Tesla & Hitler!


Tesla and Hitler.

The Alien connects, Cabal & freemasons

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Travelling too Aldebaran using a worm hole?

The story/document is based on:

Veil of Invisibility Alexander R. Putney Tesla declared efforts had been made to steal the invention. His room had been entered and his papers examined but the thieves, or spies, left empty-handed. There was no danger, he said, that his invention could be stolen for he had at no time committed any part of it to paper. He could trust his memory to preserve every fine detail of his investigations. This was true, he said, of all of his major discoveries. The nature of his system makes little difference now; he has gone and has taken it with him… until the human race produces another Tesla.”

– unpublished material from ‘Prodigal Genius

There is a free download available online size 81 pages and too big to show here.

link: https://docdro.id/zGfvzH4

Connecting the dots is Alway’s risky nor fool prove but there are several important points made in respect of the past. At first hand many interferences seem isolated event, but a closer examination proves otherwise. First it shows/claims the theft of several inventions of Tesla by NAZI from Germany but showing/use in the US after the War including the Hans Coler solid state free energy device.

We must always remember that the truth is all that exists, and all subterfuge will surely become evident in time, especially those falsehoods so firmly media-implanted into collective memory. Skorzeny provided a stunning series of photographs that expose the lies of history, including one image of himself as a very tall youth posing with fellow Nazi agents George H. Scherf, Jr. and his father, George Scherf, Sr. (above, right). An espionage agent’s personal photographic collection is a powerful form of evidence for self-defense and security, painstakingly maintained to provide a solid means of blackmail protection by threat of exposure. Skorzeny’s did handing-over of his collection to Erik Berman was an acknowledgement that the photographs’ value as insurance for his loved-ones would expire with him; that he could find solace in their exposition of the hidden identities and entrapment methods of his partners, who used him in kind. As one of his final guilt-cleansing actions, Skorzeny chose to disclose his role in forming the CIA with other Nazis exported to the US through Operation Paperclip. Otto alleged that he worked extensively with Reinhard Gehlen and George H. Scherf, Jr. in these efforts. After the May 10, 1945 German ‘surrender’, Skorzeny was imprisoned at a Darmstadt POW camp (above). He ‘escaped’ on July 27, 1948 – but was actually released as planned– to found first the Office of Strategic Services and later the CIA with the vast majority of Nazi scientists and engineers directly from Germany. What definite signs of this do we see in the US today? The Nazi discovery and use of fluoride in state-controlled water sources to pacify and confuse the public by inducing attention deficit disorder (ADD) is well documented and should certainly raise alarms today as Americans fight against large-scale corporate fluoridation of the nation’s water supply. Fluoride has been shown to accumulate in the pineal gland at the core of the human brain, where it throws off the resonant functioning of calcite microcrystals that synchronize hemispheric interaction in the brain, resulting in thought fragmentation. See the source image An FDA scam to promote a neurotoxin as a beneficial dental hygiene additive? Artificial sweeteners like Aspartame can kill? Yes. The disinformation machine of the American media today follows precisely Hitler’s philosophy of deceit: “the size of the lie is a definite factor in causing it to be believed, because the vast masses of a nation… would never credit others with the possibility of such great impudence as the complete reversal of facts… Something therefore always remains and sticks from the most imprudent of lies, a fact which all bodies and individuals concerned in the art of lying in this world know only too well, and therefore they stop at nothing to achieve this end. Alexander R. Putney: For all of the radiant beings who guide humanity toward the creation of a lasting peace on Earth, with her transformation into a heavenly planet under the purifying red light of the solar twins? There is an occult energy in the heart that comes from Tonatiuh, the Sun, and if man releases it, returning it consciously to the Sun, he becomes immortal. But to liberate this energy, sacrifice is necessary. Man must sacrifice the desires and habits that he adores, sacrifice them in himself, and turn the knife against the enemy that he carries within himself, that keeps his heart a prisoner. In recent times men still remembered these words, but they have now forgotten their significance. They have made enemies of other men to sacrifice them and take out their hearts, believing such offerings would propitiate Tonatiuh. Such is their degeneration; such is their superstition. When fear unites with knowledge, terrible things are done. It is the self within us that we have to sacrifice. It is our own heart that has to be torn out of the false being and offered to the light. (The Pyramid of Fire Codex, p.11)

Also, the connection between the NWO and the Cabal and more specific the banks owned by it. Involved in the communist take-over in Russia, next supporting of Adolf Hitler and now setting the Bric countries against the West. The victory claim end of colonialism while in fact the Cabal (banks) own both. Same during WW2 when the banks supported both Germany and the Allies. The winner takes all.

