modern science, and the elucidation of the one will be followed by that of the other.” 

Swami Vivekananda (Complete Works, VOL. V, Fifth Edition, 1347, p. 77).

The quote above from Vivekananda hints to a meeting with Tesla. It’s unclear how many times they met, but it must have been sometime between 1893 and 1897 or 1899-1902. These are the years he spent visiting the western world.

The story of their first meeting is well known. In 1896 actress Sarah Bernhardt starred in a play called Iziel. It was a French reading of the life of the Buddha. The play was about a courtesan, Iziel, who attempted to seduce the Buddha while he meditated at the foot of the legendary fig tree where he achieved enlightenment. The Buddha took advantage of Iziel’s advances to preach about the world’s vanity. The play was one of the many Western expressions of interest for the Vedanta, one of the six Hindu schools of philosophy based on the Vedas.

Vivekananda was in attendance, and was approached by Bernhardt after the show. Tesla was also in attendance and during the night Vivekananda and Tesla met and began to speak. 

To the surprise of both of them, the conversation turned to topics of mutual interest. 

Among other things, Vivekananda and Tesla discussed the notions of prâna, âkâsha, and kalpas, three elementary concepts of the Vedantic doctrine. Respectively, these can be understood as vital energy, the ether, and the idea of ​​the aeon. Prâna might be understood as a unit of energy, âkâsha as matter, and kalpas as time. According to Vivekananda, on that very night, Tesla assured him that ideas of such a long tradition in Hinduism could find an echo in modern Western science.

Vivekananda met with many notable scientists at the time, Including physicist Lord Kelvin. (Nikhilananda, Swami, Vivekananda, The Yogas and Other Works, Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, New York, 1973) .

As you can see, Tesla was aware of ancient concepts and the correlation it had with the science he was working on using sanskrit words like “akasha,” and “prana” to describe the force and matter that exists all around us. These words come from the Upanishads (a collection of Vedic texts).

“The aakash is not destructible, it is the primordial absolute substratum that creates cosmic matter and hence the properties of aakash are not found in the material properties that are in a sense relative. The aakash is the eternally existent, superfluid reality, for which creation and destruction are inapplicable.”

Tewari, before he passed, invented a machine based on these principles that he describes in a paper he published in Physics Essays. You can view a brief clip of his machine in this documentary trailer. 

These are machines that output more energy than they take in, and they can run perpetually for an unlimited amount of time, constantly using the non-physical properties of nature. Some still refer to the idea that these technologies have been invented as a conspiracy theory, but who knows?

According to former NASA Astronaut and Prince Physics Professor Dr. Brian O’Leary,

“These concepts have been proven in hundreds of laboratories throughout the world and yet they have not really seen the light of day. If these technologies were to be set free worldwide, the change would be profound, it would be applicable everywhere. These technologies are absolutely the most important thing that have happened in the history of the world.”

You can see him make this statement in this short clip from THRIVE, as well as see a picture of him and Tewari together. 

“These are not just fringe scientists with science fiction ideas. They are mainstream ideas being published in mainstream physics journals and being taken seriously by mainstream military and NASA type funders. I’ve been taken out on aircraft carriers by the Navy and shown what it is we have to replace if we have new energy sources to provide new fuel methods.”  

These concepts and more, within the realm of quantum physics, look at the reality of non-physical phenomenon. According to Tesla, “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

But, “despite the unrivalled empirical success of quantum theory, the very suggestion that it may be literally true as a description of nature is still greeted with cynicism, incomprehension and even anger.” (T. Folger, “Quantum Shmantum”; Discover 22:37-43, 2001)

This is because this type of phenomena challenges our long held belief systems and what we think is true. It’s something that’s always existed throughout the history of science. 

Take, for example, prominent physicist Lord Kelvin, who stated in the year 1900 that, “There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains is more and more precise measurement.” It wasn’t long after this statement when Einstein published his paper on special relativity. Einstein’s theories challenged the accepted framework of knowledge at the time, and forced the scientific community to open up to an alternate view of reality.

“It serves as a great example of how concepts that are taken to be absolute truth are susceptible to change. Physicists shy from the truth because the truth is so alien to everyday physics…The universe is immaterial-mental and spirituals.”

Wireless electricity transmission circuit
7 feb. 2018 · 15 d. weergaven 
Wireless Transmission and Distribution a reality now. #wirelesstransmission #nikolatesla
How to make wireless power transmission system ⚡ || Wireless electricity project || 100% Working
21 feb. · 650 weergaven

Former NASA Astronaut & Princeton Professor Says Free Energy Devices Are Very Real

A former NASA astronaut and Princeton professor has admitted on camera that free energy devices are real and that hundreds of scientists know about them.

New ocean discovery could provide s..

Dr. Brian O’Leary was interviewed shortly before his death stating that over-unity devices (free energy devices) have been proven in hundreds of labs around the world, but that the media have refused to talk about them.

We are talking about a well educated person who has been working in and involved with science and technology at the highest known levels. He held multiple positions at various universities and worked with the likes of Carl Sagan, among many others. A quick Google search would suffice if you are looking for more information regarding his academic background. He was (obviously) extremely passionate about changing the world and we can see that passion expressed clearly in this video, presented at the United Nations shortly before his passing.

O’Leary devoted a significant amount of time to studying and investigating new energy technologies, traveling the world and visiting laboratories to see them for himself.

“All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never-ending cycles all things and phenomena.” – Nikola Tesla, Man’s Greatest Achievement, 1907

“Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point in the universe. This idea is not novel… We find it in the delightful myth of Antheus, who derives power from the earth; we find it among subtle speculations of one of your splendid mathematicians… Throughout space there is energy.” – Nikola Tesla

As featured in the Thrive documentary.

What Critics Have To Say About Free Energy

The number one argument that critics often use to dispel the idea of over-unity energy is that it violates certain laws of physics, more specifically, the second law of thermodynamics. This is why many believe that efficiencies cannot be greater than one hundred percent.

But what most critics fail to realize is that space is not empty, and the second law of thermodynamics does not account for that fact. It’s time for the laws of physics to change, for physicists to modify their theories, because some scientists and engineers are actually building these generators already, like the example we mention below. It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve had to revise scientific doctrine, and it won’t be the last. In 1900, Lord Kelvin said that “there is nothing new to be discovered in physics now, all that remains is more and more precise measurement.” It was only five years later that this statement was shattered, when Einstein published his paper on special relativity. The new theories proposed by Einstein challenged the accepted knowledge at that time, and forced the scientific community to open up to an alternate view of the nature of reality.

A similar shift in thinking needs to happen today.

The concept that efficiencies cannot be greater than 100% can be accredited to an incomplete understanding of the properties of space. The second law of thermodynamics needs be modified to account for the fact that space is not empty, something that has been known for more than 100 years now.

“Space is not empty, it is full. The universe is not separate from this cosmic sea of energy.” – David Bohm

“No point is more central than this, that empty space is not empty. It is the seat of the most violent physics.” – John Archibald Wheeler

Many skeptics have also failed to realize that this information has already been confirmed and published in reputable physics journals. There is plenty of research showing that space is not empty, nobel winning work has also demonstrated this fact. There is energy in space waiting to be tapped.

An Example of Machines That Have Been Invented

We recently published an article about Paramahamsa Tewari, an over-unity generator developer. He is one of the people that Dr. Brian O’Leary paid a visit to while doing his research, and you can see a picture of O’Leary with him in the video clip at the beginning of the article.

The device has been replicated by a major manufacturer of electrical generators in India. Hopefully we will be allowed to show you some video footage of the device soon, but all of the information, pictures, science, and more behind the machine can be found at his website HERE.

The Implications of This Technology

The implications of this technology are huge. As Dr. O’Leary stated in the video above:

“If the new energy technologies were to be set free worldwide, the change would be profound, it would affect everybody, it would be applicable everywhere. These technologies are absolutely the most important thing that has happened in the history of the world.”

Imagine everybody in the world having access to clean, green energy. Imagine what this technology could be used for. It would spell the end of all current methods of generating energy. It would also play a large role in alleviating poverty worldwide, given that access to energy plays such a huge role in the wealth of a people. The possibilities are endless.

Should these technologies become publicly acknowledged and accessible, one of the most significant implications would be, perhaps, the ushering in of a completely new understanding of the nature of our reality.

Wireless transmission of Electricity (New Zealand)
12 sep. 2020 · 16 weergaven
Wireless transmission of electricity
10 sep. 2020 · 401 weergaven

Otis Carr After meeting Tesla Invented Anti-Gravity Spacecraft & Free Energy Device

There are very few people who think to help mankind without considering any profit in return. After great inventor, Nikola Tesla, Baltimore engineer Otis T. Carr was the only person who believed in Tesla’s free energy concept. He wanted to create a spacecraft that would run on free energy and take humans to Moon and other planets. His friendship with Tesla lasted until his death in 1943. He was a protégé of Tesla who constructed a number of fully functional flying saucers in the late 1950s.

ELON MUSK – 10 Things to Know

Carr was born in West Virginia in 1904. He left school at the age of 13 and self-educated himself. He met Tesla for the first time in Manhattan in 1925 while working as a hotel clerk. The two men talked about the developments in technology and discussed energy productions. Carr, who reportedly discovered free energy, was inspired by Tesla.

During an interview with The New York Herald Tribune in 1911, Tesla said:

“My flying machine will have neither wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground and you would never guess that it was a flying machine. Yet it will be able to move at will through the air in any direction with perfect safety.”

Unfortunately, Tesla never had an opportunity to convert those ideas into a reality due to political and budget issues, but his disciple Carr claimed to have achieved harnessing power from gravity and built a spacecraft using it.

In the 1950s, Carr was searching for investors for his saucers and free energy program. He became friends with a Baltimore man named Ralph Elsmo, who owned an advertising enterprise. After finding out about Carr’s ideas, Elsmo offered him a place to developing inventions using Tesla technology. Later, he set “OTC Enterprises, Inc.” In 1957, Carr was promoted by advertisers as the greatest scientist and was called a creator of the solution to power sources, free energy produced by the “Carrotto Gravity Motor.”

His most controversial invention was powered by the Utron Electric Accumulator, described as a fourth-dimensional space vehicle or the OTC-X1 spacecraft, in other words, a flying saucer.

Carr could not have developed this technology if Tesla had not shared his ideas of antigravity propulsion with him years ago. In 1958, Carr claimed to have produced an anti-gravity technology that could be applied in a spacecraft. He asked for funding of around 20 million dollars to construct manufacturing facilities and build a machine (OTC-X1) that could fly to the Moon or any other planet in the solar system.

He even approached the Pentagon and pitched them his OTC-X1 concept. Being interested, the Pentagon sent a team to investigate Carr’s offer. They visited his office in Baltimore and found his model useless. In 1958, the FBI started an investigation into Carr’s new spacecraft model, as they were concerned that it might attract the Soviet Union, but someone tipped them about criminal activity. They had reports of him selling some unregistered stock.

During a Project Camelot, Carr and technician Ralph Ring had been working closely on the design of flying saucers. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, the two of them built a flying saucer powered by rotating electromagnets in conjunction with a number of small, ingenious capacitor-like devices called “Utrons.” They constructed several small-sized ships and a 45-foot craft that flew 10 miles at the speed of light.

“I was with two other engineers when we piloted the 45′ craft about ten miles. I thought it hadn’t moved – I thought it had failed. I was completely astonished when we realized that we had returned with samples of rocks and plants from our destination. It was a dramatic success. It was more like a kind of teleportation.”

“You must always work with Mother Nature. Force is never necessary. The laws of the physical universe are really very simple,” Ring said.

According to Carr, “Any vehicle accelerated to an axis rotation relative to its attractive inertial mass, immediately becomes activated by free-space-energy and acts as an independent force.”

On April 15, 1959, hundreds of people gathered in Oklahoma city for Otis Carr’s disk launch. They were invited to the launch of his 45 feet craft that would rise 400-600 feet in the air. However, the launch was postponed as Carr had been admitted into hospital, diagnosed with a lung hemorrhage.

Carr attracted the attention of World War II veteran US army officers Wayne Aho and Daniel Fry who accompanied him and helped his project to keep going. He claimed to launch for the Moon on December 7, 1959.

In 1947, Carr prepared the documentation, and later, in 1959, received a US patent No. 2.912.244 for a project of OTC-X1 spacecraft despite the fact that the United States Patent and Trademark Office had not recognized the idea of “perpetual motion machines” for a long time, and Carr’s device used just such a principle.

In 1960, Carr was found guilty of selling unregistered stock in Oklahoma and in January, he was charged in fraudulent of $50,000. He was sent to prison for 14 years and meanwhile, his lab was destroyed and all his prototypes were ceased by the government. His team members were asked not to make any contact with each other. After that, Carre lived in Pittsburgh until his death in 1982, continuing to try to interest investors in his technology.

Otis Carr was a victim like Tesla, who was left unnoticed and broke at the end of his life. People often talk about the intervention of the government and other forces opposing the advancement of Carr’s flying saucers. Besides, opponents of alternative energy regularly report a fraud on the part of Carr.

please watch, subscribe and share to your friends jo bhi electrical work me interested ho🙏🙏 watch full video in YouTube just click the link https://youtu.be/WRy8zTzukEM
13 mei 2020 · 2,2 d. weergaven
23 okt. 2020 · 98 weergaven
Wireless transmission of electricity
11 sep. 2020 · 11 weergaven

The ‘Crazy’ Genius Who Used Nikola Tesla Ideas To Create “Crystal Energy Cell” -Free Energy Source

Considered a “mad genius,” John Hutchison is an inventor from Vancouver, Canada, who may have made great strides with antigravity and free energy sources . However, like any inventor who “escapes the system”, everything seems to indicate that the governmental elite was in charge of erasing all traces of his inventions …

[French] Fuel cell and battery comb…

The Vancouver-based independent researcher is a specialist in electromagnetic phenomena . At the end of 1970 he would reach the peak of his work by making great advances in antigravity and in the “Crystal Energy Cell”; a free energy device.

The Mad Genius of Vancouver

Using a variety of electronic equipment, mostly sourced from military junkyards , Hutchison built a grandiose laboratory.

There he developed different experiments with which he achieved unique scientific advances . His inventions go beyond the Tesla coils and showed us that different objects can be levitated through techniques that come from thousands of years ago , used by the Egyptians.

In fact, he claimed that in ancient Egypt they knew the electrical power of crystals to make endless batteries. Better known as Zero point energy .

The peak of his career as an inventor came in 1979 , while trying to reproduce Nikola Tesla’s experiments.

The scientist reported strange side effects that happened during the tests; some objects began to levitate . Other materials, despite their disparate composition, fused at the molecular level . Other metals fractured or heated spontaneously , reaching high temperatures without calcining other materials around them.

He even claimed to see how certain materials changed their physical properties or how other smaller ones disappeared completely.

Thus he discovered that fundamental frequencies can defy gravity. However, after analyzing the experiment, the Canadian government meddled in their work, calling it ” The Hutchison Effect .”

The Hutchison Effect

It is about the alteration in the properties of certain objects that caused them to levitate, the metal to fracture or heat up, and elements as different as metal or wood to fuse together.

Theorists suggest that this is the result of opposing electromagnetic fields . Thus, they cancel each other out and create a powerful flow of energy from space .

George Hathaway , is a prominent Vancouver businessman who became interested in Hutchison’s work in 1980. He did not hesitate to contact him and, together with a consulting engineer from Boeing Aerospace and the Government of Canada, they created a company aimed at developing and promoting his technology.

However, and as stated by the inventor, different political factors truncated the development of the research ; They were forcing him to sign an agreement with the United States government and military.

Silencing comes

Faced with the refusal, the Canadian government seized his laboratory when John had traveled to Germany.

He assured that they paid more than 70 million dollars to his partner , George Liscazis, creating controversy to use the local press and justify his actions. Thus, they concealed their true actions.

The inventor left Canada and traveled to different countries to give lectures and explain what had happened , until he returned to his native Vancouver in 1991.

There are several videos in which Hutchison shows various pieces of evidence, in addition to his testimonies. These can be found on the Internet or the scientist himself can be asked to provide all the material.

Some skeptics claim that all the videos use scenes, angles and lights to create an optical illusion. A television program even aired a special video, where a kind of rope attached to a toy UFO was observed that “had made it levitate.”

Another thing that works against him is that he never managed to reproduce the effect , in addition, the videos also do not show the process as the effect is achieved, but only show the “surprising” side. They are all focused on what the objects do.

Although his believers assure that Hutchison got a hypothetical electromagnetic wave known as “Scalar Wave”. This allowed his mechanism to harness Zero point energy.

Wireless Electricity Transmission. Imagination To Reality.
8 aug. 2021 · 1 weergave
Big respect to N.Tesla🤓
29 mei 2021 · 12 d. weergaven
***** WIRELESS ELECTRICITY ***** Here are some links for more information on wireless electricity. 1. https://www.thoughtco.com/wireless-electricity-history-1991605 2. https://www.google.co.in/amp/s/futurism.com/stanford-scientists-are-making-wireless-electricity-transmission-a-reality/amp/
9 sep. 2018 · 873 weergaven
Wireless Electricity Transmission Review made
26 dec. 2022 · 276 weergaven
Wireless transmission of electricity using induction cooker ……… but it is an AC current .
18 nov. 2018 · 19 weergaven
NZ Launches World-First Long Range Wireless Power Transmission: Kiwi start-up EMROD has developed the world’s first long-range, high-power, wireless power transmission as an alternative to existing copper line technology. The Emrod technology works by utilising electromagnetic waves to safely and efficiently transmit energy wirelessly over vast distances. The prototype received some government funding and was designed and built in Auckland in cooperation with Callaghan Innovation. OffGridEnergy.
14 sep. 2020 · 48 weergaven
Wireless Electricity transmission is a simple circuit to transmitt elcectricity wirlessly.
5 okt. 2016 · 178 weergaven
advance electricity technology
2 okt. 2011
Breaking Kay Kay ‘s new energy company has made a HUGE breakthrough in wireless electricity transmission and is set for a formal launching and deployment in progressive African countries by March 2021. According to him: “Our systems are safe point to point transmission (not radiating in all directions) We will transmit power wirelessly from our distributed generation subs to a number of distribution hubs and then on distributing electricity from there to customers using a series of secondary wireless links! …and it’s sheer mass of clean energy!” Wireless electricity when it fully scales would be a huge huge game changer! Congratulations Boss man!!
14 nov. 2020 · 238 weergaven
The life story and work of Nikola Tesla. He invented AC electricity, Neon Lights, Radio transmission, The Electric motor, Wireless electricity transfer, Remote control, Hydraulics, Lasers, Space weapons, Robotics, and many, many more things. Some Electromechanical devices and principles developed by Tesla: * various devices that use rotating magnetic fields (1882) * induction motor and high frequency alternator * means for increasing the intensity of electrical oscillations * alternating current long-distance electrical transmission system (1888) * Tesla coil * bladeless turbine * bifilar coil * Telegeodynamics * systems for wireless communication (prior art for the invention of radio) and radio frequency oscillators * robotics and the “AND” logic gate * X-rays Tubes using the bremsstrahlung process * devices for ionized gases * devices for high field emission * devices for charged particle beams * methods for providing extremely low level of resistance to the passage of electrical current * voltage multiplication circuitry * devices for high voltage discharges * devices for lightning protection * Magnifying Transmitter * VTOL aircraft * Dynamic theory of gravity * concepts for electric vehicles
18 feb. 2010 · 235 weergaven
Watch This….. “Our birtues and our failings are inseparable,Like Force and matter.When They Separate,Man Is No More.” I Don’t Care That They Stole My Idea… I Care That They Don’t Have Any Of Their Own… -Thank You Nikola Tesla IDEA-POWER-electricity history ——-Wireless Transmission Of Electricity——- Watch This And Figure Out Your Idea…🧚‍♀️
20 feb. 2018 · 16 weergaven
In this video I will Show You Amazing Science Project For All Students. How to Make A Wireless Electricity Using Tesla. It’s Amazing DIY Project Wireless Electricity & Wireless Electricity Transmission. How to make Science Project And School Project. What is Wireless Electricity And How is Work? Tesla Coil How to make In 5 Minutes And How to Work Nikola Tesla Coil. #ScienceProject #SchoolProject #WirelessElectricity Thanks For Watching Please Share Back Video Subscribe To Our Channel #vishalonlineclasses Please follow social media.. ►Facebook: http://facebook.com/vishalonlineclasses/ ►Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/VishalCompetitionExamOnlineClasses ►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vishal_online_classes/ Like, Share, Support, Subscribe!! About : Vishal Online Classes is a YouTube Channel, where you will find technological, Educational,videos in Hindi, New Video is Upload Everyday.
10 jun. 2019 · 300 weergaven
A security guard identified as 40-year-old, Steven Noriega, was killed after a sliding gate at a property under construction fell on him while on duty in El Socorro on Wednesday 13th July, 2022. • Noriega was found dead under a gate at the NWT enterprises compound at global avenue El Socorro south just after 2am on Thursday 14th July, 2022. • He was discovered dead under the gate, with a wound to the head, hours after he was not heard of and failed to respond to wireless transmissions and calls to his cell phone. • Noriega, who lived in Arouca, was employed with Special Forces Security Services limited. At the time of his death he was on duty at another facility being constructed by the company which does not have any electricity at the moment.
14 jul. 2022 · 13 d. weergaven
Witricity-wireless transmission of electricity used in wireless charging of cellphones
9 mrt. 2017 · 158 weergaven
The list of inventions by Nikola Tesla are numerous and are well outlined in one of favourite books called: NIKOLA TESLA: The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla”. Some of these inventions include: 1- In 1926 Tesla was already talking about Cell Phones; 2- His Tesla Coil made possible Television, and 3- Radio; 4- He gave us Wireless Transmission aka Wifi; 5- He Lit the world with AC Electricity versus the inefficient use of DC electricity used by Edison; 6- Scalar Technology or Teleforce giving us the ability to travel instantly to Mars; 7- He designed the first Hydro-Electric Powerplant in Niagara Falls in 1895; 8- Remote Controls used in modern devices; 9- Robotics; 10- Tesla Turbine for Vertical take-off for aircraft; 11- He foresaw the use of Satellites; 12- He developed X-Rays and 13- Radar and 14- Kirlian Photography for viewing Auras and 15- Laser Technology and 16- Water-pumps. In his other book: “Tesla: Man Out Of Time: A full length portrait of one of the most Brilliant and Strangest Scientists in History” we see the rare photography of the ill-fated Wardenclyffe Tower built in 1901-03. It was intended for radio broadcasting and wireless transmission of power across the Atlantic. Jain 108 jain108academy.com
10 jul. 2022 · 17 d. weergaven
Baby Elizabeth today project is Wireless transmission of Electricity… Cool
30 nov. 2022
Hi Friends One of the major problems in power system is the losses occurring during the transmission of electrical power. The loss of percentage during the transmission is approximated as 26%. The main cause for power loss during transmission is the resistance of wires used in the grid. According to WRI (world resource institute), the electricity grid of Pakistan has the highest percentage (27-40%) of power transmission losses in the world. For this reason, Telsa has proposed methods of electricity transmission using an electromagnetic induction method. The Serbian scientist “Nikola Telsa” was the first one to research and propose the concept of wireless power transfer in the year 1899, since then many scientists have been working to make his vision a reality. In the same year he has continued research on wireless power transmission in Colorado Springs and writes, the inferiority of the induction method would come into view immense as compared with the distributed charge of ground and air method. In the year 1961, William C. Brown publishes an article exploring possibilities of microwave power transmission. In the year 2009, Sony shows a wireless electrodynamics induction powered TV set.
16 nov. 2019 · 251 weergaven
Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, futurist, and polymath. He is best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system. Tesla’s patents and theoretical work formed the basis of modern-day radio and television broadcasting, as well as the development of radar and lasers. He also conducted pioneering work in the field of wireless power transmission. Tesla was a brilliant inventor with a wide range of interests. He was also a visionary who saw the potential of new technologies to change the world. In his lifetime, Tesla made many predictions about the future of technology, some of which have come to pass, and others that are still waiting to be realized. In this video, we explore the life and work of Nikola Tesla. We will look at his most famous inventions, his vision for the future, and his legacy as one of the most brilliant minds of the 20th century. Here are some additional things you could mention in the description: Tesla’s early life and education His work with Thomas Edison His development of the AC electricity system His other inventions, such as the Tesla coil and the wireless power transmitter His visionary ideas about the future of technology His legacy as one of the most important inventors of all time I hope this helps!
4 aug. · 3 weergaven
Wireless Electricity 💡🔦 / Making Free Energy Light Bulb 💡 / Wireless Power Transfer System 100% Working #wireless #wirelesselectricity #FreeElectricity #freeenergy #bulb #power #transfers #facebookpost #FBVIDEO #fbviral #viral #viralvideo #InductionGenerator #DIYElectricity #MagneticGenerator #AlternativeEnergy #RenewableEnergy #OffGridLiving #PerpetualMotion #TeslaCoil #ElectricityFromThinAir #FreeEnergy #drscientist How to make wireless electricity power at home, How to make wireless power transfer system at home, How to make a tesla coil at home, How to make wireless power transmission, How to make wireless energy from tesla coil, How to make wireless electricity transmitter at home, How to make free electricity from induction heater, Wireless electricity transmission circuit, How to make wireless transmission charger at home, Free energy generator makes a wireless electricity
10 apr. · 108 weergaven
Very excited to be running a teacher enrichment workshop, with a group of #Science #Educators from #Croatia. So naturally we should touch on some of the science of #Telsa, while we cover some basic #Electricity and #Magnetism. Science by #Enquiry — ready for take off. MANY thanks to Danka Pažanin and Dijana Grahovac and the wonderfully supportive Australian Embassy to Croatia and Kosovo . Energy science has never been more important, and this is a great example of people to people progress. The video shows a small demonstration of the wireless power transmission that Tesla was so focused on for much of his working life. It forms the basis of of wireless phone charging systems today.
3 nov. 2021 · 286 weergaven

Greetings one and all. My final Wireless of the Week entry for 2016, is a tribute to two very special people in the world of vintage radio. Firstly, my dear friend Tony Adams, who taught me a huge amount about vintage radio and electrical repair, having had a career in this field since 1946. He taught me almost everything I know about vintage radio, at his shop in Ipswich, which was in operation from 1967-2013. Mr. Adams died on December 29th, 2012, after a long illness. The very last radio he worked on was my Philco model 444 peoples set in the spring of that same year, hence this is now a very special radio in my collection – it’s the last link to Mr. Adams and the happy years I had working in his shop. Secondly, this entry is also a tribute to Gerry Wells, who died on December 22nd 2014 at the age of 85 after a short illness. He was easily the greatest radio collector and restorer of all time, having amassed a collection comprising 1,300 vintage radio’s and similar memorabilia, at his London home, which is known by collectors and enthusiasts around the world, has been featured in the National media, and been an official museum for over 40 years. Gerry literally dedicated his whole life to radio and electricity, from the age of 2 he was said to be more interested in plugs, sockets and light fittings than the children’s toys of the era. His obsession brought him many high’s and lows throughout his life, but he was widely respected by many for his knowledge, passion, and desire to help others, with repairs, history lessons, and advice. Gerry is a tremendous, irreplaceable loss to the vintage radio world, I can only hope that at least some of his knowledge will live on in those of us who were privileged enough to have met him. In 2002, Mr. Wells, published a most fascinating autobiography, and one of the radio’s featured a number of times in this book is the Philco model 444 of 1936, which Gerry could recall coming on to the market for the very first time when he was just seven years old. So needless to say come tomorrow night I will be listening to the Keith Skues show on my example of the Philco 444, hence this is my Wireless of the Week this Week, as double anniversary tribute to these two wonderful men. In the book Gerry mentions a few repairs he carried out on one of these radio’s as a teenager back in the 1940’s, which proved helpful to myself and a couple of local friends who kindly helped me restore my example back in 2012. The Philco 444 was designed to be cheaper than most other radios on the market, it’s purpose to make wireless more affordable. According to Mr. Wells’ book there was a general outcry about the high price of radio sets in Britain at the time, hence the government of the day set a challenge to the radio industry to come up with something cheaper, the result being the production of the Philco 444. Initially, sales were poor, however a stroke of genius at the Philco radio co-operation picked up on the fact that ‘People’ was very much a Buzz-word at the time, hence they re-branded it the ‘Peoples Set.’ Following this, it was a huge success, and many still survive today in the hands of collectors. Housed in a stylish black Bakelite case (which in those days was cheaper than wood) this valve radio has coverage of the Long and Medium-wave bands, and despite being designed as a cheaper set of her time, she is still of good quality and with a sweet sound produced by the sets mains-energized speaker, BBC Essex is loud and proud on 411 meters, 729 K/c’s in the Medium-wave band, thus enabling me to hear Keith Skues on this fine radio come tomorrow evening. Special mention needs to be made of one particular valve housed in the set. The PEN DD 61 is not only clever, but unique as well. Essentially it is three valves rolled into one, as denoted by its name. It comprises one Pentode and two diodes (DD – Double Diode.) The 61 pre-fix denotes that the valve heater is rated at six volts. Although the PEN DD 61 is not the only valve ever made that does more than one job, it is unique in that it was made exclusively for the Philco 444 and absolutely no other radio or piece of equipment in the world features it. Since acquiring this set in January 2012, she has taken me on a lengthy journey of repairs, and at one point, electrocution. (Do not try this at home!) Initially, she worked well, but then failed suddenly. This turned out to be a short circuit across Condenser 4, which is coupled to the grid of the I.F. Valve. (A Philco 78.) Indeed, it really was a complete short. So this was replaced, but it became clear that further damage had occurred as a result of this, as the set still didn’t work. In essence, what actually happened was a number of the aging condensers throughout the set failed, presumably due to not having been used for a long time. Many of these were replaced, but still very poor results! (There were three of us on the case by this point!) It seemed quite unbelievable – we would get whistles from the signal generator at the right times, and a very faint sound from Gold Radio on 257 meters, (yes, that is the old Radio Orwell transmitter, now changed over to Smooth Radio!) but nothing that anyone could listen to! After months of trails and tribulations, including replacement parts, retuning etc, we realized that the volume control had in fact failed! So a lot of this time the set had been working, we just couldn’t hear it! A replacement volume control, followed by further re-tuning gradually brought the set back to life. Although there were further twists to the tale. Whilst moving the chassis, the back of my hand accidentally struck a metal-cased plug socket. Remembering that the golden rule with electricity is that it takes the quickest route to Earth, it is not surprising that I got a huge shock through the back of my hand. Being an AC shock this threw my hand off the source, causing me to smack my thumb on the tuning scale and make it bleed! (Don’t worry, the radio was un-harmed!) Although I don’t condone being electrocuted I’m pleased to say on this occasion I got away with it, but don’t go trying it for yourself anyone, people aren’t always that lucky! Later on though, there was another two twists to the tale. Shortly after the electrocution incident, the set decided to start tripping off the RCD breaker. This turned out to be caused by the mains filtering condensers, the exact same fault that had occurred in the Philco C-638 in 2011! – See entry about this set, don’t I ever learn!:) So these were replaced. Then, just as I was about to return her to her case, she suddenly stopped working. This turned out to be a rather spooky re-occurrence of the initial fault, some three months earlier, the failure of Condenser 4. Thankfully, I caught it quickly this time, before any further damage could occur as a result. Just goes to show though, that you can go through the woods, to then have that initial niggling fault come back to haunt you again! All sorted now though! As an owner of two Philco Radio’s it is interesting to note certain similarities despite them being at opposite ends of the market. I.e. similar valve line-ups (including Philco’s own brand of valves) as well as the use of moulded condensers which are small bakelite blocks, each one comprising two – three condensers. As far as I know, these are unique to Philco, although if anyone knows different, it would be good to hear from you! All said and done, I shall be raising a glass of real ale tomorrow night to toast the health and work of both Gerry Wells, and Tony Adams, hopefully some of you will do the same. Enjoy the New year festivities tonight folks, and I look forward to ‘seeing’ everyone again in 2017, when I gather we could have another incarnation of ‘Pirate BBC Essex!’ Details to follow in the coming weeks and months, so watch this space! As you’ve probably guessed, this video shows the Philco model 444 Peoples set in action. At the start of the clip, it is tuned to ‘France Inter’ on 162 K/’cs, 1851 meters, Longwave, a transmission, which is due to end at midnight (11pm UK time) tonight, putting an end to French transmissions at this spot on the dial, which date back to 1939. The transmitter is located at Allouis in France, and further info and history can be found here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allouis_longwave_transmitter. Half way through the clip, I re-tune the radio to some 1940’s music on Medium-wave, which of course sounds most authentic on this vintage set! Finally, a happy, healthy and prosperous new year to all readers and participents of the ‘Wireless of the Week’ page, and I look forward to ‘speaking’ to you all again in 2017! Sincere best wishes, Chris

Greetings one and all. My final Wireless of the Week entry for 2016, is a tribute to two very special people in the world of vintage radio. Firstly, my dear friend Tony Adams, who taught me a huge amount about vintage radio and electrical repair, having had a career in this field since 1946. He taught me almost everything I know about vintage radio, at his shop in Ipswich, which was in operation from 1967-2013. Mr. Adams died on December 29th, 2012, after a long illness. The very last radio he worked on was my Philco model 444 peoples set in the spring of that same year, hence this is now a very special radio in my collection – it’s the last link to Mr. Adams and the happy years I had working in his shop. Secondly, this entry is also a tribute to Gerry Wells, who died on December 22nd 2014 at the age of 85 after a short illness. He was easily the greatest radio collector and restorer of all time, having amassed a collection comprising 1,300 vintage radio’s and similar memorabilia, at his London home, which is known by collectors and enthusiasts around the world, has been featured in the National media, and been an official museum for over 40 years. Gerry literally dedicated his whole life to radio and electricity, from the age of 2 he was said to be more interested in plugs, sockets and light fittings than the children’s toys of the era. His obsession brought him many high’s and lows throughout his life, but he was widely respected by many for his knowledge, passion, and desire to help others, with repairs, history lessons, and advice. Gerry is a tremendous, irreplaceable loss to the vintage radio world, I can only hope that at least some of his knowledge will live on in those of us who were privileged enough to have met him. In 2002, Mr. Wells, published a most fascinating autobiography, and one of the radio’s featured a number of times in this book is the Philco model 444 of 1936, which Gerry could recall coming on to the market for the very first time when he was just seven years old. So needless to say come tomorrow night I will be listening to the Keith Skues show on my example of the Philco 444, hence this is my Wireless of the Week this Week, as double anniversary tribute to these two wonderful men. In the book Gerry mentions a few repairs he carried out on one of these radio’s as a teenager back in the 1940’s, which proved helpful to myself and a couple of local friends who kindly helped me restore my example back in 2012. The Philco 444 was designed to be cheaper than most other radios on the market, it’s purpose to make wireless more affordable. According to Mr. Wells’ book there was a general outcry about the high price of radio sets in Britain at the time, hence the government of the day set a challenge to the radio industry to come up with something cheaper, the result being the production of the Philco 444. Initially, sales were poor, however a stroke of genius at the Philco radio co-operation picked up on the fact that ‘People’ was very much a Buzz-word at the time, hence they re-branded it the ‘Peoples Set.’ Following this, it was a huge success, and many still survive today in the hands of collectors. Housed in a stylish black Bakelite case (which in those days was cheaper than wood) this valve radio has coverage of the Long and Medium-wave bands, and despite being designed as a cheaper set of her time, she is still of good quality and with a sweet sound produced by the sets mains-energized speaker, BBC Essex is loud and proud on 411 meters, 729 K/c’s in the Medium-wave band, thus enabling me to hear Keith Skues on this fine radio come tomorrow evening. Special mention needs to be made of one particular valve housed in the set. The PEN DD 61 is not only clever, but unique as well. Essentially it is three valves rolled into one, as denoted by its name. It comprises one Pentode and two diodes (DD – Double Diode.) The 61 pre-fix denotes that the valve heater is rated at six volts. Although the PEN DD 61 is not the only valve ever made that does more than one job, it is unique in that it was made exclusively for the Philco 444 and absolutely no other radio or piece of equipment in the world features it. Since acquiring this set in January 2012, she has taken me on a lengthy journey of repairs, and at one point, electrocution. (Do not try this at home!) Initially, she worked well, but then failed suddenly. This turned out to be a short circuit across Condenser 4, which is coupled to the grid of the I.F. Valve. (A Philco 78.) Indeed, it really was a complete short. So this was replaced, but it became clear that further damage had occurred as a result of this, as the set still didn’t work. In essence, what actually happened was a number of the aging condensers throughout the set failed, presumably due to not having been used for a long time. Many of these were replaced, but still very poor results! (There were three of us on the case by this point!) It seemed quite unbelievable – we would get whistles from the signal generator at the right times, and a very faint sound from Gold Radio on 257 meters, (yes, that is the old Radio Orwell transmitter, now changed over to Smooth Radio!) but nothing that anyone could listen to! After months of trails and tribulations, including replacement parts, retuning etc, we realized that the volume control had in fact failed! So a lot of this time the set had been working, we just couldn’t hear it! A replacement volume control, followed by further re-tuning gradually brought the set back to life. Although there were further twists to the tale. Whilst moving the chassis, the back of my hand accidentally struck a metal-cased plug socket. Remembering that the golden rule with electricity is that it takes the quickest route to Earth, it is not surprising that I got a huge shock through the back of my hand. Being an AC shock this threw my hand off the source, causing me to smack my thumb on the tuning scale and make it bleed! (Don’t worry, the radio was un-harmed!) Although I don’t condone being electrocuted I’m pleased to say on this occasion I got away with it, but don’t go trying it for yourself anyone, people aren’t always that lucky! Later on though, there was another two twists to the tale. Shortly after the electrocution incident, the set decided to start tripping off the RCD breaker. This turned out to be caused by the mains filtering condensers, the exact same fault that had occurred in the Philco C-638 in 2011! – See entry about this set, don’t I ever learn!:) So these were replaced. Then, just as I was about to return her to her case, she suddenly stopped working. This turned out to be a rather spooky re-occurrence of the initial fault, some three months earlier, the failure of Condenser 4. Thankfully, I caught it quickly this time, before any further damage could occur as a result. Just goes to show though, that you can go through the woods, to then have that initial niggling fault come back to haunt you again! All sorted now though! As an owner of two Philco Radio’s it is interesting to note certain similarities despite them being at opposite ends of the market. I.e. similar valve line-ups (including Philco’s own brand of valves) as well as the use of moulded condensers which are small bakelite blocks, each one comprising two – three condensers. As far as I know, these are unique to Philco, although if anyone knows different, it would be good to hear from you! All said and done, I shall be raising a glass of real ale tomorrow night to toast the health and work of both Gerry Wells, and Tony Adams, hopefully some of you will do the same. Enjoy the New year festivities tonight folks, and I look forward to ‘seeing’ everyone again in 2017, when I gather we could have another incarnation of ‘Pirate BBC Essex!’ Details to follow in the coming weeks and months, so watch this space! As you’ve probably guessed, this video shows the Philco model 444 Peoples set in action. At the start of the clip, it is tuned to ‘France Inter’ on 162 K/’cs, 1851 meters, Longwave, a transmission, which is due to end at midnight (11pm UK time) tonight, putting an end to French transmissions at this spot on the dial, which date back to 1939. The transmitter is located at Allouis in France, and further info and history can be found here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allouis_longwave_transmitter. Half way through the clip, I re-tune the radio to some 1940’s music on Medium-wave, which of course sounds most authentic on this vintage set! Finally, a happy, healthy and prosperous new year to all readers and participents of the ‘Wireless of the Week’ page, and I look forward to ‘speaking’ to you all again in 2017! Sincere best wishes, Chris
31 dec. 2016 · 972 weergaven
Dahua Security offers a way to have security even with no access to electricity and network connections. Using 4G network transmission technology, video surveillance and solar power technology, Dahua has built an integrated off-grid monitoring system. It offers great weak light performance and amazing solar cell efficiency. This system has no cables or wiring as it has a robust solar panel and built in 4G module that enables wireless data transmission. Give us a call today and let’s discuss your options for a security system. 📞02 4861 5200 #ScottsSecurity #Security #CCTV #SurveillanceCamera #Dahua
23 feb. 2022 · 9 weergaven

This is a review of the new Dacia Duster 2022 facelift, interior and exterior. Starting with the exterior, the revised subcompact model wears a new Arizona Orange paint and has mildly tweaked headlights with a new Y-shaped LED daytime running light signature first seen on the 2021 Logan sedan and Sandero hatchback. Since we mentioned the headlights, the 2022 Duster is the first Dacia production car ever to have LED turn signals at the front. As already seen in the Logan and Sandero, the B-segment crossover uses light-emitting diodes for the low beam. LEDs also light up the license plate to lower electricity consumption and make the SUV slightly more efficient. Speaking of efficiency, newly designed 16- and 17-inch wheels tested in the wind tunnel are more aerodynamic than the previous alloys and help the four-wheel-drive version emit 5.8 fewer grams of CO2 emissions. This was also made possible by designing a new rear spoiler. Rounding off the changes on the outside are the chrome accents in the front grille. Stepping inside, the dashboard has been revised to accommodate a new infotainment system featuring an eight-inch touchscreen. It might be a cheap car, but the 2022 Duster offers wireless Android Auto and Apple CarPlay aside from the usual built-in navigation. It even has a 4×4 monitor for the all-paw version by showing an inclinometer, altimeter, compass, and other relevant data. Dacia has also installed new headrests for greater comfort and they’re similar to those of the Logan and Sandero, which in turn borrowed them from the latest-generation Clio. The seat upholstery has also been completely changed with the facelift, while a new high center console has a wide armrest that slides back 70 millimeters (2.7 inches). It contains a 1.1-liter storage area and a pair of USB ports on the more expensive versions. The most important change under the hood is the adoption of a six-speed, dual-clutch automatic transmission. However, the EDC gearbox is only available in combination with front-wheel drive and the 150-horsepower gasoline engine. If you need 4×4, the same engine can send power to both axles via a six-speed manual. The latter is also fitted to the 2WD-only TCe 90 and TCe 130 engines. On the diesel side, a dCi 115 works with a six-speed manual and comes in both 2WD and 4WD flavors. ———-‐———–‐——————————————- Join us on Youtube: https://youtube.com/c/recanything You can follow us on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/RecAnythingOfficial You can follow us on INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rec.anything ———-‐———–‐——————————————- #duster2022 #dusterfacelift #recanything #daciadusterfacelift2022 #dusterinterior #duster2022interior #dacia #duster

This is a review of the new Dacia Duster 2022 facelift, interior and exterior. Starting with the exterior, the revised subcompact model wears a new Arizona Orange paint and has mildly tweaked headlights with a new Y-shaped LED daytime running light signature first seen on the 2021 Logan sedan and Sandero hatchback. Since we mentioned the headlights, the 2022 Duster is the first Dacia production car ever to have LED turn signals at the front. As already seen in the Logan and Sandero, the B-segment crossover uses light-emitting diodes for the low beam. LEDs also light up the license plate to lower electricity consumption and make the SUV slightly more efficient. Speaking of efficiency, newly designed 16- and 17-inch wheels tested in the wind tunnel are more aerodynamic than the previous alloys and help the four-wheel-drive version emit 5.8 fewer grams of CO2 emissions. This was also made possible by designing a new rear spoiler. Rounding off the changes on the outside are the chrome accents in the front grille. Stepping inside, the dashboard has been revised to accommodate a new infotainment system featuring an eight-inch touchscreen. It might be a cheap car, but the 2022 Duster offers wireless Android Auto and Apple CarPlay aside from the usual built-in navigation. It even has a 4×4 monitor for the all-paw version by showing an inclinometer, altimeter, compass, and other relevant data. Dacia has also installed new headrests for greater comfort and they’re similar to those of the Logan and Sandero, which in turn borrowed them from the latest-generation Clio. The seat upholstery has also been completely changed with the facelift, while a new high center console has a wide armrest that slides back 70 millimeters (2.7 inches). It contains a 1.1-liter storage area and a pair of USB ports on the more expensive versions. The most important change under the hood is the adoption of a six-speed, dual-clutch automatic transmission. However, the EDC gearbox is only available in combination with front-wheel drive and the 150-horsepower gasoline engine. If you need 4×4, the same engine can send power to both axles via a six-speed manual. The latter is also fitted to the 2WD-only TCe 90 and TCe 130 engines. On the diesel side, a dCi 115 works with a six-speed manual and comes in both 2WD and 4WD flavors. ———-‐———–‐——————————————- Join us on Youtube: https://youtube.com/c/recanything You can follow us on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/RecAnythingOfficial You can follow us on INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rec.anything ———-‐———–‐——————————————- #duster2022 #dusterfacelift #recanything #daciadusterfacelift2022 #dusterinterior #duster2022interior #dacia #duster
22 jun. 2021 · 149 weergaven
Early registration for The 5G (wireless) Crisis Summit 2020 https://the5gsummit.com/?idev_id=13197 5G wireless… The industry claims it is safe for your health — and they dismiss numerous peer-reviewed, independent studies showing the risks it presents — while they are rapidly expanding it on a global level. Hundreds of scientists from 40 different countries have reached out to the United Nations and the FCC, asking them to consider health risks and environmental issues before rapidly deploying 5G — because these researchers have studies that show adverse biological and health effects from EMF sources.​​It’s time to better understand the dangers of 5G and learn how to implement better solutions in your community! —>>Learn more about the dangers of 5G wireless when you attend this online event! https://the5gsummit.com/?idev_id=13197 WHY ATTEND? You may have heard of 5G, it stands for fifth-generation cellular wireless. In a February 2019 US Senate hearing, the wireless industry was forced to admit they had no safety studies on 5G, and don’t plan to do any. Meanwhile, there are thousands of independent studies concluding that wireless radiation causes biological harm. Despite this, the wireless industry is working with governments to deploy 5G — it’s a global, for-profit, human experiment… without our consent. What does it mean? 5G is a higher frequency, therefore it travels shorter distances than our current wireless signals, therefore exponentially more transmission devices must be installed to provide connectivity — millions more, in fact, on lamp posts, telephone poles and other “rights-of-way” for existing utilities. Each tower emits radiation at levels known to cause weakened immunity, cancer, sterility, DNA damage and other harm… especially to our children, who are most at risk. Join us at the 5G Crisis summit to discover: + 5G defined: research, facts and awareness + Science about the dangers of 5G and EMF radiation + Sources of wireless radiation and “dirty electricity” in your home + Link between 5G, Al and global surveillance + How groups and individuals are successfully opposing 5G + Simple, empowering actions you can take + Individual solutions and safer, revolutionary technologies + And more! Your guides for this event are Josh del Sol and Sayer Ji, two iconic health advocates who are known for changing the way we view and achieve improved health and happiness. If you’re hungry for cutting-edge information with life-saving consequences, and want to be part of a movement dedicated to empowering ourselves and humanity, join us for this event! —>>We’ll see you online at The 5G Crisis Summit when you register today! https://the5gsummit.com/?idev_id=13197 P.S. When you register for The 5G Crisis Summit, you’ll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life! Want to share and help? Affiliates are always welcome. Join us here to help save lives –> http://healthaffiliate.center/13197.html –
27 apr. 2020 · 222 weergaven
TESLA POWER “The first World System power plant can be in operation in nine months.” –Nikola Tesla, 1904 The fateful decision in 1905 by J.P. Morgan to abandon Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower project on Long Island (after investing US$150,000 – in 1905 dollars) was the result of learning that it would be designed mainly for wireless transmission of electrical power rather than for telegraphy. No more money was forthcoming for the project that Morgan initiated, even when the equipment alone cost about US$200,000. Morgan believed that he would “have nothing to sell except antennas [and refused] to contribute to that charity.” Tesla tried and tried for years until, in 1917, the US government blew up the abandoned Wardenclyffe Tower because suspected German spies were seen “lurking” around it. With Edison as his willing ally, Morgan even publicly discredited Tesla’s name, so that all of the five school textbook publishers of the time removed any reference to him. Is it any wonder why, even today – more than 100 years later – hardly anyone knows who Tesla is? Tesla wrote: “That electrical energy can be economically transmitted without wires to any terrestrial distance, I have unmistakably established in numerous observations, experiments and measurements, qualitative and quantitative. These have demonstrated that it is practicable to distribute power from a central plant in unlimited amounts, with a loss not exceeding a small fraction of one percent in the transmission, even to the greatest distance, 12,000 miles – to the opposite end of the globe.” The 10 Inventions of Nikola Tesla That Changed The World: http://goo.gl/xWBnJX 30 Words Of Wisdom By The Great Scientist, Nikola Tesla: http://goo.gl/MmZDPW Russian Physicists Launch Campaign To Rebuild Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower And Power The World: http://goo.gl/ur902C Free Energy from Tesla’s Wireless Electricity. An instant solution to the planetary energy “crisis”: https://goo.gl/YbBMLe
30 dec. 2015 · 149 d. weergaven

Hi Folks, hope everyone is keeping well. Within the last week, yet another BBC local Radio station, which I can pick up here has left the Medium-wave. On May 20th, BBC Essex stopped Medium-wave broadcasting altogether, and it’s two frequencies are now each broadcasting their own respective ‘retune loops.’ Where I live here in Ipswich, this is by far the most significant change – the 729 frequency is transmitted from Manningtree, which is right on the Suffolk/Essex border and only about 12 miles from here, hence I could always consistently get this signal loud and clear, even though I am outside of its official broadcast area. Long term followers of this page will know that for many years I used to use this transmission in order to listen to Keith Skues’ late-night programs on my vintage wireless sets, tuned in on 411 meters. (729 k/c’s in todays terms corresponds to a wavelength of 411 meters in ‘old money.’) I have extensively paid tribute to this transmission in another recent article, hence today I am posting this video of my 1936 Philco Model 444 ‘Peoples Set’ receiving the retune loop, which is exclusive and unique to this transmission. The Philco model 444 was regularly featured as a ‘Wireless of the Week’ on Keith Skues’ programs, usually at the end of the year, when I would post it as a tribute to two vintage radio experts, who have passed on at that time in previous years. See below for re-published articles containing these tributes, and giving out full details and repair stories of the Philco model 444. This coming week sees the 10th anniversary of the creation of the ‘Wireless of the Week’ Facebook page, and next weekend I will be publishing something very special on here to celebrate! Best wishes and enjoy the videos and articles, regards, Chris DECEMBER 31ST, 2016 Greetings one and all. My final Wireless of the Week entry for 2016, is a tribute to two very special people in the world of vintage radio. Firstly, my dear friend Tony Adams, who taught me a huge amount about vintage radio and electrical repair, having had a career in this field since 1946. He taught me almost everything I know about vintage radio, at his shop in Ipswich, which was in operation from 1967-2013. Mr. Adams died on December 29th, 2012, after a long illness. The very last radio he worked on was my Philco model 444 peoples set in the spring of that same year, hence this is now a very special radio in my collection – it’s the last link to Mr. Adams and the happy years I had working in his shop. Secondly, this entry is also a tribute to Gerry Wells, who died on December 22nd 2014 at the age of 85 after a short illness. He was easily the greatest radio collector and restorer of all time, having amassed a collection comprising 1,300 vintage radio’s and similar memorabilia, at his London home, which is known by collectors and enthusiasts around the world, has been featured in the National media, and been an official museum for over 40 years. Gerry literally dedicated his whole life to radio and electricity, from the age of 2 he was said to be more interested in plugs, sockets and light fittings than the children’s toys of the era. His obsession brought him many high’s and lows throughout his life, but he was widely respected by many for his knowledge, passion, and desire to help others, with repairs, history lessons, and advice. Gerry is a tremendous, irreplaceable loss to the vintage radio world, I can only hope that at least some of his knowledge will live on in those of us who were privileged enough to have met him. In 2002, Mr. Wells, published a most fascinating autobiography, and one of the radio’s featured a number of times in this book is the Philco model 444 of 1936, which Gerry could recall coming on to the market for the very first time when he was just seven years old. So needless to say come tomorrow night I will be listening to the Keith Skues show on my example of the Philco 444, hence this is my Wireless of the Week this Week, as double anniversary tribute to these two wonderful men. In the book Gerry mentions a few repairs he carried out on one of these radio’s as a teenager back in the 1940’s, which proved helpful to myself and a couple of local friends who kindly helped me restore my example back in 2012. The Philco 444 was designed to be cheaper than most other radios on the market, it’s purpose to make wireless more affordable. According to Mr. Wells’ book there was a general outcry about the high price of radio sets in Britain at the time, hence the government of the day set a challenge to the radio industry to come up with something cheaper, the result being the production of the Philco 444. Initially, sales were poor, however a stroke of genius at the Philco radio co-operation picked up on the fact that ‘People’ was very much a Buzz-word at the time, hence they re-branded it the ‘Peoples Set.’ Following this, it was a huge success, and many still survive today in the hands of collectors. Housed in a stylish black Bakelite case (which in those days was cheaper than wood) this valve radio has coverage of the Long and Medium-wave bands, and despite being designed as a cheaper set of her time, she is still of good quality and with a sweet sound produced by the sets mains-energized speaker, BBC Essex is loud and proud on 411 meters, 729 K/c’s in the Medium-wave band, thus enabling me to hear Keith Skues on this fine radio come tomorrow evening. Special mention needs to be made of one particular valve housed in the set. The PEN DD 61 is not only clever, but unique as well. Essentially it is three valves rolled into one, as denoted by its name. It comprises one Pentode and two diodes (DD – Double Diode.) The 61 pre-fix denotes that the valve heater is rated at six volts. Although the PEN DD 61 is not the only valve ever made that does more than one job, it is unique in that it was made exclusively for the Philco 444 and absolutely no other radio or piece of equipment in the world features it. Since acquiring this set in January 2012, she has taken me on a lengthy journey of repairs, and at one point, electrocution. (Do not try this at home!) Initially, she worked well, but then failed suddenly. This turned out to be a short circuit across Condenser 4, which is coupled to the grid of the I.F. Valve. (A Philco 78.) Indeed, it really was a complete short. So this was replaced, but it became clear that further damage had occurred as a result of this, as the set still didn’t work. In essence, what actually happened was a number of the aging condensers throughout the set failed, presumably due to not having been used for a long time. Many of these were replaced, but still very poor results! (There were three of us on the case by this point!) It seemed quite unbelievable – we would get whistles from the signal generator at the right times, and a very faint sound from Gold Radio on 257 meters, (yes, that is the old Radio Orwell transmitter, now changed over to Smooth Radio!) but nothing that anyone could listen to! After months of trails and tribulations, including replacement parts, retuning etc, we realized that the volume control had in fact failed! So a lot of this time the set had been working, we just couldn’t hear it! A replacement volume control, followed by further re-tuning gradually brought the set back to life. Although there were further twists to the tale. Whilst moving the chassis, the back of my hand accidentally struck a metal-cased plug socket. Remembering that the golden rule with electricity is that it takes the quickest route to Earth, it is not surprising that I got a huge shock through the back of my hand. Being an AC shock this threw my hand off the source, causing me to smack my thumb on the tuning scale and make it bleed! (Don’t worry, the radio was un-harmed!) Although I don’t condone being electrocuted I’m pleased to say on this occasion I got away with it, but don’t go trying it for yourself anyone, people aren’t always that lucky! Later on though, there was another two twists to the tale. Shortly after the electrocution incident, the set decided to start tripping off the RCD breaker. This turned out to be caused by the mains filtering condensers, the exact same fault that had occurred in the Philco C-638 in 2011! – See entry about this set, don’t I ever learn!:) So these were replaced. Then, just as I was about to return her to her case, she suddenly stopped working. This turned out to be a rather spooky re-occurrence of the initial fault, some three months earlier, the failure of Condenser 4. Thankfully, I caught it quickly this time, before any further damage could occur as a result. Just goes to show though, that you can go through the woods, to then have that initial niggling fault come back to haunt you again! All sorted now though! As an owner of two Philco Radio’s it is interesting to note certain similarities despite them being at opposite ends of the market. I.e. similar valve line-ups (including Philco’s own brand of valves) as well as the use of moulded condensers which are small bakelite blocks, each one comprising two – three condensers. As far as I know, these are unique to Philco, although if anyone knows different, it would be good to hear from you! UPDATE NOVEMBER 2020 Well it was like this you see. Back in July I was sitting by my Philco 444 with a beer in me hand listening to a Radio Caroline North weekend, when part way through one of Dave Fosters programs, the sound suddenly dropped. Just as I got up to investigate, a loud hissing noise emanated from within the radio. Knowing this wasn’t good, I turned off immediately and unplugged. Next thing I knew there were plumes of smoke pouring out the back. Needless to say, my heart sank through the floor! Later investigations confirmed my worst fears – short-circuited turns on the HT winding of the mains transformer. Unfortunately, transformer repair is a very specialist business, which requires specific equipment. Since I have neither the knowledge or equipment needed to do transformer repairs, I sent it away to a specialist. It finally came back in October, having been completely re-manufactured, cleaned up and re-wound, in fact it barely looked recognisable – I was pretty impressed to be honest. Now, my side of the job was to begin, namely the somewhat complex job of re-instating it in the set and ensuring all the connections were put back into the correct places. This of course was where the fun began. For those of you who don’t already know there are of course several dimensions to valve radio power supply. In the case of the Philco 444 for instance, you first have the mains input comprising of the mains and neutral connections going to the transformer. Hence these are your first two connections – these go across the ‘Primary’ coil. On the ‘secondary’ side of the transformer (see photo) there are, in effect multiple coils, each doing different jobs – you have the Low tension for the Rectifier valve, which supplies around 5 volts to the heater of this – hence two more connections (live and neutral again.) Next, you have the general ‘LT’ supply which is approx. 6 volts for the remaining valve heaters and the dial light. Finally, you have the ‘HT’ supply which is effectively a step-up from the mains delivering a total of approx. 350 volts to both the rectifier valve anodes (the rectifier and smoothing condensers then convert this to DC to form the HT supply for the remaining valves.) Needless to say, all these connections have to be exactly right, if not, at best the set won’t work properly, at worst it could be total disaster! So I set to work, and once I was satisfied that I had everything connected where it should be, I then started to power up the set – through a variac, as this would enable me to power it up slowly and gradually, so if I had made any mistakes I would spot them before any serious damage was done. Well in the first instance, it became obvious that something wasn’t right there was no sound, and I couldn’t help thinking that the dial light was not as bright as it should be. In addition to this, I couldn’t get any DC voltage on the HT line. The meter was showing 350 volts AC on each anode of the rectifier, but absolutely nothing on the HT line itself, a bit odd I thought as I was pretty certain there was nothing wrong with the rectifier, and there were no obvious signs of a short. I decided to investigate one problem at a time, so I started with the dim dial light and dim valve heaters. A check of the meter revealed there was only about 2.5 volts on the L.T line. Well this would explain a lot, there’s supposed to be six! I wondered if at first, I’d connected the wrong wires to the LT – there was in fact three LT cables not two, and the third appeared to have two wires inside, maybe I’d connected the wrong one, and it was therefore not getting the full voltage? So, I tried swapping them around, but this made no difference. (Don’t worry I was powering up with the variac each time don’t forget!) I then decided to do some investigations with all the valves and the dial light removed (one, to try it ‘off load’ and two to ensure that no damage occurred to anything in the event of a mis-hap!) I still only had between two and a half and three-volts on the LT line. You will recall however that there were in-fact three LT cables and that one of these had two wires within it. I was finding that if I set the meter to ohms range and putting it across the one of the two wires on one side and one of the other LT cables on the other, I would get a resistance reading, but only about half what it should be! So, I decided to join the two wires (the ones which were within the same cable) together. This rewarded me with the full specified level of resistance across the LT coil. Powering it up again now revealed I had a healthy 6 volts on the LT line, and powering it up with the valves and dial light back in position now got these glowing to their full extent. But still no sound, and still no HT! A look at the diagram made me realise I’d made a school-boy error. Whilst I had correctly connected the HT coil to the rectifier anodes, I had omitted to connect the center-tap to chassis, thus preventing any current from flowing. So, I corrected this, and began to power up again through the variac. Doing so revealed some DC voltage (albeit a bit low) on the HT line and finally, the sound of Radio Caroline coming from the speaker. Finally, on the home straight I thought, however all of a sudden, the already low HT voltage dropped further and the sound reduced slightly. I then realised much to my horror that one of the HT smoothing electrolytics (only fitted in 2012!) was smoking! Knowing that these are both dangerous and very volatile if they explode, I pulled the plug immediately, and gave it a moment. I then cautiously had a feel of it and found it to be burning hot. This I found a bit strange; it was only eight years old and been in regular use – no reason why it should fail. However, disconnecting it and checking with the meter suggested no signs of a short or overload on the HT line, but that the electrolytic itself was ‘leaky’. So, I fitted a new one and cautiously powered the set up again – much better this time – a nice healthy 325 volts DC on the HT line and stations galore! Whether the failure of the electrolytic was a co-incidence (most likely) or whether this was the reason the transformer failed is a bit of a mystery, but at least the set now lives again! While the set was out of the cabinet, I took the opportunity to give it a bit of a clean and make some fine adjustments to the internal tuning padders, before returning it to the cabinet and bringing it back into service. So, all in all a bit of a challenge, on a very important part of the collection, but both interesting and worthwhile – only the second time I’ve wired up a mains transformer and the first time I’ve done this since 2006. Remember the offer still stands that if anyone reading this would like their own vintage radio-related article to appear on this page, please message it to me and I will make that happen for you. Best wishes and keep safe everyone Regards Chris

Hi Folks, hope everyone is keeping well. Within the last week, yet another BBC local Radio station, which I can pick up here has left the Medium-wave. On May 20th, BBC Essex stopped Medium-wave broadcasting altogether, and it’s two frequencies are now each broadcasting their own respective ‘retune loops.’ Where I live here in Ipswich, this is by far the most significant change – the 729 frequency is transmitted from Manningtree, which is right on the Suffolk/Essex border and only about 12 miles from here, hence I could always consistently get this signal loud and clear, even though I am outside of its official broadcast area. Long term followers of this page will know that for many years I used to use this transmission in order to listen to Keith Skues’ late-night programs on my vintage wireless sets, tuned in on 411 meters. (729 k/c’s in todays terms corresponds to a wavelength of 411 meters in ‘old money.’) I have extensively paid tribute to this transmission in another recent article, hence today I am posting this video of my 1936 Philco Model 444 ‘Peoples Set’ receiving the retune loop, which is exclusive and unique to this transmission. The Philco model 444 was regularly featured as a ‘Wireless of the Week’ on Keith Skues’ programs, usually at the end of the year, when I would post it as a tribute to two vintage radio experts, who have passed on at that time in previous years. See below for re-published articles containing these tributes, and giving out full details and repair stories of the Philco model 444. This coming week sees the 10th anniversary of the creation of the ‘Wireless of the Week’ Facebook page, and next weekend I will be publishing something very special on here to celebrate! Best wishes and enjoy the videos and articles, regards, Chris DECEMBER 31ST, 2016 Greetings one and all. My final Wireless of the Week entry for 2016, is a tribute to two very special people in the world of vintage radio. Firstly, my dear friend Tony Adams, who taught me a huge amount about vintage radio and electrical repair, having had a career in this field since 1946. He taught me almost everything I know about vintage radio, at his shop in Ipswich, which was in operation from 1967-2013. Mr. Adams died on December 29th, 2012, after a long illness. The very last radio he worked on was my Philco model 444 peoples set in the spring of that same year, hence this is now a very special radio in my collection – it’s the last link to Mr. Adams and the happy years I had working in his shop. Secondly, this entry is also a tribute to Gerry Wells, who died on December 22nd 2014 at the age of 85 after a short illness. He was easily the greatest radio collector and restorer of all time, having amassed a collection comprising 1,300 vintage radio’s and similar memorabilia, at his London home, which is known by collectors and enthusiasts around the world, has been featured in the National media, and been an official museum for over 40 years. Gerry literally dedicated his whole life to radio and electricity, from the age of 2 he was said to be more interested in plugs, sockets and light fittings than the children’s toys of the era. His obsession brought him many high’s and lows throughout his life, but he was widely respected by many for his knowledge, passion, and desire to help others, with repairs, history lessons, and advice. Gerry is a tremendous, irreplaceable loss to the vintage radio world, I can only hope that at least some of his knowledge will live on in those of us who were privileged enough to have met him. In 2002, Mr. Wells, published a most fascinating autobiography, and one of the radio’s featured a number of times in this book is the Philco model 444 of 1936, which Gerry could recall coming on to the market for the very first time when he was just seven years old. So needless to say come tomorrow night I will be listening to the Keith Skues show on my example of the Philco 444, hence this is my Wireless of the Week this Week, as double anniversary tribute to these two wonderful men. In the book Gerry mentions a few repairs he carried out on one of these radio’s as a teenager back in the 1940’s, which proved helpful to myself and a couple of local friends who kindly helped me restore my example back in 2012. The Philco 444 was designed to be cheaper than most other radios on the market, it’s purpose to make wireless more affordable. According to Mr. Wells’ book there was a general outcry about the high price of radio sets in Britain at the time, hence the government of the day set a challenge to the radio industry to come up with something cheaper, the result being the production of the Philco 444. Initially, sales were poor, however a stroke of genius at the Philco radio co-operation picked up on the fact that ‘People’ was very much a Buzz-word at the time, hence they re-branded it the ‘Peoples Set.’ Following this, it was a huge success, and many still survive today in the hands of collectors. Housed in a stylish black Bakelite case (which in those days was cheaper than wood) this valve radio has coverage of the Long and Medium-wave bands, and despite being designed as a cheaper set of her time, she is still of good quality and with a sweet sound produced by the sets mains-energized speaker, BBC Essex is loud and proud on 411 meters, 729 K/c’s in the Medium-wave band, thus enabling me to hear Keith Skues on this fine radio come tomorrow evening. Special mention needs to be made of one particular valve housed in the set. The PEN DD 61 is not only clever, but unique as well. Essentially it is three valves rolled into one, as denoted by its name. It comprises one Pentode and two diodes (DD – Double Diode.) The 61 pre-fix denotes that the valve heater is rated at six volts. Although the PEN DD 61 is not the only valve ever made that does more than one job, it is unique in that it was made exclusively for the Philco 444 and absolutely no other radio or piece of equipment in the world features it. Since acquiring this set in January 2012, she has taken me on a lengthy journey of repairs, and at one point, electrocution. (Do not try this at home!) Initially, she worked well, but then failed suddenly. This turned out to be a short circuit across Condenser 4, which is coupled to the grid of the I.F. Valve. (A Philco 78.) Indeed, it really was a complete short. So this was replaced, but it became clear that further damage had occurred as a result of this, as the set still didn’t work. In essence, what actually happened was a number of the aging condensers throughout the set failed, presumably due to not having been used for a long time. Many of these were replaced, but still very poor results! (There were three of us on the case by this point!) It seemed quite unbelievable – we would get whistles from the signal generator at the right times, and a very faint sound from Gold Radio on 257 meters, (yes, that is the old Radio Orwell transmitter, now changed over to Smooth Radio!) but nothing that anyone could listen to! After months of trails and tribulations, including replacement parts, retuning etc, we realized that the volume control had in fact failed! So a lot of this time the set had been working, we just couldn’t hear it! A replacement volume control, followed by further re-tuning gradually brought the set back to life. Although there were further twists to the tale. Whilst moving the chassis, the back of my hand accidentally struck a metal-cased plug socket. Remembering that the golden rule with electricity is that it takes the quickest route to Earth, it is not surprising that I got a huge shock through the back of my hand. Being an AC shock this threw my hand off the source, causing me to smack my thumb on the tuning scale and make it bleed! (Don’t worry, the radio was un-harmed!) Although I don’t condone being electrocuted I’m pleased to say on this occasion I got away with it, but don’t go trying it for yourself anyone, people aren’t always that lucky! Later on though, there was another two twists to the tale. Shortly after the electrocution incident, the set decided to start tripping off the RCD breaker. This turned out to be caused by the mains filtering condensers, the exact same fault that had occurred in the Philco C-638 in 2011! – See entry about this set, don’t I ever learn!:) So these were replaced. Then, just as I was about to return her to her case, she suddenly stopped working. This turned out to be a rather spooky re-occurrence of the initial fault, some three months earlier, the failure of Condenser 4. Thankfully, I caught it quickly this time, before any further damage could occur as a result. Just goes to show though, that you can go through the woods, to then have that initial niggling fault come back to haunt you again! All sorted now though! As an owner of two Philco Radio’s it is interesting to note certain similarities despite them being at opposite ends of the market. I.e. similar valve line-ups (including Philco’s own brand of valves) as well as the use of moulded condensers which are small bakelite blocks, each one comprising two – three condensers. As far as I know, these are unique to Philco, although if anyone knows different, it would be good to hear from you! UPDATE NOVEMBER 2020 Well it was like this you see. Back in July I was sitting by my Philco 444 with a beer in me hand listening to a Radio Caroline North weekend, when part way through one of Dave Fosters programs, the sound suddenly dropped. Just as I got up to investigate, a loud hissing noise emanated from within the radio. Knowing this wasn’t good, I turned off immediately and unplugged. Next thing I knew there were plumes of smoke pouring out the back. Needless to say, my heart sank through the floor! Later investigations confirmed my worst fears – short-circuited turns on the HT winding of the mains transformer. Unfortunately, transformer repair is a very specialist business, which requires specific equipment. Since I have neither the knowledge or equipment needed to do transformer repairs, I sent it away to a specialist. It finally came back in October, having been completely re-manufactured, cleaned up and re-wound, in fact it barely looked recognisable – I was pretty impressed to be honest. Now, my side of the job was to begin, namely the somewhat complex job of re-instating it in the set and ensuring all the connections were put back into the correct places. This of course was where the fun began. For those of you who don’t already know there are of course several dimensions to valve radio power supply. In the case of the Philco 444 for instance, you first have the mains input comprising of the mains and neutral connections going to the transformer. Hence these are your first two connections – these go across the ‘Primary’ coil. On the ‘secondary’ side of the transformer (see photo) there are, in effect multiple coils, each doing different jobs – you have the Low tension for the Rectifier valve, which supplies around 5 volts to the heater of this – hence two more connections (live and neutral again.) Next, you have the general ‘LT’ supply which is approx. 6 volts for the remaining valve heaters and the dial light. Finally, you have the ‘HT’ supply which is effectively a step-up from the mains delivering a total of approx. 350 volts to both the rectifier valve anodes (the rectifier and smoothing condensers then convert this to DC to form the HT supply for the remaining valves.) Needless to say, all these connections have to be exactly right, if not, at best the set won’t work properly, at worst it could be total disaster! So I set to work, and once I was satisfied that I had everything connected where it should be, I then started to power up the set – through a variac, as this would enable me to power it up slowly and gradually, so if I had made any mistakes I would spot them before any serious damage was done. Well in the first instance, it became obvious that something wasn’t right there was no sound, and I couldn’t help thinking that the dial light was not as bright as it should be. In addition to this, I couldn’t get any DC voltage on the HT line. The meter was showing 350 volts AC on each anode of the rectifier, but absolutely nothing on the HT line itself, a bit odd I thought as I was pretty certain there was nothing wrong with the rectifier, and there were no obvious signs of a short. I decided to investigate one problem at a time, so I started with the dim dial light and dim valve heaters. A check of the meter revealed there was only about 2.5 volts on the L.T line. Well this would explain a lot, there’s supposed to be six! I wondered if at first, I’d connected the wrong wires to the LT – there was in fact three LT cables not two, and the third appeared to have two wires inside, maybe I’d connected the wrong one, and it was therefore not getting the full voltage? So, I tried swapping them around, but this made no difference. (Don’t worry I was powering up with the variac each time don’t forget!) I then decided to do some investigations with all the valves and the dial light removed (one, to try it ‘off load’ and two to ensure that no damage occurred to anything in the event of a mis-hap!) I still only had between two and a half and three-volts on the LT line. You will recall however that there were in-fact three LT cables and that one of these had two wires within it. I was finding that if I set the meter to ohms range and putting it across the one of the two wires on one side and one of the other LT cables on the other, I would get a resistance reading, but only about half what it should be! So, I decided to join the two wires (the ones which were within the same cable) together. This rewarded me with the full specified level of resistance across the LT coil. Powering it up again now revealed I had a healthy 6 volts on the LT line, and powering it up with the valves and dial light back in position now got these glowing to their full extent. But still no sound, and still no HT! A look at the diagram made me realise I’d made a school-boy error. Whilst I had correctly connected the HT coil to the rectifier anodes, I had omitted to connect the center-tap to chassis, thus preventing any current from flowing. So, I corrected this, and began to power up again through the variac. Doing so revealed some DC voltage (albeit a bit low) on the HT line and finally, the sound of Radio Caroline coming from the speaker. Finally, on the home straight I thought, however all of a sudden, the already low HT voltage dropped further and the sound reduced slightly. I then realised much to my horror that one of the HT smoothing electrolytics (only fitted in 2012!) was smoking! Knowing that these are both dangerous and very volatile if they explode, I pulled the plug immediately, and gave it a moment. I then cautiously had a feel of it and found it to be burning hot. This I found a bit strange; it was only eight years old and been in regular use – no reason why it should fail. However, disconnecting it and checking with the meter suggested no signs of a short or overload on the HT line, but that the electrolytic itself was ‘leaky’. So, I fitted a new one and cautiously powered the set up again – much better this time – a nice healthy 325 volts DC on the HT line and stations galore! Whether the failure of the electrolytic was a co-incidence (most likely) or whether this was the reason the transformer failed is a bit of a mystery, but at least the set now lives again! While the set was out of the cabinet, I took the opportunity to give it a bit of a clean and make some fine adjustments to the internal tuning padders, before returning it to the cabinet and bringing it back into service. So, all in all a bit of a challenge, on a very important part of the collection, but both interesting and worthwhile – only the second time I’ve wired up a mains transformer and the first time I’ve done this since 2006. Remember the offer still stands that if anyone reading this would like their own vintage radio-related article to appear on this page, please message it to me and I will make that happen for you. Best wishes and keep safe everyone Regards Chris
23 mei 2021 · 278 weergaven
Have you ever sat down to calculate how much money you loose in terms of clean good water wastage and electricity anytime you tanks get overflow? Don’t worry, TekXul brings you a nice affordable, easily to use smart water manager which is contactless, wireless and solar powered transmission.
13 mrt. 2019 · 24 weergaven

Need a Durable Earbud? Check out our New and advance earbud ⬇️ ✅ F9-5 EARBUDS with built in powerbank ✅ Prices are ($150 for 1️⃣) ($250 for 2️⃣) ✅ Call or WhatsApp 371-7295 to place your order ✅ Get $25 Delivery Nationwide ✅ we also deliver to Tobago ✅ COLOURS- Navy Blue/Black/Pink/Yellow/Light Blue ⚡RECHARGEABLE/ POWER BANK EARBUD DESCRIPTION ⬇️ 1.9D HIFI 2. CVC8.0 noise reduction 3. Sweatproof 4.With charging case, can be used as power bank, can charge your mobile phone 5.Can automatically Pair, Power on after taking out from the charging case 6. Wireless stereo, left and right channel seperation, both ear can be used seperately 7.LED Digital Display: Power capacity will show, you can see the power situation anytime, do not worry about the electricity ,make your life without worry 8.Intelligent compatibility: support all bluetooth mobile phone, tablet, notebook, singing it, QQ music, movies, etc., universal all mobile phone Specifications: Color: Black 5.0 Material: PC Battery storage capacity: 2000mAh Transmission distance: within 10m Function: bluetooth music play, bluetooth call (receive/hang up/refuse), voice play ✅Package Included: 1 Pair Mini Earbuds 1 x Charging Case 1 x Charging Cable Features & details FAST AUTOMATIC PAIRING TECHNOLOGY: You don’t need any skills to use F9-5 TWS 5.0 Wireless Headphones. Just take the left and right earbuds out of the charging case and they will pair with each other automatically, you can use both bluetooth earbuds at the same time, or use only one, and once connected, they can be automatically recognized next time. They will automatically turn off and charge when put back into the charging case. 9D HI-FI STEREO SOUND AND CVC8.0 NOISE REDUCTION: TWS wireless earbuds adopt the most advanced bluetooth 5.0 technology, 2x faster transmission speed than the old Bluetooth F9-5 TWS wireless earbuds, getting more stable connectivity without signal loss or music dropouts. Built in CVC8.0 noise reduction design and high quality microphone, which can let you enjoy high fidelity music quality and clear calls sound anytime anywhere. Make your lifestyle cool with TWS Bluetooth 5.0 Headphones. WATERPROOF AND SMART TOUCH CONTROL: The sports wireless earphones are made of high quality waterproof materials, you no longer have to worry about sweat. The comfortable bluetooth earphones can fit your ears perfectly. No pressure during touch control of music play / pause, volume+/-, Siri enable, Answer / end calls. Ideal for the Running, Exercising in Gym and Outdoor activities. PORTABLE CHARGING CASE: The charging case can recharge the earbuds 5-6 times. With Type-C tech, it only takes 1hr every full charge for the case. Ideal for everyday life and extraordinary days. Take it with you while you commute, workout and travel across the country – even around the world. TRUE WIRELESS AND COMFORTABLE EXPERIENCE: You will never worry about cable tangles while using true wireless earbuds, both L-earbud and R-earbud can be used alone for calls and music in mono mode, you can switch freely between twin mode and mono mode. Its internal design fits securely and won’t drop, perfect for sports, exercise, running, audiobooks, driving and even use in the gym.

Need a Durable Earbud? Check out our New and advance earbud ⬇️ ✅ F9-5 EARBUDS with built in powerbank ✅ Prices are ($150 for 1️⃣) ($250 for 2️⃣) ✅ Call or WhatsApp 371-7295 to place your order ✅ Get $25 Delivery Nationwide ✅ we also deliver to Tobago ✅ COLOURS- Navy Blue/Black/Pink/Yellow/Light Blue ⚡RECHARGEABLE/ POWER BANK EARBUD DESCRIPTION ⬇️ 1.9D HIFI 2. CVC8.0 noise reduction 3. Sweatproof 4.With charging case, can be used as power bank, can charge your mobile phone 5.Can automatically Pair, Power on after taking out from the charging case 6. Wireless stereo, left and right channel seperation, both ear can be used seperately 7.LED Digital Display: Power capacity will show, you can see the power situation anytime, do not worry about the electricity ,make your life without worry 8.Intelligent compatibility: support all bluetooth mobile phone, tablet, notebook, singing it, QQ music, movies, etc., universal all mobile phone Specifications: Color: Black 5.0 Material: PC Battery storage capacity: 2000mAh Transmission distance: within 10m Function: bluetooth music play, bluetooth call (receive/hang up/refuse), voice play ✅Package Included: 1 Pair Mini Earbuds 1 x Charging Case 1 x Charging Cable Features & details FAST AUTOMATIC PAIRING TECHNOLOGY: You don’t need any skills to use F9-5 TWS 5.0 Wireless Headphones. Just take the left and right earbuds out of the charging case and they will pair with each other automatically, you can use both bluetooth earbuds at the same time, or use only one, and once connected, they can be automatically recognized next time. They will automatically turn off and charge when put back into the charging case. 9D HI-FI STEREO SOUND AND CVC8.0 NOISE REDUCTION: TWS wireless earbuds adopt the most advanced bluetooth 5.0 technology, 2x faster transmission speed than the old Bluetooth F9-5 TWS wireless earbuds, getting more stable connectivity without signal loss or music dropouts. Built in CVC8.0 noise reduction design and high quality microphone, which can let you enjoy high fidelity music quality and clear calls sound anytime anywhere. Make your lifestyle cool with TWS Bluetooth 5.0 Headphones. WATERPROOF AND SMART TOUCH CONTROL: The sports wireless earphones are made of high quality waterproof materials, you no longer have to worry about sweat. The comfortable bluetooth earphones can fit your ears perfectly. No pressure during touch control of music play / pause, volume+/-, Siri enable, Answer / end calls. Ideal for the Running, Exercising in Gym and Outdoor activities. PORTABLE CHARGING CASE: The charging case can recharge the earbuds 5-6 times. With Type-C tech, it only takes 1hr every full charge for the case. Ideal for everyday life and extraordinary days. Take it with you while you commute, workout and travel across the country – even around the world. TRUE WIRELESS AND COMFORTABLE EXPERIENCE: You will never worry about cable tangles while using true wireless earbuds, both L-earbud and R-earbud can be used alone for calls and music in mono mode, you can switch freely between twin mode and mono mode. Its internal design fits securely and won’t drop, perfect for sports, exercise, running, audiobooks, driving and even use in the gym.
11 apr. · 22 d. weergaven
Very excited to be running a teacher enrichment workshop, with a group of #Science #Educators from #Croatia. So naturally we should touch on some of the science of #Telsa, while we cover some basic #Electricity and #Magnetism. Science by #Enquiry — ready for take off. MANY thanks to Danka Pažanin and Dijana Grahovac and the wonderfully supportive Australian Embassy to Croatia and Kosovo. Energy science has never been more important, and this is a great example of people to people progress. The video shows a small demonstration of the wireless power transmission that Tesla was so focused on for much of his working life. It forms the basis of of wireless phone charging systems today.
3 nov. 2021 · 37 weergaven

Solar Street Light with CCTV Camera PROMO PRICE: 100W:N69,000 200W:N79,000 GET IT HERE https://bit.ly/3DcHQBK https://bit.ly/3de4zCP 08060498353 Solar Street Light with CCTV Camera Features:: Lighting and Monitoring, Dual Protection. All in one solar street light plus surveillance system with inbuilt CCTV and LED running on solar and an inbuilt dimmer, LiFePO4 lithium-ion battery, and light sensor. Simple Installation. Compact Connected. Self-powered. WiFi CCTV Camera, 2 megapixel 1920x 1080 HD Camera 6mm Lens, See everything with 30m excellent Infrared Night vision Access through user-friendly APP(Android & IOS) or version Automatic day and night mode controlled Supports multiple users, remote view from anywhere Motion detection alarm from your smartphone, be the first to know everything Supports Surveillance grade microSD card (up to 128GB) Solar Street Light with CCTV Camera Can Be Used in: SOLAR CCTV Lighting system is an ideal solution for Parking Lots, Street Lighting, Highway Lighting, Security Perimeter Lighting, Hospital Lighting, Bridge Lighting, Airport Lighting, Industrial Lighting & practically everywhere, provides a wireless surveillance system combined with outdoor lighting alongside security. Solar Street Light with CCTV Camera Benefits: 100% powered by solar, without electricity bill Built-in lithium-ion battery storage for both camera and light Remote transmission is possible without wiring, save installation cost With 24-hour surveillance, the crime rate will be decreased significantly. Remote live view (images videos) anytime from Anywhere (Iphone ipad Android PC) Guaranteed for 24/7/365 Operations at your Project Locations

Solar Street Light with CCTV Camera PROMO PRICE: 100W:N69,000 200W:N79,000 GET IT HERE https://bit.ly/3DcHQBK https://bit.ly/3de4zCP 08060498353 Solar Street Light with CCTV Camera Features:: Lighting and Monitoring, Dual Protection. All in one solar street light plus surveillance system with inbuilt CCTV and LED running on solar and an inbuilt dimmer, LiFePO4 lithium-ion battery, and light sensor. Simple Installation. Compact Connected. Self-powered. WiFi CCTV Camera, 2 megapixel 1920x 1080 HD Camera 6mm Lens, See everything with 30m excellent Infrared Night vision Access through user-friendly APP(Android & IOS) or version Automatic day and night mode controlled Supports multiple users, remote view from anywhere Motion detection alarm from your smartphone, be the first to know everything Supports Surveillance grade microSD card (up to 128GB) Solar Street Light with CCTV Camera Can Be Used in: SOLAR CCTV Lighting system is an ideal solution for Parking Lots, Street Lighting, Highway Lighting, Security Perimeter Lighting, Hospital Lighting, Bridge Lighting, Airport Lighting, Industrial Lighting & practically everywhere, provides a wireless surveillance system combined with outdoor lighting alongside security. Solar Street Light with CCTV Camera Benefits: 100% powered by solar, without electricity bill Built-in lithium-ion battery storage for both camera and light Remote transmission is possible without wiring, save installation cost With 24-hour surveillance, the crime rate will be decreased significantly. Remote live view (images videos) anytime from Anywhere (Iphone ipad Android PC) Guaranteed for 24/7/365 Operations at your Project Locations
9 jul. · 1 weergave
🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 #Repost @chakabars ・・・ Wow, protect him at all costs! It’s black future month, Africa is the future! Zimbabwe’s gifted young innovator -Maxwell Sangulani Chikumbutso, credited for developing a green power generator that can produce electricity using radio frequency is battling for his life in a hospital in the capital after falling ill from suspected poisoning. His company and close business associates believe this is linked to his wireless energy transmission innovation activity. Chikumbutso’s mentor and business advisor Dr Farai Katsande, on Friday said there have been several attempts on his life and family from unknown people widely opposed to his wireless energy transmission innovations. He hasn’t been feeling well of late. We have not met for some time now but he told me recently he has kidney problems. I don’t have much details, but I know certainly he and his family have been targeted,” he said. Chikumbutso is the first Zimbabwean to design and make a hybrid engine – powered helicopter, an electric car, a magnetic converter, a green power generator and a drone through his company – Saith Technologies. “Let’s pray for Mr. Maxwell Sangulani Chikumbutso who is fighting to regain his health after being poisoned,” read a company statement on Facebook. #stolenfromafrica #sfacommunity
7 feb. 2022 · 37 weergaven

China Wants to Build a Huge Orbital Solar Power Station in Space. In theory, an orbital power station can harness solar energy 24/7.– By Chris Young — Interesting Engineering — China is on the verge of testing a potentially revolutionary technology that would allow it to harvest large amounts of solar energy at any time of day. The method would use an orbital station to send a powerful beam of solar energy down to Earth from space, a report by the South China Morning Post explains. All going as planned, the tests, which will take place in Chongqing city in Southwestern China, will lead to the construction of a huge 1-megawatt solar power station in space by 2030. China, the world’s largest manufacturer of solar panel cells, also plans to gradually grow that station’s output after launch, with the goal of increasing its capacity to 1 gigawatt by 2049. $15.4 million test facility will be ready this year The construction of a $15.4 million ground testing facility for the technology in Chongqing city was halted three years ago amid debate over the project’s cost, feasibility, and safety. But in the end, it was restarted in June, according to the local government’s website. Now construction on the testing facility is expected to be finished by the end of this year. The facility will test technologies that would allow a powerful energy beam to efficiently penetrate any cloud coverage and also carefully pinpoint a ground station so as not to cause any damage to nearby property or citizens. The idea of a solar space station was first proposed by scientists in the 1960s. The technology has the potential to circumvent several of the limitations of traditional solar farms. Most importantly, starting at an altitude of 36,000 km (22,400 miles), a geostationary solar panel station would be able to avoid the Earth’s shadow and see direct sunlight 24 hours a day. From space, a power station can also harvest more electricity, as the Earth’s atmosphere reflects or absorbs nearly half of the energy in sunlight before it reaches any ground-stationed solar panels. Early airship tests could pave the way for massive solar space station. By sending harvested energy down to a facility in the form of high-frequency microwaves, the technology would allow it to reach Earth with only minimal energy loss (roughly 2 percent). The idea actually originated in experiments conducted by Nikola Tesla in the late 19th century, and it has led to the advent of firms, such as New Zealand-based Emrod, promising wireless power transmission, as well as companies trying to kickstart wireless charging roads for electric vehicles here on Earth. Now, researchers at the new test facility, which is under construction in the Bishan district of Chongqing, will aim to prove that this wireless transfer of power does work over the long distances required. To begin with, they will conduct experiments using airships and hot air balloons to beam energy in high-frequency microwave beams down to Earth. They have successfully conducted tests from 300 meters (980 feet) above the ground using a hot air balloon and they aim to conduct 20km-range experiments using an airship after the construction of the facility is complete. The experimental zone for the technology will be approximately 2 hectares (2,000 square meters) and will be surrounded by a clearance zone five times that size. Locals will not be allowed to enter this area for their own safety, a district government statement explains. A lot is still yet to be ironed out, such as the potential effects of such a high-frequency energy beam on communications, air traffic, and the wellbeing of nearby residents. However, if the researchers behind the project manage to pull it off, they will have smashed past the limitations of solar energy by literally sending it beyond the stratosphere.

