Nikola Tesla & flying saucer technology!

The cosmic voyage. Physics offers deep insights into the workings of the universe but those insights come in the form of equations that often look like patchwork. A miraculous multidimensional (energy based) landscape alive with radiant giants, warped space-time, and powerful forces.

Tesla 1856-1943

The network of covert Nazi assets among the elite American industrialists influenced the vast reformation of US government institutions signed into law by President Truman, forming the CIA and drafting the National Security Act of 1947. If they would have left Tesla at peace not only would we now be traveling between the stars no any need of fossil fuel/climate discussions. Worse the cabal/33plus or alien connect and the US State/EU working together in suppressing the new  technologies because it would led to loss of the control/need for fossil oil and possibility of using/introducing mind control technique/weather manipulations. It can still be worse. The powers to be involved in suppressing of the inventions and blocking changes /new  science are the same as now pushing hard to embed the climate scam in current law. Their hallmark, embed it in laws and let the police/politicians deal with it. Several years prior, new US government offices were created to support the revenue gathering of the Nazi IRS, coordinating the extensive multi-tiered German infiltration. A new branch of the government called the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), whose supposed job was to spy on the Nazis. In fact Hitler now had an entire branch of the US government at his disposal. According to Otto Skorzeny, Nikola Tesla’s assistant George Scherf robbed Tesla blind and was the last person reported to have visited Tesla only four days before the discovery of Tesla’s vacant body in his New Yorker Hotel room on the morning of January 8, 1943. In a soul-cleansing disclosure, Skorzeny retold how he and Reinhard Gehlen paid Tesla several visits in his final days and spoke in great detail to Tesla about his most advanced technologies and then stole the blueprints of his best and most secret inventions. Going even further, Skorzeny reported the details of how he and accomplice Reinhard Gehlen  suffocated Nikola Tesla on January 6, 1943. It was apparent that Tesla was nearing the end of his time. By late December of 1942, Tesla began meeting with two US government agents in order to share some of his most sensitive discoveries. The limitless potential of Tesla’s inventions is rapidly changing the human experience. The synthesis of Tesla’s work with ancient ayurvedic technologies could have provide free energy to the whole world but was not to be. Tesla’s underlying goals of free global wireless energy transmission shocked industrial tycoons who abandoned his projects altogether, as they exposed the fragile hold on wealth and political control of those same industrialists. Instead of a peaceful twentieth century of shared technological prosperity, the world has lived through a traumatic century of unparalleled technological destruction. While Tesla envisioned our hidden connection to the full spectrum of the Earth’s resonant energy, his inventions were altered for commercialization as cellphones, pagers and wi-fi networking using only a narrow bandwidth that causes illness and cancer in users. It is a shameful irony that Nikola Tesla’s ‘transcending mechanical sense’ was used to, twisted to the service of manipulating the collective consciousness – ‘perils too subtle to be directly perceived.’ Not only did Scherf’s his assistant cleverly executed financial manipulation and theft of Tesla’s inventions earned Scherf millions and left Tesla penniless in his old age, his best inventions unknown. Fortunately the search for and study of scripts is increasingly adding to the growing knowledge of that knowledge. Here I will share what I could find online about his inventions in respect of the flying saucer and developments in Hitler Germany.     Adolf Hitler was amazed and fascinated with Dr. Nikola Tesla when he made the cover of Time Magazine in 1931. Hitler had considered Nikola Tesla to be the incarnation of the almighty white, Aryan mythical Superman, or ˜Das Uberman. Hitler was curious about rumors alleging that Tesla had an extremely large penis and that he had psychic powers. Adolf, being the childish, sadistic, egomaniac that he was, enjoyed most cartoons and comedians of the era, especially ˜The Three Stooges and the Max Fleischer cartoons ˜Popeye and ˜Tesla Vs. the Nazis. Hitler and Skorzeny were not graced by brilliance, however they fully recognized the genius of Nikola Tesla! In 1934, while Hitler was plotting to take over the world, Tesla was in America helping the US government protect its citizens from Nazis by creating sophisticated radar, Star Wars orbital weapons to destroy approaching enemy missiles, and remote controlled torpedoes. Rumors had been spreading that Nikola Tesla had created a ˜Death Ray, an anti-gravity flying disc, an earthquake machine, weather modification machines, and plasma-based optical invisibility technology.   Hitler quickly became intent on their theft and obfuscation from public awareness, his righteousness and arrogance directing his obsessive thinking. Planning with his elite youth corps of SS Nazi special agents Hitler implored, I must have those inventions so I can take over and control the world. Otto Skorzeny asserted to Erik Berman that he had personally known and worked extensively with George H. Scherf, Jr. for the greater part of his life first within the elite Nazi espionage ring and then in the elite CIA espionage ring a man also publicly known as George Herbert Walker Bush, the 41st US President. The Skorzeny photographs document an entire lifetime of gatherings of Hitler’s elite group of espionage agents, many still alive today, who infiltrated the US government to organize and oversee the massive recruitment of Nazi scientists into American institutions including the CIA, NASA and OSI. Skorzeny had stated the total number of such transferees to be about 50,000 altogether. The entire Nazi rocketry team was transferred directly from underground facilities in Peenemande, Germany to Fort Bliss, Texas, and reassembled (team photo below) to continue their work under the pseudonym NASA. Large numbers of Nazi eugenics specialists and mind-control researchers were also reestablished in CIA programs. Persistent information leaks have plagued the CIA establishment and covert operations, although no scandal has yet fully exposed the Nazi agenda of the Bush clan due to the state-run propaganda organ of the American media, and the Scherf/Bush connection remains largely unknown despite years of attention from independent news reporters, talk-radio shows and webcasts. Skorzeny’s allegations and evidence exposes the framework of the Bush/CIA espionage methods that seduced America by using Tesla’s wireless technologies to imperceptibly manipulate the masses into becoming automata entirely controlled by the forces of the medium being tossed about like corks on the surface of the water, but mistaking the resultant of the impulses from the outside for free will. Erik Berman also was informed by Skorzeny of the complex strategies involved in the advanced psychological warfare being conducted by the CIA to influence world events using the inventions stolen from Tesla: The CIA uses stolen Tesla technology, according to Skorzeny, to spy on Americans and manipulate the weather. There are thousands of satellites orbiting the Earth that project high-intensity positively-charged laser beams to certain areas on the Earth. These positively charged laser beams enable the New Word Order Nazis/CIA to use their stolen Tesla technology to manipulate the weather and to transmit extremely low frequency (ELF) waves with subliminal messages for mind control purposes. When HAARP is active, giant space-based lasers simultaneously aim their beams to a central spot on Earth. That spot will then experience severe droughts, hurricanes, tornados or Earthquakes. [In the case of Hurricane Katrina] Bush was quick to mention that it was a natural disaster¦ Through this alleged alien contact, the Germans able to launched exploratory searches for esoteric occult knowledge and advanced ET civilizations, including the far-off frozen land of Antarctica. In 1939, Captain Alfred Ritscher of Nazi Germany found the Antarctica entrance into part of the Inner Earth. When the plates were found, no one could read them, because they were in Sumerian/Akkadian specialists from the Orient had to be brought in, most from Tibet. ( White Hat) The Thule allowed the publication of the translation of the Ilat litum plates but only the documents relating to the history including the arrival and landing of the Anunnaki on earth and fight/decimation of the until than dominating Reptoids or ones. The history of our (Anunnaki) gods from arrival and hastily leaving including there possible return. This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is vril-odin_stars14.jpg Inside the sarcophagus were instructions how to build the “Vril-Odin” spacecraft. This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is vril_odin.jpg The “Vril-Odin” was built using these instructions and was up and flying in the fall of 1944-beginning 1945. On board, the craft was Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler and This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 21vril-damen-2.jpg. Chronological; The Vril 7 Geist (Ghost) which was 45 meters in diameter and crewed by fourteen men.This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is vril3lady2.jpg It was built in 1944 and tested at Arado-Brandenburg using Vril’s own Triebwerk. Later to be used initial flying into a wormhole located near the South Pole. Able to maneuver within time & space. The Thule, Vril, and Hitler left Germany for Base 211 in Antarctica. All of Hitler appearances during the last year of the war were done by his doubles. With the Fuhrer out of reach and know about, the death bodies listed as. The Black Sun society cooperated closely with the Thule, Vril and other secret societies forming the now new breakaway German faction in Antarctica and South America. The Vril 8 Odin was the last official Vril disk that was flight tested in the spring of 1945 during the collapse of Germany.This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is vril14lady.jpg For the destination of the flight of Vril-Odin was Sumi-An in the Aldebaran solar system however they used a modified or Vril 9/Odin saucer.” Necessary after the first test flight which neary ended in a disaster. Due to the existing contact between the mediums ( Biblical name being Fallen Angels) and Sumi-An. This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Aldebaran_4.jpg Location of the base This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is tesla116m-1024x620.jpg This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Maria-Orsic-1024x359.jpg Satellite imagery of the Antarctic Mausenberg, Neufriedland base entrance provide evidence for not only the reality of ongoing large-scale underground Nazi activities at that site, but offer significant confirmation of Nazi mass production of Tesla’s optically invisible anti-gravitic aircraft utilizing >1,000 tons of mercury. This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is tesla117a.jpg Located on a mountain slope without glacial coverage, the Highland Archipelago base’s high-elevation entry/exit portal for disc aircraft is roughly 40m in height by 90m in width, and protected from snowfall accumulation by a domed metallic roof lined with heating elements clearly visible in photographs (above). The Nazi Mausenberg base aircraft portal (66.553217°S, 99.838294°E) is situated 7,549 miles from the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt; a resonant distance comprising 30.33% of Earth’s mean circumference of 24,892 miles. The special geo-position of this site suggests it is located directly above an ancient sub-terran city originally built by the Atlantean civilization, which was discovered by the Nazis before World War II.

The next crucial chapter presents a directly relevant portion of the research and writing of Erik M. Berman,

who seized an invaluable opportunity to break the cycle of psychopathic control on this subject by publishing the true facts of the murder of Nikola Tesla and the theft of his secret inventions by Hitler’s elite espionage. Tesla had found that with ultra-low-frequency “wavelengths of 12,000 meters [interference] becomes quite insignificant and on this fortunate fact rests the future of wireless transmission of energy.” It would only be decades later that the detrimental effects of high-frequency radiation like x-rays and microwaves would be discovered, and even then still erroneously considered safe for weak exposure. The most economical waves for wireless transmission were specified by Tesla to match the Earth resonances–ultra-low-frequency humming that is inaudible to most humans. A healthy human heartbeat at rest pulses a 765-foot wavelength of 1.45 Hz. This exact wavelength defines the base length and resonant frequency of the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt. The ‘Third-Eye’ symbolism that once adorned the façade of the pyramid was likely destroyed by war and flood, but was recorded in antediluvian Sanskrit artifacts now documented the world over, including La Maná and Cuenca, Ecuador; Sutatausa, Colombia; Burrow’s Cave, Illinois; Glozel, France and Malta. This symbolism reveals the design function of the pyramids’ heartbeat synchronization of the pineal gland in initiates at sacred sites in worldwide alignment. More shocking the claimed successful pre-World War II covert Nazi take-over of America by Hitlers agents. Pineal gland located inside our brains or third Eye referring to its main function. Telepathy is now scientifically understood as ‘enhanced remote viewing’ enabled by the induction of acoustic resonance between the piezoelectric calcite microcrystals in the human pineal gland and the synthetic limestones of the Giza pyramids. Just as in the case of the Nazi reversed-swastika to mean death instead of life, the American dollar reverses the ‘Third-Eye Pyramid’ symbolism as a reflection of the technological use of fluoride, aluminum and microwave radiation poisoning to throw off pineal resonance. By understanding the shifting environmental conditions that are enhancing our collective consciousness, humanity can choose the way of telepathy using the ayurvedic geometry of the Sanskrit pyramid builders. The applied Unified Field Theory, also called Magnetic Resonance, is presented by this author freely online to demonstrate the full set of physics principles by which Tesla’s resonant wireless systems operated, in identical fashion to the world’s geo-positioned network of ancient pyramids, megaliths and sacred sites. The wireless telepathic communication of human consciousness is inextricably woven into the planetary changes that cannot be swayed by any misuse of technology but prevented.

Creation of the Deep State/US.

While the world was celebrating the defeat of Germany and prosecuting their leaders outside public view the opposite was happening outside view. The entire Nazi rocketry team was transferred directly from underground facilities in Peenemünde, Germany to Fort Bliss, Texas, and reassembled (team photo below) to continue their work under the pseudonym NASA. Large numbers of Nazi eugenics specialists and mind-control researchers were also reestablished in CIA programs. Persistent information leaks have plagued the CIA establishment and covert operations, although no scandal has yet fully exposed the Nazi agenda of the Bush clan due to the state-run propaganda organ of the American media, and the Scherf/Bush connection remains largely unknown despite years of attention from independent news reporters, talk-radio shows and webcasts. Skorzeny’s allegations and evidence exposes the framework of the Bush/CIA espionage methods that seduced America by using Tesla’s wireless technologies to imperceptibly manipulate the masses into becoming “automata entirely controlled by the forces of the medium being tossed about like corks on the surface of the water, but mistaking the resultant of the impulses from the outside for free will.” Erik Berman was informed by Skorzeny of the complex strategies involved in the advanced psychological warfare being conducted by the CIA to influence world events using the inventions stolen from Tesla. This explanation of the current psychological warfare being conducted on the American public, and the world at large, is in complete adherence to the capabilities and principles laid out by Tesla in the many dramatic accounts of future events that colored his later years. The American Senate Bill S.517 ‘Weather Modification Research and Technology Transfer Act of 2005’ directly confirms this current US military technological capability. In fact, this severe atmospheric tampering is US policy designed to work in conjunction with water fluoridation to control human consciousness by inducing dissonance at the nano-scale through combined chemical and electromagnetic invasion of the human body. The madness of extensive atmospheric tampering is already being seeded into the mass media disinformation, in an attempt to implant the falsehood that airplane chemtrails are a fine white powder dispersed to reverse global warming by reflecting solar rays. The greatest dangers are posed by microwave radiation poisoning from cellphone towers, mounted in vast numbers for ‘blanket coverage’ of America, slowly destroying DNA and developing cancers of all kinds (later reinforced by irradiation at hospitals): Large numbers of scientist and research involved in the war effort and designing equipment lured/brought into the US and at the same time their achievements and inventions hidden for the public. So at the same time that some where charged with war crimes and genocide de most and including some of the veracious ones brought into the USA and started to work and continuing where they had left on. It is in hindsight that you can conclude that these tribunals were set-up to fool the bigger public and intimidation. The new types of technology like free energy, free fusion, flying disks, travelling within our solar system and between the stars not only erased but is still the case. One possible explanation suggest below. It started In 1938, Hitler initiated long-term plans for sending young SS Nazi spies to America through the Hamburg-Amerika ship line supervised by George H. Scherf, Sr., who had in previous years been working simultaneously as financial handler of Nikola Tesla and for the Rockefeller-owned Union Sulfur Company. Hitler’s deceptive planning involved key American industrialists (latter known as globalists) at every stage entrenching a corrupt network of high ranking US government officials. Photographs of the Bush family prior to World War II are rarely available to the public; one of the earliest is presented below, the group posing on arrival at the Midland, Texas airstrip in 1950 In late 1942, at the age of 85, Nikola Tesla had called the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) several times to try to set up a meeting to give them his newest and greatest inventions; an anti-gravitic invisible flying disc, delta-winged radar-absorbing aircraft designs, a Death Ray, an Earthquake machine, free-energy devices, a Cosmic Light Ray Transmitter/Receiver, mind reading/controlling machines et al. The OSS phone number went straight to George H. Scherf Jr., SS Nazi spy George told Tesla that he would send two OSS officers over to meet with the scientist on January 6, 1943 to consult with him and take his inventions back to Washington DC for handling by the OSS. On January 6, 1943 Tesla received a knock on his door by two men claiming to be OSS officers. Their alleged names were Ralph Bergstresser and Bloyce Fitzgerald. One was very tall and skinny the other was short and stocky. Tesla was very excited to see these men and offered them tea. Tesla spoke with these two government agents for more than an hour. He showed them his complete invention plans for an anti-gravitic invisible flying disc, an Earthquake machine, strange designs for radar avoiding aircraft, non-polluting, free-energy driven cars, rocket ships for space travel, lasers, the first electronic computer, electronic mind control/mind-reading devices and a Death Ray or Tesla Cannon that fired a plasma beam to disable enemy aircraft from up to two hundred miles away leaving no trace. The range of the weapon is only limited by the curvature of the Earth, as the plasma is beamed along a perfectly straight trajectory from the apparatus’ ray gun to its target. Tesla carefully explained his inventions to the two agents. Tesla told the men that his optically invisible flying disc had another very unique feature; he alleged that it was able to travel through time and to distant planets like Mars and beyond. He told them that he was very happy and proud to help the US government triumph in the war against the Nazis. The two men thanked Tesla and began gathering up all of his wonderful invention plans and headed towards the door. While Tesla was standing in front of the door with his back turned, the smaller man held Tesla’s arms at his side while the taller man held a pillow in front of the frail 86 year old Nikola Tesla’s mouth and easily suffocated him to death!