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Behind the covid/climate hoax, the desire to eliminate large portions of the human population by any way possible or the Alien connect. By mislabeling CO2 as climate change and introduction of the so-called carbon footprint. Needed to catch anyone including animals in the new tax net.

Because Corbon dioxide is the raw material plant use to produce hydrocarbons and releases oxygen will reduce the total produce and permanent famine created. There is now nearly 0.04% of CO2 present in our air and proven not to contribute to global warming. The real info about it Censored and deleted. That the cabal/freemasons interfere and try to kill-of a substantial part of the current population well established.

Involvement of the freemason’s world oldest and most secret religion.

World War II, that was actually an exit strategy and mass transfer operation from Nazi Germany to the United States; Gehlen would later become the Director of Intelligence at the German DVD, and Scherf, Jr. would later become the Director of Central Intelligence for the American espionage apparatus using the alias George Herbert Walker Bush. The network of covert Nazi assets among the elite American industrialists influenced the vast reformation of US government institutions signed into law by President Truman, forming the CIA and drafting the National Security Act of 1947. Several years prior, new US government offices were created to support the revenue gathering of the Nazi IRS, coordinating the extensive multi-tiered German infiltration. A new branch of the government called the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), whose supposed job was to spy on the Nazis. In fact, Hitler now had an entire branch of the US government at his disposal. Hitler trained and, in 1938, sent young fourteen-year-old SS Nazi agent George H. Scherf, Jr. to befriend Nikola Tesla and steal his inventions for the Third Reich. The young Scherf could not befriend Tesla but relied on covert surveillance of the scientist’s activities. George informed Hitler of Tesla’s new invention that would render an entire battleship or aircraft invisible, both to the human eye and to radar surveillance. As a deep mole in the OSS, young agent Scherf later informed Hitler of the US Navy’s secretly planned Tesla water-plasma mirage experiment on the Delaware River Text and key images originally from ˜The Bush Connection by Erik ˜Orion Berman (2003) Selections have been heavily edited for clarity and supplemented by this author Photographic images have likewise been digitally enhanced for clarity. According to my private meetings with Otto Skorzeny (1908-1999), former SS Nazi agent and subsequent lifelong CIA agent, Adolf Hitler was amazed and fascinated with Dr. Nikola Tesla when he made the cover of Time Magazine n 1931. Hitler had considered Nikola Tesla to be the incarnation of the almighty white, Aryan mythical Superman, or ˜Das Uberman. Hitler was curious about rumors alleging that Tesla had an extremely large penis and that he had psychic powers. Adolf, being the childish, sadistic, egomaniac that he was, enjoyed most cartoons and comedians of the era, especially ˜The Three Stooges and the Max Fleischer cartoons ˜Popeye and ˜Tesla Vs. the Nazis. Hitler and Skorzeny were not graced by brilliance, however they fully recognized the genius of Nikola Tesla! In 1934, while Hitler was plotting to take over the world, Tesla was in America helping the US government protect its citizens from Nazis by creating sophisticated radar, Star Wars orbital weapons to destroy approaching enemy missiles, and remote-controlled torpedoes. Rumors had been spreading that Nikola Tesla had created a ˜Death Ray, an antigravity flying disc, an earthquake machine, weather modification machines, and plasma-based optical invisibility technology. Hitler quickly became intent on their theft and obfuscation from public awareness, his righteousness and arrogance directing his obsessive thinking. Planning with his elite youth corps of SS Nazi special agents Hitler implored, I must have those inventions