China Wants to Build a Huge Orbital Solar Power Station in Space. In theory, an orbital power station can harness solar energy 24/7.– By Chris Young — Interesting Engineering — China is on the verge of testing a potentially revolutionary technology that would allow it to harvest large amounts of solar energy at any time of day. The method would use an orbital station to send a powerful beam of solar energy down to Earth from space, a report by the South China Morning Post explains. All going as planned, the tests, which will take place in Chongqing city in Southwestern China, will lead to the construction of a huge 1-megawatt solar power station in space by 2030. China, the world’s largest manufacturer of solar panel cells, also plans to gradually grow that station’s output after launch, with the goal of increasing its capacity to 1 gigawatt by 2049. $15.4 million test facility will be ready this year The construction of a $15.4 million ground testing facility for the technology in Chongqing city was halted three years ago amid debate over the project’s cost, feasibility, and safety. But in the end, it was restarted in June, according to the local government’s website. Now construction on the testing facility is expected to be finished by the end of this year. The facility will test technologies that would allow a powerful energy beam to efficiently penetrate any cloud coverage and also carefully pinpoint a ground station so as not to cause any damage to nearby property or citizens. The idea of a solar space station was first proposed by scientists in the 1960s. The technology has the potential to circumvent several of the limitations of traditional solar farms. Most importantly, starting at an altitude of 36,000 km (22,400 miles), a geostationary solar panel station would be able to avoid the Earth’s shadow and see direct sunlight 24 hours a day. From space, a power station can also harvest more electricity, as the Earth’s atmosphere reflects or absorbs nearly half of the energy in sunlight before it reaches any ground-stationed solar panels. Early airship tests could pave the way for massive solar space station. By sending harvested energy down to a facility in the form of high-frequency microwaves, the technology would allow it to reach Earth with only minimal energy loss (roughly 2 percent). The idea actually originated in experiments conducted by Nikola Tesla in the late 19th century, and it has led to the advent of firms, such as New Zealand-based Emrod, promising wireless power transmission, as well as companies trying to kickstart wireless charging roads for electric vehicles here on Earth. Now, researchers at the new test facility, which is under construction in the Bishan district of Chongqing, will aim to prove that this wireless transfer of power does work over the long distances required. To begin with, they will conduct experiments using airships and hot air balloons to beam energy in high-frequency microwave beams down to Earth. They have successfully conducted tests from 300 meters (980 feet) above the ground using a hot air balloon and they aim to conduct 20km-range experiments using an airship after the construction of the facility is complete. The experimental zone for the technology will be approximately 2 hectares (2,000 square meters) and will be surrounded by a clearance zone five times that size. Locals will not be allowed to enter this area for their own safety, a district government statement explains. A lot is still yet to be ironed out, such as the potential effects of such a high-frequency energy beam on communications, air traffic, and the wellbeing of nearby residents. However, if the researchers behind the project manage to pull it off, they will have smashed past the limitations of solar energy by literally sending it beyond the stratosphere.
5 sep. 2021 · 46 weergaven
The idea that civilizations progress from a primitive state to a more advanced one is a fallacy that evolutionists try to apply to history. If one abandons evolutionist nonsense and prejudice, and looks at the historical references and findings with an unbiased mind, what one encounters is civilizations that used highly advanced technologies. Remains left from ancient Egypt, the Mayans and the Sumerians indicate that branches of science such as electricity, electrochemistry, electromagnetics, metallurgy, hydrogeology, medicine, chemistry and physics were used to a considerable extent. Electricity was efficiently generated and widely utilized in ancient Egypt. The Baghdad battery and the first arc lights were used at that time. But was electrical generation limited to these in ancient Egypt? A careful examination of Egyptian history immediately reveals the sophistication in perfect illumination. No soot has been found in the corridors of the pyramids or the tombs of the kings because these areas were lit using electricity. Relief carvings show that the Egyptians used hand-held torches powered by cable-free power sources. The arc lamp used in the Lighthouse of Alexandria is further proof that electricity was used in ancient Egypt. The energy required to power the Lighthouse of Alexandria for 24 hours a day could only have been supplied by a regular electrical source. THE PYRAMIDS OF EGYPT WERE GIANT POWER PLANTS GENERATING ELECTRICITY 1 The outer casing of the Great Pyramid was covered with white tufa limestone, so tightly built that not even a razor blade could fit between the blocks. The white tufa limestone does not contain magnesium and has high insulating properties. This insulation property prevented the electricity inside the pyramid from being released without control. 2 The stone blocks used inside the pyramid were made of another form of limestone containing crystal which is an extremely high electrical conductor and a small amount of metal, which allow for maximum power transmission. The shafts inside the pyramid were lined with granite. Granite, as a conductor, is a slightly radioactive substance and permits the ionization of the air inside these shafts. When we look at an insulated electric cable, we see that conductive and insulation materials are used in the same way as in the pyramids. 3 The conductive and insulating properties of the pyramid are an example of flawless engineering. However, a source of energy is needed for electricity generation. The Giza Plateau where the pyramids stand is full of underground water channels. The pyramids rise above limestone layers, the spaces between them being full of water. These special layers of rock that transmit electricity upward as they carry underground water to the surface are known as AQUIFERS. The high volume flow of the River Nile that passes through these aquifers produces an electric current. This is known as physio-electricity. The pyramid’s underground chambers are granite conductors built within the rock charged with physio-electricity. This electric current is conducted directly to the upper part of the pyramid’s granite covered subterranean chambers. Granite is a very good conductor of electricity. The electromagnetic field that forms at the bottom of the pyramid is transmitted in concentrated form to the upper layers of the pyramid. On the top of the pyramid there was a gold capstone gold being an excellent conductor of electricity. This section is no longer there in our day. This means the top of the pyramid has lost its structure of flawless geometry. This gold capstone facilitated a conductive path for the transfer of negative ions to the ionosphere. This way a current was generated. How does it serve to move the electromagnetic field on the ground through the help of an aquifer? An identical form of this technology, employed in Egypt 5,000 years ago, was used by Nikola Tesla, an inventor of electric technology in the early 1900s, in a tower he constructed in the United States of America. Tesla, the inventor of such fundamental electric technology as the alternating current, electric engine, radio, the laser and radar, was successful in simultaneously transmitting sound and pictures between continents in the Wardenclyffe tower he built between 1901 and 1917. He did notusean external source of electricity for this, and even applied wireless power transmission technology. Tesla had also built his tower above an aquifer and discharged the negative ions from the aquifer to the tower. The electromagnetic technology used in Tesla’s famous tower is identical to the electromagnetic field set up in the construction of the pyramids. Both systems generate negative ions and transmit them without the need for electric cables. So for what purpose did the Egyptians use electricity? Relief carvings clearly show that the Egyptians used hand-held bulb-type lamps powered by a cable-free electric source. These bulbs are reminiscent of Nicola Tesla’s descriptions to show that his alternating current was safe. At the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, Tesla transmitted alternating electric current through his body to light a bulb he held in his hand without using electrical cables. This relief carving shows a wireless antenna. The Egyptians used antennae and cable-free energy for wireless communication. In the relief on the left is a carved transmitter, with a receiver on the left. This evidence indicates that the Egyptians used free wireless energy for communication purposes. This relief carving shows a yarn manufacturing facility. The yarn Egyptians used for their fabrics at that time were as fine as those manufactured by machinery today. The Egyptians also used electric power in their weaving plants. It was seen that many gold objects which have remained from ancient Egypt were in fact very finely gold plated. Such perfect gold plating, as in these pieces, requires the use of electricity. The total electromagnetic measurement made around the Great Pyramid is identical to that made during a thunder storm with lightning. There is a powerful electromagnetic field around the Great Pyramid. This may be observed through a simple experiment. When standing at the top of the pyramid with a bottle wrapped in damp cloth, sparks fly away from the bottle, as if one were on top of a high-voltage bobbin. THE PYRAMIDS WERE NOT USED AS TOMBS The pyramids have always been interpreted as the tombs of the pharaohs. But in fact, no inscriptions of any kind appear in the corridors of the Great Pyramid. This suggests a functional building, rather than a mausoleum. An empty stone chest was found on the central axis of the pyramid that archeologists call the King’s Chamber. They claimed that this contained the coffin of the pharaoh, but that since this had been stolen it was now empty. But examination of the dimensions of the stone chest and the special location in which it was installed reveals a different state of affairs. That point is just where the missing part of the pyramid’s conductive structure ,and whole design, suggest it should be. If a superconductive material was installed here, the pyramid could manufacture enough electricity for all of Egypt. This superconductor is thought to have been the Ark of the Covenant, which was known to have been in Egypt in ancient times, and whose dimensions are just right to fit inside the stone chest. The Prophet Moses (pbuh) was adopted by Pharaoh and, according to historic records, was raised as an administrator because of his superior moral values, intelligence and abilities. One of the phases in leadership training in ancient Egypt was the teaching of all the secrets of Egypt and the knowledge of energy. In addition to its other properties, there are also various references to the Ark of the Covenant serving as a capacitor, and that this was the source of Egypt’s energy. The Prophet Moses (pbuh) is known to have taken the Ark of the Covenant with him when he fled Egypt. According to historic references, one of the reasons why Pharaoh chased the Prophet Moses (pbuh) right up to the last moment, and strove to catch him at whatever price, was the Ark of the Covenant because Pharaoh was aware that all the glory and magnificence of Egypt would be lost without electricity. Historic references’ also show that Egyptian civilization reached its peak during the reign of Ramses II, who lived at the same time as the Prophet Moses (pbuh). But those civilizations collapsed in less than 10 years after Ramses II, and Giza was even abandoned. The city, once the center of the civilization, remained deserted until the nest dynasty settled there. Were the Egyptians the only society to utilize wireless electrical technology? The relief carvings left behind by the Mayans and the Assyrians also contain images of similar techniques to those applied in the pyramids. All this information once again goes to demonstrate that there were no primitive people and societies in the past, as evolutionists would have us believe. In terms of civilization, more or less developed communities have lived side by side at all times throughout history. A society that existed thousands of years ago enjoyed a far more advanced technology compared to one living in the 20th century. And this shows us that development is not part of an evolutionary process, in other words, that there is no linear advancement from a primitive level of civilization to a more developed one in history.
8 jul. 2011 · 193 weergaven

NATURAL ENERGY PROGRAM #naturalenergyprogram 00% working Free energy generator , Amazing self running machine Requirements 24V DC Motor https://bit.ly/2Ju1imP 500F Super capacitors https://bit.ly/2BLahdd 775 DC motor 12V https://bit.ly/2YfgJTx 775 Motor Bracket https://bit.ly/2JrSApb Pulley 60T https://bit.ly/2HA7x6N Pulley 20T https://bit.ly/2HKXRWD ON/OFF Switch https://bit.ly/2JpHS2n 150XL 037 Timing Belt 75 Teeth Black Cogged Rubber Geared Belt 10mm https://bit.ly/2TS4AVO Related Videos 1. How to make DC motor at home , homemade electric motor easy https://youtu.be/dYagMaoEBYA 2.How to create robotic at home , Homemade small robot 2017 https://youtu.be/SB8TO_iH4-U 3.How to make soldering iron using lighter https://youtu.be/gS5dP1LsN9E 4.How to make scrill machine at home using spray can and small motor https://youtu.be/M4TsL5FhbEw 5.Homemade a small and fast car for kids https://youtu.be/oIJ2Qtjy1m4 6.How to make 220V solinoid engine at home https://youtu.be/0SjTxfxq12E 7.How to make super transformer at home https://youtu.be/TwY-CkpZWLk 8.How to make foam cutter at home https://youtu.be/27G4sPwVTmc 9.How to make mini grill stove at home https://youtu.be/TtTZuz8SQtM 10.Free energy device https://youtu.be/h44q_O1JM7Q 11.Boost converter using small NPN transistor and 1.5 V AA battery https://youtu.be/Hr6eL9x-zlk 12.Motor as generator 2017, Homemade generator from DC motor https://youtu.be/MRVqcIMDDx8 13.Motor as generator , Homemade motor generator from old vcd player https://youtu.be/66q98CBoFBI 14.Motor as generator from small motor, Energy of small motor homemade 2017 https://youtu.be/QaxR7aFsygk 15. How to make scrill machine using 12V DC motor very easy , homemade scrill tool 2017 https://youtu.be/XKzN3odpq0A 16.V3 Solinoid engine whit 3 7 V, A powerful machine made in 2017 https://youtu.be/Av7CkyNJtfs 17.Wireless Electricity Transmission Review made in 2017 , New Project 2017 https://youtu.be/qaAqq4vyjg0 18.How to make electricity wireless transmittion 2017 step by step https://youtu.be/v88Ds-zkuUo 19.How to make Easy motor at home 2017 https://youtu.be/IwYEJmydLgA 20. Phone charging using small battery https://youtu.be/hNd-bhw0Kuk 21.Free energy , from small to a powerful energy, Phone charging using 1 5V AAA small battery https://youtu.be/gYZkHFMbR5U 22.How to make a powerful air pump at home very very strong https://youtu.be/4N53B_flCg0 23.How to make 3V Battery from coopper wire https://youtu.be/vXf0xHa7BFQ 24.How to make mini Hydrogen Generator at home very easy https://youtu.be/voL-SDPT_BU 25.How to make an Electricity Generator from old HDD motor https://youtu.be/e7y7iOc-B9U 26.How to make a mini flashlight 5W https://youtu.be/2sRjS90VM7s 27.Amazing life hack , Easy way to cut roof (Zn panel) using wire https://youtu.be/y3HxTjVxLtY 28.My Electronic lock desk , new idea created in 2017 https://youtu.be/Gui9GIp-JDY 29.Free Energy , Homemade Free Energy Device From Syringe And Water https://youtu.be/mObEsfrMBtA 30.Free Energy , Free Energy from magnetic, magnet motor 2017 https://youtu.be/hhoEvOxSFl4 31.Free Energy , How to make solar cell from LED, LED Vs Solar cell, homemade 2017 https://youtu.be/Go05bsO91_s 32.Free Energy , solar energy, capacitor charging LED as solar cell https://youtu.be/biGIbGqmYrE 33.Free Energy, Solar Energy, homemade easy solar cell 2017 https://youtu.be/hwbG_GmpErg 34.Quad motor helicopter Vs Single motor helicopter, homemade mini helicopters https://youtu.be/tjJk2TnZSu0 35.How to make V2 water pump at home , new model of water pump 2017 https://youtu.be/qPnihJPtY-I 36.How to upgrade 3v DC motor to a high speed and strong motor https://youtu.be/mK_Ixh8Vy4k 37.How to make a mini water pump at home very easy, Homemade 2017 https://youtu.be/38qfJENJ7dk 38.homemade easy motor from CD panel 2017, a strange motor for 2017 https://youtu.be/VRFNyZaV5bo 39.ir remote control testing up to 40 meters range, homemade ir remote control without any ic https://youtu.be/OWpAjFAzmAw 40.High voletage capacitor, super capacitor , how to charge capacitor https://youtu.be/iPBsynr0Xro 41.Super motor , homemade easy motor 2017 , new idea to create motor https://youtu.be/r1tOad_CRGM 42.Free energy, solar copper wire, new idea to create solar cell https://youtu.be/fCem5YyPRCY 43.Very small battery, how to make a small battery at home very easy https://youtu.be/pAxck2383hA 44.Homemade scrill machine very easy 2017 , a powerful tool https://youtu.be/3UKJqtMI7to 45.homemade coilgun , a powerful coilgun 2017 part 1 https://youtu.be/riqqZ5S6Sv4 46.Homemade coilgun, a powerful coilgun 2017 (part 2) https://youtu.be/7Gqe9jtP_qU 47.Free energy, diode as solar cell, new idea to make solar cell 2017 https://youtu.be/RjsWil3b0L0 48.How to make spot welding machine at home 2017 https://youtu.be/XyoyZpdtHV8 49.Free energy , Transistor solar cell, how to make solar cell from transistor 2017 https://youtu.be/tE69IeIUdDI #naturalenergyprogram

NATURAL ENERGY PROGRAM #naturalenergyprogram 00% working Free energy generator , Amazing self running machine Requirements 24V DC Motor https://bit.ly/2Ju1imP 500F Super capacitors https://bit.ly/2BLahdd 775 DC motor 12V https://bit.ly/2YfgJTx 775 Motor Bracket https://bit.ly/2JrSApb Pulley 60T https://bit.ly/2HA7x6N Pulley 20T https://bit.ly/2HKXRWD ON/OFF Switch https://bit.ly/2JpHS2n 150XL 037 Timing Belt 75 Teeth Black Cogged Rubber Geared Belt 10mm https://bit.ly/2TS4AVO Related Videos 1. How to make DC motor at home , homemade electric motor easy https://youtu.be/dYagMaoEBYA 2.How to create robotic at home , Homemade small robot 2017 https://youtu.be/SB8TO_iH4-U 3.How to make soldering iron using lighter https://youtu.be/gS5dP1LsN9E 4.How to make scrill machine at home using spray can and small motor https://youtu.be/M4TsL5FhbEw 5.Homemade a small and fast car for kids https://youtu.be/oIJ2Qtjy1m4 6.How to make 220V solinoid engine at home https://youtu.be/0SjTxfxq12E 7.How to make super transformer at home https://youtu.be/TwY-CkpZWLk 8.How to make foam cutter at home https://youtu.be/27G4sPwVTmc 9.How to make mini grill stove at home https://youtu.be/TtTZuz8SQtM 10.Free energy device https://youtu.be/h44q_O1JM7Q 11.Boost converter using small NPN transistor and 1.5 V AA battery https://youtu.be/Hr6eL9x-zlk 12.Motor as generator 2017, Homemade generator from DC motor https://youtu.be/MRVqcIMDDx8 13.Motor as generator , Homemade motor generator from old vcd player https://youtu.be/66q98CBoFBI 14.Motor as generator from small motor, Energy of small motor homemade 2017 https://youtu.be/QaxR7aFsygk 15. How to make scrill machine using 12V DC motor very easy , homemade scrill tool 2017 https://youtu.be/XKzN3odpq0A 16.V3 Solinoid engine whit 3 7 V, A powerful machine made in 2017 https://youtu.be/Av7CkyNJtfs 17.Wireless Electricity Transmission Review made in 2017 , New Project 2017 https://youtu.be/qaAqq4vyjg0 18.How to make electricity wireless transmittion 2017 step by step https://youtu.be/v88Ds-zkuUo 19.How to make Easy motor at home 2017 https://youtu.be/IwYEJmydLgA 20. Phone charging using small battery https://youtu.be/hNd-bhw0Kuk 21.Free energy , from small to a powerful energy, Phone charging using 1 5V AAA small battery https://youtu.be/gYZkHFMbR5U 22.How to make a powerful air pump at home very very strong https://youtu.be/4N53B_flCg0 23.How to make 3V Battery from coopper wire https://youtu.be/vXf0xHa7BFQ 24.How to make mini Hydrogen Generator at home very easy https://youtu.be/voL-SDPT_BU 25.How to make an Electricity Generator from old HDD motor https://youtu.be/e7y7iOc-B9U 26.How to make a mini flashlight 5W https://youtu.be/2sRjS90VM7s 27.Amazing life hack , Easy way to cut roof (Zn panel) using wire https://youtu.be/y3HxTjVxLtY 28.My Electronic lock desk , new idea created in 2017 https://youtu.be/Gui9GIp-JDY 29.Free Energy , Homemade Free Energy Device From Syringe And Water https://youtu.be/mObEsfrMBtA 30.Free Energy , Free Energy from magnetic, magnet motor 2017 https://youtu.be/hhoEvOxSFl4 31.Free Energy , How to make solar cell from LED, LED Vs Solar cell, homemade 2017 https://youtu.be/Go05bsO91_s 32.Free Energy , solar energy, capacitor charging LED as solar cell https://youtu.be/biGIbGqmYrE 33.Free Energy, Solar Energy, homemade easy solar cell 2017 https://youtu.be/hwbG_GmpErg 34.Quad motor helicopter Vs Single motor helicopter, homemade mini helicopters https://youtu.be/tjJk2TnZSu0 35.How to make V2 water pump at home , new model of water pump 2017 https://youtu.be/qPnihJPtY-I 36.How to upgrade 3v DC motor to a high speed and strong motor https://youtu.be/mK_Ixh8Vy4k 37.How to make a mini water pump at home very easy, Homemade 2017 https://youtu.be/38qfJENJ7dk 38.homemade easy motor from CD panel 2017, a strange motor for 2017 https://youtu.be/VRFNyZaV5bo 39.ir remote control testing up to 40 meters range, homemade ir remote control without any ic https://youtu.be/OWpAjFAzmAw 40.High voletage capacitor, super capacitor , how to charge capacitor https://youtu.be/iPBsynr0Xro 41.Super motor , homemade easy motor 2017 , new idea to create motor https://youtu.be/r1tOad_CRGM 42.Free energy, solar copper wire, new idea to create solar cell https://youtu.be/fCem5YyPRCY 43.Very small battery, how to make a small battery at home very easy https://youtu.be/pAxck2383hA 44.Homemade scrill machine very easy 2017 , a powerful tool https://youtu.be/3UKJqtMI7to 45.homemade coilgun , a powerful coilgun 2017 part 1 https://youtu.be/riqqZ5S6Sv4 46.Homemade coilgun, a powerful coilgun 2017 (part 2) https://youtu.be/7Gqe9jtP_qU 47.Free energy, diode as solar cell, new idea to make solar cell 2017 https://youtu.be/RjsWil3b0L0 48.How to make spot welding machine at home 2017 https://youtu.be/XyoyZpdtHV8 49.Free energy , Transistor solar cell, how to make solar cell from transistor 2017 https://youtu.be/tE69IeIUdDI #naturalenergyprogram
31 mrt. 2020 · 18 weergaven
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26 sep. 2021 · 50 weergaven
Big change, for big organizations, can be big risk. Big change, for big organizations, can be less risky with clarity on what’s working, the fundamentals, what’s a target for the system as a whole, and rethinking structures for the New Economy, for breakthroughs and innovation. When people see unifying leadership, it creates a sense of trust for the organization as a whole. #Perspective Algorithm selection is not limited to single domains but can be applied to any kind of algorithm if the above requirements are satisfied. Application domains include: hard combinatorial problems:[10] SAT, Mixed Integer Programming, CSP, AI Planning, TSP, MAXSAT, QBF and Answer Set Programming combinatorial auctions in machine learning, the problem is known as meta-learning software design black-box optimization multi-agent systems numerical optimization linear algebra, differential equations evolutionary algorithms vehicle routing problem power systems For an extensive list of literature about algorithm selection, we refer to a literature overview. Variants of algorithm selection Online selection Online algorithm selection refers to switching between different algorithms during the solving process. This is useful as a hyper-heuristic. In contrast, offline algorithm selection selects an algorithm for a given instance only once and before the solving process. Computation of schedules An extension of #algorithm selection is the per-instance algorithm scheduling problem, in which we do not select only one solver, but we select a time budget for each algorithm on a per-instance base. This approach improves the performance of selection systems in particular if the instance features are not very informative and a wrong selection of a single solver is likely.[11] Selection of parallel portfolios Given the increasing importance of #parallel computation, an extension of algorithm selection for parallel computation is parallel portfolio selection, in which we select a subset of the algorithms to simultaneously run in a parallel portfolio. A knowledge-based system (KBS) is a computer #program that reasons and uses a knowledge base to solve complex problems. The term is broad and refers to many different kinds of systems. The one common theme that unites all knowledge based systems is an attempt to represent knowledge explicitly and a reasoning system that allows it to derive new knowledge. Thus, a knowledge-based system has two distinguishing features: a knowledge base and an inference engine. The first part, the knowledge base, represents facts about the world, often in some form of subsumption ontology (rather than implicitly embedded in procedural #code, in the way a conventional computer program does). Other common approaches in addition to a subsumption ontology include frames, conceptual graphs, and logical assertions.[1] The second part, the inference engine, allows new knowledge to be inferred. Most commonly, it can take the form of IF-THEN rules[2] coupled with forward or backward chaining approaches. Other approaches include the use of #automated theorem provers, logic programming, blackboard systems, and term rewriting systems such as CHR (Constraint Handling Rules). Main control strategies Every control system must guarantee first the stability of the closed-loop behavior. For linear systems, this can be obtained by directly placing the poles. nonlinear control systems use specific theories (normally based on Aleksandr Lyapunov’s Theory) to ensure stability without regard to the inner dynamics of the system. The possibility to fulfill different specifications varies from the model considered and the control strategy chosen. List of the main control techniques Adaptive control uses on-line identification of the process parameters, or modification of controller gains, thereby obtaining strong robustness properties. Adaptive controls were applied for the first time in the aerospace industry in the 1950s, and have found particular success in that field. A hierarchical control system is a type of control system in which a set of devices and governing software is arranged in a hierarchical tree. When the links in the tree are implemented by a computer network, then that hierarchical control system is also a form of networked control system. Intelligent control uses various AI computing approaches like artificial neural networks, Bayesian probability, fuzzy logic,[20] machine learning, evolutionary computation and genetic algorithms or a combination of these methods, such as neuro-fuzzy algorithms, to control a dynamic system. Optimal control is a particular control technique in which the control signal optimizes a certain “cost index”: for example, in the case of a satellite, the jet thrusts needed to bring it to desired trajectory that consume the least amount of fuel. Two optimal control design methods have been widely used in industrial applications, as it has been shown they can guarantee closed-loop stability. These are Model Predictive Control (MPC) and linear-quadratic-Gaussian control (LQG). The first can more explicitly take into account constraints on the signals in the system, which is an important feature in many industrial processes. However, the “optimal control” structure in MPC is only a means to achieve such a result, as it does not optimize a true performance index of the closed-loop control system. Together with PID controllers, MPC systems are the most widely used control technique in process control. #Robust control deals explicitly with uncertainty in its approach to controller design. Controllers designed using robust control methods tend to be able to cope with small differences between the true system and the nominal model used for design.[21] The early methods of Bode and others were fairly robust; the state-space methods invented in the 1960s and 1970s were sometimes found to lack robustness. Examples of modern robust control techniques include H-infinity loop-shaping developed by Duncan McFarlane and Keith Glover, Sliding mode control (SMC) developed by Vadim Utkin, and safe protocols designed for control of large #heterogeneous populations of electric loads in Smart Power Grid applications.[22] Robust methods aim to achieve robust performance and/or stability in the presence of small modeling errors. Stochastic control deals with control design with uncertainty in the model. In typical #stochastic control problems, it is assumed that there exist random noise and disturbances in the model and the controller, and the control design must take into account these random deviations. Self-organized criticality control may be defined as attempts to interfere in the processes by which the self-organized #system dissipates energy. Features of the smart grid The smart grid represents the full suite of current and proposed responses to the challenges of electricity supply. Because of the diverse range of factors there are numerous competing taxonomies and no agreement on a universal definition. Nevertheless, one possible categorization is given here. Reliability The smart grid makes use of technologies such as state estimation,[17] that improve fault detection and allow self-healing of the network without the intervention of technicians. This will ensure more reliable supply of electricity, and reduced vulnerability to natural disasters or attack. Although multiple routes are touted as a feature of the smart grid, the old grid also featured multiple routes. Initial power lines in the grid were built using a radial model, later connectivity was guaranteed via multiple routes, referred to as a network structure. However, this created a new problem: if the current flow or related effects across the network exceed the limits of any particular network element, it could fail, and the current would be shunted to other network elements, which eventually may fail also, causing a domino effect. See power outage. A technique to prevent this is load shedding by rolling blackout or voltage reduction (brownout).[18][19] Flexibility in network topology Next-generation transmission and distribution infrastructure will be better able to handle possible bidirectional energy flows, allowing for distributed generation such as from photovoltaic panels on building roofs, but also charging to/from the batteries of electric cars, wind turbines, pumped hydroelectric power, the use of fuel cells, and other sources. Classic grids were designed for one-way flow of electricity, but if a local sub-network generates more power than it is consuming, the reverse flow can raise safety and reliability issues.[20] A smart grid aims to manage these situations.[10] Efficiency Numerous contributions to overall improvement of the efficiency of energy infrastructure are anticipated from the deployment of smart grid technology, in particular including demand-side management, for example turning off air conditioners during short-term spikes in electricity price, reducing the voltage when possible on distribution lines Archived 2013-06-27 at the Wayback Machine through Voltage/VAR Optimization (VVO), eliminating truck-rolls for meter reading, and reducing truck-rolls by improved outage management using data from Advanced Metering Infrastructure systems. The overall effect is less redundancy in transmission and distribution lines, and greater utilization of generators, leading to lower power prices. Load adjustment/Load balancing The total load connected to the power grid can vary significantly over time. Although the total load is the sum of many individual choices of the clients, the overall load is not necessarily stable or slow varying. For example, if a popular television program starts, millions of televisions will start to draw current instantly. Traditionally, to respond to a rapid increase in power consumption, faster than the start-up time of a large generator, some spare generators are put on a dissipative standby mode.[citation needed] A smart grid may warn all individual television sets, or another larger customer, to reduce the load temporarily[21] (to allow time to start up a larger generator) or continuously (in the case of limited resources). Using mathematical prediction algorithms it is possible to predict how many standby generators need to be used, to reach a certain failure rate. In the traditional grid, the failure rate can only be reduced at the cost of more standby generators. In a smart grid, the load reduction by even a small portion of the clients may eliminate the problem. While traditionally load balancing strategies have been designed to change consumers’ consumption patterns to make demand more uniform, developments in energy storage and individual renewable energy generation have provided opportunities to devise balanced power grids without affecting consumers’ behavior. Typically, storing energy during off-peak times eases high demand supply during peak hours. Dynamic game-theoretic frameworks have proved particularly efficient at storage scheduling by optimizing energy cost using their Nash equilibrium.[22][23] Peak curtailment/leveling and time of use pricing See also: Tod meter and demand response Peak load avoidance by smart charging of electric vehicles To reduce demand during the high cost peak usage periods, communications and metering technologies inform smart devices in the home and business when energy demand is high and track how much electricity is used and when it is used. It also gives utility companies the ability to reduce consumption by communicating to devices directly in order to prevent system overloads. Examples would be a utility reducing the usage of a group of electric vehicle charging stations or shifting temperature set points of air conditioners in a city.[21] To motivate them to cut back use and perform what is called peak curtailment or peak leveling, prices of electricity are increased during high demand periods, and decreased during low demand periods.[10] It is thought that consumers and businesses will tend to consume less during high demand periods if it is possible for consumers and consumer devices to be aware of the high price premium for using electricity at peak periods. This could mean making trade-offs such as cycling on/off air conditioners or running dishwashers at 9 pm instead of 5 pm. When businesses and consumers see a direct economic benefit of using energy at off-peak times, the theory is that they will include energy cost of operation into their consumer device and building construction decisions and hence become more energy efficient. Sustainability The improved flexibility of the smart grid permits greater penetration of highly variable renewable energy sources such as solar power and wind power, even without the addition of energy storage. Current network infrastructure is not built to allow for many distributed feed-in points, and typically even if some feed-in is allowed at the local (distribution) level, the transmission-level infrastructure cannot accommodate it. Rapid fluctuations in distributed generation, such as due to cloudy or gusty weather, present significant challenges to power engineers who need to ensure stable power levels through varying the output of the more controllable generators such as gas turbines and hydroelectric generators. Smart grid technology is a necessary condition for very large amounts of renewable electricity on the grid for this reason. There is also support for vehicle-to-grid.[24] Market-enabling The smart grid allows for systematic communication between suppliers (their energy price) and consumers (their willingness-to-pay), and permits both the suppliers and the consumers to be more flexible and sophisticated in their operational strategies. Only the critical loads will need to pay the peak energy prices, and consumers will be able to be more strategic in when they use energy. Generators with greater flexibility will be able to sell energy strategically for maximum profit, whereas inflexible generators such as base-load steam turbines and wind turbines will receive a varying tariff based on the level of demand and the status of the other generators currently operating. The overall effect is a signal that awards energy efficiency, and energy consumption that is sensitive to the time-varying limitations of the supply. At the domestic level, appliances with a degree of energy storage or thermal mass (such as refrigerators, heat banks, and heat pumps) will be well placed to ‘play’ the market and seek to minimise energy cost by adapting demand to the lower-cost energy support periods. This is an extension of the dual-tariff energy pricing mentioned above. Demand response support Demand response support allows generators and loads to interact in an automated fashion in real time, coordinating demand to flatten spikes. Eliminating the fraction of demand that occurs in these spikes eliminates the cost of adding reserve generators, cuts wear and tear and extends the life of equipment, and allows users to cut their energy bills by telling low priority devices to use energy only when it is cheapest.[25] Currently, power grid systems have varying degrees of communication within control systems for their high-value assets, such as in generating plants, transmission lines, substations and major energy users. In general information flows one way, from the users and the loads they control back to the utilities. The utilities attempt to meet the demand and succeed or fail to varying degrees (brownouts, rolling blackout, uncontrolled blackout). The total amount of power demand by the users can have a very wide probability distribution which requires spare generating plants in standby mode to respond to the rapidly changing power usage. This one-way flow of information is expensive; the last 10% of generating capacity may be required as little as 1% of the time, and brownouts and outages can be costly to consumers. Demand response can be provided by commercial, residential loads, and industrial loads.[26] For example, Alcoa’s Warrick Operation is participating in MISO as a qualified Demand Response Resource,[27] and the Trimet Aluminium uses its smelter as a short-term mega-battery.[28] Latency of the data flow is a major concern, with some early smart meter architectures allowing actually as long as 24 hours delay in receiving the data, preventing any possible reaction by either supplying or demanding devices.[29] Platform for advanced services As with other industries, use of robust two-way communications, advanced sensors, and distributed computing technology will improve the efficiency, reliability and safety of power delivery and use. It also opens up the potential for entirely new services or improvements on existing ones, such as fire monitoring and alarms that can shut off power, make phone calls to emergency services, etc. Provision megabits, control power with kilobits, sell the rest The amount of data required to perform monitoring and switching one’s appliances off automatically is very small compared with that already reaching even remote homes to support voice, security, Internet and TV services. Many smart grid bandwidth upgrades are paid for by over-provisioning to also support consumer services, and subsidizing the communications with energy-related services or subsidizing the energy-related services, such as higher rates during peak hours, with communications. This is particularly true where governments run both sets of services as a public monopoly. Because power and communications companies are generally separate commercial enterprises in North America and Europe, it has required considerable government and large-vendor effort to encourage various enterprises to cooperate. Some, like Cisco, see opportunity in providing devices to consumers very similar to those they have long been providing to industry.[30] Others, such as Silver Spring Networks[31] or Google,[32][33] are data integrators rather than vendors of equipment. While the AC power control standards suggest powerline networking would be the primary means of communication among smart grid and home devices, the bits may not reach the home via Broadband over Power Lines (BPL) initially but by fixed wireless. Technology The bulk of smart grid technologies are already used in other applications such as manufacturing and telecommunications and are being adapted for use in grid operations.[34] Integrated communications: Areas for improvement include: substation automation, demand response, distribution automation, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), energy management systems, wireless mesh networks and other technologies, power-line carrier communications, and fiber-optics.[10] Integrated communications will allow for real-time control, information and data exchange to optimize system reliability, asset utilization, and security.[35] Sensing and measurement: core duties are evaluating congestion and grid stability, monitoring equipment health, energy theft prevention,[36] and control strategies support. Technologies include: advanced microprocessor meters (smart meter) and meter reading equipment, wide-area monitoring systems, (typically based on online readings by Distributed temperature sensing combined with Real time thermal rating (RTTR) systems), electromagnetic signature measurement/analysis, time-of-use and real-time pricing tools, advanced switches and cables, backscatter radio technology, and Digital protective relays. Smart meters. Phasor measurement units. Many in the power systems engineering community believe that the Northeast blackout of 2003 could have been contained to a much smaller area if a wide area phasor measurement network had been in place.[37] Distributed power flow control: power flow control devices clamp onto existing transmission lines to control the flow of power within. Transmission lines enabled with such devices support greater use of renewable energy by providing more consistent, real-time control over how that energy is routed within the grid. This technology enables the grid to more effectively store intermittent energy from renewables for later use.[38] Smart power generation using advanced components: smart power generation is a concept of matching electricity generation with demand using multiple identical generators which can start, stop and operate efficiently at chosen load, independently of the others, making them suitable for base load and peaking power generation.[39] Matching supply and demand, called load balancing,[21] is essential for a stable and reliable supply of electricity. Short-term deviations in the balance lead to frequency variations and a prolonged mismatch results in blackouts. Operators of power transmission systems are charged with the balancing task, matching the power output of all the generators to the load of their electrical grid. The load balancing task has become much more challenging as increasingly intermittent and variable generators such as wind turbines and solar cells are added to the grid, forcing other producers to adapt their output much more frequently than has been required in the past. First two dynamic grid stability power plants utilizing the concept has been ordered by Elering and will be built by Wärtsilä in Kiisa, Estonia (Kiisa Power Plant). Their purpose is to “provide dynamic generation capacity to meet sudden and unexpected drops in the electricity supply.” They are scheduled to be ready during 2013 and 2014, and their total output will be 250 MW.[40] Power system automation enables rapid diagnosis of and precise solutions to specific grid disruptions or outages. These technologies rely on and contribute to each of the other four key areas. Three technology categories for advanced control methods are: distributed #intelligent agents (control systems), analytical tools (software algorithms and high-speed computers), and operational applications (SCADA, substation automation, demand response, etc.). Using artificial intelligence programming techniques, Fujian power grid in China created a wide area protection system that is rapidly able to accurately calculate a control strategy and execute it.[41] The Voltage Stability Monitoring & Control (VSMC) software uses a sensitivity-based successive linear programming method to reliably determine the optimal control solution.[42] #DrivingInnovation #AppliedWisdom #RobustNetworks #Development #NewEconomy #Blockchain #Tech #Learning #InternationalRelations

As countries worldwide race to become leaders of the renewable industry, the ESA – European Space Agency reveals a plan to harvest the sun’s energy in space and beam it back down to Earth. While it is still being tested, the ESA aim to construct a 2km long solar space farm, generating as much energy as a nuclear power plant. The ESA have partnered with Airbus – a European multinational aerospace corporation – to develop ‘wireless power transmission’ to capture this 24-hour source of electricity and beam it down to us. According to Airbus engineer Nicolas Schneider: “It’s a wave that can be directed to a receiving antenna which will then transform this wave into electricity.” Here’s a visualization of the anticipated project. بينما تتسابق البلدان في جميع أنحاء العالم لتصبح رائدة في الصناعة المتجددة، تكشف وكالة الفضاء الأوروبية (ESA) عن خطة لحصاد طاقة الشمس في الفضاء وإعادة إرسالها إلى الأرض. بينما لا يزال المشروع قيد الاختبار، تهدف وكالة الفضاء الأوروبية إلى بناء مزرعة فضائية شمسية بطول 2 كم، لتوليد نفس القدر من الطاقة مثل محطة الطاقة النووية. دخلت وكالة الفضاء الأوروبية في شراكة مع شركة إيرباص – وهي شركة طيران أوروبية – لتطوير نقل الطاقة اللاسلكية لالتقاط هذه الكهرباء على مدار 24 ساعة وإرسالها إلى الأرض. وفقًا لمهندس إيرباص نيكولاس شنايدر: “إنها موجة يمكن توجيهها إلى هوائي استقبال والذي سيحول هذه الموجة إلى كهرباء”. هذا الفيديو يعرض تصور للمشروع المنتظر.

As countries worldwide race to become leaders of the renewable industry, the ESA – European Space Agency reveals a plan to harvest the sun’s energy in space and beam it back down to Earth. While it is still being tested, the ESA aim to construct a 2km long solar space farm, generating as much energy as a nuclear power plant. The ESA have partnered with Airbus – a European multinational aerospace corporation – to develop ‘wireless power transmission’ to capture this 24-hour source of electricity and beam it down to us. According to Airbus engineer Nicolas Schneider: “It’s a wave that can be directed to a receiving antenna which will then transform this wave into electricity.” Here’s a visualization of the anticipated project. بينما تتسابق البلدان في جميع أنحاء العالم لتصبح رائدة في الصناعة المتجددة، تكشف وكالة الفضاء الأوروبية (ESA) عن خطة لحصاد طاقة الشمس في الفضاء وإعادة إرسالها إلى الأرض. بينما لا يزال المشروع قيد الاختبار، تهدف وكالة الفضاء الأوروبية إلى بناء مزرعة فضائية شمسية بطول 2 كم، لتوليد نفس القدر من الطاقة مثل محطة الطاقة النووية. دخلت وكالة الفضاء الأوروبية في شراكة مع شركة إيرباص – وهي شركة طيران أوروبية – لتطوير نقل الطاقة اللاسلكية لالتقاط هذه الكهرباء على مدار 24 ساعة وإرسالها إلى الأرض. وفقًا لمهندس إيرباص نيكولاس شنايدر: “إنها موجة يمكن توجيهها إلى هوائي استقبال والذي سيحول هذه الموجة إلى كهرباء”. هذا الفيديو يعرض تصور للمشروع المنتظر.
24 nov. 2022 · 5 weergaven

A Fuxing bullet train specially designed for the Hangzhou Asian Games rolled off the production line on Friday in #CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd. It will run between Hangzhou, the host city of the 19th Asian Games, and the five co-host cities of Ningbo, Wenzhou, Jinhua, Shaoxing and Huzhou in east China’s Zhejiang Province during the event. The Asian Games-themed Fuxing intelligent electric multiple unit (EMU) consists of eight cars with a capacity of 578 passengers and can reach a speed of 350 kilometers per hour. It is coated in Rainbow Purple, a dominant color for the event, and decorated with patterns of the emblem, slogan and sports pictograms. Full 5G+Wi-Fi network coverage is offered on the EMU and intelligent interactive terminals are available in some carriages, which provides high-speed rail recreation, wireless screen projection, operation information and other services for passengers during the journey. To facilitate the travel of passengers with special needs, the train also has barrier-free carriages, which have been equipped with 90-centimeter-wide passage doors, barrier-free toilets and wheelchair storage areas. Braille signs have been installed at multiple service points, such as seats, wheelchair storage areas and toilets, making it easy for visually impaired passengers to use. The EMU has been optimized for an overall improved passenger experience. Dozens of test runs have been conducted to improve its smooth operation, and the seats have been adjusted based on ergonomics. An automatic air pressure and temperature adjustment system has been installed, which can effectively relieve the discomfort of tinnitus caused by changes in air pressure when passing through a tunnel. The EMU’s locomotive has a bionic design, which will greatly reduce aerodynamic resistance and cut energy consumption by about 10 percent. With lightweight vehicle body design and overall energy-saving technology, it can save about 1.8 million kWh of electricity annually, and the application of Ethernet technology will increase the data transmission speed in the train by more than 60 times. A big data analysis platform will help operators monitor its performance and predict malfunctions.

A Fuxing bullet train specially designed for the Hangzhou Asian Games rolled off the production line on Friday in #CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd. It will run between Hangzhou, the host city of the 19th Asian Games, and the five co-host cities of Ningbo, Wenzhou, Jinhua, Shaoxing and Huzhou in east China’s Zhejiang Province during the event. The Asian Games-themed Fuxing intelligent electric multiple unit (EMU) consists of eight cars with a capacity of 578 passengers and can reach a speed of 350 kilometers per hour. It is coated in Rainbow Purple, a dominant color for the event, and decorated with patterns of the emblem, slogan and sports pictograms. Full 5G+Wi-Fi network coverage is offered on the EMU and intelligent interactive terminals are available in some carriages, which provides high-speed rail recreation, wireless screen projection, operation information and other services for passengers during the journey. To facilitate the travel of passengers with special needs, the train also has barrier-free carriages, which have been equipped with 90-centimeter-wide passage doors, barrier-free toilets and wheelchair storage areas. Braille signs have been installed at multiple service points, such as seats, wheelchair storage areas and toilets, making it easy for visually impaired passengers to use. The EMU has been optimized for an overall improved passenger experience. Dozens of test runs have been conducted to improve its smooth operation, and the seats have been adjusted based on ergonomics. An automatic air pressure and temperature adjustment system has been installed, which can effectively relieve the discomfort of tinnitus caused by changes in air pressure when passing through a tunnel. The EMU’s locomotive has a bionic design, which will greatly reduce aerodynamic resistance and cut energy consumption by about 10 percent. With lightweight vehicle body design and overall energy-saving technology, it can save about 1.8 million kWh of electricity annually, and the application of Ethernet technology will increase the data transmission speed in the train by more than 60 times. A big data analysis platform will help operators monitor its performance and predict malfunctions.
23 jul. · 7 weergaven

Tesla basically proved that ENERGY is all around you and in the atmosphere at all times. We are always engulfed in it whether we realize it or not. God particles. We truly are one. Nothing is every destroyed just converted to a new form of energy. Life is a chemical reaction. . ☆☆☆#Repost @4biddenknowledge ・・・ The Worlds First #Tesla #PowerPlant Can Be Operational In Nine Months. – #NikolaTesla, 1904. The fateful decision in 1905 by #JPMorgan to abandon Tesla’s #WardenclyffeTower project on Long Island (after investing US$150,000 – in 1905 dollars) was the result of learning that it would be designed mainly for wireless transmission of electrical power rather than for telegraphy. No more money was forthcoming for the project that Morgan initiated, even when the equipment alone cost about US $200,000. Morgan believed that he would “have nothing to sell except antennas [and refused] to contribute to that charity.” Tesla tried and tried for years until, in 1917, the US government blew up the abandoned Wardenclyffe Tower because suspected German spies were seen “lurking” around it. With Edison as his willing ally, Morgan even publicly discredited Tesla’s name, so that all of the five school textbook publishers of the time removed any reference to him. Is it any wonder why, even today – more than 100 years later – hardly anyone knows who Tesla is? Tesla wrote: “That electrical energy can be economically transmitted without wires to any terrestrial distance, I have unmistakably established in numerous observations, experiments and measurements, qualitative and quantitative. These have demonstrated that it is practicable to distribute power from a central plant in unlimited amounts, with a loss not exceeding a small fraction of one percent in the transmission, even to the greatest distance, 12,000 miles – to the opposite end of the globe.” #FreeEnergy from Tesla’s Wireless Electricity. An instant solution to the planetary energy “crisis” Read more: https://goo.gl/YbBMLe #4biddenknowledge

Tesla basically proved that ENERGY is all around you and in the atmosphere at all times. We are always engulfed in it whether we realize it or not. God particles. We truly are one. Nothing is every destroyed just converted to a new form of energy. Life is a chemical reaction. . ☆☆☆#Repost @4biddenknowledge ・・・ The Worlds First #Tesla #PowerPlant Can Be Operational In Nine Months. – #NikolaTesla, 1904. The fateful decision in 1905 by #JPMorgan to abandon Tesla’s #WardenclyffeTower project on Long Island (after investing US$150,000 – in 1905 dollars) was the result of learning that it would be designed mainly for wireless transmission of electrical power rather than for telegraphy. No more money was forthcoming for the project that Morgan initiated, even when the equipment alone cost about US $200,000. Morgan believed that he would “have nothing to sell except antennas [and refused] to contribute to that charity.” Tesla tried and tried for years until, in 1917, the US government blew up the abandoned Wardenclyffe Tower because suspected German spies were seen “lurking” around it. With Edison as his willing ally, Morgan even publicly discredited Tesla’s name, so that all of the five school textbook publishers of the time removed any reference to him. Is it any wonder why, even today – more than 100 years later – hardly anyone knows who Tesla is? Tesla wrote: “That electrical energy can be economically transmitted without wires to any terrestrial distance, I have unmistakably established in numerous observations, experiments and measurements, qualitative and quantitative. These have demonstrated that it is practicable to distribute power from a central plant in unlimited amounts, with a loss not exceeding a small fraction of one percent in the transmission, even to the greatest distance, 12,000 miles – to the opposite end of the globe.” #FreeEnergy from Tesla’s Wireless Electricity. An instant solution to the planetary energy “crisis” Read more: https://goo.gl/YbBMLe #4biddenknowledge
8 jul. 2019 · 29 weergaven
LIMITED STOCKS!!! NOW FOR ONLY P999.00!!!! CLICK LINK BELOW: https://bit.ly/3fAptOR https://bit.ly/3fAptOR 👉3 in 1 Wireless Bluetooth Earphone👈 📦【Checked before shipment and properly packed to avoid damage during shipping】 🔄【 6 Months warranty (no warranty if user’s fault. Please read the manual before you use the item)】 👉Quick Details👈 🔥Highlights🔥 👉* 8D surround sound, 5.0 dual-ear chip, large capacity, true wireless Bluetooth headset 👉* Graphene bass diaphragm, HIFI high-frequency technology, 10MM dynamic speaker unit 👉* 5.0 automatic boot pairing, built-in active noise reduction IC, HD call,5.0 bluetooth game without delay 👉* LED display charge box, know the electricity quantity easily. 👉* 2000 mAh large capacity dual lithium battery, faster charging, longer lasting battery, can be used as an emergency charging treasure. 👉* Wireless Bluetooth 5.0 connection, stable and fast signal transmission. 👉* Touch control, easy to use and operate. 👉* Touch to summon Siri and Android Assistant to make your life easier. 📘Specifications📘 👉Model: F9 ver.5 👉Headphone type: in-ear headphones 👉Bluetooth protocol: HFP/HSP/A2DP/AVRCP 👉Earphones battery capacity: 60mAh 👉Charging box battery capacity: 2000 mAh 👉Charges the earphones fully: 8 to 10 times 👉Music time: 3 to 4 hours (related to playback volume) 👉Call time: 3.5 hours 👉Bluetooth distance: about 10 meters 👉Waterproof: IPX7 waterproof 👉Connection method: single/double free to use 👉Color: black 👉Function: music play / pause, call answering noise reduction, IOS power display, voice prompt 👉Bluetooth version: V5.0 👉Compatible devices: Bluetooth devices such as for Xiaomi, Samsung, Apple, Huawei, Oppo, Vivo, Lenovo, tablet, etc. (With Bluetooth, you need to use a Bluetooth adapter) 👉Headphone charging time: about 1 hour 👉Charging compartment charging time: about 1 hour 📦Package Included📦 * A Pair of Earbuds( right and left side) * 1 x Charging Case * 1 x Charge Cable * 3 pairs * earplug * 1 x User Manual #sinagstudios #wirelessearphones #bluetooth #music #elevateyourtech
2 apr. 2021 · 56 weergaven
http://www.ebay.com/itm/284060165484?var=&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 About the Item:- Data line magnetic protector lines usb micro fast charge synchronous tester storage three in one cables bag box phone case card holder wallet cute for men protective ring speck lifeproof screen girls glitter stand cases compatible anti-scratch shock absorption cover technology bumper soft heavy duty commuter series full body protection built inshockproof rugged charging cable charger certified type rose gold white marble design clear matte rubber silicone hard plastic ultra thin mobile. Battery case portable protective charging extended rechargeable pack charger compatible wireless charge lightning cable supports fast phone long cord with dynamic crystal sound ergonomic comfort-fit bluetooth headphones waterproof earbuds sport richer bass stereo in-earphones active noise cancelling deep over ear comfortable protein earpads sweatproof headset workout running gym bank high-speed usb ports flashlight external backup ultra compact slim huge capacity dual inputs output. Power bank external battery charger with flashlight enabled true wireless sports earbuds charging case copper blue cord cable compatible usb certified type nylon braided fast hardness tempered glass screen protector for pack flame bluetooth headphones waterproof sport richer bass stereo in-ear earphones easy one touch windshield car mount phone holder dual port quick plug cube replacement wall active noise cancelling mic deep over ear comfortable in-car transmitter radio adapter built-in. Soft nylon sport loop with hook and fastener replacement band battery case portable protective charging rechargeable pack bass stereo sweatproof earbuds headset workout headphones children girls boys teens foldable adjustable on ear headsets charger external smart digital display waterproof music for gym running wireless bluetooth flame richer earphones fusion dual usb wall plug extension cord cable stick extra long braided high speed data sync certified gold plated adapter for computer. Extra long charging cord nylon braided high speed usb durable rose gold marble design clear bumper matte soft rubber silicone cover phone case compatible lightning to shock absorption anti scratch fast charger power extension and splitter ultra hybrid designed for crystal liquid air armor design packaging retail cable super sync& charging adaptive screen protector advanced HD clarity work most tempered glass with easy installation tray tempered alignment frame headphones over ear wired. There are two versions of this headset, one is binaural and the other is single ear. The prices of the two versions are inconsistent. In order to avoid unnecessary late disputes, please carefully select before placing the order. SS-HBQ-Q32 Bluetooth 5.0 Earphones TWS Wireless Headphones Bluetooth Earphone Handsfree Headphone Sports Earbuds Gaming Headset Phone Highlights: 1. Charging case 1500mah,work as power bank 2. IPX5 life waterproof 3.Bluebooth 5.0 4. Auto power on/off, auto pair 5. Both earphone work separately 6. Standby time: 120H Features: 1. With charging case 1500mah,can be used as power bank, can charge your mobile phone 2. Can automatically Pair, Power on after taking out from the charging case. 3. Wireless stereo, left and right channel separation, both ear can be used separately 4. listening to the song correct, support songs and call, 5. remind call number, the last call back, all intelligent Chinese and English voice prompts, boot, pair, shut down the phone power will be low voice prompts; 6. Power capacity will show on your Iphone, you can see the power situation anytime, do not worry about the electricity ,make your life without worry; 7. One to two connections, can be connected to two mobile phones at the same time 8. Bluetooth headset connected to the phone after the shutdown , and then open the Bluetooth headset will connect back to the phone automatically , more convenient; 9. Intelligent compatibility: support all Bluetooth mobile phone, tablet, notebook, singing it, QQ music, movies, etc., universal all mobile phone Headset parameters:- ♦ Wireless Version :V5.0+EDR ♦ Impedance:Ф8MM 32Ω ♦ Mic Sensitivity:-42Db ♦ Wireless Frequency:2.4GHZ ♦ Earbud Battery Capacity :50MAHx2 ♦ Working TemPerature:10-50℃ ♦ Charging voltage:DC5V ♦ Transmission Distance:10M ♦ Playing Time: about 4.5 hours ♦ Charging Time: about 1 hours ♦ Standby Time:120 hours ♦ Weight:4g Charging Case Parameters:- ♦ Input voltage:5V 1A(TYP) ♦ Input current :5V 1A(TYP) ♦ Weight:69g ♦ Charging Case:1500MAH Package Includes:- 2 x mini Bluetooth Headphones(left and right earphones, can be used separately) 1 x Charging case 1 x USB Charging Cable 1 x User Manual
28 okt. 2020 · 59 weergaven

South African Business Visa A business visa may be issued by the Department of Home Affairs to a foreigner intending to establish or invest in a business in South Africa in which he or she may be employed, and to members of such foreigners’ immediate family providing that certain requirements have been met. The Act calls for investment of R5,0 million in a business and you need to make sure you employ 60% South African citizens or permanent residents to get both a temporary and permanent business visa, you can get these visas with less capital investment – sometimes for as low as R600,000 investment using our expert team at SA Migration. Many businesses do not require a capital investment as large as R5 million and in certain cases, you are allowed to reduce this amount and commit to a smaller investment if your business falls within the certain industries. The following businesses to be in the national interest, and therefore qualifying for reduction or waiver of the capitalisation requirements as determined to be in the national interest in relation to a Business Visa: Many of these business owners do not have the required investment amounts. If this is the case and the business falls in line with one of the following industries, a capital waiver can be requested. This would mean a reduction in the required investment amount. The industries are: (a) Agro-processing • Fisheries and aquaculture i.e. freshwater aquaculture and marine culture • Food processing in the milling and baking industries • Beverages viz. fruit juices and the local beneficiation, packaging and export of indigenous teas • High value natural fibres viz., organic cotton and downstream mohair production • High value organic food for the local and export market • Biofuels production viz. bioethanol and biogas • oils: tea extracts, including buchu, honeybush: and other oil derivatives (avocado, amarula etc.) • Diversification / beneficiation of biomass sources i.e. sugar, maize (b) Business Process Outsourcing and IT Enabled Services • Call centers • Back Office Processing • Shared Corporate Services • Enterprise solutions e.g. fleet management and asset management • Legal process outsourcing (c) Capital / Transport equipment, metals and electrical machinery and apparatus • Basic iron and steel • Basic precious and non-ferrous metals • Casting of metals • Other fabricated metal products: metalwork service activities • General purpose machinery • Tooling manufacturing • Foundries • White goods and associated components • Electric motors, generators and transformers • Electricity distribution and control apparatus • Insulated wire and cable • Accumulators, primary cells and primary batteries (d) Electro Technical • Advanced telecommunications • Software development • Software and mobile applications • Smart metering • Embedded software • Radio frequency identifications • Digital TV and Set Top Boxes due to migration to full digital television • Process control, measurement and instrumentation • Security and monitoring solutions • Financial software • Manufacturing sensors (e) Textile, Clothing and Leather • Spinning, weaving and finishing of textiles • Knitted and crocheted fabrics and articles • Wearing apparel except fur apparel • Dressing and dying of fur • Leather skins and hides beneficiation (f) Consumer goods • White goods and associated components (g) Boatbuilding • Boatbuilding and associated services industry • Engines and engine systems • Marine equipment and accessories (h) Pulp, paper and Furniture • Manufacture of paper products: publishing, printing and reproduction • Manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials • Paper and paper products and furniture • Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork (i) Automotives and Components • engines, radiators, filters and components thereof • air conditioners / climate control systems • alarms and Tracking devices • axles, transmission shafts • body parts and panels • catalytic converters, silencers and exhaust systems and components • wiring harnesses, instrument panels vehicle interiors, electronic drive train components, • lighting equipment • seats and parts thereof, seatbelts, leather covers • suspension and shock absorbers, springs and parts thereof • steering wheels, columns and boxes • ignition, starting equipment, gauges and instrument parts (J) Green Economy Industries (jj) Power generation: • Nuclear Build Programmer i.e. joint ventures, consortiums and the establishment of new companies to grow South Africa’s nuclear manufacturing capability and nuclear supply industry to supply into the nuclear build programme • Independent power generation, energy infrastructure and alternative energy (jjj) Renewable Energy: • Onshore wind power – manufacture of turbines/blades • Solar PV and Concentrated Solar Power manufacture/assembly • Biomass • Small hydro • Lowering greenhouse gas emissions from landfill sites • Energy efficiency and energy saving industries • Solar water heaters • Waste Management and Recycling • Reducing landfill (k) Advanced Manufacturing • Nano-materials • High performance materials based on natural resources (advanced bio-composites • Advanced materials, polymers and composites • Medical devices, diagnostics and composites • Space e.g. satellite manufacturers etc. and astronomy e.g. SKA, telescopes, dishes etc. • Composites (intelligent textiles used in medical, building and construction industries) • Continuous fibre reinforced thermoform composites • Biochemical and biologics for applications in agriculture, industry and health/medical sectors • Electricity demand Site Management Solutions to improve electricity efficiency usage • Lasers and laser-based additive manufacturing various applications • Advanced Robotics Mobile Intelligent Autonomous Systems • Applications in the mining industry, data collection and analysis • Bio – manufacturing – Biochemical and biologics for applications in agriculture, industry and health/medical. • Fuel cells and Technology (l) Tourism infrastructure • Accommodation – hotels, boutique hotels, lodges and resorts • urban integrated tourism/ entertainment precincts • adventure, – eco-, sport-, conference- and cultural tourism • infrastructure developments • leisure complexes and world class golf courses • harbour and waterfront developments • trans frontier conservations areas • Tourism transport – aviation, rail, cruise liners etc. • green building and green technologies for tourism • attractions and activity – based tourism. • museums and heritage (m) Chemicals, plastic fabrication and pharmaceuticals • basic chemicals • water treatment chemical products • man-made fibres • plastic products: polypropylene and polyvinculchloride • medical (drips and syringes), manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredient • (APIs) for key anti-retrovirals (ARVs) • Manufacture of reagents for AIDS/HIV diagnostics • Production of vaccines and biological medicines (n) Creative and Design Industry • Film studios, treaty film co-production ventures, distribution infrastructure • Servicing of foreign productions • Production of film and documentaries, commercials, stills photography and • Multi-media • Post-production • Design • Jewellery manufacturing and design • Fashion design (o) Oil and Gas • Maintenance ship and rig repair • Fabrication – equipment and specialised components • Specialised services – training and accreditation • Specialised services – non-descriptive testing, inspection services, SHEQ services • Exploration – technical services: seismic surveys, logging, environmental impact assessments, etc. • Exploration – offshore • Exploration – onshore shale gas • Exploration – onshore coal bed methane and underground coal gasification • Infrastructure – refineries (Oil and GTL) • Infrastructure – terminals LPG/LNG import, storage and distribution • Infrastructure – ports and associated infrastructure • Infrastructure – storage • Logistics – pipeline (p) Mineral beneficiation • Downstream processing and value addition (q) Infrastructure Development (r) ICT • Geoamatics and Digital media • Wireless and Telecom • Electronics • IT • Software Development • Advanced programming List of undesirable Business in South Africa; • Businesses that import second hand motor vehicles into the Republic of South Africa for the purpose of exporting to other markets outside the Republic of South Africa • The exotic entertainment industry • Security Industry Our team of professionals at SA Migration International will assist you and help you to obtain your business visa for you. South Africa is going through a very exciting stage at the moment and there is lots of opportunity to be involved in this emerging economy and the government welcomes anyone wishing to invest and create employment. Especially for small business owners, the markets are extremely lucrative and the government welcomes anyone who wants to invest. www.samigration.com

South African Business Visa A business visa may be issued by the Department of Home Affairs to a foreigner intending to establish or invest in a business in South Africa in which he or she may be employed, and to members of such foreigners’ immediate family providing that certain requirements have been met. The Act calls for investment of R5,0 million in a business and you need to make sure you employ 60% South African citizens or permanent residents to get both a temporary and permanent business visa, you can get these visas with less capital investment – sometimes for as low as R600,000 investment using our expert team at SA Migration. Many businesses do not require a capital investment as large as R5 million and in certain cases, you are allowed to reduce this amount and commit to a smaller investment if your business falls within the certain industries. The following businesses to be in the national interest, and therefore qualifying for reduction or waiver of the capitalisation requirements as determined to be in the national interest in relation to a Business Visa: Many of these business owners do not have the required investment amounts. If this is the case and the business falls in line with one of the following industries, a capital waiver can be requested. This would mean a reduction in the required investment amount. The industries are: (a) Agro-processing • Fisheries and aquaculture i.e. freshwater aquaculture and marine culture • Food processing in the milling and baking industries • Beverages viz. fruit juices and the local beneficiation, packaging and export of indigenous teas • High value natural fibres viz., organic cotton and downstream mohair production • High value organic food for the local and export market • Biofuels production viz. bioethanol and biogas • oils: tea extracts, including buchu, honeybush: and other oil derivatives (avocado, amarula etc.) • Diversification / beneficiation of biomass sources i.e. sugar, maize (b) Business Process Outsourcing and IT Enabled Services • Call centers • Back Office Processing • Shared Corporate Services • Enterprise solutions e.g. fleet management and asset management • Legal process outsourcing (c) Capital / Transport equipment, metals and electrical machinery and apparatus • Basic iron and steel • Basic precious and non-ferrous metals • Casting of metals • Other fabricated metal products: metalwork service activities • General purpose machinery • Tooling manufacturing • Foundries • White goods and associated components • Electric motors, generators and transformers • Electricity distribution and control apparatus • Insulated wire and cable • Accumulators, primary cells and primary batteries (d) Electro Technical • Advanced telecommunications • Software development • Software and mobile applications • Smart metering • Embedded software • Radio frequency identifications • Digital TV and Set Top Boxes due to migration to full digital television • Process control, measurement and instrumentation • Security and monitoring solutions • Financial software • Manufacturing sensors (e) Textile, Clothing and Leather • Spinning, weaving and finishing of textiles • Knitted and crocheted fabrics and articles • Wearing apparel except fur apparel • Dressing and dying of fur • Leather skins and hides beneficiation (f) Consumer goods • White goods and associated components (g) Boatbuilding • Boatbuilding and associated services industry • Engines and engine systems • Marine equipment and accessories (h) Pulp, paper and Furniture • Manufacture of paper products: publishing, printing and reproduction • Manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials • Paper and paper products and furniture • Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork (i) Automotives and Components • engines, radiators, filters and components thereof • air conditioners / climate control systems • alarms and Tracking devices • axles, transmission shafts • body parts and panels • catalytic converters, silencers and exhaust systems and components • wiring harnesses, instrument panels vehicle interiors, electronic drive train components, • lighting equipment • seats and parts thereof, seatbelts, leather covers • suspension and shock absorbers, springs and parts thereof • steering wheels, columns and boxes • ignition, starting equipment, gauges and instrument parts (J) Green Economy Industries (jj) Power generation: • Nuclear Build Programmer i.e. joint ventures, consortiums and the establishment of new companies to grow South Africa’s nuclear manufacturing capability and nuclear supply industry to supply into the nuclear build programme • Independent power generation, energy infrastructure and alternative energy (jjj) Renewable Energy: • Onshore wind power – manufacture of turbines/blades • Solar PV and Concentrated Solar Power manufacture/assembly • Biomass • Small hydro • Lowering greenhouse gas emissions from landfill sites • Energy efficiency and energy saving industries • Solar water heaters • Waste Management and Recycling • Reducing landfill (k) Advanced Manufacturing • Nano-materials • High performance materials based on natural resources (advanced bio-composites • Advanced materials, polymers and composites • Medical devices, diagnostics and composites • Space e.g. satellite manufacturers etc. and astronomy e.g. SKA, telescopes, dishes etc. • Composites (intelligent textiles used in medical, building and construction industries) • Continuous fibre reinforced thermoform composites • Biochemical and biologics for applications in agriculture, industry and health/medical sectors • Electricity demand Site Management Solutions to improve electricity efficiency usage • Lasers and laser-based additive manufacturing various applications • Advanced Robotics Mobile Intelligent Autonomous Systems • Applications in the mining industry, data collection and analysis • Bio – manufacturing – Biochemical and biologics for applications in agriculture, industry and health/medical. • Fuel cells and Technology (l) Tourism infrastructure • Accommodation – hotels, boutique hotels, lodges and resorts • urban integrated tourism/ entertainment precincts • adventure, – eco-, sport-, conference- and cultural tourism • infrastructure developments • leisure complexes and world class golf courses • harbour and waterfront developments • trans frontier conservations areas • Tourism transport – aviation, rail, cruise liners etc. • green building and green technologies for tourism • attractions and activity – based tourism. • museums and heritage (m) Chemicals, plastic fabrication and pharmaceuticals • basic chemicals • water treatment chemical products • man-made fibres • plastic products: polypropylene and polyvinculchloride • medical (drips and syringes), manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredient • (APIs) for key anti-retrovirals (ARVs) • Manufacture of reagents for AIDS/HIV diagnostics • Production of vaccines and biological medicines (n) Creative and Design Industry • Film studios, treaty film co-production ventures, distribution infrastructure • Servicing of foreign productions • Production of film and documentaries, commercials, stills photography and • Multi-media • Post-production • Design • Jewellery manufacturing and design • Fashion design (o) Oil and Gas • Maintenance ship and rig repair • Fabrication – equipment and specialised components • Specialised services – training and accreditation • Specialised services – non-descriptive testing, inspection services, SHEQ services • Exploration – technical services: seismic surveys, logging, environmental impact assessments, etc. • Exploration – offshore • Exploration – onshore shale gas • Exploration – onshore coal bed methane and underground coal gasification • Infrastructure – refineries (Oil and GTL) • Infrastructure – terminals LPG/LNG import, storage and distribution • Infrastructure – ports and associated infrastructure • Infrastructure – storage • Logistics – pipeline (p) Mineral beneficiation • Downstream processing and value addition (q) Infrastructure Development (r) ICT • Geoamatics and Digital media • Wireless and Telecom • Electronics • IT • Software Development • Advanced programming List of undesirable Business in South Africa; • Businesses that import second hand motor vehicles into the Republic of South Africa for the purpose of exporting to other markets outside the Republic of South Africa • The exotic entertainment industry • Security Industry Our team of professionals at SA Migration International will assist you and help you to obtain your business visa for you. South Africa is going through a very exciting stage at the moment and there is lots of opportunity to be involved in this emerging economy and the government welcomes anyone wishing to invest and create employment. Especially for small business owners, the markets are extremely lucrative and the government welcomes anyone who wants to invest. www.samigration.com
18 apr. 2022 · 380 weergaven

U.S. weather forecasters are the latest group to sound the alarm that the race to introduce 5G technologies may have adverse consequences. In a letter to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), U.S. meteorologists called the potential for 5G mobile technologies to disrupt communication between weather satellites “deeply concerning,” according to the BBC. The letter was signed by the American Meteorological Society, the National Weather Association and the American Geophysical Union. They oppose a FCC proposal to share a radio spectrum band with mobile companies, arguing that sharing the radio band may lead to a delay in life-saving data, according to Newsweek. “[Interference will] postpone dissemination of vital information to the public to aid and protect life, property, businesses, and government operations. The loss of seconds can mean the difference between safety and grave risk to life and property,” said John Porter, an executive at AccuWeather, in a separate letter to the FCC, as Newsweek reported. Experts warned that sharing the 1675-1680MHz band could cause delays in public service alerts about severe weather like hurricanes and tornadoes. The letter by the U.S. meteorologists piggy backs on a letter sent to the FCC Chairman by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore) and Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) asking him not to issue 5G licenses “until the FCC approves the passive band protection limits that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) determine are necessary to protect critical satellite‐based measurements of atmospheric water vapor needed to forecast the weather.” Results of the study are expected in 2020. Wyden and Cantwell said that the “ongoing sale of wireless airwaves could damage the effectiveness of US weather satellites and harm forecasts and predictions relied on to protect safety, property, and national security.” They reprimanded the FCC for beginning the auction “over the objections of NASA, NOAA, and members of the American Meteorological Society (AMS)… These entities all argued that out-of-band emissions from future commercial broadband transmissions in the 24GHz band would disrupt the ability to collect water-vapor data measured in a neighboring frequency band (23.6 to 24GHZ) that meteorologists rely on to forecast the weather,” as Ars Technica reported. The extent of the radio wave interference will depend on where new 5G networks are, said Prof. William Webb, independent consultant and author of the book The 5G Myth, as the BBC reported. “If it’s only deployed in city centers, it probably won’t cause interference,” Webb said to the BBC. “But if it’s used in large volumes near the meteorological sites then yes it could.” Prominent U.S. agencies are not the only ones asking for more time before 5G licenses are issued. The new mobile technologies have also faced resistance in Europe. In April, Brussels banned the implementation of 5G technologies due to concerns over radiation. “I cannot welcome such technology if the radiation standards, which must protect the citizen, are not respected, 5G or not,” said Céline Fremault , Brussels’ Environment minister, as the Brussels Times reported. “The people of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose health I can sell at a profit. We cannot leave anything to doubt,” she added. Under the current radiation standards in Brussels, a pilot project is not possible. Fremault said she does not intend to make an exception for faster Internet speed. However, the GSMA — an organization that represents mobile network operators — believes that 5G services and weather sensing services can co-exist, according to the BBC. “We cannot allow these scare tactics to prevent us from reaping the huge societal and economic benefits of 5G networks,” said Brett Tarnutzer, the trade body’s head of spectrum, as the BBC reported. “We urge everyone to simply look at the facts and not get drawn in by misleading rhetoric.”

U.S. weather forecasters are the latest group to sound the alarm that the race to introduce 5G technologies may have adverse consequences. In a letter to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), U.S. meteorologists called the potential for 5G mobile technologies to disrupt communication between weather satellites “deeply concerning,” according to the BBC. The letter was signed by the American Meteorological Society, the National Weather Association and the American Geophysical Union. They oppose a FCC proposal to share a radio spectrum band with mobile companies, arguing that sharing the radio band may lead to a delay in life-saving data, according to Newsweek. “[Interference will] postpone dissemination of vital information to the public to aid and protect life, property, businesses, and government operations. The loss of seconds can mean the difference between safety and grave risk to life and property,” said John Porter, an executive at AccuWeather, in a separate letter to the FCC, as Newsweek reported. Experts warned that sharing the 1675-1680MHz band could cause delays in public service alerts about severe weather like hurricanes and tornadoes. The letter by the U.S. meteorologists piggy backs on a letter sent to the FCC Chairman by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore) and Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) asking him not to issue 5G licenses “until the FCC approves the passive band protection limits that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) determine are necessary to protect critical satellite‐based measurements of atmospheric water vapor needed to forecast the weather.” Results of the study are expected in 2020. Wyden and Cantwell said that the “ongoing sale of wireless airwaves could damage the effectiveness of US weather satellites and harm forecasts and predictions relied on to protect safety, property, and national security.” They reprimanded the FCC for beginning the auction “over the objections of NASA, NOAA, and members of the American Meteorological Society (AMS)… These entities all argued that out-of-band emissions from future commercial broadband transmissions in the 24GHz band would disrupt the ability to collect water-vapor data measured in a neighboring frequency band (23.6 to 24GHZ) that meteorologists rely on to forecast the weather,” as Ars Technica reported. The extent of the radio wave interference will depend on where new 5G networks are, said Prof. William Webb, independent consultant and author of the book The 5G Myth, as the BBC reported. “If it’s only deployed in city centers, it probably won’t cause interference,” Webb said to the BBC. “But if it’s used in large volumes near the meteorological sites then yes it could.” Prominent U.S. agencies are not the only ones asking for more time before 5G licenses are issued. The new mobile technologies have also faced resistance in Europe. In April, Brussels banned the implementation of 5G technologies due to concerns over radiation. “I cannot welcome such technology if the radiation standards, which must protect the citizen, are not respected, 5G or not,” said Céline Fremault , Brussels’ Environment minister, as the Brussels Times reported. “The people of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose health I can sell at a profit. We cannot leave anything to doubt,” she added. Under the current radiation standards in Brussels, a pilot project is not possible. Fremault said she does not intend to make an exception for faster Internet speed. However, the GSMA — an organization that represents mobile network operators — believes that 5G services and weather sensing services can co-exist, according to the BBC. “We cannot allow these scare tactics to prevent us from reaping the huge societal and economic benefits of 5G networks,” said Brett Tarnutzer, the trade body’s head of spectrum, as the BBC reported. “We urge everyone to simply look at the facts and not get drawn in by misleading rhetoric.”
30 jun. 2019 · 640 weergaven

On the Nature of Nature…. the art of scientific discovery : a pictorial history of insights that changed the way we see the World Part 1 : Brief Chronology The Ancient Greeks Anaximander (610-546 BC), was the first person in recorded history to establish a pictorial model of the universe based on reason rather than Mythology or Religion. He wrote a poetic book called ‘On Nature’ in which he described ta dynamic solar system with the earth as an object floating freely in space, a theory of the origin of life, and the evolution of humankind from fish. He imagined an energy source, the ‘Apeiron’, from which all things emerged and into which all things would eventually return. Parmenides (585-515 BC) wrote a poem entitled, ‘On Nature’ in which he proposes change is an illusion brought about by sensory perception, and that in reality the essential nature of all things is unchanging in the infinite passage of existence. Pythagoras (570-495 BC) established a relationship between the frequency of sound, and physical matter and established the proportions of the harmonic scale. He may also have applied his understanding of harmonics as a tool for healing physical ailments. Anaxagoras (510 – 428 BC) wrote a poem called ‘On Nature’ proposing that nature was itself a kind of ‘mind’ organizing it substance into the geometric arrangements of the elements. Empedocles (490-430 BC )wrote a poem entitled ‘On Nature’ in which he described a universe formed from two opposing forces of expansion and contraction, forces he described as love and strife, one tending to pull objects in the universe together, like gravity acting toward a singularity, while another force drives things apart into multiple separate objects. Socrates (470- 399 BC) primarily concerned with ethics, what is good or virtuous and bad or evil, and how these related to the system of law, had little interest in the workings of nature or the mechanics of the cosmos, and considered those who pursued such knowledge to be foolish. By the same token his philosophical contributions are of little relevance to this particular investigation, except to note that his best known student, Plato (through whose writings we know of him), should take such a keen interest in the geometry of nature, and the mechanics of the physical universe as it was described by Philolaus, his contemporary. Philolaus (470-385 BC ) of Croton in southern Italy, although often described as a Pythagorean, had some important original thoughts of his own. He wrote a book, ‘On Nature’ in which he described the geometry of the fundamental elements in Nature. He established the first model of the solar system, which no longer placed the earth at the center. Philolaus’ model had a central fire around which the planets and even the sun orbited. Philolaus imagined a world composed of opposing forces he described as the ‘unlimited’ and ‘limiting’. The dynamic relationship between these opposing forces causes the temporal existence of finite objects within an infinite universe. Democritus (460 – 370 BC) and his teacher Leucippus who founded a school in Abdera were the first among the ancient Greeks to introduce the theory of Atomism, although Its likely the theory originated some time before that in India. He proposed that everything was composed of atoms, which were solid, indivisible, perpetually in motion, and eternal. He also believed that different materials were composed of atoms of different shapes. Plato (428 – 348 BC ) acquired a copy of Philolaus book ‘On Nature’, and wrote ‘Timaeus’, largely based on Philolaus work in which he described the basic geometry of the elements using the same geometric forms, now known today as the ‘Platonic solids’. Aristotle (384-322 BC) supported a Pythagorean model, a solar system of orbiting spherical planets with a stationary earth at the center. He originated the intromission theory, the idea that the eyes received light from external objects, rather than emitting rays of light. He believed that light travelled through a medium like waves through water. Epicurus (341-270 BC) wrote a book entitled, ‘On Nature’, in which he proposed that the realty of the physical world was directly related to the experience of it derived from the natural senses. He described a world built up of atoms, and proposed an account of evolution from the formation of the world by aggregation of tiny parts, the origin and evolution of life itself. Euclid (325-265 BC) wrote the ‘The Elements’ a thorough study of the geometry of nature. Aristarchus (310-230 BC) from the island of Samos made careful observations of the shadows of the earth on the moon during a lunar eclipse. He created an abstract diagram and applied an understanding of geometry to establish the relationship of sizes and distances between the earth, sun, and moon. according to archimedes writings in the ‘Sand reckoner’, he proposed a sun-centered solar system around 1800 years before Copernicus model. Archimedes (287-212 BC) developed the principle of displacement to measure an objects volume by the equal displacement of liquid. He also established theorems for the area of the circle, the surface area and volume of a sphere, a method to derive an accurate estimation of pi, and developed a form of calculus to establish the area beneath a parabola. Apollonius (240-190 BC) wrote ‘On the Conics’ a study of the curved forms within the cross-section of the cone. The curved forms of the conical sections, the circle, ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola, also describe the curved motions of the planets and stars in Astronomy. Selucius of Selucia (190-150 BC) located in the center of modern Day Iraq. Selucius supported the sun centered model of the solar system proposed by Aristarchus. The earth rotating on its access in orbit around the sun, along with the other planets in the solar system. He was the first to describe the relationship of tides to the attraction of the moon, and varied depending on the proximity of the moon to the sun. Selucius was also the first to propose the universe itself to be infinite. In ‘On the Nature of Things’, the Roman poet Lucretius (99-55 BC) describes in poetic verse, an Epicurean vision of a world built from solid indivisible atoms. These atoms collide with one another by means of a inexplicable ‘swerve’ in the trajectory of their perpetual motion. By this process more complex geometric structures are formed, and from such collisions even ‘life’ itself emerges. Claudius Ptolemy (100 AD -170 AD) wrote the Almagast in which he supported The Aristotle’s view with earth as a stationary sphere in the center of the solar system. Ptolemy’s theory of epicycles, an attempt to explain apparent retrograde motions of the planets, and his complex mathematical systems, gave accurate predictions of the motion of the planets. The placement of the earth in the center of the system, however gave credence to an erroneous view of the world. This view was strongly supported by the Christian church, and remained commonly accepted for many centuries until Copernicus revived the sun-centered model at the time of the Renaissance in Europe. Hypatia (370-415 AD) rewrote Euclid’s book ‘The Elements’ and Apollonius book ‘On the Conics’. Considered a threat to the authority of the church in Alexandria, at a time of dispute between church and state, Hypatia was brutally murdered. Alexandria was ransacked, and the Library, the center of learning at the time, was burned to the ground. As a result the Western world was plunged into the dark ages for centuries… The Middle Ages During the dark ages in Europe there were those who brought light elsewhere such as Aryabhata (576 – 550 AD) in India, who published a work on mathematics and astronomy at the age of 23, in series of poetic verses like the sutras. He was the first to introduce zero in a number system, and developed methods to approximate the approach to infinity. He also invented a method to calculate pi accurate to 5 significant figures. In astronomy explained and predicted the eclipses of moon and sun, and the motions of the moon. He also understood the phenomenon of ‘planet-shine’ as the reflected light from the sun. His astonishingly accurate mathematical systems to calculate the rotation of the earth relative to the stars to derive the length of a day to within .01 seconds, and the period of its orbit, to give the length of a year to within around 3 minutes of the modern values. He calculated accurately the periods of the planets in relation to the sun, indicating that he may also have developed a sun-centered model of the solar system. Ibn Al Haytham ( 965-1040) wrote a treatise on light called the ‘Book of Optics’ was the first to explain the process by which rays of light are reflected off objects before entering the eye. He was the first to suggest that a hypothesis needed to be supported by experimental data and could be considered the originator of the scientific method. Alhazen corrected a significant error of Ptolemy regarding binocular vision. He explored the eye as a light receptor, luminosity, rainbows, eclipses, and moonlight. He also created tan early form of pin-hole camera, and experimented with mirrors and lenses. Unfortunately nothing has survived from his later work, a treatise on the influence of music on the souls of animals. Fibonacci (1175-1250) from Pisa in Italy with the given name Liber Abacci. He developed infinite number series that describe the progression for the logarithmic spiral. Although he never wrote about the golden ratio known as ‘phi’ it is described by the fibonacci series, and was used as defining proportion in Renaissance architecture, classical painting and by modern architects such as Louis Khan and Le Corbusier. Nasir Al Din Al Tusi (1201-1274) in Persia, developed an early theory of evolution around 600 years fire Darwin. He described a theory in which the elements, evolved into minerals, plants, animals and humans from advanced animals. He explains that hereditary variations are an important factor in this process of evolutionHe invented the Tusi couple, a model used fly Copernicus to plot planetary motions. He also describes the cloud in the night sky we now know to be the milky way Galaxy as a cluster of stars. The Italian Renaissance Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) Italian Artist Architect Engineer inventorI. In a section of his diaries known as Codex Atlanticus, Leonardo Da Vinci explores the ‘flower of life’. A similar diagram was inscribed into the walls of the temple of Osiris, in Abydos, Egypt many centuries earlier. It is also found in a temple in Izmir, Turkey, the Golden Temple, in India, temples in Japan, and on ancient stones in Scotland. It is also carved into the spheres beneath the foot of the guardian dragons at the Forbidden City in Bejing, China. The diagram describes the geometry found in the cellular structure of living organisms. It contains within it the ‘seed’ and ‘egg’ of life, and correlates to the geometry of atomic structures. Nicolaus Copernicus (1473 -1543) Polish German Astronomer sun-centered solar system Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) Danish Astronomer Galilei Galileo (1564-1642) published The Starry Messenger, in 1610. His careful observations of pendulum motion, noticing that the period of a pendulum’s swing is not dependent on the length of the arc. Galileo realized the path of a cannonball, fired horizontally, traced out a ‘parabola’. He could therefore predict the range for a cannon ball fired, given the angle and velocity, knowledge valuable in a military context. He supported the heliocentric model of Nicolas Copernicus, although he knew it was unpopular with authorities in the Vatican. His book, Dialogues on the Two Chief Systems of the World, published in 1632, was banned by the church. He was forced by the Inquisition to deny his findings, and placed under house arrest the rest of his life. Pope John Paul 11 finally admitted that Galileo was right 350 years later, on behalf of the Catholic Church. Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) German Astronomer discovered the elliptical nature of planetary orbits, supporting the theory with the meticulous data collected by Tycho Brahe. Kepler established three laws to accurately describe the elliptical orbits of the planets. Giordano Bruno (1548 – 1600) Italian philosopher and Dominican Monk Supported Copernicus view that the sun rather than the earth was at the center of the solar system, but also the existence of multiple planetary systems orbiting stars, in an infinity of space. He also supported the theory of atomism, which was highly unpopular with the Catholic Church, and when he returned from England to Italy in 1591 he was tried by the inquisition in Rome. He was imprisoned for eight years, but his influence was considered such a threat to the church that he was eventually sentenced to death and burned at the stake in1600. 1600-1900 Rene Descartes 1596-1650 The World, Corpuscular theory of Light. Issac Newton 1642-1726 was only 23 when he first discovered ‘gravity’. On watching an apple fall from a tree, he asked, if an apple falls, does the moon fall too? As it turned out every object is in ‘freefall’ until acted upon by a force. The moon is falls toward the earth but doesn’t hit the ground because the earth is spinning. In order to solve the problem of the motion of the moon, he developed a new form of mathematics. He created calculus, and established the universal law of gravitation, defining laws that apply to the motion of all objects in the universe. Michael Faraday 1791-1867 Electricity and Magnetism were considered distinctly separate phenomena until Michael Faraday (1791-1867) established a relationship between electrical current and the magnetic field that surrounds it. Faradays work laid the foundation of the development of the electric motor. John Dalton 1766 -1844 English physicist first discovered scientific evidence of the concept of the atom. Thomas Young 1773 -1829 Young’s Slits experiment. Wave Theory of light. In 1783 John Mitchell (1774-1793) predicted the existence of stars with such strong gravitation that light cannot escape, which he called ‘dark stars’. Charles Darwin 1809-1882 Origin of the Species – in which he describes his Theory of Evolution explaining the processes by which evolution takes place, such as the process of Natural selection. Darwin suggested that life on earth might have begun, ‘in a warm little pond’, from a single cell, fertilized by lightning, and from that unlikely but significant occasion we might all be descended. Darwin’s grand adventure on the Beagle to the Galapagos Islands was the basis of much of his study towards his Theory of Evolution. At the first stop on his voyage, St Lago, he saw a white horizontal band in the cliff face, seashells embedded in volcanic rock. Perhaps fortuitously there was an earthquake just as Darwin’s ship landed in Chile. At low tide, beds of mussels were stranded above water in areas where the land had been pushed up by earthquakes in the past. His theory was that as water rose coral grew to form rings of reef at the top of undersea volcanoes, atolls enclosing hot lagoons. Darwin imagined that these were likely spots for the origin of life, places where energy surged from deep in the earth’s core to its surface. The combination of lightening and volcanoes, the points of contact between energy rising from deep inside the earth, and energy striking the earth from storm systems in the atmosphere, were considered possible catalysts to the chemical changes necessary to transform ‘inanimate’ matter, into living cells, and bring forth life. James Clerk Maxwell 1831-1879 In 1865, Maxwell, professor at the University of Edinburgh, and later Cambridge, published his ‘Unified Field Theory’ revealing how electricity and magnetism are interrelated, and showing that they are interdependent aspects of electro-magnetic energy, components of light itself. James Dewar 1842-1923 explored the flow of electrical current through various materials at extremely low temperatures, predicting that resistance could be eliminated altogether at absolute zero. His pioneering work paved the way for superconductivity, first achieved by Dutch Physicist, Onnes. Henri Poincare 1854-1912 was the first to discover what has become known as a “chaotic” deterministic system, which laid the early foundations of modern Chaos Theory. Poincaré’s work was instrumental in the development of Relativity Theory. He had discussed ‘relative motion’ in a paper describing the ‘principle of relativity’ published in 1904, in which he proposed there was no distinction between a state of uniform motion and a state of rest. The Twentieth Century The Atom Ernest Rutherford 1871-1937 Ernest Rutherford’s (1871-1937) model electrons in orbit around a central nucleus, offered new insight to a more accurate understanding of the nature of the world inside the atom. JJ Thompson 1856-1940 The discovery of the electron by JJ Thompson led to the ‘plumb pudding model’ proposing that electrons were evenly distributed throughout the atom. Energy and Radiation Nikola Tesla 1856-1943 Serbian Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) had a deep understanding of electro-magnetic fields, and how to harness energy for practical purposes. He was notably skeptical of the existence of the electron as a ‘particle’, maintaining that electricity and magnetism were interrelated wave-like motions of an energy field. He was also unsatisfied with the concept of curved space-time proposed in Einstein’s theory of Relativity, preferring to consider these effects as the result of interaction of electric and magnetic fields. Before establishing his own Company, Tesla worked for Thomas Edison in New York. He is perhaps best known for developing alternating current, which eventually won out over Edison’s ‘direct current’ power supply, and is still in use today. He parted ways with Edison and went on to hold many patents for inventions including the first ac induction motor and transformer. Tesla’s dream to develop a system for wireless distribution of energy was eventually thwarted by major power companies, since although it could transfer power over long distances it presented difficulties in monetizing the energy produced. He went on to invent wireless devices, including the first remote controlled boat. His work was highly influential on the shape of the modern world. He was responsible for the development of electromagnetic wave transmission and receiving for radio, electric engines, x-ray photography. In later life for better or for worse he also explored the use of electrical power for long-range weapons. Tesla held a view of electromagnetism in radical contradiction to many theoretical physicists, yet he understood how to access and use energy for practical applications, perhaps more effectively than anyone else in history. Marie Curie 1867-1934 Polish French Physicist who won two Nobel prizes for her pioneering work on radiation. Curie found that the air around a sample of uranium compounds conducted electricity, and realized that theis readiation was due to an interaction between the molecules, but the result of activity within the uranium atom. Her work was instrumental in the discovery that atoms were not indivisible, as the ancient Greeks had imagined. She developed the theory of radioactivity, and method to isolate radioactive isotopes. Curie also created a mobile x-ray units for medical applications. Quantum Theory Max Planck (1858 -1947), was awarded the Nobel prize in 1918 for Quantum Theory, which brought about the next substantial leap of imagination that changed our understanding of nature, on the small scale of subatomic particles. Quantum Theory brought with it a revolution in physics that would challenge our concept of deterministic science. Albert Einstein (1879 -1955) published his Theory of Special Relativity in 1905, when he was 25 years old. The first paper introduced the concept that the speed of light was constant but that time itself was not absolute. He proposed that time passes at a different rate depending on the rate of a body’s motion. In 1915, his Theory of General Relativity, incorporated Gravity into this new picture, proposing that the passing of time is also distorted by a curvature of ‘space-time’ caused by an object’s gravitational field. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity profoundly changed the way we understand the world. He also discovered that Energy and matter were interchangeable defining the relationship between them in his famous equation E = MC squared. He made important contributions to the development of Quantum Theory and was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1921 for his work on the ‘photoelectric effect’. He discovered that a particle of energy arriving into an atom caused an electron to leap from one concentric orbit to another and in the process to emit a ‘package’ of energy. Electrons tend to favor certain orbits over others, in a way like the grooves in a record. When they find an orbit they release the excess energy necessary in order to take up a certain orbit in the form of a ‘quanta’. Neils Bohr 1885 -1962 Neil’s Bohr played an instrumental role in the development of Quantum Theory, the revolution in particle physics of the 20th century, and was awarded the Nobel in 1922. He developed the new ‘Bohr’ model of the atom, in which electrons take up certain orbital pathways, according to discrete specific energy levels. He also established that particles could be analyzed separately as ‘particles’ and ‘waves’, possessing the apparently paradoxical nature, which has become known as ‘wave-particle’ duality. Werner Heisenberg 1901-1976 One of the pioneers of Quantum Theory and the ‘uncertainty Principle’, the basis of the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. Life, Entropy and Self-Organizing Systems Erwin Schrodinger 1887-1961 gave a lecture in Dublin based on his book What is Life? The central question was how can the events in space and time which take place within the spatial boundary of a living organism be accounted for by physics and chemistry? ‘living matter, while not eluding the “laws of physics” as established up to date, is likely to involve “other laws of physics” hitherto unknown, which however, once they have been revealed, will form just as integral a part of science as the former.’ Schrodinger pointed out, life, in essence seems to go against the second law of thermodynamics, the tendency of the Universe to move from order into disorder, a tendency known as ‘entropy’. Any system in nature becomes less ordered over time and all processes then increase the overall entropy of the Universe. Unless we put energy into the system to restore order, disorder increases as time passes. This seems to imply that life is a form of self-organizing system. Current research indicates the possibility these kind of set ordering systems may be present throughout nature. Beyond the Milky Way Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) discovered that nebula were in fact other galaxies beyond the Milky Way. He also discovered that these galaxies receding and moving apart from one another and the universe itself is expanding. Wave Particle Duality and Pilot Wave Theory Louis De Broglie 1892-1987 proposed the wave nature of electrons, and all matter particles, a key contribution to quantum theory. He developed the pilot wave theory an explanation for the apparent paradox of the dual wave-particle nature of light. Erwin Schrodinger developed a wave function equation to explore wave mechanics with De Broglie’s theory. David Bohm 1917-1992 Developed De Broglie’s Pilot wave theory with Schrodinger’s wave function equation and created Bohmian Mechanics a deterministic interpretation of Quantum Theory. Recent research with droplets of oil on water has helped reignite interest in the pilot wave interpretation in favor of the commonly accepted although disturbingly paradoxical Copenhagen interpretation. Dr Robert James Moon (1911-1989) an important figure in the development of modern nuclear theory, and one of the physicists involved in the Manhattan Project, showed that the Platonic solids represent the fundamental geometric arrangements of particles in the nucleus of the atoms. Moon studied the electrodynamic theories of Ampere and Weber and revised Rutherford’s model of the atom. The Moon Model was inspired by Kepler’s book, Mysterium Cosmographium, in which he proposes that space itself is arranged in geometries associated with the platonic solids. Moon also believed that space itself is ‘quantized’. He went on to create the first cyclotron, and the first x-ray microscope. Particle Interactions Richard Feynman 1918-1988 known for his diagrams describing the various different ways in which subatomic particles interact. He created a version of Young’s ‘double slit’ experiment. The original experiment recorded diffraction patterns and led to the discovery of the ‘photon’. In Feynman’s experiment a stream of electrons, replaced the beam of light in Young’s version. The electron beam was fired at two slits. His experiment showed that particles such as electrons possessed ‘wave-particle’ duality and had a similar ‘nature’ to light. In Feynman’s version the slits could be opened and closed. He showed that the interference pattern on the receiving surface illustrated the ‘wave’ nature of electrons. Even a single ‘electron’ fired at the slits produced a similar pattern as many. He argued that electrons tend to take up every position possible rather than taking one specific path. DNA Rosalind Franklin 1920-1958 An x-ray image taken by a phd student of Rosalind Franklin, known as photo 51, was confirmation for Watson and Crick of the structure of DNA. They were secretly escorted by an assistant, into Franklin’s archives without her consent, to see the photograph before releasing their work on the discovery of the structure of DNA. The ‘double-helix’ structure of the DNA molecular chain was discovered by James Dewey Watson 1928 – present and Francis Crick 1916 – 2004 at the University of Cambridge in the early 1950’s. Although DNA was originally discovered in 1869, by Swiss physician, Frederich Miescher, it wasn’t shown to be an essential component of the passing on of genetic code from generation to generation until 1943. With the discovery of DNA and genetic coding, came a new understanding of the molecular arrangements in living organisms. Proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids, were revealed to be the major molecules necessary for all known forms of life. The double-helix string houses the information of genetic coding necessary for reproduction. DNA strings are organized into chromosomes, long structures or chains of molecules copied in the process of cell division. Here at last was some common ground on which a relationship between ‘particle’ physicists and ‘molecular’ biologists could begin to develop. The relationship has blossomed into a dynamic and fruitful exchange in recent times. Buckminster Fuller, a master of geometry in architecture, taught at the Black Mountain College. In collaboration with Kenneth Snelson, Fuller developed the first prototypes for his geodesic dome. The structure of the dome was based on the form of a carbon C60 molecule, which is now known as a ‘fullerene’, or ‘Buckyball’. Black Mountain College, established the 1920’s in North Carolina, was a dynamic inter-disciplinary school of art, architecture, and science. The long list of illustrious professors, and teaching staff included Joseph Albers, from the Bauhaus in Germany. Mark Rothko, and Wilhelm De Kooning. John Cage, Merce Cunningham, and Robert Rauchenberg had their first collaborations there. Albert Einstein was one of numerous important scientists and visiting professors who gave lectures at the school. The Geometry of Sound has been studied in some depth in experimental work of Dr. Hans Jenny known as ‘Cymatics’. The work explores the relationship between frequency of sound and matter. A series of brief films,‘Bringing Matter to Life with Sound’, record the formation of geometric forms in particulate matter by the application of sound vibrations. By playing certain notes a membrane is caused to vibrate and redistribute tiny particles on the surface into ordered geometric forms. The geometric patterns vary according to frequency. When waves interact Interference occurs causing some regions to become intensified while others cancel out. This effect known as super-imposition causes a striped pattern of light on the receiving surface. When interference occurs in spherical waves, symmetrical patterns occur, similar to the geometric forms found in atomic structures. The New Millenium to Present Dr Robert James Moon, an important figure in the development of modern nuclear theory, and one of the physicists involved in the Manhattan Project, showed that these forms represent the fundamental arrangements of particles in the nucleus of the atoms. Moon studied the electrodynamic theories of Ampere and Weber and revised Rutherford’s model of the atom. The Moon Model was inspired by Kepler’s book, Mysterium Cosmographium, in which he proposes that space itself is arranged in geometries associated with the platonic solids. Moon also believed that space itself is ‘quantized’. He went on to create the first cyclotron, and the first x-ray microscope. Black Holes Roger Penrose (1931 – present) English Physicist Stephen Hawking (1942 – present) One of the most important theoretical physicists of our time, was instrumental in developing the modern understanding of black holes. As a student at Oxford, Hawking was diagnosed with motor neuron disease, and was expected to have only two years to live. He completed his Phd and went on to hold Isaac Newton’s professorship at Cambridge University, winning prestigious awards for physics, and publishing many papers and books popularizing physics in a language comprehensible to the general public. His book, A Brief History of Time, in particular, was a highly successful bestseller. Along with Jacob Bekenstein, Hawking formulated equations in 1975 to describe black holes, making the controversial proposal that they radiate energy. This ‘Hawking radiation’ however is obscured by the energy disappearing into the black hole and so difficult to detect. Although the amount of energy released is small the result was significant in the sense that the amount of energy emitted increases as the black hole shrinks, causing the black hole to gradually radiate away and eventually collapse, or explode in a massive supernova. In an effort to reconcile General Relativity and Quantum Theory in the context of energy and information, Hawking proposed that information is lost as an object passes beyond the event horizon of a black-hole. This idea was considered shocking among the science community, since it would be entirely unique to black holes and not known to exist anywhere else in the universe. This loss of information, or apparent loss became known as the ‘information paradox’. Leonard Susskind (1940 – present) A great debate known as The Black Hole Wars then began between Hawking and Leonard Susskind, who opposed this idea of the loss of information. The dispute eventually paved the way for Gerard Hooft’s ‘Holographic Principle’, which was later integrated into string theory by Leonard Susskind, and extended by University of London physicist David Bohm, a former student of Einstein. The holographic principle could have profound implications on the way we understand the universe. Gerard T Hooft (1946 – present) proposed the ‘holographic principle’, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1999, presents a scenario in which information could be preserved. Hawking has since conceded on that point. The proposal was that as a thing enters a black hole, passing beyond the event horizon and making its way toward the singularity, the information associated with that thing remains stored on an event horizon at the boundary. This effect was described by drawing a comparison to a hologram. The concept suggests that information contained in the central region could also be represented as a projection of light on the two dimensional spherical boundary of the region. The idea has led to a dynamic area of speculation surrounding its implications on the nature of reality itself. It’s possible Hooft’s idea, initially related to black holes, could be extended to any physical system, even to subatomic particles on the quantum scale.

On the Nature of Nature…. the art of scientific discovery : a pictorial history of insights that changed the way we see the World Part 1 : Brief Chronology The Ancient Greeks Anaximander (610-546 BC), was the first person in recorded history to establish a pictorial model of the universe based on reason rather than Mythology or Religion. He wrote a poetic book called ‘On Nature’ in which he described ta dynamic solar system with the earth as an object floating freely in space, a theory of the origin of life, and the evolution of humankind from fish. He imagined an energy source, the ‘Apeiron’, from which all things emerged and into which all things would eventually return. Parmenides (585-515 BC) wrote a poem entitled, ‘On Nature’ in which he proposes change is an illusion brought about by sensory perception, and that in reality the essential nature of all things is unchanging in the infinite passage of existence. Pythagoras (570-495 BC) established a relationship between the frequency of sound, and physical matter and established the proportions of the harmonic scale. He may also have applied his understanding of harmonics as a tool for healing physical ailments. Anaxagoras (510 – 428 BC) wrote a poem called ‘On Nature’ proposing that nature was itself a kind of ‘mind’ organizing it substance into the geometric arrangements of the elements. Empedocles (490-430 BC )wrote a poem entitled ‘On Nature’ in which he described a universe formed from two opposing forces of expansion and contraction, forces he described as love and strife, one tending to pull objects in the universe together, like gravity acting toward a singularity, while another force drives things apart into multiple separate objects. Socrates (470- 399 BC) primarily concerned with ethics, what is good or virtuous and bad or evil, and how these related to the system of law, had little interest in the workings of nature or the mechanics of the cosmos, and considered those who pursued such knowledge to be foolish. By the same token his philosophical contributions are of little relevance to this particular investigation, except to note that his best known student, Plato (through whose writings we know of him), should take such a keen interest in the geometry of nature, and the mechanics of the physical universe as it was described by Philolaus, his contemporary. Philolaus (470-385 BC ) of Croton in southern Italy, although often described as a Pythagorean, had some important original thoughts of his own. He wrote a book, ‘On Nature’ in which he described the geometry of the fundamental elements in Nature. He established the first model of the solar system, which no longer placed the earth at the center. Philolaus’ model had a central fire around which the planets and even the sun orbited. Philolaus imagined a world composed of opposing forces he described as the ‘unlimited’ and ‘limiting’. The dynamic relationship between these opposing forces causes the temporal existence of finite objects within an infinite universe. Democritus (460 – 370 BC) and his teacher Leucippus who founded a school in Abdera were the first among the ancient Greeks to introduce the theory of Atomism, although Its likely the theory originated some time before that in India. He proposed that everything was composed of atoms, which were solid, indivisible, perpetually in motion, and eternal. He also believed that different materials were composed of atoms of different shapes. Plato (428 – 348 BC ) acquired a copy of Philolaus book ‘On Nature’, and wrote ‘Timaeus’, largely based on Philolaus work in which he described the basic geometry of the elements using the same geometric forms, now known today as the ‘Platonic solids’. Aristotle (384-322 BC) supported a Pythagorean model, a solar system of orbiting spherical planets with a stationary earth at the center. He originated the intromission theory, the idea that the eyes received light from external objects, rather than emitting rays of light. He believed that light travelled through a medium like waves through water. Epicurus (341-270 BC) wrote a book entitled, ‘On Nature’, in which he proposed that the realty of the physical world was directly related to the experience of it derived from the natural senses. He described a world built up of atoms, and proposed an account of evolution from the formation of the world by aggregation of tiny parts, the origin and evolution of life itself. Euclid (325-265 BC) wrote the ‘The Elements’ a thorough study of the geometry of nature. Aristarchus (310-230 BC) from the island of Samos made careful observations of the shadows of the earth on the moon during a lunar eclipse. He created an abstract diagram and applied an understanding of geometry to establish the relationship of sizes and distances between the earth, sun, and moon. according to archimedes writings in the ‘Sand reckoner’, he proposed a sun-centered solar system around 1800 years before Copernicus model. Archimedes (287-212 BC) developed the principle of displacement to measure an objects volume by the equal displacement of liquid. He also established theorems for the area of the circle, the surface area and volume of a sphere, a method to derive an accurate estimation of pi, and developed a form of calculus to establish the area beneath a parabola. Apollonius (240-190 BC) wrote ‘On the Conics’ a study of the curved forms within the cross-section of the cone. The curved forms of the conical sections, the circle, ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola, also describe the curved motions of the planets and stars in Astronomy. Selucius of Selucia (190-150 BC) located in the center of modern Day Iraq. Selucius supported the sun centered model of the solar system proposed by Aristarchus. The earth rotating on its access in orbit around the sun, along with the other planets in the solar system. He was the first to describe the relationship of tides to the attraction of the moon, and varied depending on the proximity of the moon to the sun. Selucius was also the first to propose the universe itself to be infinite. In ‘On the Nature of Things’, the Roman poet Lucretius (99-55 BC) describes in poetic verse, an Epicurean vision of a world built from solid indivisible atoms. These atoms collide with one another by means of a inexplicable ‘swerve’ in the trajectory of their perpetual motion. By this process more complex geometric structures are formed, and from such collisions even ‘life’ itself emerges. Claudius Ptolemy (100 AD -170 AD) wrote the Almagast in which he supported The Aristotle’s view with earth as a stationary sphere in the center of the solar system. Ptolemy’s theory of epicycles, an attempt to explain apparent retrograde motions of the planets, and his complex mathematical systems, gave accurate predictions of the motion of the planets. The placement of the earth in the center of the system, however gave credence to an erroneous view of the world. This view was strongly supported by the Christian church, and remained commonly accepted for many centuries until Copernicus revived the sun-centered model at the time of the Renaissance in Europe. Hypatia (370-415 AD) rewrote Euclid’s book ‘The Elements’ and Apollonius book ‘On the Conics’. Considered a threat to the authority of the church in Alexandria, at a time of dispute between church and state, Hypatia was brutally murdered. Alexandria was ransacked, and the Library, the center of learning at the time, was burned to the ground. As a result the Western world was plunged into the dark ages for centuries… The Middle Ages During the dark ages in Europe there were those who brought light elsewhere such as Aryabhata (576 – 550 AD) in India, who published a work on mathematics and astronomy at the age of 23, in series of poetic verses like the sutras. He was the first to introduce zero in a number system, and developed methods to approximate the approach to infinity. He also invented a method to calculate pi accurate to 5 significant figures. In astronomy explained and predicted the eclipses of moon and sun, and the motions of the moon. He also understood the phenomenon of ‘planet-shine’ as the reflected light from the sun. His astonishingly accurate mathematical systems to calculate the rotation of the earth relative to the stars to derive the length of a day to within .01 seconds, and the period of its orbit, to give the length of a year to within around 3 minutes of the modern values. He calculated accurately the periods of the planets in relation to the sun, indicating that he may also have developed a sun-centered model of the solar system. Ibn Al Haytham ( 965-1040) wrote a treatise on light called the ‘Book of Optics’ was the first to explain the process by which rays of light are reflected off objects before entering the eye. He was the first to suggest that a hypothesis needed to be supported by experimental data and could be considered the originator of the scientific method. Alhazen corrected a significant error of Ptolemy regarding binocular vision. He explored the eye as a light receptor, luminosity, rainbows, eclipses, and moonlight. He also created tan early form of pin-hole camera, and experimented with mirrors and lenses. Unfortunately nothing has survived from his later work, a treatise on the influence of music on the souls of animals. Fibonacci (1175-1250) from Pisa in Italy with the given name Liber Abacci. He developed infinite number series that describe the progression for the logarithmic spiral. Although he never wrote about the golden ratio known as ‘phi’ it is described by the fibonacci series, and was used as defining proportion in Renaissance architecture, classical painting and by modern architects such as Louis Khan and Le Corbusier. Nasir Al Din Al Tusi (1201-1274) in Persia, developed an early theory of evolution around 600 years fire Darwin. He described a theory in which the elements, evolved into minerals, plants, animals and humans from advanced animals. He explains that hereditary variations are an important factor in this process of evolutionHe invented the Tusi couple, a model used fly Copernicus to plot planetary motions. He also describes the cloud in the night sky we now know to be the milky way Galaxy as a cluster of stars. The Italian Renaissance Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) Italian Artist Architect Engineer inventorI. In a section of his diaries known as Codex Atlanticus, Leonardo Da Vinci explores the ‘flower of life’. A similar diagram was inscribed into the walls of the temple of Osiris, in Abydos, Egypt many centuries earlier. It is also found in a temple in Izmir, Turkey, the Golden Temple, in India, temples in Japan, and on ancient stones in Scotland. It is also carved into the spheres beneath the foot of the guardian dragons at the Forbidden City in Bejing, China. The diagram describes the geometry found in the cellular structure of living organisms. It contains within it the ‘seed’ and ‘egg’ of life, and correlates to the geometry of atomic structures. Nicolaus Copernicus (1473 -1543) Polish German Astronomer sun-centered solar system Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) Danish Astronomer Galilei Galileo (1564-1642) published The Starry Messenger, in 1610. His careful observations of pendulum motion, noticing that the period of a pendulum’s swing is not dependent on the length of the arc. Galileo realized the path of a cannonball, fired horizontally, traced out a ‘parabola’. He could therefore predict the range for a cannon ball fired, given the angle and velocity, knowledge valuable in a military context. He supported the heliocentric model of Nicolas Copernicus, although he knew it was unpopular with authorities in the Vatican. His book, Dialogues on the Two Chief Systems of the World, published in 1632, was banned by the church. He was forced by the Inquisition to deny his findings, and placed under house arrest the rest of his life. Pope John Paul 11 finally admitted that Galileo was right 350 years later, on behalf of the Catholic Church. Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) German Astronomer discovered the elliptical nature of planetary orbits, supporting the theory with the meticulous data collected by Tycho Brahe. Kepler established three laws to accurately describe the elliptical orbits of the planets. Giordano Bruno (1548 – 1600) Italian philosopher and Dominican Monk Supported Copernicus view that the sun rather than the earth was at the center of the solar system, but also the existence of multiple planetary systems orbiting stars, in an infinity of space. He also supported the theory of atomism, which was highly unpopular with the Catholic Church, and when he returned from England to Italy in 1591 he was tried by the inquisition in Rome. He was imprisoned for eight years, but his influence was considered such a threat to the church that he was eventually sentenced to death and burned at the stake in1600. 1600-1900 Rene Descartes 1596-1650 The World, Corpuscular theory of Light. Issac Newton 1642-1726 was only 23 when he first discovered ‘gravity’. On watching an apple fall from a tree, he asked, if an apple falls, does the moon fall too? As it turned out every object is in ‘freefall’ until acted upon by a force. The moon is falls toward the earth but doesn’t hit the ground because the earth is spinning. In order to solve the problem of the motion of the moon, he developed a new form of mathematics. He created calculus, and established the universal law of gravitation, defining laws that apply to the motion of all objects in the universe. Michael Faraday 1791-1867 Electricity and Magnetism were considered distinctly separate phenomena until Michael Faraday (1791-1867) established a relationship between electrical current and the magnetic field that surrounds it. Faradays work laid the foundation of the development of the electric motor. John Dalton 1766 -1844 English physicist first discovered scientific evidence of the concept of the atom. Thomas Young 1773 -1829 Young’s Slits experiment. Wave Theory of light. In 1783 John Mitchell (1774-1793) predicted the existence of stars with such strong gravitation that light cannot escape, which he called ‘dark stars’. Charles Darwin 1809-1882 Origin of the Species – in which he describes his Theory of Evolution explaining the processes by which evolution takes place, such as the process of Natural selection. Darwin suggested that life on earth might have begun, ‘in a warm little pond’, from a single cell, fertilized by lightning, and from that unlikely but significant occasion we might all be descended. Darwin’s grand adventure on the Beagle to the Galapagos Islands was the basis of much of his study towards his Theory of Evolution. At the first stop on his voyage, St Lago, he saw a white horizontal band in the cliff face, seashells embedded in volcanic rock. Perhaps fortuitously there was an earthquake just as Darwin’s ship landed in Chile. At low tide, beds of mussels were stranded above water in areas where the land had been pushed up by earthquakes in the past. His theory was that as water rose coral grew to form rings of reef at the top of undersea volcanoes, atolls enclosing hot lagoons. Darwin imagined that these were likely spots for the origin of life, places where energy surged from deep in the earth’s core to its surface. The combination of lightening and volcanoes, the points of contact between energy rising from deep inside the earth, and energy striking the earth from storm systems in the atmosphere, were considered possible catalysts to the chemical changes necessary to transform ‘inanimate’ matter, into living cells, and bring forth life. James Clerk Maxwell 1831-1879 In 1865, Maxwell, professor at the University of Edinburgh, and later Cambridge, published his ‘Unified Field Theory’ revealing how electricity and magnetism are interrelated, and showing that they are interdependent aspects of electro-magnetic energy, components of light itself. James Dewar 1842-1923 explored the flow of electrical current through various materials at extremely low temperatures, predicting that resistance could be eliminated altogether at absolute zero. His pioneering work paved the way for superconductivity, first achieved by Dutch Physicist, Onnes. Henri Poincare 1854-1912 was the first to discover what has become known as a “chaotic” deterministic system, which laid the early foundations of modern Chaos Theory. Poincaré’s work was instrumental in the development of Relativity Theory. He had discussed ‘relative motion’ in a paper describing the ‘principle of relativity’ published in 1904, in which he proposed there was no distinction between a state of uniform motion and a state of rest. The Twentieth Century The Atom Ernest Rutherford 1871-1937 Ernest Rutherford’s (1871-1937) model electrons in orbit around a central nucleus, offered new insight to a more accurate understanding of the nature of the world inside the atom. JJ Thompson 1856-1940 The discovery of the electron by JJ Thompson led to the ‘plumb pudding model’ proposing that electrons were evenly distributed throughout the atom. Energy and Radiation Nikola Tesla 1856-1943 Serbian Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) had a deep understanding of electro-magnetic fields, and how to harness energy for practical purposes. He was notably skeptical of the existence of the electron as a ‘particle’, maintaining that electricity and magnetism were interrelated wave-like motions of an energy field. He was also unsatisfied with the concept of curved space-time proposed in Einstein’s theory of Relativity, preferring to consider these effects as the result of interaction of electric and magnetic fields. Before establishing his own Company, Tesla worked for Thomas Edison in New York. He is perhaps best known for developing alternating current, which eventually won out over Edison’s ‘direct current’ power supply, and is still in use today. He parted ways with Edison and went on to hold many patents for inventions including the first ac induction motor and transformer. Tesla’s dream to develop a system for wireless distribution of energy was eventually thwarted by major power companies, since although it could transfer power over long distances it presented difficulties in monetizing the energy produced. He went on to invent wireless devices, including the first remote controlled boat. His work was highly influential on the shape of the modern world. He was responsible for the development of electromagnetic wave transmission and receiving for radio, electric engines, x-ray photography. In later life for better or for worse he also explored the use of electrical power for long-range weapons. Tesla held a view of electromagnetism in radical contradiction to many theoretical physicists, yet he understood how to access and use energy for practical applications, perhaps more effectively than anyone else in history. Marie Curie 1867-1934 Polish French Physicist who won two Nobel prizes for her pioneering work on radiation. Curie found that the air around a sample of uranium compounds conducted electricity, and realized that theis readiation was due to an interaction between the molecules, but the result of activity within the uranium atom. Her work was instrumental in the discovery that atoms were not indivisible, as the ancient Greeks had imagined. She developed the theory of radioactivity, and method to isolate radioactive isotopes. Curie also created a mobile x-ray units for medical applications. Quantum Theory Max Planck (1858 -1947), was awarded the Nobel prize in 1918 for Quantum Theory, which brought about the next substantial leap of imagination that changed our understanding of nature, on the small scale of subatomic particles. Quantum Theory brought with it a revolution in physics that would challenge our concept of deterministic science. Albert Einstein (1879 -1955) published his Theory of Special Relativity in 1905, when he was 25 years old. The first paper introduced the concept that the speed of light was constant but that time itself was not absolute. He proposed that time passes at a different rate depending on the rate of a body’s motion. In 1915, his Theory of General Relativity, incorporated Gravity into this new picture, proposing that the passing of time is also distorted by a curvature of ‘space-time’ caused by an object’s gravitational field. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity profoundly changed the way we understand the world. He also discovered that Energy and matter were interchangeable defining the relationship between them in his famous equation E = MC squared. He made important contributions to the development of Quantum Theory and was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1921 for his work on the ‘photoelectric effect’. He discovered that a particle of energy arriving into an atom caused an electron to leap from one concentric orbit to another and in the process to emit a ‘package’ of energy. Electrons tend to favor certain orbits over others, in a way like the grooves in a record. When they find an orbit they release the excess energy necessary in order to take up a certain orbit in the form of a ‘quanta’. Neils Bohr 1885 -1962 Neil’s Bohr played an instrumental role in the development of Quantum Theory, the revolution in particle physics of the 20th century, and was awarded the Nobel in 1922. He developed the new ‘Bohr’ model of the atom, in which electrons take up certain orbital pathways, according to discrete specific energy levels. He also established that particles could be analyzed separately as ‘particles’ and ‘waves’, possessing the apparently paradoxical nature, which has become known as ‘wave-particle’ duality. Werner Heisenberg 1901-1976 One of the pioneers of Quantum Theory and the ‘uncertainty Principle’, the basis of the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. Life, Entropy and Self-Organizing Systems Erwin Schrodinger 1887-1961 gave a lecture in Dublin based on his book What is Life? The central question was how can the events in space and time which take place within the spatial boundary of a living organism be accounted for by physics and chemistry? ‘living matter, while not eluding the “laws of physics” as established up to date, is likely to involve “other laws of physics” hitherto unknown, which however, once they have been revealed, will form just as integral a part of science as the former.’ Schrodinger pointed out, life, in essence seems to go against the second law of thermodynamics, the tendency of the Universe to move from order into disorder, a tendency known as ‘entropy’. Any system in nature becomes less ordered over time and all processes then increase the overall entropy of the Universe. Unless we put energy into the system to restore order, disorder increases as time passes. This seems to imply that life is a form of self-organizing system. Current research indicates the possibility these kind of set ordering systems may be present throughout nature. Beyond the Milky Way Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) discovered that nebula were in fact other galaxies beyond the Milky Way. He also discovered that these galaxies receding and moving apart from one another and the universe itself is expanding. Wave Particle Duality and Pilot Wave Theory Louis De Broglie 1892-1987 proposed the wave nature of electrons, and all matter particles, a key contribution to quantum theory. He developed the pilot wave theory an explanation for the apparent paradox of the dual wave-particle nature of light. Erwin Schrodinger developed a wave function equation to explore wave mechanics with De Broglie’s theory. David Bohm 1917-1992 Developed De Broglie’s Pilot wave theory with Schrodinger’s wave function equation and created Bohmian Mechanics a deterministic interpretation of Quantum Theory. Recent research with droplets of oil on water has helped reignite interest in the pilot wave interpretation in favor of the commonly accepted although disturbingly paradoxical Copenhagen interpretation. Dr Robert James Moon (1911-1989) an important figure in the development of modern nuclear theory, and one of the physicists involved in the Manhattan Project, showed that the Platonic solids represent the fundamental geometric arrangements of particles in the nucleus of the atoms. Moon studied the electrodynamic theories of Ampere and Weber and revised Rutherford’s model of the atom. The Moon Model was inspired by Kepler’s book, Mysterium Cosmographium, in which he proposes that space itself is arranged in geometries associated with the platonic solids. Moon also believed that space itself is ‘quantized’. He went on to create the first cyclotron, and the first x-ray microscope. Particle Interactions Richard Feynman 1918-1988 known for his diagrams describing the various different ways in which subatomic particles interact. He created a version of Young’s ‘double slit’ experiment. The original experiment recorded diffraction patterns and led to the discovery of the ‘photon’. In Feynman’s experiment a stream of electrons, replaced the beam of light in Young’s version. The electron beam was fired at two slits. His experiment showed that particles such as electrons possessed ‘wave-particle’ duality and had a similar ‘nature’ to light. In Feynman’s version the slits could be opened and closed. He showed that the interference pattern on the receiving surface illustrated the ‘wave’ nature of electrons. Even a single ‘electron’ fired at the slits produced a similar pattern as many. He argued that electrons tend to take up every position possible rather than taking one specific path. DNA Rosalind Franklin 1920-1958 An x-ray image taken by a phd student of Rosalind Franklin, known as photo 51, was confirmation for Watson and Crick of the structure of DNA. They were secretly escorted by an assistant, into Franklin’s archives without her consent, to see the photograph before releasing their work on the discovery of the structure of DNA. The ‘double-helix’ structure of the DNA molecular chain was discovered by James Dewey Watson 1928 – present and Francis Crick 1916 – 2004 at the University of Cambridge in the early 1950’s. Although DNA was originally discovered in 1869, by Swiss physician, Frederich Miescher, it wasn’t shown to be an essential component of the passing on of genetic code from generation to generation until 1943. With the discovery of DNA and genetic coding, came a new understanding of the molecular arrangements in living organisms. Proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids, were revealed to be the major molecules necessary for all known forms of life. The double-helix string houses the information of genetic coding necessary for reproduction. DNA strings are organized into chromosomes, long structures or chains of molecules copied in the process of cell division. Here at last was some common ground on which a relationship between ‘particle’ physicists and ‘molecular’ biologists could begin to develop. The relationship has blossomed into a dynamic and fruitful exchange in recent times. Buckminster Fuller, a master of geometry in architecture, taught at the Black Mountain College. In collaboration with Kenneth Snelson, Fuller developed the first prototypes for his geodesic dome. The structure of the dome was based on the form of a carbon C60 molecule, which is now known as a ‘fullerene’, or ‘Buckyball’. Black Mountain College, established the 1920’s in North Carolina, was a dynamic inter-disciplinary school of art, architecture, and science. The long list of illustrious professors, and teaching staff included Joseph Albers, from the Bauhaus in Germany. Mark Rothko, and Wilhelm De Kooning. John Cage, Merce Cunningham, and Robert Rauchenberg had their first collaborations there. Albert Einstein was one of numerous important scientists and visiting professors who gave lectures at the school. The Geometry of Sound has been studied in some depth in experimental work of Dr. Hans Jenny known as ‘Cymatics’. The work explores the relationship between frequency of sound and matter. A series of brief films,‘Bringing Matter to Life with Sound’, record the formation of geometric forms in particulate matter by the application of sound vibrations. By playing certain notes a membrane is caused to vibrate and redistribute tiny particles on the surface into ordered geometric forms. The geometric patterns vary according to frequency. When waves interact Interference occurs causing some regions to become intensified while others cancel out. This effect known as super-imposition causes a striped pattern of light on the receiving surface. When interference occurs in spherical waves, symmetrical patterns occur, similar to the geometric forms found in atomic structures. The New Millenium to Present Dr Robert James Moon, an important figure in the development of modern nuclear theory, and one of the physicists involved in the Manhattan Project, showed that these forms represent the fundamental arrangements of particles in the nucleus of the atoms. Moon studied the electrodynamic theories of Ampere and Weber and revised Rutherford’s model of the atom. The Moon Model was inspired by Kepler’s book, Mysterium Cosmographium, in which he proposes that space itself is arranged in geometries associated with the platonic solids. Moon also believed that space itself is ‘quantized’. He went on to create the first cyclotron, and the first x-ray microscope. Black Holes Roger Penrose (1931 – present) English Physicist Stephen Hawking (1942 – present) One of the most important theoretical physicists of our time, was instrumental in developing the modern understanding of black holes. As a student at Oxford, Hawking was diagnosed with motor neuron disease, and was expected to have only two years to live. He completed his Phd and went on to hold Isaac Newton’s professorship at Cambridge University, winning prestigious awards for physics, and publishing many papers and books popularizing physics in a language comprehensible to the general public. His book, A Brief History of Time, in particular, was a highly successful bestseller. Along with Jacob Bekenstein, Hawking formulated equations in 1975 to describe black holes, making the controversial proposal that they radiate energy. This ‘Hawking radiation’ however is obscured by the energy disappearing into the black hole and so difficult to detect. Although the amount of energy released is small the result was significant in the sense that the amount of energy emitted increases as the black hole shrinks, causing the black hole to gradually radiate away and eventually collapse, or explode in a massive supernova. In an effort to reconcile General Relativity and Quantum Theory in the context of energy and information, Hawking proposed that information is lost as an object passes beyond the event horizon of a black-hole. This idea was considered shocking among the science community, since it would be entirely unique to black holes and not known to exist anywhere else in the universe. This loss of information, or apparent loss became known as the ‘information paradox’. Leonard Susskind (1940 – present) A great debate known as The Black Hole Wars then began between Hawking and Leonard Susskind, who opposed this idea of the loss of information. The dispute eventually paved the way for Gerard Hooft’s ‘Holographic Principle’, which was later integrated into string theory by Leonard Susskind, and extended by University of London physicist David Bohm, a former student of Einstein. The holographic principle could have profound implications on the way we understand the universe. Gerard T Hooft (1946 – present) proposed the ‘holographic principle’, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1999, presents a scenario in which information could be preserved. Hawking has since conceded on that point. The proposal was that as a thing enters a black hole, passing beyond the event horizon and making its way toward the singularity, the information associated with that thing remains stored on an event horizon at the boundary. This effect was described by drawing a comparison to a hologram. The concept suggests that information contained in the central region could also be represented as a projection of light on the two dimensional spherical boundary of the region. The idea has led to a dynamic area of speculation surrounding its implications on the nature of reality itself. It’s possible Hooft’s idea, initially related to black holes, could be extended to any physical system, even to subatomic particles on the quantum scale.
12 jan. 2018 · 925 weergaven

