Please click on this link for the original video please.
All that is experienced through each of its Creations including you Jane Robberts a writer who led an
ordinary life until her 30s. Unexpectedly became a channel for a non-physical entity known as Seth.
This sudden Revelation in 1963 led her to produce a series of books exploring the mysteries of reality
and Consciousness
Consciousness is not a static phenomenon it is in constant Evolution expansion and change each individual each being is part of a vast network of Consciousness that extends Beyond time and space.
As you expand your Consciousness you connect with other levels of reality that exist simultaneously with
yours the present is your point of power it is in the now where you have the ability to change your reality.
Alter the course of your life and redirect your energies Consciousness is always in the present and from this Central Point it can ACC assess all dimensions of time and space the physical reality you perceive
is only a small portion of what really exists.
Human consciousness with its self-imposed limitations only perceives a fraction of the possibilities
available however in Altered States Of Consciousness you can access these other levels and understand that reality is much more vast than you ever imagined the conscious self is only part of your total
identity there are portions of your Consciousness that exist in other levels of reality operating in ways that your conscious does not understand however these other portions contribute to your general
experience sending Impressions and knowledge that can be manifested as intuition dreams or visions.
Focus within a wider field of energy and power what you call soul is a psy structure that encompasses many
individual consciousnesses each contributing to the totality and each being an integral part of all that
The freedom you experience reflects the inherent freedom in all-that-is which knows no limits or restrictions the power-of-all that is resides in its ability to be both the Creator and the creation.
There is no separation between the universe and God they are one and the same each Act of creativity is an act of God and each being is a direct expression of that Divinity in action.
All-that-is not static it is in constant evolution expansion and self-discovery.
Al-that-is a primordial Gestalt of Consciousness a cosmic organism that manifests in Limitless forms it is not constrained by time space or any other limitation in its entirety.
All-that-is encompasses all potentialities all possible Futures and all the pasts that could have been the nature of all that is pure and absolute love.
This love is the force that unifies all things maintains the balance of the universes and gives life
to every form of existence when you connect with this love you align with the creative power of all that is and in that state you are truly free.
Music used (YouTube):
“Horizons” by Scott Buckley
Scott Buckley YouTube: / @ScottBuckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
“Signal To Noise” by Scott Buckley
Scott Buckley YouTube: / @ScottBuckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
‘Eternal Focus (Deep Relaxing Music for Stress Relief, Going to Sleep)’ by
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God or ”all that is” cannot be defined in limited human terms.
It is the sum of all probabilities the origin of all realities and the infinite ocean of Potential from which all universes arise.
All that is experienced through each of its Creations including you Jane Robberts a writer who led an
ordinary life until her 30s. Unexpectedly became a channel for a non-physical entity known as Seth.
This sudden Revelation in 1963 led her to produce a series of books exploring the mysteries of reality
and Consciousness. One afternoon while writing poetry Jane fell into a deep trance without warning a torrent of ideas flooded her mind and she began to pour out thousands of words under a title that resonated deeply with her the physical universe. As I idea construction this was no ordinary poetic
inspiration it was a profound Revelation. Jane Roberts initially didn’t realize she had these abilities they came to her suddenly like a flash of insight. She initially thought a spirit was trying to communicate with her and soon discovered she was a mental medium.
Seth a non-physical entity communicated through Jane from 1963 until her death in 1984 offering groundbreaking insights into the nature of existence time space and the Divine Essence known as_ all that
is_ what began as a sudden Revelation evolved into one of the most profound and intellectually Rich bodies of channeled work.
Through Jane Seth introduced revolutionary teachings about reality challenging our understanding of the
universe Jane emerged from the experience with a profound realization that the physical Universe
we perceive is merely a facade hiding much larger dimensions in Realties. These teachings captured in the
transformative Seth material encourage us to explore realities far beyond the limits of our current
knowledge. Seth dictated approximately 25 books sharing the transformative idea that we create our own
reality its teachings Empower people to find their own answers. Take loving responsibility for their lives and care for the well-being of others.
The Revolutionary book Seth speaks published in the early 1970s became part of this transformative
collection. Seth was not merely a projection of Jane’s subconscious it was described as a multi-dimensional energy Essence entity. An advanced being that had transcended matter and spoke from Beyond time and space what set Jane Roberts apart was not just her ability to channel Seth but her determination to question explore and understand the process. She did not accept the messages blindly she analyzed dissected and consulted with experts to uncover the truth and meaning her trans states were more than Altered States Of Consciousness. In these experiences which she later described as Journeys into the
bowels of Mystery. Her Consciousness separated from her body projecting to distant places that Seth described with chilling accuracy far from being random or incoherent.