so I can take over the world. According to Otto Skorzeny, Nikola Tesla’s assistant George Scherf robbed Tesla blind and was the last person reported to have visited Tesla only four days before the discovery of Tesla’s vacant body in his New Yorker Hotel room on the morning of January 8, 1943. In a soul-cleansing disclosure, Skorzeny retold how he and Reinhard Gehlen paid Tesla several visits in his final days and spoke in great detail to Tesla about his most advanced technologies and then stole the blueprints of his best and most secret inventions. Going even further, Skorzeny reported the details of how he and accomplice Reinhard Gehlen suffocated Nikola Tesla on January 6, 1943. Dustin Wallace corroborates the statements of Skorzeny regarding Tesla’s last days in a recent biographical piece: The Yugoslav Monarchy in Exile was summoned to visit Tesla in the fall of 1942. However, Charlotte Muzar, a secretary, paid Tesla the visit. From his condition upon her arrival she felt as though he may not live through the night¦ It was apparent that Tesla was nearing the end of his time. By late December of 1942, Tesla began meeting with two US government agents in order to share some of his most sensitive discoveries. These men carried away many of his documents for microfilming. Further investigations unveil a pattern of deception and prior attempts on Tesla’s life linked to his (unwisely trusted) clerical assistant George Scherf, Sr. and his son George, Jr. (above). Otto Skorzeny alleged that the Scherfs were fellow Nazi secret agents, the father having illegally entered the US to work for Tesla years prior, while Hitler sent George Junior to New York in 1938 to kill Tesla after stealing his secret inventions. Skorzeny recounted George Scherf, Jr.s only attempt on Tesla life in 1939 when he drove Tesla down in a taxicab, hitting the 83 year-old inventor while he was crossing the street. George failed to kill the spry elderly scientist, although the impact left a broken rib and bruised hip. 12 Before the murder attempt, Tesla was often bothered in his laboratory by the petty theft of the younger Scherf, even remarking on the teenager invasions to friends. Apparently, Tesla took the trespasses quite personally, for young George’s incessant meddling in the labs earned him the nickname ˜Curious George, bestowed by Tesla as a way of mocking his intelligence. Likening the younger Scherf to a conniving monkey, Tesla retold the story of George’s invasive behavior to Margaret Rey, who later created a fictional character for children’s books with the same memorable name. The Scherf/Tesla origin of the character was undoubtedly to be a topic of much interest during the ˜Curious George international film debut on February 9th, 2006 a topic that would never again be discussed by the books co-author, Alan Shalleck (below), because he was murdered on February 6th just days before the film premiere and interviews. The identity of ˜Curious George Scherf, Jr. was a secret that had already been revealed years before Shalleck’s murder by one of Scherf Nazi cohorts, Otto Skorzeny. Interestingly, both Skorzeny and Shalleck had lived for many years in Boynton Beach, Florida, where Shalleck’s body was found in his driveway. The two men who committed the murder were unwitting agents of the CIA, whose conflicting confessions suggest they were hypnotically controlled. The limitless potential of Tesla’s inventions is rapidly changing the human experience. The synthesis of Tesla’s work with ancient ayurvedic technologies will soon provide free energy to the whole world.

Cognitions gained during the life’s experiences of Nikola Tesla inform Alex Putney’s quantum resonance maps, which apply the principles of standing wave physics to expose US stealth planes and CIA surveillance drones as applications of Tesla’s secret designs, now deployed from Nazi/CIA underground facilities hidden in National Parks throughout the US. Furthermore, Alex’s research continues Tesla’s efforts toward resolution of the present human conflict of psychopathy in politics and the resulting misappropriation of science.