Antarctica not just the entrance to a complete inside world but also a wormhole or Stargate above.

On that same day, the commandant of the ship, with expressed order from Berlin, left of the Azores Islands to Germany where, after a fast and effective repair, he goes for Antarctica, in Southern Hemisphere. Its mission is the one of to occupy and to demarcate a territory portion of that continent, with about 600.000 Km squares, claiming that area as being German possession the one that gave the name of NEU-SCHWABENLAND (New Sueve). The arrival of the nazis to Antarctica ( 600.000 Km2) and the ” demarcation ” of the territory occupied, through thrown harpoons of hydroplanes. Main consultant of GOERING (Boss of the German Air Force, and that, it was an element of cupula of the VRIL society ). HELMUT WOHLTHAT elaborated an extensive report of this expedition to Antarctica giving it personally GOING on May 9, 1938. In October of 1939 (about one month after the beginning of World War II) the schip SCHABENLAND it is given to the LUFTWAFFE (German Air Force). On December 17, 1939, the ship leaves again of Hamburg harbor, Germany, in direction to the Antarctica Continent, ” packed ” of scientists and equipment, to install a ” base “. Going by Portugal, with destination to Southern Hemisphere, the ship also transported airplanes throwers of harpoons to do ” demarcations ” of the busy area, in Antarctica… Returned Hamburg on April 11, 1940, the ship and respective crew were received in Germany, as heroes. In August of 1942, the ship was transferred for a base in Norway (already occupied by Germany), accompanied by one escort of 24 warships. During about a year and a half, nobody knew where it was and… it was not possible to find any record on its “whereabouts”. There is to have in attention that, a section of the territory occupied by the Germans in Antarctica, but some claim also it was attributed ” to Norway, for scientific experiences by the Society Nations. On May 19, 1943, the allied forces suspected since something of strange happened in the ” Antarctica German base ” because of the great ” movement ” of submarines in direction to the South Atlantic. The North American president, Roosevelt, being informed informed and in a message to the president from Brazil, through its ambassador, stating that the Portuguese primer minister, Dr. Salazar, doesn’t agreement to the installation of a North American aerial base in the Azores, because the Germans were ready to install a submarines base there. As a result the English and North American commandants started to prepare an operation ” to occupy ” the Canarias and Cabo Verde Islands temporarily. After the Schwabenland expedition returned home to Germany in early 1939, the Supreme Commander of the U-boat fleet continued on a regular and an increasing frequency of German U-boats traveling the South Pole carrying people, stock, and material. Two alleged statements too Karl von Dönitz add up, the first of which reads: “My U-boat operators discovered a real earthly paradise. “The second statement made in 1943 by him at the height of the German-Russian War and Filppowitsch quotes:This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is german_disk.jpg “Germany’s U-boat fleet can be proud that they’ve built an impenetrable fortress for the Fuhrer on the other side of the world. Did he mean Antarctica, after all, was Hitler using the haunebu flying disks being the heavy gritters for, according to various sources? The region of Antarctica which the Germans claimed and marked Red on the map as New Schwabia in 1939 contains giant subterranean lakes with water temperatures exceeding 18° C (64° F) under the kilometer-thick Antarctic ice. Dome-shaped ice caves filled with warm air arch over the surface of the water, big enough to have served as secret U-boat bases. That it is possible that a smaller U-boat could have reached these secret bases by diving under the ice, through warm water currents originating from these lakes, which are constantly warmed from below/earth.( Geothermal) These bases would have offered all imaginable advantages: protection from storm and ice as well as being rendered invisible and invulnerable to any foe. Exaxtly on a great spot and right under the nose of the US government and in addition having extraterritorial status within Antarctica. There are actual records and supporting documents, which indicate the existence of a registered Nazi base in Antarctica, referred to as B-211. In early 1939 and after its successful expedition the ship Schwabenland continued a commuter service between Germany and the South Pole continent, and not just the most modern mining equipment but other things like trolleys, rails and gigantic tunneling equipment, but also brought in scientists from different fields, engineers, and highly skilled workers. In addition Needed for the exploitation of natural resources and ability to control and defend of the region. There bonus in addition to have a secure escape point but also satisfy their obsession and be able to enter into the legendary inner earth. It is the main reason for the factual disappearing of many German scientists, skilled personnel and members of the NSDAP. High on the list some of these specialists and scientists by the Americans/English and Russian governments and had hoped to obtain for their own military research endeavors. It is also the case that the fate and whereabouts of at least one hundred German mainly transport type U-boats are still unknown onto this day. Her a new twist came by the former Soviet-union and there secrete service releasing documents indicating that German U-boats possible managed to travel into inner earth. The discussion is ongoing but indicators are that if that would be the case a lot changes will occur.   German exploration of Neu Schwabenland in 1938-1939 is commonly referenced by all sources on the subject of Nazi bases in Antarctica, yet the actual location of the base is situated hundreds of miles away in Neu-friedland (named after Admiral von Friedenburg), on an island named Mausenberg in the Highjump Archipelago. As the not-so-clever naming of ‘Operation Highjump’ directly indicates, US Naval forces had identified the development of this extensive Nazi base in 1946 by monitoring German submarine activity for delivering >1,000 tons of mercury required for mass production of a fleet of Tesla’s anti-gravitic disc aircraft.This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is tesla116m-1024x620.jpg The High-jump Archipelago Nazi base can be directly entered by submarines through submerged tunnel systems that are protected by dozens of miles of ice cover from the nearest open seas. Google Map Coordinates of 68° Southern Latitude and 1° Eastern Longitude


Another discussion is about methanol used to pump between the double cavities to increase strength. The max depth for most U boats was 300 meter.  

Der Anweisung ist strikt zu folgen!

  1. Abtauchen. Vom Punkt des Abtauchens mit halber Fahrt, einer Steuerbord-Schräglage von 10° mit einer Buglastigkeit Neigungswinkel 5°. Entfernung 188 sm. Vorgegebene Tiefe 500 Meter (Aufgrund des fahrens im Korridor ist der Druck auf den Schiffskörper beim Manövrieren ein unwesentlicher.) 2. Auftauchen. Ballast mit einer Hecktrimmung, Auftauchwinkel 23° mit einer Backbord-Schräglage von 22°. 190 Meter nach oben. Entfernung 75,5 sm. 3. Schwieriges Manöver! Auftauchen. Ballast mit einer Hecktrimmung, Auftauchwinkel 41°. Fahrt – geradeaus. 110 Meter nach oben, Entfernung 21,5 sm. Danach steuerbord-Schräglage von 8° bis zum Auftauchen an die Oberfläche in der Grotte. Entfernung 81 sm. 4. Fahrt an der Oberfläche innerhalb der Grotte mit einer Steuerbord-Schräglage von 8°. Entfernung 286 sm. 5., 6 Schwieriges Manöver! Abtauchen. Mit einer Buglastigkeit, Neigungswinkel 45°. Bis auf einer Tiefe von 240 Metern, Entfernung 60 sm. Danach mit einer Backbord-Schräglage von 20°, wobei das Abtauchen bis auf 310 Meter bis zur Hinfahrt in den Korridor fortgesetzt wird. Nach der Marke 310 Meter ist das Abtauchen mit einer Buglastigkeit fortzusetzen. Abtauchwinkel 7° bis auf 360 Meter. Entfernung 70 sm. Weiter Steuerbord-Schräglage van 31° bis auf einer Tiefe von 380 Metern. 7. Abtauchen. Buglastigkeit, Auftauchwinkel 22°. 100 Meter nach oben mit einer Backbord-Schräglage von 26°. Entfernung 43 sm. 8. Auftauchen. Hecktrimmung. Auftauchwinkel 45°, immer geradeaus, bis zum Auftauchen an die Oberfläche von Agartha. Entfernung 70 sm. 9. Fahrt nach Agartha. Volle Fahrt. Sehet geradeaus, bis das neue Licht ausgemacht wird. Änderung der Magnetpole. Die Bewegungen der Kompas nadeln und Meßgeräte sind zu vernachlässigen! (Weitere Andweisungen im Paket Nr. 3. Erst bei Eintreffen in Agartha öffnen!) For this specific reason, US ice-breaking vessels were dispatched among the many warships and aircraft utilized during Operation Highjump.   The 7-month-long surveillance mission suffered heavy losses due to the growing fleet of Tesla anti-gravitic disc aircraft already produced by Nazi engineers at Mausenberg underground base. Satellite imagery of the Antarctic Mausenberg, Neufriedland base entrance provide evidence for not only the reality of ongoing large-scale underground Nazi activities at that site, but offer significant confirmation of Nazi mass production of Tesla’s optically invisible anti-gravitic aircraft utilizing >1,000 tons of mercury. Located on a mountain slope without glacial coverage, the Highland Archipelago base’s high-elevation entry/exit portal for disc aircraft is roughly 40m in height by 90m in width, and protected from snowfall accumulation by a domed metallic roof lined with heating elements clearly visible in photographs (above).This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is tesla117a.jpg The Nazi Mausenberg base aircraft portal (66.553217°S, 99.838294°E) is situated 7,549 miles from the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt; a resonant distance comprising 30.33% of Earth’s mean circumference of 24,892 miles. The special geoposition of this site suggests it is located directly above an ancient subterran city originally built by the Atlantean civilization, which was discovered by the Nazis before World War II. The US, Great Britain, and Russia were by now well aware of what was going on but suppressed any outside knowledge. First attempts where made using special units to sabotage/blow-up whatever they could find. During the war this type of information was classified but it continued to be the case after the original end of the war and so-called capitulation of Germany. In addition messing with information like the Fuhrer (hitler) is dead committed suicide while very much alive and busy in Neu-Schwabenland. Anyone who has lived in a repressive society knows that official manipulation of the truth occurs daily. But societies have their many and their few. In all times and all places, it is the few who rule, and the few who exert dominant influence over what we may call official culture. – All elites take care to manipulate public information to maintain existing structures of power. It’s an old game. At that time more than 40000 elite personnel located there and including the growing of a new Masterclass. Hitler was told and promised that he would become the New world order leader and the new Masters race ruling the world. (A bit like the current young leadership agenda as implied by the WEF). Most members now involved in the Ukraine war once part of the WEF. (Kind of Infighting) This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is interstellar-travel.jpg This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is vril14lady.jpgThe members of the German Thule Society, hoped to make contact with fabled inner-earth civilizations, sending out various expeditions – to Tibet, the Andes, the Mato Grosso – and to the North and South Poles where they suspected openings to the earth’s interior to be located. This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is vril17groupcar.jpgTheir belief was influenced and based on old texts, knowledge accumulated in secret societies and observations of the laws of nature, where they found hollow bodies, everywhere – in cells, the ovum, atoms, and comets.This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Admiral-Bryrne.jpg Even the hermetic helped to convince them that the earth must be a hollow body with their law “as above so below, as within so without, the macrocosm is as the microcosm, and vice versa, and successfully. Proving part of the old tales and stories right including highly advanced technology. Part of their beliefs was further supported by odd reports from polar explorers. For example, the discovery of a warming wind north of the 76th parallel and the fact that birds and other animals are drawn in the direction of the pole, although it is allegedly cold and inhospitable there. Much more accessible and possible to live there without problems. There are inhabitable places but not many. Grossly overstated reports by other so-called explorers but part of a stealth champagne to keep people away. Polar Axis Shift In the middle of November 1938, while the preparations for a German Antarctica expedition were well underway when Richard Evelyn Byrd arrived in Hamburg on an invitation as a guest of the Polar Shipping Association (Polar schiffahrt gesellschaft) to present his Antarctica film. Of the 82 people in the audience, 54 were future members of the ship’s crew and there for training purposes. To asked first hand about his flight in 1929 over the South Pole. There ship leaving a few weeks later on December 17, 1938. The MS Schwabenland, an aircraft carrier and a catapult ship under the command of Alfred Ritscher, reaching Antarctica on January 19, 1939. Exactly what does Dr. Tesla mean? What imperceptible force directs consciousness? Infrasound? Focused low-frequency sound cancels the force of gravity, and known to the ancients as the syllable ‘Om’. Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was a thoughtful scientist who did not rely on belief, but on his knowledge of universal laws. Our physical universe we are part of is energy based. Meaning that there is no need for fossil-based fuel, oil, coal and gas. Not only have there been a number of highly developed civilizations on earth like the pyramid ones and none using oil/gas and coal as such. You can find pyramids not only all over our planet but also Mars and Ceres to name a few. It was Tesla and his knowledge about energy did prove be joined any doubt the existence and principles of it around end 1800 and beginning 1900. Only to be silenced and murdered in the end. Energy as seen and often mentioned as the fourth dimension. His dialogs with Swami Vivekananda provided a Sanskrit cosmological framework that merged seamlessly with his pragmatic scientific understandings of the electrical nature of the soul. The website hopes to shed some light on the discovery of the underground complexes in Antarctica which are very old,  by the Germans in 1938 and actively engaged in flying and building two different types of Disk. One Beijing thee heave gritter using three antigravity engines and the vril-line assisted by mediums also know as fallen Angels and planet origin being Aldebaran. Original home of the Anunnaki and for almost 500000 years the overlords on planet earth. The start of and creation the more modern UFO scare and Star travel. The later being heavily promoted by the major media and Deep State officials for several reasons. At the end of the Second World War, Antarctica became the hub for a secret alliance between a breakaway German colony and different extraterrestrial groups. With the aid of these alien allies, the Germans were able to develop a powerful so-called Dark Fleet that routed the combined military forces of both the US and its allies on the Antarctic continent. The so-called Dark Fleet has since grown into a powerful military space force with bases not only in Antarctica, but also on the Moon, Mars and elsewhere in our solar system. Other claims that the Dark Fleet is behind a “galactic slave trade” involving millions of missing people, and regularly conducts interstellar operations against peaceful planetary civilizations. The Vril 9 or Odin capable to maneuver both time and space. Hitler with the Vril creating mediums left for Aldebaran in March 1945 in a Vril 9. If left alone, the Dark Fleet and its extraterrestrial alliance would grow to become the epicenter of a tyranny that would eventually span the galaxy. Also known as the Alien Connect. There might be a number of reasons to try and hide what is happening but at the current scale no longer possible. The underground settlements have been enlarged and number now 5. Original 20000 in population to more than a 1000000 now and earth main basis outside the moon and Mars. De dark fleet and its origin in Antarctica now a national and human security threat. The cover-up by the deep State involved, politics/authorities and the major media and their owners the Cabal. The alien connect, at the end of the Second World War, Antarctica became the hub for a secret alliance between a breakaway German colony and different extraterrestrial groups due to the wormhole present their. However, powerful resistance forces are now starting to amass. how humanity’s liberation from this dark alliance and its web of nefarious activities on Earth and in space are being covertly assisted by multiple extraterrestrial civilizations and higher dimensional forces. Dr. Michael Salla runs a website with up to date information and also will explain the history of Antarctica and the Dark Fleet, and how these have become the hub of this evolving galactic tyranny. He will explain how humanity’s liberation from this dark alliance and its web of nefarious activities on Earth and in space are being covertly assisted by multiple extraterrestrial civilizations and higher dimensional forces. The webinar will be especially helpful for those wanting to know how historical events in Antarctica tie in to emerging “UFOs are a national security threat narrative” being heavily promoted by the major media and Deep State officials. Humanity’s Liberation from very negative forces associated with the Dark Fleet needs to begin with a thorough understanding of Antarctica, how it has contributed to our current global situation, and why positive extraterrestrial groups became concerned and are helping us today learn the truth. Information is essential the gain insight/manipulations by The Deep State, Governments, Freemasons 33 and higher and the big media.

