An article on the historical Atlantis Energy Grid and it’s cosmic energy know as “Wormwood.”

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  The historical Atlantis Energy Grid and it’s cosmic energy know as “Wormwood.” Wormwood is the This Christ Energy is now coming into it’s own after being seeded 2000 years ago. Also a discussion on the three great DNA past experiments and how they apply to Atlantis. The question of DNA – and the inter-racial difficulties it caused – was important in Atlantis, and this article attempts to show why, what the historical background was, and the context it gives us for today. There was more than one type of humanoid present during Atlantis. To understand how this came about, we have to look back further in time, at even earlier civilizations on this planet. The humanoid form is a design that has existed for eons of time, and over that time has been expressed in may different ways. To explain what is meant by this, we might take a house design as a metaphor. Its plans, elevations, levels, general layout, rooms, the pitch of the roof, etc. – all taken together – are what constitute that design. The expression of that design may be to build it from timber, bricks, metal sheets, mud and wattle – the end effect will be very different depending on the materials chosen, but it’s all the same fundamental design.

So it is with the humanoid form.

Over time, the same design has been expressed a number of different ways, using the best DNA that was then available, which in turn reflects different stages in the development of the physical planes of existence. Since Humanity has been in the phenomenon known as The Fall – from the time of Atlantis we have been moving steadily down through the frequencies – those who came before us now exist only at higher frequency levels, which, being largely out of sync with our own, are no longer a part of our general consciousness. What memories are left are now consigned to fairy stories and mythology. On planet Earth, there have been three great DNA experiments capable of expressing the humanoid design. The first was the reptilian, and we know that, prior to the domination by the planet of the Dinosaurs, the reptiles represented the major and most advanced DNA building block on the planet,


and many different reptilian forms resulted. The highest expression of the reptilian DNA was a humanoid, reptile-man, or Reptoids. They formed the first great civilization here, now completely lost to any recorded history. They were cold blooded, and therefore very temperature sensitive, although in a highly energized planetary environment, this probably mattered little. Compared to today’s human, they were almost devoid of emotion. The Dinosaurs, the second great experiment, were a much more sophisticated DNA form, and they were even more prolific, being the dominant DNA on Earth for 165 million years. Over time they developed to become warm blooded, allowing them to operate efficiently in a wide variety of ambient temperatures. A recent documentary on The Discovery Channel followed an interesting scientific detective story, as several professors in this field explored sites where dinosaur footprints and tracks – sometimes by the thousand – are to be found. What became evident was that there were no tail prints, which turns out to be highly significant. All our pictures of Dinosaurs, developed against images first proposed over 100 years ago, show large tails being dragged, lizard-like, over the ground, and these were shown to be incorrect. The facts drawn from imprints left on the ground, and re-constructions of the implied mechanics of walking, now appear to indicate that these tails were balancing devices, and as such, were held horizontally, and clear of the ground, leaving no trail. The documentary illustrated that, over time, one particular group of dinosaurs had become increasingly upright. The terrifying Terrano-saurus Rex is a good example, as its massively muscular front legs were far too short to be useful as legs. They were arms – T-Rex moved on two legs, and stood upright, as did many of the later dinosaurs. One professor in the documentary showed his conclusion of the logical pinnacle of the development of dinosaurs, in the form of a full scale model. It was a giant humanoid! So, a humanoid based on Dinosaur DNA – or a Dinoid – is now tentatively supported by the latest archaeological findings. Indeed, science is thus just beginning to support what the kids comic strip writers, and of the great science-fiction series, appear to have known for decades. There are a variety of humanoids that have developed in the past, based on the same basic design as our own, and making the highest use of the best DNA that was available when and where this happened. Thus, for example, the Cardassians from Star Trek are a Reptoids race, humanoid beings based on the reptilian DNA. The Klingons are a Dinoid race, humanoids based on the dinosaur DNA. The Dinoids were the second humanoid civilization, here on Earth, in pre-history. Like the Reptoids, they left and moved to colonize other places, long ago. How does this apply to Atlantis? Well, we are all, vaguely, aware that these complete civilizations have been here before our recorded – or even speculated – history. Indeed, they were! First the Reptoids, with their distinctly unfeeling, unemotional demeanor. Then the dinoids, who, being warm blooded, were far more like us. Both developed, ascended to higher frequencies, and left the planet. Both types, in their higher form, came back again, many, many times. There were many civilizations, spread around the cosmos, based on one or other of the two main DNA types, and there were almost certainly other DNA derivatives of the humanoid design, as well. Crustaceans, and Arachnid forms come to mind from the comic strips – perhaps these, too, represent some distant memory? The book “Two Thirds” records how the Alteans (who appear to have been a Dinoid race) traveled across two galaxies to settle on Mars, where they spent two hundred thousand years developing the new DNA from which the hu-man being – the third great DNA experiment on Earth – was to be created. Then, in just two generations they genetically engineered the native anthropoids to create the first true humans. They went on to observe, manage, and lead the new human race through hundreds of thousands of years as it started it’s long