In Study of Physics, Engineering, and Economics: THE PLASMA GLOBE, PLASMA ENERGY & ENERGY PRODUCTION Introduction: What is a plasma globe? A “plasma globe” (or plasma lamp; also called plasma ball, dome, sphere, tube or orb, depending on shape) – is a clear glass container filled with a mixture of various “noble gases” (or chemical elements with similar properties i.e. helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, etc.), with a high-voltage electrode in the center of the container. When voltage is applied, within the container, it would produce “plasma” (one of the 4 fundamental states of matter that consists of a gas of ions – atoms which have some of their orbital electrons removed – and free electrons; that can be artificially generated by heating or subjecting a neutral gas to a strong electromagnetic field to the point where an ionized gaseous substance becomes increasingly electrically conductive; then the resulting charged ions and electrons become influenced by long-range electromagnetic fields, making the plasma dynamics more sensitive to these fields than a neutral gas). “Plasma filaments” (or light produced) extend from the inner electrode to the outer glass insulator, giving the appearance of multiple constant beams of colored light such as “corona discharge” (an electrical discharge brought on by the ionization of a fluid such as air surrounding a conductor that is electrically charged) and “electric glow discharge” (a plasma formed by the passage of electric current through a gas, often created by applying a voltage between two electrodes in a glass tube containing a low-pressure gas). It is also observe that a person who touches a plasma ball with one’s fingers on the glass, the plasma globe draws a colorful strand of light to the finger and moves wherever the finger moves, for as long as it touches the glass. It’s like creating a personal bolt of lightning from the electrode with the finger, but the phenomenon occurs because of the conductive properties of the human body (even if a human body can only generate between 10 and 100 millivolts). WAR FOR ENERGY PRODUCTION The plasma lamp was invented by Nikola Tesla (1856–1943) was a Serbian-American inventor and engineer, known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system. During his experimentation with high-frequency currents in an evacuated glass tube for the purpose of studying high voltage phenomena, he called his invention an “inert gas discharge tube”. Although the vision of Nikola Tesla was to transfer energy (in the form of electricity, plasma, and other energized forms) via a wireless network, or machine to machine energy transfer, etc. without the use of electrical wires – the idea of Nikola Tesla was considered as impossible (that his financiers gave up on him), that his inventions for such has then been limited in applications for neon lamps (among cities). Thus, Nikola Tesla has been considered by capitalist industrialists to have lost in the “war of the currents” (as a series of events surrounding the introduction of competing electric power transmission systems in the 1880s) – that free energy sources or production requiring least investments (on money) was thought as least appealing for capitalist investors (that investing on free energy production would only close down their businesses and financial activities). Thus, the competition for the application of such knowledge on physics and engineering was then limited to arc lamp street lighting and indoor incandescent lighting marketed by the wealthier Thomas Edison’s company (of the United States), believed to have invented the light bulb. And so urban development unfortunately became a controlled centralized business activity exclusive among the rich capitalists and corporations in control of the world’s energy production (in disadvantage of the majority consumers enslaved by the world’s energy production). WHAT IS PLASMA? Plasma and ionized gases have properties and display behaviors unlike those of the other states, and the transition between them could be based on the temperature and density of the environment that contains a plasma, wherein partially ionized or fully ionized forms of plasma may be produced. Plasma may be the most abundant form of ordinary matter in the universe, although this hypothesis is currently tentative based on the existence and unknown properties of dark matter. Plasma is mostly associated with stars, extending to the rarefied intra-cluster medium and possibly the intergalactic regions. Positive charges in ions are achieved by stripping away electrons orbiting the atomic nuclei, where the total number of electrons removed is related to either increasing temperature or the local density of other ionized matter. This also can be accompanied by the dissociation of molecular bonds, though this process is distinctly different from chemical processes of ion interactions in liquids or the behavior of shared ions in metals. The Earth’s ionosphere is a plasma and the magnetosphere contains plasma in the Earth’s surrounding space environment. The interior of the Sun is an example of fully ionized plasma, along with the solar corona and stars. Neon signs and lightning are examples of partially ionized plasmas. The response of plasma to electromagnetic fields is used in many modern technological devices, such as plasma televisions or plasma etching. PLASMA ENERGY AS CARBON-FREE AND RENEWABLE POWER GENERATION Plasma energy is produced when fusion takes place in a controlled and magnetized environment. Plasma is the fourth state of matter, a gas in which a sufficient amount of energy is present to enable ions and electrons to coexist. Scientific evidence suggests that plasma is actually the most common state of matter in the universe, and plasmas are even present on earth. The distinguishing factor between plasma and gas is that plasma has become energized to the point where some electrons break free from and continue to travel with their nucleus. Bright celestial objects, like the sun and stars, are powered by plasma fusion. Hydrogen fusion in the core of the sun takes place at a temperature of 14 million kelvin. Replicating plasma fusion on Earth’s surface usually requires higher temperatures and lower pressures. Recent research at universities and labs around the world indicates that this process can be replicated, and the power generated may be harnessed as a clean and renewable source of energy. This method of generating power is sometimes referred to as capturing a star in a jar (possibly similar to how “plasma globes” work and other plasma devices). Fusion energy involving plasma is an attractive renewable source because fossil fuels and other unsustainable energy sources will become exhausted over time. Other renewable methods that are growing in popularity, such as solar power or wind, cannot presently produce power at a comparable concentration. To generate energy through plasma fusion, scientists must build containers in which intense conditions that resemble the energy-generating qualities of the sun can be produced and maintained. The demands on container and wall materials are high, making the composition of the plasma and container materials and the design of the vessel essential matters. To produce energy using plasma, a vessel must remain intact during the fusion process, and the plasma must remain clean. Creating a powerful magnetic field is an integral part of the construction of containers suitable for fusion experiments. One of the most common designs is a tokamak, a magnetized toroidal-shaped chamber. Fusion reactors are designed using different materials and ingredients to alter the ultimate power output from plasma by controlling interactions between the plasma, wall, and container. Most of the major challenges that researchers have encountered in recent years involve plasma-surface interactions; as described as the interaction between plasma, walls, and other materials within a confined and magnetized environment. At this time, short pulse magnetic confinement machines (such as TFTR or JET) have already proven that it is feasible to measure fusion taking place in plasma. Plasma energy has not yet generated enough power to offset the amount consumed in producing the conditions that are necessary for fusion to take place. Plasma power is only beginning to reach the point where it can be operated for a short period of time – approximately a minute or a slightly longer – at an efficient level of performance. (researched)

In Study of Physics, Engineering, and Economics: THE PLASMA GLOBE, PLASMA ENERGY & ENERGY PRODUCTION Introduction: What is a plasma globe? A “plasma globe” (or plasma lamp; also called plasma ball, dome, sphere, tube or orb, depending on shape) – is a clear glass container filled with a mixture of various “noble gases” (or chemical elements with similar properties i.e. helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, etc.), with a high-voltage electrode in the center of the container. When voltage is applied, within the container, it would produce “plasma” (one of the 4 fundamental states of matter that consists of a gas of ions – atoms which have some of their orbital electrons removed – and free electrons; that can be artificially generated by heating or subjecting a neutral gas to a strong electromagnetic field to the point where an ionized gaseous substance becomes increasingly electrically conductive; then the resulting charged ions and electrons become influenced by long-range electromagnetic fields, making the plasma dynamics more sensitive to these fields than a neutral gas). “Plasma filaments” (or light produced) extend from the inner electrode to the outer glass insulator, giving the appearance of multiple constant beams of colored light such as “corona discharge” (an electrical discharge brought on by the ionization of a fluid such as air surrounding a conductor that is electrically charged) and “electric glow discharge” (a plasma formed by the passage of electric current through a gas, often created by applying a voltage between two electrodes in a glass tube containing a low-pressure gas). It is also observe that a person who touches a plasma ball with one’s fingers on the glass, the plasma globe draws a colorful strand of light to the finger and moves wherever the finger moves, for as long as it touches the glass. It’s like creating a personal bolt of lightning from the electrode with the finger, but the phenomenon occurs because of the conductive properties of the human body (even if a human body can only generate between 10 and 100 millivolts). WAR FOR ENERGY PRODUCTION The plasma lamp was invented by Nikola Tesla (1856–1943) was a Serbian-American inventor and engineer, known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system. During his experimentation with high-frequency currents in an evacuated glass tube for the purpose of studying high voltage phenomena, he called his invention an “inert gas discharge tube”. Although the vision of Nikola Tesla was to transfer energy (in the form of electricity, plasma, and other energized forms) via a wireless network, or machine to machine energy transfer, etc. without the use of electrical wires – the idea of Nikola Tesla was considered as impossible (that his financiers gave up on him), that his inventions for such has then been limited in applications for neon lamps (among cities). Thus, Nikola Tesla has been considered by capitalist industrialists to have lost in the “war of the currents” (as a series of events surrounding the introduction of competing electric power transmission systems in the 1880s) – that free energy sources or production requiring least investments (on money) was thought as least appealing for capitalist investors (that investing on free energy production would only close down their businesses and financial activities). Thus, the competition for the application of such knowledge on physics and engineering was then limited to arc lamp street lighting and indoor incandescent lighting marketed by the wealthier Thomas Edison’s company (of the United States), believed to have invented the light bulb. And so urban development unfortunately became a controlled centralized business activity exclusive among the rich capitalists and corporations in control of the world’s energy production (in disadvantage of the majority consumers enslaved by the world’s energy production). WHAT IS PLASMA? Plasma and ionized gases have properties and display behaviors unlike those of the other states, and the transition between them could be based on the temperature and density of the environment that contains a plasma, wherein partially ionized or fully ionized forms of plasma may be produced. Plasma may be the most abundant form of ordinary matter in the universe, although this hypothesis is currently tentative based on the existence and unknown properties of dark matter. Plasma is mostly associated with stars, extending to the rarefied intra-cluster medium and possibly the intergalactic regions. Positive charges in ions are achieved by stripping away electrons orbiting the atomic nuclei, where the total number of electrons removed is related to either increasing temperature or the local density of other ionized matter. This also can be accompanied by the dissociation of molecular bonds, though this process is distinctly different from chemical processes of ion interactions in liquids or the behavior of shared ions in metals. The Earth’s ionosphere is a plasma and the magnetosphere contains plasma in the Earth’s surrounding space environment. The interior of the Sun is an example of fully ionized plasma, along with the solar corona and stars. Neon signs and lightning are examples of partially ionized plasmas. The response of plasma to electromagnetic fields is used in many modern technological devices, such as plasma televisions or plasma etching. PLASMA ENERGY AS CARBON-FREE AND RENEWABLE POWER GENERATION Plasma energy is produced when fusion takes place in a controlled and magnetized environment. Plasma is the fourth state of matter, a gas in which a sufficient amount of energy is present to enable ions and electrons to coexist. Scientific evidence suggests that plasma is actually the most common state of matter in the universe, and plasmas are even present on earth. The distinguishing factor between plasma and gas is that plasma has become energized to the point where some electrons break free from and continue to travel with their nucleus. Bright celestial objects, like the sun and stars, are powered by plasma fusion. Hydrogen fusion in the core of the sun takes place at a temperature of 14 million kelvin. Replicating plasma fusion on Earth’s surface usually requires higher temperatures and lower pressures. Recent research at universities and labs around the world indicates that this process can be replicated, and the power generated may be harnessed as a clean and renewable source of energy. This method of generating power is sometimes referred to as capturing a star in a jar (possibly similar to how “plasma globes” work and other plasma devices). Fusion energy involving plasma is an attractive renewable source because fossil fuels and other unsustainable energy sources will become exhausted over time. Other renewable methods that are growing in popularity, such as solar power or wind, cannot presently produce power at a comparable concentration. To generate energy through plasma fusion, scientists must build containers in which intense conditions that resemble the energy-generating qualities of the sun can be produced and maintained. The demands on container and wall materials are high, making the composition of the plasma and container materials and the design of the vessel essential matters. To produce energy using plasma, a vessel must remain intact during the fusion process, and the plasma must remain clean. Creating a powerful magnetic field is an integral part of the construction of containers suitable for fusion experiments. One of the most common designs is a tokamak, a magnetized toroidal-shaped chamber. Fusion reactors are designed using different materials and ingredients to alter the ultimate power output from plasma by controlling interactions between the plasma, wall, and container. Most of the major challenges that researchers have encountered in recent years involve plasma-surface interactions; as described as the interaction between plasma, walls, and other materials within a confined and magnetized environment. At this time, short pulse magnetic confinement machines (such as TFTR or JET) have already proven that it is feasible to measure fusion taking place in plasma. Plasma energy has not yet generated enough power to offset the amount consumed in producing the conditions that are necessary for fusion to take place. Plasma power is only beginning to reach the point where it can be operated for a short period of time – approximately a minute or a slightly longer – at an efficient level of performance. (researched)
15 dec. 2019 · 2 weergaven
Bluetooth Earphones 5.0 9D Sound F9 Black🎧 #F9-5C系列单双电量显示无线触碰蓝牙耳机 Product Highlights✅: – true wireless Bluetooth headset – Graphene bass diaphragm, HIFI high-frequency technology, 10MM dynamic speaker unit – 5.0 automatic boot pairing, built-in active noise reduction IC, HD call,5.0 Bluetooth game without delay – LED display charge box, know the electricity quantity easily. – 3500 mAh large capacity dual lithium battery, can be used as an emergency charging treasure. – Wireless Bluetooth 5.0 connection, stable and fast signal transmission. – Touch control, easy to use and operate. – Touch to summon Siri and Android Assistant to make your life easier. 🔖Specifications: headphone Type: headphone in-ear Earbuds Battery capacity🔋: 60mAh Charging Box Battery Capacity🔋: 3500 mAh Music Time🎧: 3 hingga 4 jam (terkait dengan volume pemutaran) Call Time📞: 3 Hours Bluetooth Distance📏: 10 meter Color: Black⚫ Bluetooth Version: V5.0 Charging Time⚡: 1 Hour 📦Package Included: * A Pair of Earbuds( right and left side) * 1 x Charging Case * 1 x Charge Cable * 3 pairs * earplug * 1 x User Manual WeChat 💌 tinqtinq #TinqTinqDreamShop
18 sep. 2022 · 22 weergaven
Jumper EZbook s5 14″ 12GB DDR4 RAM 256GB SSD Intel Quad Core Celeron Laptop Spec | Abbas Computers https://www.amazon.com/jumper-Celeron-Windows-Computer-Speakers/dp/B0BS3RPZZY/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3TX0FJKTWP36R&keywords=ezbook+s5+laptop&qid=1689139318&sprefix=ezbook+s5+laptop%2Caps%2C559&sr=8-2 जंपर EZbook s5 14″ 12GB DDR4 RAM 256GB SSD इंटेल क्वाड कोर सेलेरॉन लैपटॉप स्पेक | अब्बास कंप्यूटर्स Hi guys in this video i share you Jumper EZbook s5 14″ 12GB DDR4 RAM 256GB SSD Intel Quad Core Celeron Laptop Spec. About this item 【Power Laptop】Pre-loaded with Windows 11 home offering enhanced productivity, security and privacy features.Powered by an Intel Celeron quad core processor N4100,(4MB Cache, Main frequency 1.1GHz,up to 2.4GHz) Built-in Intel UHD Graphics 600, Support 4K Video@60Hz. 【Memory & Storage】12GB LPDDR4 high-bandwidth memory for smoothly running multiple applications and browser tabs simultaneously. 256GB solid-state drive for fast boot and data transfer, and 256GB TF card expansion support. 【Thin and Light Body Laptop】 This thin and stylish laptop body is only 18mm thin and 1.2kg light, it has a 14 inch 1920×1080 Full HD resolution and 82% screen to body ratio maximizes viewing are. 【Connection】This laptop with a large power of 35520mWh, 6-8 hours of comprehensive use life; it has high-speed wireless transmission such as ac dual-band WiFi, Bluetooth 4.0, a standard USB3.0 and USB2.0 for easy connection to various peripherals, HDMI output high-definition audio and video. 【One year warranty】 We provide 1 year warranty for customers who buy this product. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact customer service. We will answer your questions and solve your problems within 24 hours. Standing screen display size ‎14 Inches Max Screen Resolution ‎1920×1080 Pixels Processor ‎2.4 GHz celeron RAM ‎12 GB DDR4 Hard Drive ‎256 GB SSD Chipset Brand ‎Intel Card Description ‎Integrated Number of USB 2.0 Ports ‎1 Number of USB 3.0 Ports ‎1 Brand ‎jumper Series ‎EZbook s5 Operating System ‎Windows 11 Home Item Weight ‎2.64 pounds Product Dimensions ‎13 x 8.6 x 0.6 inches Item Dimensions LxWxH ‎13 x 8.6 x 0.6 inches Color ‎Gray Processor Brand ‎Intel Number of Processors ‎4 Computer Memory Type ‎DDR4 SDRAM Flash Memory Size ‎256 GB Optical Drive Type ‎NO Batteries ‎1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included) ? Facebook:? https://www.facebook.com/alabbascomputers1/?modal=admin_todo_tour ? Twitter:? https://twitter.com/home ? Google+:? https://plus.google.com/u/0/ ? Blogger:? https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=6917001285055193330#allposts ? Website:? Here is my latest YouTube videos link.. fujitsu power supply Switching 12volt to 14volt https://youtu.be/YiI-Z_tzFqo ASUS R5 230 SILENT 2GB CARD REVIEW https://youtu.be/pnFgK4AGqn NeoSat Receiver AsiaSat Channel Tunning https://youtu.be/2587o0WfPDE 2233 HECI Error During MEBx Execution Fix HP DC8000 https://youtu.be/XfMT81jnveM ============================================================= #ezbooks5 #jumper #laptop #Urdu/Hindi #AbbasComputers =============================================================
17 jul. · 10 weergaven

Nikola Tesla was the Serbian American scientist, inventor, who was also an electrical engineer and a visionary. Tesla is the reason we get electricity in its form today. 𝗡𝗶𝗸𝗼𝗹𝗮 𝗧𝗲𝘀𝗹𝗮: 𝗘𝗮𝗿𝗹𝘆 𝗟𝗶𝗳𝗲 Tesla was born on July 10, 1856 in Smiljan, Austria. It is in modern day Croatia. His father’s name was Milutin Tesla and his mother’s name was Duka Tesla. He studied engineering and physics in the 1870s but received no degree. He gained practical experience in the early 1880s by working in Telephony and also at Continental Edison. He emigrated to the USA in 1884 where he was naturalized. He had some ideas for wireless lighting and also making worldwide wireless electric power distribution in his high-voltage, high-frequency power experiments. It was in 1893, when he talked about the possibility of wireless communication with his devices. 𝗡𝗶𝗸𝗼𝗹𝗮 𝗧𝗲𝘀𝗹𝗮: 𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗜𝗻𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀: In 1882, Tesla came up with the idea for a brush less AC motor while he was on a walk. He made the first sketches of its rotating electromagnets in the sand of the path. Nikola Tesla sold the patent of his system of alternating current dynamos, transformers and motors to George Westinghouse in the USA. In 1891 he developed the Tesla Coil which is widely used in radio technology. Tesla discovered Radio in 1897. He first sent a wireless transmission from his lab situated at Houston Street, New York, to a boat on the Hudson River floating 25 miles away. He could have done it earlier but his lab caught fire. He is credited with the invention of anything that involves these discoveries. He invented the first wireless remote control boat as well. He is credited with the creation of Neon lights, fluorescent lights, wireless bulbs lit from energy of earth and an AC power plant that could harness hydroelectric power from Niagara Falls. He is even said to have a hand in creation of robotics. 𝐅𝐮𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐭: 𝐀𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞, 𝐓𝐞𝐬𝐥𝐚 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐨 𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲. 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐣𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐬. 𝗡𝗶𝗸𝗼𝗹𝗮 𝗧𝗲𝘀𝗹𝗮: 𝗙𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝗥𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗼 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗥𝗼𝗯𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗰𝘀 Tesla is said to be the Father of Robotics for a simple reason. It was the first time Tesla applied the radio waves to direct movements of a Robot boat in a pool of water. Before that radio waves were unknown to humankind till 1898. It was Madison Square Garden where he demonstrated his invention. This was the birthplace of Robotics. Through this technology, who knew we would develop torpedoes, submarines, projectile missiles etc. Tesla had constructed a special boat which had an antenna that transmitted the radio waves coming from a command post. 𝗡𝗶𝗸𝗼𝗹𝗮 𝗧𝗲𝘀𝗹𝗮 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗧𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗮𝘀 𝗘𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗙𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘁 Tesla came to New York in 1884 where he was hired as an engineer at Thomas Edisons Manhattan Headquarters. He worked there for one year and impressed Edison with his skills. Edison told Tesla that he would pay him 50,000 dollars in case he developed an improved design for DC Dynamos. Tesla presented a solution with a better design to which Edison laughed off and said, “Tesla, you don’t understand our American humor.” Tesla quit after that and went on to open his own startup- Tesla Electric Light Company. In 1887 and 1888 he was granted more than 30 patents for his inventions and invited to address the American Institute of Electrical Engineers on his work. 𝗡𝗶𝗸𝗼𝗹𝗮 𝗧𝗲𝘀𝗹𝗮: 𝗦𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗹𝘀, 𝗗𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗱𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘀 In 1895, Tesla’s lab in New York was burned which destroyed years of his notes and equipment collection. He later was financed by JP Morgan and began to build a global communications network that centered on a giant tower at Wardenclyffe. It is suspected that the USA stole Tesla’s experiments and notes as they thought he was helping the Germans during the World War. This claim was never proved however. His final years were spent in a hotel in New York where he was working on new inventions. Another fact about Tesla is that he was obsessed with number 3 and washed his clothes fastidiously. He died on January 7, 1943 in his hotel room. His belongings were inherited by Tesla’s nephew, Sava Kosanovich. These were later housed in the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade. Thousands of people filed into New York City’s Cathedral of St. John the Divine for his funeral services. He is one of the greatest loss of a great genius. In Hindi: निकोला टेस्ला सर्बियाई अमेरिकी वैज्ञानिक, आविष्कारक थे, जो एक इलेक्ट्रिकल इंजीनियर और दूरदर्शी भी थे। टेस्ला ही कारण है कि आज हमें बिजली अपने रूप में मिलती है। निकोला टेस्ला: प्रारंभिक जीवन टेस्ला का जन्म 10 जुलाई, 1856 को ऑस्ट्रिया के स्मिलजान में हुआ था। यह आधुनिक दिन क्रोएशिया में है। उनके पिता का नाम मिलुटिन टेस्ला और उनकी माता का नाम डुका टेस्ला था। उन्होंने 1870 के दशक में इंजीनियरिंग और भौतिकी का अध्ययन किया लेकिन उन्हें कोई डिग्री नहीं मिली। उन्होंने 1880 के दशक की शुरुआत में टेलीफोनी और कॉन्टिनेंटल एडिसन में काम करके व्यावहारिक अनुभव प्राप्त किया। वह 1884 में संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका चले गए जहाँ उनका देशीयकरण किया गया। वायरलेस लाइटिंग के लिए उनके पास कुछ विचार थे और अपने हाई-वोल्टेज, हाई-फ़्रीक्वेंसी पावर प्रयोगों में दुनिया भर में वायरलेस इलेक्ट्रिक पावर वितरण भी कर रहे थे। यह 1893 में था, जब उन्होंने अपने उपकरणों के साथ वायरलेस संचार की संभावना के बारे में बात की थी। निकोला टेस्ला: उल्लेखनीय आविष्कार: 1882 में, टेस्ला को एक ब्रश रहित एसी मोटर का विचार आया, जब वह सैर पर था। उन्होंने रास्ते की रेत में इसके घूमने वाले विद्युत चुम्बकों का पहला रेखाचित्र बनाया। निकोला टेस्ला ने संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में जॉर्ज वेस्टिंगहाउस को वर्तमान डायनेमो, ट्रांसफार्मर और मोटर्स को वैकल्पिक करने की अपनी प्रणाली का पेटेंट बेच दिया। 1891 में उन्होंने टेस्ला कॉइल विकसित की जिसका व्यापक रूप से रेडियो तकनीक में उपयोग किया जाता है। टेस्ला ने 1897 में रेडियो की खोज की। उन्होंने पहली बार ह्यूस्टन स्ट्रीट, न्यूयॉर्क में स्थित अपनी प्रयोगशाला से 25 मील दूर तैरती हडसन नदी पर एक नाव में एक वायरलेस ट्रांसमिशन भेजा। वो पहले भी कर सकते थे लेकिन उनकी लैब में आग लग गई. उन्हें इन खोजों में शामिल किसी भी चीज़ के आविष्कार का श्रेय दिया जाता है। उन्होंने पहली वायरलेस रिमोट कंट्रोल बोट का भी आविष्कार किया। उन्हें नियॉन लाइट, फ्लोरोसेंट लाइट, पृथ्वी की ऊर्जा से जलाए गए वायरलेस बल्ब और एक एसी पावर प्लांट के निर्माण का श्रेय दिया जाता है जो नियाग्रा फॉल्स से जलविद्युत शक्ति का उपयोग कर सकता है। यहां तक ​​कहा जाता है कि रोबोटिक्स के निर्माण में उनका हाथ था। मजेदार तथ्य: एक समय में, टेस्ला निश्चित था कि उसे अपनी कोलोराडो प्रयोगशाला में किसी अन्य ग्रह से संकेत प्राप्त हुए थे। कुछ वैज्ञानिक पत्रिकाओं में इस दावे का उपहास किया गया था। निकोला टेस्ला: रेडियो और रोबोटिक्स के जनक: टेस्ला को एक साधारण कारण से रोबोटिक्स का जनक कहा जाता है। यह पहली बार था जब टेस्ला ने पानी के एक पूल में रोबोट नाव की गति को निर्देशित करने के लिए रेडियो तरंगों को लागू किया। इससे पहले 1898 तक मानव जाति के लिए रेडियो तरंगें अज्ञात थीं। यह मैडिसन स्क्वायर गार्डन था जहाँ उन्होंने अपने आविष्कार का प्रदर्शन किया था। यह रोबोटिक्स का जन्मस्थान था। इस तकनीक के माध्यम से कौन जानता था कि हम टॉरपीडो, पनडुब्बी, प्रक्षेप्य मिसाइल आदि विकसित करेंगे। टेस्ला ने एक विशेष नाव का निर्माण किया था जिसमें एक एंटीना था जो एक कमांड पोस्ट से आने वाली रेडियो तरंगों को प्रसारित करता था। निकोला टेस्ला और थॉमस एडिसन नतीजा: टेस्ला 1884 में न्यूयॉर्क आए जहां उन्हें थॉमस एडिसन मैनहट्टन मुख्यालय में एक इंजीनियर के रूप में नियुक्त किया गया। उन्होंने वहां एक साल तक काम किया और एडिसन को अपने कौशल से प्रभावित किया। एडिसन ने टेस्ला से कहा कि अगर वह डीसी डायनामोज के लिए एक बेहतर डिजाइन विकसित करता है तो वह उसे 50,000 डॉलर का भुगतान करेगा। टेस्ला ने एक बेहतर डिजाइन के साथ एक समाधान प्रस्तुत किया जिस पर एडिसन हँसे और कहा, “टेस्ला, आप हमारे अमेरिकी हास्य को नहीं समझते हैं।” इसके बाद टेस्ला ने नौकरी छोड़ दी और अपना स्टार्टअप टेस्ला इलेक्ट्रिक लाइट कंपनी खोली। 1887 और 1888 में उन्हें अपने आविष्कारों के लिए 30 से अधिक पेटेंट दिए गए और उनके काम पर अमेरिकन इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ इलेक्ट्रिकल इंजीनियर्स को संबोधित करने के लिए आमंत्रित किया गया। निकोला टेस्ला: घोटालों, मौत अन्य विवरण: 1895 में, न्यूयॉर्क में टेस्ला की प्रयोगशाला को जला दिया गया था, जिसने उसके वर्षों के नोट्स और उपकरण संग्रह को नष्ट कर दिया था। बाद में उन्हें जेपी मॉर्गन द्वारा वित्तपोषित किया गया और उन्होंने एक वैश्विक संचार नेटवर्क बनाना शुरू किया जो वार्डनक्लिफ में एक विशाल टॉवर पर केंद्रित था। यह संदेह है कि यूएसए ने टेस्ला के प्रयोगों और नोट्स को चुरा लिया क्योंकि उन्हें लगा कि वह विश्व युद्ध के दौरान जर्मनों की मदद कर रहा है। हालांकि यह दावा कभी साबित नहीं हुआ। उनके अंतिम वर्ष न्यूयॉर्क के एक होटल में व्यतीत हुए जहाँ वे नए आविष्कारों पर काम कर रहे थे। टेस्ला के बारे में एक और तथ्य यह है कि वह नंबर 3 के प्रति जुनूनी था और उसने अपने कपड़े तेजी से धोए। 7 जनवरी, 1943 को उनके होटल के कमरे में उनका निधन हो गया। उनका सामान टेस्ला के भतीजे सावा कोसानोविच को विरासत में मिला था। इन्हें बाद में बेलग्रेड में निकोला टेस्ला संग्रहालय में रखा गया था। हजारों लोगों ने उनकी अंतिम संस्कार सेवाओं के लिए न्यूयॉर्क शहर के सेंट जॉन द डिवाइन के कैथेड्रल में प्रवेश किया। वह एक महान प्रतिभा के सबसे बड़े नुकसान में से एक है।

Nikola Tesla was the Serbian American scientist, inventor, who was also an electrical engineer and a visionary. Tesla is the reason we get electricity in its form today. 𝗡𝗶𝗸𝗼𝗹𝗮 𝗧𝗲𝘀𝗹𝗮: 𝗘𝗮𝗿𝗹𝘆 𝗟𝗶𝗳𝗲 Tesla was born on July 10, 1856 in Smiljan, Austria. It is in modern day Croatia. His father’s name was Milutin Tesla and his mother’s name was Duka Tesla. He studied engineering and physics in the 1870s but received no degree. He gained practical experience in the early 1880s by working in Telephony and also at Continental Edison. He emigrated to the USA in 1884 where he was naturalized. He had some ideas for wireless lighting and also making worldwide wireless electric power distribution in his high-voltage, high-frequency power experiments. It was in 1893, when he talked about the possibility of wireless communication with his devices. 𝗡𝗶𝗸𝗼𝗹𝗮 𝗧𝗲𝘀𝗹𝗮: 𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗜𝗻𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀: In 1882, Tesla came up with the idea for a brush less AC motor while he was on a walk. He made the first sketches of its rotating electromagnets in the sand of the path. Nikola Tesla sold the patent of his system of alternating current dynamos, transformers and motors to George Westinghouse in the USA. In 1891 he developed the Tesla Coil which is widely used in radio technology. Tesla discovered Radio in 1897. He first sent a wireless transmission from his lab situated at Houston Street, New York, to a boat on the Hudson River floating 25 miles away. He could have done it earlier but his lab caught fire. He is credited with the invention of anything that involves these discoveries. He invented the first wireless remote control boat as well. He is credited with the creation of Neon lights, fluorescent lights, wireless bulbs lit from energy of earth and an AC power plant that could harness hydroelectric power from Niagara Falls. He is even said to have a hand in creation of robotics. 𝐅𝐮𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐭: 𝐀𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞, 𝐓𝐞𝐬𝐥𝐚 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐨 𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲. 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐣𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐬. 𝗡𝗶𝗸𝗼𝗹𝗮 𝗧𝗲𝘀𝗹𝗮: 𝗙𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝗥𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗼 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗥𝗼𝗯𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗰𝘀 Tesla is said to be the Father of Robotics for a simple reason. It was the first time Tesla applied the radio waves to direct movements of a Robot boat in a pool of water. Before that radio waves were unknown to humankind till 1898. It was Madison Square Garden where he demonstrated his invention. This was the birthplace of Robotics. Through this technology, who knew we would develop torpedoes, submarines, projectile missiles etc. Tesla had constructed a special boat which had an antenna that transmitted the radio waves coming from a command post. 𝗡𝗶𝗸𝗼𝗹𝗮 𝗧𝗲𝘀𝗹𝗮 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗧𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗮𝘀 𝗘𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗙𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘁 Tesla came to New York in 1884 where he was hired as an engineer at Thomas Edisons Manhattan Headquarters. He worked there for one year and impressed Edison with his skills. Edison told Tesla that he would pay him 50,000 dollars in case he developed an improved design for DC Dynamos. Tesla presented a solution with a better design to which Edison laughed off and said, “Tesla, you don’t understand our American humor.” Tesla quit after that and went on to open his own startup- Tesla Electric Light Company. In 1887 and 1888 he was granted more than 30 patents for his inventions and invited to address the American Institute of Electrical Engineers on his work. 𝗡𝗶𝗸𝗼𝗹𝗮 𝗧𝗲𝘀𝗹𝗮: 𝗦𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗹𝘀, 𝗗𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗱𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘀 In 1895, Tesla’s lab in New York was burned which destroyed years of his notes and equipment collection. He later was financed by JP Morgan and began to build a global communications network that centered on a giant tower at Wardenclyffe. It is suspected that the USA stole Tesla’s experiments and notes as they thought he was helping the Germans during the World War. This claim was never proved however. His final years were spent in a hotel in New York where he was working on new inventions. Another fact about Tesla is that he was obsessed with number 3 and washed his clothes fastidiously. He died on January 7, 1943 in his hotel room. His belongings were inherited by Tesla’s nephew, Sava Kosanovich. These were later housed in the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade. Thousands of people filed into New York City’s Cathedral of St. John the Divine for his funeral services. He is one of the greatest loss of a great genius. In Hindi: निकोला टेस्ला सर्बियाई अमेरिकी वैज्ञानिक, आविष्कारक थे, जो एक इलेक्ट्रिकल इंजीनियर और दूरदर्शी भी थे। टेस्ला ही कारण है कि आज हमें बिजली अपने रूप में मिलती है। निकोला टेस्ला: प्रारंभिक जीवन टेस्ला का जन्म 10 जुलाई, 1856 को ऑस्ट्रिया के स्मिलजान में हुआ था। यह आधुनिक दिन क्रोएशिया में है। उनके पिता का नाम मिलुटिन टेस्ला और उनकी माता का नाम डुका टेस्ला था। उन्होंने 1870 के दशक में इंजीनियरिंग और भौतिकी का अध्ययन किया लेकिन उन्हें कोई डिग्री नहीं मिली। उन्होंने 1880 के दशक की शुरुआत में टेलीफोनी और कॉन्टिनेंटल एडिसन में काम करके व्यावहारिक अनुभव प्राप्त किया। वह 1884 में संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका चले गए जहाँ उनका देशीयकरण किया गया। वायरलेस लाइटिंग के लिए उनके पास कुछ विचार थे और अपने हाई-वोल्टेज, हाई-फ़्रीक्वेंसी पावर प्रयोगों में दुनिया भर में वायरलेस इलेक्ट्रिक पावर वितरण भी कर रहे थे। यह 1893 में था, जब उन्होंने अपने उपकरणों के साथ वायरलेस संचार की संभावना के बारे में बात की थी। निकोला टेस्ला: उल्लेखनीय आविष्कार: 1882 में, टेस्ला को एक ब्रश रहित एसी मोटर का विचार आया, जब वह सैर पर था। उन्होंने रास्ते की रेत में इसके घूमने वाले विद्युत चुम्बकों का पहला रेखाचित्र बनाया। निकोला टेस्ला ने संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में जॉर्ज वेस्टिंगहाउस को वर्तमान डायनेमो, ट्रांसफार्मर और मोटर्स को वैकल्पिक करने की अपनी प्रणाली का पेटेंट बेच दिया। 1891 में उन्होंने टेस्ला कॉइल विकसित की जिसका व्यापक रूप से रेडियो तकनीक में उपयोग किया जाता है। टेस्ला ने 1897 में रेडियो की खोज की। उन्होंने पहली बार ह्यूस्टन स्ट्रीट, न्यूयॉर्क में स्थित अपनी प्रयोगशाला से 25 मील दूर तैरती हडसन नदी पर एक नाव में एक वायरलेस ट्रांसमिशन भेजा। वो पहले भी कर सकते थे लेकिन उनकी लैब में आग लग गई. उन्हें इन खोजों में शामिल किसी भी चीज़ के आविष्कार का श्रेय दिया जाता है। उन्होंने पहली वायरलेस रिमोट कंट्रोल बोट का भी आविष्कार किया। उन्हें नियॉन लाइट, फ्लोरोसेंट लाइट, पृथ्वी की ऊर्जा से जलाए गए वायरलेस बल्ब और एक एसी पावर प्लांट के निर्माण का श्रेय दिया जाता है जो नियाग्रा फॉल्स से जलविद्युत शक्ति का उपयोग कर सकता है। यहां तक ​​कहा जाता है कि रोबोटिक्स के निर्माण में उनका हाथ था। मजेदार तथ्य: एक समय में, टेस्ला निश्चित था कि उसे अपनी कोलोराडो प्रयोगशाला में किसी अन्य ग्रह से संकेत प्राप्त हुए थे। कुछ वैज्ञानिक पत्रिकाओं में इस दावे का उपहास किया गया था। निकोला टेस्ला: रेडियो और रोबोटिक्स के जनक: टेस्ला को एक साधारण कारण से रोबोटिक्स का जनक कहा जाता है। यह पहली बार था जब टेस्ला ने पानी के एक पूल में रोबोट नाव की गति को निर्देशित करने के लिए रेडियो तरंगों को लागू किया। इससे पहले 1898 तक मानव जाति के लिए रेडियो तरंगें अज्ञात थीं। यह मैडिसन स्क्वायर गार्डन था जहाँ उन्होंने अपने आविष्कार का प्रदर्शन किया था। यह रोबोटिक्स का जन्मस्थान था। इस तकनीक के माध्यम से कौन जानता था कि हम टॉरपीडो, पनडुब्बी, प्रक्षेप्य मिसाइल आदि विकसित करेंगे। टेस्ला ने एक विशेष नाव का निर्माण किया था जिसमें एक एंटीना था जो एक कमांड पोस्ट से आने वाली रेडियो तरंगों को प्रसारित करता था। निकोला टेस्ला और थॉमस एडिसन नतीजा: टेस्ला 1884 में न्यूयॉर्क आए जहां उन्हें थॉमस एडिसन मैनहट्टन मुख्यालय में एक इंजीनियर के रूप में नियुक्त किया गया। उन्होंने वहां एक साल तक काम किया और एडिसन को अपने कौशल से प्रभावित किया। एडिसन ने टेस्ला से कहा कि अगर वह डीसी डायनामोज के लिए एक बेहतर डिजाइन विकसित करता है तो वह उसे 50,000 डॉलर का भुगतान करेगा। टेस्ला ने एक बेहतर डिजाइन के साथ एक समाधान प्रस्तुत किया जिस पर एडिसन हँसे और कहा, “टेस्ला, आप हमारे अमेरिकी हास्य को नहीं समझते हैं।” इसके बाद टेस्ला ने नौकरी छोड़ दी और अपना स्टार्टअप टेस्ला इलेक्ट्रिक लाइट कंपनी खोली। 1887 और 1888 में उन्हें अपने आविष्कारों के लिए 30 से अधिक पेटेंट दिए गए और उनके काम पर अमेरिकन इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ इलेक्ट्रिकल इंजीनियर्स को संबोधित करने के लिए आमंत्रित किया गया। निकोला टेस्ला: घोटालों, मौत अन्य विवरण: 1895 में, न्यूयॉर्क में टेस्ला की प्रयोगशाला को जला दिया गया था, जिसने उसके वर्षों के नोट्स और उपकरण संग्रह को नष्ट कर दिया था। बाद में उन्हें जेपी मॉर्गन द्वारा वित्तपोषित किया गया और उन्होंने एक वैश्विक संचार नेटवर्क बनाना शुरू किया जो वार्डनक्लिफ में एक विशाल टॉवर पर केंद्रित था। यह संदेह है कि यूएसए ने टेस्ला के प्रयोगों और नोट्स को चुरा लिया क्योंकि उन्हें लगा कि वह विश्व युद्ध के दौरान जर्मनों की मदद कर रहा है। हालांकि यह दावा कभी साबित नहीं हुआ। उनके अंतिम वर्ष न्यूयॉर्क के एक होटल में व्यतीत हुए जहाँ वे नए आविष्कारों पर काम कर रहे थे। टेस्ला के बारे में एक और तथ्य यह है कि वह नंबर 3 के प्रति जुनूनी था और उसने अपने कपड़े तेजी से धोए। 7 जनवरी, 1943 को उनके होटल के कमरे में उनका निधन हो गया। उनका सामान टेस्ला के भतीजे सावा कोसानोविच को विरासत में मिला था। इन्हें बाद में बेलग्रेड में निकोला टेस्ला संग्रहालय में रखा गया था। हजारों लोगों ने उनकी अंतिम संस्कार सेवाओं के लिए न्यूयॉर्क शहर के सेंट जॉन द डिवाइन के कैथेड्रल में प्रवेश किया। वह एक महान प्रतिभा के सबसे बड़े नुकसान में से एक है।
13 feb. 2022 · 17 weergaven

0【Philippines shipping】AMOI F9 9D Sound TWS 5.0 Bluetooth Earphones Click the link to check prices and promo 👉https://invol.co/cl9lsm1👈 ✅【All goods are in stock Metro Manila shipping】 💁【We ship within 24 hours of your order】 🚚【You can receive the package within 1 to 3 days】 📦【Checked before shipment and properly packed to avoid damage during shipping】 🔄【 Free replacement of new products within 1 year(if have bad quality problems)】 ❗Please note that this is an original product, but all English version products of AMOI do not have trademarks printed 🔥Highlights: * 9D surround sound, 5.0 dual-ear chip, large capacity, true wireless Bluetooth headse * Graphene bass diaphragm, HIFI high-frequency technology, 10MM dynamic speaker unit * 5.0 automatic boot pairing, built-in active noise reduction IC, HD call,5.0 bluetooth game without delay * LED display charge box, know the electricity quantity easily. * 2000 mAh large capacity dual lithium battery, faster charging, longer lasting battery, can be used as an emergency charging treasure. * Wireless Bluetooth 5.0 connection, stable and fast signal transmission. * Touch control, easy to use and operate. * Touch to summon Siri and Android Assistant to make your life easier. 🙆Tips: When the earphones is connected for the first time, if it is not operated correctly, the earohones may not be successfully paired. It will cause only one of the earphones to make a sound, but not both. Please follow the steps below to solve the problem. 1.Delete the connected F9 earphone in the phone’s Bluetooth settings; 2.Turn off the Bluetooth function of the phone and turn off the power of the earphones on both sides; 3.You must press and hold the touch buttons on both sides of the earphones for 10 seconds at the same time. After releasing them, quickly click on the touch buttons of one of the earphones 3 times and they will be paired again. 4.When the light of one of the earphones is turned off and the light of the other earphone is blinking, it means that they have been paired. Then you can use your phone to connect to the earphone. 📘Specifications: Model: F9 ver.5 Headphone type: in-ear headphones Bluetooth protocol: HFP/HSP/A2DP/AVRCP Earphones battery capacity: 60mAh Charging box battery capacity: 2000 mAh Charges the earphones fully: 8 to 10 times Music time: 3 to 4 hours (related to playback volume) Call time: 3.5 hours Bluetooth distance: about 10 meters Waterproof: IPX7 waterproof Connection method: single/double free to use Color: black/white Function: music play / pause, call answering noise reduction, IOS power display, voice prompt Bluetooth version: V5.0 Compatible devices: Bluetooth devices such as for Xiaomi, Samsung, Apple, Huawei, oppo, vivo, Lenovo, tablet, etc. (With Bluetooth, you need to use a Bluetooth adapter) Headphone charging time: about 1 hour Charging compartment charging time: about 1 hour 📦Package Included: * A Pair of Earbuds( right and left side) * 1 x Charging Case * 1 x Charge Cable * 3 pairs * earplug * 1 x User Manual

0【Philippines shipping】AMOI F9 9D Sound TWS 5.0 Bluetooth Earphones Click the link to check prices and promo 👉https://invol.co/cl9lsm1👈 ✅【All goods are in stock Metro Manila shipping】 💁【We ship within 24 hours of your order】 🚚【You can receive the package within 1 to 3 days】 📦【Checked before shipment and properly packed to avoid damage during shipping】 🔄【 Free replacement of new products within 1 year(if have bad quality problems)】 ❗Please note that this is an original product, but all English version products of AMOI do not have trademarks printed 🔥Highlights: * 9D surround sound, 5.0 dual-ear chip, large capacity, true wireless Bluetooth headse * Graphene bass diaphragm, HIFI high-frequency technology, 10MM dynamic speaker unit * 5.0 automatic boot pairing, built-in active noise reduction IC, HD call,5.0 bluetooth game without delay * LED display charge box, know the electricity quantity easily. * 2000 mAh large capacity dual lithium battery, faster charging, longer lasting battery, can be used as an emergency charging treasure. * Wireless Bluetooth 5.0 connection, stable and fast signal transmission. * Touch control, easy to use and operate. * Touch to summon Siri and Android Assistant to make your life easier. 🙆Tips: When the earphones is connected for the first time, if it is not operated correctly, the earohones may not be successfully paired. It will cause only one of the earphones to make a sound, but not both. Please follow the steps below to solve the problem. 1.Delete the connected F9 earphone in the phone’s Bluetooth settings; 2.Turn off the Bluetooth function of the phone and turn off the power of the earphones on both sides; 3.You must press and hold the touch buttons on both sides of the earphones for 10 seconds at the same time. After releasing them, quickly click on the touch buttons of one of the earphones 3 times and they will be paired again. 4.When the light of one of the earphones is turned off and the light of the other earphone is blinking, it means that they have been paired. Then you can use your phone to connect to the earphone. 📘Specifications: Model: F9 ver.5 Headphone type: in-ear headphones Bluetooth protocol: HFP/HSP/A2DP/AVRCP Earphones battery capacity: 60mAh Charging box battery capacity: 2000 mAh Charges the earphones fully: 8 to 10 times Music time: 3 to 4 hours (related to playback volume) Call time: 3.5 hours Bluetooth distance: about 10 meters Waterproof: IPX7 waterproof Connection method: single/double free to use Color: black/white Function: music play / pause, call answering noise reduction, IOS power display, voice prompt Bluetooth version: V5.0 Compatible devices: Bluetooth devices such as for Xiaomi, Samsung, Apple, Huawei, oppo, vivo, Lenovo, tablet, etc. (With Bluetooth, you need to use a Bluetooth adapter) Headphone charging time: about 1 hour Charging compartment charging time: about 1 hour 📦Package Included: * A Pair of Earbuds( right and left side) * 1 x Charging Case * 1 x Charge Cable * 3 pairs * earplug * 1 x User Manual
16 mrt. 2022 · 222 weergaven

𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐬-𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐳 𝐄𝐐𝐒 𝟒𝟓𝟎+ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐 – 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫: Nautical blue – metallic finish (595) – 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫: leather black/anthracite (201) – 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐫: Mercedes-Benz AG (GER) – 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐄: 𝟐,𝟔𝟒𝟎,𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐄𝐆𝐏 – 𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐎𝐑 𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐘: Up to 245 kW (333 hp) – 𝟎 𝐓𝐎 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐤𝐋𝐦: 6.2s – 𝐌𝐀𝐗 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐄𝐃: 210 kLm – 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐪𝐮𝐞: 565 Nm – 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐃𝐂: 𝟏𝟎%-𝟖𝟎% 𝐒𝐎𝐂 (𝐧𝐞𝐭) 𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 31 mins – 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐦 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐂: 200 kW – 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐀𝐂: 𝟏𝟎%-𝟏𝟎𝟎% 𝐒𝐎𝐂 (𝐧𝐞𝐭) 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐛𝐨𝐱/𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: 10 h – 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐦 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐂: 11KW – 𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐘: 107.8kWh – 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞: 764 km WLTB 𝐎𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: 01U MB Connect services for navigation 02B Operator’s manual + service booklet-German 03N Plant control code 0B3 Vehicle production location Sindelfingen 0U1 HU country set for ECE (NTG7) 13U Mercedes-Benz Connect – EV functions (HERMES) 14U Smartphone integration package 16U Apple Carplay smartphone integration 17U Android Auto smartphone integration 1B3 Communication module ECE version 200A Leather 201A leather black/anthracite 215 Adaptive Damping System PLUS (ADS+) 216 Rear axle steering with large angle 229L Germany 22U Mercedes me connect MBUX Entertainment 233 Adaptive cruise control Plus (DISTRONIC PLUS) 235 Active Parking Assist 241 Left electric adjustable driver’s seat with memory 242 Right electric adjustable driver’s seat with memory 243 Active Lane Keeping Assist (camera) 249 Automatic dimming inside rearview mirror and outside mirrors 255B MB-Mobilo with DSB and GGD 262 Rear sensors for Lane Keeping Assist. 266 DISTRONIC PLUS with Cross-Traffic Assist (DTR+Q) 272 Front sensors for intersection monitoring 275 Memory Package (driver’s seat, steering column and mirror) 287 Through-loading feature 290 Windowbag 292 PRE-SAFE® Impulse Side 294 Kneebag 299 PRE-SAFE® 2U8 Alternative refrigerant 2XXL Federal Republic of Germany 309 Cup holder 30U Projection function via headlamps – lines 318 Digital LED headlamps, right-hand traffic 321 Biometric user identification – fingerprint 324 Front light strip 325 Center airbag 32U Sound personalization 332B Language of instrument cluster/HU – German 351 eCall emergency call system 355 Preinstallation for retrofitting navigation system 365 Hard drive navigation 367 Live Traffic capability 36U Mercedes me connect connectivity and extended charging Plus 384 Ramses High communication module (4G) 399 Front multicontour seat with massage function 401 Climatised front seats 413 Panoramic sliding sunroof/glass roof 42U Projection function via headlamps – symbols 431 Steering wheel gearshift buttons/steering wheel gearshift paddles – electroplated 436 Driver and front passenger luxury head restraint 43U Projection function via headlamps – animation 444 Advanced Head-up Display (HUD) 464 Instrument cluster display M 475 Tire pressure monitor (TPM) 489 AIRMATIC Dual Control/semi-active air suspension 500 Electrically folding exterior mirrors 501 360° camera 513 Road sign recognition system 51B Rating, country group EURO-NCAP 51U Headliner, black fabric 534 Connect 20 Premium (NTG7) 537 DAB digital radio standard (Digital Audio Broadcast) 546 Automatic speed control 581 Automatic climate control 587 Logo projection via mirror 595U Nautical blue – metallic finish 5B1 Additional stowage boxes/trays in center console 5V5 Speed/load index 105 H XL 628 INTELLIGENT HEADLAMP CONTROL PLUS (IHC+) 63B On-board xEV charging socket Combo2/Type2 6P5 Sales control code for code 475 request 6S3 12 V on-board electrical system high electricity demand 70B Safety vest – driver 723 Load compartment cover 72B USB package 757 High-gloss black center console (9K41) 79B Pre-installation for DAB digital radio standard 7B4 WIPPS countries WEU+COC 7U2 Seat model variant 2 810 Premium sound system 82B Multiphase AC charging function (10 kW-11 kW) 83B DC charging function 840 Glas dunkel getönt 868 Central display size L 871 Sensor system for trunk lid opening/closing 875 Heated windscreen washer system 876 Interior Light package 889 Keyless Go 890 Automatic rear-end door 891 Premium ambiance illumination 894 Premium Plus ambiance illumination 899 Front wireless telephone charging and antenna 8B4 Control code, weight check 8U4 PTC battery booster heater for hybrid/EV 8U8 i-Size marking (ISOFIX successor) 902 Front comfort seat heating 969 COC document for Euro6 tech. with reg. cert. Part 2 998 Steuercode Umstellung WLTP mit RDE 9B2 Mode 3 charging cable (type 2, 3X16A, 11kW) 5m B51 Tirefit B53 External noise sound generator for hybrids and EV B59 Drive program selection switch (AGILITY SELECT) BAC EB400 battery (2P2P108S, L battery) EMQ Rear electric motor 245 kW / 5300 Nm F297 Model series 297 FV Sedan, long GA Automatic transmission H08 Trim elements – Fineline anthracite wood (2C09) HA Rear axle K32 Active Lane Change Assist K33 Extended restart in stop-and-go traffic K34 Route-based speed adaptation K37 Deactivation of locking feedback via horn L2B Leather luxury steering wheel MEC3 Mid variant with L-battery P14 Interior AVANTGARDE package P17 KEYLESS-GO package P20 Driving assistant package Plus P21 Air quality package P47 Parking Package High P49 MIRROR PACKAGE P76 Basic exterior package PAF Acoustic Comfort package PAI Display package Entry PAX Light Package Premium PBG Premium connectivity package PDD Equipment Package – Top R01 Summer tyres R7K Wheel size 19″ all-round variant 1 R84 Light-alloy wheel multi spoke design 19″ all-round U01 Rear belt status indicator U10 Front passenger seat with weight sensor U12 Velour floor mats U19 Augmented reality video U25 Illuminated door sill U60 Pedestrian protection – Active hood VL Left front axle half VR Right front axle half #For reservations, #inquiries and #car details through the following #WhatsApp link: https://cutt.ly/1QyCf33 #evlogistics #Import #PreOrder #ReadyForShipping #DreamMercedes #MercedesBenz #EQE #EQS #EQB #NowYouCan #gogreen #ProgressiveLuxury

𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐬-𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐳 𝐄𝐐𝐒 𝟒𝟓𝟎+ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐 – 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫: Nautical blue – metallic finish (595) – 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫: leather black/anthracite (201) – 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐫: Mercedes-Benz AG (GER) – 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐄: 𝟐,𝟔𝟒𝟎,𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐄𝐆𝐏 – 𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐎𝐑 𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐘: Up to 245 kW (333 hp) – 𝟎 𝐓𝐎 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐤𝐋𝐦: 6.2s – 𝐌𝐀𝐗 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐄𝐃: 210 kLm – 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐪𝐮𝐞: 565 Nm – 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐃𝐂: 𝟏𝟎%-𝟖𝟎% 𝐒𝐎𝐂 (𝐧𝐞𝐭) 𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 31 mins – 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐦 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐂: 200 kW – 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐀𝐂: 𝟏𝟎%-𝟏𝟎𝟎% 𝐒𝐎𝐂 (𝐧𝐞𝐭) 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐛𝐨𝐱/𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: 10 h – 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐦 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐂: 11KW – 𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐘: 107.8kWh – 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞: 764 km WLTB 𝐎𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: 01U MB Connect services for navigation 02B Operator’s manual + service booklet-German 03N Plant control code 0B3 Vehicle production location Sindelfingen 0U1 HU country set for ECE (NTG7) 13U Mercedes-Benz Connect – EV functions (HERMES) 14U Smartphone integration package 16U Apple Carplay smartphone integration 17U Android Auto smartphone integration 1B3 Communication module ECE version 200A Leather 201A leather black/anthracite 215 Adaptive Damping System PLUS (ADS+) 216 Rear axle steering with large angle 229L Germany 22U Mercedes me connect MBUX Entertainment 233 Adaptive cruise control Plus (DISTRONIC PLUS) 235 Active Parking Assist 241 Left electric adjustable driver’s seat with memory 242 Right electric adjustable driver’s seat with memory 243 Active Lane Keeping Assist (camera) 249 Automatic dimming inside rearview mirror and outside mirrors 255B MB-Mobilo with DSB and GGD 262 Rear sensors for Lane Keeping Assist. 266 DISTRONIC PLUS with Cross-Traffic Assist (DTR+Q) 272 Front sensors for intersection monitoring 275 Memory Package (driver’s seat, steering column and mirror) 287 Through-loading feature 290 Windowbag 292 PRE-SAFE® Impulse Side 294 Kneebag 299 PRE-SAFE® 2U8 Alternative refrigerant 2XXL Federal Republic of Germany 309 Cup holder 30U Projection function via headlamps – lines 318 Digital LED headlamps, right-hand traffic 321 Biometric user identification – fingerprint 324 Front light strip 325 Center airbag 32U Sound personalization 332B Language of instrument cluster/HU – German 351 eCall emergency call system 355 Preinstallation for retrofitting navigation system 365 Hard drive navigation 367 Live Traffic capability 36U Mercedes me connect connectivity and extended charging Plus 384 Ramses High communication module (4G) 399 Front multicontour seat with massage function 401 Climatised front seats 413 Panoramic sliding sunroof/glass roof 42U Projection function via headlamps – symbols 431 Steering wheel gearshift buttons/steering wheel gearshift paddles – electroplated 436 Driver and front passenger luxury head restraint 43U Projection function via headlamps – animation 444 Advanced Head-up Display (HUD) 464 Instrument cluster display M 475 Tire pressure monitor (TPM) 489 AIRMATIC Dual Control/semi-active air suspension 500 Electrically folding exterior mirrors 501 360° camera 513 Road sign recognition system 51B Rating, country group EURO-NCAP 51U Headliner, black fabric 534 Connect 20 Premium (NTG7) 537 DAB digital radio standard (Digital Audio Broadcast) 546 Automatic speed control 581 Automatic climate control 587 Logo projection via mirror 595U Nautical blue – metallic finish 5B1 Additional stowage boxes/trays in center console 5V5 Speed/load index 105 H XL 628 INTELLIGENT HEADLAMP CONTROL PLUS (IHC+) 63B On-board xEV charging socket Combo2/Type2 6P5 Sales control code for code 475 request 6S3 12 V on-board electrical system high electricity demand 70B Safety vest – driver 723 Load compartment cover 72B USB package 757 High-gloss black center console (9K41) 79B Pre-installation for DAB digital radio standard 7B4 WIPPS countries WEU+COC 7U2 Seat model variant 2 810 Premium sound system 82B Multiphase AC charging function (10 kW-11 kW) 83B DC charging function 840 Glas dunkel getönt 868 Central display size L 871 Sensor system for trunk lid opening/closing 875 Heated windscreen washer system 876 Interior Light package 889 Keyless Go 890 Automatic rear-end door 891 Premium ambiance illumination 894 Premium Plus ambiance illumination 899 Front wireless telephone charging and antenna 8B4 Control code, weight check 8U4 PTC battery booster heater for hybrid/EV 8U8 i-Size marking (ISOFIX successor) 902 Front comfort seat heating 969 COC document for Euro6 tech. with reg. cert. Part 2 998 Steuercode Umstellung WLTP mit RDE 9B2 Mode 3 charging cable (type 2, 3X16A, 11kW) 5m B51 Tirefit B53 External noise sound generator for hybrids and EV B59 Drive program selection switch (AGILITY SELECT) BAC EB400 battery (2P2P108S, L battery) EMQ Rear electric motor 245 kW / 5300 Nm F297 Model series 297 FV Sedan, long GA Automatic transmission H08 Trim elements – Fineline anthracite wood (2C09) HA Rear axle K32 Active Lane Change Assist K33 Extended restart in stop-and-go traffic K34 Route-based speed adaptation K37 Deactivation of locking feedback via horn L2B Leather luxury steering wheel MEC3 Mid variant with L-battery P14 Interior AVANTGARDE package P17 KEYLESS-GO package P20 Driving assistant package Plus P21 Air quality package P47 Parking Package High P49 MIRROR PACKAGE P76 Basic exterior package PAF Acoustic Comfort package PAI Display package Entry PAX Light Package Premium PBG Premium connectivity package PDD Equipment Package – Top R01 Summer tyres R7K Wheel size 19″ all-round variant 1 R84 Light-alloy wheel multi spoke design 19″ all-round U01 Rear belt status indicator U10 Front passenger seat with weight sensor U12 Velour floor mats U19 Augmented reality video U25 Illuminated door sill U60 Pedestrian protection – Active hood VL Left front axle half VR Right front axle half #For reservations, #inquiries and #car details through the following #WhatsApp link: https://cutt.ly/1QyCf33 #evlogistics #Import #PreOrder #ReadyForShipping #DreamMercedes #MercedesBenz #EQE #EQS #EQB #NowYouCan #gogreen #ProgressiveLuxury
9 jun. 2022 · 5,7 d. weergaven

Electrive News – Mercedes presents the new eSprinter: The new Mercedes eSprinter is to be launched in the USA and Canada in the second half of the year. In Europe, the first variant of the van will be launched at the end of the year. In total, the vehicle with new technology in the familiar body will be available in around 60 markets. Cenntro kicks off battery production in the US and Germany: The Cenntro Electric Group, a company specialising in electric commercial vehicles, has started producing its own battery packs. These will be assembled at Cenntro’s plant in Freehold in the US state of New Jersey and at the German plant in Herne. Shyft to manufacture electric trucks in Michigan: US vehicle manufacturer Shyft plans to invest $16 million in its Charlotte, Michigan, plant to roll out commercial vehicles from its Blue Arc EV Solution brand in the future. Etrel WebinarJoin the webinar: Electrifying Your Business Fleet – Achieving Your Goals and Overcoming Challenges on Tuesday, 21st of February at 11:00 CET. Learn how to navigate key questions and overcome challenges for successful fleet electrification. Find out how Etrel’s EV charging solutions can guide you to achieve your company’s sustainability targets. etrel.com Mazda announces prices for the CX-90 PHEV in the USA: Mazda North America announced pricing and packaging for its new CX-90, unveiled a few days ago. The company’s new mid-size crossover SUV, which will go on sale this spring as a 2024 model, comes with three plug-in hybrid trims: The ‘Preferred’ starts at $47,445, the ‘Premium’ at $52,900, and the ‘Premium Plus’ at $56,950. Geely introduces electric Panda in China: The Chinese manufacturer Geely has launched its latest model: the all-electric Panda Mini. There are a total of four variants of the small electric car, which will cost between 39,900 and 53,900 yuan (around 5,500 to 7,400 euros) in China, depending on the equipment. BMW presents model updates for the X5 PHEV: BMW has unveiled model updates for its X5 and X6 SUV models, which will be launched worldwide in April 2023. In the course of the updates, the drive system for the plug-in hybrid variant of the X5 has also been renewed – the X6 will not be offered as a PHEV. – Number of the Day – More than 83,000 plug-in vehicles are now on Australia’s roads, having almost doubled over the past year from 44,000 at the beginning of 2022. Of the 83,000 in circulation, 79% are battery electric vehicles, while 21% are plug-in hybrids. theguardian.com – Premium – New ICCT study fuels the debate around heavy-duty vehicle emissions: As the European Commission prepares to present new draft legislation on heavy-duty vehicle emissions next week, the ICCT provides fuel for the raging debate in Brussels. We also reached out to the organisation to learn what this may mean for future buying decisions; e-fuels remain a clear no-go. – Technology – B2U Storage makes over $1 million turnover: Los Angeles-based B2U Storage Solutions is currently using 1,300 retired battery packs from old Honda & Nissan electric vehicles at its solar and energy storage facility in Lancaster, California. Now the storage facility has reached an energy content of 25 MWh. UK invests in maritime decarbonization: Two new investments by the British government are to harness the UK’s research and innovation excellence to decarbonise the maritime sector. A total of over £80 million will go into the two projects. zepp.solutions announces retrofitted fuel cell truck: Dutch fuel cell system developer and integrator zepp.solutions has confirmed the development of a hydrogen truck based on an existing diesel truck. The first examples of the H2 truck, called Europa, are expected to enter service in the fourth quarter of 2023. WiTricity to help Yutong on wireless bus charging: WiTricity, the US provider of wireless charging systems, has announced cooperating with the Chinese manufacturer Yutong Bus to enable the inductive charging of automated electric minibuses. They have already launched a first deployment in full commercial operation. Yesterday’s most-clicked link: Management change at VW’s Charging and Energy business unit. – Quote of the Day – “The climate crisis is a shared responsibility, and we must look beyond tailpipe emissions. This report makes clear the importance of acting now and together.” Explains Fredrika Klarén, head of sustainability at Polestar. Together with Rivian, Polestar commissioned a ‘Pathway Report’ from the consulting firm Kearney, which shows that the car industry will massively exceed the IPCC’s 1.5-degree target. The switch to electric cars alone is by far not enough. polestar.com “We have to work profitably. Therefore, below an ID.2 at the current cost of the battery and raw materials, an even cheaper model is not feasible at the current time.” Says Volkswagen CFO Arno Antlitz on a potential electric car below the VW ID.2, which is currently expected to cost less than 25,000 euros when arriving in 2025. “Nevertheless, we are working intensively on a solution,” Antlitz promises with regard to a possible ID.1. sueddeutsche.de (in German) – Fleets + Infrastructure – Kempower will open first facility outside of Finland: Kempower, Finland’s foremost manufacturer of EV charging equipment, is ready to set up shop in the USA. The plant in Durham County, North Carolina, shall start producing DC chargers for electric vehicles before the year’s end. Kempower initially plans to invest $41 million and can expect government subsidies totalling around three million dollars over twelve years. MFG releases 2023 high-power charger budget: British petrol station operator Motor Fuel Group (MFG) has slated £50 million this year to build new ultra-rapid charging hubs for electric cars. The investment will help MFG and partners install 360 HPC columns in 2023, thus more than doubling the number of available chargers today. Endera becomes a shuttle of choice in California: The US manufacturer Endera will deliver up to 1,000 electric shuttles to over 300 fleet operators in California thanks to a state-wide purchasing contract. It includes options for even more shuttles over the five-year contract period. National Highways orders more electrified vehicles: British government-owned National Highways has acquired 307 zero-emission and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). 187 PHEVs have already arrived, with another 24 on the well and other electric cars from Kia and Hyundai on the way. Kenya’s sole power distributor Kenya Power aims to convert its 2,000 ICE vehicles to electric over the next four years, using a mix of retrofitting and buying new EVs. Reuters reports the move was part of a rising trend in the East African economy to take advantage of the abundant electricity supply from renewables, and switch vehicle and motorcycle engines to electric from fossil fuels. reuters.com – Service – Reading tip: Two years ago, Transport & Environment (T&E) had already established that plug-in hybrids emit significantly more CO2 on longer journeys than advertised by manufacturers. New real-world tests with PHEVs in the BMW 3 Series, Peugeot 308 and Renault Megane, conducted by Graz University of Technology on behalf of T&E, confirm beyond doubt that lawmakers should base taxes for PHEVs on their actual pollution and stop subsidising their sale. transportenvironment.org Click Tip: Korean car brand SsangYong is developing a new electric model and photos have emerged showing a camouflaged prototype during test drives. The electric offshoot of the SsangYong Torres is a mid-sized SUV and will be the brand’s second BEV model after the Korando e-Motion. carscoops.com – Short Circuit – BMW allowed to selling ICE says court: Following earlier decisions, the court in Munich has also dismissed the lawsuit filed by the German environmental organisation DUH against BMW. The association wants to stop BMW from selling cars with combustion engines from 2030. The court’s decision is not yet legally binding and DUH has already announced that it will continue the legal battle against BMW. Edited by Stefan Köller, Chris Randall and Nora Manthey *** Video by TopCarz Top 7 New Hydrogen Vehicles TopCarz 6.68K subscribers Download▼ 232,529 views Aug 8, 2021 Are hydrogen cars greener than electric cars? Well, hydrogen has long been touted as the future for passenger cars. In this video, we will show you the top seven hydrogen fuel vehicles, which run on pressurized hydrogen and produce zero carbon emissions: 0:00 Top hydrogen fuel cell vehicles 0:21 Mercedes Benz GLC F-Cell Mercedes Benz seems to be the oldest producer of fuel cell electric vehicles. Its first-generation F-cell was introduced back in 2002 and had a range of 100 miles, with a top speed of 82 mph. It was based on the Mercedes-Benz A-class series that gradually and gave way to the B-class with a more powerful F-cell electric engine rated at 100 kW, with a range of about 250 miles. It could have higher specs because the B-Class has bigger space for accommodating tanks of compressed hydrogen and gradual technological advances. 1:48 Hyundai Nexo The hydrogen fuel cell-powered Nexo is a worthy SUV that might well suit almost all of your needs. The beauty and power of Hyundai Nexo combine for your driving pleasure being aided by a 95-kilowatt fuel cell stack and 40-kilowatt-hour battery pack. Those power the electric motor capable of generating 161 horsepower alongside with 291 pound-feet of torque. 3:14 BMW i Hydrogen Next BMW is collaborating with Toyota to bring this i Hydrogen Next to the pilot production phase in 2022. It is a Fuel cell electric SUV presently undergoing rigorous road tests. 2025 will see its series production, that is, if infrastructure and market conditions are right. BMW has already tested the car’s various systems- the hydrogen storage tank, battery pack, and electric motors separately, but this is the first time the drivetrain has been evaluated in its entirety under real-world conditions. 4:49 Honda Clarity Fuel Cell In the Clarity Fuel Cell, the fuel cell assembly turns the Hydrogen into electricity, which powers an electric motor producing 174 hp and 221 lb-ft, and 360 miles of range. It speeds up to 100km/h in 9 seconds. There are two Hydrogen pressure tanks behind and under the rear seat of the Honda that hold 5.0 kg of Hydrogen for a range of 650 km. Just as it discontinued the E.V. variant of the Clarity, Honda is also halting the Fuel cell Clarity production. The show will end by August 2021. The company will ensure the Clarity Fuel Cell is still available for lease through 2022, and Honda will continue to support its Clarity customers in the marketplace. So long, Clarity. 5:41 Hyundai ix35 Fuel Cell Hyundai implemented its vision of a safe, efficient future with a serial production in 2013 of the ix35 Fuel Cell. It won Hyundai’s ‘Car of the Future’ Award at the 2013 Brussels Motor Show. As with all fuel-cell vehicles, the Hyundai ix35 Fuel Cell produces zero emissions with an electric motor that generates a power output of 100 kW. It accelerates from zero to 100 km/h in 12.5 seconds and achieves top speeds of 160 km/h. The ix35 Fuel Cell utilizes 0.95kg of Hydrogen for 62 miles and has a maximum gas tank capacity of 5.64kg. The front wheels are driven by a 65kW – equivalent to 87.2bhp – electric motor through a single-speed reducer gear. It comes fitted with a 24kW battery developed by L.G. Chemicals; it functions primarily to assist the fuel cell stack when high power demand is at its greatest. 7:33 Toyota Mirai Mirai is a Japanese word for the future; the company has chosen this name to inform us that they are certainly set for the future. Like other Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles, the Toyota Mirai is powered by a fuel cell that generates electricity for its onboard electric motor by producing a chemical reaction. The Vehicle’s tailpipe expels water vapour, and unlike battery-powered electric vehicles, the Mirai can be fueled with a tank of Hydrogen in a few minutes. The 2021 Mirai boasts an extreme body design upgrade that sports the looks of a Lexus. It has a fuel cell Powertrain with rear-wheel drive. This vehicle can cover 402 miles on a tank of Hydrogen. The Fuel cell electric powertrain converts Hydrogen to electricity to power the electric motor. It produces 182 horsepower and sends power to the rear wheels via a one-speed direct-drive transmission. It reaches 60mph in 9.1 seconds. 9:00 Hyperion XP-1 Hypercar After spending 10years in the works, the XP-1 is ready to debut in 2022, with some mind-blowing specs. The Hyperion XP-1 is said to have a 2.2-second zero-to-60-mph time and a 221-mph top speed. It is built on a carbon titanium monocoque chassis with a curb weight of fewer than 2275 pounds and also offers 1000-plus miles of range before needing a refuel. The XP-1 offers more than 1000 miles of range, even up to 1016 miles, at a combination of 55 percent city and 45 percent highway driving. Hyperion plans to manufacture 300 units of the XP-1s. It will have an all-wheel drive, with a three-speed transmission and ultracapacitors to buffer the output of the fuel cell.

Electrive News – Mercedes presents the new eSprinter: The new Mercedes eSprinter is to be launched in the USA and Canada in the second half of the year. In Europe, the first variant of the van will be launched at the end of the year. In total, the vehicle with new technology in the familiar body will be available in around 60 markets. Cenntro kicks off battery production in the US and Germany: The Cenntro Electric Group, a company specialising in electric commercial vehicles, has started producing its own battery packs. These will be assembled at Cenntro’s plant in Freehold in the US state of New Jersey and at the German plant in Herne. Shyft to manufacture electric trucks in Michigan: US vehicle manufacturer Shyft plans to invest $16 million in its Charlotte, Michigan, plant to roll out commercial vehicles from its Blue Arc EV Solution brand in the future. Etrel WebinarJoin the webinar: Electrifying Your Business Fleet – Achieving Your Goals and Overcoming Challenges on Tuesday, 21st of February at 11:00 CET. Learn how to navigate key questions and overcome challenges for successful fleet electrification. Find out how Etrel’s EV charging solutions can guide you to achieve your company’s sustainability targets. etrel.com Mazda announces prices for the CX-90 PHEV in the USA: Mazda North America announced pricing and packaging for its new CX-90, unveiled a few days ago. The company’s new mid-size crossover SUV, which will go on sale this spring as a 2024 model, comes with three plug-in hybrid trims: The ‘Preferred’ starts at $47,445, the ‘Premium’ at $52,900, and the ‘Premium Plus’ at $56,950. Geely introduces electric Panda in China: The Chinese manufacturer Geely has launched its latest model: the all-electric Panda Mini. There are a total of four variants of the small electric car, which will cost between 39,900 and 53,900 yuan (around 5,500 to 7,400 euros) in China, depending on the equipment. BMW presents model updates for the X5 PHEV: BMW has unveiled model updates for its X5 and X6 SUV models, which will be launched worldwide in April 2023. In the course of the updates, the drive system for the plug-in hybrid variant of the X5 has also been renewed – the X6 will not be offered as a PHEV. – Number of the Day – More than 83,000 plug-in vehicles are now on Australia’s roads, having almost doubled over the past year from 44,000 at the beginning of 2022. Of the 83,000 in circulation, 79% are battery electric vehicles, while 21% are plug-in hybrids. theguardian.com – Premium – New ICCT study fuels the debate around heavy-duty vehicle emissions: As the European Commission prepares to present new draft legislation on heavy-duty vehicle emissions next week, the ICCT provides fuel for the raging debate in Brussels. We also reached out to the organisation to learn what this may mean for future buying decisions; e-fuels remain a clear no-go. – Technology – B2U Storage makes over $1 million turnover: Los Angeles-based B2U Storage Solutions is currently using 1,300 retired battery packs from old Honda & Nissan electric vehicles at its solar and energy storage facility in Lancaster, California. Now the storage facility has reached an energy content of 25 MWh. UK invests in maritime decarbonization: Two new investments by the British government are to harness the UK’s research and innovation excellence to decarbonise the maritime sector. A total of over £80 million will go into the two projects. zepp.solutions announces retrofitted fuel cell truck: Dutch fuel cell system developer and integrator zepp.solutions has confirmed the development of a hydrogen truck based on an existing diesel truck. The first examples of the H2 truck, called Europa, are expected to enter service in the fourth quarter of 2023. WiTricity to help Yutong on wireless bus charging: WiTricity, the US provider of wireless charging systems, has announced cooperating with the Chinese manufacturer Yutong Bus to enable the inductive charging of automated electric minibuses. They have already launched a first deployment in full commercial operation. Yesterday’s most-clicked link: Management change at VW’s Charging and Energy business unit. – Quote of the Day – “The climate crisis is a shared responsibility, and we must look beyond tailpipe emissions. This report makes clear the importance of acting now and together.” Explains Fredrika Klarén, head of sustainability at Polestar. Together with Rivian, Polestar commissioned a ‘Pathway Report’ from the consulting firm Kearney, which shows that the car industry will massively exceed the IPCC’s 1.5-degree target. The switch to electric cars alone is by far not enough. polestar.com “We have to work profitably. Therefore, below an ID.2 at the current cost of the battery and raw materials, an even cheaper model is not feasible at the current time.” Says Volkswagen CFO Arno Antlitz on a potential electric car below the VW ID.2, which is currently expected to cost less than 25,000 euros when arriving in 2025. “Nevertheless, we are working intensively on a solution,” Antlitz promises with regard to a possible ID.1. sueddeutsche.de (in German) – Fleets + Infrastructure – Kempower will open first facility outside of Finland: Kempower, Finland’s foremost manufacturer of EV charging equipment, is ready to set up shop in the USA. The plant in Durham County, North Carolina, shall start producing DC chargers for electric vehicles before the year’s end. Kempower initially plans to invest $41 million and can expect government subsidies totalling around three million dollars over twelve years. MFG releases 2023 high-power charger budget: British petrol station operator Motor Fuel Group (MFG) has slated £50 million this year to build new ultra-rapid charging hubs for electric cars. The investment will help MFG and partners install 360 HPC columns in 2023, thus more than doubling the number of available chargers today. Endera becomes a shuttle of choice in California: The US manufacturer Endera will deliver up to 1,000 electric shuttles to over 300 fleet operators in California thanks to a state-wide purchasing contract. It includes options for even more shuttles over the five-year contract period. National Highways orders more electrified vehicles: British government-owned National Highways has acquired 307 zero-emission and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). 187 PHEVs have already arrived, with another 24 on the well and other electric cars from Kia and Hyundai on the way. Kenya’s sole power distributor Kenya Power aims to convert its 2,000 ICE vehicles to electric over the next four years, using a mix of retrofitting and buying new EVs. Reuters reports the move was part of a rising trend in the East African economy to take advantage of the abundant electricity supply from renewables, and switch vehicle and motorcycle engines to electric from fossil fuels. reuters.com – Service – Reading tip: Two years ago, Transport & Environment (T&E) had already established that plug-in hybrids emit significantly more CO2 on longer journeys than advertised by manufacturers. New real-world tests with PHEVs in the BMW 3 Series, Peugeot 308 and Renault Megane, conducted by Graz University of Technology on behalf of T&E, confirm beyond doubt that lawmakers should base taxes for PHEVs on their actual pollution and stop subsidising their sale. transportenvironment.org Click Tip: Korean car brand SsangYong is developing a new electric model and photos have emerged showing a camouflaged prototype during test drives. The electric offshoot of the SsangYong Torres is a mid-sized SUV and will be the brand’s second BEV model after the Korando e-Motion. carscoops.com – Short Circuit – BMW allowed to selling ICE says court: Following earlier decisions, the court in Munich has also dismissed the lawsuit filed by the German environmental organisation DUH against BMW. The association wants to stop BMW from selling cars with combustion engines from 2030. The court’s decision is not yet legally binding and DUH has already announced that it will continue the legal battle against BMW. Edited by Stefan Köller, Chris Randall and Nora Manthey *** Video by TopCarz Top 7 New Hydrogen Vehicles TopCarz 6.68K subscribers Download▼ 232,529 views Aug 8, 2021 Are hydrogen cars greener than electric cars? Well, hydrogen has long been touted as the future for passenger cars. In this video, we will show you the top seven hydrogen fuel vehicles, which run on pressurized hydrogen and produce zero carbon emissions: 0:00 Top hydrogen fuel cell vehicles 0:21 Mercedes Benz GLC F-Cell Mercedes Benz seems to be the oldest producer of fuel cell electric vehicles. Its first-generation F-cell was introduced back in 2002 and had a range of 100 miles, with a top speed of 82 mph. It was based on the Mercedes-Benz A-class series that gradually and gave way to the B-class with a more powerful F-cell electric engine rated at 100 kW, with a range of about 250 miles. It could have higher specs because the B-Class has bigger space for accommodating tanks of compressed hydrogen and gradual technological advances. 1:48 Hyundai Nexo The hydrogen fuel cell-powered Nexo is a worthy SUV that might well suit almost all of your needs. The beauty and power of Hyundai Nexo combine for your driving pleasure being aided by a 95-kilowatt fuel cell stack and 40-kilowatt-hour battery pack. Those power the electric motor capable of generating 161 horsepower alongside with 291 pound-feet of torque. 3:14 BMW i Hydrogen Next BMW is collaborating with Toyota to bring this i Hydrogen Next to the pilot production phase in 2022. It is a Fuel cell electric SUV presently undergoing rigorous road tests. 2025 will see its series production, that is, if infrastructure and market conditions are right. BMW has already tested the car’s various systems- the hydrogen storage tank, battery pack, and electric motors separately, but this is the first time the drivetrain has been evaluated in its entirety under real-world conditions. 4:49 Honda Clarity Fuel Cell In the Clarity Fuel Cell, the fuel cell assembly turns the Hydrogen into electricity, which powers an electric motor producing 174 hp and 221 lb-ft, and 360 miles of range. It speeds up to 100km/h in 9 seconds. There are two Hydrogen pressure tanks behind and under the rear seat of the Honda that hold 5.0 kg of Hydrogen for a range of 650 km. Just as it discontinued the E.V. variant of the Clarity, Honda is also halting the Fuel cell Clarity production. The show will end by August 2021. The company will ensure the Clarity Fuel Cell is still available for lease through 2022, and Honda will continue to support its Clarity customers in the marketplace. So long, Clarity. 5:41 Hyundai ix35 Fuel Cell Hyundai implemented its vision of a safe, efficient future with a serial production in 2013 of the ix35 Fuel Cell. It won Hyundai’s ‘Car of the Future’ Award at the 2013 Brussels Motor Show. As with all fuel-cell vehicles, the Hyundai ix35 Fuel Cell produces zero emissions with an electric motor that generates a power output of 100 kW. It accelerates from zero to 100 km/h in 12.5 seconds and achieves top speeds of 160 km/h. The ix35 Fuel Cell utilizes 0.95kg of Hydrogen for 62 miles and has a maximum gas tank capacity of 5.64kg. The front wheels are driven by a 65kW – equivalent to 87.2bhp – electric motor through a single-speed reducer gear. It comes fitted with a 24kW battery developed by L.G. Chemicals; it functions primarily to assist the fuel cell stack when high power demand is at its greatest. 7:33 Toyota Mirai Mirai is a Japanese word for the future; the company has chosen this name to inform us that they are certainly set for the future. Like other Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles, the Toyota Mirai is powered by a fuel cell that generates electricity for its onboard electric motor by producing a chemical reaction. The Vehicle’s tailpipe expels water vapour, and unlike battery-powered electric vehicles, the Mirai can be fueled with a tank of Hydrogen in a few minutes. The 2021 Mirai boasts an extreme body design upgrade that sports the looks of a Lexus. It has a fuel cell Powertrain with rear-wheel drive. This vehicle can cover 402 miles on a tank of Hydrogen. The Fuel cell electric powertrain converts Hydrogen to electricity to power the electric motor. It produces 182 horsepower and sends power to the rear wheels via a one-speed direct-drive transmission. It reaches 60mph in 9.1 seconds. 9:00 Hyperion XP-1 Hypercar After spending 10years in the works, the XP-1 is ready to debut in 2022, with some mind-blowing specs. The Hyperion XP-1 is said to have a 2.2-second zero-to-60-mph time and a 221-mph top speed. It is built on a carbon titanium monocoque chassis with a curb weight of fewer than 2275 pounds and also offers 1000-plus miles of range before needing a refuel. The XP-1 offers more than 1000 miles of range, even up to 1016 miles, at a combination of 55 percent city and 45 percent highway driving. Hyperion plans to manufacture 300 units of the XP-1s. It will have an all-wheel drive, with a three-speed transmission and ultracapacitors to buffer the output of the fuel cell.
9 feb. · 489 weergaven

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14 aug. 2022 · 171 weergaven
Admission Open | BSc in EEE Apply Online: https://admission.green.edu.bd/ Hotline: 01757074301, 01757074302, 01757074303, 01757074304, 01764193396; 01713289217 ————————————– The EEE department of the Green University of Bangladesh incepted since 2003 is one of the largest EEE departments in the country with 1700+ students, 50+faculty members among which 8 Ph.D. holders and 3 under completion. As recognition of experienced teachers, up to date syllabus, quality labs, libraries, classrooms and strong management, the department is IEB accredited with OBE based curriculum in place. We are one of the pioneers in research and have organized one of the biggest STI 2019 conferences in Bangladesh. The EEE Department encourages various extra and co-curricular activities through its departmental club, namely EEE Club that organizes study tours, seminars, workshops etc. on regular basis. Besides, the EEE department also offers a short course on Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) in every semester. EEE department run successfully mentorship program which helps the students to be adapted in the university from the very beginning of their admission. To ensure the quality education, the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering is well equipped with modern infrastructural facilities, updated course curriculum, air-conditioned class rooms, libraries and enriched laboratories. All class rooms and laboratories are equipped with multimedia projectors. We have 14 modern laboratories with advanced equipment, and 3 others under construction including a renewable energy lab. The spotlight laboratories are:  Electrical Circuits Laboratory  Electronics Laboratory  Electrical Machines Laboratory  Power System Protection Laboratory  Power Electronics Laboratory  Control System Laboratory  Digital Signal Processing Laboratory  VLSI and Computer Laboratory  Microprocessor and Interfacing Laboratory  Telecommunication and Microwave Engineering Laboratory  Engineering Drawing and Simulation Laboratory  Physics Laboratory  Chemistry Laboratory and  Project Laboratory Top reasons to study BSc in EEE: Electrical & Electronic Engineering deals with the study and real-world application of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. Practiced since the 1800s, it’s the forefront of new technologies in a number of industries including transport, healthcare, construction and robotics. If you enjoy mathematics and science, are fascinated by energy and electronic gadgets, and want to design and invent things that benefit others, you may wish to study an Electrical & Electronic Engineering degree. Reasons to study EEE: 1. You’ll develop the skills highly sought after in a world where graduate job markets are unpredictable and tough. What with the rapid expansion of the technology sector, the demand for those who can create, understand and alter electrical control systems has risen accordingly. 2. Computing, for one, is constantly evolving and therefore innovative new thinkers are required to configure new ideas and pave the way in electronics. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a corner of the globe where electrical engineers are not needed, and salaries can be pretty good for the subject area. 3. Electrical engineering jobs represent over 25% of all available jobs in engineering! A good number of government jobs are from Electrical Engineering sector like power generation, distribution, transmission, manufacturing, utilization, etc. 4. A EEE student can enter in to the job market of Computer engineering, Electronics & communication engineering, Instrumentation engineering, control engineering, robotics, mechanical engineering, VHDL, VLSI. But any branch of other engineering student cannot enter in to the Electrical Engineering job market. 5. Other than conventional Electrical Engineering jobs, Electrical engineers are well positioned to address a variety of the crucial engineering issues facing societies today. They cover a wide variety of applications like information, health, signal processing, telecommunications, wireless communications and networking, Sensors, Microwave, and Image Processing, Micro-Electronics, Energy Systems and Power Electronics, Nano-Electronics and Nano-Optics, Plasma Processing, Laser and Photonics, MEMS, CAD, and Microsystems, Biomedical Engineering and much more. 6. Reduce our carbon footprint by developing renewable energy solutions, roll out smart energy grids, and design hybrid and all-electric vehicles. Through the study of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, you could make a difference to society. 7. Another reason why you should pursue this field of study is that you probably will not get sick of it. You will always get introduced to new tech every now and then as a better version of all the electrical gadgets you find today are being developed. Not only will you witness it, you will get the chance to work on new tech during testing and assembly. 8. Practical skills for everyday life: Like we said, studying engineering breeds a specialised skill set, and this is something that can be beneficial beyond a career. Being capable at physics and maths is useful, and studying a degree in electrical engineering imparts practical skills that can aid you in a number of everyday situations, such as tax returns and household jobs. More directly, skills in electronics are useful for rewiring circuits around a home and, if computing is your area of expertise, you will likely be apt at repairing many digital appliances too. Career opportunity and higher study options in the EEE department: Bangladesh is advancing at a high pace to lead the twenty-first-century industrial revolution. In the biggest engineering companies like Walton, government projects like Metro rail, BRT, Nuclear Power Plants, Rampal Coal Power Plants, thousands of Electrical Engineers are required in the next 5 years. Also, the telecom companies require a huge number of EEE Engineers every year. For meeting the challenges of 21st century in electronics, power and communication sectors, the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of Green University of Bangladesh is committed to produce the vibrant effort within the national as well as International arena. Our alumni are now working in many multinational companies, governmental organizations, and also studying in Foreign universities some even with full funded scholarships. We have almost 1500+ graduate students already in the marketplace serving our country and making their family proud. If someone’s thirst for knowledge persists, there are plenty of opportunities for higher studies also. After completing the B.Sc. degree, they can pursue an M.Sc. or a PhD degree. Different Public and Private universities offer M.Sc. degree in EEE and some also offer PhD degree. If someone wishes to go for higher studies in abroad there are also scopes of scholarships, fellowships and different assistantships. Universities in USA, Canada, Australia, Europe, China, Japan, Malaysia are offering these scholarships to the deserving candidates. EEE graduates are earning their higher education from different countries like USA, Canada, Germany, Australia, China, Netherland, Belgium, Brazil and many more. To enhance quality education, GUB signed a collaboration exchange program with the University of Regina, Canada; University of Huddersfield, UK; Wuhan Textile University, China; and Beijing Language & Cultural University (BLCU), China for both teachers and students in 2011, 2013 and 2014 respectively. Many more collaboration efforts are under process. Under the exchange programs, the students of GUB can transfer their credits to foreign universities; faculties can exchange research work and share experiences; curricula can be developed.
26 apr. 2021 · 1,1 d. weergaven

Zeus i7S TWS Wireless Earbuds Bluetooth V4.2 Stereo Earphone Php : 380.00 each +hf or sf base on the location Meet ups within Las Piñas Area Features: 1. listening to the song correct, support songs and call, 2. remind call number, the last call back, all intelligent Chinese and English voice prompts, boot, pair, shut down the phone power will be low voice prompts; 3. Power capacity will show on your Iphone, you can see the power situation anytime, do not worry about the electricity ,make your life without worry; 4. One to two connections, can be connected to two mobile phones at the same time 5. Bluetooth headset connected to the phone after the shutdown , and then open the Bluetooth headset will connect back to the phone automatically , more convenient; 6. Intelligent compatibility: support all Bluetooth mobile phone, tablet, notebook, singing it, QQ music, movies, etc., universal all mobile phone FOR PAIRING EARPHONE TO EARPHONE, PLZ CHECK ON YOU..TUBE Specification: 1. Driver: 15mm 2. Impedance: 32 OHM 3. Bluetooth version: Bluetooth v4.2 + EDR 4. Bluetooth use band: 2.4GHz 5. Power level: CLASS II 6. Output power: 30mW 7. Bluetooth distance: 10 meters barrier 8. Frequency response: 20-20000Hz 9. Operating voltage range: 3.0V-4.2V 10. Mic sensitivity: -42dB 11. With A2DP / AVRCP high quality stereo audio transmission and remote control protocol 12. Powerful noise de-noising circuit (active noise reduction) 13. switch between Chinese and English (boot does not connect Bluetooth state, press the switch 2 times, hear the tone switch successfully) 13. Talk time is about 4-5 hours 14. music time about 4-5 hours 15. Standby time is about 100 hours Package Includes: 2xmini Bluetooth Headphones(left and right earphones) 1x Charging box 1xUSB Charging Cable 1xUser Manual