The reader will learn that it is a hidden land somewhere in the East, beneath the surface of the earth, where a population of millions is ruled by a Sovereign Pontiff, the “Brahatmah,” and his two colleagues the “Mahatma” and the “Mahanga.” 

This realm, Saint-Yves explains, was transferred underground and concealed from the surface-dwellers at the start of the Kali Yuga (the present dark age in the Hindu system of chronology), which he dates to about 3,200 BCE.

Agarttha has long enjoyed the benefits of a technology advanced far beyond our own, including gas lighting, railways, and air travel. 

Its government is the ideal one of “Synarchy,” which the surface races have lost ever since the schism that broke the Universal Empire in the fourth millennium BCE, and which Moses‘Jesus’, and Saint-Yves strove to restore. (This was the theme of Mission des Juifs.)

Now and then Agarttha sends emissaries to the upper world, of which it has a perfect knowledge. Not only the latest discoveries of modern man, but the whole wisdom of the ages is enshrined in its libraries, engraved on stone in Vattanian characters.

Among its secrets are those of the true relationship of body to soul, and the means to keep departed souls in communication with the living.

When our world would adopt the time will be ripe for Agarttha to reveal itself and as such claimed, to our great spiritual and practical advantage. What most people people outside the group follow the so-called UFO is that there are now several other highly advanced alien civilizations trying to send information using specific groups. In facts dozens by now. Main information which they regard as key to understand what has been happening and done to humanity by a very powerful but also secrete group in control. As mentioned the current so-called elected officials nothing more than pawns and shameless liars. 


Cabal and Antarctica

We the real humans are Being that are of a spiritual-psychic-physical nature, we as humans possess abilities that we currently can not begin to completely understand. In this cosmic battle there are no ‘neutral’ forces. In other words we can NOT utilize these and are more like children. These spiritual-psychic-physical abilities have deliberately been hidden, marginalized and ridiculed and can not be used in a ‘neutral’ way nor should we currently with a few exceptions believe that we are in ultimate control of these abilities ourselves. There are more advanced intelligent beings with which they have involved, which are so powerful in this universe that to them we appear as mere ‘pawns’ who can and are be manipulated for their own use. Given the staggering implications of these facts –directly confirming first-hand knowledge of underground Nazi bases shared in deathbed confessions by Nazi/CIA agent Otto Skorzeny– ongoing CIA/media  suppression of information concerning Tesla’s Gravity Motor and HHO invisibility-cloaking inventions coherently explains the complete eradication of relevant public records pertaining to the great lifetime achievements and covert government assassinations of Edgar and Gertrude Cayce, Nikola Tesla, Lillie Delaney and several other members of the Delaney family. How does this information relate to current events in the present time? The broader hyper-dimensional significance of these Nazi manipulations and assassinations in preparation for World War II emerged during a much later series of highly detailed revelations through the Cassiopaea a transmissions channeled by Laura Knight-Jadczyk,24 during a session conducted on December 2, 1995: Q: (L) Did the Germans construct a time machine during WWII? A: Yes… Q: (L) Where? A: Mausenberg, Neufriedland… Antarktiklandt. Q: (L) Who is in control of or running this machine? A: Klaus Grimmschackler… Q: (L) Did they use this machine to transport themselves there and also in time? A: Has been performed in Glophen… They got the information on such things from channeled sources. Q: (L) Did the Germans get the information from the Vril Society? A: Partly. Also Thule Society. Q: (L) These individuals who have this time machine in Antarctica,… what do they plan to do with it? A: Exploring time sectors through loop of cylinder… Complex, but is profile in 4th through 6th density. Q: (L) Are there any particular goals… in doing this “time exploration? “A: Not up to present, as you measure it. Q: (L) Well, if they escaped and took this time machine to Antarctica, are they working with any of the so-called “aliens?” A: 4th density STS [or Service To Self]. Q: (L) Are these Germans and their time machine, any part of the plan to take over Earth when it moves into the 4 density. A: Maybe. The advanced technological process of time travel was described in greater detail during another channeling session with the Cassiopaean 6th density thoughtforms conducted on November 14, 1994: Q: (L) I would like to know what is the specific mode of time travel? A: Complex… Trans dimensional transfer utilizing electromagnetic adjustment of atomic structure to alter speed of time cycle convergence… The first step is to artificially induce an electromagnetic field. This opens the door between dimensions of reality. Next, thoughts must be channeled by participant in order to access reality bonding channel. They must then focus the energy to the proper dimensional bridge. The electrons must be arranged in correct frequency wave. Then the triage must be sent through realm “curtain” in order to balance perceptions at all density levels… Triage is as follows: 1. Matter, 2. Energy, 3. Perception of reality. That is it folks. Time travel experiments conducted by the US Navy in 1941 used Tesla’s Gravity Motor on the USS Eldridge. The Nazi German mass migration to the Mausenburg underground base in Neufriedland, Antarctica was addressed further during another fascinating dialog with the Cassiopaeans, conducted on August 31, 1996: Q: (L) Now, in talking about these large underground cities or enclaves that we’ve talked about… (T) When did they go underground? A: Several occasions, the most recent being, on your calendar: 1941/through 1945… Last episode of mass migration, mostly Deutschlanders… Antarctica. Under there… Entry port… Q: (T) They went underground in Antarctica, they built a large underground base there, this is where the Germans, as in the Nazi Germans, claimed as Vineland, I think it is, where the older maps that show Antarctica… Yes, but they entered through their constructed base, as instructed, then were assimilated. Q: (L) They were assimilated into the population already existent? Underground cities, underground bases? A: Yes… Q: (T) They were instructed to go there? A: [By] those identifying themselves as “Antareans”… An STS race from Orion that is humanoid… The Thule Society originated contact… Q: Admiral Byrd was sent down there, supposedly to go to the South Pole… but he took a large military force with him… The large military force encountered resistance and got their asses whupped real good down there. But, they kept it real quiet… they just said, oh, it was a scientific expedition… (T) They lost a whole lot of people and a whole lot of ships, and a lot of equipment down there… A: This is where “The Master Race” is being developed. Essential background information concerning the psychopathic Nazi obsession with creating the Aryan STS “Master Race” had been previously discussed with the Cassiopaeans on September 24, 1995: Q: (L) Why was Hitler so determined, beyond all reason, even to his own self-destruction, to annihilate the Jews? A: Many reasons and very complex. But, remember, while still a child, Hitler made a conscious choice to align himself with the “forces of darkness,” in order to fulfill his desires for conquest and to unite the Germanic peoples. Henceforth, he was totally controlled, mind, body, and soul, by STS forces. Q: (L) So, what were the purposes of the STS forces that were controlling Hitler causing him to desire to annihilate an entire group of people? A: To create an adequate “breeding ground” for the reintroduction of the Nephilim, for the purpose of total control of the 3rd density earth prior to elevation to 4th density, where such conquest is more difficult and less certain! Q: (L) Do you mean “breeding ground” in the sense of genetic breeding? A: Yes. Third density. Q: (L) Did they accomplish this goal? A: No. Q: (L) So, the creation of the Germanic “Master Race” was what they were going after, to create this “breeding ground?” A: Yes. Q: (L) And, getting rid of the Jews was significant? Couldn’t a Germanic master race be created without destroying another group? A: No… Because of 4th density prior encoding mission destiny profile…This means encoding to activate after elevation to 4th density, thus if not eliminated, negates Nephalim domination and absorption. Jews were prior encoded to carry out mission after conversion, though on individual basis. The Nazis did not exactly know why they were being driven to destroy them, because they were being controlled from 4th density STS. But, Hitler communicated directly with Lizards, and Orion STS, and was instructed on how to create the “master race.” Consequences of the negative spiritual orientation of the Reptilian extraterrestrial humanoids (or Lizards) was explained in a previous Q&A session with the Cassiopaeans that took place on October 22, 1994: [T]hose who are described as the Lizards have chosen to firmly lock themselves into service to self [STS]. And, since they are at the highest level of density where this is possible, they must continually draw large amounts of negative energy from those at the third level, second level, and so on, which is why they do what they do. This also explains why their race is dying, because they have not been able to learn for themselves how to remove themselves from this particular form of expression to that of service to others [STS]. And, since they have such, as you would measure it, a long period of time, remained at this level and, in fact, become firmly entrenched in it, and, in fact, have increased themselves in it, this is why they are dying and desperately trying to take as much energy from you as possible and also to recreate their race metabolically. Q: (L) Well, if we are sources of food and labor for them, why don’t they just breed us in pens on their own planet? A: They do. Q: (L) Well, since there [are] so many of us here, why don’t they just move in and take over? A: That is their intention. That has been their intention for quite some time. They have been traveling back and forth through time as you know it, to set things up so that they can absorb a maximum amount of negative energy with the transference from third level to fourth level that this planet is going to experience, in the hopes that they can overtake you on the fourth level and thereby accomplish several things. 1: retaining their race as a viable species. 2: increasing their numbers; 3: increasing their power; 4: expanding their race throughout the realm of fourth density. To do all of this they have been interfering with events for what you would measure on your calendar as approximately 74 thousand years. And they have been doing so in a completely still state of space-time traveling backward and forward at will during this work. Interestingly enough, though, all of this will fail. Complex hyper-dimensional dynamics described in these lengthy replies given by the Cassiopaeans allude to a convergence of events, with plans for overt world domination by the Nazi “Master Race” being linked with major astronomical events now building toward culmination on the December Solstice of 2017. The timeframe reference for the “transference from third level to fourth level that this planet is going to experience” was not clearly stated back in 1994, when that channeling session took place, yet strong indications have been given in recent sessions in 2017. On August 5, 2017, the Cs stated planetary chaos would occur “Soon!” A few sessions later, on October 14, 2017, strikingly chaotic behavior patterns were characterized by the Cassiopaeans as an effect of the imminent approach of the realm border crossing: General chaotic energies of transition affect environment in many ways… Q: (L) You say the word, “transition”… What kind of transition are we talking about here? A: Planetary movement through space-time area of realm border. Strategic long-term plans of the time-traveling Orion STS humanoids, who directed the Nazi migrants to sub terrain bases, aim to exploit the mass confusion and amplify the natural fear response that will inevitably be evoked by the upcoming transference from 3rd density to 4th density reality on Earth. Subversion of Nikola Tesla’s technological developments from the awareness of the great masses of Earthly humanity inhabiting the planetary surface appears to have been a crucial disorienting factor facilitating their control. However, genetic enhancement of terrestrial humans who are consciously aligned to receive the DNA upgrade to restore the original 135 chromosomes of the full human genome will be conferred by the atmospheric luminosity of the impact of the Galactic Super wave of June 22-24, 2018. This is the crucial factor that will negate the controlling influence of the Orion STS consortium, causing their failure.    