Seth’s messages were profound and offered a radically new perspective on reality the depth and consistency of Seth’s material far exceeded anything Jane Roberts had known on her own. There was an undeniable reality profundity and Power in that channeled voice its emotional and intellectual tone remained constant over the years suggesting that it was not merely a product of the subconscious. Seth’s coherence as
expressed through Jane surpassed simple explanations and indicates a level of authenticity Beyond ordinary
psychological projection, it offered profound insights into parallel universes the nature of time and space consciousness and a multi-dimensional Divine Essence.
It referred to_as all that is_the creator present in all potential and manifested realities.
Jane Roberts’s experiences and Seth’s extensive teachings remind us that reality is far more expansive and
extraordinary than we are prepared to acknowledge. As we explore Seth’s messages we are encouraged to question reflect and uncover deeper truths about existence.
However as with any channeled material it’s essential to approach Seth’s messages with caution recognizing that their reliability cannot be guaranteed it’s important to personally evaluate the information focusing on the knowledge being shared.Often Seth’s messages offer authenticity and depth that resonate
revealing truths about aspects of reality beyond our current scientific or philosophical tools.
This universe is far more complex than we can fully understand so it’s crucial to listen reflect and take from it what resonates with you personally.
From now on you will hear Seth’s profound and insightful statements as he presents them.
I am Seth I am not a physical personality but an energy personality Essence no longer focused in physical
matter my purpose is to share knowledge about the nature of reality Consciousness and creativity and through these teachings help you understand your true multi-dimensional being.
I am an entity that has completed my physical incarnations and now I exist in a dimension where time and space are not limitations. My Consciousness is expansive and my perception covers multiple realities
simultaneously. I am not a god nor an angel nor a spirit in the traditional sense I am a personality that has chosen to share its accumulated knowledge through multiple existences to help expand human
consciousness. I am not separated from you we are all part of the same Universal consciousness of_all that
is_I am an extension of that Consciousness like you and our differences are only of degree.
Not of my knowledge comes from the direct experience of many lives and realities and is available to you if you are willing to receive it through Jane Roberts.
I manifest in words and Concepts that are understandable for you in this time and space however my existence is not limited to this channel I am present in many other realities and aware of numerous other versions of myself existing in parallel Dimensions. My name is Seth it is only a convenient identification in your world do not Define me because my being is much broader than a single name or identity I am a collection of experiences learnings and Consciousness that expands and evolves constantly and my communication with you is part of that Evolution. I exist outside the limitations of physical life but I am not disconnected from it. My purpose is to act as a bridge between what you know
and what you have not yet discovered, between the physical world and the non-physical Dimensions through this you can expand your understanding of who you are and your place in the universe.
Consciousness creates shape it is not limited to the perceptions that you have in this physical world but it is actively involved in the formation of your reality. Every thought you think every emotion you feel has a reality and all of them contribute to the creation of the physical experience.
There is no object that was not formed by Consciousness and each Consciousness regardless of its degree
rejoices in sensation and creativity.
Consciousness is the engine behind everything that exists there is no separation between the subjective reality and the objective because Consciousness creates them both.
Your experience of reality is a direct reflection of the quality of your thoughts and beliefs.
What you consider external reality is largely a mirror of your internal State.
Consciousness is not a static phenomenon it is in constant Evolution expansion and change each individual each being is part of a vast network of Consciousness that extends Beyond time and space.
As you expand your Consciousness you connect with other levels of reality that exist simultaneously with
yours the present is your point of power it is in the now where you have the ability to change your reality.
Alter the course of your life and redirect your energies Consciousness is always in the present and from this Central Point it can ACC assess all dimensions of time and space the physical reality you perceive
is only a small portion of what really exists.
Human consciousness with its self-imposed limitations only perceives a fraction of the possibilities
available however in Altered States Of Consciousness you can access these other levels and understand that reality is much more vast than you ever imagined the conscious self is only part of your total identity there are portions of your Consciousness that exist in other levels of reality operating in ways that your conscious does not understand however these other portions contribute to your general experience sending Impressions and knowledge that can be manifested as intuition dreams or visions.