developmental period. Notice the similarity between the names ‘Altean’ and ‘Atlantean’. The Dinoids were a far more developed humanoid type than the humans, since they had existed immeasurably longer. However, their DNA was ultimately less capable than the human DNA, so that their ultimate development could not go nearly as far as the full potential of the human being. They looked for ways to get around this restriction, and in particular, they did this energetically, developing a two layer soul structure. The first layer was not unlike ours. The second, a sort of soul-mantle, held many extraordinary faculties which, today, we are only just becoming cognoscente of. Using the power of this mantle, they could manifest into the physical, travel across time and dimensions, communicate telepathically, teleport and bi-locate. Although Earth had long since ceased to be the home for their civilizations, later, a small number of Dinoids were here for a long time as powerful leaders of the newer human beings. They lead Atlantis, and later were the Pharaoh’s of ancient Egypt. It is probable that there were Reptoids here, as well, at that time. Again, the book ‘Two Thirds’ is interesting, as it portrays the reptilian group, one of several civilizations from the Pleiades, and the Alteans (who were Dinoid) struggling for control of the galaxy. The role of the human, after a very tough time over many incarnations, is illustrated in the book as ‘the redemption of the Universe’, eventually being the mediators that bring all three humanoid types into harmony. Atlantis existed at a markedly higher frequency than our Earth civilizations of today. The frequency band in which they existed was around three times higher than ours, which means that, if an Atlantean at his correct frequency were to stand in front of us, today, we would be unable to see him. This has been caused by the continuing ‘Fall’ down the frequencies, over the intervening period. The whole Atlantean civilization was absolutely dependant for much of what it could do on the energy grid. Indeed, the grid itself might almost be called Atlantis, it was such an integral part of the whole Atlantean development and capability – both spiritual, and scientific. It would not be far fetched to say that Atlantis was BOTH the Atlantean civilization, and the great and vibrant energy grid on which it was based. Although Atlantis did, indeed, have a central city with large surrounding territories, parts of it’s civilization, attached to and fully utilizing the grid energies , were to be found as colonies, tapped into the energy grid all over the planet, perhaps explaining why, to this day, we are arguing about where it really was. There were many Atlantean colonies around the planet, so that, to a considerable degree, ALL the locational claims of the modern world may well be true. The grid was a whole system of inter-locking energy structures, that between them brought the twelve great rays – the energy building blocks of the Universe – onto the physical planet. These rays provide all that is needed to sustain a most abundant, long life for all physical life forms. Thus, Dinoids, Reptoids, and native humans alike, all drew on the energy grid, which was highly energized, for both sustenance – food as we know it was for pleasure, not survival – and to maintain themselves at this high frequency. The energy grid also interacted with the soul/mantle of the ruling Dinoids, giving them the energy for their greatly enhanced powers. Throughout the Universe, there had been great disquiet about the human experiment. Never had so many potential powers been packaged into one DNA form – the remarkable powers that the Dinoids had by virtue of their over soul were all built into the Human DNA, which, eventually, would have no need of the ‘over soul’ of the Dinoids. It was an even greater threat to have added the concept of complete free will and self determination to these latent powers, and the plan seemed to many to be foolish in the extreme. Consequently, the plan cased a split at every level across our Universe – the Elohim, the Melchizedek order, the Essenes, the Angelic realms – all were split over this plan. Indeed, it was the fundamental source of separation. This argument showed up in Atlantis in several ways. First, there was much genetic engineering on the humans, designed to slow down our development. The other groups knew