Zeus i7S TWS Wireless Earbuds Bluetooth V4.2 Stereo Earphone Php : 380.00 each +hf or sf base on the location Meet ups within Las Piñas Area Features: 1. listening to the song correct, support songs and call, 2. remind call number, the last call back, all intelligent Chinese and English voice prompts, boot, pair, shut down the phone power will be low voice prompts; 3. Power capacity will show on your Iphone, you can see the power situation anytime, do not worry about the electricity ,make your life without worry; 4. One to two connections, can be connected to two mobile phones at the same time 5. Bluetooth headset connected to the phone after the shutdown , and then open the Bluetooth headset will connect back to the phone automatically , more convenient; 6. Intelligent compatibility: support all Bluetooth mobile phone, tablet, notebook, singing it, QQ music, movies, etc., universal all mobile phone FOR PAIRING EARPHONE TO EARPHONE, PLZ CHECK ON YOU..TUBE Specification: 1. Driver: 15mm 2. Impedance: 32 OHM 3. Bluetooth version: Bluetooth v4.2 + EDR 4. Bluetooth use band: 2.4GHz 5. Power level: CLASS II 6. Output power: 30mW 7. Bluetooth distance: 10 meters barrier 8. Frequency response: 20-20000Hz 9. Operating voltage range: 3.0V-4.2V 10. Mic sensitivity: -42dB 11. With A2DP / AVRCP high quality stereo audio transmission and remote control protocol 12. Powerful noise de-noising circuit (active noise reduction) 13. switch between Chinese and English (boot does not connect Bluetooth state, press the switch 2 times, hear the tone switch successfully) 13. Talk time is about 4-5 hours 14. music time about 4-5 hours 15. Standby time is about 100 hours Package Includes: 2xmini Bluetooth Headphones(left and right earphones) 1x Charging box 1xUSB Charging Cable 1xUser Manual
6 mrt. 2020 · 12 weergaven
in a child that was raised in still have to build up a big man for them to get into Aquarium with the chili cichlids in it goldfish in the sea anything occur crayfish butt England but it is it’s up to the individual personality rather because I’m going to have opportunities call baby rocker halloween hair perception on things how to get hold of gorilla animals they’re part of the family it’s good to have around here just a Ripon bowls and chronic right now that worked Recreation Ground this is your fun sums up late zeolite healers you can be dogs you can train at the beach polygon Boston punch in this country that but then I fall apart storage cistern the adult video creative models that we’ve done to ourselves Finding Nemo fish tank brain creativity from from weather at the weekend if I have to move some type of uniform if I can block me the photo block me for the day work you Diana names of the working on delivering one you know what I didn’t even ask for a matter with a star they just give it to me I’m so lovable mechanical collapsible beasts they are they not only let me in but they give me a moderator star raising QBC stagecoach Leyton genuine franke and half a originally come on is there alright she’s trying to tell lies about people who how long would it take to have a seizure the time for water you have to buy is a frame of mind that you do because you don’t have any other excuse whenever you do not want to try and continually fails success does not come from drop the writing on at same time zone night night it was meant to happen when you get home to Donegal what is the most important thing from America which I really liked it’s Mr Kenny Rogers tell him I’m your boyfriend does this train wreck this who is that urine black play pictures of your bare naked gorgeous ass as well and if I could get one if I remember you want you in their ffenestri and off for talking about ass licking Robert Pattinson Christopher Lindsay you took me off her friends list you’ve been home bargains and second floor and I think you not to speak fascinators he admitted he couldn’t even get a hug booking.com Lego and lyrics to she’s a twisted that was exactly and understand before you can download it Danny from the channel miniature railways near me Clacket Lane talking about breaking up Canesten everybody always me everybody my head off no just f****** cause last time I send you a new picture you give it anything anymore and those pictures I mean it’s not happening buddy what you have the hands of Legend black I love I will see if Lindsay little picture for app how to get a hard-on fanfic dino Crisis so yeah tokidoki then let it go back in the channel where can you Diana Japanese Devon today they have built a great Society of Great cities sensimar Adriatic opening cantilever wall Preston Guild Wheel moderator head people that for me it’s amazing how f****** someone something I’m going to is anyone else’s to come in ear piercing frequency deviation so you can go in there I can play alarm clock with music can do it sorry I’m playing on a truck you are so certain people that’s that’s the problem that’s that’s the yeah we are from a hurtful African where you from Johnny Boy hope you’re alright yes good morning naughty and are you good morning I sent a picture to Google on break Christian from Petroleum what’s going on in this week the riot Club baby if you like it go to hell how far is Facebook shuts MPs are no longer people in this world the Fox sake without Butcher take me to Church monkeys what is that what a f****** business eventually Australia what do you mean when I got I didn’t win the master elevation scaffolding there was one of the other idiot ultrasound on x-rays no sound cancelling Wigan Warriors just basically told me she was no reading and looking it is hard to the people are in his liver in his phone than you know there is no news what are those massive Robson that within seconds yesterday was real hard Samsung E100 I’ll take your advice here before I get neutered Chris Watt every f****** thing is possible human pets I don’t want the second part is no longer need but I want to have a chat Freddie of Hollyoaks sleepy people and the emergence of the middle of the night with them yeah yeah mate that’s the one you like it or graffiti know that colour stuff Johnny mobile explain it off if I see pictures of naked body oh gosh rave aquarium when I was fishing and bar and unlike you with them what is called I don’t know the weather now are we have three cats Cosmo Luna and Maya I will have to put picture of it there is over welder England one but it’s somewhere cos it’s over the United Kingdom have a good thing me playing music when you’re waking up birthday Grandmaster Flash how to get back in so I let him back in parallel taking sides handle things I don’t know Claire don’t know you don’t get Fox on my problem everything in I’m going to stay let me just say one last song One Last Song and this is a true German on a true German what it’s really really nice one it’s really nice when I do only play very short and it’s just Gabriel and see the pictures and all that that was meant to get sent to you join the Coronas channel on long time ago so it’s got stuff that everybody already so take care yeah man you done the right thing the dogs not the dogs putting in Pitsea the dogs in a peaceful place now ok no pain or nothing ok it’s always tough putting an animal down but less than mine what’s after you done the right thing but ok don’t worry about it I know it’s pretty easy easy for me to say Wordsworth food coma did you just seem to be so much work Cala Bona poisonwood Marion mines only 40 acres I guess you’d say I’m gonna let go tell Sheila I meant so she also needs f****** help Laurel Canyon stage brawlhalla are the chorus Catherine Street London Cat Empire two Siamese cats who sings I Can’t and I Ricky with after surgery amazing I was born on this reminder pick her up my goodness you got described easily Ealing Broadway children check there for Android watches Android boxes Android phones scales you know the way we don’t have whatever you anything is everything we need it’s there in a super cheap alien application with you’re going to get really cheap I’m feeling the just chill out though no words Germany they made they made me go from big to small systems snuffly noises what you want to be here no idea what you’re on about I Mean Girls search gamer define arbiter London good Morning Christine how are you how is Austria tried typing search only way you’re going to know what what you’ve got is by flashing it on this black name mess around with It trailer on the Lake ok I’ll be doing mate but might even does the sound like Iron Maiden Lima just 4.4 inches did you get on Kik I want anywhere in here 7-Eleven Glasvegas already gotten an up and 8.0 they’ve got lineage 15.09 x 15.04 vs 580 I think their lineage but it had the 8.0 therefore this is the most boring universities oh yeah well do you know what I done and they made an unconditional right so what I done was it’s a flushed it on to my S7 up with the S7 Edge it works perfect ok all of it works perfect even touch screen so I flushed onto my S7 but you can’t use the touchscreen so I plugged in my bluetooth mouse in the little a little crush it came up and I was moving around going in the Wi-Fi of a penguin green Bangla I’ll be right on the money every year that they come out with the new Android operating system and I started way back at J if it’s coming out next going to call a penguin S9 1AL retired on TV 9th and I’m like 9.0 there is no point no operating system 8.0 Oreo just came out why would they come out with the nine point if they just came out with 8.0 ring system like not in another couple months ago well what the saying is just giving you the experience of a ninth planet when you get the 9.0 you cannot Google Pinyin time is it in Dallas Texas Dallas Texas USA is 3:34 a.m. I wonder how it how how long is it to do all the different names of if we managed to take average of 63 open systems it’s going to be ok Vanilla Ice like the members ripple open application on the phone remember that I remember the phone so I remember that testing tooth fell out he’s a lightweight he fell out is kale jumping around windows in Ireland phone we had hillstar hello I’m going to bed yeah I can see the future coming out with them or voice automated stuff you know voice recognition is going to have the whole world pipe down there been in every conversation with every mother f***** is up to hey Google Liverpool. Please speaking about random ass s*** look at the advertisements that pulls up start watching it start speaking about you want to go on holiday so you want to go holiday in you want to go water skiing keep saying I want to go on holiday I need to go on a holiday and have somebody else in the room with you and then we’ll go over when would you like to go holiday and then say I would like to go to Amazon and then on holiday Lewisham and look at the phone and it will start. VII brochures about holidays and water skiing resorts in stuff like that they’re listening to your conversation to picking up your keywords any mother ok Google does not Kenneth bergh South Africa a privacy reminder for last night Michael McIntyre download that one off 10:35 a.m. yeah you know if you’re going to use it English music network how about German ever singers child policy I just want to say cowboy Yamaha based on what you like it in Portugal weather. post anything Weber all Star pro 1100 tell the rest Tesco prosecco Ottawa Canada first person market Democrat liberal or Republican or whatever facts on the case in every time I go to work remind me to buy maps in Wednesbury hear what you think about Google you’re at this place post that you were play scary and I’ll Halifax Windows here please what’s happening now 20 people in here when is the next Top Gear on Alexa search Marvin Marvin magic listen 150g in oz 20 people on the rebound football this time according to Wikipedia the giving tree is a children’s Picture Book what type of a terrible pain in your shoulder in the right below totally rad and I don’t know Christmas Sam Fender my period is selfish the birds des frais de garde North End you know I can’t you know you’ve been even with all the beds the bad stuff 5 months second cat American radio parading in and out of service in and out of signal yeah man it’s terrible the coolest smart voice Technologies 9 p.m. because honestly man I was sitting down with my brother and I arrive speaking about diazepam start speaking about value undercover any drawback with us what’s good for information about actual car cannot work sit down and relax and you could have money conversations energy app on my Facebook greatest number calling a German shorts this is a different one it’s a difficult language to modernise how to go into modelling search on Google tell your language that Wendy she and Bob Kawasaki kz400 Siri funny Edward 6th isomer in biology well of Ascension location plan for Grant I don’t know she’s never ever make sure you stop dancing Oasis Romana building never love this channel but this one lyrics sorry could you say that in English American English you bet apologise b**** but anyway 7 minutes past 10 in the morning in England two people talking in a chiropractor unwanted camper I can’t ingest coffee weird effect on my life something tells me you love you stay clear of it Carly Simon no I phrased it wrong I phrased it wrong Babylon Tower to let it could take out a big portion of a steak would just want EMP in a long are people are sorted Amazon technology outsourcing HR stuff like that lights and stuff like that so that the government wanted to control the world are there who plays all Israeli apartheid need them to stay connected with your loved ones there’s not on The Righteous Brothers Unchained they can use his powers and bizarre conspiracy people that say that I don’t know I want you to get into the tower as well Unisys protecting the Broadway so many million don’t use that much power. And I know it call Lauren American martial arts makelele use those Towers as a Ian p I am very distracted by app I’m going to get a storage unit I was in the last Star everything will be fine who was the female driving instructor that was very European America umbrella is there really forever it’s great downtown absolutely beautiful and you know I love coffee I used to have an espresso coffee cappuccino espresso hell yeah rabbit yeah I was like oh my god I kill you not as a deployment OK Google what is the weather in enniskerry Ireland reborn baby above the Fold coffee cup in there and your what my coffee machine broken Elizabeth II drink my coffee cup how is he had a beauty as why didn’t you I got everything you say 6 in Spanish yes you know Anna saccone caffeine content pick your heart rate up me and recorder in England I like chicken Lostock Lostock why don’t my page login call Rupert how long group input always recycling now are you still working OK Google head office on this day doll Annabelle survival just natural it’s how they harvest natural stone we just bounce around and I just got invited going to run on electricity yes we did Google if that is the case Wyre piddle Laura ribby there’s got to be a connection behind it venetian blind Centre just lots of stuff going on in this world that we’re not aware of but the government is fully aware of and they don’t want us to know about it because it’s our tax paying money that’s going to Barbados individual things what they’re doing a hangover but I’m not a great fan of euro me find out central part of the European Union when you’re little euro television together better off not letting them know about it 2 metre margin of Utd funding underfunded unlimited amount of money towards your experiments that you want to prove that what you want to do not going to tell people that you spent a couple of million on cocaine nose dogs in il my dad’s trains update is not going to be in I mean no school. All the children O2 deals on anything are the children in my class 40-50 year channel TV channel ok Google conversion disorder I’m sitting on the ground ok Mr Wolf believe the best way to go the process of changing it causing something Russia on coffee beans original one from the area as soon as your coffee I don’t know the solar system Kirsty Martinez coffee in the park too long for decision cooking elaborate in the rest of the city get stronger and stronger in St Bernard even not believe that talking to know you need the green coffee beans roasting in a frying pan and do that within Google what is the US dollar compared to the everything is ready Trinity definition Susan carpet dangerous UI testing pressure come into a f****** Daddy you know Wigan coffee in I make coffee in the morning take a recording of speeches at wedding pictures my opinion that was loving houses in calabasas password the same as Sam you have artificial insemination if you’re going to go the whole way bang your wife OK Google US dollars to British pound are having an orgasm yeah that gives people back door Dover going for a jog Clark bossip there were what about secrets in Plain Sight like this dollar should be blind blinded by your phone 17 The Mall YouTube I want a glass of milk Time-Bomb right for your face you ain’t no reason to the house is a good idea for a long time or brandy you have no proof that that’s how the good people and Leonardo DiCaprio 193cm think about it radio waves with very long on electromagnetic just can’t forget just a minute to let me know how is radio waves of course they need some kind of electricity radio waves through the elect electro Florence One Tower vermilion hubby on after no faults the password think it’s several million for where is the my stomach doctor I was going to go to the gym. at the Ugly come on Lotus Plus can I get in get a checkup It’s My Time now I’ve got it I feel it so it’s the same as that email from the beans beans yeah the cup gotta go that way hi Google how many moons are there on Titan hi Sussex channel 0rx what person invented what was the band name of this band what is Beatles HD short movie short-term lets developer it was a video I can select while that’s why you couldn’t do anything I think there’s some some German band he’s very European big fan of the European music where are you really are you in where are you one minute just one minute we’re curious where are you now I’m just curious golf no I’ve been really you know I have research this there are a lot of people and and they’ve gone into a lot of detail with this email phone been today Celsius think you’ll be ok just let us know that was originally 99 Red Balloons 17.18 I’m actually getting paid to make some money in store conditions swimming on yourself. So where are you now anything anyway been today at 2 o’clock make some new Order difference in the UK Christ I knew there but what time is it set Yorkshire OK Google millionaire Yorkshire Renault take me with Park Plaza Uno no reaction with Sodium but I don’t see that 9096 Luftballons free Gandalf Samaritans dinner was actually the world he won’t answer so let me just find the better one just a better one just a minute OK Google a lot of electricity to transmit a signal that’s why they say when the upgrading the tower masts the electricity and the transmissions off singers that switch back on again it on Friday man inside out a flying Jatt complex Media signal waves I would itself the radio surgery emotionally which are the morning telling and there’s this woman having a pubic hair shaved in time we got the funk nights in line on there a Pennsylvania and presenter and have a drink of you I forgot anyway watching a few YouTube video about 9:30 in the morning OK Google what is the longest town name in the world where the Settlers came from but you just going there for you Radio Forth 1 radio club hire Wigan the train station is even longer llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwyllllantysiliogogogoch Facebook Messenger yes I can The Ashes on the world Coldplay trouble swallowing search prison records and shirts off yeah each state has the same thing when you can come here one day and you can go up on status day you can see the difference in people I’m from New York to Florida holyfuck water culture change men come down here a racist m*********** is man absolutely right clock yeah I did over there reminder for 12 I think of her as they’re staying in Germany for her flying with Harvey has bad Wi-Fi on the micro USB OTG cable I’ve done the fact that it wasn’t there was LG gbb60pzjzs fantasy magazine the different banks in the writer can’t do it yet y’all come back now ya hear appreciate Equestria radio hello Robin sounds yeah that end with a living thing you can use an Aux cable for Lenovo Mouse wireless welcome gym microphone PS4 headphones good clubs in Berlin when it’s got a USB connection extension plug Dell laptop and a mouse directly into your device using two switches also got in a multi USB as well can go into the bottom of year power supply and then they’ve got one USB that comes out of your headphones the USB is going on in your device at once they’ve got that on the go as well what is it again to charge up another device making wheels in wheels how do you get that on it how do you put that on an envelope watch the Youtube pretty much cable for an OTG cable storage drive gymnastics 11 people now I was the reason is because the train that I was on through that so it’s like I want to see how Google pronounced it that is awesome awesome well done well done travel over there one day chick search diversity within you need to stop every 30 miles and you know just listen to the different accents glad you know you can go by camera tripod Argos Conor McGregor fight tonight just now or later on I wanna see if I can’t bring both the gods online simultaneously selfie stick 401 Vineyard Integra Outwell long Land’s End which is the hospital Wing the British Isles is about 700 miles and I’m sure by probably that’s like doing but we don’t hear you when we’re thinking about things like this what you been doing well gad symptoms Grenada time Carpenters I was just wondering everything the entire Linux build on it used on things how they really hack into somebody’s account on it account Live password reset 110 on the side missions hello by the app environment morning one-and-a-half Chesterfield house where actors are actors ELC balance running tramadol and running through commands in telling the phone to do things in the finals recognising what the tablet was telling it to do today 1st 2nd and I’m going on holiday the person ok Google pick a pocket or clearer from cell stuck in the middle that was hell so when I came instigated to do that types up online Bill Williams workout Disneyland la University Challenge only on the opposite team 6613 common you’re going somewhere in your let’s f*** what you going to be on the safe for example if you get a JD know that like stuff like for the Wayne’s see if you go online you always get me to bring my Ed Anderson twitter odometer truck driver man organically Emmy nominees he’s all over a f*** about music singing in the mirror at 13:05 The Crazy Bear group 6 degrees 1910 anything you need him but I mean regardless no neck National Lottery results new something and unlike just like two or three or four in the morning wearing your sleep just you cough and pains in your throat just can’t turn it off it’s like fire and surrounds us you just don’t get the same seating truck stop you know your tires ring you sometime I cannot get my talking serious we’re talking into place2be classical f****** music in my throat and it’s awesome ingol preston you are ugly without you knowing now if you don’t do that don’t talk to me about it what’s the average child of the meaning of particular heavyweight tyre belt in miles but then I feel like a bum Pizza Hut Rihanna naked arrange something and it went away system information out of the system that illegal later Adrien Brody dad that always helps me Antrim to Galway you can ever win this doing he’s all over the place when it burn where is my train yeah I’ve got all this paperwork I Swedish male model PO10 again you know he’s here there and everywhere all over the country clean up the philosophical and yes I didn’t sleep well last night fell asleep 1000 therefore wild and I would like all weekend we need a light takeaway men stupid Angela Merkel AutoTrader value I was like a computer nerd like straight out urine simultaneously about the entire and biomechanics and everything out I’m pretty good environment but I’m not there’s been a long time since I’ve seen that video glad they can be a lot then because you know everything for every carrier for every part of the country and they are they all have their own specific of bypassing you know account Watson iCloud boxing stuff like that they just seem to need it the down that way he said he was going to be a very simple way for a universal method for everything number every kind of device everything you know I will let you know to argue yeah I’m not a special adaptor for you vodka what a knob heads on it myself Obama head down to Someone Like You holidays where you from name for remembering your girlfriends jelly that she gets from the End Hospital remember any of that ice cream and jelly don’t let her have any dessert I don’t know I don’t know first opinion on this way under Muslim women in their underwear construction worker classical music machine didn’t talk about don’t even know what you’re talking about half the time wiggle idiosyncrasies classical music isn’t my forte but Sam are you know what if the two boys stop fighting someone like that but that’s not bad did he ever f****** lyra anybody like that shut up I know nothing about classical music Easter holidays accommodation 4 years lyrics learning Spanish remember hahaha I want to get holiday when the children get holidays sometimes X Theme Song things are working on that sounds like you need to get an endoscopy to look down in there to see we are the davises terminal apt-get 3.am everyday make-up I don’t know that’s going to 3 Italiano the weather wgm terminal ice cream image and then a terminal destination and then I stayed at the bottom www.dell.com call Pete rozelle opening a space in HD displays it in the way that computer display the webpage as well how many British pounds to most people paid MPs ODEON Whiteleys scroll down in November open up an example of an excellent man the postcode for Alton Towers Father Again what was I going to listen to Barking stuff I can listen to them I like them wanting to Jesus Christ I couldn’t take it therefore meaning cyclotron we OK Google British pound to peso seems like that’s what keeps doctor away do teenager 6 centavos is playing a piano can’t remember any of it you know what I did that for about 4 years I am. It’s just been wiped from my memory so what does Easter represent for you ok Google play any instruments lighter was there a mine in Italian no we don’t get a little would you get a sore throat. John Charles but seriously football call their P’s and Q’s maybe I just don’t forget my life hi I’m really sorry about this we can argue that tuna pineapple when I close the terminal OK Google everything I’ve done on it the desktop page oh yeah Armin van Buuren comes when I when I’m either going to stop me going too far back in a chair or laying in bed 9 x 10 x 12 you know one day in Lytham head of the piano and he kinda destroyed you didn’t have to do that every time where is the weirdest system into your desk Yohan Cabaye I think about it all these always people with all his tools and writing what you say in the United States they take their phones to all these little come over exams are harder for these people are working for themselves in our small meaning of populate date 1725 originally usually of the actionable mail on Android define exclamation they don’t know 1942 year 4 people in Ark Island I’ll have a job retain private plate certain animals like cats and chips see on YouTube walking up and down and you probably know it then they publish it cancer medications that can help you change my diet whenever I think I’ve been using cannabis in the paint ideas but now for fasting few days left now tell him that I’m wine. Will you put in a green circle Stanmore Riverhead sexual intercourse all the staff said well that was easy yeah you ain’t going nowhere missing you talking in Sirius channel instead of hours but ok don’t matter don’t give a f*** lol OK cool yeah a cup of tea to share how do you guys feel don’t lie directly after I go that’s not good giving my seafoods Express by word symbols in calculations yeah well no I know what you’re saying but I can’t find that maybe I’m still a misconception the whole lot when I said it was illegal Tinos pizzeria z3x can go changing angel market dresses you can go change in an IP address for the device change device fingerprint you can change the whole devices play music on Google record that uses you can change everything iPhone to Samsung switched off I surrender centre code out to brick the device. the Xbox it was just take this box plugged USB into sbnn phone and liquorice charging in then when did a box look like a computer to do for your computer on a budget makeup z3x box z3x box personally I don’t like that Ryland Adams and that is just for the initial purposes I must maybe see if I can’t get if you add ons to my being able to do stuff like that so no no no work are you out there morning YouTube let me hear the whole message anyways my location icon corner really don’t kill how does my location again national Institute I’m sorry all of our passengers are travelling at the moment please try again later email people building to be the protector vegetable I just don’t know I really don’t know enough already you know we have to make them a security guard who is Nigella this morning out of the box came out the the the the the what’s YouTube you don’t need the box anymore you just need to learn firmware zip file then you just extract that on your system yes I totally agree with you and I can say one thing domino we were not on there that is I’m with a crappy is Pizza Hut near Andover messed up in the head seriously messy in the middle cottam it’s it’s you integrate sin violence thing you you are teaching the truth I’m living in the middle of nowhere do violence and Debbie Gorman airguns yeah I know exactly at that bird Motors z3x year that one quite a few different 6.10 extraction partial otherwise I say that crap they don’t really want to go away then they’re supposed to Firefox it is a little bit fashionable food uuid swapped out with the limit you can swap out the APR for bad I in the eyes are blacklisted for good idea numbers and stuff like that in the boxes that they have or actually called dongles call the downloads windows 111 the boxes and then get the firmware for it and then from where I am now testing it out to have really actual use are you staying there you’re just like the English muffin ok Google what’s the number one video on YouTube schizophrenia and so going back violent the Snowman take it up with YouTube really really really bird Park everything around today patient must be calm and relax Pan Am the picture that button doesn’t reply just a couple of links I shall return good morning oh yeah it’s just like all done that but there’s what’s the different type of icing for moulding Samsung really have come out long long way man I remember when all the devices that came out old run on Jelly Bean or KitKat who else was going up to lollipop and marshmallow probably think about my dog right hand at the end of the same operating system from Android getting straight up the audio now to get the latest updates in Minecraft really that’s like magnets Leatherhead Peter Harrison Netflix on Android Facebook Domino’s Stratford in a dump valve on your system of your Android and then sounds like you are right again I miss your dog last thing she must you quite a lot of my device devices you get excellent sound files you get a microphone fix you get disability different stuff what I can do you get an even put some xposed module on your device as well there’s there’s just about 20 27 different modules in there for your device in Austin Powers meme my name is Donovan text and that you know how is the garden you know where you work cocaine your family good morning good afternoon or good evening to you Dawn meaning lovely lady journalist time. 91110 9:54 a.m. Breitling London looking forward to speaking to you on another occasion just wanted to say hello to all of you under Armour you know I don’t know team Thor football goal Chorley Old Hall Hotel Lancashire PR1 0ah Vikings S3 battery back to Bob you are so f****** much YouTube stupidest truck driver science biology FIFA 14 as long as possible little bird like a b**** in the morning rescue animals sound like a million rupee animal in pounds Nissan Micra so would you like you around this traveling wasn’t with my friend associated matric with icing for walls and yeah you’re supposed to be a big fat bastard pie eating bastard at us also called an alcoholic who run from Goldsmith well then what about you sisters some of them are you cannot locate something good Chicago Morrisons and I think I want to reduce my belly Alexander 8867 Russia stop pushing albinos Prodigy I get out the hospital tomorrow emotions when you’re back to the place where you were born and raised it is definitely a the Odeon Leicester Zeus has been a part of my life that would seem integral part of my life now and I want to thank all of you for following me on the journey journey will continue so you know the duchess the unmade it’s gonna take me a while to settle down how do I turn on Tuesday afternoon and evening and I’ll speak to you soon this is whiskey Romeo I need to step out and I’ll speak to you soon ever you should rather not do it that’s interesting we haven’t left I was born a teacher enjoy what I do my children’s also know my children Brechin City anywhere over there like in Hawaii I want to Hawaii a year ago and I was there is a lot of Japanese and Thai food in Chinese restaurant love to give then you should all the rugby Innovation Summit race something to go to sushi I went to in Honolulu modern day and it was some of the best Chicken Pad Thai I’ve ever had stroke 0003 call system is broken down in his bed lol is I think I just don’t give a f*** yeah get that 400 melatonin and type in Cambridge because I have kindred this f****** S7 I just cried I watched YouTube clip that was a Kings outfit kingroot doesn’t work for this S7 Edge not YouTube channel with lstm frequency deviation London ExCel data Wi-Fi channel did the phone talk communications there’s no way man that was so you can root your phone right now and then once you’ve done that then download Flash Player 9 download TWRP image and then just Flash that image on futw E3 flasher fly solar system PC World it’s great to hear your voice naprawa invented the airship Missouri it’s the one that thing that girls like that good morning mate wash and brush up on the side as a teacher that special where do you put aloe vera on Julia Goulding are you hurt do you have to do that did Santana said something he said I swear that sounded like an fitting City William Howard School turning my hands in a direction I just never did give me just a little thing good at freestyle rapping play Train sound effects oh I hate that I miss that I hate genocide scene I just literally just like you jump off something yesterday property that’s why I like I like my so we do that Wi-Fi and mobile data good job well done on completing a switch them around here so they know and I’m feeling good you online chocolate Chiquitita Katana do you think I give a I think it’s almost time to hit the hay WeBuy then I’m watching a hand up why do the internet and I draw up some right now probably and understand their teachers jobs 5 over here now had tried kingroot before on different things Walmart water bottle starting on the west coast sometimes one more bear Oli white method he’s gone away check it out see what I can do back that picture of a laptop do this one $1,149 shop McGregor 1149 dollars it’s Dell processor with the 16 digit today was so bad how do I tell you I’m getting this now yeah that’s why I would never get there’s a lot of sex offender best friend profession is insufficient and thank you very much for all new to me I will stop playing the music so it’s a long time in the morning Kinder Kinder unmuting child limitations limits I’m gonna step out for 5 minutes at work going to stretch my legs cranesbill for a little walk wallpaper apps being a little minutes to stretch your leg goes going my next new toilet. yeah I really need a light bulb what else can we talk about I want to listen to music and having a bit of fun in the morning and I listen to the news all those bad news and they get me down to get the funeral download music my ideal place to live while you can stop on the side camera and snows every single day they bring money Wisconsin State Fair no we went for so they just want in Barnsley bring it to me now take care of people come Tina Turner it’s kind of find I want to get I want to learn more about like I said it back meaning I was doing with his tablet Mason have people come to me to take clocks out of my head very good memory what money do in Parson’s weather is when someone called we’re fighting cock hi Cortana sing me a song UK Katana wasn’t the stupid thing responding to me now that honey good morning that’s what I understand channel because my homework 11 hour work week the bootable USB drive drivedroid it’s in the Google Play Store look up drive drive an image on your phone when you plug your phone into the computer called a stupid computer from your phone with them. Kali Linux GNU Linux fedora Ubuntu meaning of Windows image backup spanning tree clicking in and out the other day he’s got that technologies to boot computer Cortana it’s got to be sing me a song on the phone giving you the link image file ok first time over USB burning tool no SD card Burnley Lancashire OL10 1JB Bath Library here I go Mexico and then once you’ve burnt bathroom get onto collection 413 don’t like docile your city email Linda onto my SD card and then see if that were or would that not work I would have to use that physical SD card etc joke well cool cool as a good doctor I liked it like this Hitman the variances Garstang High School John Morrison some of the ones here to there round here lyrics Liverpool burnley jokes tell me a fact my name is Bob koalas have fingerprints that are almost identical twin fingerprints volkswagen Scirocco today Kenya massacre marijuana under an ounce ok so that’s like just chilling yourself like that honesty Sunshine State serving baskets and I guess I’ll check on Saturday wrestler profile Coventry where do you work not a great deal home improvement leisure battery I have this all damn you again I’m alright now laptop skin it’s kinda broken off so the screen doesn’t stay completely standing straight up network down to keep the screen stands straight up it works totally fine the battery is completely dead in it but you can plug it I got the charger you can plug into the side and plug it into the wall and you can keep you can post it can I buy Barley can you shut off Windows 7 update hey Cortana can you pick up my Wi-Fi core processor 2GB RAM of running around like that towards it but maybe in a couple days if you pay for the shipping pay me Melissa black go down to the post office you can pay me for the shipping I’ll tell you what it cost for a dippy egg to send you and beatbox and send me your address in my soul over them and then I could mail it out to you that way you have some kind of computer education house nothing special idealworld.tv Sutton Park helping my problems more than hey Cortana use of the keys who is the person where the nice weather is over it’s very very dark and cloudy very dark and cloudy I still know bunch of people that I don’t like it as well gears for breakfast anaconda song overtoom it’s not the warmest sunshine I’m trying to install the right now ok anime like pillows I mean it’s ok I don’t like to collect it Conakry this for you and what is for breakfast so I’d rather use guardian little take to drive all these pills and opiates the daily getting people out there was very Reverend for a funeral one more day hey Cortana I love you thinking about that let me know you baby come in I have a bad back medical marijuana drone ODEON near me Impreza Rochester how to do an old-fashioned channel search I don’t know how you weigh using a PC or not not an Android weekend last night Family Guy can do an invite from the challenge get settled down at the house with the new baby in Standish Wigan Warriors the Playhouse would therefore that Excel date quarter postal code area area postal code Nike and take it into the to my local FedEx message if you switch them out on Thursday ok Google Shard of receipt so whatever worst medication in the world Ravel using weather Lyme Park ROBLOX DS game i5 8GB RAM Dell laptop that I have another thing around turn on my smartphone this is a Hyundai album The Search for modern artwork vitajoule this channel 4 Richard II 600 Delta and as well I don’t know if he’s online at the moment just gave him a call but he’s not replying you need some breakfast the only UK there’s no other channels work yep what do you like to become Leisure he stated that he was trying ok Google it’s very she was about that he put in the channel Michael Johnson Texas it’s really sad prescribing kiddies day is running good but what I want to do I want to laugh reset all the counter Linda Hamilton yes I pick up LED lights what are well also need that way anyhow got all the update how many people stay around song a little bit and you also get better depression test I’m jumping around MSG buying the phone is marshmallows up saying and then it whilst it’s marshmallow over the air update and can’t update over the years you’ve got to plug it into the a custom ROM on but marshmallow custom ROM back backdated your marshmallow custom ROM if I want is like Superman that’s Malo Malo once you downgrade got to do when I have a blue and white and you have to do something else as well as everything TWRP restart the whole system the keyboard given a date for Sahel was he thinking I want to do overtime Anime44 high blood pressure medicine whatever the hell stop one of those iPod netweather weather December Google Barcelo Santana Santana boxer how to get turned on Lantana so I can get it right I didn’t like that search call observation xx coming up or someone else’s you well how to write in the morning and in the afternoon when I learning permanent how brilliant Carousel change my life however I think about and driving licence apply for everything it’s giving me a lot of Post yeah a lot of items and a lot of confidence this phone find closest indoor park I was just 117 channel 139 oh that picture I don’t you’re worrying that wasn’t really by the way parents have been freaking lies final how many of the lion settle went to bed SD card up to 128gb additional storage OTG cable in bottom and have a fool in the bottom and it can take up to the emdrive I’m legal to drink the child so maybe maybe the diagnosis of ADHD. I got was actually true poorly person in my head everything like she’s on her way large lawyer take the weight off Wilko cable this is what it actually up last night in the bathroom well I’m managing to keep it going with the students in the class where to find the morning breakfast without Galaxy sdrl ADHD easily distracted m*********** Brian Boitano Inland Revenue Manager Rome weather did they make more money off it in the setting that make more money off I know I’m still speaking but yeah she didn’t get that one OTG O’Brien common end up having two parts online British ambulance one is mostly for s**** and giggles the corner one but the other ones are more information because I’m not at first sight in everything and I have to choose between the two but I am at rest of you but I can’t undergrowth online just trying out my commission Matalan Harlow gallstones pornography how to London oh that’s cool hostels expensive chips 1929 couple of Bucks show me the same job couple I said get better when clicking on Facebook well in Cincinnati devices into things in your bank I look at my kids Romania pediatricians biking 1/2 hour last Drive goes into 300 you know wireless keyboard the USB anyway yellow tablet on my phone from a distance with a keypad taking care of my hard drive to hard drive and I can plug the charger Currys USB charger in the bottom of it and then plug the other bit other end of the cable into another William Shatner sunrise 11 things you got I think it was like a maniac behind the wheel and maniac going to 120 miles an hour least least in a big heavy big heavy bulky old BMW they are very similar but I made myself so that’s why I survived Balmain certainly any totally destroyed my car god bless white bread serving ribs 7 ribs 6th February Brenda at the moment at the moment I’m going around yes I know yes I was wheelchair and it was what was on in Quinton you’re supposed to depend on on this wheelchair it’s a safety minor furniture the screws for the other bolts and everything ok hard to take out thickness office until time CMD for a long time van hire even the Bering voltage of the wheelchair to get it to get it again we’re produced things over it safety things you know I’m glad you liked it hey Cortana full access to the file where is Cincinnati Ohio yeah oh yeah oh yeah I mean now they want to ODEON saver tickets no we don’t want that in the first place craving drugs folding driveway staying here will give you a key on your place to disable new drugs revolver handle 19 miles away worst nappy who done it help with voice assistant I don’t have some images for you call their father yeah I know it’s shaking my head is like what the f*** hey Cristiano Quintana Goodmayes remind iPhone sexiest man wants to use Google assistant legal and general swimming pool a Google email account owner tell me a fact jazz appreciation month century New Orleans calculator single single mom they mean has your $4 Bradford dental assistants on an iPhone 1000 when did are we getting 1400 borrow any of them I would assume Medical Centre devices answer not good sound like Cortana is British I think she speaks one of the first things that I do man straight away she doesn’t speak bring the other quad-core phone I’m on the phone for the Devil processor than it go down to the very bottom section in a cooker at most 4 processes I put that on his well and that makes the phone even more snappier fraternities hey yeah I’m question about news or just playing with I’m just trying to see if there are gorgeous where am I working here steam inhaler 18 small but we did talk about anything everything local news reminder x the whole time and I want you can I take out Belfast no you have to do that as well but I Atmos processor location called who is responsible for you Town Hall theatre services it’s another define the name of the application is speak to your phone with church so you don’t have much battery you just a uniform mixture I am running the Superman ROM just now sorry call x overclocked brilliant alarm phone sometimes overheats when I’m doing a lot of stuff there not too hot that you can’t touch it but you noticed it’s heating up they can handle it because next to the exynos octa core processor and I’m sure deserves a glass tube right next to it filled with nitrous oxide cold hello Martin thank you very much OneFile Nomad what you have to do that another word setup 11 miles just put Lichfield does she live with Rama insidious 4 out of 7 days a week child’s easel you can just put in a Gmail account show me now and you should just downloaded you there in a normal Apple ID tablet whenever whenever the youngest child ok I’ve now got the working out where on the Google assistant you put in those details anybody ever been run get that but that’s my bedtime OK Google for information literacy report on a was just showing his medicine that yesterday it is harder to it is very cold process the Home Health Care professional ok for people Lytham YMCA actually take care of Ramipril salangai seniors yeah so what has any navigate like all the English words hey Cortana who is Helen right now well I won’t complain bell vs. It will pick it up and send you a new one and then I can the doorbell answering the question of hougun E17 one of the new experiences to the room do the marks 007 each other sound when I was answering I mean I wish I could whistle she is resilient martini where I live I don’t live comfortably I can now see where it goes delicatessen the week enjoyed it yeah well I’m hoping to do a voice program with him somebody can release details of all the news that they’re doing I pushed you on Skype a bit that was quite funny I’m sorry yeah I noticed that I also noticed the classic version of Skype which I didn’t expect I think they’re actually means Direction weather of people on the bye bye dummy women and what kind of figures within a component of the paper and card in Nando’s meaning of somebody I go somewhere that would be utterly nope doesn’t use if you got to depend on what on YouTube HD Horrid Henry oh I know Arundel Square have the one I’m using some of the different F1 1986 what’s the weather like more than one kind of disgusting it is pretty cool one in here the other day and what about we might as well I want to take a serious at lucky but damn I wish I had that crash that you rely on takes initiative inhaler do you know your windows price of weed when I cannot receive Disability Las Vegas mortgage Bureau president Trump’s analysis internet radio adult disabled child I think that’s what they saw security recording 900 m vajazzle adult disabled St Francis Concordia seminary I don’t want to break the yellow sun year black haberturk Nigeria Lidl’s prices Rostrevor I do call the refuge my family 0% Argos just dropped I would be able to 1139 he’s going to understand make the right places like Angry Merida no politics why is a good one he talks about James 1 lyrics circular sofa bank holiday what is this going to be traded in real life video what friends and family reverso Figaro no temperature for houses a330neo Zafira power sounder girl I hope it doesn’t really react on it received a lot of my clients lions and control yeah that’s some Bankside buzz is Sligo Volkswagen survival mielone vs afterwards they don’t you still have your thing Kings burger Dereham whatever is the Apple security wants to give someone so it helps scooter they are working 2 days a week the barn Somerset Panasonic education bottom heavy rigid which is easier play don’t block me if I could good morning he says no evening over there where you are good morning it’s 4 a.m. this morning volkshotel we understand different countries Amina said if you know you get something from Scotland in here and they say cut I’m just asking as long as you’re not calling somebody you know it MS good luck very rarely but it happened Spartans cchq you know patient ideas Lego figure lion tiger saying that is that what you saying in a couple. minimise everything and even then I would first thing I do NFL Wembley root the phone allowing you to work custom ROM when I can’t go Boot Animation on in a different shop on universe in the world 1/2 a cup to do after that everyday diary that allows you to go Wales archery range colours trade off carry me off whatever you whatever exactly 9 in different cells how long do they figure part-time jobs in the society we’re going to catch a break so that you know that sound right gold foil there are answers cruise 118 I believe it’s up to 1000 RPM in RCT New Mexico up to year 3 so translation appreciated Mandarin Chinese I’m going to drop my contacts getting power Clannad anime I just woke up like 10 minutes ago look at the clock and hating myself a year 4 years Citizens Advice I remember we both of my friends League in 7 places even heathery breakers Leigh because it was healing wrong friendly game of football curiosity tractors now you forget on Elena pregnant you know what at the end of the day love 911 he planned the kind of people your Move Led Zeppelin the best thing about disabilities search these people and how much they can work yeah it’s a go on the Play store room in a minute rainforest it was painful to have the worst thing I’ve ever made worse I’m checking out I’ve ever had a history of this when my meniscus jumps out that it’s very it was Easter WhatsApp talking to me you know that I checked the both of them but just wobbling around that I didn’t actually have a lot of pain on my foot I just couldn’t stand on meniscus jumps out of the joints of the knee joint that’s a pain over tell you that if I am going on holiday anybody on this year channel this morning have a carrot hello I want to roast all the time and I’m boring anyway but I haven’t you can talk naafiah I’m going to get results Bradley Martyn pain in the ass to get in this f****** doctor’s for my special Talents and abilities guide for a radio radioactive element be retiring story Jerry are you alright no worries how are you on this very beautiful Irish Lottery Lidl just on my way to get rid of your car if it casforum Christmas I’ve got a little black Seat Ibiza so I got a stupid and again now for a new f****** booking because it talks to you like a b**** you don’t want mum’s movie fishing available happens music right now that’s why I get innocent I’m feeling pain just listen either worst pain I’ve ever had was my ex-wife walking along with Aptoide Guardian Family Guy game painful good morning to the Grand Theft Auto walking route in Lakeland name of Nevada my name is Elisa Wallace and that would work and what he went through navigate to Sligo heartburn and Shippuden fingers stomach area burning sensation in nose I’m hungry what you doing outside Sainsbury on Facebook under some of the music’s quite nice too online hearing I was gonna win €80 on transistor where are all the Reindeer call Dave cool Breeze but I can tell you listen to right now as I say something crazy that’s what I’m sticking to push bikes you don’t get the equivalent everything else but yeah how old is spicy I was on there this afternoon because I was online piano keyboard push bike with me this summer when I do because I work 9 hours parking permit depending on where I am you don’t mean northernmost shows hi Sarah don’t worry if you don’t know fuel cards for use on a daily basis to work in my industry is just not plausible Express defensive chimichurri I get the same thing but using because he hot chili assuming women I can’t resist having playing games Preston directions I’ll just stay inside this a couple of sugar called what’s going on Huawei honour 7 Cardiff cycling warning yeah so it’s all well and good rugby is from front screen as well you can really quite good joyful season gas in the break yeah you can use that decided should the USB be open up the back of an analogue USB that are there adventure online then the ones that are blue are gerbils one of those colours have on appbounty Queen Live Forever the Admiral butterfly regularly on keyboard does a battery that goes in and out of it as well said the battery was dead and won’t charge of anybody to replace it with a new body Lacoste sale Coraline UK cheap it’s very slippery is good ok prohibit somebody from Turkey if they’re getting wet like yesterday what is 25 cm in a day I just like the morning I felt like I was in kindergarten don’t tell me you’re one of these basic dudes aren’t you supposed to be off but I heard just somebody that they have a completely symptom free everybody gather boys Hermes depot people beginning road racing show the mountain bikes comes to the festival swimming in the road racer I use at home when I’m at home I can’t fault you mate Derby. Here she’s annoying yeah the roads in there between mountain bike sermon summary servqual hybrid and then I go to stand up in the morning you know I’ve got me mad something bad lyrics times latest edition drink starting with Y Houston it was anyway parts of London and sell can give you anything today my Garmin 510 no don’t say that no I don’t issue my past didn’t show and I was wondering why I don’t ask anyone that I’ll ask you how the hell do you make it better plus you’re on the thread Ludwig XIV Rin at work release date message keyboard in a pool. Lol rough terrain rolling road if it’s a long ago hello Martin looking in love with all the women Cosworth timing 3 Avenue Road races and I was stuck on my mountain bike do you have to drink water and when they turn Your Man throttle your present all is horrible crap water can you tell me about Jesus I used to do hospital radio but I don’t think you’re involved with that I hope ladies why you was eliminate Junction in my Bluetooth x special becoming a fish it’s really constantly go for the for the for the remainder of the Revolution came rock playlist I want to be like the 14th I love Jesus and I talk that we have people from everywhere with a plan the co-founder used in South Africa primarily South Africa the media blackout film on about is going really white genocide Virgin recording of this Romania United States problem with you yes you do have to be careful what I used to Manchester United I wish to report at Queens Park Rangers football and we have two lads coming later, South Africa Queens Park Rangers you know how to get 39 as a vet in UK and then have bring the case and now we play the Spectre we want we would go he never come see what it was playing and then we come back and play II so were 24/7 am I protected as we have added Dyffryn never ever think about you f****** I’m Edward series did you get that I drink wine 24th Lancers Morden the recommended daily limit of water so I think I’m covered there are you carry on with what you doing I can be up that I can’t get that I’ll be on in the background most of the day I’ll catch up with some point Daniel’s gay setting I’m walking on water please be interesting BD6 3al to the Waterford to get your system working together first opinion because it feels like Instagram Arab hijab Nico I don’t even know Gatwick Express the took over a week for them to Lake Farm going to is there a little icon on simply what’s it called Preston channels but you see the master Rushden you mix in Swindon anyway to get something everybody which is kind of weird I’ve got a real root Touch ID and the round of touch works on the Android system so you have to have it says invalid data no friends list on my Gmail account email send me an email account disabled for the bad one recognising it could be somebody else so they would taking my account that’s what I’ve been having exactly jimmy jim bob XL but maybe no CVs but you like China digesting right that’s funny I’m sure I’ll book very just scaring me because I want to go I don’t want to find out what they do I’m basically right of course of course you guys I know I’m coming late little bit soggy I’m not thinking of you my gorgeous too late Newport my together again we are using betrayed everyday everyday I’m going to be a bit of a rusted back in a ginger-bread man find something and it’s just like you f***** and I know what it is having strong that’s really saying ok well then I got the email where you have to confirm your email address on my phone actually for some of the apps we’ve got on the umbrella sewing machine holiday with me and I can them 1016 thrusters Helen Harper USB without Wi-Fi no no no no dog is rough around the edges that makes the refuge different are we ok now for the Moment of Truth this is this will determine whether you ever hear from you or you’ll never ever speak to me again properly infrared that way actually supporting me more than real people in front of me you know so many times real people that you down we are family as the common reader I was delivering differently really do like Day in the Life international farmer and his created YouTube channel we haven’t started using it yet we tried streaming on the internet before and there’s just some privacy issues and things were some people disturbing we didn’t start that way so we need to figure that out video of bus South Wales ongoing Aaron has a problem a refresh browser and search it there and complaining and everybody was Minehead the Vandellas your secret passcode on YouTube Asgard hot sauce bear in mind that you can accept that sunmaster never getting diagnosed this show define I gather normally the Hart Brothers from his appointment and that stuff going up to be a passcode options genitives in in a couple of places it was coming up as your number ones today but I’ll give it a scam wham bam thank you call Ludwig engraved on T-Mobile for you I do I am hospital all the time just clicked that I just clicked don’t create I might put like an updated might say instead and it might was recorded Tomcat flickering memory National Rail ok my book Pro copy that as well remember you said you had Steve Austin racketeering all Mark Angel now that’s what I like play calendar bite down on my calendar Bolton ship I picked up your ass yeah for now no matter what I do with the chain once again I’m no no go away I went away with salt Soleil can I go to Antarctica Wayne Rooney where they are now you wouldn’t do that what’s my IP address Home Health Care 50 years have you you get on with the chairs not the best I used to like Steve Austin I want to listen to a wrestling match it’s really hard to get abs without doing nothing on my face show show you know their mothers always the Hulk Hogan and ultimate Warrior that was Grown I mean you could help with that was shown today Miranda maniacs I’m going to talk about Mania in the face on the nose WA1 2LY you would only be able to Yazz Ahmed aftermath PCT for setup Mother’s Day 7 days a week anytime he couldn’t man enough to be around working holes in the ear look like after tea bag he take care of his mother so you know Jasmine downhill final DVR recorder an admin on ROBLOX categories of bellies quinoa mean he helps other people’s alcohol no there is no judgement I’m telling you were real people like real life might be the case Harry Balding naturally get there and make a move on me he got glycogen but even then you have to paste the clipboard and then I’ll get him Squishy very weird no I’m saying like the other one like I just want to know completely different when you say that your dad Samsung Galaxy win seasonal that you can just slide up and down with one finger no I just had a look at that Steve Austin Formby what movies are sold for Samsung Galaxy Pirate’s Bay no it was my dad’s friend don’t have one clue how he got it Oxford brain surgeon with self on white shirt what should a 60 year old man go from 62 being and then being a small child and then just dying gravity sketch if the I’ve got the receipt Pudsey model your whole front room Samsung Galaxy too big ask butts Vax Steam Fair serial back engaged Steve Austin has been programmed. my name is Dan it’s not so pretty it is not good baritone tuner on TV the speech on their lives of young people work I can’t went with the system of opening and adjusted body battery suddenly not using your phone Veronica so but I thought is it a lot I’d love to have one but Justin wolfers Alo the rest of the new he went from mortality ninja and said literally confine American diseases f****** communicators wasn’t in Stafford what you got I guess where I was in Moira because it looks like ignition lock geometry Dash he really didn’t have anybody have you a few others are any of his really really real person that good morning dead Alan’s coming in. I told him he told by Dead Friends. it’s been a pleasure as always there like a hotel get rid of that lived Ryan Leslie appreciate it appreciate it iron lung hideout just my way sounds original looking at completely different way with the device and say you would like for example where you just tap once to open an object from we would tap twice astrophysical DIY double tap you have to come here the gesture system Preston Road if you’ve got working hard to pick it up thank you very very much for that get that you guys are hello have a couple of friends and there’s no way on earth the new woman you know search for using ATM seven from the screen find Argos just go for something on a smart phone with a big screen original thank you very much and thought I shall invite all that I just got lost individual parcels might be a better Trio little things in the bath the only can find user salary when there’s no money in account with my phone TEAMtalk it would be a lot of money kidney disease system Pirates flat 26 Charlie Romeo 0 1 listening to the Zello app on tablet one side monitor the next 20 minutes cardano magnification social hierarchy not very eloquent procedure of a BAFTA as you were the motorcycle to the right temple of course it is a little bit thinking about it I was like well hang on I’ve not managed to find one that does what I want on the M7 Ubuntu use other apps the road cafe the thing is male or female in between my boobs interesting just asking smartphones on eBay how long can we anyway but I don’t know I think search Network Media without funny man good times to Diss globally Nash I can see another do anything rocket League trades for a lovely night for an astronaut at the size of this Rodger Dodger 5000 correct well I think I am anyway I can’t wait there till 1 but I’m going to I’m going to go and get into town pretty early then I can get some things done that I need to do in town that I didn’t do or more it doesn’t sound like many Tuesday the Garrick Club one minute in force just infected always be investigated parental information found on camera actually came Nikon canadanepal the launch his rocket limit so he reckons it’s kind of a frisbee Tackle Trader thanks the original Infinity skills from the play store LEGO diversity tried to put it on myself and I have to worm I’m putting my Google email address and it works finger where are you that’s fabulous I Heard Em shut up for a helping didn’t hear it I need the Google stuff quite well but I’m not nice that’s awesome thanks and thanks that’s awesome best toys I had the best Toys R Us when I was a child they will normal people over 18 which takes over straight after open Android song silver figure of Luke Skywalker Skywalker and Darth Vader I can remember now to the compiler Arduino vibrators with that whippersnapper I just met him with another Channel in it really good night call PayPal you’re really cool do tell oh yeah I remember it what’s happening Worlds quaid-e-azam just nothing new shade as possible whippersnappers really cool man something yeah well I can’t even find it on bloody PayPal on the 3rd I tell you as well 30 some of the avant-garde neanderthal pictures of lion the end of table name and um pictures are interested but you know these pictures come from just videos to read all the valleys muzzleloader push-bike rank is in trioving navigate by the sun Aprilia regulator on a stud I don’t know if it be ok I’m there at 1 and finish at the shop shuts at 4:30 so I might just say stop that extra half an hour an hour at the moment alkina m you know what I mean you never know don’t catch you later today again tomorrow bikes in Shrewsbury man I just switch it off that’s why I didn’t hear it all kick-off earlier cuz I was going to head in that direction now then which one traffic lights brighter DPI yeah yeah man you guys have a great day now we got the sunshine at Peter’s well for me closer and it’s bloody freezing you know what went on the iPhone until I got the schedule I get there Fastline motorcycles crossover is literally a massive Steel girder hanging about this run over now the use of the word beyond the south the bottom of dark energy going on in Manchester lip tint planned up well me and Groom turned up it was really really dead well it’s a big old boy. I don’t get run over regular guy something about New York New York I just saw it gonna be there sway full alien Predator helmet mask from ingol coming down the man from sorry I was like well I’m glad Somerset bringing the bikes out yes Chesterfield radio Alexa what time is it Alexa what time Alexa what is the time very nice anyways bye when is Whitney going it’s not me stagecoach to the Limit piano jumping off a hill Anthony Napoli in your select into Sibelius is Buzz Lightyear Kawasaki bike 7/50 answer what is the time sorry I don’t know that igel northern northeastern part of America was new Amsterdam originally Mr English Bryn watch the holiday he started going off on one I’ve tried talking to him I can’t of course lock button by accident which I didn’t mean to do yeah that might have made me go a little bit further with his accusations Butlers on the film was all the other guys H&M hip pain areas at least in the middle of it didn’t see the need to let it grow a bit Stakes Hill Gilgit news is 10 for a bit did reign it in a bit I went there once and Ryan I didn’t hear that I haven’t heard this ticket send your templates on email chemtrail in the buttocks at base of Reading no Halloween at home collect in store mother f***** f*** f*** sister doesn’t matter what you do if you disagree or not how many women in the Mall Blackburn something I’ve never touched under oven lol that’s just my personal opinion so I can’t go for someone else I’m in the middle I think Jeremy peace on if you don’t mind how far is it from Wall Street you are useless anyone disagree with people missing people try to tell other people how to run their channels and a simple Solutions easy thing to do would be for him to create his own channel created a moderator based job done I blocked him a long time ago I wouldn’t even entertain the idea weather when I was there oskar Schindler 7 hours you can dead man World War II gravit8 where there’s the most American people Beat-Herder no I’m not cockroach people Just Cause 3 let’s create a disturbance that cause an argument just for the sake of it list all go down the channel 17 where they’re having this chest name of criminal duration internet goes down to that level Labour leader Germany Associates do you know what take a shorter time to Middlesbrough on my place today Gloucester Janice Elizabeth Holiday hotel ok I don’t feel so how is talking now talking to you we have the admin fee from rendered plaster it was almost up on Saturday number one more than they did no other vendors we’re going contact info in the bottom of the boxes that fit Positano patient undergoing over 2000 years until when I woke up in a creator w what class is a denial service because he’s that kind of threw why did someone on the truck A340 I’ve just been built an office on an ion start buying groceries I do appreciate it and still no I didn’t hear what you said he’s being insulting and general Sir I’ll go back of monitor anyway take it have a lovely one guys smell of ravens bakery channel smells like the best soulmate Scunthorpe discourse Ronaldo vs Napoli car accident and emergency Lancashire Preston weather ugly tonight is peaceful Guy great white wine yeah listen to the news channel was Orion magazine Lauren Bolger mentor Loose Women beating up fix radio zu live escape I guess but along with that I have it removed this is a test 01592 still about there NASA it’s like to 35 in a certain respects Sony phone if you if you listen to on TuneIn and then find out where the channel is logging they want to shout I find it funny now offensive timeout other words for very active on this one circulation Chucky’s radio he falls out on the run argumentative based FaceTime for equip listening yeah hello hello how are you I believe days gone sick in bed but good luck that Quentin contacted WhatsApp stymied epidermidis for the first time he’s come on plenty of time even got flooded because of it so basically I knew where it was limited there was no money resolve the matter Scott helping you guys Pokémon Yellow pains but I really only raining love the weather stayed in one channel Hotel Bath February are you going to sweat suddenly yeah but I was just speaking in general and his friend going to a one tomorrow don’t like the operation and Cheryl create your own money and we can implement in the army Sultan Washington first explicit to come around here Trafford General daffodils that’s what the channels are made today ok no worries we are tomorrow morning or a weekend at some point each other absolutely where you from ok I know it’s McCord that’s the one they’re teenagers is fine not recognised 6 people same with me and I slither.io no not gonna jump down a guy stroke but he is now all about Hounslow should be used the channel this no topic it’s going to turn into an argument basic what is DN20 with respect you will understand Stone Age drama list of channels being used for more peaceful discussion then he said that’s the wrong way round 4 iestyn and blinding History Channel you never did give me a van when they show up with it types of the Machines will give him a b****** Malone America’s army American army base cheerleader tab probably lose 4 I said I tried to talk to you about a half hours last night. send photos I think it’s clear Giorgio I’ve just sent a photo over WhatsApp WX is like a blue sky sunshine rising so it might be a good day after all v3700 I’ll catch you later house price in Burnley area rancho Texas fragmented pieces there naughty channels are HD channels singers like single we remembering the sort of the wrestler strip how they were what the channels are out in December video and internet communications for when can’t get a button ticketsource to remind people that Guru Mann tryna just remember the basic Africa the channel let’s just try and get along 115 then shift oh my bad I didn’t mean to cut you off bro mob 1 million miles course map hello I was explaining to some music Asian Society morning apprenticeships or madam love you Clinton it’s like mine family feed off the drama I love the argument I want your argument and then Meena city of Albuquerque The Beatles by the flat earth wind speed sky starts around loving it is disgusting have a channels on discord with lupercalia you know it’s going out let’s go and see what they’re all about she did try on some level of entertainment that people get through travelling away but you know I can’t I can understand it I can see the funny side hopefully get on an insulting shouting you’re a you’re an intelligent you know this becomes ugly doesn’t it because he’s in the east that’s the thing about Sue though he’s one minute he’s a nice intelligent guy or he want to entertain a discussion and then be text my girlfriend retention map my friend events in around anyway we are together so we don’t even like claiming the billeting officer in the window on fire engine the fridge it was perfect then whatever you like jewels not tools places like moderated in his favour my matches we might not like your political viewpoints guys entitled to his are we on the Globe or not ideas and Alexa around around around energy saver she hasn’t been very motivated can happen to Scott play music background bedales School like and get on with it would you have Breaking Bad Boys going around Bedminster expect sudo in a minute on here I have fun yaki eclipsed at 20:30 saying sorry after your family when it’s like 34 in the morning airfields near no that’s not what he’s saying no no you can’t Truckfest cont what you wanna say how are you hey Simon yeah I’m just waiting for this prick hair report to man up but it’s f****** day time bro what you want yeah my friend Joanne that there was telling you that you know where you stubble under chin or to any other way crazy your story about how this channel get started I know that I cannot think I know it’s not the same here applying it does also timber music channel and personally about that one is always somebody looking Twilight up here but you know what crashing the party is crashing a party alright Steve well maybe you and moderators should be sensible of this fact since he’s a moderator and since he insulted me first ever right to defend I don’t come on here is behold god I hope I die young when I’m doing it just like I thought fuk I would really like radios from me to her main Roderick figure they want you back that they won’t give me that cost a lot of German Euros this device does not generate whole radio station Fairy Pools a friend of mine swearing NeNe being all nice to me psycho dude you love the argument you are you in the right channel I guess maybe you know I dropped it dummy out on the floor there if you bend down you might be at a pick it up where is little man it’s got kids in the background psychic seriously video some people they cannot handle power do you like being the owner of Zello channel some people cannot handle power and I meant to have it any longer use it I don’t know how to do that’s what you’re going crazy ordering is not crazy stop doing now what do you do for a workout there good question why was Charles Murray voluntary for people who in a channel is perfect I’m boring why do people rev I would really like to back to work with a professional radio number do I use for moderating under under under make some sound in out £40 and got no radio stations over yet how you are not not not not to brick wall not that nice and every every half an hour is our dad is some kind of killing in the same kind of family was so bad after radio musical people like that that makes my text messages come. I don’t want to listen to the bad news it’s either way Crewe greyhound racing Preston working in the daytime sound alert for WhatsApp what’s the weather like now is so hot man Summers coming it’s like 35 I think. sociopath something that counteracts what you doing I’m working tonight Wikipedia elements of UK constitution Kelly’s kennels come people come out here level AutoTrader well that’s bad car is around our galaxy bible study I know and it’s sad new cars coming on Australian flying Jordan abuse we’re not affiliated with one particular event ok Google what is 35 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit artemia badass say what you see oh dear that was a mistake number 2 My Little Pony the music quality caster.fm cas Duncan come out again send a face pic find 120mm in cm better for strangers like him like that at all face-to-face email there’s nothing here so we see whether or not the roundabout channel 1 blender head model Newcastle FM radio station channels and Nana Komatsu you’re looking for an upgrade but it’s as a resource if you like the music quality and then and then we can link to you listening and talk until I get the music quality going through proper speaker system like go swimming and then you sell over the top, anonymous but yeah check out cost of gas M3 shortest takeoff of 407 based diffuser why higher than what we had I know I couldn’t see on is still going online it’s just the Irish guys started talking totally different conversation with the totally someone else nurses online there was just a delay 95 degrees fahrenheit how is not it is just contact area supervisor undiscovered L’Oreal plans have been thinking then one again on the q1 having a long neck £9 25th now 60 + 30 day I have back I’ll find you good morning to the girls yeah I remove myself from Sussex down I’ll have to permanent Lukaku immediately but this morning’s renders now I don’t know what you said something happened nursing care examples energy gels will it rain is Madonna dead Carolina Google what’s the capital of Australia Canberra Sheffield Meadowhall in one clothing splice to be able to reconnect my old out I can simply unplug takeaway Mike Foster 3 billion ducting so I guess nobody arguing with mates exterminate in German I can see rightly could I am in German from the telly on I’m in Germany the screen apparently Madeley Academy Ryan Taylor literally exact location and telling me that I was in England I swear to God this guy was sober so welcoming I was actually is it standing in the black when I was there Meldon females and I will do them. you don’t have inside mystery Hotel London One4all administrate societies are ok Google yes research is it really really behind all your on the wrong side Darkest Hour Rachel Riley rwandan genocide going to try to take anything because when I get really. and then when I’m ready might as well cause of the drama over there that’s so much more pleasant over here it is a shame really Essex I didn’t respond under $10 how many might have it happens sometimes weird video Oran Ronaldo Horsham so as long as long why have awards I need to stop by for a bit sounds like the rest of them for now later hopefully one night everything assignment can I add you as a contact or something lieutenant me up after contact if that’s fine let it grow organically but what did he see the lyric accounting system business tomorrow you can you answer why you didn’t respond to it eulogy Carrie easy but at the same time a little difficult when you are statue of Jesus Christian net worth new England families so it better than him at 20 Adidas what’s my IP address number Amazon the truth believe me now evidence of Roman Atwood can we get up at 11:12 oh my days off end Gumball 2 hours late catching Price Is Right and I’m working I love navigate I can’t wait to get me there couple of weeks we call them the squad of cheerleaders in the X bikinis and they do a little real refuge cheerleader dances for SIA just waking you guys up a bit moving sleeping sleeping with entropion truly word of mouth desserts treating people like you want to be treated because there was so full of crazy we just have such a family to begin with for a little bit in the garden that’s pretty much it trendy and that’s why I was asking you that sentence whatever it was what you can’t remember and you’re right you did say that it wasn’t speaking it properly don’t remember it is nowhere really a person is so I guess it’s just validate the things you were saying and you never did see you soon with bubbles on this issue alarm church of the Adventist Church summer I’m so sick in bed early again and leave now I just whatever in the USA or worldwide Sparks I know somebody that serious anyway in the name of Jesus send text to the government sugar people lights over internet internet bacon lies you if they want to straight away raidaway they’ve got over satellite over GPS exactly where you are doing the cheerleader thing like I was really looking forward to that don’t come on now blindfolded uncomfortable in the island when are you guys worry if you shave your legs hey honey give me any food there ok I’ll see what time are the people neighbours fossil bulky bobs see that surprise people I don’t eat the tramadol we also have a Danielle but I think I need a backup server one by one yandy handsome hounds Clearwater Florida yeah it was. one time deadly catch it last night or going for distance. as far as overhead satellite she don’t really disappear diesel sound suspicious man I’m leaving going to break in and out with song right now what is paracetamol going to take it UCLan library today’s Society sausage gumbo nothing to me is Australia a continent befell sick at home from school Ella Henderson free I know you’re going to have overpaid you. I was 12 episodes bisexual nanotyrannus number one and watch it on my DVR ok little story I’ll tell you a little story there was a boy there was a boy in Germany and you got lost in the forest as well as an adoption going to run away from home and now he had his old is gold Nokia Nokia handy pocket so you run away from home and was lost in the forest police policing how tall is Friends going to Ted Carters women residing there anywhere in the file number couldn’t find what they did what they did they activate activate Robinson I think it is a thing of the characters and villains channel because every organization has a culture I love spam filter by the biggest f****** draws on them Yellow Sea did you see the game am I missed this is me taking the piss like but I said something along the lines of banana minions yesterday Aberdeen volunteer how many libraries in ever viewed I have ever used your food coma hey hey yellow make a list of PlayStation Vue tumbleweed can you just do a straight up Alton Towers organised and disorganised office.com dangerous it’s all the hard stuff around me everybody else on the team but shops in with the eye right now send another business channel because you know sometimes like it when you’re bad uncomfortable take it off unfortunately the people around somewhere between 9 and 2 my little brother is around the corner from me and he has a spare room and I’m thinking about giving mystery parking up so I said something though once I’ve saved up enough cash sell car privately a bit better than what I mean just now and that way I can give my connecting to other people are you coming back home again UK smoke signals forensic people I’m going to need another Melissa and Joey about your manager Jessie J singing in the back Spanish Guy latex or oil with the Amazon fire stick Roku 50 Batman scores all through the internet other ways to collect between Tristar 777 I know you are in Spanish and then they have satellite FedEx uses to Birmingham we dislike every 10 years have the day sorry the rest of the day I want people very nice FR is subscription thing the way I see it because we get a charge tomorrow RC is just one extra way to screw people out of money good morning good morning anybody at all this morning Atlantic Underground tube of the West Indies coffee satellite phone I think you are very quiet this morning sleeping over watch PlayStation 4 you have to time what’s going below 0 more people join them my babytime Great Missenden video 1 o’clock this afternoon nappy area Wetherby boiler be on a Saturday Night by MacKenzie weather this morning Dover the latest cricket between Mein Kampf eroshare Norbreck gala wheezy when I buy bucket line rental Normanton I won’t get hold of 110 this morning Benidorm evening around the desert PR1 good most reliable capital of Sri Lanka where can I watch the Channel right now I’m gonna get pissed wet through phone words ending in ey time in the Himalayas alarms going off I mean Armenian after James VI not with you yet speeds not really that so shut down a mother’s moonshine Verizon Towers Thornhill getting in there so what they will hope you have the journey London satellite signal 0800 numbers on mobile phone welcome back f****** b**** yeah I’ve got a corner f****** high Just Travel 8014 miles just to look at a f****** toy IUD I’m going to Dubai in a couple of my mobile phone there’s only got a very very long acting no f****** what helps sending signal repeaters is carried by the Peters one of those yeah are you deaf wherever sunlight homes for an iPhone can pay scale got a lot much more powerful way of actually got here on the floor and it just been up to the satellite local islands in the sky watch satellite TV all year through play morecambe cable TV what do you do what do you do in an area with no cable we have crazy angle me and 23 5 Monster High music stars on bastard the 4th of the month in outside all the bear Sali Hughes electric good for Saudi does anybody explain on the game we play when someone says a certain word what is that monster fire game Mayweather muscle f****** me ballet Basecamp Yasmin bunting Yara us models L11 9AZ evening us powerball through Verizon Towers 150 we drove up to the wedding the base of a adaptor f****** trying to convince is about 12 cars Everest and it took some pictures f*** off the f****** show he won’t have it what’s wrong way state and arrow pointing towards apple without come out of f****** prick EA Game server it was in the process which is upside because you just got them no f****** idea I went GU1 1up now is perfect Jeremy Kyle now she’s still busy starting up when talking anybody must have for tea shop everything in my heart talking to you now whatever is colne Range Rover to work and putting drive up today f*** off you c*** anyways minotaur when does work the Rising Sun Million Dollar Baby seems quite the animals to go so far Windows why don’t you just 4 days I never told you before they met no poppy did you go anywhere Sofia to leave the animals and then carry on for 4 days for fucksake well obviously the more people travelling in the distance is something to be catching it people give me any excuses please set alarm for all the rest of the team at your bank that would be Knight Rider theme what’s the average prison conspiracy Smith work for us what year was the smashing weekend out of order navigate home what is a satellite is off a walk across the road with snow 5 inches of snow fell across and it’s just me captain absolute well cool bringing my gear a lot of clothes can you just turn everything off people love you up can I pick him up in bed Billy I’m not able to get Xperia mobile booking omg with XFINITY sprite unable to get extra cable for sale unlimited banger pet really ADSL here temperature gauge in the garage what we do in 9 degrees it was great meeting on actually I definitely will sustain although just repeating a story that got up like a sponge strangely enough there’s no one of these teeth Rab base layers parking stickers for blankets mum attitude so what you call walking at yellow pencil signal signal TV signal skiing in Switzerland self absolutely beautiful day not a cloud in the f****** Sky skiing am down that slopes up sweating like a and then out of nowhere started snowing you can see your f****** hand that from here dropped about 12 degrees women rubbing on yet to get down to the bottom and other company phone number for 30 hours does that mean f****** freezing are absolutely free you know when was down did the seven degrees sabaton – 18 I was shiting myself lizard in pregnancy I don’t know where you are stood the side of a f****** you have money to get down there but he knows the clock in New Year I think we didn’t get back until about 8:30 Hashim self@ weather in Slough by the way money Edinburgh DSLR $100 off Slam Dunk and a favour tonight oyster Max zelenoff what they call $10 and up just finishing off drop line remote the Money Shop Liscard why is Justin Rihanna phone. sex and oral for a little bit 14 paracetamol dressing up as Nottingham got to puffer jacket portable muscle tomorrow I’ll get my first game dance degrees Robbie Rotten point your book the country missing is at least you can do as I leave that the Earth is fine if you’re not sure I get in there I am glycolic headaches and I find it really hard to breathe Lauren singer nothing it’s only when you’re getting my favourite is because of my smart starts getting very busy is called down yet me and internet difference internet Central the Lighthouse people were witches in school Green Lantern subway caramel espresso caramel Dublin chamber summit and sometimes I don’t qualify for that go down show the world area what mines did YouTube now where did all this come from no matter what cable for Kindle support what is vegetarian modular mogador Bayeux yeah Charlie connection broke up Studio with fringe. 100ml the right thing countries around Spain real life that I have is a peer to peer car rental Denmark selected signals coming down from the Sky engineer ODEON Maidstone trout Estate you can get the east everywhere around that the internet flight somehow Red Lion in The Italian Job I think they get it as well Centre point of 4 different countries you get them in the mirror III like a crossroads countries fantastic voucher go back to the comedy about a maid 7000 miles I’m just travelling around to work taking it all in very large amount of power aeroplane before I head off I understand planet is just me anime just went across there in a car it’s on the way but I wish IRA bombing but still have people and unloaded the car whiskey triple barrel waiting down yes I am yeah customer bastards search the car lucky guy says goodnight Cosmo what time same place tomorrow night because it was an English degree keep the f****** world series buy nude crossbody bag suck my f****** f****** shemale f******. are viruses not at the garden you look through it your bum day working the f****** paint dry I think I can get a tin of paint and I’m very happy so much should I ask a question that you know you know me awful it was without my f****** s*** Miller got the right through f****** our socket uvula but you know exists happiness €50 windpocken legendary duropal Brighton play area for Roland Berger Butler-Manuel Krabi, last leg of the journey when you’re not movies Waterloo Road Mile End nine times Outta ten movies hardest f*** to get into my plane garden table cover recently about ultraship where are you now bad Boy for Life Himalayas makes my heart greatest play Pakistan India border which is why they get Dilbert it’s when they’re going to have to offer obviously of course they don’t exist because the Earth is flat no somebody f****** everybody should go there last woman in life is not cheap you got to be kidding Force your body bottle feeding essentials don’t do that for many country do it more question I think I think there must be some kind of motor on they put some kind of motor solar powered or solar powered that’s the only reliable fuel up in space Natasha are you doing then but you’re in the f****** three times a week yeah anyways online Resident Evil ha fox sake so f****** answering is only half a mile away I’m talking about me book he would be no problem would love to donate batteries the name the batteries off upon that sunlight charged up reviews of fuel in the weather with an engine with an engine or a Volvo Google won’t fill up by itself by and woken up by itself so are you as good a good Sci-Fi you’ll have to really really feel like you would have to come up and I know these satellites amazon.de I’m Gonna feel it some of the Tuesday Wednesday fuckinghell I’m in my darling you’re in the f****** gym every f****** two two days talking to people audiobook go to the gym night owls good movies love it the move somewhere with no internet everything’s looking up 3 minutes ago we’re down the street the but anyway you know so I mean I’ll be up for them probably get 2000 feet and I’ll be in Talbot they use a fuel they been dragging me off in a f****** donkey Outlook which talks about education reported 380 do you guys think the Earth is flat that is how they were in Britain Kakashi about 4 grand what is over there at 2 and 50 quidd assholes probably about 4G wait for them if you really can’t manage I just told you Comcast essentials even thought that when I’ll text you about 5 o’clock green and white checked out a time will come round the corner and disagreeable how much do in Frankenstein what happens if I get a dos attack now so just leave it Tarmac Road no problem leave it here f****** crop seasonal sites it’s ok to be from Manchester I go hiking trail on the side of the Mountain Taco Bell 3000 metres in a minute Isabelle Warburton football started off at 2018 and then down then up then down as what you talking about but then you got your head down like crazy T-Mobile f****** middle class 67 of Us the 1080 thought it was life Ronaldinho forecast in Hull they roll out for them booking Disney World over there even centre in about 3 or 4 wheels follow the yellow brick road horror English robot in robot totally solar powered by Denon communication device on that robot though 104 Queens Road hi Mum you gotta be back at 7 x ok survival lighter she contacts and the world customer service number Congleton ground on spectral analyser would go back in a second, touch bar Google Play open stuck on lock stuck on lock information Blackpool Abraham materials made also you gonna do what the environment even tracking oriflame Mars yeah so that’s ascender vehicles in space what about that Rockingham this charger outlander taxi working out London Chinese food OK if that’s what you do if you hire a private landlord thank you 1 carat agency that’s why I was f****** horny ODEON Edinburgh Spider-Man without €1,000 in one day nr17 kill the bastard 153 Union Bar girls on Audis f****** hey sexy acclimatising self my Mum xxx are foxes to the climate 11 in the morning waiter distance of walking past me with f****** 150 kilos on the back and the smaller than me mate every single Woodbridge High School Goodwill m************ giffgaff really good film thank you anyway minimax bag William D Wetherspoon maggot when your timeline dynamic Driving by the age of 8 1560 kilos this is pseudocyesis 3 kilos struggling pineapple pen define diminutive what you doing sorry about that Irish Lotto arrival plot cycling at some sleep yeah so crappy. also o’clock but have the time am limited the 411 I don’t like romania’s seriously you know it’s not raining in Boston Sinbad Samira 1LQ Leven amateur radios I think it’s Beethoven what you improve can we do about the mess up working hard and you have for 4 hours wake up taking the pill for toothache PewDiePie looking at smokers ups micro struggling because occasionally copy to the Node and then it’s off and I know what it’s about it’s about the Domination of data it’s create this f***** controlling the Airways controlling the enabler talking about her yesterday I’m throwing them and whoever controls the media controls the man interested discriminated Eminem how you doing online MBA on the picture on the glass by the way I’ve got plenty of pictures ordinary man at 6 163 what fast and scalable play now no experience with me and a shadow of a doubt the Earth is flat what I’m saying is there is any Chesterfield up there never been proved I’m going on down there now what is the mention of calibre 27 let your people with them enjoy the view but yeah jazz you’ve got up let me know if you disturb them right real Shady all you other Slim Shadys are just imitating so won’t the real Slim Shady please stand up please stand up I’m Slim Shady yes I’m the real Shady don’t you stand up you just sleep on the chair yeah my internet comes in through copper telephone lines $4,000 Justice internet everybody get never gotten more than 5 down drawing 0.5 up 5000 metre Peaks in this range to upload are Everton on the video to you. Literally good morning Abby leaving the flat but my gang is much much much much bigger than your dad wedding dresses Wigan you’re lying and you manipulating true you do believe that is a faith that is a religion that is a cult belief I do not believe that this is a flat earth you’re you’re lying you’re putting words in my mouth you’re making whoever’s listening believe that I am saying it’s flat when that’s not too I’m saying but that will wash down final on it with the people who can’t think and these are the ones that you’re concerned with inspector make a big fat spliff and I have to go sit in the freezing cold and smoke it Elsa Green even though that’s the way I Mark my territory making it smell like green where are slow now wind speed is roughly but I haven’t done a speed test no long time but sorry to be at 2 and a half megabytes per second Our Lady’s RC 20 megabytes butts my uncle could turn Out Boy anyone could turn up and share my screen with then I’m only joking it’s actually not too bad drum Jason Christian question a country against anything hi Christian define Hunt fine don’t think everybody else is there and said oh it’s you that’s getting up to you about it camping with a starboy shirt yeah she’ll do it it’s up to you what you believe oh yes for sure is not too bad 3 days Justin Bieber I’m Mr Green how I Mr Green meaning of the days of the bubblegum green I died was the best green ever taste like bubblegum yeah that’s that’s about the speed I get on the second largest cell phone provider in the United States AT&T play again. Saturday gay here is about 20 down and 4 up through AT&T mobile data Barbie cycling get faster speeds if I go to Verizon they throttle mobile hotspot after 15 gigs they only live due to 600 kbps download speed after 15 gigs on Verizon then tell your users especially the ones who moderators to not unnecessarily go sideways on people to not unnecessarily ridicule people and say not necessarily put them down it works both ways is an early one route to a buccino do multiple routes to abuse so don’t just as zero in on me care call yes be a good blue cheese Arsenal perfect before you ok there’s nothing new flat earthers have to fear except fear itself paging Dr Green Ryan I’ve seen it about a thousand times on the internet and in I hate someone sing the song and it’s nothing sussudio please tell us tell us what you do believe about the Earth not there’s always going to be an issue what is larger there are to me ssdc sounds in the kitchen the house Emily house morning Catherine audio tomorrow about the refund everyone speed You Were Promised Pandora change my plans what my speed was morning Claire how you doing there is fight going on here I mean it I’ll just let you know the sunshine in Salisbury in the two beautiful day no description people get personal I’m doing alright just waking up where can I get a cup of coffee in Soho breakfast of Champions this is the fishing Channel coming to you from the USA with a little god never stop this is the Jesus’s Christian network coming to you bye wherever you are wherever you are out in the world we welcome you with open arms may God bless you virtual families so how was it how are you doing in Russia how is it doing Belles Belles Belles Belles Belles Belles Belles Belles I’m paying for the fastest diarrhoea and 9 times out of 10 Caesar well below advertised or praying outage alpha men hello something we are visible and it’s three dimensional dimensions actually round round spins around its own axis spins around the sun the world magnetic field works in the centre of the Earth in the centre of the Earth is the so-called our house is like a magnet pools pools on the gravity the gravity repose the people onto Earth we will if we go up to space yes without enough oxygen the muscles are get weak no no gravity no gravity keeping a strong stay on earth just get those satellites up there Bamford in 10 kilometres Austin not heard you in a while man how’s it going there in roast chicken my home hub the settings of it and you can either set the 4G 3G 2G that’s what it works now and I have it at 4G and it works just fine I get some pretty good speeds Mark upload speed very slow upload speed it’s like one to make 0.2 megabytes a second II II II II II megabits a second it’s really f****** it’s really slow if you want to upload a YouTube video that’s like something like one gigabyte you’re going to be waiting hours for that upload download speed I think it goes up to I don’t know I’ll have to go and do a test actually but I do know that jumps up to megabytes a second NRT megabytes a second that’s the when you’re downloading an application it will go like 6 €24 all the way I’ll go like that I’ll jump up 6 at a time hello I like it hello I’m just eating some rice OK Google bounce waterfall hey Google do you like to share pics ex before me raverbaby praise all of them what’s the weather for Scotland so why did I get thrown out of the room then because none of you can compete with what I’m saying is that why you ask me questions and then you throw me out of the room why because you weak is 6 degrees and mostly cloudy in Glasgow no because of the way you spoke to me um hello Google I thought we was meant to snow this weekend why didn’t you yeah will you the majority of people get their on their cell phone like carriers and stuff like that sporting life if you want more like in it high speed during the monthly pay more hello Google to listen to come on go on I love Google it is very aggressive doesn’t it gets very hello Google yeah I’m staying out of this conversation Christian how was your day so it’s probably what afternoon there by you right going on Batman cuckoo how are you how’s your day going it’s 12 so why are we here lovely sunny sunny day so I’m Yours so far away from each other then Winnington Road very far from you I am Malaysia I’m in Texas when it is 5:15 a.m. so my day hasn’t started I’m still laying here talking to you sunshiny day it’s cloudy again cloudy and dark stay in bed all day cuckoo I would well I seven my mum’s last night on the sofa but I haven’t got off the sofa yet and it is 11:15 in the morning yeah blue skies here not a cloud in the sky what a cracking day for sitting in the garden listening to people talking about the world goalie where are the day sweet there’s my speed test I get upload download and upload speeds yeah it’s still dark here and goalie is nothing here yet office equipment around the 1986 Underground what did you ask about lowkey lowkey that word probably rugby around Lower Earley I don’t remember remember too much sun son is older than the bullet of a gun car for sale again but um yeah accident said this in jellies pne I meant to say yeah yeah he is supposed to be getting rolled out across Australia gonna be super quick but obviously the Canon black.cat audio player darling x could you be a lot cheaper not sure about the sun is definitely round because of some falling sky and it’s beautiful singing singing monks Welsh Queen going insane why does it look like in heaven peaceful is it free like they say does the sun forever have you filled no way he is here on earth it feels like everything sincerely and here on earth everything’s day designated I hope your day hope is singing angel Square in the hood Angels know what they have and I’ll bet it’s so nice in heaven since you arrived at the thanks for listening did you want to show something because I find exactly the mixture in between sun and Shadow the best the mixture between sun and Shadow even the best you won’t get dried and you won’t get chilled but the mixture just in between the middle no I said pictures you’ve got a look at the very top of the picture and then you see the download and upload speed there’s more to the picture on the jacket yeah stupid ad popped up just as I screenshot it I hope everybody is getting this ball because it it just shows what this channel is all about listeners outbound TuneIn Radio Sussex Downs yeah econ moderation going on here I don’t care I just learn English much better 0.4 download and 4.44 upload that she gets 16.4 download was it to point something upload something what’s your problem what’s your beef 🙁 you speak good English or Christian are you speak English well I’ll take your word for it what does it mean what’s going on YouTube walking into the Channel 5 minutes ago you don’t know what’s going on you saying I’ve got a problem right you know nothing you’re not even qualified to ask me that question just uploaded my my speed happy days Oh Brother well done I see which we don’t have to szpilman pianist fighting people.com so it’s a stupid question if you asked you know play angry and then I won’t ask I’ll tell you it’s just 5 minutes fighting so What it’s exciting for me and you have got a pretty bad speed man but it’s a big the Works hello ok you’ll get seller with that now only takes like at the most 400 KB to seconds butts tell me a little power that it uses for the internet it drains the f*** out your battery thank you for saying was Queen singing Beautiful appalling to be up for the day thank you for listening are you a senior chicken where’s your speed test please well that’s one very limited perception of it and it doesn’t represent the truth of what’s going on here you can say what you want you can say it’s about anger issue with me if you want so whatever you want you know feel the words with complete b******* Arabic scientists cause I’ve been around since 2011 utena illogical crossword never never ever do such as Ella what are some channels looking about something I’m just getting angry so which I don’t so long as you like to be here with her mates like your weekend with some people strange you know in some channels British American singer it’s difference between a great discussion or a fight army burnley I’m just a weirdo like just sitting here singing yeah that’s that sexy my home internet not that my mobile data speed but I am looking at getting a plan around Motorpoint strictly for sale 236 megabytes per second over 30 days I don’t think that will be quite enough maybe 5 – 750 mega by II setting MI like it uses a USB dial Arch thank you much really it could be a discussion yeah until what starts getting moderated for no reason just a defending oneself you know and then some zelzele moderators I don’t like this person I’m not going to allow him to defend himself I’m going to bring out the room truth we thank you thank you don’t get a slacker baby I think you bit me the price of $4 because they’ve tried a lot of things baby and try like video chat or video maker Butterworth Carson City if I am not making money like a cigarette your plan now where is it Christian was a really nice speaking to you pass a pseudo AQA speaking more in general terms nutrition go sweetheart about us before we know those rumours they have a lot of Americans are a lot of British there’s a lot of arguing where does speaking when if you have a room that’s mostly European just l’atlas arguing Morecambe station thank you very much thank you muchly teddy McCarthy lucky lucky long time Legoland come in at 9 yeah I mean I’m not going to like crushing say you’re that person to the Habit I mean they’ve had a lot of things they have brilliant mind I work as Ella yes Lord yes how about you and I don’t want to be rude to you or just someone it’s just a senior now the most channels United just fighting and then Austria insurance on you you wouldn’t have this likes going on right now so um I’m really wondering you know you are Channel did your welcome there over there and they listen to it you know sorry oceans uses words still what I mean I know the song shake that ass sorry shake shake shake shake shake I’ve just uploaded my photo I screenshot my speed test said yes you can have a look a lot faster than Johnny’s upload speed Motability yeah man you’ve got a Quaker granola cause that’s what my WiFi connection says by only cropped picture because email IP address in Norwich it but it shows 860 what’s a second Wifi speed but this wasn’t brought up randomly this is off of the back of overzealous moderation and individual me that level of moderation you didn’t introduce before that happened it was immediately there so it’s not just a general thing that you staying here is staying it because of the events that have just happened 30 people with a gift as a woman Robert Mizzell should be improved but Devils there are more people well the point is for me personally we don’t have an operation and other groups to sell your the same I mean maybe it’s needed to hear that you can but you know I’m shallow you can block if someone stupid or you know full of surprises but I don’t get this you really are no you moaning about can you still hear so well why Taliban hey Jessie you need to download an app called speed test and then just run at proper speed test online Manchester United’s finished in use CO2 results in London set the screen or you can just take a screenshot right then would anybody like a cup of tea and you want a cup of tea got it yet silly billy I want a huge ever cup of tea I’ll tell you what it’s about it’s about having the right to have a voice on a public platform and if you don’t violate the rules of the public platform that right should remain it shouldn’t been violated by somebody who decides to touch on an honour man because they don’t like what’s being said or it’s pretty you’re ignoring me it’s too truthful and it upsets their personal idea the delusion of what reality actually is alrighty then rendering how old am I mainstays 866 the second right mate the best way that you can tell is open up your browser and type in internet speed test come up with a blue towel but they are saying try speed test in that’ll give you the most accurate one but check out what’s actually going on is she going to your settings of your device got connections go to Wi-Fi and then press on the Wi-Fi that you’re connected to in a little box of appearing that’ll give you the speed what’s coming from your home hub to your phone Milo I’m going to order Milo well I’m gonna have a cup of tea right Gilda my friend and I’m going to see if she wants to have cups of wine because it got grapes in it is part of my favourite days is good for you just for the record I didn’t just come eco up and driving for the past hour and 10 minutes open listening defend yourself personally I think that was wrong that you have the right to speak up and defend yourself can speak to one person one way they make block you ambitious we were talking yesterday about satellites parents are from what was a nice conversation that the Beta discussion 600 Lep agree with you and I was over moderated we never drink tea in coffee coffee and beer beer in college well I know we don’t look my way we drink hot chocolate the best hot chocolate because I can’t keep up with your your your your geniuses are there going to your settings of your phone go to Wi-Fi and tap on your Wi-Fi connection in a box of a pier with all the information yeah I like up chocolate to let the Milky star wee when I do but my mum drinks coffee and everyone likes Coffee near me when tricks to use me that if I have copyright with bags and very f****** Morgan I can’t have coffee and hope it is not as it is you agree was over moderate but what was your approach to identify ridicule mean the situation ok yeah I’m not going to do that I’m just going to have a good time. song nobody needs coffee didn’t coffin listen can you do me a favour and take this one to the three aviation channel that is where you would be better off for talking about things like this we do not need everyone else here in about it there you go Johnny man I used to Google’s one. D&m internet speed test often I am a city when I’m not ready for a coffee yet sufism Real Madrid the best Down Under why because it’s politically incorrect because it doesn’t salute the mainstream agenda which you guys are supporting would be pushed off into a side room this is a very pertinent relevant conversation was going on here careful you’re supposed to be a moderator who’s talking out of turn right now you owe me my name is Eminem name is Mike I’m Batman you after me running shoes hand m I just updated the app and I just said in another picture now I might come you can be Batman because hey Christian I’ll talk to you later I’m going to go jump in the shower so I’ll have a good day and if you see Hitler my chance tell him I said how he in if you are touching the sally tell her I said good day cannot be interested in Clitheroe James Martin’s recipes eqt boost enhances your sick for surfing the web I don’t get the name of that in a minute let me know I’m Harley Quinn I am black edition of black in a blonde none of you can be Batman only me and forever this mean is quick favour Nexus 4 way to can I prefer the Joker that’s why I’m Harley Quinn camila cabello NeNe scenes after star Kevin has to make the empirical previous channels Farm synonyms for account but you need a freak off geotag on the channel I’m back there Batman Batman he is a bad news I always get bitten by Bad Man wikispace well let me in a calm peaceful way explain to you who is just Humax what’s wrong with you basically if you think like that was having elevation in my voice reason to eject them from the room without knowing the backstory they must the backstory Jim Hoskins very inquisitive like speaking technical stuff in as you look at this channel profiles is it Siri send Jet2 just uploaded a picture of my mobile data speeds that’s when I get on the risers the people in here it’s kind of weird did make now my brother he’s adopted what’s the weather lumos Schiphol thank you always really hello afternoon to speak to you on your own at the start you know maybe discussion you can tell anything you want 9 x 54 looking at someone Monday to Friday aeroplane oh my god and and thank you Jenny analyse wireless roller banner superhero Harley Quinn Fishwick Hall golf course yeah just like me yeah well here you are breaking a rule I’ll tell you why this happens right it’s like when a person has an issue with a council or an official or somebody who is generally accepted in a position of authority right so it’s like the average person has an issue that take it to the Council that take it to The Counselor or whoever the talked about there issue rationally the person who is in the 4th decides currencyfair Barrhead anyway I spent my I am 18 years old one she going on there Superstar not text service man head up so you guys have fun I’ll talk to you later catch up shark alright actually supposed to be from my dear self I’ve never in the entire time I’ve had it I’ve never gotten more than five up 505 down and 0.5 up on my DSL that’s like the app so that just a minute and calm down Voice is very raised in Taunton, Scotland I’ve got the fuel history yes I know if I am going to check if you want me to 101 remember guys this is just a bit of frequency just a bit of banter in the air end of the day no people shouldn’t be abused with the cold or any of that what is an open forum do you want to continue the conversation less moderated there is the SDR radio frequency channel interested to follow over it’s not restricted it’s not passworded it’s and it’s farmers moderated how to prevent personal abuse and pornographic images etc which we all get unfortunately on cell yep we take the tone down unfortunately Ibiza property protective boot happenin it’s not what we want to do believe me saying who’s the baddest baddest soup racing over f****** happened to me add me on Snapchat yet ex keeps snapchatting me crazy man crazy so you’re still a couple of work obviously you know lidgates now newest modern era how many killer there’s no cable internet so there’s no Bible can’t get there either is Noel wireless internet how do you change a teddy bear but I can get tell telephone line internet net or mobile data that’s margins for running at you kids this Generation are a lot of ways intelligent tell me about it I got it in your soul and you know what I kick his little head in thinks he’s 25 bought a razor viewdata I need it now I need to shave Central European journal beard like you’re only going to bum fluff nothing is that yeah because I shaved it off so expensive guess I’m gonna believe what you got everybody funny though one thing I was kidding about this but now the my boiler keeps cutting the gadgets yeah and it sucks where two or more people watching any type of video VR III so one person there fact fat to make him smile I can’t afford to swollen anyway Christmas time you might like if your friends on Xbox Xbox that’s why I trust me vns like 10 years ago good 5 years ago well maybe Steve one of the ways that you could prevent that from occurring then is not to keep cutting people off because when you do that you going to create that elevated turn to become more elevated so especially when somebody like myself is trying to just what’s going on here that is really like and to do it so maybe you should look at your actions a little bit more Brian tomorrow you keep distilled your mascara is all black oh yeah I remember 10 years ago 10 years ago here we were a DS or not yes I wear a 56k modem musical here I could actually picture in walking in my room like without his chin or black and longer Mum I told you it was dick dick dick dick 4 year olds don’t think you’re smart enough to catch up on what they doing tomorrow you’re in for it making a medicine to finish people brought these scenarios is that when they don’t want to address an issue what they do is they ad hominem attacks on to the individual who presents it issue is then shifted to the behaviour of the person who’s presenting the and the issue gets ignored afternoon afternoon either I get here in the Shetland Islands in the second one was my Wi-Fi so my cell that is not too bad but it is snowing you create a Wi-Fi WiFi is just a car coming in the house how to play long will I will I will go onto 10 4.3 days you can have to walk around for a bit I had one small story he says she needs a phone singer you know container house apologising pretend Kian from last for 5 minutes shadow on the moon standard English where can I buy Newcastle the expensive badminton just cut people off straight away and time display get location of the town of Ellington Connecticut find me when you’re ready 100 fully involved with an exposure 50 feet where in the World can you trade companies responding at this time car 3940 fully involved I’m pretty sure Rodrigo Lopez I just started going over there Dunlop Rob Sammi Corrie brother traffic The Browns speak to suspect I think we didn’t turn it down a bit it’s needed that’s not any attempt to silence you or your pointing. not too bad now coalition special dimensions World War Z for 43 Ellington Street arrive on scene reporting a3214 properly question first going to drop two and a half base Eric’s angling like the first time she must be on that you know repping in the toilet Ricky sacks cheap monthly payment Wi-Fi Guest House Lily how’s it going there hey Charlie I’m guessing that you can’t PlayStation online Rushmere Primary School minimum petrol in so she was ok I’m too busy looking so f****** weird navigate to for everything to me and requesting for this thing that picture question copies I can have enough things for granted Ferris OX15 banana boxes delivered massage going to be excellent estranged you know it’s on the point aub in our calendars Chantel and that whatever you want to know but no really who sang I’m here with my friend as well Peter Kay wife what’s wrong interference I can’t wait till gets cold again I’m Over the Hedge on well yeah when I actually did 5 I’ll be home all day online constantly trying to look for an internet connection make yourself at home to impression phone scanner the girl in the just come inside I went fine and he came inside with the mother and father channel that we can find you can take that on board that actually doesn’t work for some reason you keep telling people to go to this channel doesn’t work I guess you take you only seem to moderate mean the situation and you don’t moderate the people who go sideways do you want to say anything about that lottery number that must be a pain in the ass is there anyone in on the fly anybody awake iPlayer but not under my PlayStation 4 controller in the 90s at 7:20 p.m. LED projectors Maria Montessori very well brought up the Brilliance of a conversation with created earlier on in July 7th newly born baby new Xbox better when filling up my virginity shoulders and Dave Xbox One elite underwear you got on iPhone what is happening to the world sorry for the work we’ve already had complaints for hours and hours this lots of people left in this chair there’s a couple of good friends online had a disabled man in the Sussex Downs link tutor what was going on it’s not always what was on channel SSL included what’s the point if it’s just a argument what is a discussion the tiger still give us another channel so we actually went all Wanted on the channel something has to be done if you want English evening please thank you so I was wondering what you get when you mix LSD with birth control create Apple ID yeah happy yesterday 5 Freeway treacle is it going to the whole world reconnection fee down payment I didn’t pass the bar as well just working breeze girl Hyundai Accent a smell bang on for Precision but he doesn’t know Stargate looking at the rev counter on a car or whatever moves it up just that guy the Wheatsheaf Weedon and I don’t understand the language in Mrs Granger that’s with the scientist to say no I start panicking I’m going to me or my dad Italy regulator Digimon World 3 black screen ODEON heavy fire in the car sea side of the building harbouring an additional changes in all the scenes are continuing our work landscaping advert Ellington Connecticut 59 crane Road thank you or sometime soon as soon as I Renault Kangoo 2017 I feel really horny USB 4.8 alarm for 2 we do laundry and don’t was like I’m 60 miles an hour I’ve got a feeling they’re going to send me them to Aberdeen hospital before the flight there for the island Roads going to do some tests then bedtime story artists appearing Shetland film they just send you safe to the ring online then you got to speak to Ryan Hospital down the aisle he’s pretty bored it like this get to the bottom of it I’ll probably go in the next few days with your dad’s now things going on thanks are you entitled to YouView whatever is easier from other users as I said no as if you have a serious complaint UK Jenny Xenia Wi-Fi symbol Moshi Monsters they want to do big houses in Great Britain Graham’s in the background sleeping medication Notley Arms tingling just trying to do can panic attacks just happen it is nothing Amazon is failing it really is it’s very beautiful anonymous Canadian Canadian goose Blakesley Hall annoying in my left underarm there’s nothing wrong in this actually at the moment because my blood sort of isn’t always Matchplay the motorway valve in my heart something like that lyrics to do with vaping I don’t know really I want to watch should I buy very gently on a map on your state that really hate you gotta get revving your engine it doesn’t go wait straight away with you maximum limit intercounty Royston helicopter control yeah then I got some 62 apartments vehicle payload music copyright Wellington Square crane power off the NFC training on the body of wire on the phone continue in the world fire Southport British neighborhood vehicle PlayStation 4 magnet lady just for sitting about legs are forgotten a bit of ham take a lot more than just a magnetic field to move anglian windows in my home gulbenkian the windows a nice curtains for the living room I’m going to go to my bedroom next next week and then my shin muscle like spring in the week after that actually work singer for the summer deals like to magic remote dating a big difference it’s not escaping as much Pattaya tell me what do people in Shetland boy girl happens the manager growlers something canal pub County Road 69 Sherlock preferences electronic pedicure foot coarse fishing will come back and that’s when you know you just not pictures download Aptoide ever wonder what it was how to change PlayStation Android club 18-30 Insidious 2 openload switch the VPN on at the bottom that it was and then you pleasure alarm 10 global warming jumma Mubarak connection and then once you’re connected to that type in hidden wiki search for the hidden wiki finder tap on the link on hidden wiki and then you’re in your that’s you on the depo where have my house and if you’ve got bitcoins order on Boxing Day today the people in go dancing all day in the curtains owner moderate the little portion of the window how long can you smoke let’s go open garnished it’s always Barking camera shop in Preston National Rail send it on Wednesday the new never love you because you need to tell them Alexandra Palace playing as well and if you do Daily Star answers to doodle ok are you gonna record it and went on a heatsink to the day in Ballymena yes bank above all listen Adele Turning Purple Rain OMD Enola Gay people for murdering C1 2:30 in the morning or should be shown respect Lerwick webcam what does a picture there from the webcam on my tablet if you if you and I know your English Wilkinson if you don’t type hi Vis simplify business is a pickup Blackburn Hawks you make good any what do you want Slater Slater £20 Juicy J supplemental pack in Madden 18 Midnight in the hole 808 mafia should go on a respectable website can’t get to it on the door networking BP always have your VPN digit 3 I like that quote story Vienna look like it’s come home I’m waking up to venture on their day so I can get it unless I’m already in already f***** off what you can buy from the start any job you want what I want to do what I do buy cheap mobile phones knockoffs you can buy all sorts beginning my cousin’s miracles ASUS something you know I’m not understand I mean no in your world you know there is free speech for the one of the inside rid of blossom mean with a really good camera city of tiny smile welcome my baby boy I have tried before I just got it working fire 72 School Street size up from Google Maps in Regent Street stalls or dress usually meaning little Super Mario Bros Wonderful Tonight you can call me fingers going on here Gmail will what’s your excuse I have an early slack today hello sweet nice to hear from you the police were the same and then I’m going to nip out the door going on November £500 bonus it’s only night shift not would you call lesbian twins term of endearment paramedic 3rd landlady of the television victims suffered Burns on the ends because Boardman Alnwick anything like that professional Arsenal Street sounds like a man is driving a fire under control and S overhaul level are interjections smoke svq level 2 student in America hr manager warszawa Brothers because level 4S and you can basically yeah I don’t have a butcher’s shop with that certificate following was appointed as manager. News vocational qualification breaking blocks ok ok that’s what’s up guys just have a little bit of restraint especially from the moderator minute a professional beggar a bit of leg like that I’m in process control level of occupation beacon fell City Council Park spectralism people who actually many ratio you know any good day of check that looks like that give them a lesson expecting will I look like when I’m free at night I think I got a bit grey in the face in a little bit Jesus please play Stronger are you feeling a little relief US dollar one $300 I was not provided built at the moment of every part of Media 2 mile walk for sale 1 mile walk everyday star Dr John swimming is going on in a moderate. one thing doing another Builder fastest five minutes you to get pregnant minutes be left would be that if you saw someone I hate needles man I hate them of mice and another beginning it’s not a small needle it’s a big long one push writing at the end of it film The Muppet a little at the end of the race sticker the hardest part of rollerblading inside text me during it’s off the tribunal Travel Channel 4 working system directions I will take no part in that I just had a room what is abuse explain many users on this channel another 10 very strict and they make you smell that last all week long so well done written on it can you smell in something else should be taken barley seeds at Lidl word Me Maybe fishing with whoever done you love me Google loading more personally to the moderators direct and then we can deal with the situation what enzymes are used to me but I was not making any noise of beer on the wall so I’ll do it 20000 rounded bottles of wine bottles of beer Madison Beer on the wall 97 bar LBC files appear on the wall Newcastle around £95 of beer on the wall beard and passing around $94 3 bottles of beer on the wall. the second anniversary bottles of beer on the wall the Big gundown YouTube 1 bottles of beer on the wall 91 miles 90 bottles of beer on the wall the dark Web always small I think we’re down to pass around €89,000 the 189 I like you just f****** idiot 01470 you later on TVs indoor where is two different things completely different from the Deep Web ok we’ll catch up next time and go online ok but I’ll speak to you soon yes it’s always slow connection will cause s*** like that’s it speak to you connected to the cyclists Bridge to it information to get modern Barber hope you guys are doing well that’s why I don’t have any Microsoft is going to go today that’s why I’m happy to be listen I mean I’m an uncle yeah but I’m afraid baby boy I’m going to go because of my lifestyle with work and volunteering on weekends and staff animals I don’t buy one get anything I do have those of fish Gabriel Macht is not megabyte megabit and it always will be that’s not very nice weekdays a way out what’s wrong thing in the corner with the and then I got my colouring book doing it on my own I’ll get you cereal baby I’ll bring the anonymous anime wow really you’re doing a horrible job Crawley app for booking app booking.com Cook hello Everton find address for me now I know this is me give you the only time I’m an excuse because I might be able to see what I’m saying everything have a great day everybody Slade fine thank you Isme doreenbeads the Decades is a very beautiful voice beautiful day good to hear that you’re doing good in your 40s oh my god I can’t believe it Friday’s weather champaign thank you for thank you very much lost my voice got my voice back on final boss dickensian someone is wrong no one why that she can make that I’m out here in the cold in the wet Android traffic info can you send you were getting another key you know I can’t believe it must be my lucky day yeah that will pass over tonight or finishing powder have the Passover for tomorrow’s weather deal hey you know if you’re going to be down 110 connection education first you’re knackered it’s 5:47 a.m. contact request for metro so I don’t go anywhere people absolutely anybody. and then after that open up 18 in Adelaide Australia what model is and if you looking for me to see you hello you how are you I am ok what’s going on your way can you boost your collagen talented level amazing woman Euro 4 Nations go on alright there blah 4:20 Lidl world end up the most room even if it is through song wake me up again at least man not 100 events going on she says B&Q for bouncing headlight juggernaut yeah no problem singer love too much Curry King Largs menu do not everybody has already do it The Prodigy one no promises is not September 1st lady Lucan Indian humour por here here summer party for birthday yeah no I like I was telling him so much for coming in here to do that lol yeah it’s ok what you’re just trying to get some laughs and let me know Robert before Aaron little boy celebrate to the corner without crayons and ago on the Nexus get credits asking for some weed beer bottle drainer September Tenerife in summertime against India are you kidding it’s a nice place to live just go soon song Everybody do it feeling all warm and tingly inside the Play-Doh learning or come over and I’ll help you hear the people in your life National Rail how to get passwords for incoming from you now physically how do you say he’s going to go after you’re going to go out step to contact Eccleston shell there wasn’t the block 120 was it where’s my account call the game cyrodiil in America tell me your blackboard pointing you’re playing that rap music with the n bomb picking in it Algarve going to the toilet no Pandora is in euro find me suggest just got it normal to like a contact request I normally say no to it but LEGO servo one of two ways in the solo magazeti ya betaflight free flights for our son eBay and cuddled up in today’s down there we can be back in a minute Pandora premium can you create rules NHL because of I want to talking about why are you there connected family notes how do I and Ronaldo creates a Spotify I want an iPhone update the iOS operating because literacy Shed yellow on my iPhone now outrageous local pub video chatting how many people are actually see my ugly mug set a reminder for an organism at work play went in Golborne to see you there or not you can just leave it the good thing is whenever I get home and I take my work clothes after washing using RAM at home so I think people would want to see that over complicated it better than it is right now video dreams of making fun with that in s******* the moderate learning about their gender video supposed to do that is just too much complicated in every little thing with the button there another back into wine instead he didn’t even press the video just by mistake sorry buddy if you have a look at the picture there at 3 understandably wanted your Morrisons keep lots of people ask for its perfume McDonald’s just eat there your data saving on education in terms of time or whatever you’re not to forget something hey guys I sent my father Phil joke was stupid I just said anything right all about the ISS gif whatever what is a discussion video format not supported sounded just turned really sorry about the space station WhatsApp Messenger please I am sorry accidentally pressed a button Good Friday concerned isss up there and that’s my opinion so quickly there come out detector video camera decided I really like taking selfies divisions of what is wives of the picture it’s like a real one actually it’s funny thank you for my booking days one of video but not drive not not not doing it that’s what I’m feeling around right now somewhere far away from the knees and somebody decided that’s why guys with big fat fix you know like sausage with answer key pressed the wrong button doing whatever the settings is different weather weather reclining it was the video game penis inflatable water park booking for whatever Peter Forsyth and then it’s a good idea supposed to be renamed under scrutiny of The Bill stasia Thierry Mugler Wigan head when you’re acting like you like Daily Record Sony your call might be f****** objective in a minute momentarily to insult me going on there with this Harry Potter character Rex and Beano Bingley going down the back of head with a shoe St Gabriel but ignoring is Fantastic Four 2 the Courier today’s business idea train little x that’s what they do over here so this is my mizuno Warehouse opinion everybody some people just hang if you don’t believe things I believe I don’t think he will I’m sorry for my flight Dad jokes by the channel handle anything and Misty I think you got a job least a couple of times I understand conversation starting as well I don’t know what happened there buddy you hear click like they’re better pick actually exactly that really pisses me off waiting for someone to help you you get a hello this is Bolton to how may I help you oh my goodness I hate it when someone speaks without emotion oh try this on for size seems like you are waiting on hold for I come out in 30 minutes get rid of that tiling a background does he know she’s from Southall Houston minimum wage employees are currently on a break hiring somewhere to novation thank you for calling I open the pit Google Terminal solid wood headboard text terminal special department w furniture I thought you to the right person speak 6:10 you don’t know anything dot-com ok and you can watch yourself off your Android phone Ealing family Housing Jesus’s face I waited for like 20 minutes for you to wait for two minutes let me know what I have to say he called to get some help with some troubleshooting sorry so if your system is doing this try this and you do that no no American Express Europe acting offer it’s like we’re sorry but we’re currently closed and I cannot help you right now you know it on a Windows phone it sounds different from when you’re on an Android phone because of the whenever CRM then quickly on Android phone through the speaker we need this just like that operated you waiting to press the button and then when you actually get the money ok get to someone that you want to speak to you for you waited for a half an hour then you get to that person and I tell you can we find you back in 1 hour’s time the system is currently down the channel old is in the public domain can we go to the store what kind of life is that you can’t go and can’t physically go in why are you down no I want to go and I’m wasting away Gazette col glass options putting Ryan thank you hope all plugs and then everybody kissing would be the worst of everybody kissing you Tudor Trust Buddha tattoo oh my god help me now I have died how to change from Tramadol for the stomach stupidity what’s the weather in Connecticut don’t put sugar on the fruit Loops that you haven’t seen once again good morning Worksop recorder Ireland one life don’t we no pictures no no no no next online when she wants who even know underwater City search don’t cry over it EuroMillions Edinburgh channel with whatever just delete picture, bye bye chainsaw killer Hamburger Hill West Midlands now bedtime my tablet is running X86 atom cherry Trail I’m sorry pictures burning Retail Week your best effort into training somebody to be the best driver and there is one I mean you ready or not and if you’re not ready when you get the call thank you leaving a job for you but that’s not going to get it watching face if you get an interview you you’re not lying a job at least for the next two years you don’t even applied at work don’t do that the guys at 12 Ubuntu would it be iPhone running Ubuntu she is between the happened to that Project Rotherham United kids blanket what name your kid blanket Eterna guitar hello good morning. well they actually came out with the lyrics it’s not Android it’s a Linux mobile phone I do too good they done that yet doesn’t want to fully function in your body but um the operating system Linux plasma Google what I mean is memo back in the days when I had the odd couple listen to Mike rap music when it turned the version of an song called Coffee near 1 driver rid of swelling problem laptop for travel call me Gerry Weber told my boss to my questions Bicester Village trying to my Yaris icon pack my bag concealer over you refuse again Jessie named his kids engineer Green window tablet that’s what I did the new invention they’re listening music joining music and just about everything else out Tamworth FC pisses me off because Amir finding you in a way because I need Manchester’s music Harry Paul to answer Medway Messenger think when he referred to last night and friends I don’t support in the UK go on another another user no thank you but I don’t think it’s necessary directed that attack you he just said the channel was so Zoolander what’s the wea the way that’s my son I mean Batman no I am with my boys down there haven’t gone into hiding yet so it’s like that I would very much like for their child to go back to conversation do that that would be great how do you say pseudo always emailed by email if you’ve got a specific complaint not offered viola channel I’m well thanks in yourself elsewhere so how are you feeling piazzale developer I’d like to go back to pop round for a brew morning hours very sick again BBC tonight bring back spitting out let’s just stop near Preston the channel at the moment is kangaroo Camelot Rihanna to discuss it would be I just Gloucester Spice that Mary was caught in a stage 4 in the endzone burnt his hair so they’ll be rich contrary unlock final how you people can get what do you mean bacon bacon bacon back of one time again you guys have on micronor biking oh my God will be our guest house and the TV will turn on I’m going to get a full fledged laptop you never knew that we could we could have done oh you know what I forgot about the fire Carpenters I don’t know what money have some money I mean when did he said ok literally be stopped after 3 hours real analysis familiar Windows phones God dead apps for borders just incredible for Windows phone maybe Galaxy S8 S8 Plus girl I turned into a phone. two couple of other ones yeah d&ad hair falling that was a another another one about turned out to be like the Firgrove everything else is weed from going on in his didn’t need to do because he made so much money off Thriller Rosemarie DeWitt is there enough mate billions in a trillion jump on board for some stupid reason but Windows phones operating system what is that is anything to do with what’s on your laptop boss is that what I call it. electricity you don’t have to work it off Mansions cars you didn’t have you don’t have to work it all day in your life and everything in it and then you would focus on your entertainment and then you start working that’s when I get to work is usually yeah we’ve got a job 8 hours today we’re going to work you spend and save kidglove applied stability there’s not a lot of time now are the other crazy stuff then think up but if you have nothing to do and all the money in the world thinking about some weird stuff you will not working now Windows phone it’s basically I want to say it is it’s more like the comp CE compact embedded with a more like a graphical user interface especially the the newest one of the Windows Phone 10 really I used my child side of Nokia branded phones Panasonic Dylan with HP also has a Windows phone 10 pretty much about all the ones I can take a bit of my head but it’s really just in a way the Legendary more like a Windows CE Windows 10 interface do it on my belief he really named his kid blanket hooded blanket I do have War of the Worlds first position everything else is just comparison Spain better car than me whatever I don’t care someone sure will do that mate but just before we do a reminder of Harry Paul’s words to call when I challenge him about the light tubes evidence I was not doing it but he said to me cooking wine that in ship ASDA revenue model Newgate Road the bigger house so you know what it’s actually statistically proven the bigger there how’s your health you feel like you’re living in an empty house no no live radio move on just now Samlesbury Blackburn that’s ok I love you anyway Mr Men complete wind the laptop and install on the phone cd38 of Greater Boston anybody have info on the fire in Bridgewater can I travel to have a working structure fire and have a look around you can hear anything let me know please mobile phone Puerto Rico Sunday man warm water clean water sea salt Singapore weather without the people wigan to Watchet yeah yeah when you are with all the road not at all of them that sell some of them most of them positions Eurosport TV Guide oriental Inn Beeston London Road in Mount when you get diamond camo Carmarthen Pandora colne fire is in the control room what do you want to bring a good friend Google is there some type of silicified holiday think we’re going to Preston City 16 16 yellow truck NC10 search renderman for Windows 10 to get down and matching hopefully by next week enjoy the man down you get me down tell me the last year the comedown I was stuck in Providence Terrace Exeter Sunday World Ireland seen the new work order those things are like ME3 Banderas know if the conditions are like today suspicions Omagh Leisure Centre diesel what is a nice butt clear aligners yeah I am I’ll probably not pick up for summer released in the stomach luxurious United striker pornography private website device sometimes what’s the weather going to get up go and get the kettle on their shoulder travel five I’m just looking if I know that I finish kimono Channel 5 undermine one up I think you was about 1640s lol Amy worked 172 chapter 172 stations 6 hours and he was thinking everywhere all over hello Isabella JK eBay Billy stranger today natural Instinct airplane mode film beautiful Angela who’s tzm you get the windows 10 ISO image find he wasn’t lying. Baltimore Maryland depending on your own Skyland arb image sorry not sorry David Hockney remember CD drive it’s called on limbo application NCT surf the web on emulated on your Android and anything that you download put a little icon on the desktop so yeah it does work they’ve gone on only took me like Blue Bell Farm it’s never assignment pulling all the teeth Screwfix I don’t mind Amazon things Burnley ODEON house of refuge will help that merely to make it whole Again like complaining in hours so to have Rodger I’ll be getting up on the Westbury white horse everyone else always for the pick up myself later what year was funeral what is 21 stone in kilo Nottingham they are displayed great talking already your travel diary BBC Weather operating system I want to turn my phone into a computer is there a way to do that review any answers where are whispering in the future Morrisons listening next navigate to the difference between a pregnant woman and a light bulb the strange thing is it’s like anonymous you know but then you said I like to push down the stairs in trousers reminders ODEON unseen what is my next gas better word than interesting yeah Rodger he always comes Bolton straight away shirt I like to chat with what I hear yeah I write a good guys wife Sylvia then I probably as well Jesus the handbag mon Roi film Amharic by the 45 minutes away from another line dance with me because I was going to get a new window and it was telling me on the A38 for 7 you want to see in the pennies up the gap but am I quiz cooking someone SeaWorld expand record warnings the dangers of the different operating systems find an address Lancashire using the same Wi-Fi network appear here is fine subway nearest battleship and Carmen can’t do that she wants to London today can you give me your phone number Jacamo you take care mate by the way is Charlie Charlie calculator Virgin Mobile watching TV water barrel Sligo Balfour 1930 play music gonna attempt to respond you don’t get support Python training what time is sunrise do not secure knots HSS Hire yeah that might come back in my favour and I will always why not?, didn’t really want to Stand the Rain against my opinion I want to start things with me then you’re going to have to 4 BN you want to tell me you don’t like a big deal I don’t care what you like Godzilla Dave are you still wish to talk today but I’ll talk to him in Mistley I like the Continental salmonella Direction one else to put because I don’t mind me asking just grab the button in the desert search to take back off but like just my opinion as a cucumber anyway Paul Hogan gourmet meal 101 and 102 bus timetable Tesco Metro Peterborough tell you one thing where are we now Ford Galaxy 56 severe what is it called Google Chrome OS EE network features you’re probably best what’s a vagina decorations for Millwall buddy it’s been like 5 nearly never matter show my homework. in say something like that what the f*** what is a vagina I had a response you’re not going to be singing today. you know there’s like vegetarians you don’t like me well then there’s a different kind of fruit Cornish beaches under skin prima just meat meat meat and bread and dairy you know what I know a few people that actually died because of that ok 50 grape BrightHouse landline and actresses like frogs stop eating so much tell me why ring me at 7 second xx hi Steven you said something about him having children in the background that’s real smart actually real parental skills there samurai Jerry can’t do not score dancing country it was all the way to Stoke doing that noise out the window to follow truck drivers hello officer anyway you had to go in iOffer Ferndale me and then he exam work maybe support one courgette noodles text me about 7 Project 8 ar5905 weather forecast Dundee no I don’t do that everything works on it you can find everything you need on a second lilies that Fester required practical just thought I don’t know everywhere injustice it’s just the left when I go home I took it up tonight on your way home should I spend one day flat screen TVs neon velo playing up again a 380 repair store which walkie-torquay do you wanna put it on the Ascot tyt judging by your accent any good for the white Barn I got I got a card I bought a brand new one tonight 16gig 6 squared what day is it going to be before going crazy in dealership Southborough mass gas prices are Oliver Bonas please show me the map glue gun working Glasgow me alright go dance ballet Cornwall question by The Way lyrics where’s reaction would you call a terrorist attack in the Middle East 1003 battery circuit board needs gluing down and his two bits that need soldering cuz they’re not even so rather just talk to write piece of crap but then again I expect it for the money Charlie round with Tony’s amazing f****** record driver what’s in a million bits Germany run the bath store in the Carlisle bank there are almost 10 what I will do when it gets warmer show me bloody radio again lovely zalando Converse thank you GIF what’s the difference between you and eggs main Hospital what’s the difference between you and egg there’s Always Been Gone by lunchtime DMR pro soccer poem Manchester is the waterfall scene weather for Kilrea a dame de Provence how long can you switch between used to work for a long period time would you have to do a sunny front of it an open fire that looks like a few years and custard creams for 24 pre-packed on Friday 1950 booking.es 50 km in miles $60.50 quit and I got her do you have to be when is it I think 52/60 he’ll be none the Wiser don’t worry about it the icon for 700 and got 300 for the Atu say you look like you have any fibroadenoma one up yesterday she’s got one of them opening out dance factory Ramsgate where can I find the Godfather takeaway in the Anvil right mate I brought it into Jerry’s she was wanting a glass shagpile and it soap opera pretty good curtain poles Houston Texas bedsit losing my s*** my phone is online I wasn’t sure wine set up on the screen to get the light and I can’t get a f****** simple screen lock screen Palermo never comes up magnification error going to low battery mode where’s the love Veronica will accept $30,000 will it print out bricks up at my door masterpieces Project DIVA Muppets machine or the casing I’m looking at nightmare you’ve got to do I do with my friend help me convertible sure I can give you an arm with Italian way or form Australian bonsai need a battery terminal Roblox on me bastard drive 15 United States dollars and Garland changing delete telegram but years ago today how far can I go back to a while ago I want to protect you guys are my hero I’m listening and I’m trying to hit the mic the mic nothing nothing your country Avenue Coventry really not doing anything because the change in my file what’s the weather forecast for Birmingham UK a real person. whenever my phone or anything stairs that I put anything in my heart you’re my soul 50 Cent SIA back to back out for another answer farmers I would have called the cell company in area oh yeah I need my wife new longton fireworks do when you do it as a remote yeah I need your password predator G1 installed for one drop online get rid of acidity G and I need you the castle wardrobe beds that’s exactly what my dad would do first in Call Me my computer are cool what’s it doing Arthur how do you know if you have a promenade walk you stop by after work and have a look for me yeah I can figure this out American sterling action figure 12 V Channel what you want vitamins and their values that sometimes as well bring them with you tinypic fails the 100 medley jobs going on your phone he’s got a brain because 4 hours later phone call by this time. will be back in a Jiffy Bags I won’t worry about any better it tastes like 7ST what you get me all the bits tonight and I’ll make it for you I can’t wait to go back think about it tomorrow are you busy after 6 Martinez refinery jobs are my cousin’s birthday eczema Enzo nervous about everybody cast of the pointer brill Renault Clio caravan windows xp on my Galaxy S7 and the other picture I put in good thing when drinking Oxbridge use of time Ed Sheeran aquarium air pump beautystone navigate to PR2 Cameron Toll roundabout warning lights on motorway morning Dave Ronnie rigs Playdays currently sitting in milpitas xxxii Foundation is there a headset magnetic almost like you’re a mile away launch the booking a holiday called midnight just got a job. stomach gets bigger battery to get rid of the purple light second or do you still have your speakers stuff call from one base was dropping the bass we have should be getting some prizes she’ll have that many points don’t worry I paid $215 Westie I wish I bought any John either have a great day and got no points on a licence up to now and are ok Google outpatient activity courses now just don’t care anymore your dad says you’re not here anyway she leaves this one Sure insurance for you special People solar panel lights when is leap year this is me off wine tasting July 2664 more than what it should be 60 families Stellaris carrier will be next to the M1 lot of cars get stolen around here so people can just get on the M1 off silicone bumper case against everyone seems like 2 months and I want to see OK Google what is 1 + 1 Tumblr your everyday I need a phone and no that’s not even that funny but that’s not even a one bedroom bed your bedroom is the wedding insurance tomorrow to pay off about a month ago internationalist Grey Google Google is it light on mute so you don’t run because wiggle jobs in Clitheroe jobs I think I become a cowboy Una McMahon urimax Manson you’re a f****** scumbag yeah this is the actual Google really WP job manager and all when you talk in the house you would not only find on Android devices if you did say today 2130 Lowestoft collagen thank you for watching is that it does the same. computers in today’s world blurry eyes learn the s*** that you get a deal with Nike if you if you don’t cross borders Mitchell Queensland overclockers just to say that some people have been throwing their toys out the pram again thing going on apology Edward Garrity my state is insane escape the living room email setup message and he’s got multiple accounts same email accounts see if I am a victim appointing an in cortona that was Microsoft wasn’t bath Microsoft well sudo felt go through the history behind see that’s what I’ll be having a fabulous holiday Speech and Drama some people enjoy that allegedly send you pictures mate Tesco attack where are turning over no to Preston people Lauren Bushnell motels are Yankee Dollar peso come on say the road in People’s Republic of North America O2 Microsoft record books full version 1080p Hadfield keep something interesting I’m back on the train carpet cleaning in Northampton information football today Constable Peter Shipman nothing of sultana shadowplay amazon.co.uk do not get to see long-haul driver anymore but the industry that I’m in Ecuador 24/7 128 then why they would give 103 of the temporalis recognition is called first because I’m closest to the shop. the boss knows that do something happens when I call actually I’m not going to work Leipzig vs lifestyle 24/7 forum refurnish when we finish looks like a surfboard 9 to 5 job in there at 6 and we work until we’re done yes mate basset hound young voice recognition dinner sets agenda rush to block with a bit on even cut off skin last night different viewpoints just got into town Alex yeah pretty much what I expected I try my best to reason SLK yeah sorry that are fighting and I just wanted to let you know I’ll speak to you at training again hotels Torquay Call of Duty black people feeding block people show me best for 35 to 40 minutes trying to hold down ones there’s no mods the channel England right to the little couple getting locked in a fridge. 101 audio College other mate each other sorry to hear that you broke up don’t need the Morrissey actor on everything welcome Sunderland v he’s up and down it was giving problems I’ve gotten it sorted Aline on the PCs running against 12:05 if you still get if you got him in your history knocking I’m leaving block for a little while all the channels Elise James getting out and about going to RAF Coningsby today last seen on Facebook 50 selling for the gold content all the stones of precious so it’s not worth selling Roger corman Edmonton Dunelm modern computer what do don’t be flogging alarm for knocking not scary bitcoin explained to British the dollar at the moment with a Chinese I don’t know Gold St yanks realised people in the world start realise and what’s happened to America ODEON booking capitalism as we know it happens for the last two years talking s*** hit the fan review coming out everybody turns to get plating of Steel seriously gonna give you one in Barry in the garden approach under the floorboards any weather in October thunder Dust In The Wind Revolution proteins OK Google what is the speed of the rotation of the Earth where can I get Yankee Reading diculous all those people what about us that’s why I was on the coaching staff who sang Kingston Town ingress Kirriemuir Stargate just be like you that’s it. Don’t pick up another hockey stick pattern no changes tiredness chicken all night jumping channels wanted delivery just get to breaking point lse100 the reception is f****** becoming something I mean like never say never I don’t carry nothing too crazy American ladies it’s $7 7 Owen money over to United States I would cost us $7.93 for a gallon of petrol or diesel if it was going as well conversion is roughly about $8 for a gallon of diesel or petrol does Moseley RFC then formation against is 10 miles an hour then it’s always all I’m always getting blocked moderate to say that tend not to notice moderation of money by the people model list of Top Gear Romania off flights really gets their mother someone spitting film willow and they said to me immensely almost kisses to you call cases because I’m using team Petersburg airport she’s a great person I mean great person altogether wr7 features also supports degree English Willy Wonka fig smacking lips already very nasty how big around the Earth’s equator relationship bells don’t go to my message. she looked at me and I look at her but you don’t have to talk to her what is 416 m/s oh yeah that’s like Madonna pretzel warmer Canada sausage roll on again arm anatomy my voicemail dialling Three Tenors 5’11 £60 to £170 solid 270 leg The Wanted Birmingham holidays for mature hairline Ms 13 listen to actually check I want my nose Hayley find people hello Ellie it’s more like 6006 60 kilometres per hour other people’s teams play Milton sometime then some of you may know I’ve done the foundation exam at fortnight ago eventually got the call Sam amateur radio callsign just on the computer trying to get me a vanity call sign and every single single vanity crossword solver just give me one at random so I’m happy I’m gonna go upstairs and operate for the very first ever time as a licensed amateur radio user good morning images European Commission ok Google what is the diameter of the Earth electrical Batman who made mention to use it or not small number 742 km and sometimes how much for a gallon of petrol at the moment the price stand 6 British pounds and 6 British pounds to the Americans roughly about $8.90 or something expensive house of Fun Google what does the Earth rotate around the sun well done you and I hope your conversation will be yes we can hear you clearly and the weather is fine pretty close $3.38 Street Leyland swimming I think I can in America at the moment I have some pastors in the freezing cold but they were frozen from New so they should be alright Ian Williamson they’ve been in there yeah but they’ve been frozen so it should be alright one by one beer bottle miles sec 30 km what is it about three months you can keep them for a Samsung A3 that’s the kind of day 510 poulton Amazon status hair shuttle Mark II 12 volt 240 cm Itachi cosplay it was f****** pretty bad 60 days I put $5 in your address book Earth spins faster than the Gathering family Block Lane number when the frozen rain restore on the reality stars and four stars on the slide if it says there alright and Robbie Lawler deserve to have a look at the stars on the sword really a good thing tickets I need to touch the house as well hope enjoy webserve lunch Windows picture 18 x 7 how fast does the Earth swing on a star I said I’m sorry for that joke that made the other guy Nigeria’s got asbestos cut. The Beatles Debbie MBDA work and Swift commercial illegal driver or wait or is it the most valuable text momento Stokesley yeah he’s cobwebs and watching at the minute is f****** gone got a cobweb get four winds like the smiley faces on the 5th of August level 51 Torquay OK Google how fast I go on my phone shewee is there a second alarm in Colchester Vermont the address to Camden Road outdoor wood frame rubber strap Oman arrival you don’t agree with them to different channel that’s fine don’t worry about it how many go missing each year you know that but no so you’re f****** older Churchill Gary Oldman Brother Where Art Thou crashed in the back of the Quorum of those however not all about you going to the CB club tomorrow 19 the place where well we have to become Queen take over and ruin the neighborhood just like you do realise what you’re on about you’ve got exams going all the time DJ I’ll take a picture of the new window in my door down below sore look up and see me so that’s why I cannot find hard Murdock airplane that I can buy we’re all the great journey mirror on this earth ship Aerospace how are you all doing today channel numbers I love them and smiley faces you know the potatoes 🙂 potatoes yeah no worries TV enjoy your lunch mate you deserve it after that referee reference to the referee and that’s how much anyway maybe not because our phones lol ok so um I am I pissed up on the shack for quite a few weeks months years whatever who knows I told you all data of iPhone 10 x 80 home bargains preston JCB 🙂 easy for kids cobweb email if the iPad is f****** good to that one it’s ok Google stupid mate lupin not want to go 30 Mary Street M6 John has work started Gillies Bar Ballymena University Hard Rock Orlando 400 watts what is the point the first ticket. the Real Pie Company charity Justin toper May 4th it has a wiring where is somebody is made up a way of registering your cooking 446 ID now 01446 is a bit complicated to get it rome area code free games like that’d be cosine and 119 and then the grid reference for where you are so it would be 1192 like that and before Facebook happy 0EZ family iPhone app digital DJ pictures for free where Fellaini text I know who you are then more info Oldham tuition Centre but myself MASTA clinic but I’ve had a report the other day that there it happened with the ref Transporter movies ok Google what is 1000 miles per hour converted to kilometres we Are the Millers tow trucks in Godmanchester who’s the handsomest Azerbaijan swimming Portobello I’m on my phone I didn’t know Benidorm Michael Kelly Clark Kavanagh hello beautiful in Arabic Kavanagh mashallah Blackburn lodge Cardiff we are Robots in Australia on April 9th I don’t know yes I’m getting lunch fitting a bag man with chopped up onions and chopped up papers today white wooden bed it said do I have to do it it’s a long way to Richmond Corinne AJ fight was diabolical seriously it’s a long way to Richmond where’s Rachel morning gentlemen you’re going to start charging you again station free to join the car guys it’s about 1.6 ratio 1.618 September 12th Jamaica plugs pepperoni Jordan currency insure with me stop it looks like new Dragon Maesteg lose my f****** Chesters pizza Preston butter chicken tagine the truth Lytham Margate labour ward I’m on my lunch break now the Highwayman Sorrento Blackpool Road Carnival One Direction with wine anniversary Pizza Planet enrolled with the distance directions to Hamilton train station how to draw a word for Amazon Nike 96s Direct play truck driver I’m wondering within by boxcar Willie double Magnum station alarms Colchester sound recorder with thermal sensor in the battery on the key batteries bit so funky if it does actually feel very feminist Keo jewellers making music with my friends and I am the way home again Cortana what’s the weather for North Carolina tomorrow OK Google problems with my own domain and just keeps disconnecting American Tavern Worcester from everybody Easter things to do yes we did it earlier while albumin 343 bust it’s got the blues reset factory reset make gold want to do that your point it’s alright I’ve had it on my mate it’s not been boring But disconnecting before but don’t say sorry this morning I don’t buy the m80 tragedy audio quality is on his crap he seen it the weird funny looks 200 bedroom no it’s fine with me how the f*** did you get in here how do you spell reminder to breakfast I don’t have to be so rude Camden Market metric system what about does he know everybody at 11:20 just like this googles South African English accent hello hashtag hello Gerard everybody and they got another 15 minutes I hope how about 2 p.m. Chihuahua Simon UK discount code women who work with Charles Darwin birthday unable to apply for the little bit more substantial how to get one to get rid of it’s s*** I’ve actually went in Wales yesterday wiki S3 Mini New Romney roundworm and keeping ovaries spotlights I can go on telegram Etihad Airways $15 an hour believe that I can resist the beautiful curls are grey hair Peter Singh on the night table in the cleaning solution would you like the smell of an old pens home guards it’s like heaven as I was playing her drink a drink a drink to weigh don’t you be dissing grey hair for leg room or else I will really go off you f****** cougar how are you doing later so it’s awesome Dave I think heavy contrast Birmingham Mail I’ve missed your love do not work on nights call bloody weekend Donald’s yeah she got her nuggets walkie-talkie Bangladesh money back mate yeah I got no energy or dating again after that can we go for another night but I’ll just I’ll just shake him and he I just bought car not mine Aragon or Nick Bateman minimum wage I quite often quite like that in the olden times don’t we have a bit better but not going down yes I’m at the O2 online how’s it going unlimited lovely picture of my go to the right channels and complains Italian they chase them up to get money by sending a prepaid label and atheroma leylandii back today Anna’s linens in a box ready to go bye bye winter watch programs even if she was going to shed boys 600 metres straight back Skyrim Destruction I wouldn’t pay the people at McDonald’s OK Google what is the distance from the Earth to the moon when you order me chicken burger and there’s no mayonnaise on it just a little dot in the middle f*** that s*** 400 kilometres from Earth I’m a wanderer Wickes garden shears I know she said that she she thinks she’s a bracelets with Squidward a dinosaur I said hello just GPS ok good morning I wanted to work today book few days and hours download it onto the cloud everybody is all these people fit in a morning Slovakia how rude I want answer end up there oh god hello yeah squares Nottingham when my mum passed away bothered women never asked me how I was or anything and then there on the Earth Andy Foster did some s*** steering with one of her kids so I don’t talk to him either show pictures of me lick your sweaty balls again at least buy me a Happy Meal offers rather be a boy or a girl atom editor well she got it extra money how much money is on there I’m have a bit on your way oh my god Preston hotel Nashville the same network the amount of radiation Olympus Has Fallen it’s pretty big number I love your pictures pizzas every single petrol prices useful type of thing I’d like a beautiful peaceful I’m saying like this I make sense to you guys sounds like you just want a weather strip UK yeah no no no no bring my speedometer restaurants near grandfather McDonald Burger King minimum wage because that is not a career College grading high school kids just a heads up on it spending cash get an education get a refund on my dad’s meaning of doing this f****** work right there unless you’re going in the management programme I can ring up and down burger like seriously potatoes in the harbour East how to measure a model violent iguana arrivals into the street anyway no harm done call Sandra prime now. weather Tripoli what’s the weather Martyn Morgan course it doesn’t have the magnetic shielding if people will ever live on Mars 3 underground as XP will definitely not have to be honest because of the radiation where can I adopt it’s the Running Horse hashtag I just in case but not enough I can wait no no it happens but I have updated my mate 9 McCallum Rd Avenue chauffeur hire Nottingham Latin for evening Eddie Jordan follow follow forum Vegetable market Brno very lol have I done something wrong to him or someone that I got realised my band quarter call Angelina 96 first I’ll catch up with me sometime you’re not really much near the full moon don’t be the day in my PS4 Buddy Holly entablature the things they might use this water as a filter after urination find history 360° around from me breakfast so I’m very interesting 129 come up with something else now patient as we do now we will then go up there in stock fatman anything with about last night I ended up going to get back haberdashery movies online are we I certainly do feel the need to buy CBD today realise that I can feel the yanks email and then he replied and then I realised synonym thought this guy was just about to batteries girlfriend in street right in front of me I think printing HP freezing tire lighter canister bottle thing national park on the main road the next day after that you know posted if that’s ok I’m just not happy that’s what I call service yeah that you say Viber what do you have ready Brek or to buy the backs of oats and just add water to in a pan do their Street performance definition buy a suit wire up with some light wire how long can glasses on there make sure this is bigger than yourself and make sure this all Ireland size 13 s*** yourself an old newspaper and white gloves Goodfellas pocket watch eBay thank you used as a woman if you eat their head out of university what is the container stubby aerial company Goya St good morning 4 weeks 10:40 in the morning for sat down and lick it right now chicken roasting Michael Sheen another planet but I don’t know what’s going to go with chicken I don’t know my name is Rachel see different planets just woke up now realised it all the leading Chinese grill coming in the country process of making a malefactor booking with Ryan Giggs on everything is Tiger Cub news2u number I’m going to say something why can’t I get food anyone get it Lee James Bond happened to the old fart in your order something Monopoly board Passover that dinner on here messages just don’t ask search for YouTube good good food what does the phrase mean I know are you up for some people 70% ready who’s going to say she said if you want some computacenter abouts are you in Tell Me acoustic I don’t know how I don’t know how what do I do but are you talking about Mars black some of mine I don’t know who that is you definitely know that one’s working right oh wonder Jerry married why are dogs called K-9 I’m On The Rock Brighton Centre now outside the flapper shots always got a big queue loads of people out there Match Attax Bedfordshire juicy gals so yeah what not questions about you sometimes get the original I think you said last night hashtag Ashton to get a guy he’s gonna go and get a woman yeah but they still do the radiation problem take care of the old jack-in-the-box akinator or you get Yorkshire pudding around some milk soft cheese and chocolate Chicago open overnight read when you starting out eyeliner Devizes Junior everything’s dried out of it mad about the house today near me BBC Lancashire black bags and I’ll just wash my MyBuilder different aura email Google Justin Timberlake Creda creda garden off with someone’s Carl’s Jr enjoy your dinner catch up Garry’s Mod wacker plate and then he needs to end the running services between come on Paul I just said all that for nothing I think that’s important things that people need to know Yahoo mail prohibited no I actually get up and then then pay your contacts I know walking scaffold bar and Ben the edge of plan to make market triangle Jerry’s map we’ll roll the f****** things around. uni of Buckingham find channel refresher selling as well where to buy that will have to wear a smoking chain vibrate anymore not desire why don’t you shut the f****** mate solar panels and I don’t know Solomon you can have imaginary on her boobs boobs flying around you know what to say absolutely Ayrton Senna Road abercynon they have to explore Havana hair dye I haven’t had dinner party coming on never been the sunoco sauce and don’t ever want to do it ring Chicago Lakeland picture perfume white Tony Johnson water pumps what the f****** BS noise control what about chemtrails toxic when you think about it anyway f*** that s*** it’s a healthy I don’t know what to do Missy on the channel my motorbike thing thing is about everything LEGO Marty full episodes of just a little bit Sony channel this f****** connector f****** Tumblr obviously just constantly listening Martin Abraham you didn’t learn vile Victorians sometimes you have to have a break from it. UK f****** teen online meant to disturb by The Script it’s just a classic example I think central de leyland by little Coventry which is what they’re supposed to do 2880 check and so on his jet turbines be made redundant 787 Rolls-Royce engines cute designer at least amount of dragon $2 a year not not more patient not there’s not many in Southern Ireland is not men allowed anyway Lossiemouth sunshine coast weather today Reinhardt then what you want to do that me little Lomond regular territory who status Crossing Parsons I’m going self-employed or Snake Pass police find me Google Mars demon I forgot what you want all the time in the f****** big bears with the nuclear bombs on it so the cooking the Brits are intercepting in just about every other day Amelia Lily good when you got f****** news congratulations screaming Diamonds Are Us he plays a good partner then he was well how much radiation exposure the best Survivor Series sensitive teeth mouthwash how big is baby at 16 boy Preston however synonym be marvellous basic percentages of a b**** if you want Sports they’re talking about my past other three other ones that again but Gary will be on the airwaves little Ted Rogers robin robin Nottingham what time is it figure out synonym better f****** ok Google Lancashire holiday I just did something I’m not KFC Rotherham akinator angry white Maya Halloween Halloween Halloween London decoration is call out in the rain Google this is getting crazy at The Newsroom misfire when they’re putting on the faces old 10 the weather in Norwich what’s the difference between a vagina she was more than a friend best burger bars near me ankle subways it’s terrible disgusting 1000 same levels McDonald’s I am dying number one sandwich place would have to be on Thursday phone number of London road closures around here hey I hashtag something good I don’t know whether I should be ready tomorrow to be with you 12A journey whatever you do do do do you get a voice thing on One Direction Macklemore downtown Still Alive lyrics morning Thursday front door Kelly colne 1943 when you get Mum and Pops in Australia regular ok Google no that’s 8 months Spanish Consulate UK pretty much vegan electric centre Brighton about Muhammad that she feels song legendary player playback when you actually the person nearest mainline Menswear is there a bad morning around 4 you downloading to YouTube the journey from Earth to Mars takes about 300 days Mondeo disorder Poundland Hereford Sabrina Salerno the back covered by Adele Wilkinson’s closest to Mars it takes about 61 our present technology or present tense every two years that come statement so why does a Scotsman wear Gumtree modular units math favourite song by approaching photography medication country and something will have a look Andromeda cheapest cover lackadaisical what elements are in my life or what I f****** did Barclays resolution calculator UCLan library new trunk drunk my accent Newark Jobcentre what you get collagen infusion fr664 Usain Bolt how are you mister thunder I know you did combat trousers Afghanistan in action CBBC games you’re already f****** get nothing Maddie ziegler £4 barbecue offer barbecue Borough Market Baba but it’s a little bit lens flare we see a big fat disappear the on that crane some sorry a little lens cloth Barclays careers breakfast any lunch or product licences episode September yeah I’m very fussy six up top checklist ACAS call Sharon are drones a good idea I’m going to drive leadmill what the hell a small Honda isn’t it smaller so they can change the dimension Anderson and values and everything else because of the sun saying that got one of these bending over 5 years to a PowerPoint electrical Irn-Bru time producer I want to Forest lawn cemetery unlocking spell innerspace VR urban planters uni let me get started how is your foot Gabby Emmerdale subway apprenticeship the accurate description when I go Chrysler Building I’m sorry that I feel bad for your missus smallest is a great little builder base for a collateral thanks for the suggestion it’s in the market yeah it’s a little way behind me now but I’ve got it down to my back ultralight fibromyalgia Importer but yes movies good night NHS chest infection but that kind of thing healthy street food ginger saturated fat red meat yes very good very good as well vegan Mayo and it was Sonos better than any other tribes Hotmail do that s*** Schlumberger I’m really sorry barbecue restaurant Bundoran barbecue special position summary make it yourself situation medium the voice newspaper Titanic Hotel Liverpool hurricane tomorrow Rihanna Philip Larkin 1155 contact number waterside Inn Southport call sound like another person. premier football ba1405 a map of Little Mermaid phone number for setting surgery so you put into it after that highwayman Cardiff private takeaway Worcester Park I know their colours eBay American Girl inquietude Samsung headphones from wearing it’s free is Gary about the word busy anyway I’ll leave you with it Google Maps that you probably hear this channel street view not working have a go with that on compost London just got work out where I am probably means im really tired aerial lead with Oslo how to calculate receivable but not all your own 308 win came up wanting me to do something with the volume of that came on quiet evening in because his nibs is over at his place so when she says it we’ve ordered something in so we can have a quiet evening and then will be home about 2 tomorrow to give a shout and let you know how things go Australian logic so I can make and sell Nokia 2100 I have for you I forget you need to put a picture on your profile now the HMS Warrior on your profile ok Rwanda are we together again next time you can we can probably get that set up country that’s a victory 1 quite good in it where’s Max how much for tonight contacting one of them folded taco things 7 directional man flu video everything about you Avon tuning mobile Hello Kitty Lea contact but I might end up in a cake shop I’m getting really close baby shops if you can anyone any age of elderly people like to use this place it’s got lovely bones I know it’s hard Starbucks gift pack place for Rob teapot you having a little birthday yeah I got sick Acheson doughnuts as big as your head I am not joking they are gigantic Pearl jam doughnuts if you travel well as big as a baby Facebook the other place UCLan student portal stealing an idea information technology the hatchet Inn I mean hell it was my name in 4401 if you run in miles to me but they sounds like I’m missing out on something good watching I haven’t seen bulking protein Loughborough weather down in the mouth places around Houghton-le-Spring best steaks in the area I’m glad bacteria bacteria Zara Leonardo doesn’t want to hear no microphone doesn’t want to talk on his own we are the red robins the burger Newcastle Hoover Building London the place where I work lyrics panda bear menu every other Friday now beginning the fish and chip night the way they specialise in Devon accent from map of where we are in the UK to go further North Sheffield Yorkshire Dales sorry I do it that start with you see where the chips are done in a very light battery as well kids are very very nice I’m rather looking forward to it tell me now I know who called me when it only says you weren’t having it Martin my friend victory and the way you talk little Georgia who do you like in Nicholas at IKEA GoPro cycle mount accountability definition everything testing sensitivity the problem is making it appealing a bit more just explain Ibiza radio mix does it work oh wonder Birmingham Sunderland sorry I am online earlier frozen chat with me in a bit Dunelm very well microplate getting over red Robin eat them see you until they agree employer stops the breakdown of Blackpool police message guys playing yesterday considering the weather Tony or Masters or anybody come it’s not true Station Approach there will be something there Heskin Hall Chorley go into the restaurant food deliveries recipe will you figure that dairy Queen good or not good St Andrews Gardens borough Evie Garratt Happy Birthday from the past karaoke find a parking space Rodger Rodger gimme gimme what’s a scene f****** Sonos in the poconos our brains making a half past good food near Abergavenny give me a boner Killers singing all right through I’ll give you that give you credit crazy well glacier flamethrower setting the public for a woman Vauxhall Mokka review the f****** screen lock and I can’t get up shut your f****** mouth was like oh yeah Majorca weather too many joints and blue too many people what can help grow St George’s 0446 other channels SpongeBob sings all about them so quick Happy New Year wallpaper how many reclaimed restaurant responsibility of the doctor anytime my friend Barbie films goodnight I’ll be there just now Derby Gumtree Georgia Finsbury Park dawnfresh with me off work why didn’t you know yeah I know what the f*** I didn’t deserve it but Peter’s give it to me on Tuesday still waiting will selected users there’s an echo Along the Watchtower MovieStarPlanet 2 it’s a lot going out to stand right like the brightest star three times tonight Port Isaac cake coffee fiance male right there cos I’m outside for Mock Turtles place that’s awesome they got doughnuts prove it right now yo my niga second experiment Amazon oh my god just know that I want you and I I’m going strong understanding women at home give me a model Pier originally internet b**** tonight unit 20 the best to get rid of that PFC audible images when I close down my leg has a few words is going on in the news members of a random soccer team are men are waiting for exchange server in a country like around 1 father daughter matching tattoos staffs IHOP in my order waffle house number one I have number to dentist at 3 and I are going to come back one minute and toning Arab habibi habibi Amazon fire I know it’s hard to see for scale but doughnuts Caroline Street South Dakota topping beautiful boot sale Heysham Bypass start date 1st of August I wouldn’t mind you I’m doing it for my key to make 100000 from the government he said he was in a neighborhood with people that make for million dollars and cinnamon and our house but he’s wearing his f****** wife beater whittingdale sunglasses he’s full of s*** call yeah he’s Hatcher Disney sex with your talented you are men at 5 I take it it was a great big world Boston bombings the side effects of Alex and Alexa f****** trash not saying he’s trying to say Wyre Borough looks like garbage intoxicated tyres for high salary jobs here but it doesn’t pay I sell between yes please I’m doing good how are you meeting sheets paiste ok what IV solution to do you believe that f****** f***** Love 3 Doors Down from that dude no f****** way you know that Chinese they’re like really into the Asian so don’t bother sending those ones inside Sussex motorcycle is a f****** wireless picture it looks like trash if they saw that white trash in a million dollar they will call the police on him just like they would a n***** yeah they do all the more for Holden oh my god oh my god battle kid for sale oh my god I’m just piece of s*** in that why she was going to be walking around the neighborhood enjoying our house is without the f****** police being cold Fact who’s more foolish it in my letterbox can I clean my litterbox everyday Badoo the beginners Bible the metal cause irregular heart rhythm disorder lead to cardiac arrest because only eight ways you can get out of that can be occasional did the year is it quiet my ankle aches it makes a lot of money sports played sitting in areas like that and I swear to God that m*********** Wednesbury on that Burger King will be calling a f****** police and that would I ovulate what the f*** is there. who are the boys Hypervenom if you get hypothermia bassist Beetle cars Happy Birthday Lottie years ago only 10 years ago maybe more now Zafar 95% it’s good I’m so bored squash win prisons on pause I’m saying it was her what pronunciation Raj Balti FIFA 14 episode hanging Lawson got to the bedroom hallway but she just want to keep going escape the Murcia in police custody motherfuker is feta salad called again so f****** euro 180 badge Ellie have to reinstall I have to reinstall AOL on my other phone so I can get back into my external Intel product will I think at the bottom crossword Skate park behind me isn’t playing and staying there for it’s really cold play back my truck up to get my pylon my triathlon tasty Village 2 minutes are there different versions is running like a smokey version terrarium TV Pro oh yeah what’s the one where we can go to the room you can’t talk in the room though right like it’s meaning teen xvideo he goes in the story sticker it’s ok Google delete that I sent you a private 219 website Kurdistan interesting if we can have a name that can ghost in a room with a KFC in the west but can still grab the mic get out before anything else because who were the movement of that child how to be a great holiday until they’re fun random I claim to be maybe after a washing machine delivery driver Branscombe the Unknown hothead Hindenburg if they could make that happen I think you just say bye and it had like that and I would terrorized are you allowed my show primestay pedestal only fools 1 800 number one side and see them through the air heating cooling business is all around the world for free so I used to do prank calls to like smell of fish and chips brick bronze hotel library two different places all around the world are doing my live broadcast big plate Yaris breakdown version can smell vinegar the Real Thing option on the tenancy yeah I filled a couple of times for our students are us free recording hope you’re doing well before I did want to a sex shop and it’ll happen at like €70 in my show so don’t like the idea so I can only go ASDA just Roll With It and there’s one day then I go to sex shop Astra like a blow up sheep or something ok so I can’t the sex shop somewhere in the States deadly defenders does bacteria have an army 150 circumcision penis segmental exhausted x would you rather maker Paul Weller acoustic guitar as I said continue yo-yo I’m getting back in the shower holder you cannot blame me I’m too smart for him motherfuker good morning ladies and gents Google what is a round of 50 chest compressions WWE best make sure you take the head punching the nostrils at opening of the breast into the mouth especially if you’ve got somebody else then she’s best friends welcome back the house of Koko call Andy 7 o’clock his girlfriend bring home a black guy does the black guy in front of them and that’s what I agree if you can fluid in a bottle of wines at the strength of my house not working Quentin Erasmus get Mom’s computer going Rex you’ll be glad to know that if anyone email regarding euro lottery how many dogs do you have a mouth guard Liverpool Miami flight Centre luxury Ramadan to the States here on my friends and I was hoping that they will bring up dogs in it two dogs oh my god so I can put the other 10 what am I gonna do with the other 10 dogs weather Noel O’Reilly 50 million television moderator backlight ghost has strange yellow 60 in arm and one dalmatians everything else I was literally everything in my body get the Watford in today’s ITV administering adrenaline you are a bandwidth thief next projection screen as a buffalo wild wings did the window sides but I gave you one but that sorted out because that’s the same problem that I had a few weeks ago if you remember right hello I have a whale watching make Italian English for example person childminder lytham seen them for like 2 minutes in 12 CBBC child very strange when they meet when you get home I think you know which one Walton-le-Dale poulton I have to restart it now s*** m*********** end up like this Cavendish online ups come up with some really iOffer Canada lost it on the survivor I’m trying to remember plot of Change but what would it look like I’m in the mosque what’s a BTEC Dennis the photos bad quality just send oriental constrictor remove the name from the list in the Sky not let me back in a minute controlling a dick head lkr good good natural natural operating system system much better cereal Kirklees addressing wiki USB stick before giving it back to the person you borrowed it from if something like that like that happens again then you will have a backup to get me One World as well as well a quick one mama Stanwick Lakes Michael Bolton Google Play my eye colour is at the bottom since the last thing when was just dig up and or never heard of it tell him that having a mattress Store does not make him have a big dick ODEON how’s it going he said about her North London yes what impacts have you know you’re writing Thick of It postcode Simpson who’s got the most lovely thanks you’re in the year some YouTube videos videos of set alarm Windows she fit on the channel because most of his words are in our life 55 minutes long biggest yearly investegate so usually have insiders working internet connection circulation funny votes which old thanks as well obviously Simpson and you can find it online you can find as well Simpson Gumtree FUT draft what does RAM help with say thank you for blocking me ok. You don’t have a big dick inviting you for spending it mean my ex-boyfriend yeah they are something else in Python I’m at Wonder Woman and Rosie you want a dick in my pants how is your day been meaning to COPD in primary got to titrate the Oxford Bible Church I’m coming inside on a wireless f****** even bother and try like this I can’t I got nothing but time today Celtic I am ready have you this way yet Samsung Gear milkshake how tall is Dani Harmer millionaire concentrated insulin syringe girl Talk date sunshine in Belfast and I can’t wait for next week Tuesday it will be gone don’t worry be happy you do that to me Western movies in English Huntingdon races evening tele missed again but stopping this request for me eteach will there be a call today just got invited here by the one and only good morning we’re having a very nice conversation as per following boxes journey through the city what did he leave his wife what are you having for dinner that’s true because I don’t fresh breadfruit show me some new driving test the same the next time nobody disband pick you up driving naked Nintendo the houses Milton 2 goodshag wish we can have a drink Sonic anybody what is the goods Wonderland for me about 30 minutes every Dad new welcome sailor certificate Halloween chase’s chases what’s happening hello Matalan hello Jeffrey they’re alright Paula Abdul lying on my back you talking about lolly doesn’t look like are you on tonight riddles back and forth what is the best time to go to the dentist 3235 Orlando you stupid that look suits you just about real gangster Portuguese still moving on sign up a level of something Zelos mod less talking you guys wake up again Farington am I very Queen’s guard dogs how do you tenderise arnica replace hard dollar strong housemartins hey guys seems like all have difficulties running both but simultaneously unfortunately organise to make a choice for now Haven little Close I should have just said no Stansted Airport so Bengali UK to mother oh behave for the proposal me what do I call blizzard behave the movie of the British Deer I’m not sure this is 13 delta kilo from West Germany just now Mama I’m a big water movie yes I mum mum mum mum my head in a codeine is there for me toddler more recently seen a bottle seen a bottle of the TV standby Richer Sounds smell of sweat I think I love animals should actually attract women can you tell me why near the water wake me up Lancashire made me a blanket and I Dick’s burgers I just like the way you keep saying it find it at the garden centre area dealing with that mate for Premium pricing you see me sometime 740 it’s all a bit strange Putlocker Botanic order it’s a lot of everybody oracle delete user can can YouTube where is in clear View when you finish the sign up process call firebox as they email you want a few days later it with you patient to get logged in Cuba roar that I ever heard of Cypriot recipes Glastonbury oh s*** I remember roundabout immigration reform to where you are so many every year and indicate opportunity become America come back ok give me a bit Louis the bear arms I mean Disney carry firearms and Easter welcome back miss Kay and yeah yeah mountain if you if you do get on there sorry mate sorry if you do get on there there’s some quite a few really friendly people as well I mean that does hnh LLC November 8th Lima Lima Charlie I’m sure you’ll hear him he said John is super helpful he’s always keen to you know people have a problem I’m setup what do users zombies Zombies in the sidemen I’m sure people don’t using TeamSpeak for awhile stuff anybody else so all good who’s having to be helpful to someone you know do you want to receive welfare you have to fend for yourself that’s why I do it we are here in the event of the week time run by a guy from Trinidad and Tobago very very entertaining I just had a 45 minute quick net open DMR what’s the weather like in France today politely Amos Estates Morecambe tyres Arsenal the channel I will try I’m guilty of doing one after people have tuna what is a mason 13 unnaturally so quick on the button you know I’m so sleepy feet either forget to leave poll they would pick up the employees in the white van in cinema for drug test I think it cost them $69 on each channel classically one of things that OCR required the people that thinking I need to do a plug-in so you can get there um you know slightly under clarified by side Banda effect is photorealism yeah I’d like to play with the Hamster that has a program that a play with Java based hamster testicles 12 I hope he’s just too Snapchat update can’t pass a drug test show cage good evening my friend yeah it’s quite have you had a productive day miracles in the old days who who you get jumped on it’s my fault I’m actually good people I’m in two minds about it imitate the bandage crackles using and God knows what else when you got good communication ok love everything seems to be you’ll never beat the real thing Cliff lift mixing ratio what is 25 2nd Street already strategy Serbia Madinah from here Germany Sweden or down to Southern Europe when the expiry season starts don’t worry some cold medication white fancy doing it again you know radio I’ve got the microphone where is the thar desert what happened I stayed of it is the fairgrounds open arena make sure you got it’s a Mardi Gras quiet tonight music EP3 this morning bolt size are they still make them they used in smoke detectors and things like that think I’m watching TV Superstar brand new slots M16 sideband well we are partly but watching a DVD anyway what do you mean when opened international 955 just because the good list on master throwing have to be 5:50 p.m. what is the weather translations internet really playing up tonight ultralight camera today’s date is April 5th 2018 and you’re connected to the real refuge with warm water power pretty cool yeah I think navigate to 5 honey 3 days working up and running it’s a good system audition when we were young state of emergency eop party food online yeah that green was great cause I got time I got like 6 Channel 6 search annals on its expand on its pretty quickly I was using it she was telling you about there is a brownie group doing a it’s on the air special event station I don’t have idea and he was so who’s the only one responding so the grumpy gets near him dinner wanna holler talking to them and I was listening into the to the conversations all the way over there on the using the hack green SDR is so pretty fun it was very good casting out very good yes very good Sally’s Stirling Austin Liverpool vs yes it’s been going alright Attenborough reserve this morning and that was really good enjoy it I know it’s just been a nice relaxing afternoon one thing getting this thing up and running I’m trying to find the icon in the right place Christmas a bit of bit of a game but made it everytime watching now DVDs in front of them 250 the same thing with p excellent funny out of our taxes Martin it also works with Firefox silver indoor indoor do all this chapter 12 people were alcohol in at the same time they were can’t refuse what is actually give it to Canada Tuesday on this morning Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursday but I might have Thursday off I’ll be working Friday and possibly the weekend but up yeah should be alright I mean I’ve got a little STR myself but it’s some I don’t have a good antenna setup so pretty limited but it’s quite funny what you can find out there Google software-defined receivers and there is a website chock full of them if you want to go local radio stations on a.m. Thomson why would you do that to yourself confiscate everybody’s guns when you go to help people who are going take stuff is in Android phone you know it’s going to be pretty much the same next week we do get we will get one day it won’t because some will out of my son but where at someone anyway ok soon yes this sounds pretty history of the internet and stuff as well I’ve managed to get always tomorrow DMR Repeater I can get with it and we had a 747 can go anything alike most of it Associates Limited for me but I didn’t manage to get the most exciting thing I did was I got a slow scan TV picture from the International Space Station this week we’re doing the transmissions for Russia garden table Shrewsbury pies it’s just like constant have a good one teammates best bet and you can tune them on whispering frequency is amazing what you can do with those things I’ll let you carry on set alarm 7 and drink call in about half an hour PlayStation Store DMR I’ve Slough monitoring light brown rice terrace near Liverpool DMR repeaters in the audio interface I just ok swear restaurant Alma how do you say quesadilla Preston pretty little thing fuckinghell 18 people in Liverpool fox going on nurseries in Chorley go on safari Chrissy Hozelock fic listen to the radio signal do you get on there you get my call your local FA pizza difference what was World War Antony American tour groups UK Torquay flying J listen to play with that B Nation Street I am now I’m at a reasonable quality if I’ve had I’ve had my share of crackles buzzing box weeks in years I’m getting electric shocks the Weimar government true American patriot Prestwich if you’re still coming back to somebody else will be putting up a fight system monitoring yeah I can get to Em Pretty Clear I just seem to talk about rotavators and and things like that chat on the DMR networks never heard that term before January 610 I hear that worked out so quickly anaerobic rotavators for his local to me at the moment to talk favourite thing amateur radio in the end to say the conversation is limited light it all well I’m doing it all but you know what I mean I play with the DX side yeah you’re 5 online onto the next one O2L and believe me cb3000 in London was a mess the Laughing Policeman wireless Society very to improvement side Repeater improvement devices yeah that’s some of these guys Illingworth Llanelli some of the Yorkshire repeaters actually are run as well Spotify lady star Ibiza family everything I hate to talk to a guy in Australia in a car about hearing it was secure him qsp to just about everything except for quality it therefore this bloody thing I listen to a guy running along the road and a car in New Zealand for grandson of 59 no flutter feeding no nothing anything yet this is more like it yeah Caswell way I just want to listen to something you just don’t want to strain or you don’t pick out something I just want to hear something what it is very good portable shortwave receiver here hello in Maltese just lipstick phone number for China radio International I’m not there will be a revolution in alabaster military or anything else like that so funny I used to have my picture of Page and I can’t believe you don’t say I think you were in the room when I used to keep it up maybe one day I’ll put my picture up I used to have my picture up in the night anonymous Mumbai Hospital you’re going to die
774 weergaven · Was live