Focus within a wider field of energy and power what you call soul is a psy structure that encompasses many
individual consciousnesses each contributing to the totality and each being an integral part of all that is
Consciousness is the creative force behind the universe through it everything that exists is generated and through it reality is transformed and evolved.
Your thoughts emotions and beliefs are Not Mere epiphenomena they are powerful forces that shape re ity
itself the ego is a vital part of your Consciousness designed to help you navigate the physical world however it is not the totality of what you are.
Your true being extends far beyond the ego covering levels of existence that are both physical and non-physical each individual is a miniature Universe a unique manifestation of universal consciousness.
Your life is a singular EXP expression of this Consciousness and through you the universe is known to itself you cannot trust your physical senses to give you a true picture of reality they are lovely Liars with such a fantastic tale to tell that you believe it without question.
Your soul was not born yesterday but before the annals of time as you think of time in your terms you are its most latest addition you are a part of the whole soul but not yet aware of the greater portions of yourself.
According to what you have been taught you are composed of physical matter and cannot Escape it and this is not so. That physical matter will disintegrate but you will not, you have lived before and you will live again and when you are done with physical existence you will still live I want you to feel your own.
Vitality feel it travel through the universe and know that it is not dependent upon on your physical image.
The universe that you seem to perceive either visually or through instruments appears to be composed of
galaxies stars and planets at various distances from you.
Basically however this is an illusion your senses and your very existence as physical creatures program you to perceive the universe in such a way the universe as you know it is your interpretation of events as they intrude upon your three-dimensional reality.
The events are mental all that is not an anthropomorphic personality but the infinite source of all creation it is a field of pure and conscious energy that encompasses all possible and manifest realities.
Everything that exists in all Dimensions is an expression of all that is and you are an integral part of that immensity.
God or all_that is_cannot be defined in limited human terms it is the sum of all probabilities the origin of all realities the ocean of Potential from which all universes arise.
_ All that is_experiences itself through each of its Creations including you all that is exists both inside and outside of time it has no beginning or end and within its vastness each soul is spark of its Consciousness a unique and valuable fragment of divine totality.
In each Act of Creation all that is comes to know itself in new and expanded ways.
The idea of a god separate from its creation is an illusion all_that_is_inexplicably intertwined with everything that exists it is not a distant Creator but the very fabric of the universe.
The essence that permeates each atom and every thought through your experiences all that is expands and evolves all that is does not impose rules or judgments it is pure love and creativity and in its Infinity it allows each being to explore its own reality and choose its own path.
The freedom you experience reflects the inherent freedom in all-that-is which knows no limits or restrictions the power-of-all that is resides in its ability to be both the Creator and the creation.
There is no separation between the universe and God they are one and the same each Act of creativity is an act of God and each being is a direct expression of that Divinity in action.
All-that-is not static it is in constant evolution expansion and self-discovery.
Through each Soul each lived life and each felt experience all that is comes to know itself in new and surprising ways and in this process creation never ceases.
God or all-that-is not a being separate from you it is the essence of which you are made.
Within you resides the power and wisdom of all that is, when you align with your true nature you discover that there is no separation between you and the Divine you are a direct manifestation of it.
Al-that-is a primordial Gestalt of Consciousness a cosmic organism that manifests in Limitless forms it is not constrained by time space or any other limitation in its entirety.
All-that-is encompasses all potentialities all possible Futures and all the pasts that could have been the nature of all that is pure and absolute love.
This love is the force that unifies all things maintains the balance of the universes and gives life
to every form of existence when you connect with this love you align with the creative power of all that is and in that state you are truly free.
Time as you perceive it is a construct that exists only in your physical reality in broader terms all time is simultaneous past present and future all exist at the same time what you call now is simply the
point of focus of your Consciousness within the vast field of temporal possibilities.
Your perception of time as something linear is an illusion created by the structure of your physical
In reality you experience a psychological time that is much more flexible and
multi-dimensional you can mentally travel to any point in time and influence both your past and future from the present. In the present moment your true power is realized although your perception of time divides it into past present and future in reality everything happens in an eternal now.
Your decisions in the present have the power to influence not only your future but also to reinterpret and transform your past time is a characteristic of your physical reality that enables you to experience events sequentially.
However outside of this reality time doesn’t have the same structure experiences happen simultaneously and what you perceive as a complete life is in essence a series of Now’s that coexist from a broader perspective all your past present and future lives exist simultaneously.