that humans were designed to overtake them, and a breakaway group of the Melchizedek order (all Dinoid priests), in particular, were instrumental in trying to slow the human form down by substantially disabling their DNA. Reduced from twelve to two strands only. Interference with the reincarnation by erasing all knowledge between the life stages. Dinoids and the Reptoids also tried hard to graft the human DNA into themselves, to gain the benefits of the greatly enhanced DNA. Thus, stories about genetic experiments, some of which became very bizarre, are founded in the reality of the time. Secondly, and directly connected, there was a great deal of racial pressure and dominance, a phenomenon that was, at that time, quite new. The ruling Dinoids were painfully aware that, at some future time, the humans would become more powerful than them. They became very insecure about this, and it was one of the undermining factors that undermined what had once been a model of community relations, and lead inexorably towards the downfall of Atlantis. Ultimately though, the downfall of Atlantis was, in large part, to do with misuse of the great energy grid which was its key support tool, and kept Atlantis at a constant, high vibratory level. The grid energy was diverted to form very powerful weapons of war, which could – through the use of massive crystals as accumulators – deliver a blast of energy with an effect not unlike a modern nuclear weapon. Most of our deserts today are the result of use of this weapon in action taken against various groups around the planet. The deployment of this weapon caused many of the Earth’s tectonic plates to be damaged, and progressively ruptured, which was to give rise to huge volcanic activity around the planet, and eventually, with other factors, cause the main plate on which Atlantis stood, to sink. The main war, however, was with the Reptoids, who were very militarily aggressive, and who had taken over the planet Meldek (Maldek) having earlier driven out the Melchizedek priesthood (Chizu – or Jesu – meant priest, thus the Melchizedek are ‘the priests of Meldek. It was, of course, a cosmic order, also). Meldek was soon to be destroyed. In the final, fatal exchange, the Atlanteans blew Meldek to pieces, but only after the Reptoids had launched their ultimate weapon: a resonance bomb of huge proportions that exploded in the atmosphere over the central city of Atlantis, causing the already damaged tectonic plates to buckle and collapse. In some way, this technology involved turning the energy of the Atlantean war-crystals back on itself, causing a ‘feedback loop’ which caused massive amounts of energy to run out of control, interacting with the Reptoids device in the atmosphere, and rapidly leading to a huge detonation. Planet Earth survived, but there was huge destruction and loss of life, and it’s land masses were changed for ever. Prior to this final act of war, as the use of this devastating military weapon system had increased, the great energy beings of the Cosmos – whose gift the energy for the grid was – became more and more disapproving, at the same time as the Dinoid rulers were becoming more and more arrogant in their quest for ultimate power. The energy beings could see the great structural damage that was being done to the planet, but the Atlantean rulers would simply not listen. In their paranoia about the advance of their human charges, they had to have control – and the energy weapons were seen as vital to this. In the Cosmos, it was reluctantly decided that the supply of the twelve rays of cosmic energy to the Earth grid must be discontinued, and that planet Earth would consequently go into ‘The Fall’, as the Bible calls it – the lack of energy support meant that the planet, and all beings on her, would steadily fall through the energy frequencies. This was duly done, although it took time to implement, and required the assistance of those few human Atlanteans who had learned the truth about the nature of the cosmos, and had remained true to what they had learned. During the existence of Atlantis, while there was a fully energized grid, the cross over points of the major lines of the grid gave rise to huge energy vortices. The humans of Atlantis, in particular, were told never to spend time in or near these points, as they would quickly become energetically overcharged, which could, in extremes, be fatal. The