Sistema de alarma de seguridad GSM para el hogar, WiFi, antirrobo, inalámbrico GSM & WiFi Dual-Net Touch Alarm System:  ZUDEN ZDAS-X5 is an innovative & unique design, which combines powerful multi-functions: GSM+WiFi Dual Network Technology;  2-way intercom; 2 in one(Smart Alarm & IPC in One APP); 24 Wireless Zones + 4 Wired Zones, Support IOS & Android APP control, Smart home application; Support IP Camera & Pick up phone calls; Touch Keypad, Big LCD display with Calendar; Menu operating interface;  “Black Box”  event logs; SOS alarm; Exit & Entry delay;  Have a built-in siren & rechargeable battery; Compatible with format of communication: ADEMCO CONTACT ID . The ZDAS-X5 is a superlative alarm transmission and WiFi backup system. The ZDAS-X5 provides telecommunication line supervision and automatically assures an alternative communication path via the WiFi network in case of GSM phone line failure.   WiFi Burglar Auto Wireless Home GSM security Alarm System   Main Features  – GSM wireless network + WiFi network, WiFi network/ GSM network auto switch. – Touch keypad + LCD Screen; Bule back-up light – Menu operating interface for local programming and user activity, Provides clear understanding of system status and zone locations  – Support iOS & Android APP control – Support 24 wireless zones, 4 wired zones; – Intelligent door sensor with Open/Close signal; – Remote monitoring and Voice-message recording – Automatically dial 5 alarm phone numbers and 1 CMS number when danger; – Advanced zone attribute, user-friendely zone name, every zone type can be seperately programmed. – Alarm memo, entry delay, exit delay – Built-in Speaker & Microphone, support 2-way intercom – Support IP Camera & Pick up phone calls – Support wireless LCD/LED keypad and wireless siren. – Built-in Li-lon backup battery can work for 8 hours in case of no electricity supply, it will alert when low power or external power failure/ recover – Support ADEMCO Contact ID protocol.   Specification Alarm communications: Transmitting alarming signal by GSM dialing and Wifi network Alarm communication protocol: ADEMCO Contact ID Support GSM frequency: GSM850/900/1800/1900MHZ (Qu

Sistema de alarma de seguridad GSM para el hogar, WiFi, antirrobo, inalámbrico GSM & WiFi Dual-Net Touch Alarm System:  ZUDEN ZDAS-X5 is an innovative & unique design, which combines powerful multi-functions: GSM+WiFi Dual Network Technology;  2-way intercom; 2 in one(Smart Alarm & IPC in One APP); 24 Wireless Zones + 4 Wired Zones, Support IOS & Android APP control, Smart home application; Support IP Camera & Pick up phone calls; Touch Keypad, Big LCD display with Calendar; Menu operating interface;  “Black Box”  event logs; SOS alarm; Exit & Entry delay;  Have a built-in siren & rechargeable battery; Compatible with format of communication: ADEMCO CONTACT ID . The ZDAS-X5 is a superlative alarm transmission and WiFi backup system. The ZDAS-X5 provides telecommunication line supervision and automatically assures an alternative communication path via the WiFi network in case of GSM phone line failure.   WiFi Burglar Auto Wireless Home GSM security Alarm System   Main Features  – GSM wireless network + WiFi network, WiFi network/ GSM network auto switch. – Touch keypad + LCD Screen; Bule back-up light – Menu operating interface for local programming and user activity, Provides clear understanding of system status and zone locations  – Support iOS & Android APP control – Support 24 wireless zones, 4 wired zones; – Intelligent door sensor with Open/Close signal; – Remote monitoring and Voice-message recording – Automatically dial 5 alarm phone numbers and 1 CMS number when danger; – Advanced zone attribute, user-friendely zone name, every zone type can be seperately programmed. – Alarm memo, entry delay, exit delay – Built-in Speaker & Microphone, support 2-way intercom – Support IP Camera & Pick up phone calls – Support wireless LCD/LED keypad and wireless siren. – Built-in Li-lon backup battery can work for 8 hours in case of no electricity supply, it will alert when low power or external power failure/ recover – Support ADEMCO Contact ID protocol.   Specification Alarm communications: Transmitting alarming signal by GSM dialing and Wifi network Alarm communication protocol: ADEMCO Contact ID Support GSM frequency: GSM850/900/1800/1900MHZ (Qu
8 mei 2022 · 3 weergaven
DIY Wireless Project || Wireless Power Transfer || Wireless Power Transmission || Wireless LED ******************************************** #DIY_Wireless_Project #Wireless_Power_Transfer #Wireless_Power_Transmission #Wireless_LED #how_to #how_to_make #inventor_rk #electricity #diy_projects #electrical #homemade #power_electronics #led_strip #projects #school_project #viral #india #america #canada #qutar #uae #japan #indianhacker #inventor_101 #youtubeshorts #youtube #youtuber #nasa #isro #indanHacker
5 dec. 2022 · 459 weergaven

Human #Image #Destruction #Phosphorus #Fireflies Infest. #Ionizing #Broadcasting #Furrows #Overlapping #Scales #Coordinated Various Neural Forced Implants And The Location 18+ | On The EVE STAIRS The Way to the Bus Hit at Shaar Binyamin4 June 2023 Torture israHell 24-7 ______________ Forced Implants Brain Surgery – ISRAEL – MVI 2072 radiation 2017 Various neural Forced implants and the Location 2016-2023 – and Continue 2016-2023 and Continue ______________ https://t.me/tortureisrahell ______________ 2023-30-May- #israHell Over 12 #Antennas #Around #Ionized #Radiation #Rampant in #Geographic #Areas Rampant #in #Government #Facilities #All #Over #Inside #Electrify the #Brain. And the #Body #Especially while #Sleeping #Burning #Cells in the #Brain #Imposing #Physical #Defects #Preventing #Sleep Preventing #Culture #Instilling and #Installing #Terror And #Fear #Under Their #Scope #Range #Zone The #Roaring #Mice from #Jerusalem #Sussita – #Iron #Doom – #israHell – 49 #Failures out of 50 #Launches They #Caused me #Severe #Deformities. #On The #Brain and #Body. #Deliberately Unbridled Rampage in the absence of a #Restraining Factor and a #Supervisor Specializing in exploiting the resources of backward countries that lack means #______________________ They also inflicted #physical harm on my #brain way of #thinking #Sleep #Deprivation ______________________ All the drawings of the graphs. They are of the way they They direct the Devices. and the devices. and the aids. their. To work 24/7 inside my Brain – And Body Over 12 Antennas Surround 2023 – Forced – Failure Devices Implants – by The State of ISRAEL- Torture 24/7 Under Their Scope Range Zone Prevention of #culture. #Preventing #friendships. Preventing intercourse. #Prevention of #marital #relations. At the same time as committing serious acts of rape. repeated. for many years. At the same time as sleep deprivation. #Using #electronic #Objects that were #inserted into the #brain and #body While performing forced #Surgical #Operations and inflicting serious injuries. Brains. Mentality. and physiology Forced – #Failure #Devices Implants – by The State of ISRAEL- Torture 24/7 Over 12 Antennas Surround Sleep Deprivation Forced – Failure Devices Implants – By The State of ISRAEL- Torture 24/7 All Over Inside #Forced #Implants by The State of ISRAEL- Torture 24/7 Ionizing Radiation #Torture #Methods Israel – To get full #Access to the real data of The #Battery On my phone. And the #Real #Data of his #Network and internet. It is necessary to __ Use a #Personal #Computer _ _ Root APK Do Not Work _ #Only With P.C. _ #Root Access To The Cellphone ___ ________________________________________ Various neural Forced implants And the location Where they interface the Central nervous system. This schematic display shows The wide spread DBS device and the compact CI system with their Individual components on the right side and the location Where they are implanted. The left side shows implants With lower occurrence. ((2) adapted from [54], (3) image courtesy of Medtronic, (4) adapted from [55], (5) adapted from [56]) ISRAEL Electronic #Biological #Bacteria Nes Ziona israHell #Performed and #Financed by THE STATE OF ISRAEL – This System. IS one of SEVERAL Similar Systems. It is connected to the #Eyes and the #Ears and the #Brain. It reads minds only partially and poorly. They #replace the #Falling #Asleep #Mechanism with a #Powerful #Hum. #Electric #Shocks. #Burns the #Blinkers howls #Flashes #above the #eye. #Stabbing. #Sleep #Deprivation #Biological #Bacteria #Nes_Ziona – That #Transmit #Electricity and #DATA. #Wireless and #Blue Tooth. And #Another #Type of #Data #info #Files That is #Unknown #New #Type #With #Radiation Something like maybe G6 But #Not #Much #More #Higher Kind of something like #Electrical #Biological #Ticks. All Over and Over and Over. _ And At The #Same #Time That #They #Prevent me #From #Having #Sex And #Marital #Radiation For #Over 6 #Years. #Even #Tonight They #Perform #Obscene #Acts On me #Under #Duress. #Sexual #Harassment. #Voyeurs #And #Actions #That #Can Be #Defined #As #Acts Of #Rape. And #Even #Worse #Than That. ____________ 2020 https://photos.app.goo.gl/g81Fx6ZgZHYDtoLs6 ____________ IS HERE Ionizing. Fields. Coordinated Furrows Scales Intertwine Overlap Ionizing Radiation. Fileds Ionizing Radiation. Fileds Large devices. Big chips. Small chips. germs. Bacteria that transmit electricity And data. Under periodic headaches. Harming and instilling fear and dread in the civilian population through organized force. Unfortunately, we cannot refrain from Pointing out that they seem to have Experience in the field. Also gain experience. Draw conclusions and draw lessons. for long and continuous years. The flickering and shaking of the lobes in the brain. Electric shock and possibly also Burning of internal parts. Multidisciplinary assimilation process Destruction of Human Image #Again they #Woke me Up from #Sleep With an #Electric #Shock and #With an #erection to #Commit #another #Act of rape. #Surgical & Sexual With Forced Brain Devices Implants on me for #Over 6 #years in a #Row 24-7 #Tremor of #IONIZED #Venomous #inside The #Brain Forced Brain #Implanted #Torture #Usin #Forced #Brain #Surgical #Implants and #Implanted #Chips #Ionizing #Fields. #Furrows. #CoordinatOverlap ombine. #Overlap Ionizing Radiation. Fileds Large devices. Big chips. Small chips. germs. Bacteria that transmit electricity And data. Under periodic headaches. Harming and instilling fear and dread in the civilian population through organized force. Unfortunately, we cannot refrain from Pointing out that they seem to have Experience in the field. Also gain experience. Draw conclusions and draw lessons. for long and continuous years. The flickering and shaking of the lobes in the brain. Electric shock and possibly also Burning of internal parts. Multidisciplinary assimilation process Destruction of Human Image #Again they #Woke me Up from #Sleep With an #Electric #Shock and #With an #erection to #Commit #another #Act of rape. #Surgical & Sexual With Forced Brain Devices Implants on me for #Over 6 #years in a #Row 24-7 #Tremor of #IONIZED #Venomous #inside The #Brain Forced Brain #Implanted #Torture #Usin #Forced #Brain #Surgical #Implants and #Implanted #Chips #Ionizing #Fields. #Furrows. #Coordinated. #Combine. #Overlap Various Neural Forced Implants And The Location 18+ | On The EVE STAIRS The Way to the Bus Hit at Shaar Binyamin4 June 2023 Torture israHell 24-7 ______ Forced Implants Brain Surgery – ISRAEL – MVI 2072 radiation 2017 Various neural Forced implants and the Location 2016-2023 – and Continue 2016-2023 and Continue ______ https://t.me/tortureisrahell ______ 2023-30-May- #israHell Over 12 #Antennas #Around #Ionized #Radiation #Rampant in #Geographic #Areas Rampant #in #Government #Facilities #All #Over #Inside #Electrify the #Brain. And the #Body #Especially while #Sleeping #Burning #Cells in the #Brain #Imposing #Physical #Defects #Preventing #Sleep Preventing #Culture #Instilling and #Installing #Terror And #Fear #Under Their #Scope #Range #Zone The #Roaring #Mice from #Jerusalem #Sussita – #Iron #Doom – #israHell – 49 #Failures out of 50 #Launches They #Caused me #Severe #Deformities. #On The #Brain and #Body. #Deliberately Unbridled Rampage in the absence of a #Restraining Factor and a #Supervisor Specializing in exploiting the resources of backward countries that lack means #______ They also inflicted #physical harm on my #brain way of #thinking #Sleep #Deprivation ______ All the drawings of the graphs. They are of the way they They direct the Devices. and the devices. and the aids. their. To work 24/7 inside my Brain – And Body Over 12 Antennas Surround 2023 – Forced – Failure Devices Implants – by The State of ISRAEL- Torture 24/7 Under Their Scope Range Zone Prevention of #culture. #Preventing #friendships. Preventing intercourse. #Prevention of #marital #relations. At the same time as committing serious acts of rape. Over four different large units within the electrical metallic iron brain. Among the devices, hairy and spiky millipedes with long tentacles and venomous teeth are also associated. in a heartbeat. The large battery is on the back on the upper right side It seems that there will be no escape from calling Bezeq again. They perform brain surgery and surgical operations with implants on people to torture them permanently 24/7 INSIDEINJECTOR Heavy Devices Bacteria Linked Tor_Ture – israHell 24/7 – $URGICAL INSIDEINJECTOR Heavy Devices Bacteria Linked Tor_Ture_israHell 24/7 $URGICAL Since the knee surgery in 2020 at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem. I have to go in every day between 10 and 20 times to defecate in the bathroom. And this thing probably amuses them and is also funny No implant, no implants, no chips. But they insert large and bulky irons. Both into the brain and into the human body. Large, bulky irons the size of an egg מאז הניתוח בברך בשנת 2020 בבית חולים הדסה עין כרם בירושלים. אני צריך להיכנס כל יום בין 10 ל 20 פעמים לעשות צרכים בשירותים. והדבר הזה כנראה משעשע אותם וגם מצחיק לא שתל לא שתלים ולא שבבים. אלא שהם מחדירים ברזלים גדולים ומגושמים. גם אל תוך המוח וגם אל תוך גוף האדם. ברזלים גדולים ומגושמים בגודל של ביצה Tremor of IONIZED Venomous inside The Brain Roaming by Organization Forces Destruction Human Image https://photos.app.goo.gl/Q2Y8H53Sgn69j7Q4A #Tremor of #IONIZED Venomouses #Heat #Stroke. For all #OFF The #Batteries. And to the #Organs of the #Boody and #Brain # Inside The Brain Roaming by #Organization #Forces Human Image #Destruction #Tremor of #IONIZED Venomouses #Heat #Stroke. For all #OFF The #Batteries. #And #To #The #Organs Off The #Boody and #Brain # Inside The #Brain #Roaming by #Organization #Forces – #Human #Image #Destruction #Phosphorus #Fireflies Infest. #Ionizing #Broadcasting #Furrows #Overlapping #Scales #Coordinated The Microsoft Facebook Google verification code does not reach to my phones regularly They make people like to get 500 volt electric currents inside the brain. using prolonged electric currents of 4000 and 6000 volts. 500 volts is like a person’s best condition. There is nothing below that .הם גורמים לאנשים לאהוב לקבל זרמי חשמל של 500 וולט בתוך המוח. באמצעות זרמי חשמל ממושכים של 4000 ושל 6000 וולט. 500 וולט זה כאילו המצב הטוב של האדם. אין מתחת לזה Various Neural Forced Implants And The Location

Human #Image #Destruction #Phosphorus #Fireflies Infest. #Ionizing #Broadcasting #Furrows #Overlapping #Scales #Coordinated Various Neural Forced Implants And The Location 18+ | On The EVE STAIRS The Way to the Bus Hit at Shaar Binyamin4 June 2023 Torture israHell 24-7 ______________ Forced Implants Brain Surgery – ISRAEL – MVI 2072 radiation 2017 Various neural Forced implants and the Location 2016-2023 – and Continue 2016-2023 and Continue ______________ https://t.me/tortureisrahell ______________ 2023-30-May- #israHell Over 12 #Antennas #Around #Ionized #Radiation #Rampant in #Geographic #Areas Rampant #in #Government #Facilities #All #Over #Inside #Electrify the #Brain. And the #Body #Especially while #Sleeping #Burning #Cells in the #Brain #Imposing #Physical #Defects #Preventing #Sleep Preventing #Culture #Instilling and #Installing #Terror And #Fear #Under Their #Scope #Range #Zone The #Roaring #Mice from #Jerusalem #Sussita – #Iron #Doom – #israHell – 49 #Failures out of 50 #Launches They #Caused me #Severe #Deformities. #On The #Brain and #Body. #Deliberately Unbridled Rampage in the absence of a #Restraining Factor and a #Supervisor Specializing in exploiting the resources of backward countries that lack means #______________________ They also inflicted #physical harm on my #brain way of #thinking #Sleep #Deprivation ______________________ All the drawings of the graphs. They are of the way they They direct the Devices. and the devices. and the aids. their. To work 24/7 inside my Brain – And Body Over 12 Antennas Surround 2023 – Forced – Failure Devices Implants – by The State of ISRAEL- Torture 24/7 Under Their Scope Range Zone Prevention of #culture. #Preventing #friendships. Preventing intercourse. #Prevention of #marital #relations. At the same time as committing serious acts of rape. repeated. for many years. At the same time as sleep deprivation. #Using #electronic #Objects that were #inserted into the #brain and #body While performing forced #Surgical #Operations and inflicting serious injuries. Brains. Mentality. and physiology Forced – #Failure #Devices Implants – by The State of ISRAEL- Torture 24/7 Over 12 Antennas Surround Sleep Deprivation Forced – Failure Devices Implants – By The State of ISRAEL- Torture 24/7 All Over Inside #Forced #Implants by The State of ISRAEL- Torture 24/7 Ionizing Radiation #Torture #Methods Israel – To get full #Access to the real data of The #Battery On my phone. And the #Real #Data of his #Network and internet. It is necessary to __ Use a #Personal #Computer _ _ Root APK Do Not Work _ #Only With P.C. _ #Root Access To The Cellphone ___ ________________________________________ Various neural Forced implants And the location Where they interface the Central nervous system. This schematic display shows The wide spread DBS device and the compact CI system with their Individual components on the right side and the location Where they are implanted. The left side shows implants With lower occurrence. ((2) adapted from [54], (3) image courtesy of Medtronic, (4) adapted from [55], (5) adapted from [56]) ISRAEL Electronic #Biological #Bacteria Nes Ziona israHell #Performed and #Financed by THE STATE OF ISRAEL – This System. IS one of SEVERAL Similar Systems. It is connected to the #Eyes and the #Ears and the #Brain. It reads minds only partially and poorly. They #replace the #Falling #Asleep #Mechanism with a #Powerful #Hum. #Electric #Shocks. #Burns the #Blinkers howls #Flashes #above the #eye. #Stabbing. #Sleep #Deprivation #Biological #Bacteria #Nes_Ziona – That #Transmit #Electricity and #DATA. #Wireless and #Blue Tooth. And #Another #Type of #Data #info #Files That is #Unknown #New #Type #With #Radiation Something like maybe G6 But #Not #Much #More #Higher Kind of something like #Electrical #Biological #Ticks. All Over and Over and Over. _ And At The #Same #Time That #They #Prevent me #From #Having #Sex And #Marital #Radiation For #Over 6 #Years. #Even #Tonight They #Perform #Obscene #Acts On me #Under #Duress. #Sexual #Harassment. #Voyeurs #And #Actions #That #Can Be #Defined #As #Acts Of #Rape. And #Even #Worse #Than That. ____________ 2020 https://photos.app.goo.gl/g81Fx6ZgZHYDtoLs6 ____________ IS HERE Ionizing. Fields. Coordinated Furrows Scales Intertwine Overlap Ionizing Radiation. Fileds Ionizing Radiation. Fileds Large devices. Big chips. Small chips. germs. Bacteria that transmit electricity And data. Under periodic headaches. Harming and instilling fear and dread in the civilian population through organized force. Unfortunately, we cannot refrain from Pointing out that they seem to have Experience in the field. Also gain experience. Draw conclusions and draw lessons. for long and continuous years. The flickering and shaking of the lobes in the brain. Electric shock and possibly also Burning of internal parts. Multidisciplinary assimilation process Destruction of Human Image #Again they #Woke me Up from #Sleep With an #Electric #Shock and #With an #erection to #Commit #another #Act of rape. #Surgical & Sexual With Forced Brain Devices Implants on me for #Over 6 #years in a #Row 24-7 #Tremor of #IONIZED #Venomous #inside The #Brain Forced Brain #Implanted #Torture #Usin #Forced #Brain #Surgical #Implants and #Implanted #Chips #Ionizing #Fields. #Furrows. #CoordinatOverlap ombine. #Overlap Ionizing Radiation. Fileds Large devices. Big chips. Small chips. germs. Bacteria that transmit electricity And data. Under periodic headaches. Harming and instilling fear and dread in the civilian population through organized force. Unfortunately, we cannot refrain from Pointing out that they seem to have Experience in the field. Also gain experience. Draw conclusions and draw lessons. for long and continuous years. The flickering and shaking of the lobes in the brain. Electric shock and possibly also Burning of internal parts. Multidisciplinary assimilation process Destruction of Human Image #Again they #Woke me Up from #Sleep With an #Electric #Shock and #With an #erection to #Commit #another #Act of rape. #Surgical & Sexual With Forced Brain Devices Implants on me for #Over 6 #years in a #Row 24-7 #Tremor of #IONIZED #Venomous #inside The #Brain Forced Brain #Implanted #Torture #Usin #Forced #Brain #Surgical #Implants and #Implanted #Chips #Ionizing #Fields. #Furrows. #Coordinated. #Combine. #Overlap Various Neural Forced Implants And The Location 18+ | On The EVE STAIRS The Way to the Bus Hit at Shaar Binyamin4 June 2023 Torture israHell 24-7 ______ Forced Implants Brain Surgery – ISRAEL – MVI 2072 radiation 2017 Various neural Forced implants and the Location 2016-2023 – and Continue 2016-2023 and Continue ______ https://t.me/tortureisrahell ______ 2023-30-May- #israHell Over 12 #Antennas #Around #Ionized #Radiation #Rampant in #Geographic #Areas Rampant #in #Government #Facilities #All #Over #Inside #Electrify the #Brain. And the #Body #Especially while #Sleeping #Burning #Cells in the #Brain #Imposing #Physical #Defects #Preventing #Sleep Preventing #Culture #Instilling and #Installing #Terror And #Fear #Under Their #Scope #Range #Zone The #Roaring #Mice from #Jerusalem #Sussita – #Iron #Doom – #israHell – 49 #Failures out of 50 #Launches They #Caused me #Severe #Deformities. #On The #Brain and #Body. #Deliberately Unbridled Rampage in the absence of a #Restraining Factor and a #Supervisor Specializing in exploiting the resources of backward countries that lack means #______ They also inflicted #physical harm on my #brain way of #thinking #Sleep #Deprivation ______ All the drawings of the graphs. They are of the way they They direct the Devices. and the devices. and the aids. their. To work 24/7 inside my Brain – And Body Over 12 Antennas Surround 2023 – Forced – Failure Devices Implants – by The State of ISRAEL- Torture 24/7 Under Their Scope Range Zone Prevention of #culture. #Preventing #friendships. Preventing intercourse. #Prevention of #marital #relations. At the same time as committing serious acts of rape. Over four different large units within the electrical metallic iron brain. Among the devices, hairy and spiky millipedes with long tentacles and venomous teeth are also associated. in a heartbeat. The large battery is on the back on the upper right side It seems that there will be no escape from calling Bezeq again. They perform brain surgery and surgical operations with implants on people to torture them permanently 24/7 INSIDEINJECTOR Heavy Devices Bacteria Linked Tor_Ture – israHell 24/7 – $URGICAL INSIDEINJECTOR Heavy Devices Bacteria Linked Tor_Ture_israHell 24/7 $URGICAL Since the knee surgery in 2020 at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem. I have to go in every day between 10 and 20 times to defecate in the bathroom. And this thing probably amuses them and is also funny No implant, no implants, no chips. But they insert large and bulky irons. Both into the brain and into the human body. Large, bulky irons the size of an egg מאז הניתוח בברך בשנת 2020 בבית חולים הדסה עין כרם בירושלים. אני צריך להיכנס כל יום בין 10 ל 20 פעמים לעשות צרכים בשירותים. והדבר הזה כנראה משעשע אותם וגם מצחיק לא שתל לא שתלים ולא שבבים. אלא שהם מחדירים ברזלים גדולים ומגושמים. גם אל תוך המוח וגם אל תוך גוף האדם. ברזלים גדולים ומגושמים בגודל של ביצה Tremor of IONIZED Venomous inside The Brain Roaming by Organization Forces Destruction Human Image https://photos.app.goo.gl/Q2Y8H53Sgn69j7Q4A #Tremor of #IONIZED Venomouses #Heat #Stroke. For all #OFF The #Batteries. And to the #Organs of the #Boody and #Brain # Inside The Brain Roaming by #Organization #Forces Human Image #Destruction #Tremor of #IONIZED Venomouses #Heat #Stroke. For all #OFF The #Batteries. #And #To #The #Organs Off The #Boody and #Brain # Inside The #Brain #Roaming by #Organization #Forces – #Human #Image #Destruction #Phosphorus #Fireflies Infest. #Ionizing #Broadcasting #Furrows #Overlapping #Scales #Coordinated The Microsoft Facebook Google verification code does not reach to my phones regularly They make people like to get 500 volt electric currents inside the brain. using prolonged electric currents of 4000 and 6000 volts. 500 volts is like a person’s best condition. There is nothing below that .הם גורמים לאנשים לאהוב לקבל זרמי חשמל של 500 וולט בתוך המוח. באמצעות זרמי חשמל ממושכים של 4000 ושל 6000 וולט. 500 וולט זה כאילו המצב הטוב של האדם. אין מתחת לזה Various Neural Forced Implants And The Location
24 jun. · 4 weergaven