War in Antarctica. 1947

Edgar Cayce’s psychic readings for the Tesla Gravity Motor provide the only coherent explanation for the massive mercury cargo transport operations undertaken by Nazi vessels during World War II. After losing approximately 420 tons of an estimated total of 620 tons to Allied naval blockade, Germany abandoned the prospect of mass production of Tesla antigravity aircraft in Japan, and opted for more secluded production sites in Antarctica, where secret Nazi bases were being established within massive caverns below the bedrock and glacial ice sheets. U-boats surrendered off Argentina in 1945 were destined for Antarctica. In early 1945, Nazi war efforts were strategically shifted to covert operations at Antarctic bases, with the remaining 980 tons of mercury not delivered to Japan (or lost in combat) rerouted to Antarctica to supply Nazi manufacturing plants for mass production of Tesla’s antigravity aircraft over the following decades: Just before the end of the WWII, two German provision U-boats, U-530 and U-977,… [transported] members of the antigravity-disk research and development teams (ULTRA), and the last of the most vital disc components… ( same name used in Dulce) This included the notes and drawings for the latest saucer or aerial disk designs, and… the gigantic underground complexes and living accommodations based on the remarkable underground factories of Nordhausen… The reality of Nazi reconsolidation efforts within Antarctic bases is also evidenced by extensive post-World War II intelligence-gathering missions to Antarctica conducted by the US Navy. Codenamed Operation High jump, these top-secret missions were organized by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, Jr. and led by Rear Admiral Richard H. Cruzen, facilitating comprehensive surveillance efforts that included 4,700 men, 13 ships, and 33 aircraft, lasting from August 1946 to February 1947.22 Later statements given by Admiral Byrd revealed further details concerning the Antarctic presence that have been withheld from the general public: But… the part of the story that is seldom told, at least in ‘official’ circles, is that Byrd and his forces encountered heavy resistance to their Antarctic venture from “flying saucers” and had to call off the invasion. This aspect of the story was pushed forward, again, a few years ago, when a retired Rear Admiral, allegedly living in Texas, …allegedly claimed that he knew there had been “a lot of aircraft and rocket shoot-downs” …         ‘Operation Highjump’, shoulkd have been basically an invasion of the Antarctic, and consisted of three Naval battle groups, which departed Norfolk, VA, on 2 December 1946. They were led by Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s command ship, the ice-breaker “Northwind,” and consisted of the catapult ship “Pine Island,” the destroyer “Brownsen,” the aircraft-carrier “Phillipines Sea,” the U.S. submarine “Sennet,” two support vessels “Yankee” and “Merrick,” and two tankers “Canisted” and “Capacan,” the destroyer “Henderson” and a floatplane ship “Currituck.” A British Norwegian force,… [as well as] Russian,… Australian and Canadian forces were also involved… On 5 March, 1947 the ‘El Mercurio’ newspaper of Santiago, Chile, had a headline article “On Board the Mount Olympus on the High Seas” which quoted Byrd in an interview with Lee van Atta: Adm. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. Furthermore, Byrd stated that he “didn’t want to frighten anyone unduly” but that it was “a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds”. Interestingly, not long before he made these comments, the Admiral had recommended defense bases at the North Pole. These were not “isolated” remarks… Admiral Byrd later repeated each of these points of view, resulting from [what] he described as his “personal knowledge” gathered both at the north and south poles, before a news conference held for International News Service He was [later] hospitalized and was not allowed to hold any more press conferences. Still, in March 1955, he was placed in charge of Operation Deepfreeze which was part of the International Geophysical Year, 1957-1958, exploration of the Antarctic. He died, shortly thereafter… in 1957… [and] many have suggested he was murdered… Secrecy seems to be in no scarcity as it relates to several Antarctic expeditions; perhaps in no small way due to a continued concern that the Nazis had a remnant left in Antarctica from their infamous 1938-9 ‘New Schwabenland’ colonization of Antarctica… The map of Neu Schwabenland… cannot be exhibited in Germany, on penalty of imprisonment… USINF / US decided to send a military task force under Admiral Byrd called Operation High jump to investigate, cover and if necessary to destroy. Forced to leave Antarctica his fleet was forced at the beginning of March 1947, Richard Byrd did state according to the only press interview with Lee Van Atta, the El Mercurio newspaper correspondent from Santiago, Chile, who was allowed to accompany the expedition as a journalist. Van Atta wrote: Admiral Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile airplanes originating from Polar Regions. He also emphasized, it is important to remain in alarm status and be vigilant along the entire ice belt, which is the last bulwark against an invasion. From another Russian source which had been watching from a distance after returning to Washington, Byrd spoke of an assault on the expedition by flying saucers that surfaced out of the water at high speeds and caused drastic losses to the naval unit! The experienced fighter pilot John Sayerson, witness and crew member of the expedition described the dramatic battle of, February 26, 1947 in following words: The things popped out of the water like they were being chased by the devil and flew at such high speeds between the masts that the antennae between the wind eddy ripped. Some airplanes that were able to get into the air off the Casablanca were hit moments later by unfamiliar blasts that came from the flying saucers and crashed next to the ships. I was on deck the Casablanca at the time and was totally taken aback. These things did not make a single sound as they flew between our ships and spit deadly fire. Suddenly, the torpedo boat destroyer Maddock, which was about 10 cable lengths (less than 2 miles) away from us, went up in flames and began to sink. Rescue boats from other ships were sent despite the danger. The nightmare lasted about 20 minutes. When the flying saucers dove again under the water we began to count our losses. In the second assault in 1956 using nuclear devices did not yield any result either other than doing damage to the then already weakening ice-core. Everything possible was done by the State and Media to hid all relevant information and flying disk at any cost. Not just than but also until know and also worldwide. Why? Certain is  if Tesla would not have been silenced we would have free and abundant energy without pollution and not only be travelling between the planets but also the Stars and including presence her on earth and /trading. The secret of star flight. The flight of the stars, the true one, reaching into the far distance, the laws of nature seem to oppose. In particular, the limit the speed of light and at the same time limit the flight of the stars. But we say: There is no such limitation! There are no limitation of movement speed! Much is faster than the light! Because it is not only the “physical world but also, and much more significantly, the “spiritual! Already in the Vedas of the ancients have the solution: “The fastest of all Flying is the thought!” Here we come to a foundation of the new, German science. We push the boundaries and free the mind from the confinement. We overcome the xxxxxxx shackles of limitation, which does not exist in the truth. For too long we have been caught up in the laws of nature of limitation chained But who can recognizes natural laws of the hereafter, knows the big picture! Our modern rockets achieve astonishing things. But fortune it is not possible to leave the vibrational networks of this world. Therefore, their range of distance is limited. The secret of the distant star flight lies in leaving the earthly vibration nets and in the change of the missile into otherworldly vibration networks! With the change into the hereafter our flying machine is not subject more to the laws of nature on this earth, but to the laws of nature Beyond! But there is another time there! There the fastest thing that flies is by no means light, but thought! The spirit! Is that now, as some may think, occultism? Not at all! The hereafter exists just as really and truly as the This side. It is even the larger, stronger level, in which our universe is to be seen as a relatively small entity. It follows no less exact laws, except that these laws are governed by because they contain physical and spiritual laws that connect. Everything is based on vibrations. Just like, to use an already used Example to reuse the radio waves. The variable capacitor determines the wavelength and thus the transmitter. The transformation of one frequency to the other causes the change. In Higher up it is not much different, basically seen. There are worldly and otherworldly vibrational networks and planes of vibration. If it is possible to evoke a certain oscillation, then the magnetism of the law of affinity (law of resonance, A.d.V.). In the uppermost stage a complete transformation takes place: the transmutation! And this is the technical background of our VRIL devices. On this side they rise into the air and beyond that they leave the direct earth influence area. Then the transmutation begins. The VRIL airplane ceases to be a worldly body. It also disappears for the eye looking outside the VRIL aircraft. The VRIL Aircraft becomes an intercosmic space ship. It has temporarily nothing more to do with the sphere of this world and rushes through enormous distances in the shortest time, in order to transmute back into the universe of this world at the destination! In this way our VRIL 7 (named ‘Odin’, A.d.V.) will reach the solar system of Aldebaran. And I have no doubt that later German space VRIL ships will be able to reach Andromeda and the most remote areas of space.


The transmedia protocols of his time are certainly among the most unusual texts ever written. “Transmedial” (or also “hypertelepathic”?) received messages from a distant world, far beyond our solar system: Aldebaran (according to the latest scientific findings, this could not be completely ruled out) They report in partly astonishing accuracy about the history of this distant world, about its society and religion, even about small things. Only small fragments of these writings have been preserved. Unfortunately, many passages have become illegible over the decades, as the protocols date from the period between 1919 and 1949. Much of this period was lost or destroyed in the turmoil of war. The transmedia announcements are only a few fragments that remain. Now some information about Aldebaran, as it was passed on through transmedial contact: “The empire of Sumeran (according to earthly star map ‘Aldebaran’) has been a theocracy for a long time. Today’s state system is under the rule of priestesses, but is not as firmly formed as the Irish states. There are semi-free principalities. The preceding, very long granted period is called the “time of the Great Kings”. At that time there were emperors who strove for a kind of universal empire and who were able to establish it to a large extent. This empire was – after the transfer of power by a very religious Great King to the priestesses – largely abandoned. This was followed by the “dynasty of priestesses”, an epoch of “isolationism”, which still continues to exist.

Using the Wormhole:

Transmedial transmission from VRIL-‘Odin’ No. l 174 The arrangement is not certain and certainly large passages are missing in many places. Nevertheless, the numbering was done to simplify the further work with the texts. Such numbering is not indicated on the templates. The texts have been translated largely literally – without regard to stylistic aspects. They were certainly formulated by different people and were essentially transmitted in this way by the media. Odin’ has left Mother Earth. A sudden feeling of indescribable loss has taken possession of the entire crew, as if at the same time. Little is spoken. The earth does not look like a school globe from the outside, but blue, light blue and white. The clouds are clearly visible and also parts of the land, in strangely familiar outlines. But we fly so fast that the earth soon looks like a ball that is getting smaller and smaller. This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is vril_lady2.jpg Circumnavigation of the earth in deep flight is not done, in order not to intensify emotions. Passed the moon relatively close, about 12,000 kilometers. It seems cold. The crew is quiet and thoughtful. It is noticeable that nobody believes in ever stepping on Earth again. Unexpected emotions. Nevertheless, everyone is properly at his post. Home (radio) transmission-reception turned off, that still works well. The crew must be distracted from the retrospective thoughts. XXX gave a good speech. He succeeded in bringing the courageous momentum back into the crew. Earth-Moon now already very far away. Fainthearted sentimentality shaken off. We are approaching the point of entry (into the dimension channel). XXX has made transmed connection to Aldebaran. Crew is hopeful again. Technically everything is smooth. 175 Transmedial transmission of VRIL-‘Odin’ No. 2 Odin’ flies without any problems. In seven and a half hours entry (to the Dimensional Canal). Meteor swarms ahead (asteroids?). Manned guns for safety reasons. Flying towards “meteor swarm”. Avoidance possible, but risky because of computer circuitry for the entry (into the dimension channel). The risk would be very high not to find the entry point again and thus to lose the meeting point with the Aldebarans irretrievably. Therefore fire command on larger meteors. Relief, because they can be shot down easily. The “hail of space”, which we now have to fly through, can be withstood by ‘Odin’. But still unpleasant. Several smaller damages: Gunnery Berta immovable, Alpha antenna failed, numerous cracks in the bulletproof glass outer layers, lots of dents and dents in the cell body. But nothing serious. The crew was shaken. Interior various minor damages. Maintain course. Computer circuit works perfectly. Transmedial transmission from VRIL-‘Odin’ No. 4 Transmediale transmission of VRIL-‘Odin’ No. 5 Entry (into the dimension channel) was very easy. Short feeling like a kind of breath of anaesthesia for all crew members. But only a few moments. Transformation goes much too fast to understand it properly… (approx. 12 lines illegible) greenish shimmer everywhere (…) In the canal quiet flight. Sometimes we pass lighter or darker places. Not knowing if they mean anything. XXX a strange bubble floated by, like a smelly greenish soap bubble. But quite far away. 176 Transmedial transmission of VRIL-‘Odin’ No. 6 Everywhere green-yellowish light spirals, in the middle almost orange. Size and distance difficult to tell. Possibly several kilometers total diameter of the spiral, which rotates very slowly. Maybe the structure causes a suction when you come closer. Thinking about whether the spiral structure might unintentionally pull objects flying outside into the channel? The channel is not a tube, just in one direction, it is basically everywhere. Transmedial transmission of VRIL-‘Odin’ No. 7 XX in the channel (dimension channel). Flight runs smoothly. Crew got used to the green over cosmos. Due to the cloud and fog-like veils that are common here, strong sensation of speed. Then again only the light of some green sun. Again and again floating objects that look like huge green rocks. Whole floating islands. On some of them you can see buildings, we imagine. It is the hereafter, or at least a kind of borderland between this world and the next. Technically no difficulties. Morally good. None (……) Transmedial transmission from VRIL-‘Odin’ No. 11 XXX started. Strange reddish and bluish swaths blend into the green ones. Nausea in several crew members. Some “trans girls” complain of headaches. It will pass soon. It predominates green again and then becomes completely green again. XXX means, disturbing vibration in bell possible…. Noises for the first time. Something like digging at the cell skin. But nothing to see. Then we recognize flickering clouds of dust. We fly through without any difficulties. 177 Transmedial transmission from VRIL-‘Odin’ No. 12 Transmedial transmission of VRIL-‘Odin’ No. 13 XXX something has crossed our path. Not a rocket, but something elongated that was perhaps just a natural structure. Is there such a thing as channel crosses/paths ?? (….) The disturbing light-like pink and blue is gone now. XXX complains of headaches again. There is something in the way. Looks like a huge honeycomb, but different. Fire opened. Holes shot into the thing, but it stays. Shot further, held on the center. The structure seems to be elastic. We can try to punch through. Goes without effort. The thing stays behind us. Very strange. XXX on the right side, then also on the left side very bright light spots. Light green. Looks like holes in the canal. But happened without any difficulties. Transmedial transmission from VRIL-‘Odin’ No. 14 Since X/XX/XXX sometimes green shining “Flying Stars” come into view. Quite far, distance not estimable. Certainly not other space ships, but natural phenomena. Maybe something like comets buzzing through the “Ka- nal” at this point. For crew a change, because there is something to see. Transmedial transmission from VRIL-‘Odin’ No. 15 XXX something like gusts of wind have arisen. Odin’ gets into rocking movements. Very funny. By counteracting it, it is kept halfway in position. Strange feeling. Like swell. But no cause recognizable. 178 Approaching large bright spot, which has no particular shape. Bright yellow-green glow. From there the gusts seem to come. We have to pass close to it. Brightness increases. Some crew members get ringing in their ears, others don’t notice anything. The big bright spot now looks like a huge jellyfish of yellowish green light. Apparently pure light. Maybe about 100 kilometers in size. Difficult to estimate. As we approach, it has suddenly disappeared. Or it is no longer perceptible at close range. Then reappears behind us as we pass. Flight again completely calm. The bright structure of light now on the other side. As if our flight path is crossed. Stay back. Transmedial transmission from VRIL-‘Odin’ No. 16 ….Full silence, the green stars now seem very far away. As if we had taken a leap. Canal space seems darker than before. Stars – but just greenish shining. Space of deep dark green. Impression of boundlessness. In front again brightness. Of course green and greenish here. A concentration of brightness. Flying towards it. Flying into the concentration of brightness. Again typical “channel feeling”. Vaporous veils pass by. Wisps sometimes condense and are sometimes almost completely gone… Transmedial transmission from VRIL-‘Odin’ No. 18 (….) no change. Eerie feeling. It must have been imagination. The swaths here look different. The strange feeling is still there. Sometimes different colored cloud shreds come. But only inside they look different, because they penetrate somehow. Outside are only green … XXX fly past something that looks almost like a wreck. It has the shape of an elongated egg with irregular holes, through which you can see something almost like frames. 179 Transmedial transmission of VRIL- Odin No. 19 Transmedial transmission of VRIL-‘Odin’ No. 20 Transmedial transmission of VRIL-‘Odin’ No. 21 XXX Silence occurred. We fly again through the already familiar green swaths. Sometimes lights, like stars. Now we slowly approach the exit point. Hope everything goes well. No noticeable disturbances. Exit (from the dimension channel) successful. XXX tries to connect to Aldebaran. Technically not possible due to failure of the alpha antenna. Our old universe again. Lots of foreign constellations – of course. Maintaining the agreed course. Nobody is afraid. The darkness here is unusual. To see stars, but no sun close enough to give light. We see nothing but distant stars. Not even from the edge of our plate. Very remarkable. Everything dark like in a bear’s belly. The sun Aldebaran Sumi is still relatively far away. We will fly the rest of the way together with the Aldebarans expected at this position. Hopefully they will come soon. We are slightly too early, but they will probably discover us. Transmedial transmission from VRIL-‘Odin’ No. 22 The Aldebaran space cruisers are rapidly approaching. Impressive devices. Certainly over 1,000 meters long. They are gigantic, but strangely enough they do not look as strange as we had imagined. Reminiscent of our V2, although they have no rocket engines, and of course they look different. What seems almost human and cozy up close are the illuminated rows of windows. This has a direct promise of cosiness. 180 Somehow like a heated house in a winter night – if one may become poetic. The crew is in a very good mood. The former submarine people on board compare the moment with a meeting on the high seas, and that’s what it is like (…one line destroyed). We are taken in the middle by the two Aldebarans. Their space cruisers are painted dove blue, light blue and purple. A kind of half decoration and half camouflage paint. The Aldebaran emblems are black and silver. The flagship turns the broadside to us. A large hatch is opened in the rear third of the hull. We steer straight into it. Strangely enough, the great excitement of meeting people from another star world for the first time is not there at all. We have the feeling that we already know each other. Fr. XXX has a connection to an Aldebaran woman on board the flagship. Everything goes incredibly smooth and easy.             Due to polar movement and climate change the melting ice has revealed many secrets including ancient and civilization, tunnel complexes, an alien base and now also used for supplying and transport between moon and earth. These bases would have offered all imaginable advantages: protection from storm and ice as well as being rendered invisible and invulnerable to any foe. Just where the Germans had been looking for secret bases or zones with extraterritorial status within Antarctica. Right under the nose of the US. There are actual records and supporting documents, which indicate the existence of a Nazi base in Antarctica, referred to as B-211. In early 1939 and after its successful expedition the ship Schwabenland continued a commuter service between Germany and the South Pole continent, and not just the most modern mining engineering, trolleys, rails and gigantic tunneling presses, but also brought in scientists from different fields, engineers, and highly skilled workers. Needed for the exploitation of natural resources and ability to control and defend of the region. There is now information available that question the old versions and indicates that German U boats did enter inner earth in 1944 and after. Copy letter dated 1947 and presumable from inner earth.