Tesla’s underlying goals of free global wireless energy transmission shocked industrial tycoons who abandoned his projects altogether, as they exposed the fragile hold on wealth and political control of those same industrialists. Instead of a peaceful twentieth century of shared technological prosperity, the world has lived through a traumatic century of unparalleled technological destruction.  While Tesla envisioned our hidden connection to the full spectrum of the Earth’s resonant energy, his inventions were altered for commercialization as cellphones, pagers and wi-fi networking using only a narrow bandwidth that causes cancer in users. It is a shameful irony that Nikola Tesla’s ˜transcending mechanical sense was twisted to the service of manipulating the collective consciousness – ˜perils too subtle to be directly perceived. Scherf cleverly executed financial manipulation and theft of Tesla’s inventions earned Scherf millions and left Tesla penniless in his old age, his best inventions unknown. Prescott Bush “grave-robbed” the skull from a sacred Apache burial ground for rituals. This clandestine meeting place for rich WASP, New World Order Republican recruitment rituals is called ‘the tomb’ for allegedly housing various stolen human bones, a coffin and a wax dummy of Hitler wearing black leather Nazi SS Gestapo boots, giving the Nazi salute with one hand and holding a gas can in the other. Allegedly, every year each new rich, WASP New World Order Republican recruit is hazed –made to strip naked and lie in a cash-filled coffin engraved with the Jewish Star of David. Motor oil is poured on top of them [and they are forced, one after another, to perform autoerotic rituals] … This psychopathic behavior is a political type of reverse-Christian baptism designed to entrap the participants into the network of coercion, extortion and blackmail. Tesla’s Body Is Discovered… The Government Cover-Up Begins on January 7, 1943 a real friend of Tesla’s stopped by to see how he was doing. His hotel bedroom door was ajar, which seemed odd. He went into Tesla’s bedroom and found him lying on his bed with his pants down to his knees, with his shoes still on, dead. After suffocating Tesla, Skorzeny claimed that he pulled Tesla’s pants down to see if the rumors about his penis-size were true. He claims that the rumors about Tesla’s large penis were indeed true! All of Tesla’s belongings had been ransacked and pillaged. His windows were open, and his safes were almost empty. His pigeons were flying around the room and walking on and around his dead body. Tesla’s friend tried to resuscitate him. He loosened Tesla’s collar and necktie and went to get help for Tesla, but he knew it was too late. When the authorities arrived, they put Tesla on a stretcher and quickly covered him up with a blanket. Immediately thereafter, Nazi agents from the FBI arrived  

The Anunnaki. (Alien rulers of planet earth for almost 50000 years.)

Also, there are reported telepath contacts between E.N.K.I/EA the executer of the genetic experiments and still living in planet Earth in a underground city and possible due to the age. The mentioned age is based on time/period of rule only.  Left us with a Ilat litum discs and their history located in Antartica in 1939. In the ancient past when man was “homo erectus” he was able to see through the third eye, the pineal gland much as we see today with our eyes. (Egyptian Myths and Mysteries) With that innate ability it was no problem seeing the 4th dimensional frequency… the Astral realm where the Anunnaki exist. However, the Anunnaki have considered man their experiment and toy, so there has been much manipulation of our DNA and in many reports, it becomes clear that we were endowed with 12 strand DNA instead of the two we now have. The story goes on and with that original innate ability it was no problem seeing the 4th dimensional frequency… the Astral realm where the Anunnaki exist but also the soul part after leaving the biological body behind. In reducing our capacities for accessing the upper dimensions, in shutting down the third eye, they tried to ensure their secrecy and hidden control and that human beings would remain their slaves/robots, acting out the Anunnaki scenarios of power, war, control, domination, rape and eco-destruction of the Earth, so there has been much long-term manipulation of our DNA. The cut-of pieces are still located within our cells. In addition, it is possible to re-fuse creating three strands stat two. Invisible to most of us. They are not coming here in physical bodies, only as energy beings – observing, or incarnating in human bodies. This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is DNA_activation.jpg In higher dimensional ET civilizations those contagions do not exist anymore, ETs are way more afraid of germy humans than we should be afraid of them. ETs have abilities for astral projection and can leave their body on a spaceship or a planet and send their consciousness into a human body – this way they can affect human civilization without breaking ‘the prime directive” (non-interference with another planetary culture), not scare anybody, and still do their job. There are plenty of ETs walking on Earth in human bodies now. Read Dolores Cannon’s book ‘Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth” or watch her videos on YouTube. However, these cut of peace’s are still left/located within our cells and have resulted in what is called: The metagene factor, ability to activate influence as result of change/programming within our DNA. Stress/adrenaline triggered and most successful or frequent in young children. Thanks to central registration of our medical information much easier to select/target people with special biological properties. Epigenetics, a new science has shown that our genes are in fact controlled and manipulated by how our minds perceive and interpret our environment and have led to the development of the so-called metagene factor in many humans. Occult technologies for accelerated spiritual development became suddenly available and so did Research and have come a long way toward understanding the mind. They have discovered, for instance, that under stress the brain will convert nerve signals into “messenger molecules” who then, in turn, direct the endocrine system to produce steroid hormones, that can reach the nucleus of various cells and cause them to change how the body’s genes connect/are written out. These genes will then direct the cells as to how to make a variety of molecules which are used in growth, metabolism, sexuality, and the immune systems. In other words, the mind can rewrite genetics. Basically, it is an en-ergo -chemical in response to adverse stimuli. A chromosomal combustion can take place, as the Meta-gene takes the source of bio-stress, be it chemical, radioactivity, or whatever and turns the potential energy-response into a catalyst for genetic change.Image result for pineal gland location The main focus of the catalyst type power is a gland in the middle of the human brain called the PINEAL gland, and the nutrient for increasing the Pineal action is the adrenaline. The Meta-gene factor gives the ability of Psionic Power [for better or worse]. The main interest of the Aliens, especially the Grays, is to understand and control the Metagene for their own race. They try to do this using Biological Experiments to make Hybrids from both humans and aliens. They believe that MEN FROM PLANET EARTH HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO BECOME THE DEADLIEST CREATURES IN THE UNIVERSE. Because ONLY on Earth people are apparently capable of generating the Meta-gene Factor and with it Natural Psionics abilities, “Real Power”  