সৌদি আরবে কি কি ব্যবসা নিজের নামে করা যায় List. Onion cultivation Tomato cultivation Carrot cultivation Garlic cultivation Growing vegetable in green houses Growing different kinds of vegetable in open fields Aquaculture for production of vegetable Growing of mushrooms Cultivation of sugar cane Cultivation of fiber crops includes (cotton, Jute, flax…etc.) Fodder cultivation as Lucerne and other animal fodder Aromatic plants and flowers (flowers and flower buds) Aquaculture for production of flowers Cultivation of grapes Palm cultivation and dates production Fig production Mango cultivation Cultivation of citrus fruit Cultivation of apple seeds and stone fruits includes (apple, Apricot, cherry, peach, pearly, plum…etc.) Olive cultivation Cultivation of beverage crops includes (coffee, tea, cocoa… etc.) Cultivation of spices, aromatic crops and drug and pharmaceutical crops Cultivation of decoration plants and seedlings Cultivation of live plants for the purpose of planting and decoration (decoration plants) Tissue culture and plant propagation including palm trees Raising of cattle Calves fattening Breeding of camels and similar animals Raising of sheep Raising of goat Raising and production of broiler chickens mothers and the operation of their hatcheries Raising and production of layer chickens mothers and the operation of their hatcheries Raising and production of layer chickens grandmothers and the operation of their hatcheries Raising and production of broiler chickens grandmothers and the operation of their hatcheries Egg production Raising pigeons broilers production Beekeeping and honey production Ostrich breeding Rabbit farming Pet keeping and breeding includes (cats, dogs, birds) Quail keeping Mixed farming (mixed production of crops and animals without specialized production in crops and animals) Rental of agricultural equipment used by worker Irrigation projects (operating irrigation systems for agricultural projects) Installation of greenhouses Activities of companies that certify organic products Aerial spraying Animal production support activities Post-harvest crop activities Food irradiation Seed treatment for propagation Frankincense collection Mushroom and truffle collection Forestry support services Aquaculture of aquatic organisms in marine water Operating fish hatcheries at sea Shrimp farming at sea Aquaculture of aquatic organisms in inland water Operating freshwater fish hatcheries Shrimp farming at freshwater Freshwater ornamental fish farming Coal mining Coal cleaning, crushing, scaling and compressing Lignite cleaning, drying and crushing Mining of uranium and thorium ores Mining of non-ferrous metal ores, includes (aluminum, copper and lead) Mining of precious metal ores belonging to the gold, silver and platinum set Operating quarries Gypsum and anhydrite mining Operating sand or gravel mines, includes (crushers) Extraction of natural fertilizers, includes (natural phosphate and natural potassium salts) Mining of metals that contain nitrogen and potassium Mining of sulfur and ores that contain barium Extraction of peat (a kind of coal consisting of decomposed plants under the ground) Salt extraction Mining and quarrying to obtain asphalt, bitumen and natural bitumen Mining and quarrying to obtain precious stones, quartz and mica Drilling of oil fields Drilling of natural gas fields Services related to oil extraction except surveying services Services related to natural gas extraction except surveying services Test drilling of mineral explorations and precious metals Operating slaughterhouses (slaughtering and preparing lamb meat) Operating slaughterhouses (slaughtering and preparing poultry, rabbits and birds) Production of poultry and rabbit meat and fresh birds Production of poultry and rabbit meat and chilled and frozen birds Slaughtering and preparing hunting animals, includes (whales whose meat has been prepared onshore or aboard ships) Production of fresh meat Production of chilled and frozen meat Keeping and preparing meat and its products in different ways as drying and canning Cutting, preparing, and packing meat and poultry Production of sausage and hamburger from meat Production of flour and semolina from meat Production of mortadella from meat Preparing and keeping animal heads and shins Manufacture of edible animal fats Preparation of raw leather and wool Keeping fish and fish products by caning Keeping fish and fish products by drying, smoking or salting Keeping fish and fish products by cooling or freezing Production of fish fillets and fresh and frozen pickled fish Production of Caviar and its substitutes Manufacture of fish products for human consumption Manufacture of fish products as fodder Manufacture and processing of fish and sea livings aboard specialized ships Cutting and cleaning fish and water livings Production of fruit juices “Fruit drying, packing and keeping in concentrated glucose fluids .” harvesting and packaging of fruits and vegetables Packing and keeping legumes (cooked or non-cooked) by caning Production of vegetable powders, includes (peas and beans powders…etc.) Manufacture of potato-made food products, includes (potato chips) Manufacture of flour and semolina made from potatoes Manufacture of processed meals of vegetables Cooling and freezing fruits Cooling and freezing vegetables Drying and packing dates and manufacture of their products Drying and packing grapes and figs and manufacture of their products Manufacture of tomato sauce Roasting and packing nuts Manufacture of nut butter Manufacture of jam and gels Manufacture of pickles Production and refining of olive oil Production and refining of sesame oil Production and refining of sunflower oil Production and refining of margarine production and refining of Palm oil production and refining of Soya bean oil Extraction and refining of animal fats Extraction and refining of oils from fish and sea livings Production of fresh liquid milk Cream production Production of butter or margarine, includes (animal margarine derived from all kinds of milk) Production of white cheese Production of cooked cheese Manufacture of dried milk (powder) Manufacture of condensed milk Manufacture of ice cream Production of condensed and dried whey Production of casein and milk sugar (lactose) Production of yogurt and dehydrated yogurt Wheat packing and milling Maize packing and milling Barley packing and milling Packing and milling of flour, meal and bulgur wheat Oats production Grain mills Rice packing and milling Production of flour from rice Milling and packing of dried leguminous vegetables and edible nuts Manufacture of flour and dough for bakeries Manufacture of breakfast grain foods in flakes, includes (cereals, chips… etc.) Popcorn manufacturing Manufacture of starch from corn Manufacture of starch from potatoes Corn milling Manufacture of glucose, glucose syrup, barley sugar (maltose) and gluten production Production and refining of corn oil Manufacture of domestic bread Manufacture of bread and bread products by automatic bakeries Manufacture of different kinds of pies Manufacture of layer cake and all kinds of cakes Manufacture of all kinds of biscuits Manufacture of bread and pastry flakes Manufacture of frozen bakery products Making different kinds of Eastern and traditional desserts Preparing and processing sweets in the shops Extraction of raw sugar from cane and beet sugar Production of cane and beet sugar syrup Production of black honey (molasses) Maple sugar production Invert sugar production Palm sugar production Sugar packing, includes (sugar molds) making cocoa, chocolate and sugary sweets Manufacture of cocoa in form of paste, powder or pellet Manufacture of cocoa butter, fat or oil Manufacture of sugar sweets, includes (candies, caramel, toffee, nougat) Manufacture of gum Manufacture of Halvah Manufacture of all kinds of pasta Manufacture of all kinds of noodles Manufacture of couscous Manufacture of packaged or frozen stuffed pastries Manufacture of cooked stuffed pastries Manufacture of non-cooked stuffed pastries Manufacture of meat dishes Manufacture of chicken dishes Manufacture of fish dishes, including fried fish Manufacture of potato slices Manufacture of ready vegetable dishes Manufacture of kinds of canned soup and meals prepared under vacuum (without touch) Coffee roasting, milling and packing Manufacture of coffee substitutes Manufacture of baby foods Salt refining and milling Manufacture of all kinds of soup Manufacture of spices and broths Manufacture of vinegar Manufacture of yeast Manufacture of mayonnaise Manufacture of ketchup and hot sauce Tea packing and tea substitutes, includes (mint, flowers, chamomile and wild herbs) Production of crushed sugar syrup (caramel) Manufacture of food extracts and additives for foodstuffs and natural drinks Manufacture of food extracts and additives for foodstuffs and industrial drinks Manufacture of dietary supplements and diet foods Manufacture of egg products and egg whites Liquid halvah production Establishments for Preparation, Processing of eggs products Manufacture of concentrated fodder for animal Manufacture of cattle fodder Manufacture of secondary plant products as animal feed Preparation, milling and pressing of animal feed Production of salt lick stones for animal food Manufacture of non-medicinal feed additives Manufacture of poultry fodder Manufacture of bird fodder Manufacture of products of poultry slaughterhouses as animal feed Manufacture of pet feeds Manufacture of milk substitutes for breastfeeding young animals Manufacture of barley syrup, includes (non-alcoholic beer) Manufacture of soft drinks Manufacture of fruit-flavored beverages Manufacture of energy drinks Production and packaging of mineral water at site Production and packaging of pure filtered water Production and packaging of bottled water fortified with vitamins Cotton spinning and preparation Wool spinning and preparation Silk spinning and preparation Spinning and preparing plant fibers as hemp and kernels Spinning and preparing industrial threads as nylon Thread preparation by ironing Thread preparation by dyeing Manufacture of threads for sewing and knitting Manufacture of cotton clothes Manufacture of wool clothes Manufacture of silk clothes Weaving textiles from industrial yarns as nylon Weaving textiles from natural yarns, includes (linen and jute) Textile processing by ironing Textile processing by dyeing or printing Manufacture and processing knitted and crocheted fabrics Manufacture of artificial fur Designing bed covers, pillow bags, mattresses, bedspreads and pillows Tailoring camping supplies Manufacture of blankets and travel rugs Manufacture of wipes, towels and dish towels Designing of tents and sails Designing of car and furniture covers Designing of machine and good covers Designing of curtains Hand embroidery and jacquard Manufacture of fabric bags, flags, banners, sunshades…etc. Manufacture of rugs Manufacture of carpets, includes (prayer and travel rugs) Manufacture of moquette Manufacture of mats from textile, cotton or industrial fibers Manufacture of big ropes used in ships Manufacture of ordinary ropes made from textile fibers Manufacture of nets, fishing nets and collision barriers in ships Manufacture of strips from woven fabrics Manufacture of fabrics for abayas and men’s cloaks from hair Manufacture of fabrics for abayas and men’s cloaks from wool Manufacture of fabrics for abayas and men’s cloaks from lint Manufacture of kinds of fibers (impregnated or covered) Manufacture of fillers from textile materials includes (period nappies, cotton blood stoppers) Manufacture of material or textile strips and impregnated, covered or rubber-coated fabrics and the like Manufacture of trademarks, entourage decoration and similar types from textile materials Manufacture of ready-made men’s clothes, includes (ready-made clothes, suits, coats and trousers) Manufacture of men’s underwear Manufacture of ghutrahs and skullcaps Manufacture of headbands Manufacture of men’s cloaks Manufacture of Omani kuma Manufacture of ready-made women’s clothes, includes (dresses, coats and blouses) Manufacture of women’s underwear Manufacture of women’s abayas Manufacture of cloth accessories, includes (hats, gloves, belts, shawls, scarves, ties…etc.) Manufacture of ready-made outerwear for kids Manufacture of ready-made underwear for kids Sewing Arabian men’s clothes (men’s tailoring stores) Sewing non-Arabian men’s clothes Sewing women’s clothes (women’s tailoring stores), includes (women’s tailor store) Sewing sportswear Manufacture of military uniforms Sewing industrial safety clothes Sewing uniform suits Manufacture of clothes from natural fur Manufacture of all kinds of clothing from knitting and crochet Knitting yarn underwear (shirts, underclothes) Knitting yarn outerwear (pullovers, blouses, jackets) Manufacture of all kinds of socks Manufacture of diabetic socks Leather tanning (with chemical, plant or mineral materials) and processing Manufacture of leather (patent or premetallized) Manufacture of leather in form of strips or plates Manufacture of leather in form of rugs Manufacture of luggage bags and school bags from natural leather Manufacture of luggage bags and school bags from artificial leather Manufacture of women’s handbags from natural leather Manufacture of women’s handbags from artificial leather Manufacture of wallets and bags made from natural leather or its substitutes Manufacture of leather saddles and harnesses and accessories Manufacture of conveyor belts, leather belts and watch straps made from natural leather or its substitutes Manufacture of kinds of men’s leather shoes Manufacture of kinds of women’s leather shoes Manufacture of kinds of children’s leather shoes Manufacture of kinds of men’s shoes from rubber, plastics or wood Manufacture of kinds of women’s shoes from rubber, plastics or wood Manufacture of kinds of children’s shoes from rubber, plastics or wood Manufacture of sports, medical or professional shoes Manufacture and designing of shoe parts Manufacture of military shoes Sawing and cutting raw wood Manufacture of wooden railway sleepers Wood slicing and cutting Manufacture of wood wool and wood flour in form of particles as a primary activity Manufacture of firewood and Briquette Wood impregnation and processing chemically by preservatives Production of kinds of sawdust Manufacture of non-assembled wooden floors Manufacture of sheets from thin wood veneer Manufacture of reinforced wood (compressed) Manufacture of wood particle boards and fiberboards by compression pistons Manufacture of microchips Manufacture of sleepers and roof pillars Manufacture of wood scaffoldings Manufacture of wood doors and windows Manufacture of stairs and handrails Manufacture of wooden windows Manufacture of parquet flooring Wood decorations Carpentry works Manufacture of curved wooden ornaments and wood molds and boards for covering roofs and interior walls Manufacture of prefabricated wooden buildings Manufacture of backed wooden walls and dividers Manufacture of wooden containers, includes (packing boxes and wooden freight containers) Manufacture of wooden barrels and basins Manufacture of wooden cable reels Manufacture of wooden platforms Manufacture of handles and structure of wooden tools Manufacture of handles and structures of wooden brooms and brushes Manufacture of shoe parts and molds Manufacture of wooden household utensils Manufacture of wooden kitchen tools Manufacture of wooden household tool boxes Manufacture of wooden statues and small antiques Manufacture of wooden frames Manufacture of wooden jewelry boxes and antique boxes Manufacture of cloth hangers Manufacture of wooden blackout curtains Manufacture of plaits, utensils, wicker works and small goods from plaiting materials and bamboo Processing and manufacture of natural cork and cork products, includes (sheets, boards and tiles made from cork and coated cork… etc.). Manufacture of paper pulp from wood Manufacture of paper pulp from fiber Manufacture of paper pulp from wastes with removing ink Industry of pulp, paper and cardboards Manufacture of newsprints Manufacture of writing papers Manufacture of drawing and printing papers Manufacture of clear and glossy papers Manufacture of raw paper napkins Manufacture of raw rolling and packaging papers Manufacture of papers and corrugated cardboards (pasteboard) Manufacture of cardboard boxes, boxes, single or folded bags from paper or corrugated cardboards Manufacture of paper bags Manufacture of paper file boxes Manufacture of paper roll covers Manufacture of carbon paper and copy paper in different sizes Manufacture of letter envelopes, greeting cards and non-photo postcards Manufacture of school pamphlets and notebooks and office and school stationaries Manufacture of sanitary papers, napkins, cleaning napkins and towels Manufacture of sanitary towels Manufacture of baby diapers Manufacture of table napkins Manufacture of paper products for household purposes, includes (dishes and cups) Manufacture of filter molds, strips and chips from paper pulp Manufacture of decorative papers Manufacture of egg boxes and the like Manufacture of wallpapers Manufacture of tailoring papers Manufacture of printing and writing papers and ready-to-use computer Printing Newspaper printing Magazine printing Printing of periodicals and specialized magazines Printing of books Printing of school books Printing of booklets Printing of maps and atlases Printing of ads, posters and brochures Printing of calendars, business cards, wedding cards and smart cards Printing of commercial stationery and invoices Printing of postal or financial stamps, banknotes for the state, cheques and property documents Printing by duplicating machines Engraving and photo-engraving on metal or plastic sheets Bookbinding Reproduction of recordings and visual recording tapes (video) Reproduction of soft and solid discs Reproduction of ready computer programs (software) Reproduction of movies Production of coke coal and charcoal Collection of coke coal in form of blocks Underdeveloped coke coal products, includes (tar and bitumen) etc.) Production of kinds of liquid fuel (oil refinery products) Production of kinds of gas fuel, includes (Ethane, Butane, Propane.. etc.) Production of lighting oils Production of lubricant oils for equipment and engines Production of Paraffin wax Production of asphalt Manufacture of basic organic chemicals, includes Astelin except azotic fertilizers and compounds (nitrogen) Production of primary gases, includes (oxygen and hydrogen.. etc.) Production of liquefied and compressed air Production of refrigerant gases Production of mixed industrial gases Manufacture of medical gases Manufacture of inorganic acids Manufacture of glycerol lyes, including caustic soda Manufacture of dyeing, coloring and industrial and natural tanning materials Manufacture of chemical materials Manufacture of distilled water Natural gas liquidation Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compounds Manufacture of phosphate fertilizers Manufacture of potassium fertilizers Manufacture of urea and phosphate and natural potassium salts Production of nitric acid Production of ammonia Production of potassium nitrate Manufacture of plastics in primary forms Manufacture of synthetic rubber taken from oils in their primary forms Manufacture of synthetic rubber and natural rubber mixtures Manufacture of rubber-like dyes in primary forms Manufacture of propylene Manufacture of polyethylene Manufacture of agricultural pesticides and fungicides Manufacture of insecticides Manufacture of antibacterial materials and plant growth regulators Manufacture of antiseptics for agricultural use Manufacture of pesticides Manufacture of disinfectants and sterilizers for medical products and devices Manufacture of disinfectants and sterilizers for non-medical use Manufacture of paints Manufacture of varnishes (polishing materials) Manufacture of ready pigments and color opacifiers Manufacture of enamel paints or ceramics Manufacture of coloring materials used in making paints or used by artists and others Manufacture of adhesives and similar non-thermal supplies used in stuffing and leveling surfaces Manufacture of organic composite solvents and thinners, includes (manufacture of supplies for removing paints and varnishes) Manufacture of printing inks Manufacturing of specialized military coating Manufacture of all kinds of soaps, includes (liquid and dry paste) Manufacture of soap-covered paper and pulp Manufacture of shampoos Manufacture of industrial detergents Manufacture of leather polishes and pastes Manufacture of floor, glass and furniture polishes Manufacture of jelly powders Manufacture of washing and cleaning materials and products Manufacture of products for room perfuming and deodorization Manufacture of men and women perfumes Manufacture of cologne and toilet water Manufacture of wood resinoids Manufacture of incense Mixing and packing perfumes, oils and plants Manufacture of shaving products Manufacture of all kinds of hair depilatories and straighteners Manufacture of raw glycerol Manufacture of cosmetics Manufacture of hand and foot care products Manufacture of mouth and teeth cleaning products Manufacture of dental pastes or powders Manufacture of industrial candles Manufacture of candles made from candle mixtures Manufacture of explosives and fireworks Manufacture of matches Manufacture of explosive and fireworks valves Manufacturing of military explosives Manufacture of gelatin and its derivatives Manufacture of animal-derived glues and glues made from rubber, plastics or resins Manufacture of resins (which is the excretion of hydrocarbons from plants, whose value is high in the market due to its chemical components and uses), includes (polishes and glues) Manufacture of basic oils Chemical modification of oils and fats Manufacture of kinds of proteins Manufacture of powders and pastes used in all kinds of welding Manufacture of materials used in acid cleaning of metal surfaces Manufacture of anti-impact products, coolants, anti-freeze products, fluids used in hydraulic fiber for transmission Manufacture of In-Vitro medical device Manufacture of photochemical products, includes (photographic slides, films and sensitive paper… etc.) Manufacture of writing and drawing inks Manufacture of aromatic extracts and their products, includes (distilled water and aromatic mixtures) Manufacture of synthetic staple yarns Manufacture of industrial staple yarns, includes (nylon and polyester… etc.) Manufacture of single threads Manufacture of industrial synthetic nodes, includes (industrial straw) Pharmaceutical industry for human use Manufacture of pharmaceutical products for veterinary use Production of grinded, manufactured or prepared plant products Manufacture of surgical dressings and fracture bandages Manufacture of surgical filling Manufacture of surgical threads Manufacture of medical cotton Manufacture of chemicals used in making medicines Manufacture of pharmaceutical materials used in making vitamins Manufacture of pure chemical sugar Radioisotopes production Manufacture of blood sugar level measuring devices and strips Manufacture of all kinds of pneumatic tyres Manufacture of steel tyres (airless) Manufacture of hollow or semi-solid tyres Manufacture of internal rubber tubes of tyres Manufacture of interchangeable tyre parts and camel-shaped slices for renovating external surfaces of tyres, includes (tyre tapes or tyre wicks) Re-manufacture of tyres Replacement of external surfaces of used pneumatic tyres Manufacture of plates, rods and sheets Manufacture of tubes, pipes, hoses and conveyor belts Manufacture of health or pharmaceutical items from rubber Manufacture of semi-finished plastic products, includes (tablets, slices, sheets, tapes, pipes, hoses and supplies… etc.) Manufacture of pipes, hoses, plastic tubes, links and supplies Manufacture of construction materials, include (windows and doors) Manufacture of curtain panels from plastics Manufacture of insulations and sealants Manufacture of lighting supplies Manufacture of floor covers Manufacture of roof and wall covers in form of rolls or tiles…etc. Manufacture of sanitary supplies from plastics, includes (washbasins, bathtubs, toilets…etc.) Manufacture of boxes from plastics Manufacture of containers from plastics Manufacture of all kinds of flasks from plastics Manufacture of bags from plastics Manufacture of household tools and kitchen and decoration one-use tools Manufacture of household tools and kitchen and decoration tools from melamine Manufacture of plastic products by Rotomold method Manufacture of floor covers (linoleum flooring) Manufacture of sponge products Manufacture of primary glass products Manufacture of glass insulation materials used in construction Manufacture of glass of electric lamps Manufacture of glass of crystal chandeliers Manufacture of glass works Manufacture of kitchen and table tools Manufacture of glass boxes and utensils Manufacture of glass tools for labs and pharmaceutical uses Manufacture of glass tools for office uses Manufacture of glass tools for healthy uses Manufacture of safety glass including car glass Cutting and rinsing of ordinary glass Manufacture of glass mirrors Manufacture of watch glass, optics and optical elements that are not operated on an optical basis Manufacture of glass fibers used in manufacturing imitation jewelry Manufacture of glass fibers, includes (glass wool.. etc.) Manufacture of water reservoirs Manufacture of pipes Manufacture of boats and yachts Manufacture of parachute (Fiberglass) Multi-Purpose Fiberglass Boxes & Enclosures manufacturing Manufacture of thermal concrete Manufacture of thermal insulating ceramic products Manufacture of wires, silencers, chimneys and pipes Manufacture of bricks, blocks and thermal tiles, including thermal cement Manufacture of sand bricks, floor blocks, roof tiles and chimney burners Manufacture of wall and floor tiles (ceramics) Manufacture of underground electric-wire pipes and tubes, gutters and ceramic pipe supplies Manufacture of pottery products, includes (manufacture of bricks) Manufacture of stones and ceramic tiles used in paving Manufacture of insulating fire red and clay bricks Manufacture of mosaic cubes and the like whether shiny or not shiny Manufacture of ornamental items, antiques, statues, and figures made of ceramics and pottery Manufacture of electric insulators and insulation fittings from ceramics Manufacture of ceramic and iron magnets Manufacture of lab, chemical and industrial ceramic goods Manufacture of pottery products used in goods transportation and packaging, includes (potteries, pots, jars… etc.) Manufacture of ceramic furniture Manufacture of ordinary cement (Portland) Manufacture of salt resistant cement Manufacture of white cement Manufacture of bulk cement (clinker) Manufacture of pozzolan cement Manufacture of live lime Manufacture of hydrated lime Manufacture of water lime Manufacture of plasters and gypsum Manufacture of emptied and compact cement slabs Manufacture of all kinds of tiles and cement mosaic Ready-mixed concrete production Manufacture of concrete additives and plasticizers Manufacture of mortar from cement Manufacture of ready-mixed concrete and multi-use dry concrete (Manufacture of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC (Manufacture of Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF (Manufacture of Insulated Precast Systems (IPS Manufacture of Prefabricated Concrete Modules Manufacture of cutters, panels, frames and prefabricated buildings from ready-made concrete Manufacture of pipes and tubes from concrete or cement Manufacture of reservoirs and docks from concrete or cement Manufacture of household utensils from concrete or cement Manufacture of window frames from concrete or cement Manufacture of statues and types of decorations from concrete or cement Manufacture of types of asbestos cement or fiber cement Manufacture of construction materials made from plant bulk materials by cement Manufacture of construction materials made from plant bulk materials by gypsum Manufacture of construction materials made from plant bulk materials by a metal bonding material “Manufacture of types of cement, includes (engraved frames, statues, teapots and types of (decoration” Cutting, forming and preparing stones for using in building, construction, roads… etc. Operations carried out on coarse stones outside quarries, includes (sawing, polishing and grinding… etc.) Manufacture of stone products, includes (furniture, statues, boards and types of decoration and the like) Marble cutting and sawing Manufacture of marble products, includes (kitchens, laundries, antiques, docks, statues, sculpture, painting and the like) Manufacture of friction materials from metals Manufacture of sound and heat insulation materials Manufacture of types of cement or similar materials, includes (coal-tar pitch) Production of millstones and whetstones Processes performed on sand inducing cleaning and grinding Manufacture of primary iron products in form of granules and powders Manufacture of primary iron products in form of blocks of pillars and residues after re-smelting Manufacture of pure iron by electrolysis Manufacture of pure iron by chemical processes Manufacture of non-polished iron Manufacture of sponge iron Manufacture of cast iron including steel and cast iron castings Manufacture of products from iron, steel…etc., by pulling, extrusion or metal-rolling Manufacture of lacy sheets, rolls and coils and all types of rods, feathers, wires and angles Manufacture of pipes, tubes and hollow shapes from iron and steel Manufacture of railway supplies, includes (rolled rails… etc.) Production of precious raw metals from gold Production of precious raw metals from silver Production of precious raw metals from precious metals listed under platinum group metals. Production of wrought gold. production of wrought silver. Production of wrought Platinum. Production of wrought Platinum group Untraditional metal works painted, covered or mixed with gold. Untraditional metal works painted, covered or mixed with silver. Smelting, rolling, drawing, purifying, and casting copper and its alloys. Smelting, rolling, drawing, purifying, and casting aluminum and its alloys. Smelting, rolling, drawing, purifying, and casting lead, zinc, tin and their alloys. Smelting, rolling, drawing, purifying, and casting chromium, manganese, nickel and their alloys. Production of alumina from nickel and copper production of semi raw metals from nickel and copper Non-ferrous traditional metal works, including (wires – pipes – tubes – powders – papers – plates … etc.) Iron and steel casting (finished products) Iron and steel casting (semi-finished finished products) manufacture of tubes, pipes, hollow forms, and pipes and tubes connections. non-ferrous metals casting (finished products), including (aluminum and zinc .. etc.) non-ferrous metals casting (semi-finished products), including (aluminum and zinc .. etc.) Manufacture of metal structures and their parts Manufacture of pylons and their parts, including (lampposts, light cabins, traffic lights .. etc.) Manufacture of pylons and their parts (Manufacture of Light Gauge Steel (LGS (Manufacture of Prefabricated Light Gauge Steel Modular (LGS (Manufacture of Tunnel Formwork (TF Manufacture and installation of prefabricated steel structures of refineries Manufacture and installation of prefabricated steel structures of industrial establishments Manufacture of prefabricated buildings mainly made of metal Manufacture and formation of steel rods Manufacture and formation of steel grids Metal workshops Manufacture and installation of scaffolds Manufacture and installation of garages doors Manufacture and installation of windows and doors Manufacture and installation of stairs Manufacture and installation of alcoves Manufacture of mobile military shelters Aluminum workshops Manufacture of air-conditioning ducts and their appendices Manufacture of tankers, reservoirs Manufacture of central heating radiators boilers Manufacture of containers for liquefied and compressed gases, including (gas canisters) Manufacture of boilers for water steam generation or other types of steam Manufacture of attached units used with boilers, including (Steam condenser units) Manufacture of weapons and ammunition Manufacturing of conventional ammunition Manufacturing of grenades Manufacturing of smart ammunition Manufacturing of heavy firearms Manufacturing of medium firearms Manufacturing of light firearms Parts manufacturing (non-combustible) of the conventional ammunition Parts manufacturing (non-combustible) of the smart ammunition Parts manufacturing (non-combustible) of the grenades Manufacturing of heavy firearms parts Manufacturing of medium firearms parts Manufacturing of light firearms parts Manufacture of finished and semi-finished products through peening, compression, casting, and milling. Production of metallic forms directly from powder. Processing and painting metals by refinement and polishing Processing and painting metals by digging Processing and painting metals by coloring and cleaning metal cutting and writing on it through laser beams Metal turning Manufacture of metallic goods for domestic use, including (knives, scissors, spoons, forks, .. etc.) Manufacture of different types of razors Manufacture of hand tools used in agriculture Manufacture of hand tools used in carpentry Manufacture of hand tools used in mechanics and electricity Manufacture of hand tools used in drilling and construction Manufacture of saws, knives, blades of machines parts, and mechanical devices Manufacture of replaceable head parts for hand tools, including (spiral drillers, separation cutters, sintered rods, turning machine cutters, gun spears) Manufacture of ironwork instruments, scythes, clamping bands, welding stoves Manufacture of locks and key fabrication Manufacture of clothes hangers and pegs Manufacture of metallic objects Manufacture of swords Manufacture of Janbiyas (daggers) Manufacture of bayonets Manufacture of metallic fixing pegs, including (nails, pins, nuts, and different types of rings) Manufacture of metallic cables and girdles from iron Manufacture of metallic cables and girdles from copper Manufacture of metallic cables and girdles from Aluminum Manufacture of objects made of wire, including (barbed wire, railing, extended metallic grill .. etc.) Manufacture of metallic containers used in transporting and packaging commodities, including (barrels, garbage containers, buckets, boxes, cans .. etc.) Manufacture of hollow metallic containers and similar containers such as kitchen utensils, cutlery, and grilling and frying tools manufacture of metallic sanitary tools painted with nickel such as sinks and washbasins Manufacture of springs except for watch springs Manufacture of steel safes Manufacture of armored doors for security purposes Manufacture of metallic tools for desks Manufacture of car plates Manufacture of sewerage covers Manufacture of air-conditioning extension pipes Manufacture of metallic ceilings and their items Manufacture of metallic signs, non-electric guiding boards, banners Manufacture of marks and military signs from metal Manufacture of welding steel bars Manufacture of metallic patterns Manufacture of chains and bedrails Manufacture of bells and anchors Manufacture of fixing railways tools Manufacture of military shooting targets Manufacturing of military equipment covers Manufacture of compressors and electronic resistors Manufacture of accurate processors, including (internal and external computer modem) Manufacture of valves and electronic connections Manufacture of complete circuits Manufacture of power adapters for electronic uses Manufacture of interface cards (sound, video, monitoring, webs, modem) Manufacture of screens (plasma, LCD) Manufacture of connectors, printers cables, screens, USB Manufacture of solar panels and their parts Manufacturing of Smart Cards Manufacturing of military electronics parts Manufacture of personal computers Manufacture of laptops Manufacture of main frame computers Manufacture of personal digital assistant computers (PDA) Manufacture of computer storage media drivers Manufacture of printers All types of scanners Manufacture of display screens Manufacture of key boards and all types of mouses Manufacture of ATM machines including (manufacture of points of sale devices that does not work automatically) Manufacture of multi-function desk machines (fax, scanner, photocopier) Manufacture of all types of centrals Manufacture of wireless phones and mobile phones and theirs items Manufacture of land line phones, faxes, and answering machines Manufacture of digital communication devices, including towers and entrances Manufacture of network modems and load-bearing equipment Manufacture of transmission and receiving antennas and cable TV devices Manufacture of devices of radio and television studios, and live broadcast devices including television cameras Manufacture of television and radio transmission devices Manufacture of remote control devices Manufacture of robbery and fire alarms that send control signals Manufacturing of military communications devices and military command and control systems Manufacture of video devices Manufacture of television screens Manufacture of all types of visual CD players Manufacture of home-based video cameras Manufacture of video games devices Manufacture of TV devices Manufacture of radio devices Manufacture of audio recording devices Manufacture of sound systems Manufacture of headphones for radio, recorder, and computer Manufacture of all types of audio CD players Manufacture of microphones and amplifiers Manufacture of measuring equipment and airplane black boxes Manufacture of automotive emission testing equipment Manufacture of radar and navigation devices and equipments Manufacture of tools of measuring and testing electricity and electrical signals Manufacture of measuring equipment used in air monitoring Manufacture of temperature and humidity control devices Manufacture of radiation detections and monitoring devices Manufacture of sensitive balances, and measures used in laboratories for other purposes Manufacture of laboratory analytical instruments, including (blood work equipment) Manufacture of spectrum analyzers Manufacture of testing and inspection equipment Manufacture of polygraphs Manufacture of military measurement, examination, and test Manufacture of metal detectors Manufacturing of military guidance systems Manufacturing of military radars and sensors Manufacturing of military prevention and electronic jamming systems Manufacture of surveying equipment Manufacture of non-medical thermometers, including (thermometers used for industrial purposes) Manufacture of GPS Manufacture of electricity, water, and gas meters Manufacture and assembly of wristwatches, including wristwatches made of precious metals Manufacture and assembly of clocks, including wall clocks Manufacture of pocket watches Manufacture of different types of watch parts, including watch springs Manufacture of time recording devices, and time measuring devices Manufacture of radioactive equipment, pipes, devices, and their parts for researches, and medical and scientific purposes, including (X-rays, beta rays, and gamma rays) Manufacture of CT scan equipment Manufacture of MRI equipment Manufacture of ultrasound Equipment Manufacture of PET scan equipment Manufacture of medical laser Manufacture of food and milk radiation measuring equipment Manufacture of pacemakers Manufacture of electrocardiography equipment Manufacture of hearing aids Manufacture of medical electronic specula Manufacture of medical mirrors Manufacture of magnifiers Manufacture of film cameras and digital cameras Manufacture of animation devices, slide show devices, transparency show devices Manufacture of lenses, microscopes, binoculars, and telescopes Manufacture of measuring and examination optical devices, including (fire control equipment, illumination intensity measures, and space determiners) Manufacture of military telescopes Manufacturing of military cameras Manufacture of blank audio and visual videocassettes Manufacture of blank audio and visual cassettes Manufacture of blank diskettes Manufacture of blank discs Manufacture of hard discs Manufacture of motors and generators Manufacture of electrical transformers Manufacture of electricity distribution and control devices Re-rolling the magnetic core of generators, motors, and electric transformers Manufacture of generators, motors, and electric transformers parts Manufacturing of explosives parts (non-combustible) Manufacture of batteries and unchargeable protocells (which contains Manganese oxide, mercury, and silver). Manufacture of wet batteries Manufacture of dry batteries Manufacture of electric batteries and their parts Manufacture of fiber optic cables Manufacture of insulated steel cables and wires Manufacture of insulated copper cables and wires Manufacture of insulated aluminum cables and wires Manufacture of metallic electricity tapes Manufacture of ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) Manufacture of light-bulb carrier Manufacture of lightning rods Manufacture of different types of switches (for buildings and devices) Manufacture of electrical sockets and outlets Manufacture of electric connections and metallic wire extension channels Manufacture of electric connections and plastic wire extension channels Manufacture of light bulbs Manufacture of light connections Manufacture of light equipment for special use Manufacture of chandeliers Manufacture of lanterns and spotlight equipment Manufacture of electric refrigerators, and freezers Manufacture of water chillers Manufacture of dish washers Manufacture of electric washing machines, and clothes driers Manufacture of electric fans Manufacture of vacuum cleaners Manufacture of air heaters Manufacture of electric water heaters Manufacture of electric floor polishers Manufacture of electric blenders Manufacture of fruit juicers Manufacture of electric can openers Manufacture of shavers Manufacture of tooth cleaners Manufacture of electric driers, combs, brushes, and hair curling rollers Manufacture of ovens Manufacture of microwaves Manufacture of grills Manufacture of toaster Manufacture of tea and coffee machines .. etc. Manufacture of non-electric household appliances for cooking and heating Manufacture of electric warning signals and boards, including ( traffic lights, and pedestrian signals) Manufacture of electric steel and tin welding equipment including manual welding tin irons Manufacture of internal combustion engines and their parts Manufacture of steam turbines Manufacture of water turbines and watermills, and the machines that regulate their functions Manufacture of gaseous turbines used in ships engines or main movement tools for electric generators Manufacture of boilers turbines devices, or steam stationary engines Manufacture of equipment that work with fluids power Manufacture of all different kinds of fluid bumps Manufacture of air and gas compressors bumps, and vacuum bumps Manufacture of faucets, water stopcocks, valves and other similar devices Manufacture of bumps installed on internal combustion engines (water, oil, fuel bumps .. etc.) Manufacture of ball bearings, rolled bearings including balls, needles, rings, and metallic cylinders Manufacture of mechanical power transmission equipment from any material (pillars, arms, chairs, gears) for gearing and cranking Manufacture of power transferring chains Manufacture of ovens, blast furnaces, and blast furnaces stoves Manufacture of simple and complex lifting and handling machines Manufacture of fixed lifting and handling machines Manufacture of lifting and handling machines moving on metallic tracks Manufacture of lifting and handling machines carried completely on wheeled structures Manufacture of reels, lifting machines, and gear cranes Manufacture of car lifts Manufacture of drilling rigs Manufacture of cable lifting derricks Manufacture of mobile derrick structures Manufacture of lifting and handling machines used in seaports, factories, warehouses etc. Manufacture of lifting, handling, and loading machines including (elevators, liquids levers, carriers, and cable cars) Manufacture of special parts for lifting and handling equipment, including (hooks and shovels .. etc.) Manufacture of all kinds of typewriters Manufacture, renewing, and loading of photocopiers and their ink cartridges Manufacture of offset printers Manufacture of manual and office calculators, cashier devices in stores (manual and automatic), money counters, and check typewriters Manufacture of franking machines, and ticket machines Manufacture of documents packaging and binding equipment Manufacture of enveloping machines, and post office sorting machines .. etc. Manufacture of electric hand tools, including (electric saw, and electric drill .. etc.) Manufacture of air-pressure hand tools, including (nail fixer, rivets, and screws ) Manufacture of scales, digital scales for various purposes Manufacture of freezing and refrigeration rooms and equipment Manufacture of super market refrigerators and freezers Manufacture of water and liquids chillers in establishments Manufacture of air-conditioners (units or central) working with freon Manufacture of different sizes of desert air-conditioners Manufacture of liquids and gases purification and filtration machines and devices Manufacture of refining and distillation machines and equipment Manufacture of centrifuges Manufacture of air and gas liquefiers Manufacture of containers packaging, filling, and cleaning machines, including (bottles and boxes) Manufacture of containers manufacturing machines Manufacture of painting equipment Manufacture of firefighting equipment. Manufacture of sand tossing and crushing machines Manufacture of steam cleaning machines Manufacture of non-electric steel and tin equipment, Manufacture and assembly of tractors machines and equipment Manufacture and assembly of plow machines and equipment Manufacture and assembly of machines and equipment of auto loading and unloading trailers Manufacture and assembly of agricultural handling machines and equipment Manufacture and assembly of machines and equipment of pivotal irrigation devices Manufacture of machines used in agriculture, gardening, or forests for land preparation, or crops planting or fertilization Manufacture of seeding machines Manufacture of picking and harvesting machines, and tree trimmers Manufacture of egg cleaning and sorting machines Manufacture of fruit and vegetables cleaning and sorting machines Manufacture of cattle milking machines Manufacture of agricultural sprinklers Manufacture of machine tools for wood forming Manufacture of machine tools for rock forming Manufacture of machine tools for minerals forming Manufacture of machine tools for cold glass forming Manufacture of machine tools for rotation Manufacture of machine tools for piercing Manufacture of machine tools for drilling Manufacture of machine tools for forming Manufacture of machine tools for refining Manufacture of machine tools for forming by stamping Manufacture of machine tools for forming by pressing, (including piercing pistons) Manufacture of hydraulic machine tools Manufacture of machine tools of scissors, and separation tools and separators Manufacture of simple machine tools, including (pistons, feet propellers) Manufacture of advanced machine tools, including (digital machines) Manufacture of stapling, nailing, and gluing machines Manufacture of chain saws Manufacture of scanning machines Manufacture of automatic hammers Manufacture of rivet machines Manufacture of metal sheets cutters Manufacture of pistons for particle board manufacturing Manufacture of pistons for building panels manufacturing manufacture of machine tools parts, items and supplements Manufacture of machines and equipment hot metals handling, including (casting transformers and molds, scoops, pouring machines .. etc. used in metal foundries Manufacture of metal miners and its cylinders Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment and machines used underground such as carriers Manufacture of piercing machines, cutters, drilling machines, and tunnels opening Manufacture of metal processing machines by sorting, sifting, separation, washing, or crushing … etc. Manufacture of cement and mortar mixers Manufacture of bulldozers Manufacture of leveling roads bulldozers Manufacture of paving machines Manufacture of skimming machines Manufacture of leveling machines Manufacture of mechanical shovels Manufacture of loading mechanical shovels Manufacture of pillar extraction machines Manufacture of mortar spreading machines Manufacture of bitumen spreading machines Manufacture of concrete forming machines Manufacture of tractors for railroad fixing Manufacture of bars used in construction and mining Manufacture of bulldozers blades Manufacture of angle-dozer blades Manufacture of trucks for carrying drilling debris that do not work on roads Manufacture of machines used in dairy industry. Manufacture of machines used in roasting, grinding, cleaning, and sorting grains Manufacture of machines used in roasting, grinding, cleaning, and sorting dried vegetables Manufacture of machines used in roasting, grinding, cleaning, and sorting nuts Manufacture of extraction and preparation machines for animal and plants oils, fruit juice, mashers and other similar machines Manufacture of automatic bakery machines and equipment Manufacture of equipment for non-electric bakery ovens Manufacture of pasteurization units Manufacture of non-domestic microwaves Manufacture of broasted preparation machines Manufacture of different kinds of cooking ovens and machines that work with Mandy Manufacture of frying machines Manufacture of grilling machines Manufacture of preparation machines, producing machines, refining machines, or cutting machines of fibers, materials, artificial yarns Manufacture of fiber preparation machines, including (cotton-ginning machines, balers opening machines, emery machines, cotton spreading machines, wool cleaning machines, wool carbonization machines, sweeping machines, shredding machines, final rolling patterns, etc.) Manufacture of spinning machines Manufacture of yarns preparation machines, including Machines of untying and rolling, and other relevant machines Manufacture of weaving machines including manual looms Manufacture of sewing machines (knitting) Manufacture of machines of making knotted nets, tulle nets, lacework nets, and plaiters Manufacture of variegated cloth machines Manufacture of jakar machines Manufacture of automatic stop movement machines Manufacture of changing shuttle machines Manufacture of Mardanes machines, and Mardanes weaving guides Manufacture of textile printing machines Manufacture of textile washing, shortening, dyeing, trimming, preparation, covering, and impregnation machines Manufacture of textile rolling, loosing, folding, cutting, piercing machines Manufacture of ironing machines Manufacture of commercial washing and drying machines Manufacture of dry cleaning machines Manufacture of different types of sewing machines and their parts Manufacture of felt machines Manufacture of non-textile materials machines Manufacture of preparation, tanning, operating machines for leather and tanned leather Manufacture of shoes machines Manufacture of shoes repairing machines Manufacture of machines of different types of leather Manufacture of fur or tanned leather machines Manufacture of paper-making industry machines, including (machines of making pulp, and manufacture of paper machines and cardboard Manufacture of rubber and plastic producing machines, including (manufacture of machines for manufacturing and innovating patterns, and rubber molding machines Manufacture of printing machines Manufacture of printing letters molding and lining machines Manufacture of machines for producing tile, bricks, and ceramics Manufacture of electric light bulbs assembling machines Manufacture of electronic light bulbs assembling machines Manufacture of producing machines of glass, containers, fiber, or glass fiber Manufacture of machines of book binding, and printing supplementary activities except for manufacturing textile printing machines Manufacturing of military simulators Manufacture and assembly of small automobiles Manufacture and assembly of buses and carriers Factories of armored civilian vehicles Manufacture and assembly of motor cars structures Manufacture and assembly of automobiles engines and their parts Manufacture of vehicle bodies from wood Manufacture of vehicle bodies from metal Manufacture of trailers installed on motor structures Manufacture of caravan semi-trailers Manufacture of trailers for railroad and roads Manufacture of trailers for carrying furniture and cars Manufacture of liquid tanks Manufacture of ordinary or chilling containers for carrying goods Manufacture of parts of trailers and semi-trailers Manufacture and renew of gearboxes Manufacture of radiators Manufacture of tailpipes Manufacture of handles Manufacture of brakes Manufacture of all different types of car filters Manufacture of rolling bearings and bearings Manufacture of steering columns and gearboxes Manufacture of car seats Manufacture of car spare parts Manufacture of passenger ships Manufacture of ferries Manufacture of goods ships Manufacture of oil tankers Manufacture of ship trailer Military ships building Manufacture of floating offshore installations, including (floats, get-off platforms, floating tanks, flat bottom canoes) Manufacture of non-navigational ships, including (drillers, floating platforms and walls) Manufacture of fishing boats Manufacture of ships that contain fish preparation factories Manufacturing of parts of military platforms used for military ships Military ships plating Manufacture of yachts and rowboats Manufacture of rowed lifeboats Manufacture of pleasure crafts Manufacture of fishing boats and canoes Manufacture of sailboats Manufacture of race canoes Manufacture of train tractors Manufacture of railroad cars Manufacture of food and sleeping cars Manufacture of goods cars Manufacture of train supplying cars Manufacture of tanker cars, and self-propelled carts Manufacture of parts, items, and equipment for railroad tractors Manufacture of passengers and goods civilian aircrafts Manufacture of military aircraft. Manufacture of sportive aircraft. Manufacture of civilian helicopters Manufacture of gliders. Manufacture of air and engines balloons Manufacture of supplementary parts and items for civilian aircrafts Manufacturing of parts of military platforms used for military aircrafts Military aircrafts plating Manufacture of military land and amphibious vehicles Manufacturing of parts of military platforms used for military land vehicles Armoring of military vehicles Manufacture and assembly of motorbikes Manufacture of motorbikes engines Manufacture of motorbikes parts Manufacture of side vehicles of motorbikes and their items Manufacture and assembly of bicycles. Manufacture and assembly of kids bicycles. Manufacture of delivery three-wheeled bicycles Manufacture of bike parts Manufacture of the handicapped bikes, the supplied with motors and the non-supplied with motors Manufacture of kids carts Manufacture of hand-held vehicles and carts Manufacture of animal-drawn vehicles and carts Manufacture of furniture from wood Manufacture of metallic furniture for houses, offices, restaurants, and hotels Manufacture of furniture from aluminum for different uses and purposes Manufacture of furniture from bamboo, reeds and straw for all different usages Manufacture of furniture from plastics and elastics for all different usages Manufacture of furniture from leather for all different usages Manufacture of furniture from glass for all different usages

সৌদি আরবে কি কি ব্যবসা নিজের নামে করা যায় List. Onion cultivation Tomato cultivation Carrot cultivation Garlic cultivation Growing vegetable in green houses Growing different kinds of vegetable in open fields Aquaculture for production of vegetable Growing of mushrooms Cultivation of sugar cane Cultivation of fiber crops includes (cotton, Jute, flax…etc.) Fodder cultivation as Lucerne and other animal fodder Aromatic plants and flowers (flowers and flower buds) Aquaculture for production of flowers Cultivation of grapes Palm cultivation and dates production Fig production Mango cultivation Cultivation of citrus fruit Cultivation of apple seeds and stone fruits includes (apple, Apricot, cherry, peach, pearly, plum…etc.) Olive cultivation Cultivation of beverage crops includes (coffee, tea, cocoa… etc.) Cultivation of spices, aromatic crops and drug and pharmaceutical crops Cultivation of decoration plants and seedlings Cultivation of live plants for the purpose of planting and decoration (decoration plants) Tissue culture and plant propagation including palm trees Raising of cattle Calves fattening Breeding of camels and similar animals Raising of sheep Raising of goat Raising and production of broiler chickens mothers and the operation of their hatcheries Raising and production of layer chickens mothers and the operation of their hatcheries Raising and production of layer chickens grandmothers and the operation of their hatcheries Raising and production of broiler chickens grandmothers and the operation of their hatcheries Egg production Raising pigeons broilers production Beekeeping and honey production Ostrich breeding Rabbit farming Pet keeping and breeding includes (cats, dogs, birds) Quail keeping Mixed farming (mixed production of crops and animals without specialized production in crops and animals) Rental of agricultural equipment used by worker Irrigation projects (operating irrigation systems for agricultural projects) Installation of greenhouses Activities of companies that certify organic products Aerial spraying Animal production support activities Post-harvest crop activities Food irradiation Seed treatment for propagation Frankincense collection Mushroom and truffle collection Forestry support services Aquaculture of aquatic organisms in marine water Operating fish hatcheries at sea Shrimp farming at sea Aquaculture of aquatic organisms in inland water Operating freshwater fish hatcheries Shrimp farming at freshwater Freshwater ornamental fish farming Coal mining Coal cleaning, crushing, scaling and compressing Lignite cleaning, drying and crushing Mining of uranium and thorium ores Mining of non-ferrous metal ores, includes (aluminum, copper and lead) Mining of precious metal ores belonging to the gold, silver and platinum set Operating quarries Gypsum and anhydrite mining Operating sand or gravel mines, includes (crushers) Extraction of natural fertilizers, includes (natural phosphate and natural potassium salts) Mining of metals that contain nitrogen and potassium Mining of sulfur and ores that contain barium Extraction of peat (a kind of coal consisting of decomposed plants under the ground) Salt extraction Mining and quarrying to obtain asphalt, bitumen and natural bitumen Mining and quarrying to obtain precious stones, quartz and mica Drilling of oil fields Drilling of natural gas fields Services related to oil extraction except surveying services Services related to natural gas extraction except surveying services Test drilling of mineral explorations and precious metals Operating slaughterhouses (slaughtering and preparing lamb meat) Operating slaughterhouses (slaughtering and preparing poultry, rabbits and birds) Production of poultry and rabbit meat and fresh birds Production of poultry and rabbit meat and chilled and frozen birds Slaughtering and preparing hunting animals, includes (whales whose meat has been prepared onshore or aboard ships) Production of fresh meat Production of chilled and frozen meat Keeping and preparing meat and its products in different ways as drying and canning Cutting, preparing, and packing meat and poultry Production of sausage and hamburger from meat Production of flour and semolina from meat Production of mortadella from meat Preparing and keeping animal heads and shins Manufacture of edible animal fats Preparation of raw leather and wool Keeping fish and fish products by caning Keeping fish and fish products by drying, smoking or salting Keeping fish and fish products by cooling or freezing Production of fish fillets and fresh and frozen pickled fish Production of Caviar and its substitutes Manufacture of fish products for human consumption Manufacture of fish products as fodder Manufacture and processing of fish and sea livings aboard specialized ships Cutting and cleaning fish and water livings Production of fruit juices “Fruit drying, packing and keeping in concentrated glucose fluids .” harvesting and packaging of fruits and vegetables Packing and keeping legumes (cooked or non-cooked) by caning Production of vegetable powders, includes (peas and beans powders…etc.) Manufacture of potato-made food products, includes (potato chips) Manufacture of flour and semolina made from potatoes Manufacture of processed meals of vegetables Cooling and freezing fruits Cooling and freezing vegetables Drying and packing dates and manufacture of their products Drying and packing grapes and figs and manufacture of their products Manufacture of tomato sauce Roasting and packing nuts Manufacture of nut butter Manufacture of jam and gels Manufacture of pickles Production and refining of olive oil Production and refining of sesame oil Production and refining of sunflower oil Production and refining of margarine production and refining of Palm oil production and refining of Soya bean oil Extraction and refining of animal fats Extraction and refining of oils from fish and sea livings Production of fresh liquid milk Cream production Production of butter or margarine, includes (animal margarine derived from all kinds of milk) Production of white cheese Production of cooked cheese Manufacture of dried milk (powder) Manufacture of condensed milk Manufacture of ice cream Production of condensed and dried whey Production of casein and milk sugar (lactose) Production of yogurt and dehydrated yogurt Wheat packing and milling Maize packing and milling Barley packing and milling Packing and milling of flour, meal and bulgur wheat Oats production Grain mills Rice packing and milling Production of flour from rice Milling and packing of dried leguminous vegetables and edible nuts Manufacture of flour and dough for bakeries Manufacture of breakfast grain foods in flakes, includes (cereals, chips… etc.) Popcorn manufacturing Manufacture of starch from corn Manufacture of starch from potatoes Corn milling Manufacture of glucose, glucose syrup, barley sugar (maltose) and gluten production Production and refining of corn oil Manufacture of domestic bread Manufacture of bread and bread products by automatic bakeries Manufacture of different kinds of pies Manufacture of layer cake and all kinds of cakes Manufacture of all kinds of biscuits Manufacture of bread and pastry flakes Manufacture of frozen bakery products Making different kinds of Eastern and traditional desserts Preparing and processing sweets in the shops Extraction of raw sugar from cane and beet sugar Production of cane and beet sugar syrup Production of black honey (molasses) Maple sugar production Invert sugar production Palm sugar production Sugar packing, includes (sugar molds) making cocoa, chocolate and sugary sweets Manufacture of cocoa in form of paste, powder or pellet Manufacture of cocoa butter, fat or oil Manufacture of sugar sweets, includes (candies, caramel, toffee, nougat) Manufacture of gum Manufacture of Halvah Manufacture of all kinds of pasta Manufacture of all kinds of noodles Manufacture of couscous Manufacture of packaged or frozen stuffed pastries Manufacture of cooked stuffed pastries Manufacture of non-cooked stuffed pastries Manufacture of meat dishes Manufacture of chicken dishes Manufacture of fish dishes, including fried fish Manufacture of potato slices Manufacture of ready vegetable dishes Manufacture of kinds of canned soup and meals prepared under vacuum (without touch) Coffee roasting, milling and packing Manufacture of coffee substitutes Manufacture of baby foods Salt refining and milling Manufacture of all kinds of soup Manufacture of spices and broths Manufacture of vinegar Manufacture of yeast Manufacture of mayonnaise Manufacture of ketchup and hot sauce Tea packing and tea substitutes, includes (mint, flowers, chamomile and wild herbs) Production of crushed sugar syrup (caramel) Manufacture of food extracts and additives for foodstuffs and natural drinks Manufacture of food extracts and additives for foodstuffs and industrial drinks Manufacture of dietary supplements and diet foods Manufacture of egg products and egg whites Liquid halvah production Establishments for Preparation, Processing of eggs products Manufacture of concentrated fodder for animal Manufacture of cattle fodder Manufacture of secondary plant products as animal feed Preparation, milling and pressing of animal feed Production of salt lick stones for animal food Manufacture of non-medicinal feed additives Manufacture of poultry fodder Manufacture of bird fodder Manufacture of products of poultry slaughterhouses as animal feed Manufacture of pet feeds Manufacture of milk substitutes for breastfeeding young animals Manufacture of barley syrup, includes (non-alcoholic beer) Manufacture of soft drinks Manufacture of fruit-flavored beverages Manufacture of energy drinks Production and packaging of mineral water at site Production and packaging of pure filtered water Production and packaging of bottled water fortified with vitamins Cotton spinning and preparation Wool spinning and preparation Silk spinning and preparation Spinning and preparing plant fibers as hemp and kernels Spinning and preparing industrial threads as nylon Thread preparation by ironing Thread preparation by dyeing Manufacture of threads for sewing and knitting Manufacture of cotton clothes Manufacture of wool clothes Manufacture of silk clothes Weaving textiles from industrial yarns as nylon Weaving textiles from natural yarns, includes (linen and jute) Textile processing by ironing Textile processing by dyeing or printing Manufacture and processing knitted and crocheted fabrics Manufacture of artificial fur Designing bed covers, pillow bags, mattresses, bedspreads and pillows Tailoring camping supplies Manufacture of blankets and travel rugs Manufacture of wipes, towels and dish towels Designing of tents and sails Designing of car and furniture covers Designing of machine and good covers Designing of curtains Hand embroidery and jacquard Manufacture of fabric bags, flags, banners, sunshades…etc. Manufacture of rugs Manufacture of carpets, includes (prayer and travel rugs) Manufacture of moquette Manufacture of mats from textile, cotton or industrial fibers Manufacture of big ropes used in ships Manufacture of ordinary ropes made from textile fibers Manufacture of nets, fishing nets and collision barriers in ships Manufacture of strips from woven fabrics Manufacture of fabrics for abayas and men’s cloaks from hair Manufacture of fabrics for abayas and men’s cloaks from wool Manufacture of fabrics for abayas and men’s cloaks from lint Manufacture of kinds of fibers (impregnated or covered) Manufacture of fillers from textile materials includes (period nappies, cotton blood stoppers) Manufacture of material or textile strips and impregnated, covered or rubber-coated fabrics and the like Manufacture of trademarks, entourage decoration and similar types from textile materials Manufacture of ready-made men’s clothes, includes (ready-made clothes, suits, coats and trousers) Manufacture of men’s underwear Manufacture of ghutrahs and skullcaps Manufacture of headbands Manufacture of men’s cloaks Manufacture of Omani kuma Manufacture of ready-made women’s clothes, includes (dresses, coats and blouses) Manufacture of women’s underwear Manufacture of women’s abayas Manufacture of cloth accessories, includes (hats, gloves, belts, shawls, scarves, ties…etc.) Manufacture of ready-made outerwear for kids Manufacture of ready-made underwear for kids Sewing Arabian men’s clothes (men’s tailoring stores) Sewing non-Arabian men’s clothes Sewing women’s clothes (women’s tailoring stores), includes (women’s tailor store) Sewing sportswear Manufacture of military uniforms Sewing industrial safety clothes Sewing uniform suits Manufacture of clothes from natural fur Manufacture of all kinds of clothing from knitting and crochet Knitting yarn underwear (shirts, underclothes) Knitting yarn outerwear (pullovers, blouses, jackets) Manufacture of all kinds of socks Manufacture of diabetic socks Leather tanning (with chemical, plant or mineral materials) and processing Manufacture of leather (patent or premetallized) Manufacture of leather in form of strips or plates Manufacture of leather in form of rugs Manufacture of luggage bags and school bags from natural leather Manufacture of luggage bags and school bags from artificial leather Manufacture of women’s handbags from natural leather Manufacture of women’s handbags from artificial leather Manufacture of wallets and bags made from natural leather or its substitutes Manufacture of leather saddles and harnesses and accessories Manufacture of conveyor belts, leather belts and watch straps made from natural leather or its substitutes Manufacture of kinds of men’s leather shoes Manufacture of kinds of women’s leather shoes Manufacture of kinds of children’s leather shoes Manufacture of kinds of men’s shoes from rubber, plastics or wood Manufacture of kinds of women’s shoes from rubber, plastics or wood Manufacture of kinds of children’s shoes from rubber, plastics or wood Manufacture of sports, medical or professional shoes Manufacture and designing of shoe parts Manufacture of military shoes Sawing and cutting raw wood Manufacture of wooden railway sleepers Wood slicing and cutting Manufacture of wood wool and wood flour in form of particles as a primary activity Manufacture of firewood and Briquette Wood impregnation and processing chemically by preservatives Production of kinds of sawdust Manufacture of non-assembled wooden floors Manufacture of sheets from thin wood veneer Manufacture of reinforced wood (compressed) Manufacture of wood particle boards and fiberboards by compression pistons Manufacture of microchips Manufacture of sleepers and roof pillars Manufacture of wood scaffoldings Manufacture of wood doors and windows Manufacture of stairs and handrails Manufacture of wooden windows Manufacture of parquet flooring Wood decorations Carpentry works Manufacture of curved wooden ornaments and wood molds and boards for covering roofs and interior walls Manufacture of prefabricated wooden buildings Manufacture of backed wooden walls and dividers Manufacture of wooden containers, includes (packing boxes and wooden freight containers) Manufacture of wooden barrels and basins Manufacture of wooden cable reels Manufacture of wooden platforms Manufacture of handles and structure of wooden tools Manufacture of handles and structures of wooden brooms and brushes Manufacture of shoe parts and molds Manufacture of wooden household utensils Manufacture of wooden kitchen tools Manufacture of wooden household tool boxes Manufacture of wooden statues and small antiques Manufacture of wooden frames Manufacture of wooden jewelry boxes and antique boxes Manufacture of cloth hangers Manufacture of wooden blackout curtains Manufacture of plaits, utensils, wicker works and small goods from plaiting materials and bamboo Processing and manufacture of natural cork and cork products, includes (sheets, boards and tiles made from cork and coated cork… etc.). Manufacture of paper pulp from wood Manufacture of paper pulp from fiber Manufacture of paper pulp from wastes with removing ink Industry of pulp, paper and cardboards Manufacture of newsprints Manufacture of writing papers Manufacture of drawing and printing papers Manufacture of clear and glossy papers Manufacture of raw paper napkins Manufacture of raw rolling and packaging papers Manufacture of papers and corrugated cardboards (pasteboard) Manufacture of cardboard boxes, boxes, single or folded bags from paper or corrugated cardboards Manufacture of paper bags Manufacture of paper file boxes Manufacture of paper roll covers Manufacture of carbon paper and copy paper in different sizes Manufacture of letter envelopes, greeting cards and non-photo postcards Manufacture of school pamphlets and notebooks and office and school stationaries Manufacture of sanitary papers, napkins, cleaning napkins and towels Manufacture of sanitary towels Manufacture of baby diapers Manufacture of table napkins Manufacture of paper products for household purposes, includes (dishes and cups) Manufacture of filter molds, strips and chips from paper pulp Manufacture of decorative papers Manufacture of egg boxes and the like Manufacture of wallpapers Manufacture of tailoring papers Manufacture of printing and writing papers and ready-to-use computer Printing Newspaper printing Magazine printing Printing of periodicals and specialized magazines Printing of books Printing of school books Printing of booklets Printing of maps and atlases Printing of ads, posters and brochures Printing of calendars, business cards, wedding cards and smart cards Printing of commercial stationery and invoices Printing of postal or financial stamps, banknotes for the state, cheques and property documents Printing by duplicating machines Engraving and photo-engraving on metal or plastic sheets Bookbinding Reproduction of recordings and visual recording tapes (video) Reproduction of soft and solid discs Reproduction of ready computer programs (software) Reproduction of movies Production of coke coal and charcoal Collection of coke coal in form of blocks Underdeveloped coke coal products, includes (tar and bitumen) etc.) Production of kinds of liquid fuel (oil refinery products) Production of kinds of gas fuel, includes (Ethane, Butane, Propane.. etc.) Production of lighting oils Production of lubricant oils for equipment and engines Production of Paraffin wax Production of asphalt Manufacture of basic organic chemicals, includes Astelin except azotic fertilizers and compounds (nitrogen) Production of primary gases, includes (oxygen and hydrogen.. etc.) Production of liquefied and compressed air Production of refrigerant gases Production of mixed industrial gases Manufacture of medical gases Manufacture of inorganic acids Manufacture of glycerol lyes, including caustic soda Manufacture of dyeing, coloring and industrial and natural tanning materials Manufacture of chemical materials Manufacture of distilled water Natural gas liquidation Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compounds Manufacture of phosphate fertilizers Manufacture of potassium fertilizers Manufacture of urea and phosphate and natural potassium salts Production of nitric acid Production of ammonia Production of potassium nitrate Manufacture of plastics in primary forms Manufacture of synthetic rubber taken from oils in their primary forms Manufacture of synthetic rubber and natural rubber mixtures Manufacture of rubber-like dyes in primary forms Manufacture of propylene Manufacture of polyethylene Manufacture of agricultural pesticides and fungicides Manufacture of insecticides Manufacture of antibacterial materials and plant growth regulators Manufacture of antiseptics for agricultural use Manufacture of pesticides Manufacture of disinfectants and sterilizers for medical products and devices Manufacture of disinfectants and sterilizers for non-medical use Manufacture of paints Manufacture of varnishes (polishing materials) Manufacture of ready pigments and color opacifiers Manufacture of enamel paints or ceramics Manufacture of coloring materials used in making paints or used by artists and others Manufacture of adhesives and similar non-thermal supplies used in stuffing and leveling surfaces Manufacture of organic composite solvents and thinners, includes (manufacture of supplies for removing paints and varnishes) Manufacture of printing inks Manufacturing of specialized military coating Manufacture of all kinds of soaps, includes (liquid and dry paste) Manufacture of soap-covered paper and pulp Manufacture of shampoos Manufacture of industrial detergents Manufacture of leather polishes and pastes Manufacture of floor, glass and furniture polishes Manufacture of jelly powders Manufacture of washing and cleaning materials and products Manufacture of products for room perfuming and deodorization Manufacture of men and women perfumes Manufacture of cologne and toilet water Manufacture of wood resinoids Manufacture of incense Mixing and packing perfumes, oils and plants Manufacture of shaving products Manufacture of all kinds of hair depilatories and straighteners Manufacture of raw glycerol Manufacture of cosmetics Manufacture of hand and foot care products Manufacture of mouth and teeth cleaning products Manufacture of dental pastes or powders Manufacture of industrial candles Manufacture of candles made from candle mixtures Manufacture of explosives and fireworks Manufacture of matches Manufacture of explosive and fireworks valves Manufacturing of military explosives Manufacture of gelatin and its derivatives Manufacture of animal-derived glues and glues made from rubber, plastics or resins Manufacture of resins (which is the excretion of hydrocarbons from plants, whose value is high in the market due to its chemical components and uses), includes (polishes and glues) Manufacture of basic oils Chemical modification of oils and fats Manufacture of kinds of proteins Manufacture of powders and pastes used in all kinds of welding Manufacture of materials used in acid cleaning of metal surfaces Manufacture of anti-impact products, coolants, anti-freeze products, fluids used in hydraulic fiber for transmission Manufacture of In-Vitro medical device Manufacture of photochemical products, includes (photographic slides, films and sensitive paper… etc.) Manufacture of writing and drawing inks Manufacture of aromatic extracts and their products, includes (distilled water and aromatic mixtures) Manufacture of synthetic staple yarns Manufacture of industrial staple yarns, includes (nylon and polyester… etc.) Manufacture of single threads Manufacture of industrial synthetic nodes, includes (industrial straw) Pharmaceutical industry for human use Manufacture of pharmaceutical products for veterinary use Production of grinded, manufactured or prepared plant products Manufacture of surgical dressings and fracture bandages Manufacture of surgical filling Manufacture of surgical threads Manufacture of medical cotton Manufacture of chemicals used in making medicines Manufacture of pharmaceutical materials used in making vitamins Manufacture of pure chemical sugar Radioisotopes production Manufacture of blood sugar level measuring devices and strips Manufacture of all kinds of pneumatic tyres Manufacture of steel tyres (airless) Manufacture of hollow or semi-solid tyres Manufacture of internal rubber tubes of tyres Manufacture of interchangeable tyre parts and camel-shaped slices for renovating external surfaces of tyres, includes (tyre tapes or tyre wicks) Re-manufacture of tyres Replacement of external surfaces of used pneumatic tyres Manufacture of plates, rods and sheets Manufacture of tubes, pipes, hoses and conveyor belts Manufacture of health or pharmaceutical items from rubber Manufacture of semi-finished plastic products, includes (tablets, slices, sheets, tapes, pipes, hoses and supplies… etc.) Manufacture of pipes, hoses, plastic tubes, links and supplies Manufacture of construction materials, include (windows and doors) Manufacture of curtain panels from plastics Manufacture of insulations and sealants Manufacture of lighting supplies Manufacture of floor covers Manufacture of roof and wall covers in form of rolls or tiles…etc. Manufacture of sanitary supplies from plastics, includes (washbasins, bathtubs, toilets…etc.) Manufacture of boxes from plastics Manufacture of containers from plastics Manufacture of all kinds of flasks from plastics Manufacture of bags from plastics Manufacture of household tools and kitchen and decoration one-use tools Manufacture of household tools and kitchen and decoration tools from melamine Manufacture of plastic products by Rotomold method Manufacture of floor covers (linoleum flooring) Manufacture of sponge products Manufacture of primary glass products Manufacture of glass insulation materials used in construction Manufacture of glass of electric lamps Manufacture of glass of crystal chandeliers Manufacture of glass works Manufacture of kitchen and table tools Manufacture of glass boxes and utensils Manufacture of glass tools for labs and pharmaceutical uses Manufacture of glass tools for office uses Manufacture of glass tools for healthy uses Manufacture of safety glass including car glass Cutting and rinsing of ordinary glass Manufacture of glass mirrors Manufacture of watch glass, optics and optical elements that are not operated on an optical basis Manufacture of glass fibers used in manufacturing imitation jewelry Manufacture of glass fibers, includes (glass wool.. etc.) Manufacture of water reservoirs Manufacture of pipes Manufacture of boats and yachts Manufacture of parachute (Fiberglass) Multi-Purpose Fiberglass Boxes & Enclosures manufacturing Manufacture of thermal concrete Manufacture of thermal insulating ceramic products Manufacture of wires, silencers, chimneys and pipes Manufacture of bricks, blocks and thermal tiles, including thermal cement Manufacture of sand bricks, floor blocks, roof tiles and chimney burners Manufacture of wall and floor tiles (ceramics) Manufacture of underground electric-wire pipes and tubes, gutters and ceramic pipe supplies Manufacture of pottery products, includes (manufacture of bricks) Manufacture of stones and ceramic tiles used in paving Manufacture of insulating fire red and clay bricks Manufacture of mosaic cubes and the like whether shiny or not shiny Manufacture of ornamental items, antiques, statues, and figures made of ceramics and pottery Manufacture of electric insulators and insulation fittings from ceramics Manufacture of ceramic and iron magnets Manufacture of lab, chemical and industrial ceramic goods Manufacture of pottery products used in goods transportation and packaging, includes (potteries, pots, jars… etc.) Manufacture of ceramic furniture Manufacture of ordinary cement (Portland) Manufacture of salt resistant cement Manufacture of white cement Manufacture of bulk cement (clinker) Manufacture of pozzolan cement Manufacture of live lime Manufacture of hydrated lime Manufacture of water lime Manufacture of plasters and gypsum Manufacture of emptied and compact cement slabs Manufacture of all kinds of tiles and cement mosaic Ready-mixed concrete production Manufacture of concrete additives and plasticizers Manufacture of mortar from cement Manufacture of ready-mixed concrete and multi-use dry concrete (Manufacture of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC (Manufacture of Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF (Manufacture of Insulated Precast Systems (IPS Manufacture of Prefabricated Concrete Modules Manufacture of cutters, panels, frames and prefabricated buildings from ready-made concrete Manufacture of pipes and tubes from concrete or cement Manufacture of reservoirs and docks from concrete or cement Manufacture of household utensils from concrete or cement Manufacture of window frames from concrete or cement Manufacture of statues and types of decorations from concrete or cement Manufacture of types of asbestos cement or fiber cement Manufacture of construction materials made from plant bulk materials by cement Manufacture of construction materials made from plant bulk materials by gypsum Manufacture of construction materials made from plant bulk materials by a metal bonding material “Manufacture of types of cement, includes (engraved frames, statues, teapots and types of (decoration” Cutting, forming and preparing stones for using in building, construction, roads… etc. Operations carried out on coarse stones outside quarries, includes (sawing, polishing and grinding… etc.) Manufacture of stone products, includes (furniture, statues, boards and types of decoration and the like) Marble cutting and sawing Manufacture of marble products, includes (kitchens, laundries, antiques, docks, statues, sculpture, painting and the like) Manufacture of friction materials from metals Manufacture of sound and heat insulation materials Manufacture of types of cement or similar materials, includes (coal-tar pitch) Production of millstones and whetstones Processes performed on sand inducing cleaning and grinding Manufacture of primary iron products in form of granules and powders Manufacture of primary iron products in form of blocks of pillars and residues after re-smelting Manufacture of pure iron by electrolysis Manufacture of pure iron by chemical processes Manufacture of non-polished iron Manufacture of sponge iron Manufacture of cast iron including steel and cast iron castings Manufacture of products from iron, steel…etc., by pulling, extrusion or metal-rolling Manufacture of lacy sheets, rolls and coils and all types of rods, feathers, wires and angles Manufacture of pipes, tubes and hollow shapes from iron and steel Manufacture of railway supplies, includes (rolled rails… etc.) Production of precious raw metals from gold Production of precious raw metals from silver Production of precious raw metals from precious metals listed under platinum group metals. Production of wrought gold. production of wrought silver. Production of wrought Platinum. Production of wrought Platinum group Untraditional metal works painted, covered or mixed with gold. Untraditional metal works painted, covered or mixed with silver. Smelting, rolling, drawing, purifying, and casting copper and its alloys. Smelting, rolling, drawing, purifying, and casting aluminum and its alloys. Smelting, rolling, drawing, purifying, and casting lead, zinc, tin and their alloys. Smelting, rolling, drawing, purifying, and casting chromium, manganese, nickel and their alloys. Production of alumina from nickel and copper production of semi raw metals from nickel and copper Non-ferrous traditional metal works, including (wires – pipes – tubes – powders – papers – plates … etc.) Iron and steel casting (finished products) Iron and steel casting (semi-finished finished products) manufacture of tubes, pipes, hollow forms, and pipes and tubes connections. non-ferrous metals casting (finished products), including (aluminum and zinc .. etc.) non-ferrous metals casting (semi-finished products), including (aluminum and zinc .. etc.) Manufacture of metal structures and their parts Manufacture of pylons and their parts, including (lampposts, light cabins, traffic lights .. etc.) Manufacture of pylons and their parts (Manufacture of Light Gauge Steel (LGS (Manufacture of Prefabricated Light Gauge Steel Modular (LGS (Manufacture of Tunnel Formwork (TF Manufacture and installation of prefabricated steel structures of refineries Manufacture and installation of prefabricated steel structures of industrial establishments Manufacture of prefabricated buildings mainly made of metal Manufacture and formation of steel rods Manufacture and formation of steel grids Metal workshops Manufacture and installation of scaffolds Manufacture and installation of garages doors Manufacture and installation of windows and doors Manufacture and installation of stairs Manufacture and installation of alcoves Manufacture of mobile military shelters Aluminum workshops Manufacture of air-conditioning ducts and their appendices Manufacture of tankers, reservoirs Manufacture of central heating radiators boilers Manufacture of containers for liquefied and compressed gases, including (gas canisters) Manufacture of boilers for water steam generation or other types of steam Manufacture of attached units used with boilers, including (Steam condenser units) Manufacture of weapons and ammunition Manufacturing of conventional ammunition Manufacturing of grenades Manufacturing of smart ammunition Manufacturing of heavy firearms Manufacturing of medium firearms Manufacturing of light firearms Parts manufacturing (non-combustible) of the conventional ammunition Parts manufacturing (non-combustible) of the smart ammunition Parts manufacturing (non-combustible) of the grenades Manufacturing of heavy firearms parts Manufacturing of medium firearms parts Manufacturing of light firearms parts Manufacture of finished and semi-finished products through peening, compression, casting, and milling. Production of metallic forms directly from powder. Processing and painting metals by refinement and polishing Processing and painting metals by digging Processing and painting metals by coloring and cleaning metal cutting and writing on it through laser beams Metal turning Manufacture of metallic goods for domestic use, including (knives, scissors, spoons, forks, .. etc.) Manufacture of different types of razors Manufacture of hand tools used in agriculture Manufacture of hand tools used in carpentry Manufacture of hand tools used in mechanics and electricity Manufacture of hand tools used in drilling and construction Manufacture of saws, knives, blades of machines parts, and mechanical devices Manufacture of replaceable head parts for hand tools, including (spiral drillers, separation cutters, sintered rods, turning machine cutters, gun spears) Manufacture of ironwork instruments, scythes, clamping bands, welding stoves Manufacture of locks and key fabrication Manufacture of clothes hangers and pegs Manufacture of metallic objects Manufacture of swords Manufacture of Janbiyas (daggers) Manufacture of bayonets Manufacture of metallic fixing pegs, including (nails, pins, nuts, and different types of rings) Manufacture of metallic cables and girdles from iron Manufacture of metallic cables and girdles from copper Manufacture of metallic cables and girdles from Aluminum Manufacture of objects made of wire, including (barbed wire, railing, extended metallic grill .. etc.) Manufacture of metallic containers used in transporting and packaging commodities, including (barrels, garbage containers, buckets, boxes, cans .. etc.) Manufacture of hollow metallic containers and similar containers such as kitchen utensils, cutlery, and grilling and frying tools manufacture of metallic sanitary tools painted with nickel such as sinks and washbasins Manufacture of springs except for watch springs Manufacture of steel safes Manufacture of armored doors for security purposes Manufacture of metallic tools for desks Manufacture of car plates Manufacture of sewerage covers Manufacture of air-conditioning extension pipes Manufacture of metallic ceilings and their items Manufacture of metallic signs, non-electric guiding boards, banners Manufacture of marks and military signs from metal Manufacture of welding steel bars Manufacture of metallic patterns Manufacture of chains and bedrails Manufacture of bells and anchors Manufacture of fixing railways tools Manufacture of military shooting targets Manufacturing of military equipment covers Manufacture of compressors and electronic resistors Manufacture of accurate processors, including (internal and external computer modem) Manufacture of valves and electronic connections Manufacture of complete circuits Manufacture of power adapters for electronic uses Manufacture of interface cards (sound, video, monitoring, webs, modem) Manufacture of screens (plasma, LCD) Manufacture of connectors, printers cables, screens, USB Manufacture of solar panels and their parts Manufacturing of Smart Cards Manufacturing of military electronics parts Manufacture of personal computers Manufacture of laptops Manufacture of main frame computers Manufacture of personal digital assistant computers (PDA) Manufacture of computer storage media drivers Manufacture of printers All types of scanners Manufacture of display screens Manufacture of key boards and all types of mouses Manufacture of ATM machines including (manufacture of points of sale devices that does not work automatically) Manufacture of multi-function desk machines (fax, scanner, photocopier) Manufacture of all types of centrals Manufacture of wireless phones and mobile phones and theirs items Manufacture of land line phones, faxes, and answering machines Manufacture of digital communication devices, including towers and entrances Manufacture of network modems and load-bearing equipment Manufacture of transmission and receiving antennas and cable TV devices Manufacture of devices of radio and television studios, and live broadcast devices including television cameras Manufacture of television and radio transmission devices Manufacture of remote control devices Manufacture of robbery and fire alarms that send control signals Manufacturing of military communications devices and military command and control systems Manufacture of video devices Manufacture of television screens Manufacture of all types of visual CD players Manufacture of home-based video cameras Manufacture of video games devices Manufacture of TV devices Manufacture of radio devices Manufacture of audio recording devices Manufacture of sound systems Manufacture of headphones for radio, recorder, and computer Manufacture of all types of audio CD players Manufacture of microphones and amplifiers Manufacture of measuring equipment and airplane black boxes Manufacture of automotive emission testing equipment Manufacture of radar and navigation devices and equipments Manufacture of tools of measuring and testing electricity and electrical signals Manufacture of measuring equipment used in air monitoring Manufacture of temperature and humidity control devices Manufacture of radiation detections and monitoring devices Manufacture of sensitive balances, and measures used in laboratories for other purposes Manufacture of laboratory analytical instruments, including (blood work equipment) Manufacture of spectrum analyzers Manufacture of testing and inspection equipment Manufacture of polygraphs Manufacture of military measurement, examination, and test Manufacture of metal detectors Manufacturing of military guidance systems Manufacturing of military radars and sensors Manufacturing of military prevention and electronic jamming systems Manufacture of surveying equipment Manufacture of non-medical thermometers, including (thermometers used for industrial purposes) Manufacture of GPS Manufacture of electricity, water, and gas meters Manufacture and assembly of wristwatches, including wristwatches made of precious metals Manufacture and assembly of clocks, including wall clocks Manufacture of pocket watches Manufacture of different types of watch parts, including watch springs Manufacture of time recording devices, and time measuring devices Manufacture of radioactive equipment, pipes, devices, and their parts for researches, and medical and scientific purposes, including (X-rays, beta rays, and gamma rays) Manufacture of CT scan equipment Manufacture of MRI equipment Manufacture of ultrasound Equipment Manufacture of PET scan equipment Manufacture of medical laser Manufacture of food and milk radiation measuring equipment Manufacture of pacemakers Manufacture of electrocardiography equipment Manufacture of hearing aids Manufacture of medical electronic specula Manufacture of medical mirrors Manufacture of magnifiers Manufacture of film cameras and digital cameras Manufacture of animation devices, slide show devices, transparency show devices Manufacture of lenses, microscopes, binoculars, and telescopes Manufacture of measuring and examination optical devices, including (fire control equipment, illumination intensity measures, and space determiners) Manufacture of military telescopes Manufacturing of military cameras Manufacture of blank audio and visual videocassettes Manufacture of blank audio and visual cassettes Manufacture of blank diskettes Manufacture of blank discs Manufacture of hard discs Manufacture of motors and generators Manufacture of electrical transformers Manufacture of electricity distribution and control devices Re-rolling the magnetic core of generators, motors, and electric transformers Manufacture of generators, motors, and electric transformers parts Manufacturing of explosives parts (non-combustible) Manufacture of batteries and unchargeable protocells (which contains Manganese oxide, mercury, and silver). Manufacture of wet batteries Manufacture of dry batteries Manufacture of electric batteries and their parts Manufacture of fiber optic cables Manufacture of insulated steel cables and wires Manufacture of insulated copper cables and wires Manufacture of insulated aluminum cables and wires Manufacture of metallic electricity tapes Manufacture of ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) Manufacture of light-bulb carrier Manufacture of lightning rods Manufacture of different types of switches (for buildings and devices) Manufacture of electrical sockets and outlets Manufacture of electric connections and metallic wire extension channels Manufacture of electric connections and plastic wire extension channels Manufacture of light bulbs Manufacture of light connections Manufacture of light equipment for special use Manufacture of chandeliers Manufacture of lanterns and spotlight equipment Manufacture of electric refrigerators, and freezers Manufacture of water chillers Manufacture of dish washers Manufacture of electric washing machines, and clothes driers Manufacture of electric fans Manufacture of vacuum cleaners Manufacture of air heaters Manufacture of electric water heaters Manufacture of electric floor polishers Manufacture of electric blenders Manufacture of fruit juicers Manufacture of electric can openers Manufacture of shavers Manufacture of tooth cleaners Manufacture of electric driers, combs, brushes, and hair curling rollers Manufacture of ovens Manufacture of microwaves Manufacture of grills Manufacture of toaster Manufacture of tea and coffee machines .. etc. Manufacture of non-electric household appliances for cooking and heating Manufacture of electric warning signals and boards, including ( traffic lights, and pedestrian signals) Manufacture of electric steel and tin welding equipment including manual welding tin irons Manufacture of internal combustion engines and their parts Manufacture of steam turbines Manufacture of water turbines and watermills, and the machines that regulate their functions Manufacture of gaseous turbines used in ships engines or main movement tools for electric generators Manufacture of boilers turbines devices, or steam stationary engines Manufacture of equipment that work with fluids power Manufacture of all different kinds of fluid bumps Manufacture of air and gas compressors bumps, and vacuum bumps Manufacture of faucets, water stopcocks, valves and other similar devices Manufacture of bumps installed on internal combustion engines (water, oil, fuel bumps .. etc.) Manufacture of ball bearings, rolled bearings including balls, needles, rings, and metallic cylinders Manufacture of mechanical power transmission equipment from any material (pillars, arms, chairs, gears) for gearing and cranking Manufacture of power transferring chains Manufacture of ovens, blast furnaces, and blast furnaces stoves Manufacture of simple and complex lifting and handling machines Manufacture of fixed lifting and handling machines Manufacture of lifting and handling machines moving on metallic tracks Manufacture of lifting and handling machines carried completely on wheeled structures Manufacture of reels, lifting machines, and gear cranes Manufacture of car lifts Manufacture of drilling rigs Manufacture of cable lifting derricks Manufacture of mobile derrick structures Manufacture of lifting and handling machines used in seaports, factories, warehouses etc. Manufacture of lifting, handling, and loading machines including (elevators, liquids levers, carriers, and cable cars) Manufacture of special parts for lifting and handling equipment, including (hooks and shovels .. etc.) Manufacture of all kinds of typewriters Manufacture, renewing, and loading of photocopiers and their ink cartridges Manufacture of offset printers Manufacture of manual and office calculators, cashier devices in stores (manual and automatic), money counters, and check typewriters Manufacture of franking machines, and ticket machines Manufacture of documents packaging and binding equipment Manufacture of enveloping machines, and post office sorting machines .. etc. Manufacture of electric hand tools, including (electric saw, and electric drill .. etc.) Manufacture of air-pressure hand tools, including (nail fixer, rivets, and screws ) Manufacture of scales, digital scales for various purposes Manufacture of freezing and refrigeration rooms and equipment Manufacture of super market refrigerators and freezers Manufacture of water and liquids chillers in establishments Manufacture of air-conditioners (units or central) working with freon Manufacture of different sizes of desert air-conditioners Manufacture of liquids and gases purification and filtration machines and devices Manufacture of refining and distillation machines and equipment Manufacture of centrifuges Manufacture of air and gas liquefiers Manufacture of containers packaging, filling, and cleaning machines, including (bottles and boxes) Manufacture of containers manufacturing machines Manufacture of painting equipment Manufacture of firefighting equipment. Manufacture of sand tossing and crushing machines Manufacture of steam cleaning machines Manufacture of non-electric steel and tin equipment, Manufacture and assembly of tractors machines and equipment Manufacture and assembly of plow machines and equipment Manufacture and assembly of machines and equipment of auto loading and unloading trailers Manufacture and assembly of agricultural handling machines and equipment Manufacture and assembly of machines and equipment of pivotal irrigation devices Manufacture of machines used in agriculture, gardening, or forests for land preparation, or crops planting or fertilization Manufacture of seeding machines Manufacture of picking and harvesting machines, and tree trimmers Manufacture of egg cleaning and sorting machines Manufacture of fruit and vegetables cleaning and sorting machines Manufacture of cattle milking machines Manufacture of agricultural sprinklers Manufacture of machine tools for wood forming Manufacture of machine tools for rock forming Manufacture of machine tools for minerals forming Manufacture of machine tools for cold glass forming Manufacture of machine tools for rotation Manufacture of machine tools for piercing Manufacture of machine tools for drilling Manufacture of machine tools for forming Manufacture of machine tools for refining Manufacture of machine tools for forming by stamping Manufacture of machine tools for forming by pressing, (including piercing pistons) Manufacture of hydraulic machine tools Manufacture of machine tools of scissors, and separation tools and separators Manufacture of simple machine tools, including (pistons, feet propellers) Manufacture of advanced machine tools, including (digital machines) Manufacture of stapling, nailing, and gluing machines Manufacture of chain saws Manufacture of scanning machines Manufacture of automatic hammers Manufacture of rivet machines Manufacture of metal sheets cutters Manufacture of pistons for particle board manufacturing Manufacture of pistons for building panels manufacturing manufacture of machine tools parts, items and supplements Manufacture of machines and equipment hot metals handling, including (casting transformers and molds, scoops, pouring machines .. etc. used in metal foundries Manufacture of metal miners and its cylinders Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment and machines used underground such as carriers Manufacture of piercing machines, cutters, drilling machines, and tunnels opening Manufacture of metal processing machines by sorting, sifting, separation, washing, or crushing … etc. Manufacture of cement and mortar mixers Manufacture of bulldozers Manufacture of leveling roads bulldozers Manufacture of paving machines Manufacture of skimming machines Manufacture of leveling machines Manufacture of mechanical shovels Manufacture of loading mechanical shovels Manufacture of pillar extraction machines Manufacture of mortar spreading machines Manufacture of bitumen spreading machines Manufacture of concrete forming machines Manufacture of tractors for railroad fixing Manufacture of bars used in construction and mining Manufacture of bulldozers blades Manufacture of angle-dozer blades Manufacture of trucks for carrying drilling debris that do not work on roads Manufacture of machines used in dairy industry. Manufacture of machines used in roasting, grinding, cleaning, and sorting grains Manufacture of machines used in roasting, grinding, cleaning, and sorting dried vegetables Manufacture of machines used in roasting, grinding, cleaning, and sorting nuts Manufacture of extraction and preparation machines for animal and plants oils, fruit juice, mashers and other similar machines Manufacture of automatic bakery machines and equipment Manufacture of equipment for non-electric bakery ovens Manufacture of pasteurization units Manufacture of non-domestic microwaves Manufacture of broasted preparation machines Manufacture of different kinds of cooking ovens and machines that work with Mandy Manufacture of frying machines Manufacture of grilling machines Manufacture of preparation machines, producing machines, refining machines, or cutting machines of fibers, materials, artificial yarns Manufacture of fiber preparation machines, including (cotton-ginning machines, balers opening machines, emery machines, cotton spreading machines, wool cleaning machines, wool carbonization machines, sweeping machines, shredding machines, final rolling patterns, etc.) Manufacture of spinning machines Manufacture of yarns preparation machines, including Machines of untying and rolling, and other relevant machines Manufacture of weaving machines including manual looms Manufacture of sewing machines (knitting) Manufacture of machines of making knotted nets, tulle nets, lacework nets, and plaiters Manufacture of variegated cloth machines Manufacture of jakar machines Manufacture of automatic stop movement machines Manufacture of changing shuttle machines Manufacture of Mardanes machines, and Mardanes weaving guides Manufacture of textile printing machines Manufacture of textile washing, shortening, dyeing, trimming, preparation, covering, and impregnation machines Manufacture of textile rolling, loosing, folding, cutting, piercing machines Manufacture of ironing machines Manufacture of commercial washing and drying machines Manufacture of dry cleaning machines Manufacture of different types of sewing machines and their parts Manufacture of felt machines Manufacture of non-textile materials machines Manufacture of preparation, tanning, operating machines for leather and tanned leather Manufacture of shoes machines Manufacture of shoes repairing machines Manufacture of machines of different types of leather Manufacture of fur or tanned leather machines Manufacture of paper-making industry machines, including (machines of making pulp, and manufacture of paper machines and cardboard Manufacture of rubber and plastic producing machines, including (manufacture of machines for manufacturing and innovating patterns, and rubber molding machines Manufacture of printing machines Manufacture of printing letters molding and lining machines Manufacture of machines for producing tile, bricks, and ceramics Manufacture of electric light bulbs assembling machines Manufacture of electronic light bulbs assembling machines Manufacture of producing machines of glass, containers, fiber, or glass fiber Manufacture of machines of book binding, and printing supplementary activities except for manufacturing textile printing machines Manufacturing of military simulators Manufacture and assembly of small automobiles Manufacture and assembly of buses and carriers Factories of armored civilian vehicles Manufacture and assembly of motor cars structures Manufacture and assembly of automobiles engines and their parts Manufacture of vehicle bodies from wood Manufacture of vehicle bodies from metal Manufacture of trailers installed on motor structures Manufacture of caravan semi-trailers Manufacture of trailers for railroad and roads Manufacture of trailers for carrying furniture and cars Manufacture of liquid tanks Manufacture of ordinary or chilling containers for carrying goods Manufacture of parts of trailers and semi-trailers Manufacture and renew of gearboxes Manufacture of radiators Manufacture of tailpipes Manufacture of handles Manufacture of brakes Manufacture of all different types of car filters Manufacture of rolling bearings and bearings Manufacture of steering columns and gearboxes Manufacture of car seats Manufacture of car spare parts Manufacture of passenger ships Manufacture of ferries Manufacture of goods ships Manufacture of oil tankers Manufacture of ship trailer Military ships building Manufacture of floating offshore installations, including (floats, get-off platforms, floating tanks, flat bottom canoes) Manufacture of non-navigational ships, including (drillers, floating platforms and walls) Manufacture of fishing boats Manufacture of ships that contain fish preparation factories Manufacturing of parts of military platforms used for military ships Military ships plating Manufacture of yachts and rowboats Manufacture of rowed lifeboats Manufacture of pleasure crafts Manufacture of fishing boats and canoes Manufacture of sailboats Manufacture of race canoes Manufacture of train tractors Manufacture of railroad cars Manufacture of food and sleeping cars Manufacture of goods cars Manufacture of train supplying cars Manufacture of tanker cars, and self-propelled carts Manufacture of parts, items, and equipment for railroad tractors Manufacture of passengers and goods civilian aircrafts Manufacture of military aircraft. Manufacture of sportive aircraft. Manufacture of civilian helicopters Manufacture of gliders. Manufacture of air and engines balloons Manufacture of supplementary parts and items for civilian aircrafts Manufacturing of parts of military platforms used for military aircrafts Military aircrafts plating Manufacture of military land and amphibious vehicles Manufacturing of parts of military platforms used for military land vehicles Armoring of military vehicles Manufacture and assembly of motorbikes Manufacture of motorbikes engines Manufacture of motorbikes parts Manufacture of side vehicles of motorbikes and their items Manufacture and assembly of bicycles. Manufacture and assembly of kids bicycles. Manufacture of delivery three-wheeled bicycles Manufacture of bike parts Manufacture of the handicapped bikes, the supplied with motors and the non-supplied with motors Manufacture of kids carts Manufacture of hand-held vehicles and carts Manufacture of animal-drawn vehicles and carts Manufacture of furniture from wood Manufacture of metallic furniture for houses, offices, restaurants, and hotels Manufacture of furniture from aluminum for different uses and purposes Manufacture of furniture from bamboo, reeds and straw for all different usages Manufacture of furniture from plastics and elastics for all different usages Manufacture of furniture from leather for all different usages Manufacture of furniture from glass for all different usages
13 mei · 35 d. weergaven

∆ Product Name : I9s Wireless Bluetooth Earphone. ∆ Brand : China. ∆ Quality : Standard. #Price : 699 BDT. ∆ Product Details : -> Product Type : Portable Bluetooth 5.0 Headset. -> Colours : White. -> Gender : Man & Woman. -> Style: Hands Free Car Business Earphone,Mini Portable Sport Earbuds,HIFI Stereo Music Headset -> Features : 1. listening to the song crrect, support songs and call, 2. remind call number, the last call back, all intelligent Chinese and English voice prompts, boot, pair, shut down the phone power will be low voice prompts; 3. Power capacity will show on your Iphone, you can see the power situation anytime, do not worry about the electricity ,make your life without worry; 4. One to two connections, can be connected to two mobile phones at the same time 5. Bluetooth headset connected to the phone after the shutdown , and then open the Bluetooth headset will connect back to the phone automatically , more convenient; 6. Intelligent compatibility: support all Bluetooth mobile phone, tablet, notebook, singing it, QQ music, movies, etc., universal all mobile phone. ★ Specification: 1. Driver: 15mm 2. Impedance: 16 OHM 3. Bluetooth version: Bluetooth v5.0 + EDR 4. Bluetooth use band: 2.4GHz 5. Power level: CLASS II 6. Output power: 30mW 7. Bluetooth distance: 10-15 meters barrier 8. Frequency response: 20-20000Hz 9. Operating voltage range: 3.0V-4.2V 10. Mic sensitivity: -42dB 11. With A2DP / AVRCP high quality stereo audio transmission and remote control protocol 12. Powerful noise de-noising circuit (active noise reduction) 13. Talk time is about 2-3 hours 14. music time about 2-3 hours 15. Standby time is about 130 hours ★Package Includes : 2 x mini Bluetooth Headphones(left and right earphones) 1 x Charging box 1 x USB Charging Cable 1 x User Manual 1 x Charging box Protective case 1 x Hanging hook ∆ Order Process : পেইজের INBOX এ অথবা পোস্টের কমেন্ট BOX এ আপনার পছন্দের পন্যটির ছবিসহ আমাদের কাছে অডার করতে পারবেন। ∆ Delivery Process : -> Cash on Delivery in Dhaka City- Charge : 50 BDT -> Delivery ( Outside Dhaka ) Charge : 150 BDT ∆ Return Policy: ডেলিভারি ম্যান থাকাকালীন প্রোডাক্ট চেক করে, ডেলিভারী ম্যানকে টাকা দিবেন। ডেলিভারি ম্যান চলে আসার পর কোনো অভিযোগ গ্রহণ করা হবে না, কোনো প্রোডাক্ট চেঞ্জ অথবা রিটার্ন হবে না। কোনো সমস্যা থাকলে ডেলিভারি ম্যান থাকাকালীন আমাদের কল দিবেন। #Bluetoothearphone #Thanks for Shopping 😀

∆ Product Name : I9s Wireless Bluetooth Earphone. ∆ Brand : China. ∆ Quality : Standard. #Price : 699 BDT. ∆ Product Details : -> Product Type : Portable Bluetooth 5.0 Headset. -> Colours : White. -> Gender : Man & Woman. -> Style: Hands Free Car Business Earphone,Mini Portable Sport Earbuds,HIFI Stereo Music Headset -> Features : 1. listening to the song crrect, support songs and call, 2. remind call number, the last call back, all intelligent Chinese and English voice prompts, boot, pair, shut down the phone power will be low voice prompts; 3. Power capacity will show on your Iphone, you can see the power situation anytime, do not worry about the electricity ,make your life without worry; 4. One to two connections, can be connected to two mobile phones at the same time 5. Bluetooth headset connected to the phone after the shutdown , and then open the Bluetooth headset will connect back to the phone automatically , more convenient; 6. Intelligent compatibility: support all Bluetooth mobile phone, tablet, notebook, singing it, QQ music, movies, etc., universal all mobile phone. ★ Specification: 1. Driver: 15mm 2. Impedance: 16 OHM 3. Bluetooth version: Bluetooth v5.0 + EDR 4. Bluetooth use band: 2.4GHz 5. Power level: CLASS II 6. Output power: 30mW 7. Bluetooth distance: 10-15 meters barrier 8. Frequency response: 20-20000Hz 9. Operating voltage range: 3.0V-4.2V 10. Mic sensitivity: -42dB 11. With A2DP / AVRCP high quality stereo audio transmission and remote control protocol 12. Powerful noise de-noising circuit (active noise reduction) 13. Talk time is about 2-3 hours 14. music time about 2-3 hours 15. Standby time is about 130 hours ★Package Includes : 2 x mini Bluetooth Headphones(left and right earphones) 1 x Charging box 1 x USB Charging Cable 1 x User Manual 1 x Charging box Protective case 1 x Hanging hook ∆ Order Process : পেইজের INBOX এ অথবা পোস্টের কমেন্ট BOX এ আপনার পছন্দের পন্যটির ছবিসহ আমাদের কাছে অডার করতে পারবেন। ∆ Delivery Process : -> Cash on Delivery in Dhaka City- Charge : 50 BDT -> Delivery ( Outside Dhaka ) Charge : 150 BDT ∆ Return Policy: ডেলিভারি ম্যান থাকাকালীন প্রোডাক্ট চেক করে, ডেলিভারী ম্যানকে টাকা দিবেন। ডেলিভারি ম্যান চলে আসার পর কোনো অভিযোগ গ্রহণ করা হবে না, কোনো প্রোডাক্ট চেঞ্জ অথবা রিটার্ন হবে না। কোনো সমস্যা থাকলে ডেলিভারি ম্যান থাকাকালীন আমাদের কল দিবেন। #Bluetoothearphone #Thanks for Shopping 😀
7 nov. 2019 · 1,2 d. weergaven

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22 apr. · 814 weergaven
Technology.. Wireless transmission of electricity.
19 jun. 2021 · 3 weergaven