Letter from Karl Unger, crewmember of U Boat U-209

This is a letter from a German U Boat crewman of U-209. He says in the letter that U-209 commanded by Heinrich Brodda made it to the Inner Earth of Agharta and that they wouldn’t be coming back.(Source: U-209 Hollow Earth Blog) English translation of letter from Karl Unger

20 of April 1947

Dear old comrade, This message will be a surprise to you. The U Boat 209 has made it, the Earth is HOLLOW! Dr. Haushofer and Hess were right. The whole crew is doing well, but they cannot come back. We are no prisoners. I am certain, that this message will reach you, it is the last contact with the U 209. We will meet again comrade. I am worried about the people that have to live on the surface, since the Fuehrer is gone. God bless our Germany always. With hearty greetings, Karl Unger

Traveling through the Wormhole above Antarctica.

    There bonus in addition to have a secure escape point but also satisfy their obsession and be able to enter into the legendary inner is the main reason for the disappearing of German scientists, important skilled personnel and members of the NSDAP and numerous specialists and scientists who the Americans had hoped to obtain for their own military research endeavors. It is also the case that the fate and whereabouts of at least one hundred German mainly transport type U-boats are still unknown onto this day.    

Antarctica Today:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is aa_neumayer-station.jpg This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is vril_alienorsic.jpg  

The Rise of Totalitarianism in America and the EU.

The U.S. support of an authoritarian regime like Ukraine is perhaps best explained by the realization that the U.S. itself has shifted in that direction. According to American philosopher, social critic and cognitive scientist Noam Chomsky, who appeared on Russell Brand’s podcast in July 2022, the U.S. is “living under a kind of totalitarian culture, which has never existed in my lifetime and is much worse in many ways than the Soviet Union before (Mikhail) Gorbachev.” The cause for this cultural change, Chomsky believes, can be traced back to the censorship of global news.

Basically, most Americans live in an echo chamber, where there’s no diversity of views, especially not from perceived adversaries: “If today in the United States, you want to find out what Minister (Sergey) Lavrov of Russia is saying, you can’t do it. It’s barred. Americans are not permitted to hear what Russians are saying,” Chomsky told Brand. “Can’t get Russian television, can’t access Russian sources … You wanna find out what the adversaries are saying, which is of utmost importance … But the United States has imposed constraints on freedom of access information, which are astonishing and which in fact go beyond what was the case in post (Joseph) Stalin and Soviet Russia.”

The Biolab Angle Another angle that can help explain the U.S. support of a clearly authoritarian and anti Nature. EU The European Union, a globalist organization, has been among the biggest backers of increasing WHO’s global power/collectivist and hive mind structure instead of the individualized life force/democracy the standard in mammals. The EU includes the following 27 Western nations: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden. Our physical universe we are part of is energy based. Meaning that there is no need for fossil-based fuel at all like oil, coal and gas. Not only have there been a number of highly developed civilizations on earth like the pyramid ones and none using oil/gas and coal as such. You can find pyramids not only all over our planet but also Mars and Ceres to name a few. It was Tesla and his knowledge about energy did prove be joined any doubt the existence and principles of it around end 1800 and beginning 1900. Only to be silenced and murdered in the end. Energy as seen and often mentioned as the fourth dimension. At the end of the Second World War, Antarctica became the hub for a secret alliance between a breakaway German colony and different extraterrestrial groups. With the aid of these alien allies, the Germans were able to develop a powerful so-called Dark Fleet that routed the combined military forces of both the US and its allies on the Antarctic continent. The so-called Dark Fleet has since grown into a powerful military space force with bases not only in Antarctica, but also on the Moon, Mars and elsewhere in our solar system. Other claims that the Dark Fleet is behind a “galactic slave trade” involving millions of missing people, and regularly conducts interstellar operations against peaceful planetary civilizations. This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is ufos-navy-2.jpg If left alone, the Dark Fleet and its extraterrestrial alliance would grow to become the epicenter of a tyranny that would eventually span the galaxy. There might be a number of reasons to try and hide what is happening but at the current scale no longer possible. The underground settlements have been enlarged and number now  from the original 20000 in population to more than a 1000000 now and currently earth main basis outside the moon and Mars. There are a number of development in Australia. De dark fleet and its origin in Antarctica now a national and human security threat. The cover-up by the deep State involved, politics/authorities and by the major media and their owners the Cabal. The alien connect, at the end of the Second World War, Antarctica became the hub for a secret alliance between a breakaway German colony and different extraterrestrial groups due to the wormhole present their. However, powerful resistance forces are now starting to amass. How humanity’s liberation from this dark alliance and its web of nefarious activities on Earth and in space are being covertly assisted by multiple extraterrestrial civilizations and higher dimensional forces. In a 4-hour Webinar Intensive, Dr. Michael Salla explains the history of Antarctica and the Dark Fleet, and how these have become the hub of this evolving galactic tyranny. He will explain how humanity’s liberation from this dark alliance and its web of nefarious activities on Earth and in space are being covertly assisted by multiple extraterrestrial civilizations and higher dimensional forces. The webinar will be especially helpful for those wanting to know how historical events in Antarctica tie in to emerging “UFOs are a national security threat narrative” being heavily promoted by the major media and Deep State officials. Humanity’s Liberation from very negative forces associated with the Dark Fleet needs to begin with a thorough understanding of Antarctica, how it has contributed to our current global situation, and why positive extraterrestrial groups became concerned and are helping us today learn the truth. After Antarctica it was Dulce  turn, a large underground run  now Alien  base and taken over from the US Government. The take-over by the Alien connect existing of Aliens ( Grey) Masters/& Cabal and freemasons 33 plus. The fifth column already active on planet earth since 1938 and preparing for a hostel take-over of planet earth. NWO/WEF/CABAL/G7/BRIC/G20 to name a few of the organizations serving their that agenda. Tactics extensive knowledge/weaponry use of soul harvesting/mind control/implants/assimilations. “In Alien World Order, Len Kasten provides a coherent account of the history and imperialistic activities of Reptilian extraterrestrials on Earth and the Milky Way galaxy over millennia, using the work of Robert Morning Sky, Stuart Swerdlow, Alex Collier, and other primary sources. The scope of Reptilian influence over human elites and society is breathtaking and provides an explanation for many of the historical ills afflicting humanity. Kasten peels back the layers of secrecy even further to reveal the dire situation we collectively face today–where our political leaders are vassals for imperialistic Reptilian aliens–and the need for an informed citizenry to take back their sovereign destiny.” ― Michael E. Salla, Ph.D., author “Veteran UFO researcher Len Kasten has built a terrifying scenario of his findings about the aliens’ historical background and their future intent to control Earth. Along with different alien types, Kasten’s book focuses on the often reported reptilian-like beings and their nefarious plans. This book should be read by all those concerned with putting the pieces of the alien puzzle together.” ― David M. Jacobs, Ph.D., American historian and author “Len Kasten’s Alien World Order makes a compelling, well-documented case for the historical and ongoing competition between the Reptilian Draco Empire, with its program of hate, and the Galactic Federation, with its program of love. I urge you to read this book; the more of us who do, the more likely we’ll prevail against the Dracos and, with help from the Galactics, lift Earth to a planet of peace, cooperation, and encouragement for all.” ― Sasha (Alex) Lessin, Ph.D., author of Anunnaki: Gods No More “Len Kasten has courageously pieced together a lost history that goes far beyond our current understanding of who we are and where we come from. He has mapped out a new cosmology that takes us back to the stars, revealing the hidden stories of our galactic history, which include the cast, characters, and politics involved. The information within these pages allows us to take a giant leap forward to a deeper knowing that has always been encoded within our DNA. This hidden history has been patiently waiting to be revealed when we are ready to face the deep spiritual and psychological questions that arise from this knowing. Are you ready?” ― Jason Quitt, coauthor of Forbidden Knowledge “As always, Len Kasten writes in an articulate, thoughtful, and compelling manner. Alien World Order presents a profound and cohesive ‘look behind the scenes’ at the massive, sinister alien agenda that is interwoven with planet Earth’s long history. I highly recommend Len’s new book!” ― Edward T. Martin, author of King of Travelers: Jesus’ Lost Years in India.

Cosmic drama.

Information about the past of the human race can enrich our lives here on Earth. If we are to truly transform, it will be through the infusing of awareness onto our world, not using the awareness to escape from our responsibilities as citizens of Earth and the Galactic Family. The Genetic manipulation of blood lines was common in both way’s, in an attempt to dilute or concentrate power. What humans know as black magic was a common practice. Beings saturated in their own fear striking out at all who were different. The Earth history being sword and sorcery are dim remembrances carried/stored in the etheric cell memory from the dark times & Orion. Essential the availability of real information and not propaganda: another important aspect in to accelerate the human potential is the allowance of all parts/truths to be a manifestation as part of the One Truth, whatever that may be. Through this allowance emerges unification. Belief is certainly not required – but your willingness to be an explorer is! Dark times now: Domination entailed behavior that Earth humans have never experienced before. Human emotions: From the earliest days in Earth’s history, there has been a bittersweet emotion that wells up within us as we gaze into the expanse of the night sky. Some of us long for the day when the human race could travel beyond the stars. This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-8.png The attack on nature and soul are other examples. There are countless other members and dramas being played out on earth throughout our universe. Nothing looks like it is presented and the ones who seem to matter most to the human drama here on Earth. This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is alziendoog-1024x683.jpg The human consciousness or longing has intricacies that still remain unexplored. What stirs us to push, search and evolve. Perhaps it is possible that we are playing out a cosmic drama and have only temporarily forgotten the script. We know that what one country or race does upon the Earth affects another. This idea may also spread outward into the universe. Perhaps what we do here affects countless other civilizations on other planets. Could we #really be that linked together? There are now strong indications for earth has been a Galactic prison in the past. In most discussions/assumption presented is the idea that each being possesses a higher awareness. It is purported that regardless of the level of existence a being has chosen for a given lifetime, it retains an awareness (conscious or subconscious) of its connection to the Whole and its divine identity. This concept connects us with the idea that it is we and we alone who control our destinies. Therefore, evolution is in our own hands but no longer the case as explained by Matilda/Airl captured in 1947 in Roswell New Mexico. He had a chilling message for Matilde and about the spiritual holocausts taking place in this part of the galaxy. He explained the discovery his forced detected here being the electroshock treatment of all souls using a extreme high voltage parts of a white plasma field and erases the total memory of the souls who does no longer known who, how, identity/capacity. After reprograming also told to return to the so-called light and to incarnate again. That is the reason why we are not able to remember our past and not the case in other galaxies. Will leave it here for now and return to the subject soon.

All consciousness and energy was once fused into an integrated whole.