vortices were so powerful that, at times, the energy could clearly be seen like a minor Aurora Borealis, with moving ‘fingers’ of energy, many tens of feet high, pointing upwards from the vortex. It was this that looked like the mouth of a dragon, and gave rise to the ley-lines being referred to as ‘dragon lines’ in many parts of the world, even today. Once the decision was made, in order that the grid could be de-commissioned, it was necessary for these vortices to be switched off. The small, highly spiritual group of loyal human Atlanteans – who has always opposed the science of the war machine that had lead to the diverting of the grid energy – were asked to assist with this by the great energy beings. Their task was to walk into the main vortex points, at great personal danger, and to use their spiritual skills to switch off the vortex. Small teams drawn from this group were sent all over the planet, so that all the vortices could be disabled in this way. It was this act that gave rise to mythological stories like Saint George and the Dragon – he was, in fact, one of these Atlanteans who remained true to their ideals and their great spirituality, and accepted this task. It is no coincidence that there are ‘Dragon Slaying’ stories in the mythologies of many cultures, all over the planet – they are a distant record, a folk memory, of what really happened. When all the energy points had been disabled, it was like withdrawing the fixing points that held the grid to the planet. What was left, in energy terms, were only seven of the great rays, and these were present only at low energy and in a modified and degraded form, which ever since have been reflected in the seven main chakras of the hu-man body. The energy grid then literally detached itself from the planet, and went off in it’s own orbit, an ‘almost planet’ containing all the higher dimensions of Earth, but not the physical. This coincided with the final acts of war between the Dinoids and the Reptoids, which caused the physical destruction. The detached grid has come back into conjunction with the Earth every two thousand years, ever since, at which time, many apparently magical things have happened for a few years, as the higher powers were temporarily re-connected. The last time this happened was when Christ was on the Earth. The grid in it’s full cosmic energy form was known as ‘Hercolobus’, and it’s energy as ‘Wormwood’, this latter being mentioned in the Bible. Only a faint magnetic shadow of the real grid, barely detectable, was left on the planet until recently. The removal of the grid had a dramatic effect on the surviving Dinoid rulers. Without the grid energy to sustain them, their ‘over soul’ – the part of them that contained all the magical and energetic powers that gave them the power to rule – was disabled. In fact, the over soul became a liability, threatening to drain them of their life-energy. Most of them fled the planet, to look for other energy environments that would continue to sustain them in full power. A few – mostly with a high degree of dedication to the human experiment – chose to remain, but did so with power that was both greatly decreased because of the removal of the grid, and, they knew, would steadily diminish further as the energies of the planet became ever lower. The Pharaoh’s were one Dinoid group that did this, but with ever less power, as time passed and new generations were born. Their great structures, like the Egyptian Pyramids, were, in part, collectors of the cosmic energy that could refresh them, and maintain their powers, but ultimately this approach only delayed an inevitable end to their control. They are not coming here in physical bodies, only as energy beings – observing, or incarnating in human bodies. In higher dimensional ET civilizations those contagions do not exist anymore, ETs are way more afraid of germy humans than we should be afraid of them. ETs have abilities for astral projection and can leave their body on a spaceship or a planet and send their consciousness into a human body – this way they can affect human civilization without breaking ‘the prime directive” (non-interference with another planetary culture), not scare anybody, and still do their job. There are plenty of ETs walking on Earth in human bodies now. Read Dolores Cannon’s book ‘Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth” or watch her videos on Youtube.