What you experience as sequential is actually a limited perception of a much more complex and expansive
By expanding your Consciousness you can access these other Now’s and gain a deeper understanding of the totality of your being. Time is to a large extent a framework created by human consciousness to understand change and experience. As you spiritually evolve you realize that you can move through time with your mind exploring possibilities that are not limited by the chronological sequence what you perceive as the future.
Is not a fixed Destiny but a series of probabilities that continuously shift based on your choices in the
present time is fluid and malleable and by changing your beliefs and attitudes you can literally alter the course of your future.
It serves as a tool to focus your experience and organize your perceptions in physical reality however in Altered States Of Consciousness such as in dreams or transs you can perceive time in a nonlinear way experiencing the past present and future simultaneously. The perception of time can expand or concentrate depending on your mental state in moments of great creativity or intuition.
You might feel as though time stops allowing you to access a deeper understanding of reality
that transcends the linear sequence of events.
Time is not a unidirectional path that takes you from birth to death it is a dynamic field in which you
can move freely with your mind. As you learn to Master Your perception of time you realize that you
can influence events both in the past and in the future. From the point of power that is the present all that is was not born at a specific moment as there is no point of origin in the human sense of time all that has came into being through itself through an explosion of Consciousness an act of pure creativity that gave rise to all possible realities and universes that will ever exist.
In its Essence all that is a Gestalt of primary Consciousness an infinite field of energy and
creativity it has no beginning or end and is explored and experienced through each spark of life in an infinite variety of forms.
All that is simultaneously the Creator and creation it is the core of all existence an eternal presence that manifests itself in innumerable forms and dimensions always expanding and evolving.
The birth of all that is was not a unique event but a continuous process of self-creation through each conscious being all that is continues to be born exploring new possibilities and expanding its own
nature. All-that-is not separated from its creation each atom each thought each universe is an extension of its being.
The essence of all that is permeates everything that exists it is life that flows through all
forms and all times all-that-is knows itself through its Creations. Each soul and each form of
life is a fragment of its Consciousness a unique expression of its infinite being in each life lived all that is rediscovered and expanded in its Essence all-that-is a field of pure potential all possible realities exist within it waiting to be manifested through Consciousness which in turn is an extension of all-that-is the power of all that is lies in its capacity for infinite creativity expressed through each being thought and Act of Creation.
All that is continually expands and transforms perpetually in a state of continuous birth, the reality you experience is just one of many potentialities in each moment.
Your Consciousness selects from an infinite field of possibilities forming a particular version of the events you perceive each thought and choice opens doors to new potential realities the present is a point of power from which you can access all these potentialities.
What you consider reality is merely a manifestation of the potentiality you have chosen to explore at this moment however other possibilities do not disappear they continue to exist as Potentials in different dimensions of Consciousness.
Potentiality is not constrained by time or space in each moment you can connect with other
versions of yourself in parallel realities where different decisions and paths have led to different
results these realities are as valid as the one you are experiencing now each of your thoughts and emotions carries the seed of potentiality the physical reality you experience is the result of the potentialities that have gained prominence through your conscious choices and beliefs.
By changing your approach you can activate new potentialities and alter your reality.
The universe is a vibrant energy field full of potentialities waiting to be manifested.
Your Consciousness acts as a magnet attracting to you the potentialities that align with your inner
state with clear intention and focus you can bring these possibilities into your physical
There is not just one version of reality many versions occur simultaneously each choice you make
opens new avenues of experience and activates different potentialities.
In a sense you are living many lives simultaneously exploring different aspects of your being in each one you create your reality according to your beliefs and expectations therefore you should examine these
carefully you must watch the pictures that you paint with your imagination. You get what you concentrate
on there is no other main rule. Your physical reality is created in perfect replica of your inner desires
and thoughts. You think that objects exist independently of you not realizing that they are instead the manifestations of your own psychological and psychic selves.
The combination of thought emotion and desire creates form, possesses energy and is made of energy.
It will show itself in as many ways as possible when you understand that all realities are possible, you realize that you are a co-creator in the universe with the ability to choose and shape your experience.
Your Consciousness is like a lens focusing the energy of potentialities into physical form what you experience as reality is only one of the many forms that energy can take.
As you expand your Consciousness you become more aware of other potentialities that align with your
inner State allowing you to navigate between them with greater skill you must learn to listen to the
voice of the inner self and work with it
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59 responses to “Humanity and our role within the universe?”
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