This Whole was aware of aspects of itself, but in a different way from individualized consciousness. In Earth’s present development the self is recognized first, then society, and finally the Whole, All That Is, or God. Separation is still created. This separation from the Source is an illusion. This illusion is a tool that provides the Whole with all the necessary lessons and challenges it needs to experience in order to reintegrate back into the Source? This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is fake-realities.jpg Before this fragmentation from the Source, the Whole existed in another octave of dimensional reality. From this realm of unification, portions of All That Is wondered what it would be like to fragment and temporarily forget integrated existence. The force of this thought on such a mass level began to create a fragmentation. The illusion created from this fragmentation would be a challenging forgetfulness in which consciousness would need to create (from its own divine nature) the remembrance to once again unite. What has been termed “creation/manifestation” is indeed this fragmentation, or, more descriptively, the Dimensional Infusion. The Whole’s initial curiosity about a fragmented existence actually creates the reality itself. It required a shift in perspective, focus, or frequency. As part of the Whole, aspects of the Galactic Family were partially responsible for laying out the blueprint that was to guide their development. Therefore, the statement “we are God” actually has viable meaning. The blueprint that was laid out contained many different ideas. It first held the notion that polarity and fragmentation would be the. norm. The encoding in the blueprint provided the option of Free Will on the part of each fragment or soul. The challenge was in remembering that each consciousness possessed it. The more Free Will is used, the more divine memory is invoked. When faced with a polarized reality, Free Will becomes the liberator. When a soul forgets it possesses Free Will, the lessons become much more challenging, yet quite rewarding. Another idea present in this chosen blueprint was that fragments of the Whole would be entirely responsible for their actions during this state of amnesia. Whether or not it was remembered, every action taken would generate a response from the universe. Some have called this karma; however, it is much more than “an eye for an eye.” Instead of punishments for negative behavior, there is always the option of expanding one’s awareness. Therefore, in a sense, wisdom erases karma. Though this may sound like the rules for some kind of cruel cosmic game, the outcome has already been decided. With this in mind, it is not necessarily the destination that counts but the journey along the way. It is literally how the game is played. Another blueprint agreed to was an etherically generated code built into the fabric of the universal tapestry. This code would allow bipedal, carbon-based humanoid forms to be the normal, naturally developing vehicle for the incarnation of human-type consciousness on planetary structures. This code exists on meta-atomic levels that science is just beginning to learn to measure. The symbiology of polarity plays out within in the human body form. The Earth human is symmetrical, with two arms, two legs, two eyes, ears, etc. The body is joined into a whole by a torso and a head. It was also decided that during the evolutionary development of humanoid forms (within the Earth’s galactic family) that the male and female polarities would manifest in separate but complimentary body types. This serves as a reminder that in order to create, polarities must always be joined or integrated. The notion is widely held that an individual has a tendency to feel most “at One” when he/she is joined with another in love. What was the actual process of the Dimensional Infusion? There exists within the time/space fabric of the constellation Lyra what can be called a white hole.1 Compare this white hole to a prism. In passing a beam of light through a prism, one gets a spectrum of light fragmented into seven visible color frequencies. A focus of intense light and energy. In this case, a birthplace When a portion of the Whole passed through the Prism of Lyra (the white hole), consciousness was fragmented into seven vibratory frequencies that represent the mass consciousness of Earth’s galactic family. Each fragment became conscious on all of these different frequencies or densities. Frequencies were previously experienced as being integrated into the Whole (like white light). When this portion of the Whole passed through the prism, it manifested as seven aware frequencies. Consciousness also fragmented, and the fragments moved “away” from each other as the “Big Bang” theory symbolically suggests. The illusion thus arose that each fragment was very, very alone. The Whole understood that the purpose of this experience was to learn to reintegrate from a point of separation. But how? As individualized souls or mamals/humans or in groups the fragments sought out the universe that was just created. The Dimensional Infusion not only created a consciousness fragmentation, but it also created the stars, planets, gases, and molecules that make up physical reality. However, physical reality represents only a few of the energy frequencies that emerged from the fragmentation.   As science has discovered, matter is densified energy vibrating at a specific rate. Every aspect of the universe is made up of energy. Our problem is that In Earth technology is  suppressed/manipulated to freeze the current situation/environment, as if it has not yet been discovered and explain/measure certain portions of reality. A very simple observation is that we do not need fossil fuel because everything is energy. The forces behind it created the fossil energy using structures and made human development/understanding and ability to travel dependent on it for controls. The same people behind it and factual in control pushing now for the introduction of a carbon footprint to be able to tax/charge and biological lifeform on earth under false pretend. Carbon dioxide is wat plants need to grow and manifest but not a climate changer. Fake science pushed by media control. If technology possessed this ability, an infinite number of gateways into time, space and dimension would be seen. For the time being, only seven frequency levels that Earth’s galactic family fragmented into by passing through the Prism of Lyra seen. Another name for these frequencies ”density” will be used in reference to these frequency levels. FIRST DENSITY: Awareness as a point; Physical matter. This frequency level is the most basic. It provides the matter and energy for the creation of atoms and molecules. The basic life forms of mineral and water, for example, are all operating from first-density frequency. Humans possess this frequency within themselves as well. It makes up the basic genetic codes. SECOND DENSITY: Awareness as a line; Biological matter; Development of group or species identity. The consciousness expressed by second-density vibration does not possess self-awareness (or ego). Most species within the plant and animal kingdoms exist here; however, their placement in density depends upon many additional factors, including the presence or absence of ego. THIRD DENSITY: Volumetric awareness; Ego; Loss of group identity, development of individual identity; Ability to remember past and cognize the future while retaining present awareness. This is the density where human beings emerge. It is a vibration that creates the illusion of separation and thus a challenge toward awakening. Presently humanity is going through a transition period into fourth-density reality which can account for the many rapid changes the human race is undergoing. This is the frequency that expresses the most separation from the Whole. It is from here that many lessons about integration are learned. This is the most intense of all levels in its cultivation of growth within the Self. Cetaceans (dolphins and whales) presently exist simultaneously in third and fourth densities and are transitioning out of third along with humanity. The consciousness of primates exists in third density as well. The evolution of primates is becoming increasingly apparent, as one begins to observe them displaying several characteristics that were once thought of as indigenous only to humans (such as language acquisition and pathological behavior). FOURTH DENSITY: Containment of volumetric awareness; Super-consciousness; Reintegration of group identity without loss of ego identity; As vibration increases, perception of past, present, and future become more fluid along with the ability to interface with multidimensional and multi-density realities; Negatively oriented consciousness becomes more difficult to maintain. Presently on Earth, fourth-density reality is overlapping third. In humanity’s case, this can account for the increased desire for unity, peace, and unconditional love as opposed to the illusion of separation that characterizes third density. The vibratory rate of one’s reality is stepped up, and therefore one may be faced with personal issues in a much more rapid and intense way. It is easy to see how this is coming into play with the thousands of individuals upon Earth who are in therapy, in substance-abuse programs, and engaging in humanistic efforts to better the planet. This is the frequency of responsibility. This is the frequency when one begins to remember the encoding of Free Will. This is the last frequency where physical bodies are the vehicles for the expression of consciousness. Hence many civilizations choose to spend long periods of time within this density. FIFTH DENSITY: Experiential awareness of “I” as a group identity; Not bound by linear time. In this density sentient consciousness begin to awaken to its heritage. This is the density of wisdom. As one awakens the wisdom within, they very often want to share it with those who are still focused in the lower densities. Many from this realm choose to become guides for others. A fifth-density being merges with its family of consciousness (“oversoul” or “higher self,” if you will) and begins to remember. This is the first density in which a nonphysical orientation is experienced. (Note: There is no clear-cut distinction when transitioning from fifth to sixth and sixth to seventh densities. Because these densities are not physically oriented, there is much blending in these transitions.) SIXTH DENSITY: Awareness as the dimension itself. This has often been called the ”Christ Consciousness”, in that it displays a frequency level equal to that of the Christ or Buddha. From this frequency a total remembrance occurs, and one begins taking responsibility for the Whole rather than the Self. The process of progressing the Self and progressing the Whole become one and the same. SEVENTH DENSITY: Awareness as the multidimensional experience; Group-matrix identity (Social Memory Complex). This is the frequency of total Oneness or integration. Those who vibrate to this frequency are merged in identity and become a mass-conscious whole. They magnetize those in other frequencies and provide the current for the natural flow toward integration. Once the seventh density beings reach critical mass, they will progress through the Prism of Lyra (from our point of view it will then be a black-hole exit point) and reach the next octave, where another adventure awaits. It is important to note that as portions of the Whole fragmented through the Prism of Lyra, each consciousness retained awareness on all density levels. However, part of the forgetfulness remained. From most highly focused density levels (such as third and portions of fourth), an unawareness may occur concerning the coexistence of other levels. As integration occurs, one becomes aware of these other aspects. The microcosm always reflects the macrocosm. This is visible in the “coincidence” of how atomic structure mirrors the structure of a solar system. It is the same with the fragmentation of portions of the Whole into individual beings or soul groups. When one incarnates into a physical body, it can be likened to a mini-passage through the Prism of Lyra. The process of soul fragmentation as one incarnates physically can be likened somewhat to Freud’s id, ego, and superego theories. As a fetus, the soul demonstrates a first-density consciousness. At that point, one is aware of itself as intricately connected to the environment. Physically, one is a mass of DNA codes with the potential to become a conscious human being.

Awe and shock.

There are those who study and comment on current events, who seem to be concerned with what is seen by some as doomsday predictions and warnings of potentially major problems. Others are concerned exclusively with messages of hope and light and refuse to engage in bad news. You wil find both nor do i have any qualms about facing either point of view, for how things turn out will depend on each of us, with the audience focusing on either view. It is information that matter and can be used/prepare. The threatening situations of our world are certainly real. In no case do we see in the policies of governments in the world any coherence, goodwill, enlightened activity, or – in general – intelligent behavior as an outgrowth of unity and equality. The human family has been completely bound to it for thousands of generations, returning to our home planet Earth for the sake of improving the rule of previous generations, the well-being of inhabitants/creatures, lifestyle and technology, while currently the emotional maturity lingers in a gut of rape, abuse, slavery, war, dishonesty, greed, administrative fraud and a hundred other misdeeds, by weak and disillusioned political and globalists alike, figures who are programmed to face/represent only the outermost event of the human mind and by limiting it using regulations/laws and integral part of suppression and all in name of the so-called greater good.


At least one billion years ago a big change was introduced in our physical universe after much consultations/trouble.

The introduction of the food chain and reproduction.

As told by the Alien captured alive in Roswell, originally all biological lifeforms or manifestations where created in laboratories by specialist and everything living in peace.  However due to the high cost/services to design and develop these biological identities was high. Resulting into the introduction of food and reproduction and applicable throughout the entire physical universe. The universe exist out of a for us visible part and on other not visible part. For example radio waves and most energy like electricity. Spirits/souls, spells just name it. So every lifeforce needs energy to continue to exist/manifest in our physical based universe. We as humans classified as a third density manifestation and when our body dies/deposes our spiritual or soul part does not dye but becomes nor visible to us. The soul can re-incarnate into a new human embryo and finally reborn. Does not have to be that because it can evolve in the spiritual section out of our view until it reaches level 7 and be completely re-integrated as life-force and can exist outside our physical world. The higher density beings feed on electro-magnetic waves/energy which we humans produce and emit. Within our own energy producing system being the mitochondria a small electric current is produced. Our emotions can modulate ( change) this direct current and turn it into vibrating waves and emit these but our so-called masters do not want to talk about it. These higher density beings use different frequencies to feed on, the more God like or positive beings of high frequent vibration as created when people experience joy, love, feel good, creative just to name it. The other group being the negative oriented ones and the case on earth from low frequent vibrations like fear, stress, sickness, anger to name a few and within their interest to build and maintain an environment as such. Killing/war/imprisonment/pain/stress/humiliation/fear/toxic environment/destruction, lies, cheating just name it.This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is asymimatric-hybride-warfare.jpg The job of the politicians, gurus, leaders is to recruit disciples to give their power away to the gods and the masters in other words, their job is to procure dinner/making our lives as difficult as possible including killing, was for examples. The abject surrender disciples give their spiritual lords must be the most total loosh transfer in the universe. No, it is not all supposed to be this way. Subjects get taxed by their overlords only when they submit themselves to the tax. Free beings don’t do that. They find their power within themselves without the need either to tax or be taxed. This is what we must evolve to if life is to be lived without loss, death, and suffering if we are to live and actualize the original, joyous, divine intention. They began to Figure out that this is how Prime Creator nourished itself. Prime Creator sends out others to create an electromagnetic frequency of consciousness as a food source for itself. Then new owners came and took over of this planet and had a different appetite and different preferences than the former ones. They nourished themselves with chaos and fear. These things fed them, stimulated them, and kept them in power. These new owners who came here 500,000 years ago and became known as the Annunaki. Magnificent beings spoken of in our Bible, in the Babylonian and Sumerian tablets, and in texts all over the world. They came to Earth and rearranged the existing native human species. They rearranged your DNA in order to have you broadcast within a certain limited frequency band whose frequency could feed them and keep them in power. The energy content of frequencies depend on the high of the used frequencies. The lower ones generated by chaos, fear, violence, submission, fear contain less than produced by emotion as love, awareness, consciousness to name a few and therefore lots of them. Resulting in unsustainable appetite for power (able to hurt/suppress and enjoy it) and greed. Loosh This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is vril32DNA.jpg Anything [of DNA] that was unnecessary for survival and that could keep you informed was unplugged, leaving us with only a double helix that would lock us into controllable, operable frequencies. In addition, a frequency fence, something like an electrical magnetic fence, was put around the Earth to control how much the frequencies of humans could be modulated and changed for use as nourishment. This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is obedece.png Our heaven id sub-divided into realms/frequency groups. These are that time newly arrived Negative beings and managed to hitchhike heaven as well. The causal interactions there involve exchanges of energy. For two realms (accumulated group) to exchange energy they must share some degree of resonance. The weaker the resonance, the more energy is needed for entities of one realm to directly affect those of another.


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image.png Negative entities are usually not in full resonance with their targets and are therefore limited in what they can directly do to them. However, with additional energy they can compensate for weak resonance and impact realms otherwise beyond their influence and do so. This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is hackabel-now.jpg This energy is known as loosh, identically the lifeforce energy harvested from human suffering, the emotional energy expended in the learning of lessons, and the psychic energy expelled through prayer and ritual. For every frequency of vibration, the soul may emit loosh at that frequency. A comparison may be drawn to laser energy of a particular color. Entities with low soul frequencies consume energy of a low frequency. Not only does loosh fuel the expansion and crossing of realm boundaries as discussed earlier in context of learning lessons and surrogate motivators, but it allows negative entities to more strongly manifest in the realms of their targets. Loosh is a commodity in higher realms because it is the very fuel of trans dimensional navigation and conquest. This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is nano-elite-conciousness.jpg It is important to realize again that as result of living with these emotions that our own observations, perceptions, beliefs and notions of reality can switch around. Feeling a wave for example become matter (receptors, ligands, hormones and sudden expressions of gene programs like that for inflammation) as they vibrate in the quantum field, rewiring of our brain. Effects on programming of our subconscious, change in behavior to mention a few. Crossing the fine line between what is visible/matter or substance and the invisible part of the world/universe.

