Civil war in the US as predicted by George Washington.

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His famous ’vision’ at valley forge in 1777, becoming now truth?

Will the now president of the US, also known as the man ”death in the head” enter the history books as the destroyer of the American dream?
Some predict an inevitable civil [?] war between the Electorate/Constitutional/Surface government of the U.S., and the joint humanoid-reptiloid Corporate/National-Global Socialist/Underground New World Order government, which is paid for by American taxpayers and also known as Deep State & Cabal best known for their unsavory money-making projects. Combination of insatiable hunger for power and greed. In George Washington views this war will apparently provoke an armed United Nations / New World Order invasion of the U.S.A. which, but according to this now famous ’vision’ will ultimately end with an American victory as a result of Divine Intervention.
Dulce an Human & Alien run research unit in New Mexico. The expansions of the cave complex in Dulce was started in 1937-38 by the Army engineers, enlarged over the years, most recent work was completed 1965-66 to connect tunnels to the Page [Arizona] Base, site of one of the older underground facilities. The four corners base is called PERICA. Early pioneers and settlers of the area who explored these tunnels came in contact with and in some cases even joined with some of the Telosian-Agharti-Melchizedek-Mayan underground colonies below the Salt Lake Flats, the Salt Lake Valley and the Western Rockies.
These subterranean cultures had already formerly established territorial agreements with the Reptiloids and Grays before the aliens who than begun invading their subterranean lands below the intermountain west en-masse in the early 1900’s. The original treaties were part of an attempt to stave off a possible inter-species conflict, as skirmishes between the humanoids [Teros] and reptiloids [Deros] within the cavern networks of North America kept increasing since the 1920’s, 30’s and 40’s. Because of a somewhat non-exclusive collective-mind with which these humans interacted, it was decided that one possible way to try and ’convert’ the reptilians into becoming beings of emotion and compassion by allow them access to their group consciousness. The reptiloids however, once given access, immediately began taking advantage of the existing collective and used it to CONTROL the humans on a subliminal basis. The ease with which this was done & occurred may be the result that the Reptiloids and Grays were already operating as part of a collective or group mind, one which was far more complex than the Ashtar or Astarte collective itself which and many/most of the ’Aghartians’ did depended on.
  • The only real conclusion is that the reptilian ’collective’ or HIVE itself is absolutely void of any and all care, concern or compassion for human beings. If the US government again has signed a new agreement in respect off planet Mars and with tis rouge Alien entity a very concerning matter and the total off humanity. Not compatible with us/structure. Collectivist/hive based. The  Individualization of reptiloids operating distinct from the draconian collective might only be possible ’ by other collective-free humanoids in some cases — and as some reported by the Andro-Pleiadean worlds.
. Dulce itself seems to be a major ’through’ point for exterrans and sub-terrans reptilian activity, a central ’infiltration’ zone for surface operatives, as well as an operational base for abduction-implantation-mutilation agendas and also a major convergence for sub-shuttle terminals, UFO ports, and so on. Maybe not, either way, we are [considered] the real ’squatters’ on Earth surface.

Others have suggested that the so-called underground ’E.T.’ bases and tunnels may, for a large part, be literally thousands of years old… constructions of an antediluvian race which attained to a considerable level of scientific complexity,. In the golden plates with the history of the Anunaki found in Antarctica tell the story of a very old and highly developed ancient civilization by them with brute force. If you are interested please search for the Ilat litum plates and find a copy here below.. The story is genesis a name we are familiar with because of used in the Bible. The assault on the last remaining free societies has started a long time ago but now in its end-face. By releasing a genetic modified virus and offering a kind of fake security for giving up on liberties/freewill. Own nothing and be happy. Total control including right off life. Money, food, children. Trying to grab political control and use that to force every-one by law into obeying. World based control and one party.