Internet of things……………………….. The Internet of things (IoT) describes the network of physical objects—“things”—that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the Internet.[1][2][3][4] Things have evolved due to the convergence of multiple technologies, real-time analytics, machine learning, commodity sensors, and embedded systems.[1] Traditional fields of embedded systems, wireless sensor networks, control systems, automation (including home and building automation), and others all contribute to enabling the Internet of things. In the consumer market, IoT technology is most synonymous with products pertaining to the concept of the “smart home”, including devices and appliances (such as lighting fixtures, thermostats, home security systems and cameras, and other home appliances) that support one or more common ecosystems, and can be controlled via devices associated with that ecosystem, such as smartphones and smart speakers. IoT can also be used in healthcare systems.[5] There are a number of serious concerns about dangers in the growth of IoT, especially in the areas of privacy and security, and consequently industry and governmental moves to address these concerns have begun including the development of international standards. Contents 1 History 2 Applications 2.1 Consumer applications 2.1.1 Smart home 2.1.2 Elder care 2.2 Organizational applications 2.2.1 Medical and healthcare 2.2.2 Transportation 2.2.3 V2X communications 2.2.4 Building and home automation 2.3 Industrial applications 2.3.1 Manufacturing 2.3.2 Agriculture 2.3.3 Maritime 2.4 Infrastructure applications 2.4.1 Metropolitan scale deployments 2.4.2 Energy management 2.4.3 Environmental monitoring 2.5 Military applications 2.5.1 Internet of Battlefield Things 2.5.2 Ocean of Things 2.6 Product digitisation 3 Trends and characteristics 3.1 Intelligence 3.2 Architecture 3.2.1 Network architecture 3.3 Complexity 3.4 Size considerations 3.5 Space considerations 3.6 A solution to “basket of remotes” 4 Enabling technologies for IoT 4.1 Addressability 4.2 Application Layer 4.3 Short-range wireless 4.4 Medium-range wireless 4.5 Long-range wireless 4.6 Wired 4.7 Standards and standards organizations 5 Politics and civic engagement 6 Government regulation on IoT 7 Criticism, problems and controversies 7.1 Platform fragmentation 7.2 Privacy, autonomy, and control 7.3 Data storage 7.4 Security 7.5 Safety 7.6 Design 7.7 Environmental sustainability impact 7.8 Intentional obsolescence of devices 7.9 Confusing terminology 8 IoT adoption barriers 8.1 Lack of interoperability and unclear value propositions 8.2 Privacy and security concerns 8.3 Traditional governance structure 8.4 Business planning and project management 9 See also 10 References 11 Bibliography History The main concept of a network of smart devices was discussed as early as 1982, with a modified Coca-Cola vending machine at Carnegie Mellon University becoming the first Internet-connected appliance,[6] able to report its inventory and whether newly loaded drinks were cold or not.[7] Mark Weiser’s 1991 paper on ubiquitous computing, “The Computer of the 21st Century”, as well as academic venues such as UbiComp and PerCom produced the contemporary vision of the IOT.[8][9] In 1994, Reza Raji described the concept in IEEE Spectrum as “[moving] small packets of data to a large set of nodes, so as to integrate and automate everything from home appliances to entire factories”.[10] Between 1993 and 1997, several companies proposed solutions like Microsoft’s at Work or Novell’s NEST. The field gained momentum when Bill Joy envisioned device-to-device communication as a part of his “Six Webs” framework, presented at the World Economic Forum at Davos in 1999.[11] The term “Internet of things” was coined by Kevin Ashton of Procter & Gamble, later MIT’s Auto-ID Center, in 1999,[12] though he prefers the phrase “Internet for things”.[13] At that point, he viewed radio-frequency identification (RFID) as essential to the Internet of things,[14] which would allow computers to manage all individual things.[15][16][17] Defining the Internet of things as “simply the point in time when more ‘things or objects’ were connected to the Internet than people”, Cisco Systems estimated that the IoT was “born” between 2008 and 2009, with the things/people ratio growing from 0.08 in 2003 to 1.84 in 2010.[18] Applications The extensive set of applications for IoT devices[19] is often divided into consumer, commercial, industrial, and infrastructure spaces.[20][21] Consumer applications A growing portion of IoT devices are created for consumer use, including connected vehicles, home automation, wearable technology, connected health, and appliances with remote monitoring capabilities.[22] Smart home IoT devices are a part of the larger concept of home automation, which can include lighting, heating and air conditioning, media and security systems and camera systems.[23][24] Long-term benefits could include energy savings by automatically ensuring lights and electronics are turned off or by making the residents in the home aware of usage.[25] A smart home or automated home could be based on a platform or hubs that control smart devices and appliances.[26] For instance, using Apple’s HomeKit, manufacturers can have their home products and accessories controlled by an application in iOS devices such as the iPhone and the Apple Watch.[27][28] This could be a dedicated app or iOS native applications such as Siri.[29] This can be demonstrated in the case of Lenovo’s Smart Home Essentials, which is a line of smart home devices that are controlled through Apple’s Home app or Siri without the need for a Wi-Fi bridge.[29] There are also dedicated smart home hubs that are offered as standalone platforms to connect different smart home products and these include the Amazon Echo, Google Home, Apple’s HomePod, and Samsung’s SmartThings Hub.[30] In addition to the commercial systems, there are many non-proprietary, open source ecosystems; including Home Assistant, OpenHAB and Domoticz.[31][32] Elder care One key application of a smart home is to provide assistance for those with disabilities and elderly individuals. These home systems use assistive technology to accommodate an owner’s specific disabilities.[33] Voice control can assist users with sight and mobility limitations while alert systems can be connected directly to cochlear implants worn by hearing-impaired users.[34] They can also be equipped with additional safety features. These features can include sensors that monitor for medical emergencies such as falls or seizures.[35] Smart home technology applied in this way can provide users with more freedom and a higher quality of life.[33] The term “Enterprise IoT” refers to devices used in business and corporate settings. By 2019, it is estimated that the EIoT will account for 9.1 billion devices.[20] Organizational applications Medical and healthcare The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is an application of the IoT for medical and health related purposes, data collection and analysis for research, and monitoring.[36][37][38][39][40] The IoMT has been referenced as “Smart Healthcare”,[41] as the technology for creating a digitized healthcare system, connecting available medical resources and healthcare services.[citation needed][42] IoT devices can be used to enable remote health monitoring and emergency notification systems. These health monitoring devices can range from blood pressure and heart rate monitors to advanced devices capable of monitoring specialized implants, such as pacemakers, Fitbit electronic wristbands, or advanced hearing aids.[43] Some hospitals have begun implementing “smart beds” that can detect when they are occupied and when a patient is attempting to get up. It can also adjust itself to ensure appropriate pressure and support is applied to the patient without the manual interaction of nurses.[36] A 2015 Goldman Sachs report indicated that healthcare IoT devices “can save the United States more than $300 billion in annual healthcare expenditures by increasing revenue and decreasing cost.”[44] Moreover, the use of mobile devices to support medical follow-up led to the creation of ‘m-health’, used analyzed health statistics.” [45] Specialized sensors can also be equipped within living spaces to monitor the health and general well-being of senior citizens, while also ensuring that proper treatment is being administered and assisting people regain lost mobility via therapy as well.[46] These sensors create a network of intelligent sensors that are able to collect, process, transfer, and analyze valuable information in different environments, such as connecting in-home monitoring devices to hospital-based systems.[41] Other consumer devices to encourage healthy living, such as connected scales or wearable heart monitors, are also a possibility with the IoT.[47] End-to-end health monitoring IoT platforms are also available for antenatal and chronic patients, helping one manage health vitals and recurring medication requirements.[48] Advances in plastic and fabric electronics fabrication methods have enabled ultra-low cost, use-and-throw IoMT sensors. These sensors, along with the required RFID electronics, can be fabricated on paper or e-textiles for wireless powered disposable sensing devices.[49] Applications have been established for point-of-care medical diagnostics, where portability and low system-complexity is essential.[50] As of 2018 IoMT was not only being applied in the clinical laboratory industry,[38] but also in the healthcare and health insurance industries. IoMT in the healthcare industry is now permitting doctors, patients, and others, such as guardians of patients, nurses, families, and similar, to be part of a system, where patient records are saved in a database, allowing doctors and the rest of the medical staff to have access to patient information.[51] Moreover, IoT-based systems are patient-centered, which involves being flexible to the patient’s medical conditions.[citation needed] IoMT in the insurance industry provides access to better and new types of dynamic information. This includes sensor-based solutions such as biosensors, wearables, connected health devices, and mobile apps to track customer behaviour. This can lead to more accurate underwriting and new pricing models.[52] The application of the IoT in healthcare plays a fundamental role in managing chronic diseases and in disease prevention and control. Remote monitoring is made possible through the connection of powerful wireless solutions. The connectivity enables health practitioners to capture patient’s data and applying complex algorithms in health data analysis.[53] Transportation Digital variable speed-limit sign The IoT can assist in the integration of communications, control, and information processing across various transportation systems. Application of the IoT extends to all aspects of transportation systems (i.e. the vehicle,[54] the infrastructure, and the driver or user). Dynamic interaction between these components of a transport system enables inter- and intra-vehicular communication,[55] smart traffic control, smart parking, electronic toll collection systems, logistics and fleet management, vehicle control, safety, and road assistance.[43][56] V2X communications Main article: V2X In vehicular communication systems, vehicle-to-everything communication (V2X), consists of three main components: vehicle to vehicle communication (V2V), vehicle to infrastructure communication (V2I) and vehicle to pedestrian communications (V2P). V2X is the first step to autonomous driving and connected road infrastructure.[citation needed] Building and home automation IoT devices can be used to monitor and control the mechanical, electrical and electronic systems used in various types of buildings (e.g., public and private, industrial, institutions, or residential)[43] in home automation and building automation systems. In this context, three main areas are being covered in literature:[57] The integration of the Internet with building energy management systems in order to create energy efficient and IOT-driven “smart buildings”.[57] The possible means of real-time monitoring for reducing energy consumption[25] and monitoring occupant behaviors.[57] The integration of smart devices in the built environment and how they might be used in future applications.[57] Industrial applications Main article: Industrial internet of things Also known as IIoT, industrial IoT devices acquire and analyze data from connected equipment, operational technology (OT), locations and people. Combined with operational technology (OT) monitoring devices, IIoT helps regulate and monitor industrial systems. Also, the same implementation can be carried out for automated record updates of asset placement in industrial storage units as the size of the assets can vary from a small screw till the whole motor spare part and misplacement of such assets can cause a percentile loss of manpower time and money. Manufacturing The IoT can connect various manufacturing devices equipped with sensing, identification, processing, communication, actuation, and networking capabilities.[58] Network control and management of manufacturing equipment, asset and situation management, or manufacturing process control allow IoT to be used for industrial applications and smart manufacturing.[59] IoT intelligent systems enable rapid manufacturing and optimization of new products, and rapid response to product demands.[43] Digital control systems to automate process controls, operator tools and service information systems to optimize plant safety and security are within the purview of the IIoT.[60] IoT can also be applied to asset management via predictive maintenance, statistical evaluation, and measurements to maximize reliability.[61] Industrial management systems can be integrated with smart grids, enabling energy optimization. Measurements, automated controls, plant optimization, health and safety management, and other functions are provided by networked sensors.[43] Agriculture There are numerous IoT applications in farming[62] such as collecting data on temperature, rainfall, humidity, wind speed, pest infestation, and soil content. This data can be used to automate farming techniques, take informed decisions to improve quality and quantity, minimise risk and waste, and reduce effort required to manage crops. For example, farmers can now monitor soil temperature and moisture from afar, and even apply IoT-acquired data to precision fertilisation programs.[63] In August 2018, Toyota Tsusho began a partnership with Microsoft to create fish farming tools using the Microsoft Azure application suite for IoT technologies related to water management. Developed in part by researchers from Kindai University, the water pump mechanisms use artificial intelligence to count the number of fish on a conveyor belt, analyze the number of fish, and deduce the effectiveness of water flow from the data the fish provide. The specific computer programs used in the process fall under the Azure Machine Learning and the Azure IoT Hub platforms.[64] Maritime IoT devices are in use monitoring the environments and systems of boats and yachts.[65] Many pleasure boats are left unattended for days in summer, and months in winter so such devices provide valuable early alert of boat flooding, fire, and deep discharge of batteries. The use of global internet data networks such as Sigfox, combined with long life batteries, and microelectronics allows the engine rooms, bilge, and batteries to be constanted monitored and reported to a connected Android & Apple applications for example. Infrastructure applications Monitoring and controlling operations of sustainable urban and rural infrastructures like bridges, railway tracks and on- and offshore wind-farms is a key application of the IoT.[60] The IoT infrastructure can be used for monitoring any events or changes in structural conditions that can compromise safety and increase risk. The IoT can benefit the construction industry by cost saving, time reduction, better quality workday, paperless workflow and increase in productivity. It can help in taking faster decisions and save money with Real-Time Data Analytics. It can also be used for scheduling repair and maintenance activities in an efficient manner, by coordinating tasks between different service providers and users of these facilities.[43] IoT devices can also be used to control critical infrastructure like bridges to provide access to ships. Usage of IoT devices for monitoring and operating infrastructure is likely to improve incident management and emergency response coordination, and quality of service, up-times and reduce costs of operation in all infrastructure related areas.[66] Even areas such as waste management can benefit[67] from automation and optimization that could be brought in by the IoT.[citation needed] Metropolitan scale deployments There are several planned or ongoing large-scale deployments of the IoT, to enable better management of cities and systems. For example, Songdo, South Korea, the first of its kind fully equipped and wired smart city, is gradually being built, with approximately 70 percent of the business district completed as of June 2018. Much of the city is planned to be wired and automated, with little or no human intervention.[68][69] Another application is a currently undergoing project in Santander, Spain. For this deployment, two approaches have been adopted. This city of 180,000 inhabitants has already seen 18,000 downloads of its city smartphone app. The app is connected to 10,000 sensors that enable services like parking search, environmental monitoring, digital city agenda, and more. City context information is used in this deployment so as to benefit merchants through a spark deals mechanism based on city behavior that aims at maximizing the impact of each notification.[70] Other examples of large-scale deployments underway include the Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City;[71] work on improving air and water quality, reducing noise pollution, and increasing transportation efficiency in San Jose, California;[72] and smart traffic management in western Singapore.[73] Using its RPMA (Random Phase Multiple Access) technology, San Diego-based Ingenu has built a nationwide public network[74] for low-bandwidth data transmissions using the same unlicensed 2.4 gigahertz spectrum as Wi-Fi. Ingenu’s “Machine Network” covers more than a third of the US population across 35 major cities including San Diego and Dallas.[75] French company, Sigfox, commenced building an Ultra Narrowband wireless data network in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2014, the first business to achieve such a deployment in the U.S.[76][77] It subsequently announced it would set up a total of 4000 base stations to cover a total of 30 cities in the U.S. by the end of 2016, making it the largest IoT network coverage provider in the country thus far.[78][79] Cisco also participates in smart cities projects. Cisco has started deploying technologies for Smart Wi-Fi, Smart Safety & Security, Smart Lighting, Smart Parking, Smart Transports, Smart Bus Stops, Smart Kiosks, Remote Expert for Government Services (REGS) and Smart Education in the five km area in the city of Vijaywada.[80] Another example of a large deployment is the one completed by New York Waterways in New York City to connect all the city’s vessels and be able to monitor them live 24/7. The network was designed and engineered by Fluidmesh Networks, a Chicago-based company developing wireless networks for critical applications. The NYWW network is currently providing coverage on the Hudson River, East River, and Upper New York Bay. With the wireless network in place, NY Waterway is able to take control of its fleet and passengers in a way that was not previously possible. New applications can include security, energy and fleet management, digital signage, public Wi-Fi, paperless ticketing and others.[81] Energy management Significant numbers of energy-consuming devices (e.g. lamps, household appliances, motors, pumps, etc.) already integrate Internet connectivity, which can allow them to communicate with utilities not only to balance power generation but also helps optimize the energy consumption as a whole.[43] These devices allow for remote control by users, or central management via a cloud-based interface, and enable functions like scheduling (e.g., remotely powering on or off heating systems, controlling ovens, changing lighting conditions etc.).[43] The smart grid is a utility-side IoT application; systems gather and act on energy and power-related information to improve the efficiency of the production and distribution of electricity.[82] Using advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) Internet-connected devices, electric utilities not only collect data from end-users, but also manage distribution automation devices like transformers.[43] Environmental monitoring Environmental monitoring applications of the IoT typically use sensors to assist in environmental protection[83] by monitoring air or water quality,[84] atmospheric or soil conditions,[85] and can even include areas like monitoring the movements of wildlife and their habitats.[86] Development of resource-constrained devices connected to the Internet also means that other applications like earthquake or tsunami early-warning systems can also be used by emergency services to provide more effective aid. IoT devices in this application typically span a large geographic area and can also be mobile.[43] It has been argued that the standardization IoT brings to wireless sensing will revolutionize this area.[87] Living Lab Another example of integrating the IoT is Living Lab which integrates and combines research and innovation process, establishing within a public-private-people-partnership.[88] There are currently 320 Living Labs that use the IoT to collaborate and share knowledge between stakeholders to co-create innovative and technological products. For companies to implement and develop IoT services for smart cities, they need to have incentives. The governments play key roles in smart city projects as changes in policies will help cities to implement the IoT which provides effectiveness, efficiency, and accuracy of the resources that are being used. For instance, the government provides tax incentives and cheap rent, improves public transports, and offers an environment where start-up companies, creative industries, and multinationals may co-create, share a common infrastructure and labor markets, and take advantage of locally embedded technologies, production process, and transaction costs.[88] The relationship between the technology developers and governments who manage the city’s assets, is key to provide open access to resources to users in an efficient way. Military applications Main article: Internet of Military Things The Internet of Military Things (IoMT) is the application of IoT technologies in the military domain for the purposes of reconnaissance, surveillance, and other combat-related objectives. It is heavily influenced by the future prospects of warfare in an urban environment and involves the use of sensors, munitions, vehicles, robots, human-wearable biometrics, and other smart technology that is relevant on the battlefield.[89] Internet of Battlefield Things The Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT) is a project initiated and executed by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) that focuses on the basic science related to IoT that enhance the capabilities of Army soldiers.[90] In 2017, ARL launched the Internet of Battlefield Things Collaborative Research Alliance (IoBT-CRA), establishing a working collaboration between industry, university, and Army researchers to advance the theoretical foundations of IoT technologies and their applications to Army operations.[91][92] Ocean of Things The Ocean of Things project is a DARPA-led program designed to establish an Internet of Things across large ocean areas for the purposes of collecting, monitoring, and analyzing environmental and vessel activity data. The project entails the deployment of about 50,000 floats that house a passive sensor suite that autonomously detect and track military and commercial vessels as part of a cloud-based network.[93] Product digitisation There are several applications of smart or active packaging in which a QR code or NFC tag is affixed on a product or its packaging. The tag itself is passive, however it contains a unique identifier (typically a URL) which enables a user to access digital content about the product via a smartphone.[94] Strictly speaking, such passive items are not part of the Internet of Thing but they can be seen as enablers of digital interactions.[95] The term “Internet of Packaging” has been coined to describe applications in which unique identifiers are used, to automate supply chains, and are scanned on large scale by consumers to access digital content.[96] Authentication of the unique identifiers, and thereby of the product itself, is possible via a copy-sensitive digital watermark or copy detection pattern for scanning when scanning a QR code,[97] while NFC tags can encrypt communication.[98] Trends and characteristics The IoT’s major significant trend in recent years is the explosive growth of devices connected and controlled by the Internet.[99] The wide range of applications for IoT technology mean that the specifics can be very different from one device to the next but there are basic characteristics shared by most. The IoT creates opportunities for more direct integration of the physical world into computer-based systems, resulting in efficiency improvements, economic benefits, and reduced human exertions.[100][101][102][103] The number of IoT devices increased 31% year-over-year to 8.4 billion in the year 2017[104] and it is estimated that there will be 30 billion devices by 2020.[99] The global market value of IoT is projected to reach $7.1 trillion by 2020.[105] Intelligence Ambient intelligence and autonomous control are not part of the original concept of the Internet of things. Ambient intelligence and autonomous control do not necessarily require Internet structures, either. However, there is a shift in research (by companies such as Intel) to integrate the concepts of the IoT and autonomous control, with initial outcomes towards this direction considering objects as the driving force for autonomous IoT.[106] A promising approach in this context is deep reinforcement learning where most of IoT systems provide a dynamic and interactive environment.[107] Training an agent (i.e., IoT device) to behave smartly in such an environment cannot be addressed by conventional machine learning algorithms such as supervised learning. By reinforcement learning approach, a learning agent can sense the environment’s state (e.g., sensing home temperature), perform actions (e.g., turn HVAC on or off) and learn through the maximizing accumulated rewards it receives in long term. IoT intelligence can be offered at three levels: IoT devices, Edge/Fog nodes, and Cloud computing.[108] The need for intelligent control and decision at each level depends on the time sensitiveness of the IoT application. For example, an autonomous vehicle’s camera needs to make real-time obstacle detection to avoid an accident. This fast decision making would not be possible through transferring data from the vehicle to cloud instances and return the predictions back to the vehicle. Instead, all the operation should be performed locally in the vehicle. Integrating advanced machine learning algorithms including deep learning into IoT devices is an active research area to make smart objects closer to reality. Moreover, it is possible to get the most value out of IoT deployments through analyzing IoT data, extracting hidden information, and predicting control decisions. A wide variety of machine learning techniques have been used in IoT domain ranging from traditional methods such as regression, support vector machine, and random forest to advanced ones such as convolutional neural networks, LSTM, and variational autoencoder.[109][108] In the future, the Internet of Things may be a non-deterministic and open network in which auto-organized or intelligent entities (web services, SOA components) and virtual objects (avatars) will be interoperable and able to act independently (pursuing their own objectives or shared ones) depending on the context, circumstances or environments. Autonomous behavior through the collection and reasoning of context information as well as the object’s ability to detect changes in the environment (faults affecting sensors) and introduce suitable mitigation measures constitutes a major research trend,[110] clearly needed to provide credibility to the IoT technology. Modern IoT products and solutions in the marketplace use a variety of different technologies to support such context-aware automation, but more sophisticated forms of intelligence are requested to permit sensor units and intelligent cyber-physical systems to be deployed in real environments.[111] Architecture This section needs attention from an expert in technology. The specific problem is: The information is partially outdated, unclear, and uncited. Requires more details, but not so technical that others won’t understand it.. WikiProject Technology may be able to help recruit an expert. (July 2018) IoT system architecture, in its simplistic view, consists of three tiers: Tier 1: Devices, Tier 2: the Edge Gateway, and Tier 3: the Cloud.[112] Devices include networked things, such as the sensors and actuators found in IIoT equipment, particularly those that use protocols such as Modbus, Bluetooth, Zigbee, or proprietary protocols, to connect to an Edge Gateway.[112] The Edge Gateway layer consists of sensor data aggregation systems called Edge Gateways that provide functionality, such as pre-processing of the data, securing connectivity to cloud, using systems such as WebSockets, the event hub, and, even in some cases, edge analytics or fog computing.[112] Edge Gateway layer is also required to give a common view of the devices to the upper layers to facilitate in easier management. The final tier includes the cloud application built for IIoT using the microservices architecture, which are usually polyglot and inherently secure in nature using HTTPS/OAuth. It includes various database systems that store sensor data, such as time series databases or asset stores using backend data storage systems (e.g. Cassandra, PostgreSQL).[112] The cloud tier in most cloud-based IoT system features event queuing and messaging system that handles communication that transpires in all tiers.[113] Some experts classified the three-tiers in the IIoT system as edge, platform, and enterprise and these are connected by proximity network, access network, and service network, respectively.[114] Building on the Internet of things, the web of things is an architecture for the application layer of the Internet of things looking at the convergence of data from IoT devices into Web applications to create innovative use-cases. In order to program and control the flow of information in the Internet of things, a predicted architectural direction is being called BPM Everywhere which is a blending of traditional process management with process mining and special capabilities to automate the control of large numbers of coordinated devices.[citation needed] Network architecture The Internet of things requires huge scalability in the network space to handle the surge of devices.[115] IETF 6LoWPAN would be used to connect devices to IP networks. With billions of devices[116] being added to the Internet space, IPv6 will play a major role in handling the network layer scalability. IETF’s Constrained Application Protocol, ZeroMQ, and MQTT would provide lightweight data transport. Fog computing is a viable alternative to prevent such large burst of data flow through Internet.[117] The edge devices’ computation power to analyse and process data is extremely limited. Limited processing power is a key attribute of IoT devices as their purpose is to supply data about physical objects while remaining autonomous. Heavy processing requirements use more battery power harming IoT’s ability to operate. Scalability is easy because IoT devices simply supply data through the internet to a server with sufficient processing power.[118] Complexity In semi-open or closed loops (i.e. value chains, whenever a global finality can be settled) the IoT will often be considered and studied as a complex system[119] due to the huge number of different links, interactions between autonomous actors, and its capacity to integrate new actors. At the overall stage (full open loop) it will likely be seen as a chaotic environment (since systems always have finality). As a practical approach, not all elements in the Internet of things run in a global, public space. Subsystems are often implemented to mitigate the risks of privacy, control and reliability. For example, domestic robotics (domotics) running inside a smart home might only share data within and be available via a local network.[120] Managing and controlling a high dynamic ad hoc IoT things/devices network is a tough task with the traditional networks architecture, Software Defined Networking (SDN) provides the agile dynamic solution that can cope with the special requirements of the diversity of innovative IoT applications.[121] Size considerations The Internet of things would encode 50 to 100 trillion objects, and be able to follow the movement of those objects. Human beings in surveyed urban environments are each surrounded by 1000 to 5000 trackable objects.[122] In 2015 there were already 83 million smart devices in people’s homes. This number is expected to grow to 193 million devices by 2020.[24][123] The figure of online capable devices grew 31% from 2016 to 2017 to reach 8.4 billion.[104] Space considerations In the Internet of Things, the precise geographic location of a thing—and also the precise geographic dimensions of a thing—will be critical.[124] Therefore, facts about a thing, such as its location in time and space, have been less critical to track because the person processing the information can decide whether or not that information was important to the action being taken, and if so, add the missing information (or decide to not take the action). (Note that some things in the Internet of Things will be sensors, and sensor location is usually important.[125]) The GeoWeb and Digital Earth are promising applications that become possible when things can become organized and connected by location. However, the challenges that remain include the constraints of variable spatial scales, the need to handle massive amounts of data, and an indexing for fast search and neighbour operations. In the Internet of Things, if things are able to take actions on their own initiative, this human-centric mediation role is eliminated. Thus, the time-space context that we as humans take for granted must be given a central role in this information ecosystem. Just as standards play a key role in the Internet and the Web, geo-spatial standards will play a key role in the Internet of things.[126][127] A solution to “basket of remotes” Many IoT devices have a potential to take a piece of this market. Jean-Louis Gassée (Apple initial alumni team, and BeOS co-founder) has addressed this topic in an article on Monday Note,[128] where he predicts that the most likely problem will be what he calls the “basket of remotes” problem, where we’ll have hundreds of applications to interface with hundreds of devices that don’t share protocols for speaking with one another.[128] For improved user interaction, some technology leaders are joining forces to create standards for communication between devices to solve this problem. Others are turning to the concept of predictive interaction of devices, “where collected data is used to predict and trigger actions on the specific devices” while making them work together.[129] Enabling technologies for IoT There are many technologies that enable the IoT. Crucial to the field is the network used to communicate between devices of an IoT installation, a role that several wireless or wired technologies may fulfill:[130][131][132] Addressability The original idea of the Auto-ID Center is based on RFID-tags and distinct identification through the Electronic Product Code. This has evolved into objects having an IP address or URI.[133] An alternative view, from the world of the Semantic Web[134] focuses instead on making all things (not just those electronic, smart, or RFID-enabled) addressable by the existing naming protocols, such as URI. The objects themselves do not converse, but they may now be referred to by other agents, such as powerful centralised servers acting for their human owners.[135] Integration with the Internet implies that devices will use an IP address as a distinct identifier. Due to the limited address space of IPv4 (which allows for 4.3 billion different addresses), objects in the IoT will have to use the next generation of the Internet protocol (IPv6) to scale to the extremely large address space required.[136][137][138] Internet-of-things devices additionally will benefit from the stateless address auto-configuration present in IPv6,[139] as it reduces the configuration overhead on the hosts,[137] and the IETF 6LoWPAN header compression. To a large extent, the future of the Internet of things will not be possible without the support of IPv6; and consequently, the global adoption of IPv6 in the coming years will be critical for the successful development of the IoT in the future.[138] Application Layer ADRC[140] defines an application layer protocol and supporting framework for implementing IoT applications. Short-range wireless Bluetooth mesh networking – Specification providing a mesh networking variant to Bluetooth low energy (BLE) with increased number of nodes and standardized application layer (Models). Light-Fidelity (Li-Fi) – Wireless communication technology similar to the Wi-Fi standard, but using visible light communication for increased bandwidth. Near-field communication (NFC) – Communication protocols enabling two electronic devices to communicate within a 4 cm range. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) – Technology using electromagnetic fields to read data stored in tags embedded in other items. Wi-Fi – Technology for local area networking based on the IEEE 802.11 standard, where devices may communicate through a shared access point or directly between individual devices. ZigBee – Communication protocols for personal area networking based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, providing low power consumption, low data rate, low cost, and high throughput. Z-Wave – Wireless communications protocol used primarily for home automation and security applications Medium-range wireless LTE-Advanced – High-speed communication specification for mobile networks. Provides enhancements to the LTE standard with extended coverage, higher throughput, and lower latency. 5G – 5G wireless networks can be used to achieve the high communication requirements of the IoT and connect a large number of IoT devices, even when they are on the move.[141] Long-range wireless Low-power wide-area networking (LPWAN) – Wireless networks designed to allow long-range communication at a low data rate, reducing power and cost for transmission. Available LPWAN technologies and protocols: LoRaWan, Sigfox, NB-IoT, Weightless, RPMA. Very small aperture terminal (VSAT) – Satellite communication technology using small dish antennas for narrowband and broadband data. Wired Ethernet – General purpose networking standard using twisted pair and fiber optic links in conjunction with hubs or switches. Power-line communication (PLC) – Communication technology using electrical wiring to carry power and data. Specifications such as HomePlug or G.hn utilize PLC for networking IoT devices. Standards and standards organizations [icon] This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (September 2016) This is a list of technical standards for the IoT, most of which are open standards, and the standards organizations that aspire to successfully setting them.[142][143] Short name Long name Standards under development Other notes Auto-ID Labs Auto Identification Center Networked RFID (radiofrequency identification) and emerging sensing technologies Connected Home over IP Project Connected Home over IP Connected Home over IP (or Project Connected Home over IP) is an open-sourced, royalty-free home automation connectivity standard project which features compatibility among different smart home and Internet of things (IoT) products and software The Connected Home over IP project group was launched and introduced by Amazon, Apple, Google,[144] Comcast and the Zigbee Alliance in December 18, 2019.[145] The project is backed by big companies and by being based on proven Internet design principles and protocols it aims to unify the currently fragmented systems.[146] EPCglobal Electronic Product code Technology Standards for adoption of EPC (Electronic Product Code) technology FDA U.S. Food and Drug Administration UDI (Unique Device Identification) system for distinct identifiers for medical devices GS1 Global Standards One Standards for UIDs (“unique” identifiers) and RFID of fast-moving consumer goods (consumer packaged goods), health care supplies, and other things The GS1 digital link standard,[147] first released in August 2018, allows the use QR Codes, GS1 Datamatrix, RFID and NFC to enable various types of business-to-business, as well as business-to-consumers interactions. Parent organization comprises member organizations such as GS1 US IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Underlying communication technology standards such as IEEE 802.15.4, IEEE P1451-99 (IoT Harmonization), and IEEE P1931.1 (ROOF Computing). IETF Internet Engineering Task Force Standards that comprise TCP/IP (the Internet protocol suite) MTConnect Institute — MTConnect is a manufacturing industry standard for data exchange with machine tools and related industrial equipment. It is important to the IIoT subset of the IoT. O-DF Open Data Format O-DF is a standard published by the Internet of Things Work Group of The Open Group in 2014, which specifies a generic information model structure that is meant to be applicable for describing any “Thing”, as well as for publishing, updating and querying information when used together with O-MI (Open Messaging Interface). O-MI Open Messaging Interface O-MI is a standard published by the Internet of Things Work Group of The Open Group in 2014, which specifies a limited set of key operations needed in IoT systems, notably different kinds of subscription mechanisms based on the Observer pattern. OCF Open Connectivity Foundation Standards for simple devices using CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol) OCF (Open Connectivity Foundation) supersedes OIC (Open Interconnect Consortium) OMA Open Mobile Alliance OMA DM and OMA LWM2M for IoT device management, as well as GotAPI, which provides a secure framework for IoT applications XSF XMPP Standards Foundation Protocol extensions of XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol), the open standard of instant messaging Politics and civic engagement Some scholars and activists argue that the IoT can be used to create new models of civic engagement if device networks can be open to user control and inter-operable platforms. Philip N. Howard, a professor and author, writes that political life in both democracies and authoritarian regimes will be shaped by the way the IoT will be used for civic engagement. For that to happen, he argues that any connected device should be able to divulge a list of the “ultimate beneficiaries” of its sensor data and that individual citizens should be able to add new organisations to the beneficiary list. In addition, he argues that civil society groups need to start developing their IoT strategy for making use of data and engaging with the public.[148] Government regulation on IoT IoT systems are typically controlled by event-driven smart apps that take as input either sensed data, user inputs, or other external triggers (from the Internet) and command one or more actuators towards providing different forms of automation.[220] Examples of sensors include smoke detectors, motion sensors, and contact sensors. Examples of actuators include smart locks, smart power outlets, and door controls. Popular control platforms on which third-party developers can build smart apps that interact wirelessly with these sensors and actuators include Samsung’s SmartThings,[221] Apple’s HomeKit,[222] and Amazon’s Alexa,[223] among others. A problem specific to IoT systems is that buggy apps, unforeseen bad app interactions, or device/communication failures, can cause unsafe and dangerous physical states, e.g., “unlock the entrance door when no one is at home” or “turn off the heater when the temperature is below 0 degrees Celsius and people are sleeping at night”.[220] Detecting flaws that lead to such states, requires a holistic view of installed apps, component devices, their configurations, and more importantly, how they interact. Recently, researchers from the University of California Riverside have proposed IotSan, a novel practical system that uses model checking as a building block to reveal “interaction-level” flaws by identifying events that can lead the system to unsafe states.[220] They have evaluated IotSan on the Samsung SmartThings platform. From 76 manually configured systems, IotSan detects 147 vulnerabilities (i.e., violations of safe physical states/properties). Design Given widespread recognition of the evolving nature of the design and management of the Internet of Things, sustainable and secure deployment of IoT solutions must design for “anarchic scalability.”[224] Application of the concept of anarchic scalability can be extended to physical systems (i.e. controlled real-world objects), by virtue of those systems being designed to account for uncertain management futures. This hard anarchic scalability thus provides a pathway forward to fully realize the potential of Internet-of-things solutions by selectively constraining physical systems to allow for all management regimes without risking physical failure.[224] Brown University computer scientist Michael Littman has argued that successful execution of the Internet of Things requires consideration of the interface’s usability as well as the technology itself. These interfaces need to be not only more user-friendly but also better integrated: “If users need to learn different interfaces for their vacuums, their locks, their sprinklers, their lights, and their coffeemakers, it’s tough to say that their lives have been made any easier.”[225] Environmental sustainability impact A concern regarding Internet-of-things technologies pertains to the environmental impacts of the manufacture, use, and eventual disposal of all these semiconductor-rich devices.[226] Modern electronics are replete with a wide variety of heavy metals and rare-earth metals, as well as highly toxic synthetic chemicals. This makes them extremely difficult to properly recycle. Electronic components are often incinerated or placed in regular landfills. Furthermore, the human and environmental cost of mining the rare-earth metals that are integral to modern electronic components continues to grow. This leads to societal questions concerning the environmental impacts of IoT devices over its lifetime.[227] Although IoT devices can help in some cases to reduce the energy consumption of certain applications, the impact of having billions of devices connected and consuming power from batteries and from the grid will have a huge impact on energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The technology developed by Omniflow[228] can house all kinds of DC powered IoT devices inside the protective shell that also integrates power generation from integrated vertical wind turbine and solar photovoltaic as well as energy storage using built-in batteries. Intentional obsolescence of devices For example, on 21 October 2016, a multiple distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks systems operated by domain name system provider Dyn, which caused the inaccessibility of several websites, such as GitHub, Twitter, and others. This attack is executed through a botnet consisting of a large number of IoT devices including IP cameras, gateways, and even baby monitors.[241] undamentally there are 4 security objectives that the IOT system requires:(1)data confidentiality: unauthorized parties cannot have access to the transmitted and stored data.(2)data integrity: intentional and unintentional corruption of transmitted and stored data must be detected.(3)non-repudiation: the sender cannot deny having sent a given message.(4)data availability: the transmitted and stored data should be available to authorized parties even with the denial-of-service (DOS) attacks.[242] Information privacy regulations also require organizations to practice “reasonable security”. California’s SB-327 Information privacy: connected devices. “would require a manufacturer of a connected device, as those terms are defined, to equip the device with a reasonable security feature or features that are appropriate to the nature and function of the device, appropriate to the information it may collect, contain, or transmit, and designed to protect the device and any information contained therein from unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification, or disclosure, as specified.”[243] As each organization’s environment is unique, it can prove challenging to demonstrate what “reasonable security” is and what potential risks could be involved for the business. Oregon’s HB 2395 also “Requires person that manufactures, sells or offers to sell connected device] manufacturer to equip connected device with reasonable security features that protect connected device and information that connected device collects, contains, stores or transmits] stores from access, destruction, modification, use or disclosure that consumer does not authorize.”[244] Traditional governance structure Town of Internet of Things in Hangzhou, China A study issued by Ericsson regarding the adoption of Internet of things among Danish companies identified a “clash between IoT and companies’ traditional governance structures, as IoT still presents both uncertainties and a lack of historical precedence.”[238] Among the respondents interviewed, 60 percent stated that they “do not believe they have the organizational capabilities, and three of four do not believe they have the processes needed, to capture the IoT opportunity.”[238] This has led to a need to understand organizational culture in order to facilitate organizational design processes and to test new innovation management practices. A lack of digital leadership in the age of digital transformation has also stifled innovation and IoT adoption to a degree that many companies, in the face of uncertainty, “were waiting for the market dynamics to play out”,[238] or further action in regards to IoT “was pending competitor moves, customer pull, or regulatory requirements.”[238] Some of these companies risk being ‘kodaked’ – “Kodak was a market leader until digital disruption eclipsed film photography with digital photos” – failing to “see the disruptive forces affecting their industry”[245] and “to truly embrace the new business models the disruptive change opens up.”[245] Scott Anthony has written in Harvard Business Review that Kodak “created a digital camera, invested in the technology, and even understood that photos would be shared online”[245] but ultimately failed to realize that “online photo sharing was the new business, not just a way to expand the printing business.”[245] Business planning and project management According to 2018 study, 70–75% of IoT deployments were stuck in the pilot or prototype stage, unable to reach scale due in part to a lack of business planning.[246][page needed][247] Studies on IoT literature and projects show a disproportionate prominence of technology in the IoT projects, which are often driven by technological interventions rather than business model innovation.[248][249][improper synthesis?] Even though scientists, engineers, and managers across the world are continuously working to create and exploit the benefits of IoT products, there are some flaws in the governance, management and implementation of such projects. Despite tremendous forward momentum in the field of information and other underlying technologies, IoT still remains a complex area and the problem of how IoT projects are managed still needs to be addressed. IoT projects must be run differently than simple and traditional IT, manufacturing or construction projects. Because IoT projects have longer project timelines, a lack of skilled resources and several security/legal issues, there is a need for new and specifically designed project processes. The following management techniques should improve the success rate of IoT projects:[250] A separate research and development phase A Proof-of-Concept/Prototype before the actual project begins Project managers with interdisciplinary technical knowledge Universally defined business and technical jargon See also 5G Artificial intelligence of things Automotive security Big Data Cloud manufacturing Cyber-physical system Data Distribution Service Digital object memory Digital twin Edge computing Four-dimensional product Home automation Indoor positioning system Industry 4.0 Internet of Military Things IoT Cloud IoT Simulation Open Interconnect Consortium OpenWSN Quantified self Responsive computer-aided design Smart grid Web of things

Internet of things……………………….. The Internet of things (IoT) describes the network of physical objects—“things”—that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the Internet.[1][2][3][4] Things have evolved due to the convergence of multiple technologies, real-time analytics, machine learning, commodity sensors, and embedded systems.[1] Traditional fields of embedded systems, wireless sensor networks, control systems, automation (including home and building automation), and others all contribute to enabling the Internet of things. In the consumer market, IoT technology is most synonymous with products pertaining to the concept of the “smart home”, including devices and appliances (such as lighting fixtures, thermostats, home security systems and cameras, and other home appliances) that support one or more common ecosystems, and can be controlled via devices associated with that ecosystem, such as smartphones and smart speakers. IoT can also be used in healthcare systems.[5] There are a number of serious concerns about dangers in the growth of IoT, especially in the areas of privacy and security, and consequently industry and governmental moves to address these concerns have begun including the development of international standards. Contents 1 History 2 Applications 2.1 Consumer applications 2.1.1 Smart home 2.1.2 Elder care 2.2 Organizational applications 2.2.1 Medical and healthcare 2.2.2 Transportation 2.2.3 V2X communications 2.2.4 Building and home automation 2.3 Industrial applications 2.3.1 Manufacturing 2.3.2 Agriculture 2.3.3 Maritime 2.4 Infrastructure applications 2.4.1 Metropolitan scale deployments 2.4.2 Energy management 2.4.3 Environmental monitoring 2.5 Military applications 2.5.1 Internet of Battlefield Things 2.5.2 Ocean of Things 2.6 Product digitisation 3 Trends and characteristics 3.1 Intelligence 3.2 Architecture 3.2.1 Network architecture 3.3 Complexity 3.4 Size considerations 3.5 Space considerations 3.6 A solution to “basket of remotes” 4 Enabling technologies for IoT 4.1 Addressability 4.2 Application Layer 4.3 Short-range wireless 4.4 Medium-range wireless 4.5 Long-range wireless 4.6 Wired 4.7 Standards and standards organizations 5 Politics and civic engagement 6 Government regulation on IoT 7 Criticism, problems and controversies 7.1 Platform fragmentation 7.2 Privacy, autonomy, and control 7.3 Data storage 7.4 Security 7.5 Safety 7.6 Design 7.7 Environmental sustainability impact 7.8 Intentional obsolescence of devices 7.9 Confusing terminology 8 IoT adoption barriers 8.1 Lack of interoperability and unclear value propositions 8.2 Privacy and security concerns 8.3 Traditional governance structure 8.4 Business planning and project management 9 See also 10 References 11 Bibliography History The main concept of a network of smart devices was discussed as early as 1982, with a modified Coca-Cola vending machine at Carnegie Mellon University becoming the first Internet-connected appliance,[6] able to report its inventory and whether newly loaded drinks were cold or not.[7] Mark Weiser’s 1991 paper on ubiquitous computing, “The Computer of the 21st Century”, as well as academic venues such as UbiComp and PerCom produced the contemporary vision of the IOT.[8][9] In 1994, Reza Raji described the concept in IEEE Spectrum as “[moving] small packets of data to a large set of nodes, so as to integrate and automate everything from home appliances to entire factories”.[10] Between 1993 and 1997, several companies proposed solutions like Microsoft’s at Work or Novell’s NEST. The field gained momentum when Bill Joy envisioned device-to-device communication as a part of his “Six Webs” framework, presented at the World Economic Forum at Davos in 1999.[11] The term “Internet of things” was coined by Kevin Ashton of Procter & Gamble, later MIT’s Auto-ID Center, in 1999,[12] though he prefers the phrase “Internet for things”.[13] At that point, he viewed radio-frequency identification (RFID) as essential to the Internet of things,[14] which would allow computers to manage all individual things.[15][16][17] Defining the Internet of things as “simply the point in time when more ‘things or objects’ were connected to the Internet than people”, Cisco Systems estimated that the IoT was “born” between 2008 and 2009, with the things/people ratio growing from 0.08 in 2003 to 1.84 in 2010.[18] Applications The extensive set of applications for IoT devices[19] is often divided into consumer, commercial, industrial, and infrastructure spaces.[20][21] Consumer applications A growing portion of IoT devices are created for consumer use, including connected vehicles, home automation, wearable technology, connected health, and appliances with remote monitoring capabilities.[22] Smart home IoT devices are a part of the larger concept of home automation, which can include lighting, heating and air conditioning, media and security systems and camera systems.[23][24] Long-term benefits could include energy savings by automatically ensuring lights and electronics are turned off or by making the residents in the home aware of usage.[25] A smart home or automated home could be based on a platform or hubs that control smart devices and appliances.[26] For instance, using Apple’s HomeKit, manufacturers can have their home products and accessories controlled by an application in iOS devices such as the iPhone and the Apple Watch.[27][28] This could be a dedicated app or iOS native applications such as Siri.[29] This can be demonstrated in the case of Lenovo’s Smart Home Essentials, which is a line of smart home devices that are controlled through Apple’s Home app or Siri without the need for a Wi-Fi bridge.[29] There are also dedicated smart home hubs that are offered as standalone platforms to connect different smart home products and these include the Amazon Echo, Google Home, Apple’s HomePod, and Samsung’s SmartThings Hub.[30] In addition to the commercial systems, there are many non-proprietary, open source ecosystems; including Home Assistant, OpenHAB and Domoticz.[31][32] Elder care One key application of a smart home is to provide assistance for those with disabilities and elderly individuals. These home systems use assistive technology to accommodate an owner’s specific disabilities.[33] Voice control can assist users with sight and mobility limitations while alert systems can be connected directly to cochlear implants worn by hearing-impaired users.[34] They can also be equipped with additional safety features. These features can include sensors that monitor for medical emergencies such as falls or seizures.[35] Smart home technology applied in this way can provide users with more freedom and a higher quality of life.[33] The term “Enterprise IoT” refers to devices used in business and corporate settings. By 2019, it is estimated that the EIoT will account for 9.1 billion devices.[20] Organizational applications Medical and healthcare The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is an application of the IoT for medical and health related purposes, data collection and analysis for research, and monitoring.[36][37][38][39][40] The IoMT has been referenced as “Smart Healthcare”,[41] as the technology for creating a digitized healthcare system, connecting available medical resources and healthcare services.[citation needed][42] IoT devices can be used to enable remote health monitoring and emergency notification systems. These health monitoring devices can range from blood pressure and heart rate monitors to advanced devices capable of monitoring specialized implants, such as pacemakers, Fitbit electronic wristbands, or advanced hearing aids.[43] Some hospitals have begun implementing “smart beds” that can detect when they are occupied and when a patient is attempting to get up. It can also adjust itself to ensure appropriate pressure and support is applied to the patient without the manual interaction of nurses.[36] A 2015 Goldman Sachs report indicated that healthcare IoT devices “can save the United States more than $300 billion in annual healthcare expenditures by increasing revenue and decreasing cost.”[44] Moreover, the use of mobile devices to support medical follow-up led to the creation of ‘m-health’, used analyzed health statistics.” [45] Specialized sensors can also be equipped within living spaces to monitor the health and general well-being of senior citizens, while also ensuring that proper treatment is being administered and assisting people regain lost mobility via therapy as well.[46] These sensors create a network of intelligent sensors that are able to collect, process, transfer, and analyze valuable information in different environments, such as connecting in-home monitoring devices to hospital-based systems.[41] Other consumer devices to encourage healthy living, such as connected scales or wearable heart monitors, are also a possibility with the IoT.[47] End-to-end health monitoring IoT platforms are also available for antenatal and chronic patients, helping one manage health vitals and recurring medication requirements.[48] Advances in plastic and fabric electronics fabrication methods have enabled ultra-low cost, use-and-throw IoMT sensors. These sensors, along with the required RFID electronics, can be fabricated on paper or e-textiles for wireless powered disposable sensing devices.[49] Applications have been established for point-of-care medical diagnostics, where portability and low system-complexity is essential.[50] As of 2018 IoMT was not only being applied in the clinical laboratory industry,[38] but also in the healthcare and health insurance industries. IoMT in the healthcare industry is now permitting doctors, patients, and others, such as guardians of patients, nurses, families, and similar, to be part of a system, where patient records are saved in a database, allowing doctors and the rest of the medical staff to have access to patient information.[51] Moreover, IoT-based systems are patient-centered, which involves being flexible to the patient’s medical conditions.[citation needed] IoMT in the insurance industry provides access to better and new types of dynamic information. This includes sensor-based solutions such as biosensors, wearables, connected health devices, and mobile apps to track customer behaviour. This can lead to more accurate underwriting and new pricing models.[52] The application of the IoT in healthcare plays a fundamental role in managing chronic diseases and in disease prevention and control. Remote monitoring is made possible through the connection of powerful wireless solutions. The connectivity enables health practitioners to capture patient’s data and applying complex algorithms in health data analysis.[53] Transportation Digital variable speed-limit sign The IoT can assist in the integration of communications, control, and information processing across various transportation systems. Application of the IoT extends to all aspects of transportation systems (i.e. the vehicle,[54] the infrastructure, and the driver or user). Dynamic interaction between these components of a transport system enables inter- and intra-vehicular communication,[55] smart traffic control, smart parking, electronic toll collection systems, logistics and fleet management, vehicle control, safety, and road assistance.[43][56] V2X communications Main article: V2X In vehicular communication systems, vehicle-to-everything communication (V2X), consists of three main components: vehicle to vehicle communication (V2V), vehicle to infrastructure communication (V2I) and vehicle to pedestrian communications (V2P). V2X is the first step to autonomous driving and connected road infrastructure.[citation needed] Building and home automation IoT devices can be used to monitor and control the mechanical, electrical and electronic systems used in various types of buildings (e.g., public and private, industrial, institutions, or residential)[43] in home automation and building automation systems. In this context, three main areas are being covered in literature:[57] The integration of the Internet with building energy management systems in order to create energy efficient and IOT-driven “smart buildings”.[57] The possible means of real-time monitoring for reducing energy consumption[25] and monitoring occupant behaviors.[57] The integration of smart devices in the built environment and how they might be used in future applications.[57] Industrial applications Main article: Industrial internet of things Also known as IIoT, industrial IoT devices acquire and analyze data from connected equipment, operational technology (OT), locations and people. Combined with operational technology (OT) monitoring devices, IIoT helps regulate and monitor industrial systems. Also, the same implementation can be carried out for automated record updates of asset placement in industrial storage units as the size of the assets can vary from a small screw till the whole motor spare part and misplacement of such assets can cause a percentile loss of manpower time and money. Manufacturing The IoT can connect various manufacturing devices equipped with sensing, identification, processing, communication, actuation, and networking capabilities.[58] Network control and management of manufacturing equipment, asset and situation management, or manufacturing process control allow IoT to be used for industrial applications and smart manufacturing.[59] IoT intelligent systems enable rapid manufacturing and optimization of new products, and rapid response to product demands.[43] Digital control systems to automate process controls, operator tools and service information systems to optimize plant safety and security are within the purview of the IIoT.[60] IoT can also be applied to asset management via predictive maintenance, statistical evaluation, and measurements to maximize reliability.[61] Industrial management systems can be integrated with smart grids, enabling energy optimization. Measurements, automated controls, plant optimization, health and safety management, and other functions are provided by networked sensors.[43] Agriculture There are numerous IoT applications in farming[62] such as collecting data on temperature, rainfall, humidity, wind speed, pest infestation, and soil content. This data can be used to automate farming techniques, take informed decisions to improve quality and quantity, minimise risk and waste, and reduce effort required to manage crops. For example, farmers can now monitor soil temperature and moisture from afar, and even apply IoT-acquired data to precision fertilisation programs.[63] In August 2018, Toyota Tsusho began a partnership with Microsoft to create fish farming tools using the Microsoft Azure application suite for IoT technologies related to water management. Developed in part by researchers from Kindai University, the water pump mechanisms use artificial intelligence to count the number of fish on a conveyor belt, analyze the number of fish, and deduce the effectiveness of water flow from the data the fish provide. The specific computer programs used in the process fall under the Azure Machine Learning and the Azure IoT Hub platforms.[64] Maritime IoT devices are in use monitoring the environments and systems of boats and yachts.[65] Many pleasure boats are left unattended for days in summer, and months in winter so such devices provide valuable early alert of boat flooding, fire, and deep discharge of batteries. The use of global internet data networks such as Sigfox, combined with long life batteries, and microelectronics allows the engine rooms, bilge, and batteries to be constanted monitored and reported to a connected Android & Apple applications for example. Infrastructure applications Monitoring and controlling operations of sustainable urban and rural infrastructures like bridges, railway tracks and on- and offshore wind-farms is a key application of the IoT.[60] The IoT infrastructure can be used for monitoring any events or changes in structural conditions that can compromise safety and increase risk. The IoT can benefit the construction industry by cost saving, time reduction, better quality workday, paperless workflow and increase in productivity. It can help in taking faster decisions and save money with Real-Time Data Analytics. It can also be used for scheduling repair and maintenance activities in an efficient manner, by coordinating tasks between different service providers and users of these facilities.[43] IoT devices can also be used to control critical infrastructure like bridges to provide access to ships. Usage of IoT devices for monitoring and operating infrastructure is likely to improve incident management and emergency response coordination, and quality of service, up-times and reduce costs of operation in all infrastructure related areas.[66] Even areas such as waste management can benefit[67] from automation and optimization that could be brought in by the IoT.[citation needed] Metropolitan scale deployments There are several planned or ongoing large-scale deployments of the IoT, to enable better management of cities and systems. For example, Songdo, South Korea, the first of its kind fully equipped and wired smart city, is gradually being built, with approximately 70 percent of the business district completed as of June 2018. Much of the city is planned to be wired and automated, with little or no human intervention.[68][69] Another application is a currently undergoing project in Santander, Spain. For this deployment, two approaches have been adopted. This city of 180,000 inhabitants has already seen 18,000 downloads of its city smartphone app. The app is connected to 10,000 sensors that enable services like parking search, environmental monitoring, digital city agenda, and more. City context information is used in this deployment so as to benefit merchants through a spark deals mechanism based on city behavior that aims at maximizing the impact of each notification.[70] Other examples of large-scale deployments underway include the Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City;[71] work on improving air and water quality, reducing noise pollution, and increasing transportation efficiency in San Jose, California;[72] and smart traffic management in western Singapore.[73] Using its RPMA (Random Phase Multiple Access) technology, San Diego-based Ingenu has built a nationwide public network[74] for low-bandwidth data transmissions using the same unlicensed 2.4 gigahertz spectrum as Wi-Fi. Ingenu’s “Machine Network” covers more than a third of the US population across 35 major cities including San Diego and Dallas.[75] French company, Sigfox, commenced building an Ultra Narrowband wireless data network in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2014, the first business to achieve such a deployment in the U.S.[76][77] It subsequently announced it would set up a total of 4000 base stations to cover a total of 30 cities in the U.S. by the end of 2016, making it the largest IoT network coverage provider in the country thus far.[78][79] Cisco also participates in smart cities projects. Cisco has started deploying technologies for Smart Wi-Fi, Smart Safety & Security, Smart Lighting, Smart Parking, Smart Transports, Smart Bus Stops, Smart Kiosks, Remote Expert for Government Services (REGS) and Smart Education in the five km area in the city of Vijaywada.[80] Another example of a large deployment is the one completed by New York Waterways in New York City to connect all the city’s vessels and be able to monitor them live 24/7. The network was designed and engineered by Fluidmesh Networks, a Chicago-based company developing wireless networks for critical applications. The NYWW network is currently providing coverage on the Hudson River, East River, and Upper New York Bay. With the wireless network in place, NY Waterway is able to take control of its fleet and passengers in a way that was not previously possible. New applications can include security, energy and fleet management, digital signage, public Wi-Fi, paperless ticketing and others.[81] Energy management Significant numbers of energy-consuming devices (e.g. lamps, household appliances, motors, pumps, etc.) already integrate Internet connectivity, which can allow them to communicate with utilities not only to balance power generation but also helps optimize the energy consumption as a whole.[43] These devices allow for remote control by users, or central management via a cloud-based interface, and enable functions like scheduling (e.g., remotely powering on or off heating systems, controlling ovens, changing lighting conditions etc.).[43] The smart grid is a utility-side IoT application; systems gather and act on energy and power-related information to improve the efficiency of the production and distribution of electricity.[82] Using advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) Internet-connected devices, electric utilities not only collect data from end-users, but also manage distribution automation devices like transformers.[43] Environmental monitoring Environmental monitoring applications of the IoT typically use sensors to assist in environmental protection[83] by monitoring air or water quality,[84] atmospheric or soil conditions,[85] and can even include areas like monitoring the movements of wildlife and their habitats.[86] Development of resource-constrained devices connected to the Internet also means that other applications like earthquake or tsunami early-warning systems can also be used by emergency services to provide more effective aid. IoT devices in this application typically span a large geographic area and can also be mobile.[43] It has been argued that the standardization IoT brings to wireless sensing will revolutionize this area.[87] Living Lab Another example of integrating the IoT is Living Lab which integrates and combines research and innovation process, establishing within a public-private-people-partnership.[88] There are currently 320 Living Labs that use the IoT to collaborate and share knowledge between stakeholders to co-create innovative and technological products. For companies to implement and develop IoT services for smart cities, they need to have incentives. The governments play key roles in smart city projects as changes in policies will help cities to implement the IoT which provides effectiveness, efficiency, and accuracy of the resources that are being used. For instance, the government provides tax incentives and cheap rent, improves public transports, and offers an environment where start-up companies, creative industries, and multinationals may co-create, share a common infrastructure and labor markets, and take advantage of locally embedded technologies, production process, and transaction costs.[88] The relationship between the technology developers and governments who manage the city’s assets, is key to provide open access to resources to users in an efficient way. Military applications Main article: Internet of Military Things The Internet of Military Things (IoMT) is the application of IoT technologies in the military domain for the purposes of reconnaissance, surveillance, and other combat-related objectives. It is heavily influenced by the future prospects of warfare in an urban environment and involves the use of sensors, munitions, vehicles, robots, human-wearable biometrics, and other smart technology that is relevant on the battlefield.[89] Internet of Battlefield Things The Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT) is a project initiated and executed by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) that focuses on the basic science related to IoT that enhance the capabilities of Army soldiers.[90] In 2017, ARL launched the Internet of Battlefield Things Collaborative Research Alliance (IoBT-CRA), establishing a working collaboration between industry, university, and Army researchers to advance the theoretical foundations of IoT technologies and their applications to Army operations.[91][92] Ocean of Things The Ocean of Things project is a DARPA-led program designed to establish an Internet of Things across large ocean areas for the purposes of collecting, monitoring, and analyzing environmental and vessel activity data. The project entails the deployment of about 50,000 floats that house a passive sensor suite that autonomously detect and track military and commercial vessels as part of a cloud-based network.[93] Product digitisation There are several applications of smart or active packaging in which a QR code or NFC tag is affixed on a product or its packaging. The tag itself is passive, however it contains a unique identifier (typically a URL) which enables a user to access digital content about the product via a smartphone.[94] Strictly speaking, such passive items are not part of the Internet of Thing but they can be seen as enablers of digital interactions.[95] The term “Internet of Packaging” has been coined to describe applications in which unique identifiers are used, to automate supply chains, and are scanned on large scale by consumers to access digital content.[96] Authentication of the unique identifiers, and thereby of the product itself, is possible via a copy-sensitive digital watermark or copy detection pattern for scanning when scanning a QR code,[97] while NFC tags can encrypt communication.[98] Trends and characteristics The IoT’s major significant trend in recent years is the explosive growth of devices connected and controlled by the Internet.[99] The wide range of applications for IoT technology mean that the specifics can be very different from one device to the next but there are basic characteristics shared by most. The IoT creates opportunities for more direct integration of the physical world into computer-based systems, resulting in efficiency improvements, economic benefits, and reduced human exertions.[100][101][102][103] The number of IoT devices increased 31% year-over-year to 8.4 billion in the year 2017[104] and it is estimated that there will be 30 billion devices by 2020.[99] The global market value of IoT is projected to reach $7.1 trillion by 2020.[105] Intelligence Ambient intelligence and autonomous control are not part of the original concept of the Internet of things. Ambient intelligence and autonomous control do not necessarily require Internet structures, either. However, there is a shift in research (by companies such as Intel) to integrate the concepts of the IoT and autonomous control, with initial outcomes towards this direction considering objects as the driving force for autonomous IoT.[106] A promising approach in this context is deep reinforcement learning where most of IoT systems provide a dynamic and interactive environment.[107] Training an agent (i.e., IoT device) to behave smartly in such an environment cannot be addressed by conventional machine learning algorithms such as supervised learning. By reinforcement learning approach, a learning agent can sense the environment’s state (e.g., sensing home temperature), perform actions (e.g., turn HVAC on or off) and learn through the maximizing accumulated rewards it receives in long term. IoT intelligence can be offered at three levels: IoT devices, Edge/Fog nodes, and Cloud computing.[108] The need for intelligent control and decision at each level depends on the time sensitiveness of the IoT application. For example, an autonomous vehicle’s camera needs to make real-time obstacle detection to avoid an accident. This fast decision making would not be possible through transferring data from the vehicle to cloud instances and return the predictions back to the vehicle. Instead, all the operation should be performed locally in the vehicle. Integrating advanced machine learning algorithms including deep learning into IoT devices is an active research area to make smart objects closer to reality. Moreover, it is possible to get the most value out of IoT deployments through analyzing IoT data, extracting hidden information, and predicting control decisions. A wide variety of machine learning techniques have been used in IoT domain ranging from traditional methods such as regression, support vector machine, and random forest to advanced ones such as convolutional neural networks, LSTM, and variational autoencoder.[109][108] In the future, the Internet of Things may be a non-deterministic and open network in which auto-organized or intelligent entities (web services, SOA components) and virtual objects (avatars) will be interoperable and able to act independently (pursuing their own objectives or shared ones) depending on the context, circumstances or environments. Autonomous behavior through the collection and reasoning of context information as well as the object’s ability to detect changes in the environment (faults affecting sensors) and introduce suitable mitigation measures constitutes a major research trend,[110] clearly needed to provide credibility to the IoT technology. Modern IoT products and solutions in the marketplace use a variety of different technologies to support such context-aware automation, but more sophisticated forms of intelligence are requested to permit sensor units and intelligent cyber-physical systems to be deployed in real environments.[111] Architecture This section needs attention from an expert in technology. The specific problem is: The information is partially outdated, unclear, and uncited. Requires more details, but not so technical that others won’t understand it.. WikiProject Technology may be able to help recruit an expert. (July 2018) IoT system architecture, in its simplistic view, consists of three tiers: Tier 1: Devices, Tier 2: the Edge Gateway, and Tier 3: the Cloud.[112] Devices include networked things, such as the sensors and actuators found in IIoT equipment, particularly those that use protocols such as Modbus, Bluetooth, Zigbee, or proprietary protocols, to connect to an Edge Gateway.[112] The Edge Gateway layer consists of sensor data aggregation systems called Edge Gateways that provide functionality, such as pre-processing of the data, securing connectivity to cloud, using systems such as WebSockets, the event hub, and, even in some cases, edge analytics or fog computing.[112] Edge Gateway layer is also required to give a common view of the devices to the upper layers to facilitate in easier management. The final tier includes the cloud application built for IIoT using the microservices architecture, which are usually polyglot and inherently secure in nature using HTTPS/OAuth. It includes various database systems that store sensor data, such as time series databases or asset stores using backend data storage systems (e.g. Cassandra, PostgreSQL).[112] The cloud tier in most cloud-based IoT system features event queuing and messaging system that handles communication that transpires in all tiers.[113] Some experts classified the three-tiers in the IIoT system as edge, platform, and enterprise and these are connected by proximity network, access network, and service network, respectively.[114] Building on the Internet of things, the web of things is an architecture for the application layer of the Internet of things looking at the convergence of data from IoT devices into Web applications to create innovative use-cases. In order to program and control the flow of information in the Internet of things, a predicted architectural direction is being called BPM Everywhere which is a blending of traditional process management with process mining and special capabilities to automate the control of large numbers of coordinated devices.[citation needed] Network architecture The Internet of things requires huge scalability in the network space to handle the surge of devices.[115] IETF 6LoWPAN would be used to connect devices to IP networks. With billions of devices[116] being added to the Internet space, IPv6 will play a major role in handling the network layer scalability. IETF’s Constrained Application Protocol, ZeroMQ, and MQTT would provide lightweight data transport. Fog computing is a viable alternative to prevent such large burst of data flow through Internet.[117] The edge devices’ computation power to analyse and process data is extremely limited. Limited processing power is a key attribute of IoT devices as their purpose is to supply data about physical objects while remaining autonomous. Heavy processing requirements use more battery power harming IoT’s ability to operate. Scalability is easy because IoT devices simply supply data through the internet to a server with sufficient processing power.[118] Complexity In semi-open or closed loops (i.e. value chains, whenever a global finality can be settled) the IoT will often be considered and studied as a complex system[119] due to the huge number of different links, interactions between autonomous actors, and its capacity to integrate new actors. At the overall stage (full open loop) it will likely be seen as a chaotic environment (since systems always have finality). As a practical approach, not all elements in the Internet of things run in a global, public space. Subsystems are often implemented to mitigate the risks of privacy, control and reliability. For example, domestic robotics (domotics) running inside a smart home might only share data within and be available via a local network.[120] Managing and controlling a high dynamic ad hoc IoT things/devices network is a tough task with the traditional networks architecture, Software Defined Networking (SDN) provides the agile dynamic solution that can cope with the special requirements of the diversity of innovative IoT applications.[121] Size considerations The Internet of things would encode 50 to 100 trillion objects, and be able to follow the movement of those objects. Human beings in surveyed urban environments are each surrounded by 1000 to 5000 trackable objects.[122] In 2015 there were already 83 million smart devices in people’s homes. This number is expected to grow to 193 million devices by 2020.[24][123] The figure of online capable devices grew 31% from 2016 to 2017 to reach 8.4 billion.[104] Space considerations In the Internet of Things, the precise geographic location of a thing—and also the precise geographic dimensions of a thing—will be critical.[124] Therefore, facts about a thing, such as its location in time and space, have been less critical to track because the person processing the information can decide whether or not that information was important to the action being taken, and if so, add the missing information (or decide to not take the action). (Note that some things in the Internet of Things will be sensors, and sensor location is usually important.[125]) The GeoWeb and Digital Earth are promising applications that become possible when things can become organized and connected by location. However, the challenges that remain include the constraints of variable spatial scales, the need to handle massive amounts of data, and an indexing for fast search and neighbour operations. In the Internet of Things, if things are able to take actions on their own initiative, this human-centric mediation role is eliminated. Thus, the time-space context that we as humans take for granted must be given a central role in this information ecosystem. Just as standards play a key role in the Internet and the Web, geo-spatial standards will play a key role in the Internet of things.[126][127] A solution to “basket of remotes” Many IoT devices have a potential to take a piece of this market. Jean-Louis Gassée (Apple initial alumni team, and BeOS co-founder) has addressed this topic in an article on Monday Note,[128] where he predicts that the most likely problem will be what he calls the “basket of remotes” problem, where we’ll have hundreds of applications to interface with hundreds of devices that don’t share protocols for speaking with one another.[128] For improved user interaction, some technology leaders are joining forces to create standards for communication between devices to solve this problem. Others are turning to the concept of predictive interaction of devices, “where collected data is used to predict and trigger actions on the specific devices” while making them work together.[129] Enabling technologies for IoT There are many technologies that enable the IoT. Crucial to the field is the network used to communicate between devices of an IoT installation, a role that several wireless or wired technologies may fulfill:[130][131][132] Addressability The original idea of the Auto-ID Center is based on RFID-tags and distinct identification through the Electronic Product Code. This has evolved into objects having an IP address or URI.[133] An alternative view, from the world of the Semantic Web[134] focuses instead on making all things (not just those electronic, smart, or RFID-enabled) addressable by the existing naming protocols, such as URI. The objects themselves do not converse, but they may now be referred to by other agents, such as powerful centralised servers acting for their human owners.[135] Integration with the Internet implies that devices will use an IP address as a distinct identifier. Due to the limited address space of IPv4 (which allows for 4.3 billion different addresses), objects in the IoT will have to use the next generation of the Internet protocol (IPv6) to scale to the extremely large address space required.[136][137][138] Internet-of-things devices additionally will benefit from the stateless address auto-configuration present in IPv6,[139] as it reduces the configuration overhead on the hosts,[137] and the IETF 6LoWPAN header compression. To a large extent, the future of the Internet of things will not be possible without the support of IPv6; and consequently, the global adoption of IPv6 in the coming years will be critical for the successful development of the IoT in the future.[138] Application Layer ADRC[140] defines an application layer protocol and supporting framework for implementing IoT applications. Short-range wireless Bluetooth mesh networking – Specification providing a mesh networking variant to Bluetooth low energy (BLE) with increased number of nodes and standardized application layer (Models). Light-Fidelity (Li-Fi) – Wireless communication technology similar to the Wi-Fi standard, but using visible light communication for increased bandwidth. Near-field communication (NFC) – Communication protocols enabling two electronic devices to communicate within a 4 cm range. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) – Technology using electromagnetic fields to read data stored in tags embedded in other items. Wi-Fi – Technology for local area networking based on the IEEE 802.11 standard, where devices may communicate through a shared access point or directly between individual devices. ZigBee – Communication protocols for personal area networking based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, providing low power consumption, low data rate, low cost, and high throughput. Z-Wave – Wireless communications protocol used primarily for home automation and security applications Medium-range wireless LTE-Advanced – High-speed communication specification for mobile networks. Provides enhancements to the LTE standard with extended coverage, higher throughput, and lower latency. 5G – 5G wireless networks can be used to achieve the high communication requirements of the IoT and connect a large number of IoT devices, even when they are on the move.[141] Long-range wireless Low-power wide-area networking (LPWAN) – Wireless networks designed to allow long-range communication at a low data rate, reducing power and cost for transmission. Available LPWAN technologies and protocols: LoRaWan, Sigfox, NB-IoT, Weightless, RPMA. Very small aperture terminal (VSAT) – Satellite communication technology using small dish antennas for narrowband and broadband data. Wired Ethernet – General purpose networking standard using twisted pair and fiber optic links in conjunction with hubs or switches. Power-line communication (PLC) – Communication technology using electrical wiring to carry power and data. Specifications such as HomePlug or G.hn utilize PLC for networking IoT devices. Standards and standards organizations [icon] This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (September 2016) This is a list of technical standards for the IoT, most of which are open standards, and the standards organizations that aspire to successfully setting them.[142][143] Short name Long name Standards under development Other notes Auto-ID Labs Auto Identification Center Networked RFID (radiofrequency identification) and emerging sensing technologies Connected Home over IP Project Connected Home over IP Connected Home over IP (or Project Connected Home over IP) is an open-sourced, royalty-free home automation connectivity standard project which features compatibility among different smart home and Internet of things (IoT) products and software The Connected Home over IP project group was launched and introduced by Amazon, Apple, Google,[144] Comcast and the Zigbee Alliance in December 18, 2019.[145] The project is backed by big companies and by being based on proven Internet design principles and protocols it aims to unify the currently fragmented systems.[146] EPCglobal Electronic Product code Technology Standards for adoption of EPC (Electronic Product Code) technology FDA U.S. Food and Drug Administration UDI (Unique Device Identification) system for distinct identifiers for medical devices GS1 Global Standards One Standards for UIDs (“unique” identifiers) and RFID of fast-moving consumer goods (consumer packaged goods), health care supplies, and other things The GS1 digital link standard,[147] first released in August 2018, allows the use QR Codes, GS1 Datamatrix, RFID and NFC to enable various types of business-to-business, as well as business-to-consumers interactions. Parent organization comprises member organizations such as GS1 US IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Underlying communication technology standards such as IEEE 802.15.4, IEEE P1451-99 (IoT Harmonization), and IEEE P1931.1 (ROOF Computing). IETF Internet Engineering Task Force Standards that comprise TCP/IP (the Internet protocol suite) MTConnect Institute — MTConnect is a manufacturing industry standard for data exchange with machine tools and related industrial equipment. It is important to the IIoT subset of the IoT. O-DF Open Data Format O-DF is a standard published by the Internet of Things Work Group of The Open Group in 2014, which specifies a generic information model structure that is meant to be applicable for describing any “Thing”, as well as for publishing, updating and querying information when used together with O-MI (Open Messaging Interface). O-MI Open Messaging Interface O-MI is a standard published by the Internet of Things Work Group of The Open Group in 2014, which specifies a limited set of key operations needed in IoT systems, notably different kinds of subscription mechanisms based on the Observer pattern. OCF Open Connectivity Foundation Standards for simple devices using CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol) OCF (Open Connectivity Foundation) supersedes OIC (Open Interconnect Consortium) OMA Open Mobile Alliance OMA DM and OMA LWM2M for IoT device management, as well as GotAPI, which provides a secure framework for IoT applications XSF XMPP Standards Foundation Protocol extensions of XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol), the open standard of instant messaging Politics and civic engagement Some scholars and activists argue that the IoT can be used to create new models of civic engagement if device networks can be open to user control and inter-operable platforms. Philip N. Howard, a professor and author, writes that political life in both democracies and authoritarian regimes will be shaped by the way the IoT will be used for civic engagement. For that to happen, he argues that any connected device should be able to divulge a list of the “ultimate beneficiaries” of its sensor data and that individual citizens should be able to add new organisations to the beneficiary list. In addition, he argues that civil society groups need to start developing their IoT strategy for making use of data and engaging with the public.[148] Government regulation on IoT IoT systems are typically controlled by event-driven smart apps that take as input either sensed data, user inputs, or other external triggers (from the Internet) and command one or more actuators towards providing different forms of automation.[220] Examples of sensors include smoke detectors, motion sensors, and contact sensors. Examples of actuators include smart locks, smart power outlets, and door controls. Popular control platforms on which third-party developers can build smart apps that interact wirelessly with these sensors and actuators include Samsung’s SmartThings,[221] Apple’s HomeKit,[222] and Amazon’s Alexa,[223] among others. A problem specific to IoT systems is that buggy apps, unforeseen bad app interactions, or device/communication failures, can cause unsafe and dangerous physical states, e.g., “unlock the entrance door when no one is at home” or “turn off the heater when the temperature is below 0 degrees Celsius and people are sleeping at night”.[220] Detecting flaws that lead to such states, requires a holistic view of installed apps, component devices, their configurations, and more importantly, how they interact. Recently, researchers from the University of California Riverside have proposed IotSan, a novel practical system that uses model checking as a building block to reveal “interaction-level” flaws by identifying events that can lead the system to unsafe states.[220] They have evaluated IotSan on the Samsung SmartThings platform. From 76 manually configured systems, IotSan detects 147 vulnerabilities (i.e., violations of safe physical states/properties). Design Given widespread recognition of the evolving nature of the design and management of the Internet of Things, sustainable and secure deployment of IoT solutions must design for “anarchic scalability.”[224] Application of the concept of anarchic scalability can be extended to physical systems (i.e. controlled real-world objects), by virtue of those systems being designed to account for uncertain management futures. This hard anarchic scalability thus provides a pathway forward to fully realize the potential of Internet-of-things solutions by selectively constraining physical systems to allow for all management regimes without risking physical failure.[224] Brown University computer scientist Michael Littman has argued that successful execution of the Internet of Things requires consideration of the interface’s usability as well as the technology itself. These interfaces need to be not only more user-friendly but also better integrated: “If users need to learn different interfaces for their vacuums, their locks, their sprinklers, their lights, and their coffeemakers, it’s tough to say that their lives have been made any easier.”[225] Environmental sustainability impact A concern regarding Internet-of-things technologies pertains to the environmental impacts of the manufacture, use, and eventual disposal of all these semiconductor-rich devices.[226] Modern electronics are replete with a wide variety of heavy metals and rare-earth metals, as well as highly toxic synthetic chemicals. This makes them extremely difficult to properly recycle. Electronic components are often incinerated or placed in regular landfills. Furthermore, the human and environmental cost of mining the rare-earth metals that are integral to modern electronic components continues to grow. This leads to societal questions concerning the environmental impacts of IoT devices over its lifetime.[227] Although IoT devices can help in some cases to reduce the energy consumption of certain applications, the impact of having billions of devices connected and consuming power from batteries and from the grid will have a huge impact on energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The technology developed by Omniflow[228] can house all kinds of DC powered IoT devices inside the protective shell that also integrates power generation from integrated vertical wind turbine and solar photovoltaic as well as energy storage using built-in batteries. Intentional obsolescence of devices For example, on 21 October 2016, a multiple distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks systems operated by domain name system provider Dyn, which caused the inaccessibility of several websites, such as GitHub, Twitter, and others. This attack is executed through a botnet consisting of a large number of IoT devices including IP cameras, gateways, and even baby monitors.[241] undamentally there are 4 security objectives that the IOT system requires:(1)data confidentiality: unauthorized parties cannot have access to the transmitted and stored data.(2)data integrity: intentional and unintentional corruption of transmitted and stored data must be detected.(3)non-repudiation: the sender cannot deny having sent a given message.(4)data availability: the transmitted and stored data should be available to authorized parties even with the denial-of-service (DOS) attacks.[242] Information privacy regulations also require organizations to practice “reasonable security”. California’s SB-327 Information privacy: connected devices. “would require a manufacturer of a connected device, as those terms are defined, to equip the device with a reasonable security feature or features that are appropriate to the nature and function of the device, appropriate to the information it may collect, contain, or transmit, and designed to protect the device and any information contained therein from unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification, or disclosure, as specified.”[243] As each organization’s environment is unique, it can prove challenging to demonstrate what “reasonable security” is and what potential risks could be involved for the business. Oregon’s HB 2395 also “Requires person that manufactures, sells or offers to sell connected device] manufacturer to equip connected device with reasonable security features that protect connected device and information that connected device collects, contains, stores or transmits] stores from access, destruction, modification, use or disclosure that consumer does not authorize.”[244] Traditional governance structure Town of Internet of Things in Hangzhou, China A study issued by Ericsson regarding the adoption of Internet of things among Danish companies identified a “clash between IoT and companies’ traditional governance structures, as IoT still presents both uncertainties and a lack of historical precedence.”[238] Among the respondents interviewed, 60 percent stated that they “do not believe they have the organizational capabilities, and three of four do not believe they have the processes needed, to capture the IoT opportunity.”[238] This has led to a need to understand organizational culture in order to facilitate organizational design processes and to test new innovation management practices. A lack of digital leadership in the age of digital transformation has also stifled innovation and IoT adoption to a degree that many companies, in the face of uncertainty, “were waiting for the market dynamics to play out”,[238] or further action in regards to IoT “was pending competitor moves, customer pull, or regulatory requirements.”[238] Some of these companies risk being ‘kodaked’ – “Kodak was a market leader until digital disruption eclipsed film photography with digital photos” – failing to “see the disruptive forces affecting their industry”[245] and “to truly embrace the new business models the disruptive change opens up.”[245] Scott Anthony has written in Harvard Business Review that Kodak “created a digital camera, invested in the technology, and even understood that photos would be shared online”[245] but ultimately failed to realize that “online photo sharing was the new business, not just a way to expand the printing business.”[245] Business planning and project management According to 2018 study, 70–75% of IoT deployments were stuck in the pilot or prototype stage, unable to reach scale due in part to a lack of business planning.[246][page needed][247] Studies on IoT literature and projects show a disproportionate prominence of technology in the IoT projects, which are often driven by technological interventions rather than business model innovation.[248][249][improper synthesis?] Even though scientists, engineers, and managers across the world are continuously working to create and exploit the benefits of IoT products, there are some flaws in the governance, management and implementation of such projects. Despite tremendous forward momentum in the field of information and other underlying technologies, IoT still remains a complex area and the problem of how IoT projects are managed still needs to be addressed. IoT projects must be run differently than simple and traditional IT, manufacturing or construction projects. Because IoT projects have longer project timelines, a lack of skilled resources and several security/legal issues, there is a need for new and specifically designed project processes. The following management techniques should improve the success rate of IoT projects:[250] A separate research and development phase A Proof-of-Concept/Prototype before the actual project begins Project managers with interdisciplinary technical knowledge Universally defined business and technical jargon See also 5G Artificial intelligence of things Automotive security Big Data Cloud manufacturing Cyber-physical system Data Distribution Service Digital object memory Digital twin Edge computing Four-dimensional product Home automation Indoor positioning system Industry 4.0 Internet of Military Things IoT Cloud IoT Simulation Open Interconnect Consortium OpenWSN Quantified self Responsive computer-aided design Smart grid Web of things
22 mrt. 2021 · 106 weergaven

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2022 bol news live 24/7 bol news head office karachi 2022 bol news frequency 2022 bol news headlines today 2pm bol news 3 pm today bol news live 3pm bol news headlines today 3pm bol news today 3pm bpl tv 42 inch bol tv 48 inch bol news live 4pm bol news headlines today 4pm bol news live today 4pm bpl tv 40 inch bol news 5pm today bol news live 5pm bpl tv 50 inch bol news live 6pm today bol tv 65 inch bol tv 60 inch bol news live streaming bol news live urdu bol news owner bol news live headlines 76e bol news tp bol news headlines today 7pm bol news live 7pm today bol news frequency asiasat 7 bol tv news 24/7 7 news peter bol bol news live 2 7 bol news 8pm today bol news live 8pm today bol news today 8 pm bol news 9pm today bol news 9 may 2023 bol news 9 pm bol news 9 may bol 92 news live bol news live 9pm today bol news live 9pm bol news headlines today 9am bol news 9pmARY News Headlines Today 12:00PM | 25 May 2023 #ARYNews #Headlines #GeoNews #Headlines Breaking News, Ary News Live, Bol News Live, Geo News Live, Headlines Live, News live | Cricket Update | Sports | Live Headlines | News Live Today #PSL #PSL2023 #PSL8 #PSLNews #PSLLIVE #PTI #GeoNews #ARYNews #BOLNews #DunyaNews #PTI #ImranKhan Geo News Urdu ARY News BOL BOL News Dunya News Samaa TVصبح 7 بجے کی ہیڈلائنز – 27 فروری 2023 #GeoNews #Headlines Breaking News, Ary News Live, Bol News Live, Geo News Live, Headlines Live, News live | Cricket Update | Sports | Live Headlines | News Live Today ARY News Headlines Today 6:00PM | 03 May 2023 #ARYNews #Headlines Join us LIVE from Las Vegas for the #UFC285 Press Conference! #ARYNews #Headlines #GeoNews #Headlines Breaking News, Ary News Live, Bol News Live, Geo News Live, Headlines Live, News live | Cricket Update | Sports | Live Headlines | News Live Today #PSL #PSL2023 #PSL8 #PSLNews #PSLLIVE #PTI #GeoNews #ARYNews #BOLNews #DunyaNews #PTI #ImranKhan Geo News Urdu ARY News BOL BOL News Dunya News Samaa TVصبح 7 بجے کی ہیڈلائنز – 27 فروری 2023 #GeoNews #Headlines Breaking News, Ary News Live, Bol News Live, Geo News Live, Headlines Live, News live | Cricket Update | Sports | Live Headlines | News Live Today #PSL #PSL2023 #PSL8 #PSLNews #PSLLIVE #PTI #GeoNews #ARYNews #BOLNews #DunyaNews #PTI #ImranKhan Geo News Urdu ARY News BOL BOL News Dunya News @sSamaa TVARY News Headline today 9 pm today | ARY News Headline today 9pm headlines | ARY News Headline today 9pm today | ARY News Headline today | ARY News Headline 9pm | ARY News Headline today | ARY News Headline | ARY News 9pm | ARY NEWS ARY News Headline today 9am today | ARY News Headline today 9am headlines | ARY News Headline today 9pm today | ARY News Headline today | ARY News Headline 9pm | ARY News Headline today | ARY News Headline | ARY News 9pm | ARY NewsARY News Headline today 9pm today | ARY News Headline today 9pm headlines | ARY News Headline today 9pm today | ARY News Headline today | ARY News Headline 9pm | ARY News Headline today | ARY News Headline | ARY News 9pm | ARY NewsARY 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news bulletin 9pm today bay news 9 bay news 9 radar bay news 9 weather bay news 9 traffic bay news 9 live bay news bay news 9 breaking news bay news 9 cast bay news 9 marine forecast bay news 9 traffic reporter ary news channel ary news contact number ary news cricket ary news ceo salman iqbal ary news contact number whatsapp ary news careers ary news contact number lahore ary news ceo ary news channel uk ary news caster cary news cary newspaper cary news today contact ary news current ary news criminal most wanted ary news today chand grahan in pakistan 2021 ary news cmw ary news ceo of ary news chairman ary news ary news drama ary news dailymotion ary news digital ary news digital live ary news download ary news dish setting ary news director ary news dish frequency ary news dubai ary news dikhaiye live daily ary news daily ary news live dodear web tv ary news download ary news dailymotion ary news dua zehra update ary news desi free tv ary news dua zehra ary news dunya news live ary 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Qary news headlines 8pm ary news headlines 8am todayQary news today headline ary news today headlines live Qary news today Qary news live today Qary newary news headlines ary news headlines today 2023 ary news headlines 1 pm today ary news headlines 2 pm today ary news headlines 3 pm today ary news headlines 4 pm today ary news headlines 5 pm today ary news headlines 6 pm today ary news headlines 7 pm today ary news headlines 8 pm today ary news headlines 9 pm today ary news headlines 10 pm today ary news headlines 11 pm today ary news headlines 12 pm today ary news headlines 1 Am today ary news headlines 2 Am today ary news headlines 3 Am today ary news headlines 4 Am today ary news headlines 5 Am today ary news headlines 6 Am today ary news headlines 7 Am today ary news headlines 8 Am today ary news headlines 9 Am today ary news headlines 10 Am today ary news headlines 11 Am today ary news headlines 12 Am today ary news headlines today live Qary news headlines live today 9 Qary news 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Breaking News, Ary News Live, Bol News Live, Geo News Live, Headlines Live, News live | Cricket Update | Sports | Live Headlines | News Live Today #PSL #PSL2023 #PSL8 #PSLNews #PSLLIVE #PTI #GeoNews #ARYNews #BOLNews #DunyaNews #PTI #ImranKhan Geo News Urdu ARY News BOL BOL News Dunya News @sSamaa TVARY News Headline today 9 pm today | ARY News Headline today 9pm headlines | ARY News Headline today 9pm today | ARY News Headline today | ARY News Headline 9pm | ARY News Headline today | ARY News Headline | ARY News 9pm | ARY NEWS ARY News Headline today 9am today | ARY News Headline today 9am headlines | ARY News Headline today 9pm today | ARY News Headline today | ARY News Headline 9pm | ARY News Headline today | ARY News Headline | ARY News 9pm | ARY NewsARY News Headline today 9pm today | ARY News Headline today 9pm headlines | ARY News Headline today 9pm today | ARY News Headline today | ARY News Headline 9pm | ARY News Headline today | ARY News Headline | ARY News 9pm | ARY NewsARY 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16 okt. 2019 · 12 weergaven

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3 jun. 2022 · 123 weergaven

Prospects of Electric Vehicles in the Automotive Industry in Nigeria. This Article was published in European Scientific Journal March 2020 by two authors: Olabode Agunbiade & Peter Siyan An electric vehicle (EV) has been described as an apparatus which utilises electric motor(s) for propulsion and based on the kind of vehicle, movement may be provided by wheels or propellers driven by rotary motors, or in the case of tracked vehicles, by linear motors (US Department of Energy, 2019). This vehicle employs large traction batteries to power the electric motor. Periodically, the battery pack must be plugged in to a charging station or wall outlet to charge. Given that it runs on electricity, there are significant differences in the makeup of the electric vehicle, compare to fuel-powered ones. The vehicle does not have provision for the typical liquid fuel components, such as a fuel line, fuel pump or fuel tank and does not emit exhaust as there is no tailpipe. Compared with existing fuel-powered vehicles, electric cars have much simpler design and possess fewer parts; they are more like computers on wheels. The demand for electric vehicles arose as a result of increase in demand for fuel-efficient, high-performance, and low-emission vehicles. Furthermore, the movement towards reduction in vehicular emission due to strict rules and regulations in several countries is fueling the market growth. Another factor is the phenomenal growth of public charging infrastructure in China, France, Norway, and the other developed countries. However, a major hindrance to the electric vehicle market growth is comparatively the high manufacturing cost of electric vehicles. Technological advancements in electric vehicles and proactive government initiatives will however present significant opportunities for the growth in the electric vehicle market. Types of Electric Vehicle According to the Australian Electric Vehicles Association, there are principally three major types of electric vehicles (EVs), based on the extent that electricity is used as their energy source (Australian Electric Vehicles Association, 2019). 1 Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) These vehicles powered by both petrol and electricity. In this instance, electric energy is produced by the vehicle’s own braking system that recharges the battery and this is referred to as ‘regenerative braking’. HEVs start off by utilising the electric motor; thereafter, the petrol engine cuts in as load or speed rises. Both motors are controlled by an internal computer system which ensures the best economy for the driving conditions. 2. Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) Also known as Extended-Range Electric Vehicles (EREVs), these are also powered by both petrol and electricity. The battery is recharged through regenerative braking and ‘plugging-in’ to an external electrical charging outlet. In EREVs, the petrol engine extends the range of travel of the car by also recharging the battery as it gets low. 3 Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) These are fully electric vehicles, as they are only powered by electricity and do not have petrol engines, fuel tanks or exhaust pipes. Commonly known as ‘plug-in’ EVs, they utilise external electrical charging outlets to charge their batteries. BEVs can also be recharged through regenerative braking. In terms of comparison among these three variants, the most discussed and commonest type is the BEV, principally due to its technological advancements and ease of usage with low pollutants. The Global Electric Vehicle Industry In 2017, almost 100 million motor vehicles, including passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, minibuses, trucks, buses, coaches and commercial vehicles were produced worldwide, with a global turnover in excess of $4 trillion (OICA, 2017). China is the biggest and the fastest-growing automotive market in the world. In 2016, China’s annual vehicle production accounted for nearly 30 percent of worldwide vehicle production and exceeded that of the European Union. It also exceeded that of the United States and Japan combined. (Statistas, 2018). Given such prospects, almost all the major international automakers either have been expanding operations in China or are about to establish plants there in recent years. China’s annual vehicle production more or less equals the number of vehicles sold there, with both exports and imports at relatively low levels. Sadly, the figure for African countries production has been very abysmal, with South Africa leading with 10,000 units in 2017. The total vehicles production capacity in Nigeria as at 2014 was 78,000 with truck assembly capacity of 3,000 and car and bus assembly capacity of 75,000 (Global Auto Industry Market Report, 2015). Nigeria was the 5th largest car market in Africa in 2015 – behind South Africa, Algeria, Egypt and Morocco.(OICA, 2017). According to the Global Auto Industry Market Report (2015), Africa is considered to be the second fastest growing market for vehicle sales globally. This is as a result of increasing population, which has been forecasted to grow to 1.25 billion by 2025 and to 2.4 billion in 2050. Moreover, over the past decade, six out of the ten fastest growing countries were from Africa with GDP of 4.7% growth in the Sub-Sahara region as of 2013 (African Development Bank, 2013). In 2017, the global electric vehicle market was valued at $119 billion and is projected to reach $567 billion by 2025, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.3% from 2018 to 2025 (Allied Market Research, 2019). According to the Norwegian Road Federation, a public road infrastructure administration in Norway, pure electric cars and hybrid cars in Norway accounted for 52% of all new car sales in 2017 as against 40% in 2016. Norway’s parliament has set a resolution goal that by 2025 all cars sold should be zero emissions. The Economist (2019) predicts that electric vehicles will make up 14% of global car sales by 2025, up from 1% today. China has the largest potential market for EVs, as it has the highest number of electric vehicle manufacturing industries. Chinese automakers manufactured 680,000 all-electric cars, buses, and trucks in 2017. This number was more than the rest of the world’s production combined. China produced more than 200,000 all-electric commercial vehicles in 2018, amounting to nearly 5% of the total output of the world (Allied Market Research, 2019). As at 2018, it was estimated that there were over one billion cars in the world out of which only two million are electric-driven. However, that may soon change; as production costs reduce and governments encourage the adoption of EVs to reduce carbon emissions and confront urban pollution. Subsequently, some cities have set target years to ban the use of fuel-powered cars to moderate the effect of gaseous emissions from them. Some of these cities include, Oslo (Norway), Madrid (Spain), Hamburg and Berlin (Germany), London (United Kingdom), Copenhagen (Denmark), Paris (France), Brussels (Belgium), Bogotá (Colombia) and New York City (United States of America). In a report by the International Energy Agency (2019), it was revealed that the sale of electric cars may rise by 24% annually till 2030 by which time there would be 125 million electric vehicles on the roads, which could further increase to 220 million as strategies to meet global climate goals become operative. It is on record Volvo, a Swedish top vehicle manufacturer, has committed to fitting every car it produced by 2019 with electric or hybrid engines. In the same vein, Germany’s BMW plans to mass-produce EVs by 2020, offering 12 models by 2025. The Nigerian Situation Africa as a whole accounted for less than 1% of global vehicle production (831,000 units) in 2014, based on data supplied by the international carmakers association, Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs d’Automobiles (Automotive Industry Export Council, 2015). South Africa was responsible for producing the bulk of this output. This was followed by Algeria, Egypt and Morocco. Nigeria was the 5th largest car market in Africa in 2013 – behind South Africa, Algeria, Egypt and Morocco. These figures exclude nascent assembly operations in a number of countries in Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA). Apart from South Africa and some North African countries, vehicle production is almost non-existent on the continent. The largest plant in Africa is the 400,000 car per year capacity plant built by Renault in Morocco with a total investment of €1 billion. The vast bulk of its production is for export to Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa (Automotive Industry Export Council, 2015). Of further interest is the development of the auto industry in Morocco, where Bahija, Malika and Mostapha (2016) studied the level of technology of a subsidiary of a French brand car assembly plant in terms of the level of technology and they discovered that there was massive introduction of new technologies in the workplace. In order to address the serious decline in the Nigerian automotive market, the National Automotive Design and Development Council (NADDC) was established by Act No. 83 of 30th May 2014 as a result of the merger of the National Automotive Council and the Centre for Automotive Design and Development. It thereafter became a Parastatal of the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment (NADDC, 2019a). NADDC has as its major mandate the revitalisation of the auto industry. NADDC estimates annual imports at about 400,000 vehicles (100,000 new and 300,000 used), valued at about US$3.45billion. Local production capacity of vehicles is estimated about 100,000, with nine (9) firms established to assemble vehicles in Nigeria. However, utilisation has over the years dropped to less than 15% of installed capacity. Industry experts believe that Nigeria’s potential annual new car market could be as high as one million units. However, current new car import is about 56,000 in a used-vehicle dominated market (NADDC,2019b). Most locally-assembled vehicles in Nigeria are Chinese models assembled by the Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing Company (IVM) and the recent start of production by the Stallion Group of the Nissan Patrol, although Peugeot Automobile Nigeria Limited intends to commence production of the Peugeot 301brand soon. Nigeria is mainly a used car market with a ratio of new to used cars estimated at about 1:134 (PWC, 2015). The used cars are imported from the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, or through Cotonou in neighbouring Benin Republic by used car dealers and independent sales men and individual buyers. At the moment, EVs are virtually non-existent on Nigerian roads. Since this is the direction the world is tending to, drastic action needs to be taken to ensure that Nigeria is not left behind. Nigeria must address this important issue. Quite recently, Nigerian Senator Ben Murray-Bruce brought he issue of electric cars to national consciousness by sponsoring a Bill, the Electric Cars (Introduction) Bill 2019. The Bill focused on phasing out petrol- driven vehicles and introducing electric cars by 2035. The Bill was defeated on the floor of the Senate, with various arguments canvassed against the Bill by the Parliamentarians. Some of the reasons range from the difficulty in forcing the cessation of the use of ICE vehicles and that the introduction of the electric cars would hurt the economy; Nigeria being a major oil producer. Despite the challenges bedeviling the automotive sector in Nigeria, some assemblers have indicated interest in investing in the manufacturing of electric vehicles (EVs). Over the years, experience has shown that Nigeria usually turns out to be a dumping ground for a variety of banned products. The country stands at a higher risk of dumping when other countries eventually phase out the use of conventional fuel cars. This is due to Nigerians’ preference for used vehicles over brand new ones, obviously due to the very poor purchasing power of the majority of the people. It is however noteworthy that an indigenous firm, Nigus Enfinity, has expressed interest in introducing electric vehicles into the Nigerian automobile market in 2018, while its local assembly plant for EVs will become operative by 2020 (Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission, 2018). Potential Impact of Electric Vehicles in Nigeria The introduction of EVs into the Nigerian automotive industry is bound to have some implications, notable among which are the following: #Impact on Crude Oil Production Relying on data from the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Asu (2017) stated that France, India, the Netherlands, China and the United Kingdom (UK) imported almost half of the nation’s total exports for the month of May 2017, about 24.4 million barrels of crude oil. It is however noteworthy that these countries are now instituting plans to stop the use of petrol-powered vehicles as part of their efforts to reduce pollution and carbon emissions in their countries. This will definitely affect Nigeria’s oil exports in the coming years. More recently, the UK aligned with France in announcing that new fuel-powered cars would be banned by 2040, in order to encourage users to switch over to electric and hybrid vehicles. One of the biggest importers of Nigeria’s crude, India, is considering plansto support electrifying all vehicles in that country by 2030. #The impact on government revenue By implication, revenues from crude oil, which accounts for over 87.7% of Nigeria’s foreign exchange earnings as at end of 2018 (Okpi, 2018) will be at risk. Given the nation’s mono-cultural economy, the global adoption of EVs will certainly have a negative impact on government revenue. This development will have long-term economic implications. Repairs and Maintenance Electric vehicles are cheaper to run and maintain since they have fewer moving parts. With less things to go wrong, the market for maintenance and spare parts services will shrink. This will have implication on the service and maintenance sector of the auto industry in the country. Electric Vehicles have very few mechanical parts, which translates to the fact that less replacement costs will be required. In addition, because electric vehicles have no engine, obviously there will be no need for regular filter and oil changes making it significantly easier to own and maintain, compared to fuel-powered vehicles. Climate Change A major impact of EVs will be to slow the rate of climate change by helping to cut down on CO2 emissions thus improving the air quality. Global warming has become a global concern in recent years due to the burning of fossil fuels. With EVs or ‘green cars’, the threat of global warming will be minimised. Public Health The introduction of EVs cars will improve national public health because one of the greatest negative impacts of internal combustion engines (ICEs) is the exhaust emissions. These emissions smell, are dirty and are filled with harmful gases. Pollutants found in car exhaust emissions can lead to serious health complications like bronchitis and asthma, while chemicals such as benzene and carbon monoxide block oxygen from entering the body’s vital organs and may contribute to the causes of some types of cancerous illnesses. Challenges Facing Introduction of Electric Vehicles in Nigeria The following are perceived to be the major challenges to be encountered with the introduction of EVs: #Availability of electricity This is the paramount challenge that the introduction of EVs will need to confront in Nigeria. The electricity generation, transmission and distribution systems in Nigeria are in dire situation. The regular electricity power outages that the country is used to experiencing cannot augur well for a vibrant EV usage. The highest peak average power supply in recent times was in January 2017 at around 4, 425 MW for a population of around 200 million people (Power Nigeria, 2019). This challenge becomes quite glaring when one compares this situation with that of the second largest economy in Challenges of Lithium and Cobalt. The Lithium-ion battery was discovered by American Professor, John Goodenough and his associates in 1980, and has proved pivotal for 20th century science and technology (Goodenough & Park, 2013). It has also become the regular choice for electric cars, which use hundreds of battery cells positioned together in packets that look like metal briefcases, weighing up to 600kg. Batteries are very complex to produce and contain a delicate mix of chemical materials that must meet a specific list of performance requirements. These batteries are also dependent on cobalt, which has invariably associated the electric vehicle industry with some of the most politically unstable countries in the world. Cobalt supply is dominated by a handful of mining companies, including those in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and has been linked to wars and condemnable practices like child labour. Charging Facilities for EVs This can range from thirty minutes to twelve hours, based on the capacity of the battery and the speed of the charging station. Several companies are already researching into next-generation fast chargers, capable of recharging EVs with a 200 to 300 kilometres range within a reasonable time. A number of charging innovations are being designed, such as wireless charging pads in parking lots, wireless charging under roadways and solar roofs. The major challenge that faced EVs in the past was that they needed battery-replacement stations every 30 kilometres orso (The Economist, 2019). However, rapid gains in battery technology that favour electric motors has drastically improved the situation. Telecommunications Improved telecommunications technology and increased connectivity pose the important question of whether it is even necessary to own an automobile, or even to make certain journeys that may be deemed unnecessary. Environmental Concerns While it is accepted that the introduction of EVs will reduce CO2 emissions, there is also the environmental issue of battery manufacturing and disposal, which could be quite challenging in Nigeria, where normal domestic waste management system is already an area of concern. These batteries are complex as they contain toxic chemicals; making their disposals at the end of an electric vehicle’s life a major environmental challenge. Conclusion and Recommendations Conclusion Nigeria is Africa’s largest economy and at the same time the most populous country. These two attributes make her most amenable to enjoy the benefits of technology, innovation and development. However, on the negative side, she is also home to the world’s largest concentration of poorest people. This poverty level definitely hinders Nigeria’s endeavour to be the leader in developmental attempts in technology, industry, agriculture, trade and so on, in Africa. With so many challenges in infrastructure, security and over-dependence on crude oil, the future of electric vehicles in Nigeria remain seriously uncertain. This exploratory study has identified the enormous potentials of EVs in Nigeria as a growth and development agent. EVs will certainly revolutionise lifestyle in terms of the way Nigerians work, embark on recreational activities and travels. It will reduce cost, contribute to a cleaner environment and other benefits. What of the supply of equipment and ancillary components to domestic assemblers? What of the distribution system and the wide opportunities for marketers, charging facilities, warehousing facilities, fleet management, logistics and leasing businesses? With the global automotive industry seeking new growth opportunities, it is fair to assume those opportunities will substantially reside in Nigeria, being the continent’s largest economy. Hopefully, with the right policies, attitudes and commitment, the future of EVs appear to be bright in Nigeria. Policy Recommendations In order to be proactive and embark on appropriate initiatives towards the mass introduction of EVs in Nigeria, the following are recommended: #Policy Direction There is the urgent need for immediate policy action on how to chart the way forward. The failed Bill seeking the legalisation of EVs on the floor of the Senate was introduced rather prematurely. All relevant stakeholders were not yet on board before that critical legislature adventure. Relevant stakeholders like government agencies, policy-makers, regulators, urban planners and manufacturers can collectively define a new paradigm for the mass adoption of EVs. This may involve strong enabling policies andprovision of fiscal incentives. #Enhanced Role for the National Automotive Design and Development Council (NADDC) The NADDC was established to fund research into local substitutes since virtually all the components of vehicles are currently imported. They are only coupled together in the Nigerian assembly plants. This body must be rejuvenated to work with various stakeholders in the automotive industry in order to remain relevant, given the direction of the global auto industry. Research and Development (R & D) Investments in research and development must be encouraged to produce the technological innovations to continually improve EVs. Data and research are vital in the areas of adaptability, viability and relevance. At present, there are essentially no data or research on EV potential being carried on in Nigeria. The movement to an all-electric automobile future will definitely necessitate sizeable investments in R & D. Improved Economy The Nigerian economy should be stimulated to improve the disposable income and hence the purchasing power of the middle class that is the ready market for EVs. The middle class of the society has been virtually wiped out due to declining economic conditions. #Improved and Reliable Infrastructural base Improved electricity supply is critical for the success of EVs. So far, the semi-privatisation of the electricity sector has not yielded the required fruits in Nigeria as highlighted earlier. More commitment from both the government and the operators is urgently required in this area. Additionally, other infrastructural support should be enhanced and more developed, especially in the areas of road network and city planning. See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Note: The video below is not connected to the writers of the article above but a vital instrument that explains more on EV. Video Credit: Vaya Africa

Prospects of Electric Vehicles in the Automotive Industry in Nigeria. This Article was published in European Scientific Journal March 2020 by two authors: Olabode Agunbiade & Peter Siyan An electric vehicle (EV) has been described as an apparatus which utilises electric motor(s) for propulsion and based on the kind of vehicle, movement may be provided by wheels or propellers driven by rotary motors, or in the case of tracked vehicles, by linear motors (US Department of Energy, 2019). This vehicle employs large traction batteries to power the electric motor. Periodically, the battery pack must be plugged in to a charging station or wall outlet to charge. Given that it runs on electricity, there are significant differences in the makeup of the electric vehicle, compare to fuel-powered ones. The vehicle does not have provision for the typical liquid fuel components, such as a fuel line, fuel pump or fuel tank and does not emit exhaust as there is no tailpipe. Compared with existing fuel-powered vehicles, electric cars have much simpler design and possess fewer parts; they are more like computers on wheels. The demand for electric vehicles arose as a result of increase in demand for fuel-efficient, high-performance, and low-emission vehicles. Furthermore, the movement towards reduction in vehicular emission due to strict rules and regulations in several countries is fueling the market growth. Another factor is the phenomenal growth of public charging infrastructure in China, France, Norway, and the other developed countries. However, a major hindrance to the electric vehicle market growth is comparatively the high manufacturing cost of electric vehicles. Technological advancements in electric vehicles and proactive government initiatives will however present significant opportunities for the growth in the electric vehicle market. Types of Electric Vehicle According to the Australian Electric Vehicles Association, there are principally three major types of electric vehicles (EVs), based on the extent that electricity is used as their energy source (Australian Electric Vehicles Association, 2019). 1 Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) These vehicles powered by both petrol and electricity. In this instance, electric energy is produced by the vehicle’s own braking system that recharges the battery and this is referred to as ‘regenerative braking’. HEVs start off by utilising the electric motor; thereafter, the petrol engine cuts in as load or speed rises. Both motors are controlled by an internal computer system which ensures the best economy for the driving conditions. 2. Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) Also known as Extended-Range Electric Vehicles (EREVs), these are also powered by both petrol and electricity. The battery is recharged through regenerative braking and ‘plugging-in’ to an external electrical charging outlet. In EREVs, the petrol engine extends the range of travel of the car by also recharging the battery as it gets low. 3 Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) These are fully electric vehicles, as they are only powered by electricity and do not have petrol engines, fuel tanks or exhaust pipes. Commonly known as ‘plug-in’ EVs, they utilise external electrical charging outlets to charge their batteries. BEVs can also be recharged through regenerative braking. In terms of comparison among these three variants, the most discussed and commonest type is the BEV, principally due to its technological advancements and ease of usage with low pollutants. The Global Electric Vehicle Industry In 2017, almost 100 million motor vehicles, including passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, minibuses, trucks, buses, coaches and commercial vehicles were produced worldwide, with a global turnover in excess of $4 trillion (OICA, 2017). China is the biggest and the fastest-growing automotive market in the world. In 2016, China’s annual vehicle production accounted for nearly 30 percent of worldwide vehicle production and exceeded that of the European Union. It also exceeded that of the United States and Japan combined. (Statistas, 2018). Given such prospects, almost all the major international automakers either have been expanding operations in China or are about to establish plants there in recent years. China’s annual vehicle production more or less equals the number of vehicles sold there, with both exports and imports at relatively low levels. Sadly, the figure for African countries production has been very abysmal, with South Africa leading with 10,000 units in 2017. The total vehicles production capacity in Nigeria as at 2014 was 78,000 with truck assembly capacity of 3,000 and car and bus assembly capacity of 75,000 (Global Auto Industry Market Report, 2015). Nigeria was the 5th largest car market in Africa in 2015 – behind South Africa, Algeria, Egypt and Morocco.(OICA, 2017). According to the Global Auto Industry Market Report (2015), Africa is considered to be the second fastest growing market for vehicle sales globally. This is as a result of increasing population, which has been forecasted to grow to 1.25 billion by 2025 and to 2.4 billion in 2050. Moreover, over the past decade, six out of the ten fastest growing countries were from Africa with GDP of 4.7% growth in the Sub-Sahara region as of 2013 (African Development Bank, 2013). In 2017, the global electric vehicle market was valued at $119 billion and is projected to reach $567 billion by 2025, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.3% from 2018 to 2025 (Allied Market Research, 2019). According to the Norwegian Road Federation, a public road infrastructure administration in Norway, pure electric cars and hybrid cars in Norway accounted for 52% of all new car sales in 2017 as against 40% in 2016. Norway’s parliament has set a resolution goal that by 2025 all cars sold should be zero emissions. The Economist (2019) predicts that electric vehicles will make up 14% of global car sales by 2025, up from 1% today. China has the largest potential market for EVs, as it has the highest number of electric vehicle manufacturing industries. Chinese automakers manufactured 680,000 all-electric cars, buses, and trucks in 2017. This number was more than the rest of the world’s production combined. China produced more than 200,000 all-electric commercial vehicles in 2018, amounting to nearly 5% of the total output of the world (Allied Market Research, 2019). As at 2018, it was estimated that there were over one billion cars in the world out of which only two million are electric-driven. However, that may soon change; as production costs reduce and governments encourage the adoption of EVs to reduce carbon emissions and confront urban pollution. Subsequently, some cities have set target years to ban the use of fuel-powered cars to moderate the effect of gaseous emissions from them. Some of these cities include, Oslo (Norway), Madrid (Spain), Hamburg and Berlin (Germany), London (United Kingdom), Copenhagen (Denmark), Paris (France), Brussels (Belgium), Bogotá (Colombia) and New York City (United States of America). In a report by the International Energy Agency (2019), it was revealed that the sale of electric cars may rise by 24% annually till 2030 by which time there would be 125 million electric vehicles on the roads, which could further increase to 220 million as strategies to meet global climate goals become operative. It is on record Volvo, a Swedish top vehicle manufacturer, has committed to fitting every car it produced by 2019 with electric or hybrid engines. In the same vein, Germany’s BMW plans to mass-produce EVs by 2020, offering 12 models by 2025. The Nigerian Situation Africa as a whole accounted for less than 1% of global vehicle production (831,000 units) in 2014, based on data supplied by the international carmakers association, Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs d’Automobiles (Automotive Industry Export Council, 2015). South Africa was responsible for producing the bulk of this output. This was followed by Algeria, Egypt and Morocco. Nigeria was the 5th largest car market in Africa in 2013 – behind South Africa, Algeria, Egypt and Morocco. These figures exclude nascent assembly operations in a number of countries in Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA). Apart from South Africa and some North African countries, vehicle production is almost non-existent on the continent. The largest plant in Africa is the 400,000 car per year capacity plant built by Renault in Morocco with a total investment of €1 billion. The vast bulk of its production is for export to Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa (Automotive Industry Export Council, 2015). Of further interest is the development of the auto industry in Morocco, where Bahija, Malika and Mostapha (2016) studied the level of technology of a subsidiary of a French brand car assembly plant in terms of the level of technology and they discovered that there was massive introduction of new technologies in the workplace. In order to address the serious decline in the Nigerian automotive market, the National Automotive Design and Development Council (NADDC) was established by Act No. 83 of 30th May 2014 as a result of the merger of the National Automotive Council and the Centre for Automotive Design and Development. It thereafter became a Parastatal of the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment (NADDC, 2019a). NADDC has as its major mandate the revitalisation of the auto industry. NADDC estimates annual imports at about 400,000 vehicles (100,000 new and 300,000 used), valued at about US$3.45billion. Local production capacity of vehicles is estimated about 100,000, with nine (9) firms established to assemble vehicles in Nigeria. However, utilisation has over the years dropped to less than 15% of installed capacity. Industry experts believe that Nigeria’s potential annual new car market could be as high as one million units. However, current new car import is about 56,000 in a used-vehicle dominated market (NADDC,2019b). Most locally-assembled vehicles in Nigeria are Chinese models assembled by the Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing Company (IVM) and the recent start of production by the Stallion Group of the Nissan Patrol, although Peugeot Automobile Nigeria Limited intends to commence production of the Peugeot 301brand soon. Nigeria is mainly a used car market with a ratio of new to used cars estimated at about 1:134 (PWC, 2015). The used cars are imported from the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, or through Cotonou in neighbouring Benin Republic by used car dealers and independent sales men and individual buyers. At the moment, EVs are virtually non-existent on Nigerian roads. Since this is the direction the world is tending to, drastic action needs to be taken to ensure that Nigeria is not left behind. Nigeria must address this important issue. Quite recently, Nigerian Senator Ben Murray-Bruce brought he issue of electric cars to national consciousness by sponsoring a Bill, the Electric Cars (Introduction) Bill 2019. The Bill focused on phasing out petrol- driven vehicles and introducing electric cars by 2035. The Bill was defeated on the floor of the Senate, with various arguments canvassed against the Bill by the Parliamentarians. Some of the reasons range from the difficulty in forcing the cessation of the use of ICE vehicles and that the introduction of the electric cars would hurt the economy; Nigeria being a major oil producer. Despite the challenges bedeviling the automotive sector in Nigeria, some assemblers have indicated interest in investing in the manufacturing of electric vehicles (EVs). Over the years, experience has shown that Nigeria usually turns out to be a dumping ground for a variety of banned products. The country stands at a higher risk of dumping when other countries eventually phase out the use of conventional fuel cars. This is due to Nigerians’ preference for used vehicles over brand new ones, obviously due to the very poor purchasing power of the majority of the people. It is however noteworthy that an indigenous firm, Nigus Enfinity, has expressed interest in introducing electric vehicles into the Nigerian automobile market in 2018, while its local assembly plant for EVs will become operative by 2020 (Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission, 2018). Potential Impact of Electric Vehicles in Nigeria The introduction of EVs into the Nigerian automotive industry is bound to have some implications, notable among which are the following: #Impact on Crude Oil Production Relying on data from the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Asu (2017) stated that France, India, the Netherlands, China and the United Kingdom (UK) imported almost half of the nation’s total exports for the month of May 2017, about 24.4 million barrels of crude oil. It is however noteworthy that these countries are now instituting plans to stop the use of petrol-powered vehicles as part of their efforts to reduce pollution and carbon emissions in their countries. This will definitely affect Nigeria’s oil exports in the coming years. More recently, the UK aligned with France in announcing that new fuel-powered cars would be banned by 2040, in order to encourage users to switch over to electric and hybrid vehicles. One of the biggest importers of Nigeria’s crude, India, is considering plansto support electrifying all vehicles in that country by 2030. #The impact on government revenue By implication, revenues from crude oil, which accounts for over 87.7% of Nigeria’s foreign exchange earnings as at end of 2018 (Okpi, 2018) will be at risk. Given the nation’s mono-cultural economy, the global adoption of EVs will certainly have a negative impact on government revenue. This development will have long-term economic implications. Repairs and Maintenance Electric vehicles are cheaper to run and maintain since they have fewer moving parts. With less things to go wrong, the market for maintenance and spare parts services will shrink. This will have implication on the service and maintenance sector of the auto industry in the country. Electric Vehicles have very few mechanical parts, which translates to the fact that less replacement costs will be required. In addition, because electric vehicles have no engine, obviously there will be no need for regular filter and oil changes making it significantly easier to own and maintain, compared to fuel-powered vehicles. Climate Change A major impact of EVs will be to slow the rate of climate change by helping to cut down on CO2 emissions thus improving the air quality. Global warming has become a global concern in recent years due to the burning of fossil fuels. With EVs or ‘green cars’, the threat of global warming will be minimised. Public Health The introduction of EVs cars will improve national public health because one of the greatest negative impacts of internal combustion engines (ICEs) is the exhaust emissions. These emissions smell, are dirty and are filled with harmful gases. Pollutants found in car exhaust emissions can lead to serious health complications like bronchitis and asthma, while chemicals such as benzene and carbon monoxide block oxygen from entering the body’s vital organs and may contribute to the causes of some types of cancerous illnesses. Challenges Facing Introduction of Electric Vehicles in Nigeria The following are perceived to be the major challenges to be encountered with the introduction of EVs: #Availability of electricity This is the paramount challenge that the introduction of EVs will need to confront in Nigeria. The electricity generation, transmission and distribution systems in Nigeria are in dire situation. The regular electricity power outages that the country is used to experiencing cannot augur well for a vibrant EV usage. The highest peak average power supply in recent times was in January 2017 at around 4, 425 MW for a population of around 200 million people (Power Nigeria, 2019). This challenge becomes quite glaring when one compares this situation with that of the second largest economy in Challenges of Lithium and Cobalt. The Lithium-ion battery was discovered by American Professor, John Goodenough and his associates in 1980, and has proved pivotal for 20th century science and technology (Goodenough & Park, 2013). It has also become the regular choice for electric cars, which use hundreds of battery cells positioned together in packets that look like metal briefcases, weighing up to 600kg. Batteries are very complex to produce and contain a delicate mix of chemical materials that must meet a specific list of performance requirements. These batteries are also dependent on cobalt, which has invariably associated the electric vehicle industry with some of the most politically unstable countries in the world. Cobalt supply is dominated by a handful of mining companies, including those in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and has been linked to wars and condemnable practices like child labour. Charging Facilities for EVs This can range from thirty minutes to twelve hours, based on the capacity of the battery and the speed of the charging station. Several companies are already researching into next-generation fast chargers, capable of recharging EVs with a 200 to 300 kilometres range within a reasonable time. A number of charging innovations are being designed, such as wireless charging pads in parking lots, wireless charging under roadways and solar roofs. The major challenge that faced EVs in the past was that they needed battery-replacement stations every 30 kilometres orso (The Economist, 2019). However, rapid gains in battery technology that favour electric motors has drastically improved the situation. Telecommunications Improved telecommunications technology and increased connectivity pose the important question of whether it is even necessary to own an automobile, or even to make certain journeys that may be deemed unnecessary. Environmental Concerns While it is accepted that the introduction of EVs will reduce CO2 emissions, there is also the environmental issue of battery manufacturing and disposal, which could be quite challenging in Nigeria, where normal domestic waste management system is already an area of concern. These batteries are complex as they contain toxic chemicals; making their disposals at the end of an electric vehicle’s life a major environmental challenge. Conclusion and Recommendations Conclusion Nigeria is Africa’s largest economy and at the same time the most populous country. These two attributes make her most amenable to enjoy the benefits of technology, innovation and development. However, on the negative side, she is also home to the world’s largest concentration of poorest people. This poverty level definitely hinders Nigeria’s endeavour to be the leader in developmental attempts in technology, industry, agriculture, trade and so on, in Africa. With so many challenges in infrastructure, security and over-dependence on crude oil, the future of electric vehicles in Nigeria remain seriously uncertain. This exploratory study has identified the enormous potentials of EVs in Nigeria as a growth and development agent. EVs will certainly revolutionise lifestyle in terms of the way Nigerians work, embark on recreational activities and travels. It will reduce cost, contribute to a cleaner environment and other benefits. What of the supply of equipment and ancillary components to domestic assemblers? What of the distribution system and the wide opportunities for marketers, charging facilities, warehousing facilities, fleet management, logistics and leasing businesses? With the global automotive industry seeking new growth opportunities, it is fair to assume those opportunities will substantially reside in Nigeria, being the continent’s largest economy. Hopefully, with the right policies, attitudes and commitment, the future of EVs appear to be bright in Nigeria. Policy Recommendations In order to be proactive and embark on appropriate initiatives towards the mass introduction of EVs in Nigeria, the following are recommended: #Policy Direction There is the urgent need for immediate policy action on how to chart the way forward. The failed Bill seeking the legalisation of EVs on the floor of the Senate was introduced rather prematurely. All relevant stakeholders were not yet on board before that critical legislature adventure. Relevant stakeholders like government agencies, policy-makers, regulators, urban planners and manufacturers can collectively define a new paradigm for the mass adoption of EVs. This may involve strong enabling policies andprovision of fiscal incentives. #Enhanced Role for the National Automotive Design and Development Council (NADDC) The NADDC was established to fund research into local substitutes since virtually all the components of vehicles are currently imported. They are only coupled together in the Nigerian assembly plants. This body must be rejuvenated to work with various stakeholders in the automotive industry in order to remain relevant, given the direction of the global auto industry. Research and Development (R & D) Investments in research and development must be encouraged to produce the technological innovations to continually improve EVs. Data and research are vital in the areas of adaptability, viability and relevance. At present, there are essentially no data or research on EV potential being carried on in Nigeria. The movement to an all-electric automobile future will definitely necessitate sizeable investments in R & D. Improved Economy The Nigerian economy should be stimulated to improve the disposable income and hence the purchasing power of the middle class that is the ready market for EVs. The middle class of the society has been virtually wiped out due to declining economic conditions. #Improved and Reliable Infrastructural base Improved electricity supply is critical for the success of EVs. So far, the semi-privatisation of the electricity sector has not yielded the required fruits in Nigeria as highlighted earlier. More commitment from both the government and the operators is urgently required in this area. Additionally, other infrastructural support should be enhanced and more developed, especially in the areas of road network and city planning. See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Note: The video below is not connected to the writers of the article above but a vital instrument that explains more on EV. Video Credit: Vaya Africa
31 mei 2020 · 103 weergaven