by Branton I recently came across an interesting volume titled COSMIC VOYAGE, by Mr. Courtney M. Brown, Ph.D. This work deals with the authors’ personal experiments with remote viewing, along with his trainer, a former remote viewer for the U.S. Military who taught him the secret military RV techniques. From my own perspective, remote viewing operates through the subspace body of a human being who is able to tap into the universal psionic field. Since the psionic field is the very foundation of all space-time-material reality, the so-called ” master program” of the universe, it is not necessarily bound by the limits of spacetime and matter. Like a biochemical radio transceiver, some individuals — for better or for worse — have the ability to “tune-in” to and “surf” the universal consciousness, the “flowline“, or the Akasha memory matrix, to specific places in space and time. One of the “targets” which Mr. Brown’s military RV trainer sent him to was the Grey aliens’ collective mind. Shortly after this particular experiment began (one of many), Brown found himself in an area where several Greys were working, although he did not know exactly where this was. He “followed” the collective mind and found it to be absolutely massive, giving him the feeling of something unbounded, and almost universal in nature. However, he did detect a center, a definite “heartbeat” of this collective matrix, into which and out from which a steady stream of information was flowing. He noticed, at one point, an unusual “subspace” being that seemed to be directing the activities of the Greys he was observing, and discovered that the bodies of the Greys themselves were incarnated by such “subspace” beings which entered the Greys’ embryonic bodies and used them as vessels to manipulate physical reality. Brown was then instructed to locate other of these beings who apparently controlled the Grey collective from a subspace level, and found himself in an area where several of these subspace or paraphysical entities were located. As he continued towards this “center” the number of subspace beings increased until he came to a place of much activity, something like a grand central station type of area, where these beings were very active in various pursuits. He did not know exactly where this was but noticed that the closer he came to the control “center” the more he sensed a rigid atmosphere of absolute military-like control. He came to what he sensed was the central governing center of the subspace beings’ activity, and in the center of this, there was another area where a “council of 10” very high-level subspace beings congregated. These were apparently the governing principalities who were engaged in running the whole operation. The security here was absolutely incredible. Then he perceived the SUPREME LEADER of this council of 10 subspace entities…and at about this point Courtney Brown was jerked back into his body, so to speak. He sensed that this leader had detected the presence of his subspace body, and had followed this RV “intruder” back to his physical source. Brown and his trainer felt a deep, dark “cloud” enter the room and it stayed there for about half a minute scrutinizing the scene. It left, apparently seeing the two RV’ers as “small frys” who were not worth wasting its time on. Before Brown’s expulsion from the command center however, he was able to perceive for a brief moment what this being was really like. He or it was an extremely powerful being, but with a twisted personality that was full of darkness. Apparently this being had come into conflict with another Force which it saw as its enemy. Brown sensed in this being a severe self-esteem problem, in spite of its incredible power, and because of this, it had a consuming desire to be worshipped by others. Brown was confused when he sensed that the subspace beings and in turn the Reptilians/Greys were COMMANDED by this leader to engage in self- indulgent and destructive activities. This being wanted his servants to use self-indulgent rewards or fear to maintain the absolute hierarchical command structure within its empire — as well as through the rest of the subspace hierarchy and in turn the Grey society that they completely infested. Brown also got the impression that it was FEAR and PRIDE — it’s perceived NEED to be worshipped — that kept this being from negotiating with its ancient enemy, and that this being was utterly desperate to maintain its very survival or existence (strange for a seemingly immortal subspace being) and chose to resort to rebellion and terrorism in a desperate attempt to take control of the situation. Brown received a strong impression that this being was the ultimate universal terrorist!!! Apparently because of its all-consuming ego this being would

Bible based:

Gustave Doré’s illustration for Milton’s Paradise Lost, Book IV, lines 1013 1015: Satan (alias Lucifer) yielding before Gabriel (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Now if we go to the book of Revelation, chapter 12, we find that the ultimate leader of the serpent race’s collective is Lucifer, also known as the “great red dragon“, the “old serpent“, “the Devil” or “Satan” in the same chapter. Lucifer was one of the three original archangels (aside from Michael and Gabriel) who each had charge over one-third of the light beings who the Almighty had created. Now if you’re a hard-core evolutionist you may not want to suffer through the rest of this message, as physical evolution cannot account for spirit entities, nor for the human soul for that matter. As for myself, I have a “creationist-evolutionist” concept of reality, or that life in this universe was “created” and then left to “evolve” from there in various directions which the Creator allowed. Lucifer, as most may know from theological and eschatological traditions, reflecting the infinite “light” of the Creator with great brilliance, and therefore the name Lucifer, meaning “light-bearer” — “bearer” being the operative word here. Lucifer reflected the light of the Almighty like a diamond reflects the light of the Sun. However, Lucifer began taking his eyes off of the SOURCE and began giving HIMSELF credit for the “light” that he bore (I use the term “he” for semantic reasons only, although this being — as well as the Godhead — are not necessarily beings of gender from my own understanding), and the next step was inevitable — jealousy of the Almighty’s position.
Related:  Vermont’s Underground
Now I realize that many of you have different concepts of “God“, however, let us just take part in a thought experiment for a moment. If one accepts the concept of a “Trinity“, then one cannot accuse God of vainglory, for the Father is ever seeking to glorify the Son (the Logos or the Living Word) and the Spirit (which the Father and the “Son of God” share). The same holds true with the Son and the Spirit seeking to give glory to their other two counterparts in the Godhead. How can God be three distinct personalities yet one single “God“? (the plural “Elohim” God AND the singular “Jehovah” God at the same time?). One might just as well ask, how can the universe be “one” universe yet consist of space, time and matter…three distinct aspects, yet take one away and the singular universe ceases to be? We can also use the “trinities” of ultraviolet-visible- infrared (LIGHT – and imitating the Father, Son and Spirit one kind of light is invisible, one is visible, and one is felt); or length-width-height (SPACE); past-present-future (TIME); energy- motional-phenomena (MATTER), proton-neutron-electron (ATOMS), and other “triune” manifestations in nature such as in humans themselves: the physical-material body, the soular-mental body, and the astral-spirit body and the sublevels of each of these three distinctions…we ourselves being three-in-one beings. If I’m beginning to sound preachy, then please bear with me. I believe that many of you will agree that the Grey phenomena have both a physical and supernatural nature and that we cannot fully understand one without accepting the other. One could equate this to the division within the UFO research community in the 1950s and 1960s over whether UFO’s were nuts and bolts craft or ethereal supernatural manifestations. Well…why not BOTH? So then, Lucifer, in his jealousy, rallies his followers (one- third of the angelic beings) together and convinced them that God is being unjust, that He’s holding out on them and that he (Lucifer) has as much a right to be Almighty God as does God Almighty Himself. In addition to this, Lucifer tells his followers that they too can be Almighty Gods, all they have to do is follow him. Now, promising them godhood is very strange since the more “gods” there are the more the term “God” loses its singular distinction. It’s like a potential president promising every U.S. voter that if he is elected then he will simultaneously make all of those who voted for him Presidents of the United States! Do you see the insanity? Perhaps not, but it seems to be obvious to me. You see, from my perspective, if we are all gods then there is NO God. Pantheism must ultimately lead to Atheism. If that’s the way you wish to believe then you certainly have the free choice to do so…But I’m only trying to make a point that according to traditional Judeo-Christian eschatological beliefs, this is the deception that Lucifer used to gain his recruits. Now you can accept this or leave it as you will, I’m not trying to force any beliefs upon anyone, just attempting to open up some discussion on the possible nature of the supernatural forces motivating the Greys’ collective. Since “theological” manipulation is a major part of the Greys’ agenda, the eschatological factor is one that must be dealt with in order to understand the rest. So the rebellion began, and the heavens were torn in two as the standing and fallen angels warred with each other, resulting in the fallen angels being cast from the realm of Eternity and into the physical universe. Could the “subspace” beings described by Courtney Brown be fallen light beings or angels? Brown stated that this “leader” had his followers incarnate the reptilian Greys, and had ordered them to sabotage their race. The fourth planet of Zeta II Reticuli was the Greys’ “homeworld“, however, Zeta II Reticuli is a star lacking insufficient carbon content to allow for the natural development of carbon-based life, so the Greys must have colonized that world sometime in the past. The subspace beings, according to Brown, animated themselves through the Greys and turned them to a mindset of self- indulgence, which in turn led to the drive within the Greys for immediate gratification at the expense of their future and their world’s resources (sound familiar?). Once their world had become a polluted, radioactive ruin which was threatening their very genetic survival, the subspace beings under the command of their “leader” offered a solution — all the Greys had to do to survive was to give up all individual rights and emotions, and submit to a collective mind which would control every aspect of the Greys’ culture — for their own “good” of course, they were told. Using the excuse that individuality was the root of the problem, the subspace collective took things to the opposite extreme and insisted that an absolute collective mind was the answer and to be imposed/implemented else where. In other RV experiments, Brown saw humanoids living on Mars in some past era. A large planetoid grazed the atmosphere with such violence — barely missing the surface — that storm of enormous magnitude swept across the surface and much of the atmosphere itself was blown out into space. The Greys (who were observing this event and could have prevented the disaster) arrived as the planet was in the midst of upheaval, and offered to rescue the Martians, but at a price — namely that the Martian humanoids surrender to the control of the Greys’ collective and others be cryogenically preserved in order to “preserve” their race. Actually, according to Brown, the main purpose of the cryogenic project was to “preserve” them as sources for genetic materials to upgrade the Greys’ race from time to time. This occurred mostly after the humans had escaped underground and were desperate for survival — every day is a struggle for existence. NOW, according to Brown, Mars is under the control of the Greys, although some pockets of humans and “hybrids” remain in various places underground. Other sources claim that in 1985 the joint-operational “Alternative 3” facilities on Mars were sabotaged and taken over by the Draconians (Reptiloids and Greys serving the collective). English: Lucifer versus The Lord (Madach) Slovenčina: Lucifer proti Pánovi (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
  What Brown sensed was that the Greys were desperate. They realize that they not only need to genetically upgrade their race but also need to attain emotional individuality in order for their culture to survive (and this may have something to do with the “hybrid” projects). However, they are trapped by the collective itself…there is presently a great sense of panic within the collective combined with a bizarre sense of protection which the combined psychic power of the collective provides. Although they are desperate to attain emotional individuality which they are attempting to do by interfacing with humans, assimilating human genetics, and producing quasi- hybrid genetic offspring, they cannot fully make the break from the collective, without the help of those who already exist in an individualized state, namely the humans. For those of you who are familiar with the BORG collective in the STAR TREK: NEXT GENERATION series, certain episodes depicted a Borg entity by the name of “Hue” who developed emotional individuality during his captivity aboard the Enterprise and as a result of his association with human individuals. He was later sent back into the collective and introduced the idea of individuality, and in later episodes gathered quite a following of other Borg who also developed individuality and broke-off from the collective. The problem with the collectivist Greys is that, although they need the humans, the self-destructive instructions coming down through the collective itself from the hierarchy are SABOTAGING all attempts to deal with humans on a reasonable basis. Once they establish an agreement with a humanoid culture for whatever motive, the collective commences to use the agreement for its own imperialistic agendas, and the human collaborators are betrayed and sometimes destroyed (as in the Alternative 2 and 3 bases), and war inevitably results. The only answer to the problem that I can see would be to concentrate on severing individual reptiloids and greys from the collective and attacking the “control centers” of the collective itself. In this case, mere technical and psychological attacks will not be enough…supernatural warfare will be the only answer since we are dealing with “subspace” beings. We need the help of the standing angels, yet at the same time, we need to be careful since the fallen angels are good at masquerading as standing angels, which they have often done with those who have ” channeled” these entities via occult means, feeding them with information which has later turned out to be false — manipulative propaganda. We must realize that the ONLY being in the collective which is allowed to exercise individual choice is their dark leader, and to a lesser extent the inner council, and these beings do NOT want the Reptiloids and Greys to attain emotional individualism. But what about other “collectives” like the Ashtar or Astarte collective? Just who is this “Ashtar“? Why is the Ashtar collective so involved with the Dulce base activity in a joint capacity with the Greys and Reptiloids according to certain reports? Is it, as contactee Israel Norkin claims because the “Unholy Six” star systems of Orion have infiltrated the Ashtar collective to a massive extent? What about the bald 9-foot tall Reptilian “from the Pleiades” who supposedly defected from the Draconian collective, HATONN? Why hasn’t Hatonn been warning about this infiltration of his own collective? Is it because he is secretly working FOR the Draconian-Orion empire? Certainly, if he was truly converted from the Draconian collective he could be a lot more zealous in exposing it…especially its infiltration of the Ashtar collective. If we are to believe reports of “Star Wars” taking place within Sirius-B where the Ashtar collective has its headquarters, then this leaves open the possibility that the Ashtar collective is in the process of splitting down the middle between an interventionist faction siding with the Draco-Orion Empire and a non-interventionist faction siding with the Andro-Pleiadean Federation. Now for some further theological speculation…
In II Peter 2:4 we read that: “…God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment.”
This verse is apparently speaking of the high-level leaders of the ancient rebellion, who were so evil that they were bound in dark prisons deep under the earth. However the Bible gives several accounts of fallen angels or demons that are fully ACTIVE on the surface of the earth, so we must conclude that these were lower-ranking angels like the “elementals” who were merely following the “party line” since they are allowed more or less to roam about the earth freely. If such angels were condemned when the first war in heaven ran its course, then WHY are they still allowed to more or less roam free? Is God possibly giving them TIME to reconsider their ways? Does the above verse mean that ALL fallen angels are irreparably doomed, having essentially become spiritual “black holes” after they of their own choice annihilated any and all “light” within themselves, essentially leaving nothing for the Almighty to work with and therefore having no hope of redemption? (black holes, once collapsed, can never become “stars” again — could a spiritual being collapse from a light-giving being so COMPLETELY that it becomes a “black hole” entity destroying and consuming all life, light and innocence around it? ) Or, has the Creator in his infinite mercy given SOME of the fallen angels — those who still maintain a semblance of regret for their part in the rebellion — one last chance by allowing them physical incarnation through the Reptiloids and Greys? Could this be why the Greys are so absolutely desperate to attain emotional individuality in spite of the restraints of an individuality- killing collective? Could their very eternal destinies be at stake? A few years ago I would have totally rejected the possibility that some of the fallen angels could be included in the plan of redemption, yet now I wonder… Now before you begin labeling me a heretic, I would like to quote three verses regarding the serpent race (Greys, Reptiloids):
“Now the serpent was more subtil (intelligent) than any beast of the field…And the Lord God said unto the serpent…I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed.” — Genesis 6:1,14-15
In its full context, these verses imply that the fallen archangel Lucifer was the one that incarnated this particular reptilian — possibly something akin to a velociraptor or other similar types of bi-ped saurian humanoids — and in turn the entire serpent race, promising them power over man and nature if the Luciferians could re-incarnate through their race at will.
Related:  THEY LIVE
Whether you take this passage literally or symbolically, the message is essentially the same. Lucifer used the serpent race to deceive the humans into sabotaging their own connection with the God-Source and thereby sabotaging their supernatural dominion over the lower life forms — and from that point onward these lower life forms began turning wild and untamed because the downward “flow” or Life and Order had been broken at the human level as death and chaos began to reign. One of the races which reverted to their base animal or predatory nature, of course, was the serpent race which originally held a position somewhere between mankind and the beasts, yet due to man’s “fall” and the reptilians’ alliance with the Luciferians, they began taking the upper hand over the human race — or rather, the fallen angels began taking the upper hand over the human race THROUGH the serpent race. Today one could say that we see basically the same thing happening, however, in this case, it is the “subspace beings” incarnating the Greys and offering the “forbidden fruit” of occult-technology to that intent on using it to establish god-like control and domination over their fellow man. As Solomon once said, “there is no new thing under the sun”. But the point I want to make is that according to this verse, fallen angels have been re-incarnating through the Grey (serpentine) races for quite some time. And another verse:
“In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.” — Isaiah 27:1
This verse, unless I’m mistaken, is speaking of the reptilian COLLECTIVE itself, which could be considered as a “piercing serpent“. And then the following verse, which literally threw me for a loop:
“Praise ye him, ALL his angels: praise ye him, ALL his hosts… Praise the Lord from the earth, ye dragons, and ALL deeps.” — Psalm 148:2,7
Now unless I’m grossly misinterpreting scripture, it would seem that here God is saying that the (fallen-angel-incarnated) serpent races are told to praise the Almighty — who after all was their creator before they corrupted their own race. Other verses that we might add to the one above include:
“Let EVERYTHING that hath breath praise the Lord.” — Psalm 150:6 “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to EVERY CREATURE.” — Mark 16:15 “And EVERY CREATURE which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb forever and ever.” — Revelation 5:13

Back to our food story.