The human condition?

Akkadian cylinder seal dating to circa 2300 BC depicting the deities Inanna, Utu, and Enki, three members of the Anunnaki. The stage was set for the Deluge – about 8000 BC, the momentous event which was to wipe off the face of Earth not only the human race but all life upon the land and in the skies. And the Deity saw that the wickedness of Man was great on the earth, and that every desire of his heart’s thoughts was only evil, every day. And the Deity repented that He had made Man upon the earth, and His heart grieved. And the Deity said: “I will destroy the Earthling whom I have created off the face of the earth.” The repeated use of the term flesh, both in the accusative verses and in the proclamations of judgment, suggest, of course, that the corruptions and violations had to do with the flesh. Anunnaki created mankind? The Deity grieved over the evil “desire of Man’s thoughts.” Man, it would seem, having discovered sex, had become a sex maniac.   Their Conclusion: “Man is born of sadness, for he is of the Blood of the Ancient Ones, but has the Spirit of the Elder gods breathed into him. And his heart goes to the Ancient Ones, but his mind is turned towards the Elder gods, and this is the war which shall be always fought, unto the last generation of man, for the world is unnatural.” After going through the trouble to genetic manipulate a human being around, living on planet earth to create a new race, the fourth root race as we are called now and deciding to exterminate us due to defects as is mentioned and documented in the old Akkadian clay tablets. a number of times and will add another on just for info and ongoing. Attempts to terminate the genetic changed human race by the Anunnaki: The alien connection! In time, Mankind began to upset Enlil. The land extended; the people multiplied. In the land like wild bulls, they lay. The god got disturbed by their conjugations. The god Enlil heard their pronouncements and concluded. “Oppressive have become the pronouncements of Mankind. Their conjugations deprive me of sleep.” Enlil – once again cast as the prosecutor of Mankind – then ordered a punishment. The Akkadian and Assyrian versions of the epic speak of “aches, dizziness, chills, fever” as well as “disease, sickness, plague, and pestilence” afflicting Mankind and its livestock following Enlil’s call for punishment. We would expect to read now of the coming Deluge. But not so. Surprisingly, Enlil an Anunnaki did not even mention a Deluge or any similar watery ordeal. Instead, he called for the decimation of Mankind through pestilence and illnesses. But Enlil’s scheme did not work. The “one who was exceedingly wise” – Atra-Hasis – happened to be especially close to the god Enki. Telling his own story in some of the versions, he says, “I am Atra-Hasis; I lived in the temple of Ea my lord.” With “his mind alert to his Lord Enki,” Atra-Hasis appealed to him to undo his brother Enlil’s plan: “Ea, O Lord, Mankind groans; the anger of the gods consumes the land. Yet it is thou who hast created us! Let their cease the aches, the dizziness, the chills, the fever!” Until more pieces of the broken-off tablets are found, we shall not know what Enki’s advice was. He said of something, “… let there appear in the land.” Whatever it was, it worked, and medicine appeared. Soon thereafter, Enlil complained bitterly to the gods that “the people have not diminished; they are more numerous than before!” He then proceeded to outline the extermination of Mankind through starvation by weather control. Now called geo-engineering. “Let supplies be cut off from the people; in their bellies, let fruit and vegetables be wanting!” The famine was to be achieved through natural forces, by a lack of rain and failing irrigation, sickness of animal and crops. Let the rains of the rain god be withheld from above; Below, let the waters not rise from their sources. Let the wind blow and parch the ground; Let the clouds thicken but hold back the downpour. Now 8000 years later we are nowhere, and the Alien connect still trying to complete their masters wish. There is the covid pandemic and Climate change. Climate is a dynamic process and has been changing from day one, HOWEVER blaming CO2 what is the raw material plants, trees, scrubs, seaweed need for life/growth for climate change ridicules. Worse the very small amount currently present in the air being 0.04% to low to sustain food production. It has never been that low in the total history of planet earth. Doubling it would increase in the greening of planet earth and famine. (An artificial created loss of reality/censorship of information and similar to what did happen during the so-called covid pandemic, no early treatment and also forbidden use of ivermectin.  (Use of electromagnetic waves/ H.A.A.P  waves) Creation of the new digital prison. Planet Earth has been a prison planet/location in the past and the prisoners’ memories erased using high Voltage and the main reasons why we cannot remember our history/previous lives, location of origin, capacities just name it. Also, that our physical/biological body is only a temporary manifestation and during that time the individualized soul in control. The original aim to experience/learn. Individualized meaning freewill/choice. We are blind and in addition told to return to the light after our body passes, being a high voltage plasma field working as a memory eraser, kind of strong electroshock. In addition, there are a number of well documented cases where people did manage to get a partial return of old and erased memories like Tesla. A closer look at his patents and the pyramids shows that many of his inventions where once part of the pyramid civilization part of our past. If you take a closer look at the different pyramids/locations that we can find them everywhere and not just on earth. Mars/moon and more recent Ceres being a mini planet in the asteroid belt. What I now call the pyramid civilization travelling space, planets and Stars. All of it official denied/manipulated and replaced with lies. Planet earth could not produce an advanced civilization due to the fact that evolution is a slow process and would have taken 100 million years. The search for the missing link not more than a distraction and genetically impossible. So, no Apes in our family and nobody talking about it anymore. The counter as far as so-called human development is concerned round 6 million years. There are many more of this type of officially called science like, life an accident, or we are alone within this by now almost infinite physical universe, or it all started with a big bang coming out of nowhere. You can fill a book with it but leave it here!   The Wall of our prison: Anything natural in origin in our world has been restricted, suppressed, questioned and whenever possible to possible be replaced by copied/fake products in general, the stimulation for/consumption love of materialism. Produced in factories, to make us dependent and used to control our lives and surrounding, we are now less than a slave in the antique. To the elite/guards and others in control on earth important that we the real humans feel overwhelmed, powerless, sad, angry and impotent. An important part and tool to witness just how easily our (mis)leaders can fool others (the masses) with sophistry and empty rhetoric. Humans are less than perfect, and our controllers do know that. When you watch reality TV and their followers/responders you can see, and it is demonstrated it in full. We, humans reduced to gamers, love drama. In which the masses enjoying its deep affections for death cults, its embracement of morbid superstitions, gross negligence of fact, trilled by relentless attachments to the brutalities of hired thugs and mob psychology. Nothing new, the Romans were well aware of it and there shows and entertainment often bloody. Cynics now claim that the current planetary collapse is an example of economic controlled democracy at its finest and darkest hour/moment, unsaturable greed with power dominance and cumulating in the end the total destruction. Hitler’s elite espionage ring would only expand in world influence and power after the illusory conclusion of WW2

Links from humanity and earth

Victory gardens

Alien, Ego and souls

Behind the current coup, alien intervention!