Nikola Tesla’s dream is coming true: wireless electricity. Wireless power transmission is a 100-year-old dream and is increasingly becoming a reality. The advent of wireless charging, electric vehicles, 5G and the need for greater sustainability have recently given rise to the decisive push towards the development of fully operational wireless technology in different parts of the world. In fact, there are several companies that are working on wireless electricity transmission technology. But there are those who, with vision, thought of such a world more than 100 years ago: Nikola Tesla. In 1892, the Serbian-American inventor, in fact, designed the Tesla coil, a one-of-a-kind device that was capable of transmitting electricity wirelessly, only over short distances. However, Tesla was obsessed with his idea of ​​”wireless power”, so in the years that followed he worked on building a power plant capable of enabling the wireless transfer of high-voltage power. The inventor intended to transmit wireless messages over long distances, using a series of strategically placed towers. He also built a wireless transmission station on Long Island, the Tesla Tower, which he believed could demonstrate the possibility of wireless electricity. Unfortunately, however, investor J.P. Morgan refused to provide any further funding for his experiments and the project was closed in 1906 and later demolished. Thus Tesla died in 1943, with the dream of wireless electricity unfulfilled. A dream that, however, has begun to come true in the last 100 years, with a remarkable sprint in recent years. In fact, a series of experiments and studies have shown that the brilliant inventor was on the right track in his approach to wireless power transmission. Some examples today could be the transmission of solar energy through satellites and the transmission by laser. Остварује се сан Николе Тесле: бежична струја. Бежични пренос енергије је 100-годишњи сан и све више постаје стварност. Појава бежичног пуњења, електричних возила, 5Г и потреба за већом одрживошћу недавно су довели до одлучујућег покрета ка развоју потпуно оперативне бежичне технологије у различитим деловима света. У ствари, постоји неколико компанија које раде на технологији бежичног преноса електричне енергије. Али има оних који су са визијом замислили такав свет пре више од 100 година: Никола Тесла. 1892. године српско-амерички проналазач је, наиме, пројектовао Теслин калем, јединствени уређај који је био способан да преноси електричну енергију бежично, само на кратке удаљености. Међутим, Тесла је био опседнут својом идејом о „бежичној снази“, па је у годинама које су уследиле радио на изградњи електране способне да омогући бежични пренос енергије високог напона. Проналазач је намеравао да преноси бежичне поруке на велике удаљености, користећи низ стратешки постављених торњева. Такође је изградио станицу за бежични пренос на Лонг Ајленду, Теслин торањ, за који је веровао да може да демонстрира могућност бежичне струје. Нажалост, међутим, инвеститор Ј.П. Морган је одбио да обезбеди даље финансирање за своје експерименте и пројекат је затворен 1906. и касније срушен. Тако је Тесла умро 1943, са неоствареним сном о бежичној струји. Сан који је, међутим, почео да се остварује у последњих 100 година, уз изузетан спринт последњих година. У ствари, низ експеримената и студија је показао да је бриљантни проналазач био на правом путу у свом приступу бежичном преносу енергије. Неки примери данас могу бити пренос соларне енергије преко сателита и пренос ласером. Извор: Теннессее Тецх, ПБС

Nikola Tesla’s dream is coming true: wireless electricity. Wireless power transmission is a 100-year-old dream and is increasingly becoming a reality. The advent of wireless charging, electric vehicles, 5G and the need for greater sustainability have recently given rise to the decisive push towards the development of fully operational wireless technology in different parts of the world. In fact, there are several companies that are working on wireless electricity transmission technology. But there are those who, with vision, thought of such a world more than 100 years ago: Nikola Tesla. In 1892, the Serbian-American inventor, in fact, designed the Tesla coil, a one-of-a-kind device that was capable of transmitting electricity wirelessly, only over short distances. However, Tesla was obsessed with his idea of ​​”wireless power”, so in the years that followed he worked on building a power plant capable of enabling the wireless transfer of high-voltage power. The inventor intended to transmit wireless messages over long distances, using a series of strategically placed towers. He also built a wireless transmission station on Long Island, the Tesla Tower, which he believed could demonstrate the possibility of wireless electricity. Unfortunately, however, investor J.P. Morgan refused to provide any further funding for his experiments and the project was closed in 1906 and later demolished. Thus Tesla died in 1943, with the dream of wireless electricity unfulfilled. A dream that, however, has begun to come true in the last 100 years, with a remarkable sprint in recent years. In fact, a series of experiments and studies have shown that the brilliant inventor was on the right track in his approach to wireless power transmission. Some examples today could be the transmission of solar energy through satellites and the transmission by laser. Остварује се сан Николе Тесле: бежична струја. Бежични пренос енергије је 100-годишњи сан и све више постаје стварност. Појава бежичног пуњења, електричних возила, 5Г и потреба за већом одрживошћу недавно су довели до одлучујућег покрета ка развоју потпуно оперативне бежичне технологије у различитим деловима света. У ствари, постоји неколико компанија које раде на технологији бежичног преноса електричне енергије. Али има оних који су са визијом замислили такав свет пре више од 100 година: Никола Тесла. 1892. године српско-амерички проналазач је, наиме, пројектовао Теслин калем, јединствени уређај који је био способан да преноси електричну енергију бежично, само на кратке удаљености. Међутим, Тесла је био опседнут својом идејом о „бежичној снази“, па је у годинама које су уследиле радио на изградњи електране способне да омогући бежични пренос енергије високог напона. Проналазач је намеравао да преноси бежичне поруке на велике удаљености, користећи низ стратешки постављених торњева. Такође је изградио станицу за бежични пренос на Лонг Ајленду, Теслин торањ, за који је веровао да може да демонстрира могућност бежичне струје. Нажалост, међутим, инвеститор Ј.П. Морган је одбио да обезбеди даље финансирање за своје експерименте и пројекат је затворен 1906. и касније срушен. Тако је Тесла умро 1943, са неоствареним сном о бежичној струји. Сан који је, међутим, почео да се остварује у последњих 100 година, уз изузетан спринт последњих година. У ствари, низ експеримената и студија је показао да је бриљантни проналазач био на правом путу у свом приступу бежичном преносу енергије. Неки примери данас могу бити пренос соларне енергије преко сателита и пренос ласером. Извор: Теннессее Тецх, ПБС
4 feb. · 2 weergaven
An RF meter is a smart meter with RF technology that uses a low-power radio to communicate the electricity usage of a home or business to the electric company through remote telecommunication technologies. Radio Frequency (RF) is a measurement representing the oscillation rate of electromagnetic radiation spectrum, or electromagnetic radio waves, from frequencies ranging from 300 gigahertz (GHz) to as low as 9 kilohertz (kHz). Modern devices often generate electromagnetic fields of radio frequency (RF) ranging from 100 kHz to 300 GHz. Key sources of RF fields include mobile phones, cordless phones, local wireless networks and radio transmission towers. They are also used by medical scanners, radar systems and microwave ovens.
31 mei

𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐬-𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐳 𝐄𝐐𝐒 𝟒𝟓𝟎+ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐 – 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫: Nautical blue – metallic finish (595) – 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫: leather black/anthracite (201) – 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐫: Mercedes-Benz AG (GER) – 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐄: 𝟐,𝟔𝟒𝟎,𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐄𝐆𝐏 – 𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐎𝐑 𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐘: Up to 245 kW (333 hp) – 𝟎 𝐓𝐎 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐤𝐋𝐦: 6.2s – 𝐌𝐀𝐗 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐄𝐃: 210 kLm – 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐪𝐮𝐞: 565 Nm – 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐃𝐂: 𝟏𝟎%-𝟖𝟎% 𝐒𝐎𝐂 (𝐧𝐞𝐭) 𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 31 mins – 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐦 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐂: 200 kW – 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐀𝐂: 𝟏𝟎%-𝟏𝟎𝟎% 𝐒𝐎𝐂 (𝐧𝐞𝐭) 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐛𝐨𝐱/𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: 10 h – 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐦 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐂: 11KW – 𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐘: 107.8kWh – 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞: 764 km WLTB 𝐎𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: 01U MB Connect services for navigation 02B Operator’s manual + service booklet-German 03N Plant control code 0B3 Vehicle production location Sindelfingen 0U1 HU country set for ECE (NTG7) 13U Mercedes-Benz Connect – EV functions (HERMES) 14U Smartphone integration package 16U Apple Carplay smartphone integration 17U Android Auto smartphone integration 1B3 Communication module ECE version 200A Leather 201A leather black/anthracite 215 Adaptive Damping System PLUS (ADS+) 216 Rear axle steering with large angle 229L Germany 22U Mercedes me connect MBUX Entertainment 233 Adaptive cruise control Plus (DISTRONIC PLUS) 235 Active Parking Assist 241 Left electric adjustable driver’s seat with memory 242 Right electric adjustable driver’s seat with memory 243 Active Lane Keeping Assist (camera) 249 Automatic dimming inside rearview mirror and outside mirrors 255B MB-Mobilo with DSB and GGD 262 Rear sensors for Lane Keeping Assist. 266 DISTRONIC PLUS with Cross-Traffic Assist (DTR+Q) 272 Front sensors for intersection monitoring 275 Memory Package (driver’s seat, steering column and mirror) 287 Through-loading feature 290 Windowbag 292 PRE-SAFE® Impulse Side 294 Kneebag 299 PRE-SAFE® 2U8 Alternative refrigerant 2XXL Federal Republic of Germany 309 Cup holder 30U Projection function via headlamps – lines 318 Digital LED headlamps, right-hand traffic 321 Biometric user identification – fingerprint 324 Front light strip 325 Center airbag 32U Sound personalization 332B Language of instrument cluster/HU – German 351 eCall emergency call system 355 Preinstallation for retrofitting navigation system 365 Hard drive navigation 367 Live Traffic capability 36U Mercedes me connect connectivity and extended charging Plus 384 Ramses High communication module (4G) 399 Front multicontour seat with massage function 401 Climatised front seats 413 Panoramic sliding sunroof/glass roof 42U Projection function via headlamps – symbols 431 Steering wheel gearshift buttons/steering wheel gearshift paddles – electroplated 436 Driver and front passenger luxury head restraint 43U Projection function via headlamps – animation 444 Advanced Head-up Display (HUD) 464 Instrument cluster display M 475 Tire pressure monitor (TPM) 489 AIRMATIC Dual Control/semi-active air suspension 500 Electrically folding exterior mirrors 501 360° camera 513 Road sign recognition system 51B Rating, country group EURO-NCAP 51U Headliner, black fabric 534 Connect 20 Premium (NTG7) 537 DAB digital radio standard (Digital Audio Broadcast) 546 Automatic speed control 581 Automatic climate control 587 Logo projection via mirror 595U Nautical blue – metallic finish 5B1 Additional stowage boxes/trays in center console 5V5 Speed/load index 105 H XL 628 INTELLIGENT HEADLAMP CONTROL PLUS (IHC+) 63B On-board xEV charging socket Combo2/Type2 6P5 Sales control code for code 475 request 6S3 12 V on-board electrical system high electricity demand 70B Safety vest – driver 723 Load compartment cover 72B USB package 757 High-gloss black center console (9K41) 79B Pre-installation for DAB digital radio standard 7B4 WIPPS countries WEU+COC 7U2 Seat model variant 2 810 Premium sound system 82B Multiphase AC charging function (10 kW-11 kW) 83B DC charging function 840 Glas dunkel getönt 868 Central display size L 871 Sensor system for trunk lid opening/closing 875 Heated windscreen washer system 876 Interior Light package 889 Keyless Go 890 Automatic rear-end door 891 Premium ambiance illumination 894 Premium Plus ambiance illumination 899 Front wireless telephone charging and antenna 8B4 Control code, weight check 8U4 PTC battery booster heater for hybrid/EV 8U8 i-Size marking (ISOFIX successor) 902 Front comfort seat heating 969 COC document for Euro6 tech. with reg. cert. Part 2 998 Steuercode Umstellung WLTP mit RDE 9B2 Mode 3 charging cable (type 2, 3X16A, 11kW) 5m B51 Tirefit B53 External noise sound generator for hybrids and EV B59 Drive program selection switch (AGILITY SELECT) BAC EB400 battery (2P2P108S, L battery) EMQ Rear electric motor 245 kW / 5300 Nm F297 Model series 297 FV Sedan, long GA Automatic transmission H08 Trim elements – Fineline anthracite wood (2C09) HA Rear axle K32 Active Lane Change Assist K33 Extended restart in stop-and-go traffic K34 Route-based speed adaptation K37 Deactivation of locking feedback via horn L2B Leather luxury steering wheel MEC3 Mid variant with L-battery P14 Interior AVANTGARDE package P17 KEYLESS-GO package P20 Driving assistant package Plus P21 Air quality package P47 Parking Package High P49 MIRROR PACKAGE P76 Basic exterior package PAF Acoustic Comfort package PAI Display package Entry PAX Light Package Premium PBG Premium connectivity package PDD Equipment Package – Top R01 Summer tyres R7K Wheel size 19″ all-round variant 1 R84 Light-alloy wheel multi spoke design 19″ all-round U01 Rear belt status indicator U10 Front passenger seat with weight sensor U12 Velour floor mats U19 Augmented reality video U25 Illuminated door sill U60 Pedestrian protection – Active hood VL Left front axle half VR Right front axle half #For reservations, #inquiries and #car details through the following #WhatsApp link: https://cutt.ly/1QyCf33 #evlogistics #Import #PreOrder #ReadyForShipping #DreamMercedes #MercedesBenz #EQE #EQS #EQB #NowYouCan #gogreen #ProgressiveLuxury

𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐬-𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐳 𝐄𝐐𝐒 𝟒𝟓𝟎+ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐 – 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫: Nautical blue – metallic finish (595) – 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫: leather black/anthracite (201) – 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐫: Mercedes-Benz AG (GER) – 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐄: 𝟐,𝟔𝟒𝟎,𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐄𝐆𝐏 – 𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐎𝐑 𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐘: Up to 245 kW (333 hp) – 𝟎 𝐓𝐎 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐤𝐋𝐦: 6.2s – 𝐌𝐀𝐗 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐄𝐃: 210 kLm – 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐪𝐮𝐞: 565 Nm – 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐃𝐂: 𝟏𝟎%-𝟖𝟎% 𝐒𝐎𝐂 (𝐧𝐞𝐭) 𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 31 mins – 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐦 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐂: 200 kW – 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐀𝐂: 𝟏𝟎%-𝟏𝟎𝟎% 𝐒𝐎𝐂 (𝐧𝐞𝐭) 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐛𝐨𝐱/𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: 10 h – 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐦 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐂: 11KW – 𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐘: 107.8kWh – 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞: 764 km WLTB 𝐎𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: 01U MB Connect services for navigation 02B Operator’s manual + service booklet-German 03N Plant control code 0B3 Vehicle production location Sindelfingen 0U1 HU country set for ECE (NTG7) 13U Mercedes-Benz Connect – EV functions (HERMES) 14U Smartphone integration package 16U Apple Carplay smartphone integration 17U Android Auto smartphone integration 1B3 Communication module ECE version 200A Leather 201A leather black/anthracite 215 Adaptive Damping System PLUS (ADS+) 216 Rear axle steering with large angle 229L Germany 22U Mercedes me connect MBUX Entertainment 233 Adaptive cruise control Plus (DISTRONIC PLUS) 235 Active Parking Assist 241 Left electric adjustable driver’s seat with memory 242 Right electric adjustable driver’s seat with memory 243 Active Lane Keeping Assist (camera) 249 Automatic dimming inside rearview mirror and outside mirrors 255B MB-Mobilo with DSB and GGD 262 Rear sensors for Lane Keeping Assist. 266 DISTRONIC PLUS with Cross-Traffic Assist (DTR+Q) 272 Front sensors for intersection monitoring 275 Memory Package (driver’s seat, steering column and mirror) 287 Through-loading feature 290 Windowbag 292 PRE-SAFE® Impulse Side 294 Kneebag 299 PRE-SAFE® 2U8 Alternative refrigerant 2XXL Federal Republic of Germany 309 Cup holder 30U Projection function via headlamps – lines 318 Digital LED headlamps, right-hand traffic 321 Biometric user identification – fingerprint 324 Front light strip 325 Center airbag 32U Sound personalization 332B Language of instrument cluster/HU – German 351 eCall emergency call system 355 Preinstallation for retrofitting navigation system 365 Hard drive navigation 367 Live Traffic capability 36U Mercedes me connect connectivity and extended charging Plus 384 Ramses High communication module (4G) 399 Front multicontour seat with massage function 401 Climatised front seats 413 Panoramic sliding sunroof/glass roof 42U Projection function via headlamps – symbols 431 Steering wheel gearshift buttons/steering wheel gearshift paddles – electroplated 436 Driver and front passenger luxury head restraint 43U Projection function via headlamps – animation 444 Advanced Head-up Display (HUD) 464 Instrument cluster display M 475 Tire pressure monitor (TPM) 489 AIRMATIC Dual Control/semi-active air suspension 500 Electrically folding exterior mirrors 501 360° camera 513 Road sign recognition system 51B Rating, country group EURO-NCAP 51U Headliner, black fabric 534 Connect 20 Premium (NTG7) 537 DAB digital radio standard (Digital Audio Broadcast) 546 Automatic speed control 581 Automatic climate control 587 Logo projection via mirror 595U Nautical blue – metallic finish 5B1 Additional stowage boxes/trays in center console 5V5 Speed/load index 105 H XL 628 INTELLIGENT HEADLAMP CONTROL PLUS (IHC+) 63B On-board xEV charging socket Combo2/Type2 6P5 Sales control code for code 475 request 6S3 12 V on-board electrical system high electricity demand 70B Safety vest – driver 723 Load compartment cover 72B USB package 757 High-gloss black center console (9K41) 79B Pre-installation for DAB digital radio standard 7B4 WIPPS countries WEU+COC 7U2 Seat model variant 2 810 Premium sound system 82B Multiphase AC charging function (10 kW-11 kW) 83B DC charging function 840 Glas dunkel getönt 868 Central display size L 871 Sensor system for trunk lid opening/closing 875 Heated windscreen washer system 876 Interior Light package 889 Keyless Go 890 Automatic rear-end door 891 Premium ambiance illumination 894 Premium Plus ambiance illumination 899 Front wireless telephone charging and antenna 8B4 Control code, weight check 8U4 PTC battery booster heater for hybrid/EV 8U8 i-Size marking (ISOFIX successor) 902 Front comfort seat heating 969 COC document for Euro6 tech. with reg. cert. Part 2 998 Steuercode Umstellung WLTP mit RDE 9B2 Mode 3 charging cable (type 2, 3X16A, 11kW) 5m B51 Tirefit B53 External noise sound generator for hybrids and EV B59 Drive program selection switch (AGILITY SELECT) BAC EB400 battery (2P2P108S, L battery) EMQ Rear electric motor 245 kW / 5300 Nm F297 Model series 297 FV Sedan, long GA Automatic transmission H08 Trim elements – Fineline anthracite wood (2C09) HA Rear axle K32 Active Lane Change Assist K33 Extended restart in stop-and-go traffic K34 Route-based speed adaptation K37 Deactivation of locking feedback via horn L2B Leather luxury steering wheel MEC3 Mid variant with L-battery P14 Interior AVANTGARDE package P17 KEYLESS-GO package P20 Driving assistant package Plus P21 Air quality package P47 Parking Package High P49 MIRROR PACKAGE P76 Basic exterior package PAF Acoustic Comfort package PAI Display package Entry PAX Light Package Premium PBG Premium connectivity package PDD Equipment Package – Top R01 Summer tyres R7K Wheel size 19″ all-round variant 1 R84 Light-alloy wheel multi spoke design 19″ all-round U01 Rear belt status indicator U10 Front passenger seat with weight sensor U12 Velour floor mats U19 Augmented reality video U25 Illuminated door sill U60 Pedestrian protection – Active hood VL Left front axle half VR Right front axle half #For reservations, #inquiries and #car details through the following #WhatsApp link: https://cutt.ly/1QyCf33 #evlogistics #Import #PreOrder #ReadyForShipping #DreamMercedes #MercedesBenz #EQE #EQS #EQB #NowYouCan #gogreen #ProgressiveLuxury
9 jun. 2022 · 5,7 d. weergaven


The man who lit up the world . Nikola Tesla was a great philanthropist, a Great scientific genius. Someone who developed extraordinary theories, achieved amazing inventions and wonderful things during his life. He did it simply to serve humanity. And in spite of that, he did not ask anything for his service. A true Master of Light who lived to serve Mankind. SESSION 12/JAN/2010 Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin. Entity that came to dialogue: Ruanel Spirit that animated Ron Hubbard Interlocutor: Master, I have a question for the future, Is there something interesting about Nikola Tesla? Ruanel:This topic is for a complete session, he has achieved things that later on were destroyed, there was material that was destroyed. Interlocutor: But, Was Nikola Tesla an extraterrestrial? Did he have contact with extraterrestrials?… Ruanel: Nikola Tesla had a privileged mind… to such point that he achieved discoveries… and he was even calculating… and this is very hard to believe, notice that we are talking about one century ago, nonetheless, he had mathematical calculations related to teleportation. Interlocutor: Unbelievable!… Ruanel: And I’m no longer talking about wireless electricity. Intercolutor: Did he achieve something?… Ruanel: He achieved much more than what Japanese scientists achieved in the end of the XX century. SESSION 10/FEB/2010 Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin. Entity that came to dialogue: Tera-El, Thetan or 90% of Nikola Tesla Note: At the moment the spirit of Nikola Tesla has reincarnated. Tera-El: Dear Brothers, I am here contacted with you to narrate about a previous life to my present life. I am a thetan that inhabit the supraphysical plane 5 sublevel 9, and my mission, aside from guiding, is to unveil different mysteries. Sometimes, in order to avoid confusion, I rather not give you details of my present incarnation. If you want to give me a conceptual name you can call me Tera-El, in this way, a connection is made somehow. In 1856, a military man called Milutin watched in the sky a trail of fire that would change his life. A trail of fire in the area known as Serbia that he followed with his eyes going toward the place. He found a flying apparatus with a very small baby and a mother who didn’t show signs of life. Milutin was a man of faith, a man who always preached the love to God, a man that although he lived to grow up, he also lived for the others; he loved and he was loved by his wife and although he was respectful of the laws as a good military man, he didn’t denounce the event of the flying object. He took the baby in his hands and with two reliable men at his service, Slavic and Vortic, men of his intimate confidence, he made the apparatus disappear. These two men were characterized to be not very bright; they asked Milutin what had happened. And since the apparatus was so deformed, he told them that it was a terrestrial apparatus of the enemy and apparently a spy woman was driving it. Since he didn’t want to foment more hostility, he asked to his comrades not to communicate it to the high command. The apparatus was “dissapeared” and the woman was buried. The young Milutin took the baby, the one whose existence in that apparatus, his comrades never knew. The doctor Fardek, intimate friend of the family, signed a birth certificate and the boy that is to say, myself, appeared that I was born in Serbia in a town called Smiljan the 10th day of July, 1856. It was such surprise of my father when he saw that that boy he had adopted as his own son was not from this world that his faith was strengthened even more. He abandoned the military career and he became a priest of the Orthodox Church in Serbia. The one who was my foster mother, didn’t have a formal education, but she had a brilliant spirit, an exceptional memory and she was the one who supported me in my physical, spiritual and intellectual growth. Before of this story, where I appeared as born in Smiljan the 10th day of July, 1856, there was another story. In a distant world where my biological parents were absolutely opposed: A loving mother, studious investigator, intelligent, of all that was related to astrophysics, one of the few women received as spacecraft pilot in that world and my father in that world, a military man, the same like Milutin on Earth, but absolutely different: merciless, you would say without soul. Several times he ended up attacking to mother in fact, but since he had a great military and political power in that world, mother could not continue anymore. When father went to a tour to another continent. ironically and conceitedly – to give a conference of peace- being that he was totally fond of war and subjection of the poor countries that there were in that world, and they were many, mother took advantage to take the necessary few things and with her invention that would be an anti radar apparatus,- I say it in that way because it’s a concept impossible to translate for this vessel – she escaped from that world. And in spite of going in a small ship, it had interstellar capacity and in its computers it detected what you would call space cracks to arrive to Sun 3, to the Earth. But not everything was so simple, the last beating that mother had received from my father had left her very hurt internally and the only way to protect me was to escape from that biological father. The trajectory of the ship was indetectable for the scientists in that world. My biological father in that incarnation the only thing he knew was that a ship was missing, my mother and me. In a short time he forgot us. What happened to him, it’s unimportant in this story. With the last strength of my mother, she arrived to the terrestrial atmosphere and protecting the ship with a minimum energy field, she lost consciousness and the ship fell. The force field plus the internal antigravity of the ship prevented that the apparatus was destroyed and it avoided in me wounds, as a baby. Paradoxically, when Milutin, my foster father found me, I had exactly a terrestrial year that is to say, in fact it would be the 10th day of July, 1855 and it was recorded one year later, obviously. You will wonder: “If one – as a spirit – plans a certain life, in a certain world, to fulfill certain mission, How is it possible that my 10% ended in another world with another mission which was totally different?” But it is not so this way; as well as you in your beautiful game of Chess, those of you who are experts at it can visualize moves before they are made, even many moves in advance and you can have a higher calculation of probabilities, in my case, as a mental concept, I did the same thing with the beings of the physical plane, I evaluated the possibilities, and I foresaw that one of those moves of that game was that my biological mother would escape from that world and there was a higher possibility due to the non compatibility between my parents due to the higher astronautic studies my mother had. You will ask: “And why didn’t I intention directly to embody in Sun 3 as a son of Milutín?” Maybe that is also part of the Chess game. Milutin loved me as if I were his own son, but in the same time, he saw me like a sign of God; for that reason he abandoned the military career, for that reason he made the vows as a priest of the Serbian Orthodox Church. He told Mother, my foster mother that he had found me in the fields. Obviously, the same thing was said to the doctor. That is to say for Mom I was always a terrestrial boy. But I really had a prodigious memory; I learned several languages, I liked to investigate a lot, I read texts in several languages, but above all things, I wondered about the meaning of life, what the world was, what mission I had brought. As a 10% incarnated, I ignored that I had come from another world. When I turned six years old, father, in one of his strolls told me in a simple language with simple, but concrete words who I was, prefixing to all sentences that he loved me so deeply, in a so deep way that his own life was inferior to the love he felt for me. My answer was: – Father, I feel the same thing for you and for mother. I love you both in a deep way. I was growing. At home I assembled and I dismantled things, I liked to investigate all that was mechanical and while I grew up I had so much dedication to the study that I ended up neglecting my physical part, there were nights that I slept four or five hours. I weakened, I weakened a lot. I contracted malaria, I had higher temperature, I was two times on the edge of death, two times… My father Milutin worried so much, and he saw that I liked engineering, but he knew that it required years of intense studies and a strong discipline and he was afraid that I weakened even more. And he told me: – Son, maybe as well as you were a sign for me, maybe today, God, with your weakness, sends me a sign so that you take the habits and be a priest. -No, father, I believe that my mission goes on the other way and this does not fail to deserve the Love that I feel for the Father, for the Creator. I studied the career of engineering at the Higher Real Gymnasium in Croatia, I was devoted to electric experimentation, in three years I finished successfully the career that usually ended up demanding four or five years in the best of the cases. But it was my future, a future that I was writing. When I finished my studies, both of my parents agreed and they manifested me that I was so demanding with myself and they asked me to make a religious career, it didn’t matter the engineer’s title. I contracted cholera, I was once again, for the third time on the edge of death and in that moment I received the call to serve in the army. My father Milutin was very bad psychically. He was thinking “If my son survives cholera he will be enroled in the army”. He would make the impossible so that I continue a religious career. At times my tone scale lowered, I felt very badly, I hardly had strength to get up of my bed, I was even with bad temper, it was as if something was taking me out of the traced plans that I didn’t know in fact, what my spiritual part had traced, but as I had certain instinct. My father saw me so bad that he told me: – Do you want to study electrical engineering? Do it, Do it! Please. he sent me to a rest place so that I could recover. The green, the trees, the fresh air. And Milutin, since he had some friends left in the Force, he used his influences to avoid that I make the military service. I recovered from my health problems and I was devoted completely to my work. I was attracted to all that was related to the electric topic because I knew that electricity was not the present, but the future and that thanks to electricity, I could achieve many things, many things. In the end I have a presentiment that cables were not necessary and wires were not necessary that messages could be transmitted at distance and that I should invent those apparatuses because deep down, I had the notion of how to do it and my inventions will revolutionize the future of the planet Earth. And sometimes the plans, like the Chess moves, are completed, because this Serbian young man, who in fact was found there by Milutin and registered the 10th day of July, 1856 changed with his inventions the planet Earth. When I disembodied on January 7, 1943, it was like I was left with eagerness of more. I wanted to continue with my mission of helping. Three and a half years later I embodied again, at this time I am incarnated and also fulfilling mission. Now, I’ll leave and I will continue narrating details of the things that I have invented. You can tell me, Tera-El, plane 5, sublevel 9. Dear Brothers, I send you all my Light. Until another moment. SESSION 24/FEB/2010 Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin. Entity that came to dialogue: Tera-El, thetan or 90% of Nikola Tesla Tera-El: Dear Brothers, I am again gathered with you to transmit a new message and aspects of my previous life. I have been known with the conceptual name of Tera-El. My father had baptized me as Nikola, he had written my date of birth in 1856 and I was growing. As I said in a previous session, I had several illnesses: malaria, cholera, I was on the edge of death; very few supposed that my physique didn’t have the antibodies to counteract bacterias and virus of Sun 3. I am not going to make in this session a detailed biography of my life year per year, time after time; I will comment aspects of what I have designed, of what is known, of what is unknown and formulas of great minds of the XX century, like Albert Einstein, with whom I did not agree on many theories developed. Let’s start from the base that I made sketches about ray guns that fire energy rays, nothing to do with what you have developed later on and what you call laser weapons, I was talking about another type of energy, which is very difficult to transmit to this vessel’s decoder at this time. being that it is a very kindred decoder, very, very kindred, but he doesn’t have the knowledge and if he doesn’t have the knowledge, I cannot transmit to him exactly the type of energy. I can only say that there were microwave weapons in my depictions, special waves – that could even provoke problems of deafness, sicknesses, vertigo and even more serious problems, problems where even the human being could lose his psychomotor function, ultrasound weapons, electromagnetic weapons with potentiated electromagnetism. Many of those sketches, way before my death, I have destroyed them because I understood that this civilization was not prepared to have those weapons. I continued developing energy fields to shield flying machines in such way that even a bomb would not have any effect on that shields. Those sketches have not been destroyed and I know that after my death, in 1943, many of my inventions that were not put into practice were kept top secret. There was a great man in the antiquity, called Socrates who had created a method called Maieutics. What Maieutics made, was that young students think by themselves. Instead of the traditional teaching where you have twenty students in their desks and you explain to them a certain lesson, Socrates made them think. I would like all of you to think and that you use common sense. Let’s begin with the formula that revolutionized the XX century: (E=m*c2). This means that the mass is equivalent to the energy as long as it was taken to the square of the speed of light, something impracticable – according to Einstein – since all mass that arrives to the speed of light would become infinite. The brother Morganel said in more than one opportunity: “Speed of light related to what? With regard to a fixed point in the universe? More than that speed it cannot pass?”. It was already said that if with a flashlight which is pointing to the right, and another flashlight pointing to the left, both flashlight with their beams of light, theoretically, those beams would be moving away from each other at a speed of 600.000 kilometers per second. Einstein’s theory says that it is not like that, he invalidates that concept. Therefore he invalidates that opposed galaxies of this Creation move away from each other at more than 300.000 kilometers per second. Of course that they separate from each other at more than that speed, of course they do. But let’s go back to the formula. The 10% of Morganel had met with a granite wall, a wall that was not put by himself, but it was put by several mathematicians of the physical plane. The 10% of Morganel explained how we take the speed of light from the square, because it is not the same thing kilometers per second and miles per second. Obviously, we, in the superluminous planes, don’t depend on numbers, on figures, miles or kilometers, directly we conceptualize the speed of light; we leave aside in that moment if it is in miles per second or in kilometers per second because it would not give the same thing squared, but that is not our problem or a problem of the universe. That is the problem of the embodied human being in Sun 3, who drowns himself in his own numbers, he hangs himself in his own numbers, he sinks in his own numbers. If E= m*c2, we know that beyond the speed of light – in vibration, not in displacement, – we reach a non physical plane, which is a superluminous plane. Then, if E=m*c2, what energy are we talking about? because the light itself is already energy, electricity itself is energy; we are speaking of superluminous energy, we are speaking of an energy unnoticeable for the physical instruments. E=m*c2 takes (m) to become into a supraphysical energy. Therefore, the theory of relativity based in that formula is inconsistent in its explanation. I know that you depend on a mental decoder. The decoder is not instantaneous like our conceptual thought, but rather your neurons have to make an interconnection among axons. Think about it, think about it calmly. Take a piece of paper, grab a pencil, do the numbers and you will see. E = m * c2: Reveals a mass (m) that transforms into a supraphysical Energy (E). Think about it, think about it. Before I leave, I will comment that there is a function of the cerebellum that you still ignore. You already know because of the many messages in the last decade and a half – that the cerebral amygdala is the lodging of the reactive mind, the impulses, of the basic instincts, and that the cortex is where the abstract thinking is, where the analytical mind is. The cerebellum, independently of the functions that neurologists describe well, it completes the function of connecting the complete decoder or complete brain with the spiritual concept. That cerebellum has a connection with the auditory system; then, when we speak of a real mediumship, in many cases the auditory system of the medium who is channeling is at risk. I know that I have repeated many aspects and perhaps you would have preferred that I narrate part of my previous life as Nikola, but it was very important that I reveal this to you because there are many formulas that have to be changed in the future. And we know that your scientists are not silly, they are clever, and sometimes they take the nail in fire before they drown, they prefer to burn their hands and to grab the nail, in this case, the nail in fire is an information taken from non official sources. They are clever, but they are arrogant, then, it is almost impossible that they recognize their primordial sources. Their childish whims prevents them to recognize, to realize that a world exists beyond the one they perceive, a superluminous world that a written formula a long time ago- according to your physical life- already revealed, the supraphysical world. And the ironic or paradoxical is that its own creator didn’t grasp that concept. I send you all my Light. With you, you can call me Tera-El. SESSION 22/MAR/2010 Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin. Interlocutor: Karina Entity that came to dialogue: Tera-El, thetan of who was Nikola Tesla Karina: Welcome. Tera-El: Dear sister, my name is Tera-El, I am in the plane 5 sublevel 9 and I will narrate some of my experiences from when I embodied as Nikola Tesla. Karina: It is a pleasure to have you here among us. Tera-El: The pleasure is really mine and you, as Interlocutor are valuable, since your 90% is an angelic entity and as Tera-El I am truly very kindred to Kar-El. Karina: Thank you, before you begin, I want to ask you a question, Are you embodied at this time in some 10% of this universe? Tera-El: Yes, at this time I am incarnated, but it is a topic that I won’t talk about for the moment… Karina: Can you tell me at least in which year were you born? Tera-El: Yes, I was born in 1946. I want to comment what happened in that opportunity. The new century was being celebrated at the beginning of the 1900 and I told to those colleagues who wanted to listen to me that one year was yet to finish so that the century begins on January first 1901. I had many acquaintances that listened to my humble chats, I always liked it, Not the solitude!!!, but it was like I didn’t feel completely understood by the society of that time, I even collaborated with some scientists that felt envy and certain rejection for my way of being (I say this with total humility and zero vanity) because they were even afraid that I could surpass them. It was like they were competing all the time, and to me, I was interested in research, to investigate, to investigate, I loved the topic of electricity. But it had crossed my mind (that surely something was dictating it to me). You know as Interlocutor that the Absolute manifested himself in this Creation don’t you? Karina: Yes. Tera-El: You know that the Absolute is an Energy… and although he only manifested himself in a 10%, He is a Supreme Energy. I, as Nikola, as incarnated part, understood that if the universe was the manifestation of God, It had to be a remaining Energy, a hidden Energy, a non-perceived energy of God. In semi-dreams, in semi-dreams, in the same way that one day something dictated me (this was later on) that the formula of the Einstein’s theory of Relativity was incomplete. At the beginning of 1901 I understood that I could assemble a machine to grab the energy of the universe. Today, more than one century later (in this planet), it’s known that in the universe there are different types of energies. Karina: You, as a thetan, no longer as Nikola Tesla, but as a thetan, I presume that you must have a bigger knowledge than the knowledge you had being incarnated. Can you tell us some revelation or an amplification of your discoveries? Tera-El: Look, exactly in that life in 1901, I put together numerous sketches, even reaching a drawing where in a notebook I had countless mathematical formulas of how to design an artifact, with special coils, where I could channel the Creator’s energy, but I went further on, not only to channel it, but also redirect it!!!. We are speaking of a trillionth of a trillionth part of that energy, or else you will misunderstand as though it’s possible to channel the Creator’s total energy, no, no, no, no!!!, an infinitesimal part of that energy and it is redirected in an energy tube… Karina: With what purpose? Tera-El: With the purpose to create an electric field, and that electric field redirected inside that creative energy in order to be spread in the whole planet the wireless electricity, obviously that became public, Not that I could channel the energy of the Absolute, but that I could achieve the wireless electricity. But obviously there was a boycott… There were factories that were trading with copper, and if I was able to achieve that invention, these companies were going to be in bankruptcy. Then it was easier for them to discredit me. Thomas Edison himself had an antagonistic feeling towards me, and I didn’t compete with him, not at all!!!. Marconi himself has taken out “14 of my investigations” and then he “patented” an instrument that was going to change in that moment the transmission in the planet and during decades, he appeared as the author of my invention. What I want to say, dear Interlocutor, is that I was able to give shape in different outlines that energy of the Absolute, which was useful to me and to the whole world, not only to spread wireless electricity, but also to transmit waves, to condense that energy in such power that it could sweep hundreds of airplanes in the air with a triggering device, but that gave me fear, because I didn’t know in what hands this invention could fall into. A ray that others, not me, called “the Death Ray.” There is more…, I could use that energy of the Absolute, which is an energy that up until now they have not been able to grab, in order to create an “energy shield”, like the energy there is in other worlds, like in the ship in which my mother brought me, an armored shield that can even resist nuclear explosions!!! Karina: What do you think we can do to protect the world from its own inhabitants?, in fact, it is the human being the one that attempts against the life on the planet Earth. Tera-El: Sure that escapes from Nikola Tesla, because in my current incarnation I can’t do it either, I cannot change the world. Karina: But Do you think that that energy could be used at the moment… for… Tera-El: For the good? Karina: To change, to extend the life of our planet. Tera-El: No, look…, if you seek information about my previous life, you would see that there is an infinity of inventions that they attributed to me and there are inventions that most of the people ignore, like the energy shield, they ignore it completely; I am speaking of the true energy shield, an energy shield that can protect inter-space or inter-stellar ships. Thanks to that Energy of the Absolute, I have been able to create a radar that could detect certain holes in the “space continuum” that could have been used in inter-stellar trips. Karina: What do you think about teleportation? Tera-El: I achieved Teleportation, I achieved it, at the end of the XIX century, I achieved it. All the formulas, books, blueprints, everything that they didn’t destroy, was kept secretly. Karina: In whose hands this material is? Tera-El: The country of the North has that material, in United States of America they have the whole material. You notice that… Karina: Excuse me… the American government or some specific group? Tera-El: No, no, no, directly the government has it, but they have it distributed in several facilities. The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) was the first one that took my things. I always had a precarious health, malaria, cholera, but it was because of my body, since I had not been born here (in that life), my defenses were not prepared. If you saw me in my last years, I was practically bones and skin, I didn’t eat, I kept my lucidity intact, but practically all my pictures were took at a young age. Some have been hidden, when I was 50 or 60 years old, some have been altered, but almost nobody knows the last pictures they took from me. You would get truly scared if you saw my picture, practically after the 40s of the XX century. And one feels… with that whole intelligence to apply, in a body that doesn’t respond, in hands that hurt when clenched, where they have to hold my arm so that I could walk!!!, and they looked at me with… -Well Mister Tesla, take a seat – but I bother them, I bother them, I have more things to say!!!, -Well, well, take it easy you will tell us – and I looked at them with my worn out eyes and told them: – but what, you are ignoring me, you are not paying attention to me, you are not paying attention. I’m not speaking of X rays, which is my discovery, I am speaking of a special ray which is far superior, because it is an energy ray that can visualize the human body, even beyond that Nuclear magnetic resonance. …And they didn’t pay attention, and I disembodied before being able to write it down to the paper!!!, Then, it was as if I had an unfinished issue. In my current incarnation, although he is doing so much, he is in another topic, but I want you to know that I have been able to “condense” the energy of the Absolute. Karina: Under the same normal physical conditions? Tera-El: I explain it in this way…, a spirit, a spirit, is two things at the same time, energy and concept, Do you follow me? Karina: Yes. Tera-El: But at the same time it is a single thing, it is conceptual energy!!! Karina: We agree. Tera-El: But they can be separated. The one that you call God, Father or I call the Absolute, He is conceptual energy. Obviously, je, je, 10% the size of the universe, but leaving aside his Supreme concept that He is Everything, in this Creation, He is at least, also energy, and that energy. why would not that energy be channeled in the same way that this vessel can channel an entity? Why wouldn’t we channel with an artifact that Energy? There are other energies in the universe that belong to the Absolute, the dark energy, the dark matter, but it is also an energy, everything is energy, but intangible (so that we understand each other) energy is the “Energy of the Absolute” . And through that energy so many things could be made that have not been carried out, many created interests, many created interests!!! That is what I wanted to transmit, dear sister, and now with all my Love and with all my light, I’ll leave. Karina: But, Can we talk again in another moment? Tera-El: Don’t have any doubt, don’t have any doubt that it will be this way, Dear Kar-El, see you later and I send all my Light!!! Karina: See you later.

NIKOLA TESLA UNVEILED ~ TERA-EL ~ The man who lit up the world . Nikola Tesla was a great philanthropist, a Great scientific genius. Someone who developed extraordinary theories, achieved amazing inventions and wonderful things during his life. He did it simply to serve humanity. And in spite of that, he did not ask anything for his service. A true Master of Light who lived to serve Mankind. SESSION 12/JAN/2010 Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin. Entity that came to dialogue: Ruanel Spirit that animated Ron Hubbard Interlocutor: Master, I have a question for the future, Is there something interesting about Nikola Tesla? Ruanel:This topic is for a complete session, he has achieved things that later on were destroyed, there was material that was destroyed. Interlocutor: But, Was Nikola Tesla an extraterrestrial? Did he have contact with extraterrestrials?… Ruanel: Nikola Tesla had a privileged mind… to such point that he achieved discoveries… and he was even calculating… and this is very hard to believe, notice that we are talking about one century ago, nonetheless, he had mathematical calculations related to teleportation. Interlocutor: Unbelievable!… Ruanel: And I’m no longer talking about wireless electricity. Intercolutor: Did he achieve something?… Ruanel: He achieved much more than what Japanese scientists achieved in the end of the XX century. SESSION 10/FEB/2010 Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin. Entity that came to dialogue: Tera-El, Thetan or 90% of Nikola Tesla Note: At the moment the spirit of Nikola Tesla has reincarnated. Tera-El: Dear Brothers, I am here contacted with you to narrate about a previous life to my present life. I am a thetan that inhabit the supraphysical plane 5 sublevel 9, and my mission, aside from guiding, is to unveil different mysteries. Sometimes, in order to avoid confusion, I rather not give you details of my present incarnation. If you want to give me a conceptual name you can call me Tera-El, in this way, a connection is made somehow. In 1856, a military man called Milutin watched in the sky a trail of fire that would change his life. A trail of fire in the area known as Serbia that he followed with his eyes going toward the place. He found a flying apparatus with a very small baby and a mother who didn’t show signs of life. Milutin was a man of faith, a man who always preached the love to God, a man that although he lived to grow up, he also lived for the others; he loved and he was loved by his wife and although he was respectful of the laws as a good military man, he didn’t denounce the event of the flying object. He took the baby in his hands and with two reliable men at his service, Slavic and Vortic, men of his intimate confidence, he made the apparatus disappear. These two men were characterized to be not very bright; they asked Milutin what had happened. And since the apparatus was so deformed, he told them that it was a terrestrial apparatus of the enemy and apparently a spy woman was driving it. Since he didn’t want to foment more hostility, he asked to his comrades not to communicate it to the high command. The apparatus was “dissapeared” and the woman was buried. The young Milutin took the baby, the one whose existence in that apparatus, his comrades never knew. The doctor Fardek, intimate friend of the family, signed a birth certificate and the boy that is to say, myself, appeared that I was born in Serbia in a town called Smiljan the 10th day of July, 1856. It was such surprise of my father when he saw that that boy he had adopted as his own son was not from this world that his faith was strengthened even more. He abandoned the military career and he became a priest of the Orthodox Church in Serbia. The one who was my foster mother, didn’t have a formal education, but she had a brilliant spirit, an exceptional memory and she was the one who supported me in my physical, spiritual and intellectual growth. Before of this story, where I appeared as born in Smiljan the 10th day of July, 1856, there was another story. In a distant world where my biological parents were absolutely opposed: A loving mother, studious investigator, intelligent, of all that was related to astrophysics, one of the few women received as spacecraft pilot in that world and my father in that world, a military man, the same like Milutin on Earth, but absolutely different: merciless, you would say without soul. Several times he ended up attacking to mother in fact, but since he had a great military and political power in that world, mother could not continue anymore. When father went to a tour to another continent. ironically and conceitedly – to give a conference of peace- being that he was totally fond of war and subjection of the poor countries that there were in that world, and they were many, mother took advantage to take the necessary few things and with her invention that would be an anti radar apparatus,- I say it in that way because it’s a concept impossible to translate for this vessel – she escaped from that world. And in spite of going in a small ship, it had interstellar capacity and in its computers it detected what you would call space cracks to arrive to Sun 3, to the Earth. But not everything was so simple, the last beating that mother had received from my father had left her very hurt internally and the only way to protect me was to escape from that biological father. The trajectory of the ship was indetectable for the scientists in that world. My biological father in that incarnation the only thing he knew was that a ship was missing, my mother and me. In a short time he forgot us. What happened to him, it’s unimportant in this story. With the last strength of my mother, she arrived to the terrestrial atmosphere and protecting the ship with a minimum energy field, she lost consciousness and the ship fell. The force field plus the internal antigravity of the ship prevented that the apparatus was destroyed and it avoided in me wounds, as a baby. Paradoxically, when Milutin, my foster father found me, I had exactly a terrestrial year that is to say, in fact it would be the 10th day of July, 1855 and it was recorded one year later, obviously. You will wonder: “If one – as a spirit – plans a certain life, in a certain world, to fulfill certain mission, How is it possible that my 10% ended in another world with another mission which was totally different?” But it is not so this way; as well as you in your beautiful game of Chess, those of you who are experts at it can visualize moves before they are made, even many moves in advance and you can have a higher calculation of probabilities, in my case, as a mental concept, I did the same thing with the beings of the physical plane, I evaluated the possibilities, and I foresaw that one of those moves of that game was that my biological mother would escape from that world and there was a higher possibility due to the non compatibility between my parents due to the higher astronautic studies my mother had. You will ask: “And why didn’t I intention directly to embody in Sun 3 as a son of Milutín?” Maybe that is also part of the Chess game. Milutin loved me as if I were his own son, but in the same time, he saw me like a sign of God; for that reason he abandoned the military career, for that reason he made the vows as a priest of the Serbian Orthodox Church. He told Mother, my foster mother that he had found me in the fields. Obviously, the same thing was said to the doctor. That is to say for Mom I was always a terrestrial boy. But I really had a prodigious memory; I learned several languages, I liked to investigate a lot, I read texts in several languages, but above all things, I wondered about the meaning of life, what the world was, what mission I had brought. As a 10% incarnated, I ignored that I had come from another world. When I turned six years old, father, in one of his strolls told me in a simple language with simple, but concrete words who I was, prefixing to all sentences that he loved me so deeply, in a so deep way that his own life was inferior to the love he felt for me. My answer was: – Father, I feel the same thing for you and for mother. I love you both in a deep way. I was growing. At home I assembled and I dismantled things, I liked to investigate all that was mechanical and while I grew up I had so much dedication to the study that I ended up neglecting my physical part, there were nights that I slept four or five hours. I weakened, I weakened a lot. I contracted malaria, I had higher temperature, I was two times on the edge of death, two times… My father Milutin worried so much, and he saw that I liked engineering, but he knew that it required years of intense studies and a strong discipline and he was afraid that I weakened even more. And he told me: – Son, maybe as well as you were a sign for me, maybe today, God, with your weakness, sends me a sign so that you take the habits and be a priest. -No, father, I believe that my mission goes on the other way and this does not fail to deserve the Love that I feel for the Father, for the Creator. I studied the career of engineering at the Higher Real Gymnasium in Croatia, I was devoted to electric experimentation, in three years I finished successfully the career that usually ended up demanding four or five years in the best of the cases. But it was my future, a future that I was writing. When I finished my studies, both of my parents agreed and they manifested me that I was so demanding with myself and they asked me to make a religious career, it didn’t matter the engineer’s title. I contracted cholera, I was once again, for the third time on the edge of death and in that moment I received the call to serve in the army. My father Milutin was very bad psychically. He was thinking “If my son survives cholera he will be enroled in the army”. He would make the impossible so that I continue a religious career. At times my tone scale lowered, I felt very badly, I hardly had strength to get up of my bed, I was even with bad temper, it was as if something was taking me out of the traced plans that I didn’t know in fact, what my spiritual part had traced, but as I had certain instinct. My father saw me so bad that he told me: – Do you want to study electrical engineering? Do it, Do it! Please. he sent me to a rest place so that I could recover. The green, the trees, the fresh air. And Milutin, since he had some friends left in the Force, he used his influences to avoid that I make the military service. I recovered from my health problems and I was devoted completely to my work. I was attracted to all that was related to the electric topic because I knew that electricity was not the present, but the future and that thanks to electricity, I could achieve many things, many things. In the end I have a presentiment that cables were not necessary and wires were not necessary that messages could be transmitted at distance and that I should invent those apparatuses because deep down, I had the notion of how to do it and my inventions will revolutionize the future of the planet Earth. And sometimes the plans, like the Chess moves, are completed, because this Serbian young man, who in fact was found there by Milutin and registered the 10th day of July, 1856 changed with his inventions the planet Earth. When I disembodied on January 7, 1943, it was like I was left with eagerness of more. I wanted to continue with my mission of helping. Three and a half years later I embodied again, at this time I am incarnated and also fulfilling mission. Now, I’ll leave and I will continue narrating details of the things that I have invented. You can tell me, Tera-El, plane 5, sublevel 9. Dear Brothers, I send you all my Light. Until another moment. SESSION 24/FEB/2010 Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin. Entity that came to dialogue: Tera-El, thetan or 90% of Nikola Tesla Tera-El: Dear Brothers, I am again gathered with you to transmit a new message and aspects of my previous life. I have been known with the conceptual name of Tera-El. My father had baptized me as Nikola, he had written my date of birth in 1856 and I was growing. As I said in a previous session, I had several illnesses: malaria, cholera, I was on the edge of death; very few supposed that my physique didn’t have the antibodies to counteract bacterias and virus of Sun 3. I am not going to make in this session a detailed biography of my life year per year, time after time; I will comment aspects of what I have designed, of what is known, of what is unknown and formulas of great minds of the XX century, like Albert Einstein, with whom I did not agree on many theories developed. Let’s start from the base that I made sketches about ray guns that fire energy rays, nothing to do with what you have developed later on and what you call laser weapons, I was talking about another type of energy, which is very difficult to transmit to this vessel’s decoder at this time. being that it is a very kindred decoder, very, very kindred, but he doesn’t have the knowledge and if he doesn’t have the knowledge, I cannot transmit to him exactly the type of energy. I can only say that there were microwave weapons in my depictions, special waves – that could even provoke problems of deafness, sicknesses, vertigo and even more serious problems, problems where even the human being could lose his psychomotor function, ultrasound weapons, electromagnetic weapons with potentiated electromagnetism. Many of those sketches, way before my death, I have destroyed them because I understood that this civilization was not prepared to have those weapons. I continued developing energy fields to shield flying machines in such way that even a bomb would not have any effect on that shields. Those sketches have not been destroyed and I know that after my death, in 1943, many of my inventions that were not put into practice were kept top secret. There was a great man in the antiquity, called Socrates who had created a method called Maieutics. What Maieutics made, was that young students think by themselves. Instead of the traditional teaching where you have twenty students in their desks and you explain to them a certain lesson, Socrates made them think. I would like all of you to think and that you use common sense. Let’s begin with the formula that revolutionized the XX century: (E=m*c2). This means that the mass is equivalent to the energy as long as it was taken to the square of the speed of light, something impracticable – according to Einstein – since all mass that arrives to the speed of light would become infinite. The brother Morganel said in more than one opportunity: “Speed of light related to what? With regard to a fixed point in the universe? More than that speed it cannot pass?”. It was already said that if with a flashlight which is pointing to the right, and another flashlight pointing to the left, both flashlight with their beams of light, theoretically, those beams would be moving away from each other at a speed of 600.000 kilometers per second. Einstein’s theory says that it is not like that, he invalidates that concept. Therefore he invalidates that opposed galaxies of this Creation move away from each other at more than 300.000 kilometers per second. Of course that they separate from each other at more than that speed, of course they do. But let’s go back to the formula. The 10% of Morganel had met with a granite wall, a wall that was not put by himself, but it was put by several mathematicians of the physical plane. The 10% of Morganel explained how we take the speed of light from the square, because it is not the same thing kilometers per second and miles per second. Obviously, we, in the superluminous planes, don’t depend on numbers, on figures, miles or kilometers, directly we conceptualize the speed of light; we leave aside in that moment if it is in miles per second or in kilometers per second because it would not give the same thing squared, but that is not our problem or a problem of the universe. That is the problem of the embodied human being in Sun 3, who drowns himself in his own numbers, he hangs himself in his own numbers, he sinks in his own numbers. If E= m*c2, we know that beyond the speed of light – in vibration, not in displacement, – we reach a non physical plane, which is a superluminous plane. Then, if E=m*c2, what energy are we talking about? because the light itself is already energy, electricity itself is energy; we are speaking of superluminous energy, we are speaking of an energy unnoticeable for the physical instruments. E=m*c2 takes (m) to become into a supraphysical energy. Therefore, the theory of relativity based in that formula is inconsistent in its explanation. I know that you depend on a mental decoder. The decoder is not instantaneous like our conceptual thought, but rather your neurons have to make an interconnection among axons. Think about it, think about it calmly. Take a piece of paper, grab a pencil, do the numbers and you will see. E = m * c2: Reveals a mass (m) that transforms into a supraphysical Energy (E). Think about it, think about it. Before I leave, I will comment that there is a function of the cerebellum that you still ignore. You already know because of the many messages in the last decade and a half – that the cerebral amygdala is the lodging of the reactive mind, the impulses, of the basic instincts, and that the cortex is where the abstract thinking is, where the analytical mind is. The cerebellum, independently of the functions that neurologists describe well, it completes the function of connecting the complete decoder or complete brain with the spiritual concept. That cerebellum has a connection with the auditory system; then, when we speak of a real mediumship, in many cases the auditory system of the medium who is channeling is at risk. I know that I have repeated many aspects and perhaps you would have preferred that I narrate part of my previous life as Nikola, but it was very important that I reveal this to you because there are many formulas that have to be changed in the future. And we know that your scientists are not silly, they are clever, and sometimes they take the nail in fire before they drown, they prefer to burn their hands and to grab the nail, in this case, the nail in fire is an information taken from non official sources. They are clever, but they are arrogant, then, it is almost impossible that they recognize their primordial sources. Their childish whims prevents them to recognize, to realize that a world exists beyond the one they perceive, a superluminous world that a written formula a long time ago- according to your physical life- already revealed, the supraphysical world. And the ironic or paradoxical is that its own creator didn’t grasp that concept. I send you all my Light. With you, you can call me Tera-El. SESSION 22/MAR/2010 Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin. Interlocutor: Karina Entity that came to dialogue: Tera-El, thetan of who was Nikola Tesla Karina: Welcome. Tera-El: Dear sister, my name is Tera-El, I am in the plane 5 sublevel 9 and I will narrate some of my experiences from when I embodied as Nikola Tesla. Karina: It is a pleasure to have you here among us. Tera-El: The pleasure is really mine and you, as Interlocutor are valuable, since your 90% is an angelic entity and as Tera-El I am truly very kindred to Kar-El. Karina: Thank you, before you begin, I want to ask you a question, Are you embodied at this time in some 10% of this universe? Tera-El: Yes, at this time I am incarnated, but it is a topic that I won’t talk about for the moment… Karina: Can you tell me at least in which year were you born? Tera-El: Yes, I was born in 1946. I want to comment what happened in that opportunity. The new century was being celebrated at the beginning of the 1900 and I told to those colleagues who wanted to listen to me that one year was yet to finish so that the century begins on January first 1901. I had many acquaintances that listened to my humble chats, I always liked it, Not the solitude!!!, but it was like I didn’t feel completely understood by the society of that time, I even collaborated with some scientists that felt envy and certain rejection for my way of being (I say this with total humility and zero vanity) because they were even afraid that I could surpass them. It was like they were competing all the time, and to me, I was interested in research, to investigate, to investigate, I loved the topic of electricity. But it had crossed my mind (that surely something was dictating it to me). You know as Interlocutor that the Absolute manifested himself in this Creation don’t you? Karina: Yes. Tera-El: You know that the Absolute is an Energy… and although he only manifested himself in a 10%, He is a Supreme Energy. I, as Nikola, as incarnated part, understood that if the universe was the manifestation of God, It had to be a remaining Energy, a hidden Energy, a non-perceived energy of God. In semi-dreams, in semi-dreams, in the same way that one day something dictated me (this was later on) that the formula of the Einstein’s theory of Relativity was incomplete. At the beginning of 1901 I understood that I could assemble a machine to grab the energy of the universe. Today, more than one century later (in this planet), it’s known that in the universe there are different types of energies. Karina: You, as a thetan, no longer as Nikola Tesla, but as a thetan, I presume that you must have a bigger knowledge than the knowledge you had being incarnated. Can you tell us some revelation or an amplification of your discoveries? Tera-El: Look, exactly in that life in 1901, I put together numerous sketches, even reaching a drawing where in a notebook I had countless mathematical formulas of how to design an artifact, with special coils, where I could channel the Creator’s energy, but I went further on, not only to channel it, but also redirect it!!!. We are speaking of a trillionth of a trillionth part of that energy, or else you will misunderstand as though it’s possible to channel the Creator’s total energy, no, no, no, no!!!, an infinitesimal part of that energy and it is redirected in an energy tube… Karina: With what purpose? Tera-El: With the purpose to create an electric field, and that electric field redirected inside that creative energy in order to be spread in the whole planet the wireless electricity, obviously that became public, Not that I could channel the energy of the Absolute, but that I could achieve the wireless electricity. But obviously there was a boycott… There were factories that were trading with copper, and if I was able to achieve that invention, these companies were going to be in bankruptcy. Then it was easier for them to discredit me. Thomas Edison himself had an antagonistic feeling towards me, and I didn’t compete with him, not at all!!!. Marconi himself has taken out “14 of my investigations” and then he “patented” an instrument that was going to change in that moment the transmission in the planet and during decades, he appeared as the author of my invention. What I want to say, dear Interlocutor, is that I was able to give shape in different outlines that energy of the Absolute, which was useful to me and to the whole world, not only to spread wireless electricity, but also to transmit waves, to condense that energy in such power that it could sweep hundreds of airplanes in the air with a triggering device, but that gave me fear, because I didn’t know in what hands this invention could fall into. A ray that others, not me, called “the Death Ray.” There is more…, I could use that energy of the Absolute, which is an energy that up until now they have not been able to grab, in order to create an “energy shield”, like the energy there is in other worlds, like in the ship in which my mother brought me, an armored shield that can even resist nuclear explosions!!! Karina: What do you think we can do to protect the world from its own inhabitants?, in fact, it is the human being the one that attempts against the life on the planet Earth. Tera-El: Sure that escapes from Nikola Tesla, because in my current incarnation I can’t do it either, I cannot change the world. Karina: But Do you think that that energy could be used at the moment… for… Tera-El: For the good? Karina: To change, to extend the life of our planet. Tera-El: No, look…, if you seek information about my previous life, you would see that there is an infinity of inventions that they attributed to me and there are inventions that most of the people ignore, like the energy shield, they ignore it completely; I am speaking of the true energy shield, an energy shield that can protect inter-space or inter-stellar ships. Thanks to that Energy of the Absolute, I have been able to create a radar that could detect certain holes in the “space continuum” that could have been used in inter-stellar trips. Karina: What do you think about teleportation? Tera-El: I achieved Teleportation, I achieved it, at the end of the XIX century, I achieved it. All the formulas, books, blueprints, everything that they didn’t destroy, was kept secretly. Karina: In whose hands this material is? Tera-El: The country of the North has that material, in United States of America they have the whole material. You notice that… Karina: Excuse me… the American government or some specific group? Tera-El: No, no, no, directly the government has it, but they have it distributed in several facilities. The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) was the first one that took my things. I always had a precarious health, malaria, cholera, but it was because of my body, since I had not been born here (in that life), my defenses were not prepared. If you saw me in my last years, I was practically bones and skin, I didn’t eat, I kept my lucidity intact, but practically all my pictures were took at a young age. Some have been hidden, when I was 50 or 60 years old, some have been altered, but almost nobody knows the last pictures they took from me. You would get truly scared if you saw my picture, practically after the 40s of the XX century. And one feels… with that whole intelligence to apply, in a body that doesn’t respond, in hands that hurt when clenched, where they have to hold my arm so that I could walk!!!, and they looked at me with… -Well Mister Tesla, take a seat – but I bother them, I bother them, I have more things to say!!!, -Well, well, take it easy you will tell us – and I looked at them with my worn out eyes and told them: – but what, you are ignoring me, you are not paying attention to me, you are not paying attention. I’m not speaking of X rays, which is my discovery, I am speaking of a special ray which is far superior, because it is an energy ray that can visualize the human body, even beyond that Nuclear magnetic resonance. …And they didn’t pay attention, and I disembodied before being able to write it down to the paper!!!, Then, it was as if I had an unfinished issue. In my current incarnation, although he is doing so much, he is in another topic, but I want you to know that I have been able to “condense” the energy of the Absolute. Karina: Under the same normal physical conditions? Tera-El: I explain it in this way…, a spirit, a spirit, is two things at the same time, energy and concept, Do you follow me? Karina: Yes. Tera-El: But at the same time it is a single thing, it is conceptual energy!!! Karina: We agree. Tera-El: But they can be separated. The one that you call God, Father or I call the Absolute, He is conceptual energy. Obviously, je, je, 10% the size of the universe, but leaving aside his Supreme concept that He is Everything, in this Creation, He is at least, also energy, and that energy. why would not that energy be channeled in the same way that this vessel can channel an entity? Why wouldn’t we channel with an artifact that Energy? There are other energies in the universe that belong to the Absolute, the dark energy, the dark matter, but it is also an energy, everything is energy, but intangible (so that we understand each other) energy is the “Energy of the Absolute” . And through that energy so many things could be made that have not been carried out, many created interests, many created interests!!! That is what I wanted to transmit, dear sister, and now with all my Love and with all my light, I’ll leave. Karina: But, Can we talk again in another moment? Tera-El: Don’t have any doubt, don’t have any doubt that it will be this way, Dear Kar-El, see you later and I send all my Light!!! Karina: See you later.
15 nov. 2021
All About Wireless Electricity
10 jul. · 15 weergaven
Wireless electricity was first demonstrated in 1899. Why has it taken 119 years to be approved for commercial use? Watch more: http://bit.ly/320m6qH
24 sep. 2019 · 7,3 mln. weergaven
All About Wireless Electricity
10 jul. · 15 weergaven
Wireless electricity transmission circuit
7 feb. 2018 · 15 d. weergaven
spark Plug to 220V Free Wireless electricity generated
13 nov. 2022 · 36 d. weergaven
How to make wireless power transmission system ⚡ || Wireless electricity project || 100% Working
21 feb. · 650 weergaven
Wireless electricity was first demonstrated in 1899. Why has it taken 119 years to be approved for commercial use? Watch more: http://bit.ly/2Bnq8vp
23 jan. 2018 · 7,3 mln. weergaven
Tesla, Wireless Electricity, Free Energy, Radio, Lost Inventions, Science, Experiments, The Missing Secrets 10/14/15 Coast to Coast Alien Encounters ☕ http://www.387911.com Tesla Free Energy Generator and the Secret revealed C2CAM Coast to Coast AM Full Radio Shows! – be a Coast Insider!! Saturday Jun. 28, 2014 Tesla invented alternating current and along with it discovered that every wire conducting electricity also produces a magnetic field (called the Right-hand Rule), Pawluk continued. He speculated that Tesla may have stumbled upon the healing effects of electromagnetism by accident, perhaps feeling better after working on some of the coils he is most famous for creating. ✔ http://www.coasttocoastam.com Nikola Tesla ★ Free energy AC Motor Radio Tesla Coil Wireless Electricity ♦ The Mysterious Tesla YouTube Playlist ☕ http://goo.gl/asJzu6 Nikola Tesla Free Energy Why did the US Government, the CIA and The Patent Office try to cover up all the great work of Tesla? Was he the greatest genius of all time The modern world is not ready Tesla’s secrets, which potentially would destroy the fundamental axis of the worlds corrupt systems… based on slavery and fiat currencies! Zero Point Energy Tesla’s ideas involving ‘free wireless energy for all’ and ‘zero point energy’ would at best create a world society that would have no use for ‘nuke power, coal power, oil, solar, wind, etc…’ Tesla Free Energy Humans would only require organically grown foods along with these technologies and could have prevented the horrid DNA damage already done to all earth species. This is why we today praise the mass murdering Einstein who is responsible for more human deaths then any other single person; instead of Tesla who created the technologies that became the triumphs of this modern age like AC electric, 3 phase electric motor, radio, cell phones, inductance coils, to name a small fraction of his huge gift to all. Unlimited Energy Keep in mind that the gifts Tesla gave us have made us the ‘first world’ and still millions live without these advantages and are stuck in the third world. Cold Fusion Energy Lost Lightning: The Missing Secrets of Nikola Tesla Nicola Tesla claimed he could provide free, unlimited energy to the world. Free Energy Suppression Nikola Tesla was a world-renowned Serbian-American inventor, physicist, mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer. Tesla is regarded as one of the most important inventors in history. ✔ http://www.freespiritproductions.com/ ✔ http://www.tewari.org ✔ http://www.lutec.com.au/ ✔ http://www.calphysics.org/zpe.html ✔ http://en.wikipedia.org Free Energy Zero Point We live in a vast sea of energy. Everything, every atom, every subatomic particle is in constant motion, spinning eternally. Even in the cold, dark absolute vacuum of empty space, there exists what new physics is calling the quantum vacuum flux; it is the ether of the ancients, the life force energy of metaphysics; are the random fluctuations of this vast field of potential in which space and time are embedded. Nikola Tesla Cold Fusion If we continue on the course of rapidly burning fossil fuels and relying on nuclear fission, the future of our civilization is in grave jeopardy. униполярный двð% униполярный двð%b Nikola Tesla Cold Fusion Unlimited Power Secrets – Free Energy ★ Suggested / Related Videos: Zero Point Volume II – “The Structure of Infinity” http://goo.gl/5Cinhw Focus Fusion: The Fastest Route to Cheap, Clean Energy http://goo.gl/Wg64FC The German Tesla Anti-Gravity and Free Energy Program (William Lyne) http://goo.gl/lT8DU8 Tesla Free Energy Generator and The Secret Revealed http://goo.gl/C1AHGF Cold Fusion experiment . http://goo.gl/3PJwtm The Reality of Free Energy & Free Energy Devices http://goo.gl/GpxFvN Rediscovery of Lost Secret of Moray Radiant Energy Systtem http://goo.gl/R4cNqN ★ Post comments or questions, share, like and subscribe! ★ Best Science, Discovery and History Channel – my opinion ★ http://www.387911.com ✦ Best UFO Videos ★ http://www.breakingnewsfox.com ✦ Best Alternative News ★ Facebook ✦ https://goo.gl/Hp0bdX Nikola Tesla Free Energy YouTube
15 okt. 2015 · 1,3 d. weergaven
Wireless electricity was first demonstrated in 1899. Why has it taken 119 years to be approved for commercial use? Watch more: http://bit.ly/2Bnq8vp
21 apr. 2020 · 7,3 mln. weergaven
All About Wireless Electricity
10 jul. · 15 weergaven
NZ Launches World-First Long Range Wireless Power Transmission: Kiwi start-up EMROD has developed the world’s first long-range, high-power, wireless power transmission as an alternative to existing copper line technology. The Emrod technology works by utilising electromagnetic waves to safely and efficiently transmit energy wirelessly over vast distances. The prototype received some government funding and was designed and built in Auckland in cooperation with Callaghan Innovation. OffGridEnergy.
14 sep. 2020 · 48 weergaven
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23 apr. · 110 weergaven
2 – Circuit Using CD 4013 Ic, Touch On off switch, Wireless Electricity ⚡ Tester & Dual Led Flasher🚨, Flip-Flop Circuit 👇, #cd4013, #electronics , #science , #technology , #Experiment , #diy, #ideas, #howtomake, #repair , #recycle , #reuse, #inventor, #invention , #creative , #led, #ledflasher , #flipflops , #circuit , #diagram, #reels, #reelsvideos,
21 aug. · 1,4 d. weergaven
All About Wireless Electricity
10 jul. · 15 weergaven
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20 aug. 2022 · 19 d. weergaven
Wireless Magnet Free Energy Device Signals Electricity Generator New Idea
13 jul. 2022 · 337 d. weergaven
12 okt. 2018 · 27 weergaven
Can you imagine wireless electricity ?? it’s just amazing , think about the possibilities , we won’t need cables or these hideous wires any more !!!
29 apr. 2011
Wireless Electricity… A new upcoming technology….
27 mrt. 2014 · 3 weergaven
Electricity transmitted wire-lessly – Amazing
8 sep. 2009
Want to learn more about secrets and coverups? For the rest of the weekend we’ll be curating some of Gaia’s best shows for anyone to watch on GaiaStream. Today you’ll find more research on suppressed technology and hidden discoveries. Watch GaiaStream: http://bit.ly/2sJQDMV
6 dec. 2019 · 7,3 mln. weergaven
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13 sep. 2020 · 24 weergaven
New Zealand developed wireless electricity. #yasyntek #electricity #science #fisci #sciencemedicine #entertainmentinscience
10 sep. 2020 · 348 weergaven
Wireless Headphone Warnings? | Fact or Fiction? Instagram: @drpompa http://bit.ly/2Oyhx4O ElectroSmog Meter: https://amzn.to/2ZoVqhE Greenwave Dirty Electricity Filters: https://amzn.to/323dU8Z
395 d. weergaven · Was live
Wireless Electricity Concept; WiTricity is an American engineering company that manufactures devices for wireless energy transfer using resonant energy transfer based on oscillating magnetic fields. #TED #WiTricity
29 jul. 2016 · 3 weergaven
Wireless electricity was first demonstrated in 1899. Why has it taken 119 years to be approved for commercial use? Watch more: http://bit.ly/2Bnq8vp
26 mrt. 2020 · 7,3 mln. weergaven
Demonstration of Wireless electricity
8 dec. 2016 · 4,2 d. weergaven
Before Electricity, wireless flat iron was around. #trendingvideo #trendingpost #viralpost #electricity #electricflatiron #flatiron #charcoalflatiron #fypシ゚ #funnymemes #wirelessflatiron #wireless
9 aug. · 79 weergaven
Wireless Electricity: The secrets hidden in the pyramids of Egypt [HQ].
30 sep. 2011 · 20 weergaven
DIY Wireless Electricity Detector
25 nov. 2018 · 259 d. weergaven
Wireless Electricity_ a Simple Experiment
12 okt. 2015 · 37 weergaven
How To Make Wireless Electricity Using Copper Wire. #WirelessElectricity #howtomake
18 aug. 2019 · 375 weergaven
Wireless free energy generator device for light bulb free electricity
10 feb. · 23 d. weergaven
2 Ways to Make Wireless Electricity Detector
17 apr. 2020 · 137 d. weergaven
Wireless Electricity is in Russia, Europe, United Arab Emirates, and is soon coming to America. Nikola Tesla would love this invention. 🙂 It sure is funny how the Government can use it… but they won’t the people use it… Maybe they afraid people might start using FREE electricity.
1 dec. 2021 · 25 weergaven
What is the concept behind wireless electricity? http://www.multiworldknowledge.com/2018/09/26/what-is-the-concept-behind-wireless-electricity/
26 sep. 2018 · 11 d. weergaven
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14 mei 2020 · 280 weergaven
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10 nov. 2017 · 152 weergaven
Tesla, Wireless Electricity, Free Energy, Radio, Lost Inventions, Science, Experiments, The Missing Secrets Science and Technology research info: Tesla Free Energy Generator and the Secret revealed Zero Point Volume II – “The Structure of Infinity” 🎥 http://goo.gl/5Cinhw Focus Fusion: The Fastest Route to Cheap, Clean Energy 🎥 http://goo.gl/Wg64FC The German Tesla Anti-Gravity and Free Energy Program (William Lyne) 🎥 http://goo.gl/lT8DU8 Tesla Free Energy Generator and The Secret Revealed 🎥 http://goo.gl/C1AHGF Cold Fusion experiment . 🎥 http://goo.gl/3PJwtm C2CAM Coast to Coast AM Full Radio Shows! – be a Coast Insider!! Saturday Jun. 28, 2014 Tesla invented alternating current and along with the magnetic field (called the Right-hand Rule). He speculated Tesla stumbled upon the healing effects of electromagnetism, perhaps after working on the coils he is famous for creating. Nikola Tesla ⚡ Free Energy Wireless Electricity Experiments Lost Inventions 👽 the Mysterious Tesla YouTube Playlist ☕ http://goo.gl/asJzu6 Nikola Tesla Free Energy Why did the US Government, the CIA and The Patent Office try to cover up all the great work of Tesla? Was he the greatest genius of all time Tesla’s secrets would destroy the fundamental axis of the worlds corrupt systems based on slavery and fiat currencies! Zero Point Energy Tesla’s ideas involving ‘free wireless energy for all’ and ‘zero point energy’ would at best create a world society that would have no use for ‘nuke power, coal power, oil, solar, wind, etc…’ Tesla Free Energy Humans would only require organically grown foods along with these technologies and could have prevented the horrid DNA damage already done to all earth species. This is why we today praise the mass murdering Einstein who is responsible for more human deaths then any other single person; instead of Tesla who created the technologies that became the triumphs of this modern age like AC electric, 3 phase electric motor, radio, cell phones, inductance coils, to name a small fraction of his huge gift to all. Unlimited Energy Keep in mind that the gifts Tesla gave us have made us the ‘first world’ and still millions live without these advantages and are stuck in the third world. Cold Fusion Energy Lost Lightning: The Missing Secrets of Nikola Tesla Nicola Tesla claimed he could provide free, unlimited energy to the world. Free Energy Suppression Nikola Tesla was a world-renowned Serbian-American inventor, physicist, mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer. Tesla is regarded as one of the most important inventors in history. ✔ http://www.freespiritproductions.com/ ✔ http://www.tewari.org ✔ http://www.lutec.com.au/ ✔ http://www.calphysics.org/zpe.html ✔ http://en.wikipedia.org Free Energy Zero Point We live in a vast sea of energy. Everything, every atom, every subatomic particle is in constant motion, spinning eternally. Even in the cold, dark absolute vacuum of empty space, there exists what new physics is calling the quantum vacuum flux; it is the ether of the ancients, the life force energy of metaphysics; are the random fluctuations of this vast field of potential in which space and time are embedded. Nikola Tesla Cold Fusion If we continue on the course of rapidly burning fossil fuels and relying on nuclear fission, the future of our civilization is in grave jeopardy. униполярный двð% униполярный двð%b Nikola Tesla Cold Fusion Unlimited Power Secrets – Free Energy The Reality of Free Energy & Free Energy Devices http://goo.gl/GpxFvN Rediscovery of Lost Secret of Moray Radiant Energy Systtem http://goo.gl/R4cNqN ★ Post comments or questions, share, like and subscribe! ★ Best Science, Discovery and History Channel – my opinion ★ http://www.387911.com ✦ Best UFO Videos ★ http://www.breakingnewsfox.com ✦ Best Alternative News ★ Facebook ✦ https://goo.gl/Hp0bdX Nikola Tesla Free Energy YouTube
3 sep. 2016 · 255 weergaven
wireless electricity
11 jan. 2011 · 2 weergaven
Wireless electricity is approaching fast. Find out where we are at…
15 mei 2019 · 109 d. weergaven
Tesla Wireless Electricity (2009) (https://youtu.be/5qqYuM8HC5k Full Documentary 45min)
29 sep. 2016 · 337 weergaven
Wireless Free Energy Device using Electricity Generator _ New Science Project 2020
18 mei 2020 · 80 d. weergaven
Wireless electricity was first demonstrated in 1899. Why has it taken 119 years to be approved for commercial use? Watch more: https://cs-link.gaia.com/3tSE9wN
25 mrt. 2021 · 7,3 mln. weergaven
What if charging cords didn’t exist and every device was powered as soon you walked into a room? 🤔
9 mrt. 2019 · 539 d. weergaven
Check out our ZAP Wireless Power Extender Prototype. Pretty cool, huh? More here – https://nomorewir.es Feel free to share.
26 jun. 2018 · 19 d. weergaven
Wireless Free Energy Device Signals Electricity Generator New Ideas Projects
17 mrt. 2020 · 16 d. weergaven
Go wireless. Height of innovation!!
22 sep. 2020 · 22 weergaven
Could the Pyramids have been built to create wireless electricity?
31 mei 2018 · 11 d. weergaven
Wireless Electricity
9 nov. 2015 · 82 weergaven
Free Energy Generator 2020
12 okt. 2020 · 149 weergaven
How To Make A Fake Free Energy Device | Wireless Electricity Transmitter How to make: https://youtu.be/CtGD28YAag4
15 jul. 2019 · 11 d. weergaven
how to make a wireless energy device new experiment of transfer electricity #energy #Wireless
12 okt. 2021 · 11 d. weergaven
Wireless Electricity? well… Based on technologies associated with wireless transmission of energy, I have constructed a second test device which I have named The Sun Slayer. It is a bench-top, hard-lined unit, capable of AC wall socket input to allow me to experiment longer than with my portable, battery powered, unit called the Terran Wand… see previous video. Inspired by ideas such as the Tesla coil, the joule thief and the slayer circuits, I will be demonstrating the device briefly in this video using three different types of Fluorescent bulb. I constructed the device with very little components, most of which were sourced from a broken power supply. I used a 12V, 2A power module from a cheap security camera to drive the device and mounted all components on or within it. A long copper coil was wound around a paper towel roll as a secondary coil. The primary, was simply 2 turns of thicker wire. Power cycles through a relatively simple feedback circuit using a variable resistor and a Transistor. This creates a tunable modulated pulse system which creates magnetic fields between the two coils, winch are able to influence each other via feedback…. and with any luck, be in resonance with each other. The larger coil begins emitting electromagnetic waves. Infra Red, Radio waves, and so on pulse from the towering coil in a field encompassing it. All invisible to the human eye, but usually would be a spectacular interference bubble of waveforms. When a fluorescent bulb enters this pulsating field, gases within the tubes begin to fluoresce as visible light. This occurs as the RF waves etc begin to interact with the atoms in the gases, exciting their electrons to produce photons. The Transistor gets really really hot in this solid state pulse modulated circuit! So much so that I introduced a large external heat sink to distribute some of the energy! A simple light switch activates it, and the coil is tuned via the red dial of the variable resistor, allowing for further experimentation. The device demonstrates a relatively short range wireless energy transfer system which can be driven by surprisingly little power – even less than 9V! Besides the obvious heat loss, the coil to coil inductance is quite efficient, especially when compared to traditional transformer technology! I am investigating ways of using heat pumps to recover some of the lost energy and recycle it back into the circuit for even greater efficiency. Peltiers or thermo-couplers should work nicely… I have also ordered a new Oscilloscope so that I may further investigate the waveforms more closely, and will be constructing a larger unit using a PVC pipe and a 600W 60A power module to drive it. This should allow me to increase range considerably and allow for further investigations. Until then, I hope you enjoy this taste of the wonder that is Science and the Natural World. Forever in your service. Ken Killeen of Terran Sky www.facebook.com/My.Terran.Sky www.youtube.com/user/ProfessorKenny
11 apr. 2015 · 438 weergaven
Tesla, Wireless Electricity, Free Energy, Radio, Lost Inventions, Science, Experiments, The Missing Secrets 6/24/2016 Tesla Free Energy Generator and the Secret revealed Zero Point Volume II – “The Structure of Infinity” 🎥 http://goo.gl/5Cinhw Focus Fusion: The Fastest Route to Cheap, Clean Energy 🎥 http://goo.gl/Wg64FC The German Tesla Anti-Gravity and Free Energy Program (William Lyne) 🎥 http://goo.gl/lT8DU8 Tesla Free Energy Generator and The Secret Revealed 🎥 http://goo.gl/C1AHGF Cold Fusion experiment . 🎥 http://goo.gl/3PJwtm C2CAM Coast to Coast AM Full Radio Shows! – be a Coast Insider!! Saturday Jun. 28, 2014 Tesla invented alternating current and along with the magnetic field (called the Right-hand Rule). He speculated Tesla stumbled upon the healing effects of electromagnetism, perhaps after working on the coils he is famous for creating. Nikola Tesla ⚡ Free Energy Wireless Electricity Experiments Lost Inventions 👽 the Mysterious Tesla YouTube Playlist ☕ http://goo.gl/asJzu6 Nikola Tesla Free Energy Why did the US Government, the CIA and The Patent Office try to cover up all the great work of Tesla? Was he the greatest genius of all time Tesla’s secrets would destroy the fundamental axis of the worlds corrupt systems based on slavery and fiat currencies! Zero Point Energy Tesla’s ideas involving ‘free wireless energy for all’ and ‘zero point energy’ would at best create a world society that would have no use for ‘nuke power, coal power, oil, solar, wind, etc…’ Tesla Free Energy Humans would only require organically grown foods along with these technologies and could have prevented the horrid DNA damage already done to all earth species. This is why we today praise the mass murdering Einstein who is responsible for more human deaths then any other single person; instead of Tesla who created the technologies that became the triumphs of this modern age like AC electric, 3 phase electric motor, radio, cell phones, inductance coils, to name a small fraction of his huge gift to all. Unlimited Energy Keep in mind that the gifts Tesla gave us have made us the ‘first world’ and still millions live without these advantages and are stuck in the third world. Cold Fusion Energy Lost Lightning: The Missing Secrets of Nikola Tesla Nicola Tesla claimed he could provide free, unlimited energy to the world. Free Energy Suppression Nikola Tesla was a world-renowned Serbian-American inventor, physicist, mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer. Tesla is regarded as one of the most important inventors in history. ✔ http://www.freespiritproductions.com/ ✔ http://www.tewari.org ✔ http://www.lutec.com.au/ ✔ http://www.calphysics.org/zpe.html ✔ http://en.wikipedia.org Free Energy Zero Point We live in a vast sea of energy. Everything, every atom, every subatomic particle is in constant motion, spinning eternally. Even in the cold, dark absolute vacuum of empty space, there exists what new physics is calling the quantum vacuum flux; it is the ether of the ancients, the life force energy of metaphysics; are the random fluctuations of this vast field of potential in which space and time are embedded. Nikola Tesla Cold Fusion If we continue on the course of rapidly burning fossil fuels and relying on nuclear fission, the future of our civilization is in grave jeopardy. униполярный двð% униполярный двð%b Nikola Tesla Cold Fusion Unlimited Power Secrets – Free Energy The Reality of Free Energy & Free Energy Devices http://goo.gl/GpxFvN Rediscovery of Lost Secret of Moray Radiant Energy Systtem http://goo.gl/R4cNqN ★ Post comments or questions, share, like and subscribe! ★ Best Science, Discovery and History Channel – my opinion ★ http://www.387911.com ✦ Best UFO Videos ★ http://www.breakingnewsfox.com ✦ Best Alternative News ★ Facebook ✦ https://goo.gl/Hp0bdX Nikola Tesla Free Energy YouTube
26 aug. 2016 · 686 weergaven
22 jun. 2021 · 49 weergaven
Wireless Electricity New Invention – Science _
14 mrt. 2015 · 106 weergaven
Wireless electricity
9 okt. 2010
WiTricity: Wireless Electricity The Technology of Future. Complete Review in Urdu. #CYBER #ELECTRIC #MALL #Larkana
22 sep. 2021 · 1,1 d. weergaven
23 okt. 2020 · 98 weergaven
Wireless electricity was first demonstrated in 1899. Why has it taken 119 years to be approved for commercial use?
1 feb. 2018 · 14 d. weergaven
free energy electricity wireless for lights with magnets DIY science experiments 2020
13 sep. 2020 · 52 weergaven
A cool way to transmit electricity wirelessly
8 sep. 2009
Wireless Electricity! No More Plugs
6 jan. 2019 · 48 weergaven
Wireless Electricityv
15 apr. 2022 · 11 weergaven
without battery wireless electricity
4 jan. · 87 d. weergaven
What if charging cords didn’t exist and every device was powered as soon you walked into a room? 🤔 (via Seeker)
9 mrt. 2019 · 539 d. weergaven
Wireless Electricity Experiment
17 jan. 2016 · 858 weergaven
4 aug. 2021 · 4 weergaven
Wireless Electricity
9 mei 2022 · 96 d. weergaven
MIT’s breakthrough “WiTricity”. Wireless Electricity Demo…
9 sep. 2009 · 2 weergaven
Wireless electricity transferring.
1 jul. 2019 · 100 weergaven
Wireless Electricity | How to make Wireless Electricity Tesla Transmission Science Project & School Project. #Wireless #Electricity #WirelessElectricity #Tesla #Project #ScienceProject #SchoolProject #SarkariYojanaCrafts Wireless Electricity wireless electricity transmission wireless electricity tesla wireless electricity ppt wireless electricity project wireless electricity advantages wireless electricity adapter wireless electricity by nikola tesla wireless electricity benefits wireless electricity block diagram wireless electricity circuit diagram wireless electricity concept wireless electricity circuit wireless electricity detector wireless electricity diy wireless electricity diagram wireless electricity distance wireless electricity experiment wireless electricity examples wireless electricity for home wireless electricity future wireless electricity transmission grid wireless electricity how it works wireless electricity how the tesla coil works wireless electricity home wireless electricity in hindi wireless electricity inventor wireless electricity kit wireless electricity light bulb wireless electricity led wireless electricity light wireless electricity mini project wireless electricity nikola tesla wireless electricity networks wireless electricity of nikola tesla wireless transmission of electricity project wireless electricity quantum mechanics wireless electricity transfer project wireless electricity tesla concept wireless electricity using tesla coil wireless electricity uses wireless electricity using 2n2222 transistor wireless electricity video wireless electricity working wireless electricity without transistor wireless electricity wire wireless electricity youtube wireless electricity for your home tesla wireless electricity youtube wireless electricity transmission project wireless electricity transmission circuit diagram wireless electricity transmission by tesla wireless electricity transmission circuit wireless electricity transmission circuit project wireless power transmission experiment wireless power transmission how it works. Please Like, Share & Subscribe Our Youtube Channel Sarkari Yojana Crafts.
10 jun. 2019 · 553 weergaven
wireless charger, wireless electricity..
26 feb. · 2 weergaven
Tesla Tower Wireless Electricity, Milford Texas
7 jan. 2019 · 194 weergaven
What if charging cords didn’t exist and every device was powered as soon you walked into a room? 🤔
9 mrt. 2019 · 539 d. weergaven
Wireless Electricity Transmission Review made
26 dec. 2022 · 276 weergaven
Wireless free energy generator device for light bulb free electricity Click Here: https://youtu.be/RseNv-ghJ18
28 dec. 2020 · 23 d. weergaven
Wireless Transmission of Electricity Demonstration. DIY Project (Make a simple wireless power transmitter ) Science club activity project for school students. Read more [http://goo.gl/8UtYMf] www.paksc.org/doscience #DoScience
16 mrt. 2015 · 180 d. weergaven
Big respect to N.Tesla🤓
29 mei 2021 · 12 d. weergaven
Wireless Electricity 💡🔦 / Making Free Energy Light Bulb 💡 / Wireless Power Transfer System 100% Working #wireless #wirelesselectricity #FreeElectricity #freeenergy #bulb #power #transfers #facebookpost #FBVIDEO #fbviral #viral #viralvideo #InductionGenerator #DIYElectricity #MagneticGenerator #AlternativeEnergy #RenewableEnergy #OffGridLiving #PerpetualMotion #TeslaCoil #ElectricityFromThinAir #FreeEnergy #drscientist How to make wireless electricity power at home, How to make wireless power transfer system at home, How to make a tesla coil at home, How to make wireless power transmission, How to make wireless energy from tesla coil, How to make wireless electricity transmitter at home, How to make free electricity from induction heater, Wireless electricity transmission circuit, How to make wireless transmission charger at home, Free energy generator makes a wireless electricity
10 apr. · 108 weergaven
New Zealand became the first country in the world to successfully experiment with wireless electricity. #newzealand #viralvideo #only4u #knowledge #information #sciencechallenge #technology #engineering #energy #power
21 jul. 2022 · 266 weergaven
Do you need such accessories? https://www.utsource.net/ Meet your needs
27 feb. 2017 · 5,1 d. weergaven
wireless electricity tester #homemade #electrucity #electricitytester #tester #electronic #best #wireless_tester #wire #handcarft
2 aug. · 2 weergaven
EP 1: Wireless electricity transmission and communication in the 1900s Nikola Tesla’s dream of wireless communication and power transmission was promising. The Wardenclyffe Tower was supposed to be the key to realizing his vision but it was never finished due to unfavorable circumstances.
17 mrt. 2019 · 2 d. weergaven
Make your own mini Tesla Tower and surprise everyone. Video Link: https://youtu.be/1SF4KPqNK4c Materials & Tutorial: https://bit.ly/2A2vApA
15 dec. 2018 · 850 weergaven
Chris Tiu will teach us how to make wireless electricity using the Faraday’s Law of Induction and resonant inductive coupling. http://bit.ly/2eabTBJ
2 nov. 2016 · 430 weergaven
In this video you learn How to make Wireless Electricity Easily, How To Make WIRELESS ELECTRICITY SCIENCE PROJECT & Tesla Coil School Project Making Wireless Transmission. Quaries Solved:: 1) wireless electricity for home 2) how to make a simple wireless power transfer 3) wireless electricity project 4) how to make a tesla coil 5) wireless power transmission circuit diagram 6) Tesla coil Projects how to Make WIRELESS Electricity At home #TeslaCoil #Wireless #Electricity #ScienceProject #SchoolProject How to make Mini Fan With DC Motor And OTG Cable – https://youtu.be/iTFHO_nHBWs How to Make A WALKING ROBOT From DC Gear Motor – https://youtu.be/p4RVD8S35iQ How To Make A Spider Robot – https://youtu.be/GMWkAqqWt_k How to Make A DOOR ALARM Very Easy method – https://youtu.be/7YQ4rVf4QCs How to Make A Water Pump Using DC MOTOR – https://youtu.be/5ObzCAFLKmk How to Make A Vacuum Cleaner Using Bottle At Home – https://youtu.be/4l9uePaeAzQ How to make A Bubble Machine Homemade – https://youtu.be/LnhfUkASfAQ How to Make A Table Fan With DC Motor – https://youtu.be/fWymJ9YPK_o How to Make water Tank Overflow Alam At Home – https://youtu.be/UPyvKKu8E4A How to Make Solar Car Project With DC Gear Motor- https://youtu.be/CCGUWB3FT6Q Science Project Kite 100 Product in 1 Box – DC Motor, Free Energy, LED – School Project – https://youtu.be/kv8r3mjABEk School project Kite – https://amzn.to/2HbJbxA How to generate Free Energy Using Potato – https://youtu.be/jy-SFstDNWI Science Project kite 100 Product in 1 Box – https://youtu.be/o18ANmhKM2Y How to make A Fan Without Electricity – https://youtu.be/omowpgu3n9Q Solar Panel Unboxing – https://youtu.be/yNwzRnx52Tw Mini Solar Plate – https://youtu.be/pRHKltrd870 DC Motor 12 Volt – https://youtu.be/M4EvheS7TSc Electric 2019 Free Energy Generater 100% Self Running with DC Motor – https://youtu.be/qvRhYcuRS94 Free Energy Fan Homemade – https://youtu.be/oVym8JdeOO8 Mini Air Fan Cooler Unboxing – https://youtu.be/Q3lxsqZ0N08 Farrari Toy car Unboxing – https://youtu.be/hYUdx_RDYBc Lantern unboxing – https://youtu.be/avyjNBGI6K4 Electric Glue Gun Unboxing – https://youtu.be/S_hJhDhYLJk Thanks For Watching Please Share Back Video Subscribe To Our Channel #SakariYojanaCrafts Please follow social media.. FACEBOOK PAGE – https://www.facebook.com/SarkariYojanaCrafts/ Like, Share, Support, Subscribe!! About : Sarkari Yojana Crafts is a YouTube Channel, where you will find Cardboard Crafts, DIY Project, Ice Cream Sticks & Popsicle Sticks Amazing Tips Tricks,Free Energy Tips & Tricks Tutorial And How To Make Crafts Ideas Making Videos. New Video is Upload Everyday…
24 mei 2019 · 3,3 d. weergaven
How to make electricity wireless transemition step by step
26 dec. 2022 · 323 weergaven
Wireless Electricity for Light Bulb. Energy Transfer Secured by Adjusted Free Energy Generator For More Informations about #Free-Energy go our #free #energy #research #forum : http://www.overunity.com
7 okt. 2016 · 548 weergaven
2 mei 2016 · 5 weergaven
#IdeaWorks💡company is now offering high quality solar-powered electricity right at your doorstep. 🚪🪜#IdeaWorks provide different types of solar panels that enable its customers to avail solar electricity based on their preferences. 👌🏻☀️ So, if you are ready to have: ● Zero electric bill ● Free electricity ● No brownouts ● Wireless Electricity ● Be more environment-friendly ● Have a peaceful mind ● & A sense of freedom You can dm us your inquiries or contact us at (0918 512 7724)/ (0917 157 7672) & we would be glad to provide your needs. With IdeaWorks let us #LightTheWorld. 💡🔆🌎 ⚠️‼️Disclaimer: Music is not ours. It belongs to the rightful owner. No copyright infringment needed. https://youtu.be/DjeCP5HR878
26 jun. · 4 d. weergaven
How to make wireless power !! wireless electricity (science project explains in hindi) #wireless #POWER #MAKE #WIRELESSPOWER #electric #science #EXPALINS #EXPERMENTS #ITI #electrical
7 jan. · 4 weergaven
LOOK WHAT I BUILT!!! —————————– >> ladies and gentleman, I give you wireless electricity!<< In my quest to understand Energy (in all its magnificent incantations) my scientific explorations have brought me into the world of Resonance! A world of unspeakable elegance, endless discovery, intuitive premises, and limited collective insight! In this brief video segment, I will be demonstrating a small wand-like device which I have constructed, used to produce RF pulses at between 1-200 MHz (depending on my selection of transistors, resistors and coils). These high frequency pulses are capable of fluorescing a light-bulb and hence provide a function in wireless electricity technology! A simple short coil circuit is coupled to a long grounded coil. These circuits, although separate, are in communication loosely with each other through electromagnetic fields. When the short coil powered circuit initialises, an oscillation is established in the secondary coil of much greater voltage and significantly less amperage. Just like a transformer right? Well, not exactly…. Inductance Transformers operate through a tight connection in space and in a predictably linear fashion with significant loss in energy during power conversion. Traditionally, an alternating polarity from AC current causes a direct DC flow in the secondary coil. Efficiency is low. The circuits which I am tinkering with exploit Resonance. This is very important as producing power in the secondary coil this way is greatly more efficient- at around 85%!!! It is essentially a solid state Tesla coil (well, more or less), and is very similar to the joule thief and Slayer circuits available on-line. In fact this is where I drew my inspiration from! Using AC or Pulsed DC currents (and resistors etc), I am able to establish resonance in the secondary coil, which, is tuned (by design (coil length etc) or actively by variable components within the circuit) to cause the powered circuit to induce an oscillation within the long secondary coil -which is at its Resonance Frequency! Like blowing wind over the top of different sized bottles, each will require you to blow a specific way to make a harmonised note…. The wind needs to resonate with the vessel to do this, meaning that the waveform you produce as sound, aligns perfectly with the size of the bottle (or at least a multiple of it, i.e. its harmonics). It is much the same with electrons. They have a waveform and our coils have a volume for it to fill… it’s really just a matter of matching the pulses with the size of the coil, or bottle, or string, or flute and so on. Also, like a child on a swing, you can’t simply push randomly at different strengths and different time intervals! The child would simply jostle about an arc rather clumsily! Instead we time each push so that the child gets higher and higher. So period, and energy input are important to Resonance. And we resonate things every day! When we do this with an instrument, we get sound wave. When I do it with coils, we can access a whole lot more of the spectrum! In fact, the higher the voltage the more crazy emissions you can produce! This small coil in my video only produces around radio frequency levels, but higher voltages can start creating spectacular spark gaps and even become capable of emitting X-rays and microwaves etc! Strange things happen when you resonate AC at really high voltages at low current! Giving us new insight into electricity, magnetism, power generation, distribution and transmission. As well as diagnostics, weaponry, telemetry, fabrication, propulsion, defence, disease treatment! The possibilities are limited by nothing but imagination! Back to the circuits…. The system is even more special due to its self regulating properties, inherent again within the design of the circuit… When first initialised, nothing much occurs, but after a few seconds the mismatched destructive waves begin to harmonise with each-other in both coils. Remember, the coils are in direct communication through their respective fields!… this allows them to “talk to each-other”, or more accurately, influence and regulate each-other via feedback! So only after a short time active, the two circuits begin to harmonise and reinforce each-other… They Resonate! 🙂 A self oscillating; self sustaining loop! There is so much to be studied and so much to be applied with technologies like this! We are literally infants leaving our crib. At the shoreline of another important development for the future of our species! The age of ENERGY. I will keep up my research and post anything I can find as usual… For one day, some one out there will see my work and take it just a little bit further.. then another and another…. until I get my utopia…. my world of dreams that I will not be alive to witness. I will keep investigating Energy, not because I am qualified too (indeed, quite the opposite as a biochemist)… but because it’s a need! A priority! It threatens Life (biochemistry)! It’s a final hand for our species lest we tackle the energy crisis! And even though I am probably the worst man for the job, It is still my duty as a scientist not just to explain the world around me, but identify its problems … and then, solve them! Take anything I post here on Terran Sky- if you can use it to make this world a better place. Take it not for profit, but for mankind! For the Terrans! For Earth and all that dwells upon it! I will hold hope close, as its light is all we have for now. Until we get this right! Until then, it’s up to you. The ball is in your court. By Ken Killeen of Terran Sky www.facebook.com/My.Terran.Sky
7 apr. 2015 · 936 weergaven
Wireless Transfer Of Electricity Demo Tested Successfully….
7 jan. 2016 · 213 weergaven
Wireless electricity tester
31 dec. 2022 · 25 weergaven
Wireless Electricity transmission is a simple circuit to transmitt elcectricity wirlessly.
5 okt. 2016 · 178 weergaven
13 jun. 2017 · 139 weergaven
If #NikolaTesla got his way with wireless electricity, we probably wouldn’t have computers or any other electronics today. No radio, no internet, no JRE Podcast?! 😱 💊Try Onnit’s Alpha Brain For FREE 👉http://bit.ly/FreeOnnitTrial 💊 ————————————————— #joerogan #jre #joeroganexperience #boblazar #area51 #aliens #space
12 jul. 2019 · 18 d. weergaven
Demo of wireless electricity induction Join our STEM summer camp and learn how to make wireless electricity transmission system. Visit www.paksc.org/camp
19 mei 2016 · 16 d. weergaven
Introducing Wireless TV without Electricity, Wire and Remote control #news #bignews #brakingnews #wireless #wirelesstv #wirelesstechnology #tecnologia #Electricwire #remote #updatedtube #remotecontrol
9 jan. · 40 weergaven
Nikola Tesla story Nikola Tesla invented. X Ray Wireless communication and wireless control Electricity is alternating current (a.c) Internet Fluorescent light Earthquake machine Motor Dynamo in use AC generator Laser Tesla coil in use spark plug motorcycles cars and jet engine and many more. so many inventions it’s top secret US government covered in documents files……….
7 jan. 2018 · 79 weergaven
THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT 💡 WATCH: Jhentrix Castillo, a 17-year old incoming Grade 12 student of Abra High School, can power a light bulb using wireless electricity.
7 sep. 2021 · 31 d. weergaven
A mini project to show wireless electricity transmission prepared by class 9 Student ( Piyush Adhikari) #sasscience #departmentofscienceandtechnology
5 nov. 2022 · 1 d. weergaven

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