Mammals are different to reptiles and able to produce large amounts of vibrations/frequencies’ needed by others of a higher density and we as beings of the third density cannot perceive. That changes when we pass and return to so-called heaven. We on earth have been living for almost 500000 years with the race called Anunnaki and been our overlords. A star travelling warlord race employed by the Grey’s. The beings called by Matilda and suggested by Airl the captured Alien in Roswell 1947. To avoid some misunderstanding there where three accidents at almost the same location near Roswell located in New Mexico. There is a monitor system in place in this part of the galaxy for nuclear explosions. The testing of the first few explosions did not go undetected. The papers of the questioning/info given by this alien called Airl give a good insight of what is going on here at planet earth. How we humans have been deliberated cheated and mislead for thousands of years by almost any ruler/religion ever existing. Dumped down.
  We are still partly in the dark-ages and told otherwise. Humans are different from reptiles because of our social nature and love to form groups, bounds experiments and learn from it with the original intend to evolve in that way. The problem with the collectivist Greys is that, although they need the humans, the self-destructive instructions coming down through the collective itself from the hierarchy are SABOTAGING all attempts to deal with humans on a reasonable basis. Once they establish an agreement with a humanoid culture for whatever motive, the collective commences to use the agreement for its own imperialistic agendas, and the human collaborators are betrayed and sometimes destroyed (as in the Alternative 2 and 3 bases), and war inevitably results. The only answer to the problem that I can see would be to concentrate on severing individual reptiloids and greys from the collective. Mere technical and psychological attacks will not be enough…supernatural warfare will be the only answer since we are dealing with “subspace” beings. (Interdimensional including the Anunnaki who are only partly reptilian.)We would need the help of the standing angels, yet at the same time, we need to be careful since the fallen angels are good at masquerading as standing angels, which they have often done with those who have ” channeled” these entities via occult means, feeding them with information which has later turned out to be false — manipulative propaganda. Hitler is a good example! We must realize that the ONLY being in the collective which is allowed to exercise individual choice is their dark leader, and to a lesser extent the inner council, and these beings do NOT want to change that. So we as humans having a individualized soul/structure and free will is not compatible with collectives hive structure. Nothing wrong with them in itself and we can see and watch them in Nature. Bees are for example part of one. It violates or needed freewill constitution we need to learn/growth and evolve. What is currently happening and the totalize ring of all decision making on central levels a violation in human rights perspective and against right/basic laws. The Grey and other reptilian races do need humans to produce there food what would otherwise greatly dhimes’. In addition and nobody is will to tell you with the exception of Ick is that the Grey’s for example are using our blood and blood products/organs and more. When we become emotional and start to create  vibrations or waves our body start to produce organic substances (receptors, ligands, hormones and sudden expressions of gene programs like that for inflammation) as they vibrate in the quantum field, rewiring of our brain. They are left in our blood as markers. Reptilians want/need  about these produced chemicals/markers present and important because it can produce longevity/ hallucinauts to name a few. What nobody is going to tell you about and warn for about is being being eaten at the 3 density/dimension for the same reason. The use of human organs and flesh stored in containers with liquid and by taking a bath in it some of the Grey can enjoy/nourish. It proved not be difficult for them to take control in every respect from organization, structure and mind. Decapitate our leaders/globalist’s and change the individualized soul for a hive lifeforce in less than 4 minutes. They have still a human looking body but empty in the head. Reptilian predators and we mammals their main prey. It is not impossible any longer to make pictures of the aura of individual humans and it will show that their aura looks identical to others but real humans clearly differ. Because they need us as mammals and in addition our counterpart’s  kept in these cities on the fourth planet of Zeta II Reticuli for example.   That is why the aim is one World, one party rule and their puppets in control. But it is not the end of the Saga; the Anunnaki their warlords have been trying to claim Africa for themselves as a bonus. Meaning that depopulation will be necessary including the displacement of large groups of humans and already ongoing. Moving them currently from Africa and the Middle East to Europe and Amerika. Not that it is new but never happened on such a scale and now called soul harvesting. As mentioned above the Grey do need more and more energy to survive under current circumstances and decided to lock us up in big cities/but well isolated using media as only way to communicate and they control. Sold and pushed by the empty headed slaves/UN and called sustainable development and pushed sold as such.   This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-22.png
Deputy Director at the Vaccine Research Center at the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Barney Graham, speaks with President Donald Trump during a tour of the Viral Pathogenesis Laboratory at the National Institutes of Health, Tuesday, March 3, 2020, in Bethesda, Md. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
  Since the 1930 both the Germans/US government did sign treaties with these aliens in respect of use of land/resources/research with-out telling there respective populations/electorates and have been hiding it every since. It was Mathilda who handed papers as documented about Roswell and Henry at the end of her life and try to publish them which he did only to be denied until this day. In here farewell letter to the world Matilda wrote about her fear about head of State signing deals and transferring govern rights to Alien. Aliens who are far advanced compared to us including knowledge and known capacity to enslave us all. And that is what is now happening. The Cabal/Freemasons 33 part of the alien connect and deep State elements in the different governments implementing their long time known wishes. Control and use of all known about resource’s including life itself. Nothing less than a one world, one party government and capable to transfer all to these forces legally and binding. Covered in The UN development agenda and the relocation of almost all  real humans in big cities, with total control of all information/communication despite being close to another also separated/total control.
Remote viewing of the Grey collective’ hive society: Shortly after this particular experiment began (one of many), Brown found himself in an area where several Greys were working, although he did not know exactly where this was. He “followed” the collective mind and found it to be absolutely massive, giving him the feeling of something unbounded, and almost universal in nature. However, he did detect a center, a definite “heartbeat” of this collective matrix, into which and out from which a steady stream of information was flowing. He noticed, at one point, an unusual “subspace” being that seemed to be directing the activities of the Greys he was observing, and discovered that the bodies of the Greys themselves were incarnated by such “subspace” beings which entered the Greys’ embryonic bodies and used them as vessels to manipulate physical reality.
  The subspace beings, according to Brown, animated themselves through the Greys and turned them to a mindset of self- indulgence, which in turn led to the drive within the Greys for immediate gratification at the expense of their future and their world’s resources (sound familiar?). Once their world had become a polluted, radioactive ruin which was threatening their very genetic survival, the subspace beings under the command of their “leader” offered a solution — all the Greys had to do to survive was to give up all individual rights and emotions, and submit to a collective mind which would control every aspect of the Greys’ culture — for their own “good” of course, they were told. Using the excuse that individuality was the root of the problem, the subspace collective took things to the opposite extreme and insisted that an absolute collective mind was the answer and to be imposed/implemented else where. In other RV experiments, Brown saw humanoids living on Mars in some past era. A large planetoid grazed the atmosphere with such violence — barely missing the surface — that storm of enormous magnitude swept across the surface and much of the atmosphere itself was blown out into space. The Greys (who were observing this event and could have prevented the disaster) arrived as the planet was in the midst of upheaval, and offered to rescue the Martians, but at a price — namely that the Martian humanoids surrender to the control of the Greys’ collective and others be cryogenically preserved in order to “preserve” their race. Actually, according to Brown, the main purpose of the cryogenic project was to “preserve” them as sources for genetic materials to upgrade the Greys’ race from time to time. This occurred mostly after the humans had escaped underground and were desperate for survival — every day is a struggle for existence. NOW, according to Brown, Mars is under the control of the Greys, although some pockets of humans and “hybrids” remain in various places underground. Other sources claim that in 1985 the joint-operational “Alternative 3” facilities on Mars were sabotaged and taken over by the Draconians (Reptiloids and Greys serving the collective). Now it is our turn on earth. Letting the Grey in and slowly taking over. All for some military gadgets to be  used to terrorize planet earth. However not to assimilate everybody. They do need mammals as source of food, energy, medicine, longevity. To milk us like cattle and based on the so-called agenda sustainable development centra.This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-1.png
In big cities isolated from others/nature. Despite being very closely packed all communication and information is controlled and manipulated. It are negative beings who feed of the produced vibrations/frequencies in these ghetto’s. In addition due to the created one world one government system able to sell Africa to the Anunnaki leaders/population. Any to be/become price of Africa. Part of it is a depopulation agenda where all no longer contributing humans are eliminated. Al our so-called leaders in EU/US, China to name a few are puppets who’s individualized soul has been replaced by a temporary split of of a lifeforce of the collective.
How we humans have been deliberated cheated and mislead for thousands of years by almost any ruler/religion ever existing. Dumped down.
We are still partly in the dark-ages and told otherwise. Humans are different from reptiles because of our social nature and love to form groups, bounds experiments and learn from it with the original intend to evolve in that way.
“Now the serpent was more subtil (intelligent) than any beast of the field…And the Lord God said unto the serpent…I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed.” — Genesis 6:1,14-15  
In its full context, these verses imply that the fallen archangel Lucifer was the one that incarnated this particular reptilian — possibly something akin to a velociraptor or other similar types of bi-ped saurian humanoids — and in turn the entire serpent race, promising them power over man and nature if the Luciferians could re-incarnate through their race at will. What Brown sensed was that the Greys were desperate. They realize that they not only need to genetically upgrade their race but also need to attain emotional individuality in order for their culture to survive (and this may have something to do with the “hybrid” projects). However, they are trapped by the collective itself…there is presently a great sense of panic within the collective combined with a bizarre sense of protection which the combined psychic power of the collective provides. Although they are desperate to attain emotional individuality which they are attempting to do by interfacing with humans, assimilating human genetics, and producing quasi- hybrid genetic offspring, they cannot fully make the break from the collective, without the help of those who already exist in an individualized state, namely the humans instead turning on us and there humans captives on their home planet. Our politicians and so-called Elite, economic bloc’s like US, EU, Bric, China, Africa, Middle east to name some are no longer human nor have any attachments. Emotions are dirty and useless other than producing high grade emotions needed to exist/manifest/indulgent/destruction  all decapitated and soul re-placed. Chosen this way because it can be done or takes less than 4 minutes to do/complete. Visual no difference but low in Emotions/but skilled predators instead. Make up for their lack of real emotions by mirroring these of there victims. It is not new and we have names for these so-called humans like psychopaths, sociopath’s, narcist, matrix beings.

Agenda 21 UN

  • Agenda 21 (Agenda for the 21st Century) is the inventory and control plan for all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, construction, means of production, food, energy, information, education and all human beings in the world
  • This roadmap for global totalitarianism was agreed to by 179 nations, including the U.S., at the 1992 Sustainable Development conference in Brazil
  • We’ve seen various facets of Agenda 21 being implemented throughout the last three years, under the cover of biosecurity and the global COVID-19 pandemic. The Green New Deal (Green Agenda), “Build Back Better,” the Fourth Industrial Revolution (the transhumanist movement) and The Great Reset all further and facilitate the implementation of Agenda 21
  • Agenda 21 is based on the ideology of “communitarianism,” which argues that “an individual’s rights should be balanced against rights of the community.” Community, however, in the mind of the globalists, is made up of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), corporations and government, which are to dictate what happens around the world. The people are not really part of the equation
  • “Sustainable development” is NOT about recycling or making sure there’s enough food and resources for everyone. It’s about moving populations from rural and suburban areas into concentrated city centers where they and their use of resources can be monitored and controlledSee related image detail
  • …

    Web24/01/2021 · Rosa Koire Explains Agenda 21 and the Great Reset. All roads lead to Agenda 21. The Great Reset, the Paris Accord, the Internet of Things, 5G, COVID 19, “Systemic Racism”, the Green New Deal, the stolen election …

The late Rosa Koire, former executive director of the Post Sustainability Institute and Democrats Against UN Agenda 21,1 and author of “Behind the Green Mask: UN Agenda 21.” She spent the decade before her untimely death researching and educating people about public policies intended to strip us of our individual rights. Before taking up that fight, she was a district branch chief at the California Department of Transportation for nearly three decades. Koire passed away from a pulmonary embolism and metastatic lung cancer at the end of May 2021. In the video above, Koire exposes the real agenda of the United Nations Agenda 21, which was laid out during a Sustainable Development conference in June 1992. Documentation2,3 from this conference can be downloaded in multiple languages from the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals page4 and the UN’s digital library.5 Koire’s many interviews and lectures on this topic can be found on

Agenda 21 Is Globalization on Steroids

Koire was adamant that Agenda 21 (aka Agenda for the 21st Century) was the most crucial topic of our time, as it is:
“The inventory and control plan for all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, construction, means of production, food, energy, information — and all human beings in the world.”
This roadmap for global control and domination — global totalitarianism — was agreed to by 179 nations at the 1992 Sustainable Development conference in Brazil. Were Koire alive today, at the end of 2022, there’s no doubt she would have warned us all that Agenda 21 was now in the final implementation stages. We’ve seen various facets of Agenda 21 being implemented throughout the last three years, under the cover of biosecurity and the global COVID-19 pandemic. The Green New Deal (Green Agenda), “Build Back Better,” the Fourth Industrial Revolution7 (the transhumanist movement) and The Great Reset, officially introduced by World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab and then-Prince Charles in June 20208 — these all exist to further and facilitate the implementation of Agenda 21.

What Is ‘Sustainable Development’ Really?

As noted by Koire, most people are under the illusion that “sustainable development” is about things like recycling and making sure there’s enough food and resources for an ever-expanding population. But no, that’s NOT what it’s actually about. “It’s about moving populations into concentrated city centers and clearing them out of rural areas,” Koire says. It’s also a plan for robbing the lower and middle classes of their wealth and turning the global population into slaves under a digital dictatorship where all resources are controlled from the top. It’s globalization on steroids, and the greater the globalization, the fewer individual rights can exist. Former Prime Minister of England, Margaret Thatcher, once gave the following warning:9 “When the state does everything for you, it will soon take everything from you — you will then have no basis for personal freedom, political freedom, or economic freedom.”

‘Community’ Is Not What You Think It Is

As explained by Koire, Agenda 21 is based on the ideology of “communitarianism,” which argues that “an individual’s rights should be balanced against rights of the community.”   We may agree with this, at least in part, because we think of “community” as something that we’re part of and have a responsibility to. However, “community” in the mind of the globalists is a construct made up of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), corporations and government, which are to dictate what happens around the world. Tactics:
“We, as individuals, have literally no influence, unless we are in agreement with it,” Koire says. “If you dissent against ‘the community’ [i.e., NGOs, corporations and government], against communitarian law or communitarian social tactics, you are rejected and basically made an outcast.”
So, to be clear, Agenda 21 and The Great Reset are based on an ideology that says individual rights must be balanced against the rights of NGOs, private corporations and governments. The word “balanced” is misleading, however, because “the community” is the decision-maker. Your only option is to submit to their rule or be expunged from society.

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13 responses to “Nikola Tesla & flying saucer technology!”

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