Underground’s connections. EVERYWHERE! THEY CRISS CROSS THE WORLD AS AN ENDLESS SUBTERRANEAN HIGHWAY. LIKE A FREEWAY, EXCEPT THIS ONE IS UNDERGROUND… The subterranean highway in America is like a freeway except it’s underground. That highway depends on electric motors [for trucks, cars and buses] for the paved roads, and it is for limited travel. There is another style of transit for freight and for passengers that is for rapid travel. That world wide network is called the “Sub-Global System.” It has “check points” at each country entry. There ARE shuttle tubes that ’shoot’ the trains at incredible speeds using a mag-lev and vacuum method. They travel at a speed that excels the speed of sound. Part of your question involves the location of entrances to that base. The easiest way to answer is to say every state in the U.S.A. has them. Frequently, the entrances are camouflaged as sand quarries, or mining operations. Other complex portals are found on military bases. New Mexico and Arizona have the largest amounts of entrances followed by California, Montana, Idaho, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Kansas, Arkansas and Missouri. Of all the state’s Florida and North Dakota have the least amount of entrances. Wyoming has a road that opens directly into the subterranean freeway. That road is no longer in use, but could be reactivated if they decide to do so, with minimal cost. It’s located near Brooks Lake. There are many connections in the state of Utah? Area’s surrounding Utah being Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and Idaho, but little on Utah which according to some sources lies directly over one of the largest NATURAL cavern systems in North America, one that is said to reach deep beneath the Western Rockies as well as beneath the Bonneville basin. Other ancient ’tunnel’ systems being intersected during the excavations of sub-basement levels below major industrial and mall areas in downtown Salt Lake City, reports of grays working with humans on electronic equipment and massive building projects going on in huge caverns beneath the mountains to the east; reports of humans who are part of an Asian-based ’Agharti’ kingdom who maintain colonies within the tunnels and caverns below — and who are in conflict with the reptiloids, grays, and a group collaborating human fascists from a network of massive underground facilities beneath the Neu Schwabenland region of Antarctica; reports of men in suits having been seen pacing back and forth through large underground chambers carrying uzi machine guns;
Most of the treaties that the humanoids had made with the reptiloids ’down under’ have since been broken… especially following the Groom Wars of 1975 and the Dulce Wars of 1979, during which time much of the underground U.S. base networks [which were funded by American tax dollars by the way] were taken over by the Grays. Some sources have implied that the aliens took advantage of the chaos especially during the Dulce wars and commenced to invade and conquer several of the older underground colonies. This apparently led to a rift in the ’Ashtar’ collective, with many humanoids and hybrids splitting off and joining with the Andro-Pleiadean Federation non-interventionists, and many reptiloids and heartless humanoid agents splitting off and joining with the interventionists of the Draco-Orion Empire. The Sirius-B system which — aside from Arcturus and Sol — has been the major center of ’Ashtar’ activity, has since been shaken by this split between the two opposing Ashtarian factions and war had reportedly raged through the Sirius system for several years, according to some ’contactees’… an apparent reflection of the division within the underground networks of North America between the Pleiadean-backed Sirian humanoids and Orion-backed Sirian reptiloids which both had maintained operations within the underground levels before the “Dulce Wars” broke out. The Dulce wars were just the mere tip of the proverbial iceberg when we consider that the overall events which happened at Dulce had a chain reaction effect throughout this whole sector of not the galaxy. Before the division occurred, the reptiloids were invited to take part in ’peace talks’ in Telos and elsewhere as an act of good faith, but the reptiloid-grey collectivists were more interested in expanding their empire and feeding their insatiable appetite for conquest than they were in making peace, although they agreed to peace treaties that they never intended to keep for ’Trojan horse’ manipulation purposes.
  There is a remnant collaboration such as that taking place in the underground facilities near Paradox Nevada where collectivist humanoids and reptiloids from Sirius and Sol still maintain a collaboration of necessity — in order to establish a global control system, however a large number of humanoids within the underground systems are at war with the collectivist-interventionist Reptilian infiltrators who would otherwise ’assimilate’ these humanoids into their collective through deception, espionage and mind control. Now several contactees like Alex Collier, Ray Keller, Stan Johnson and others are claiming that the conflicts in Sirius between the Andro-Pleiadean backed Ashtar forces and the Draco-Orion backed Ashtar forces — which were infiltrated and commandeered by Draco-Orion agents — have now spread to the Sol system, as both stellar superpowers have focused on this most strategic system, intent on protecting their respective ’interests’ here from being subverted by the other side.
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