Attempt to radically change our economic and social lives?

Aliens and the NAZI connection

Aliens and planet Earth

Ashtar Sharon gfl W Asar Sharon & New Earth.


Carbon dioxide and Health

If our selected leaders would be more careful in choosing their words, life would more be like heaven.

Religions, The State/Media and humanity.

Remote viewing and Alien interventions on planet earth

Ancient origin.

Baba Vanga and the predictions for Europe/West.


Building a digital prison?


Chessboard of deception.

Last Step, Martial law will be introduced.

Climate change no offence mend

War on the people

Eu parliament in action

Human trafficking

Enemies of humanity.

“We are the Borg. Resistance is futile. Your race will be assimilated and service to us.”

NWO and WEF plus free energy.

“A Covenant With Death”, by Bill Cooper.

WHO attempted power Grab!

The great Awakening, Plandemic 3 Video, please click on link:

The Great Awakening (Full, Unedited Movie) (rumble.com)

The world’s gone mad!’

A conspiracy against god and man! 

Slavery, Power/Greed! 

Humans reduced to a commodity! 

Can the West still turn the tide of tyranny? 

Conspiracy and the coming witch hunt. 

Fallen Angels

Humans are not at the top of the food chain but part of it!

Pushing the fake & synthetic food agenda! – My Blog (humanityandearth.com)

Pushing the fake & synthetic food agenda!

UN and the cancel culture

Nature as the last Sanctuary

The Federal Reserve Endgame Is Not a Collapse, It’s Global Domination

New Studies Deliver Harsh Verdicts on Mask Mandates, Vaccine Mandates for U.S. Cities

Emergency powers should be used only in case of war.

Messing with vaccinations?

Skull and Bones Society & Thule society! – My Blog (humanityandearth.com)

Skull and Bones Society & Thule society!

Ron Hubbard, Founder, of the Church of Scientology. Posted in UncategorizedEdit

Links: matilda-macelroy.com

Pushing the reset button

Energy as a Vehicle of Control and the War on Carbon.

‘The world’s gone mad!’

A conspiracy against god and man! 

Slavery, Power/Greed! 

Humans reduced to a commodity! 

Can the West still turn the tide of tyranny? 

Conspiracy and the coming witch hunt. 

‘The world’s gone mad!’

A conspiracy against god and man! 

Slavery, Power/Greed! 

Humans reduced to a commodity! 

Can the West still turn the tide of tyranny? 

Conspiracy and the coming witch hunt. 

Investigative journalist Seymore Hersh published a shocking article based on whistleblower testimony about the blown-up gas pipe in Europe.

How they managed to capture/control the masses in The West.

Did UFO interfere with nuclear war heads?

Remote viewing, Scientology and CIA

Google at the core of the Cabal?


Mind Control using electromagnetic Frequencies.

The US government and mind reading!

Manipulation our environment/health?

The Marcabians and President Eisenhower!

Food and depopulation and still making a profit!

Censorship, the collusion between The big tech media & politics.

Banning Early Treatment Was a Crime Against Humanity?  Messing with vaccinations?  Big Data, Transhumanism & Why the Singularity May Be Faked. Skull and Bones Society & Thule society!  UFO & CIA  By Ron Hubbard, Founder. Messing with our food?  Power & greed, pushing for the economic collapse or great reset. Forcing the New Dystopian future. History of the human build UFO’s Humanity being sold like cattle, agenda 21 UN. EU Central bank, pushing for Digital currency. Fake Meat & Junk Food Pushing for a nuclear war?

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