Let us now look to the present day.

Over the twelve months of 1995 a phenomenon has been observed, as the energies of the ley-line grid has increased 100-fold. This was caused by their resonating with the approaching ‘Hercolobus’ – the real and original ‘grid without a planet’. On approximately December 7th, 1995, the grid locked on to the planet, rather than pass right by, as it had done so many times before. At the end of that month, ceremonies around the world were performed to start the process of re-commissioning the grid into it’s true form, which is highly energized, and multi-dimensional. All twelve cosmic energies are now present for the first time since Atlantis, and now there is a thirteenth energy, which is only just appearing around the whole planet for the first time. This energy holds the whole system together, and in a form that is highly resistant to abuse (unlike the system of seven it replaces, which is easily polarized). This energy, now coming into it’s own for the first time, was seeded two thousand years ago, and is what we might now call the Christ Energy.

The grid that gave rise to, and supported Atlantis is coming back.

Soon, all the energetic structures it represents will be in place and operating, and in addition, the christ energy will envelop the whole planet again. The much discussed Ascension is the move back up the energies, driven by the re-commissioning of the Atlantis grid, to where we once were energetically, at the time when the Dinoids reigned, and abundance and magic were, for so long, the order of the day. The big difference is that now, humanity has evolved a great deal, having been tempered by long experience of the fall, separation, and all that has gone with it through many hundreds, if not thousands, of incarnations. We are ready to take, and use, the powers that we once available to Atlantis, for the highest good, and in an entirely new format. What is now happening will eventually benefit the whole cosmos, as it brings about the full and positive expression of the powers for so long latent in the Human design. What is on offer to humanity is it’s destiny, is no less than the leadership position in the redemption of the Universe!

Links from humanity and earth

Victory gardens

Alien, Ego and souls

Behind the current coup, alien intervention!

Attempt to radically change our economic and social lives?

Aliens and the NAZI connection

Aliens and planet Earth

Ashtar Sharon gfl W Asar Sharon & New Earth.


Carbon dioxide and Health

If our selected leaders would be more careful in choosing their words, life would more be like heaven.

Religions, The State/Media and humanity.

Remote viewing and Alien interventions on planet earth

Ancient origin.

Baba Vanga and the predictions for Europe/West.


Building a digital prison?


Chessboard of deception.

Last Step, Martial law will be introduced.

Climate change no offence mend

War on the people

Eu parliament in action

Human trafficking

Enemies of humanity.

NATO & Russia and the introduction of official censorship in the EU.

Destruction of the US/West.

The big ( Privat) Central Banks.

Population control attempts & history

The soft kill

Galactic Federations.

Star Trek,

Mind Control Techniques The fifth column,

NWO & Alien agenda!

New, Health & Bible, lifestyles!

End to Green dictate by the EU, IMF, World Banks others.

Use of blackmail & distortion

Pope and climate change?

UN & NWO Monkey Virus DNA Found in COVID-19 Shots

Cheats, liars and greed our newly elected Saints.

Dissident control in China being copied by the WEST?

Globalist fantasies?

“We are the Borg. Resistance is futile. Your race will be assimilated and service to us.”

NWO and WEF plus free energy.

“A Covenant With Death”, by Bill Cooper.

WHO attempted power Grab!

The great Awakening, Plandemic 3 Video, please click on link:

The Great Awakening (Full, Unedited Movie) (

The world’s gone mad!’

A conspiracy against god and man! 

Slavery, Power/Greed! 

Humans reduced to a commodity! 

Can the West still turn the tide of tyranny? 

Conspiracy and the coming witch hunt. 

Fallen Angels

Humans are not at the top of the food chain but part of it!

Pushing the fake & synthetic food agenda! – My Blog (

Pushing the fake & synthetic food agenda!

UN and the cancel culture

Nature as the last Sanctuary

The Federal Reserve Endgame Is Not a Collapse, It’s Global Domination

New Studies Deliver Harsh Verdicts on Mask Mandates, Vaccine Mandates for U.S. Cities

Emergency powers should be used only in case of war.

Messing with vaccinations?

Skull and Bones Society & Thule society! – My Blog (

Skull and Bones Society & Thule society!

Ron Hubbard, Founder, of the Church of Scientology. Posted in UncategorizedEdit


Pushing the reset button

Energy as a Vehicle of Control and the War on Carbon.

‘The world’s gone mad!’

A conspiracy against god and man!

Slavery, Power/Greed!

Humans reduced to a commodity!

Can the West still turn the tide of tyranny?

Conspiracy and the coming witch hunt.

60 responses to “An article on the historical Atlantis Energy Grid and it’s cosmic energy know as “Wormwood.””

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